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Nottori High School

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The forum for the one and only OFFICIAL Nottori High School roleplay. No cheesy lame imitations accepted. >=O!

Nottori High School

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kouketsu on Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:52 pm

(Click above link to be taken to the OOC/Introduction thread. Now with that out of the way, and all other business aside, we begin!)

WHAM! A door swung open with what could've only been either excessive enthusiasm or complete urgency, nearly enough to send the first batch of students early in that classroom into an absolute fright. The handle completely smashed into the poor wall behind it, but unlike the result one would get with most walking the hallways of Tokyo's notorious Nottori High School, there wasn't nearly enough strength behind it to crumble the thing just yet. Thankfully. But that doesn't mean there wasn't a cloud of dust kicked up, giving a more-than-adequate ambiance to the entrance of one that was a little..unique. An excited "Whew!" could be heard as the only forewarning for what was about to come..

A boy stumbled in.

Well, to call him a boy would probably be something of an understatement, and to him personally, an insult of the worst possible kind. Hah! A mere boy, you say?! Pffft! Why even the thought of such a trifling proposition would bring down his almighty hammer to deliver justice to any and all within striking distance! Well, his figurative hammer at least. But how dare such digressions even be allowed in introducing one of his kind! What would his kind be, you ask? Well, that was no boy, not at all! This was no mere seventeen year old! This fellow, this paragon of honor and valor, this defender of the weak, ladies and gentleman, WAS A HERO!

The moment his legs passed through into that entrance, the lad tumbled forwards into a full roll that carried the lithe frame spilling into the classroom bright and early, the kind of flashy entrance he was used to. And with a sudden propulsion of both legs at the conclusion of one of those somersaults, he pressed himself up and skywards, legs reaching out until those feet found a nice desk to plant firmly on - oh yeah, with bonus style points! He landed in a graceful twirl that would've made the most agile girls on the Nottori dance team green with envy...maybe. But no matter! A hand rocketed up at an angle and pointed out towards that blinding orb peeking up over the horizon to greet them with the first kiss of morning. Perched up, that untucked ivory dress shirt took the attention, those sleeves rolled up to the forearms. And of course, that bright red scarf was right there in that pocket as it always had been, the eyesore that completed the ensemble. He let loose a call to those already present, the usual business.

"My fellow classmates! My brothers! My sisters! Let us join hands and sing to the sk--aaaah!"

Before he could finish rousing the whole lot - which in reality was merely one or two of the early arrivals actually paying attention to his obnoxiousness - that desk was pulled right out from under him. Damn. Laid out flat on his back before first period even started? Naturally that was the norm for the kind of freak that literally walked around telling people to call him "Book." But he had earned the right, to be honest. One could say the 17 year-old's intellect was probably the closest thing in that entire high school to an up-to-date Encyclopedia. It was no mere circumstance that placed him in that prestigious number one spot among the entire school.

A hand reached back to rub against the tender wound on his head, his eyes closing while he grimaced some, attempting his best to shake off the rough start. This wasn't how heroes started their days - hell, not even villains got desks pulled out from under them. Sidekicks and lackeys, maybe, but not the soon-to-be greatest savior of the world that the universe has ever had the pleasure of containing. And sure enough, that kind of thinking would already get he boy's head descending into his standard daydreams. The crowd was all there, the chants clear in his head as if they were calling out directly to his ears, "Book! Book! Book! Book!" The vision only became better - soon beautiful girls were bouncing here and there with signs and merchandise, asking him for autographs and begging for the right to be his girlfriend.

But a firm fist to his face would be the end of that reverie. The shrill scream of a girl's voice blasting directly into his face immediately afterwards was the extra added insult to the injury.


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Re: Nottori High School

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mid on Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:45 am

The late bell chimed as Emily Malik Jones raced down the deserted halls looking for her first class; keeping a tight grip on a yellow slip. It was her first day and already it was going downhill. From waking up late, to taking the wrong train, to losing her lunch money and so forth. It was difficult to tell one hallway from the next, specially when the writing is Japanese and you only read English.

"Can this day possibly get any worse?!" She thought as she was rushing. Emily turned at a sharp corner, she tripped over a bucket filled to the top with dirty gray water. She fell hard as her clothes soaked up the used water. The janitor who at the time was busy in the broom closet came out and saw the bucket rolling about. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YO--"

He stopped short as he saw the tears forming around the girl's trembling green eyes. Her once white shirt and white stockings now turning a dark gray and a few curls beginning to look limp as her lips quivered. "Are you alright?" He asked in a softer tone.

"Yes.. I just need to get to class but I can't find it and I'm late and I-I..." The tears started falling before she could finish her sentence. Taking her now soggy yellow slip, Emily showed it to the janitor who took it from her and tried to make sense of the now bleeding ink. He nodded while helping her up; calming down she discovered a few cuts on her knees. Pointing her to the right direction, Emily thanked the man and walked off feeling a little better.

Once she reached the door of her first class, Emily realized she was already fifteen minutes late and felt the nerves get to her. She hated starting over, and hated doing this alone. Sighing, Emily opened the door and walked in. As soon as she stepped inside all eyes fell on her, Emily could feel the heat coming to her face as she kept her eyes towards the floor while walking towards her teacher. She handed him her yellow slip, "I'm sorry for being late. I got a little lost.."
Bai Bai bby

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Re: Nottori High School

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Tarskius on Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:53 pm

The man's head lowered just slightly, his arms crossing his chest sternly, long black hair swept back in a high ponytail traditional for the samurai's of old. The man seemed to be just that, a hardened warrior from the heartless periods of Japan's distant past; his youthful face contrasting sharply from his cold, scowling eyes. Those same eyes flickered to the left and spotted the student who thought such a prank humourous, he was a tasteless fool for sure. Not that Kanaye found it offensive because of anything beyond bad taste; he rather enjoyed seeing such a ludicrously dreamy-eyed imbecile picked fun at. His stern mouth parted to impart his disdain, "You're a complete loser, Nori. Truly, completely useless. How you managed to get the marks that place you so high....I truly will not ever know." His limbs tightened a bit across his uniformed body, "I find it disgusting. Utterly revolting." Kanaye's aggravation hid itself in all ways save for his tone and a slight narrowing of his already intimidating scowl. The day had started out normally enough....
Failure?! No-way! I-taught-him-to-shake-hands!

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Re: Nottori High School

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kouketsu on Mon Feb 11, 2008 3:22 pm

Slumped down in that desk and still nursing the aching wound to his cheek as his hand rubbed along it, Book was already losing himself no more than fifteen minutes into the morning lecture. His eyes drifted about the classroom, finding their way to the nearest window as he peered into the vast emptiness of the morning sky, more daydreams settling into that mind of his. Paper was flying through the air, notes were being passed about left and right, and their instructor was busy droning on about some crazy sort of physics principle which it appeared that only Kanaye was paying attention to. Book really only enjoyed those lectures when they got to the laboratory sections - it was his opportunity to experiment and concoct whatever explosive mixture the combined talents of him and the rest of the Brilliant Aspiring Minds club could come up with.

Visions of complex contraptions with all sorts of bells and whistles were populating his thoughts now - maybe today they could work up something to defend against heat-seeking missiles! Or maybe it was time to bring out the now-defunct Periscope-Into-The-Girls-Locker-Room project for a remake! A sigh exhaled through blatantly apathetic lips before the sound of footsteps caught his ears. Wait, no, no. That wasn't just footsteps triggering his awareness...this was..A DAMSEL! AND PERHAPS ONE IN DISTRESS! GOOD GOD, BOOK, GO HELP!

He shoved off his desk and turned his gaze quick towards the entrance of the classroom, the loud screech of that desk's legs on the floor cutting across the instructor's lecture and the rest of the students in all their hushed excitement. But it all fell silent for that moment in time to offer their quizzical looks to Book. Not like it was anything out of the ordinary however. There had been more than a few times, one could say, that the boy disrupted things in the middle of lecture for some silly reason or another. "This could only be..."

He pressed a firm hand to plant against the back of his chair and leapt both legs atop his desk within a single fluent movement, spinning about on a single heel before stomping himself to a halt and thrusting his hand towards the then-empty doorway. A deep breath heaved his lungs outwards before he finished that thought, the entire class now either annoyed, breaking into fits of giggles, or about ready to throw something at him.

"..INJUSTICE!" And as the word fell from his lips, a girl stumbled through the doorway looking like she had just gotten out of a rumble in a dirty bathroom or something. Her clothes more or less ruined, her legs scraped and scratched, her features showing the remnants of recent tears that seemed like they were going to start again any moment, there were few sights that could set a hero's heart in motion more than that. The attention was suddenly drawn away from Book in all his obnoxious glory to the new arrival, that parade of giggles and taunts not so much dying as they did change their focus entirely. HOW DARE THEY!

With a push on his back leg, the boy was already taking off leaping from desk to desk towards that doorway, sliding his way across the tops of at least a half dozen of them before reaching the last one - and as his foot pressed off that last one, he'd tilt his body forward and enter into a full-midair flip that would have him landing quick and dropping to one knee at the foot of the girl, suddenly taking her hand as an excessive shower of sparkles and nice soft lighting surrounded the pair and their instructor. His free hand removed that scarf from his breast pocket and offered it to the girl's cheek, wiping away the still-visible tears.

"My goodness, miss, are you alright?" He attempted his best heroic tone, breathing in and puffing his chest out while he gazed up at her from a single knee.

Now who would've thought, maybe the day wouldn't be so unlucky after all - this was one of those chances of a lifetime. A gorgeous damsel and a full captivated audience - what more could a would-be hero ask for?

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Re: Nottori High School

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mid on Mon Feb 11, 2008 4:15 pm

As the strange boy raced to her aid, Emily could feel the flush on her face deepen as he started wiping away her tears. Her face went from astonishment to complete and utter embarrassment as the class broke into cheers and laughter. Their instructor let out an exasperated sigh as he told the class to settle down. "Well Nori if you're done making a fool of yourself, I'd like it if you'd find your seat before I consider giving you detention for the rest of the week."

The elderly man quickly turned his attention to Emily, "As for you Ms. ..Jones, I expect you to be early tomorrow to make up for lost notes. Now go find a seat so I may continue my class without further interruption." Without another word, the teacher returned to his desk and continued from where he left off. Holding her bag close, Emily gave the boy a grateful look and went for an empty seat near the window. As she took her place, Emily noticed a few of the kids eying her and whispering. She sighed, "I bet it can get worse.."

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Re: Nottori High School

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LitomoSilver on Mon Feb 11, 2008 4:31 pm

At long last, a new school, a new place to be in.

Who could ask for more? Well, those who wanted to escape the boring cliqueness of the u.S. schools. But to his dismay, Nottori High also had cliques. Damned cliques. I hate them! But no doubt he would be drawn into one, as he walked towards the class, overly late as well.

See, what had happened was that he was still learning his way around Japan. The streets, cars and bicycles everywhere made it difficult for one so new in Japan to find his/her way around. He managed, just barely, to find the high school.

He'd woken up on time, but the alien nature of being new in another country and city rapidly got to him. It was well over thirty minutes late that he arrived at the school. I should've kept that map with me. Then I could find my way around easily! but he knew, that even then, with the aid of the map that it would be still difficult to find the high school.

It was only by fortune that he found the school. The school brochure that he had with him warned him to not reveal the location of the school. It took him a good long while to make his way there, after asking strangers how to find his way to the "public" streets that would lead to the high school.

Looks nice. I wonder what I'll see here? He walked forward, then was caught and drawn into the bureaucracy of the high school. Ugh. Paperwork. Always hate those things. and finally, he was released into the rank and file of the students.

Looking at the slip of paper that he'd received containing his classes and subjects, he wandered his way through once more before finally finding the class. He came in, only to almost run into the girl that was standing in the doorway. What the hell? Then there was this odd guy kneeling by her. He could not help but goggle at this spectacle.

What the hell was that guy thinking? He wondered as he walked to the teacher and handed him the slip.

"You're new, Akiro?" The teacher quirked a brow then continued, "Why are you late then, on your first day of school here?"

"Yes. I am an exchange student from the U.S. I'm new to Japan, having never visited it before and had a hard time finding my way around here. This school isn't exactly... public, is it?" he asked rhetorically. "And it took me a little longer before I finally found this class."

The teacher realized that he was right. For those who lived in Japan, it was easy to move around, provided you knew the area like the back of your hand. "Very well, you may take a seat, Akiro."

The young man did so, taking a seat in the back, somewhere in the middle, and took out his notebook and pencil, ready to listen and write down the lessons to be learned for today.
A Fallen Warrior am I, as I lay upon my back, knowing as I raise my eyes to the skies, as I lose the battle of my life, that I will never see again...those that I love. Blood and tears flow gently down my face as I await the final judgment...knowing that I am forever free, yet forever damned as I close my eyes and release my breath for the final time...

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain....It's time to toss the dice...Mat Cauthon-Robert Jordan...Wheel of Time series

"How do you prove that you exist? Maybe we don't exist..." - Vivi

"Having sworn fealty, must I spend my life in servitude?" - Steiner

"To be forgotten is worse than death." - Freya

"The only dependable thing about the future is uncertainty." - Amarant.




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Re: Nottori High School

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby waterychan on Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:49 pm

Makito strolled through the hallway of the school, noticing the emptiness. Guess class has started already. He never wore a watch, thus his concept of time was slightly skewed. He was most often late, but due to his grades, he didn't usually get into trouble. His emerald green eyes glanced inside each passing class, making note of which students were new.

His uniform resembled that of the other students, but was far more casual. He chose to never wear the blazer, or tie, and simply wore his white button up shirt untucked. It draped over him, as he chose to wear it a size too big, and he dragged his feet slightly as his classroom came into view. Another new year...

Sliding open the door, he watched as a few late students sat. One girl seemed to be covered in what he guessed to be toilet water. He blinked in confusion, turning to the teacher. "Sorry I'm late."

"Ah, Mr. Riki...I see you're beginning the new year the same way you ended the last one. How many lates will you get this year? Are you trying to break your old record?" the aging man smirked, pointing to an empty seat. "Sit please."

As he slid through the desks, a few female students winked at him, smiling (what they thought to be) seductively. He completely ignored them, dropping into his seat and leaning back. He lifted his left arm and placed it on the desk in front of him, sighing heavily. His long legs almost reached under the student in front of him, and he fought the temptation to kick their chair.
Mosh pit.
Well-concealed tazer.
Hours of endless entertainment.

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Re: Nottori High School

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kouketsu on Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:45 am

"DETENTION?! You can try to restrain me Mr. Rikirai, but NO PRISON CAN CONTAIN THE POWERS OF GOOD!" The boy offered an enthusiastic shout as he sprung back to both feet and twirled about on his heel, striking his arm out towards the sun hanging above the window outside while their instructor took no hesitations in pushing Book all the way back to his seat. All that could be heard were the soft mutters to himself while he tucked his scarf away as he was shoved, "How dare you, vile villain.."

The boy slid back into his chair and turned his attention back out the window again as seemingly half the class today was showing up late. And on the first day? Well, perhaps it was to be expected. He remembered having troubles himself when having to relocate to different rooms and new instructors every semester. But it definitely wasn't this bad. And as their professor went back into his physics droning, Book made sure to pay careful attention to those new arrivals, scanning about the whole lot of them rather quickly, taking in and registering every minute detail, everything he could manage to draw from mere appearances alone.

While so seldom did he show it in instances such as the spectacle that had just taken place, the boy was remarkably brilliant and sharp like none other, save for perhaps Kanaye and the rest of the BAM club. Judging from merely the walking strides and the way that each new peer carried themselves, he was already formulating countless scenarios for what they were doing here, who they were, where they were from, what benefit they'd be to him, and - his personal favorite - what 'gift' they happened to be blessed with, if any.

He took out a pencil and flipped open his notebook, scribbling down all those musings into margins here or there, his personal notes and sketches and whatnot juxtaposed with complex quantum mechanical formulae and derivations far beyond the scope of what that instructor was going on about. He was working on his to-do list for the first day of senior year.

And, it's important to note here now for our dear viewer as forewarning that some of the following musings taken from our hero's notebook may shock you, offend you, or set you into riotous fits of devious cackling. Viewer discretion is advised.


It was going to be a good year.

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Re: Nottori High School

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mid on Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:26 am

As the teacher droned on with the lesson, Emily sat there lost in her thoughts. She couldn’t believe how bad her day started and now she’d probably never make friends thanks to her intro. Taking a glance at the clock above the teacher’s desk, Emily sighed as she realized the class still had a few more minutes left. Looking at her book she realized she had yet to take notes due to her constant need for doodling.

From time to time Emily would glance at that strange boy whom the teacher called “Nori.” Even though he was weird and made a fool out of them both she had taken a liking to him, especially with his recent outburst towards the teacher; she chuckled. She noticed he too seemed to be uninterested in the lesson as he stared at the window. He even looked her way at one point causing her to drop her pencil and quickly retrieve it in hopes of avoiding him catching her in the act.

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Re: Nottori High School

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RyoRiazaku on Tue Feb 12, 2008 2:10 pm

Ryo sighed lightly, scribbling down a few notes on a sheet of paper, sitting leaned to the side, a head of brown, slightly curly hair in front of him obstructing his view from his normal position. He noticed the girl drop her pencil as Nori looked at her as he scanned the room, glancing at the people who were actually still paying attention to the teacher. Noting that that number was actually not that great, he too closed his book and sat down his pencil, leaning fully against the back of the chair now, instead of his normal up-right and close-to-the-desk writing posture.

He began to raise his hands, so as to interlock his fingers behind his head to further his relaxation pose, but decided that might be a little too obvious to the teacher, so he instead decided to simply keep his hands idle on his desk.

If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.

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Re: Nottori High School

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LordSaladin on Tue Feb 12, 2008 2:30 pm

With a hand rolled cigarette hanging from his lips, the smoke rising towards the ceiling, Hawk lounged in a comfortable seat within the Staff Lounge, nodding his head to the music playing into his ears. At full volume, the collection of classic heavy metal filled the office of the mainly rigid staff at Nottori High School.

His head being thrown back and forth at the onset of some shredding guitar, the black clad man could not help but grab his own guitar, wailing out, even louder than he would otherwise have done, having the music blasting into his ears.

"Guitar solo of DOOM!"

Standing then, the guitar seemed to land perfectly in his hands, as he threw it the small distance from the resting position against the chair, to his waist level. It was a mere second, and with plectrum in hand, and fingers rushing over the fretboard, the solo was performed with perfection.

A truly shredding sound, the high pitched notes being made on the strings flowing one into the other, with a pace that was awe inspiring. Fingers moved in a near blur, the sound reaching some considerable distance, the wireless amp constantly being turned on, meaning any riff would be played through the PA system of the school.

There he stood, Hawk, for nearly a full two minutes, his pose so often referred to as the 'Power Stance', legs near on double shoulder's width apart, knees bent to allow the guitar to rest on thighs. All through that time, his head was thrown back and forth at a rate of knots, his mohican hair cut, near on a foot long, would likely have cut anyone if they had crossed its path.


As the final note, reverberating as the string was pulled high, near the point of snapping, was made, that final exclamation would be heard almost a hundred metres away.

Then, swinging the guitar to rest on his shoulder, much like a battle ready axe, Hawk left the staff office, getting several dirty looks from the other staff in the room. He didn't care, of course, and as his leather trenchcoat, spikes about a half inch in length all along the hems, swung slightly as he turned, it was an extravagant flourish as the left side was whipped outwards by his free hand.

Pushing the door open, making it swing outwards rather violently, Hawk made his way down the rather uniform corridors of the school; they all looked the bloody same! He wondered if he would ever get used to the layout of this place. His entire manner spoke of a little bit of lunacy.

Shoulders seemed to swing in beat to the music still playing in his ears, as his head moved back and forth in what many could call a dramatic interpretation of headbanging put into slow motion. His walk was much more of a confident swagger, and it seemed strange that, with such large boots upon his feet, his manner was almost light footed.

He was making his way to the first class of the day, and he really had no idea who it was, which group of students it was going to be. It didn't really matter, he would teach them all the greatness the guitar, regardless of who they were. As the cigarette was reaching its end, he spat it onto the floor ahead of him, stamping on it as he passed; only to slide into his mouth another, lighting it in the same motion.
Please tell me now what life is, Please tell me now what love is... Again, tell me what life is.

Tiko says: Saladin: Damn it, leave my hole alone.

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Re: Nottori High School

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Tarskius on Tue Feb 12, 2008 5:50 pm

Kanaye's posture didn't change the entire length of the class, arms still crossed, uniform still in perfect order, eyes still hardened to the point of cutting a hole through the numerous formulas on the board. The only thing that moved was his eyes, flickering from student to student. An inventory soon formed in his mind as he studied all the little idiosyncracies of each individual. Everything from the way they walked to the manner they wrote. All was stored in the back of his mind to be pulled up at any moment, any time he might need to exploit a weakness or compliment a fortitude. All this was done without even moving noticeably save those always moving orbs. Those same nearly black pupils now came to focus on the board and moved only to jot down whatever random notes he might find interesting. He knew all this already, but he never overlooked a chance to increase his intellect. Kanaye was always seeking improvement and always seeking out the person superior to him, finding a way to knock them to the ground beneath his onward marching feet. The scholar was truly a soldier in every aspect of the word.

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Re: Nottori High School

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lantis on Tue Feb 12, 2008 5:52 pm

It was then that sleepy eyes cracked open, the smallest and possibly least noticeable of the bizarre menagerie offering his consciousness to the world when the particularly ardent protests of his fellow student finally stirred him. Large emerald eyes blinked once, twice, thrice before it seemed to dawn on him that he was actually in class and his head lifted from the table. No doubt he could easily be mistaken for the class hamster – and there were certainly those that wanted to cage him – for all the cute innocence that presented in his features. Saitsu, or Sai-chan as he dutifully amended took a moment to get his barings, a little slow on the uptake so early in the morning, finally seeing that new students had at some point joined them.
The sudden outburst was mostly ignored, apart from those fellows unfortunate enough to be seated next to him who flinched away from his tiny frame as he exclaimed his delight at the arrivals. Straws had been drawn at the start of term for the seats either side of him after there had been an unfortunate accident involving a stuffed rabbit, three rubber bands, a light bulb and the blunt end of his bokken.. the less said of that matter the better.
“Cuddle Duck-san we can make some new friends and have cake~”
This was more to himself, or rather the white stuffed animal that was sat on the desk in front of him, looking up at him with its beady black eyes. For one bizarre second to those closest the stuffed duck seemed to smile and blush at the suggestion.. but they assumed that it was only the perpetual fear of having to sit near to the most volatile and potentially dangerous member of the class that was making them hallucinate.
From seemingly nowhere the cake appeared, a small plate of iced strawberry cake materialising from some space below the desk. Let us not mention the crazed band of girls known as the SAS, otherwise Saitsu Appreciation Society, who often would lay in wait below his desk to supply him with sweet treats on demand. It seemed the teacher had stopped even trying to question this one, leaving it entirely alone.. perhaps something to do with the fact he was also the furthest possible away from where he was attempting to teach.

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Re: Nottori High School

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Drako11 on Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:17 pm

"Alright, that should be it", a well dressed man said to Akendo handing over a small packet of papers, that contained his schedual, a map, a lunch pass, and various other important items. Akendo nodded politely to the man, the pirncipals assistant, then picking up his single strap silver backpack headed out the door.

It had taken so long for the assistant to get the paper work completed two of Akendo's classes had already finished. Ambling slowly down the empty halls Akendo studied the school map trying to find where his next class Science 103 was located.

After an hour of aimlessly traversing the halls Akendo gave up, glancing down at his divers watch he saw it was almost lunch time. He remembered passing the cafeteria a little while back, so decided to go and wait till it opened. Turning briskly the tail of his untucked maroon shirt flying Akendo began walking back the direction he came.

Soon he arrived at the double doors that gave access to the cafeteria. Leaning against the wall he set his backpack on the floor and stuffed his hands into his carhartts to wait for the lunchbell to ring.
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Re: Nottori High School

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AnoÇieregi on Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:12 am

Eileen screamed.

It was huge.

It was ugly.

It was blotchy.

It was red.

It was obvious.

It was a zit and the foundation wasn’t working.

Two centimetres from the mirror, she rummaged frantically through her makeup bag, searching for anything to cover up that zit. Trying some of the green tincture to reduce the red blotchiness, she found that it didn’t look that bad. It was nothing to get that upset about. Except that she was supposed to attend the school that she had picked out of a list of 600. She had closed her eyes, twirled her finger around and landed on Nottori High. Next thing she knew, needles were shoved into her, doctors monitored her, and now she was actually supposed to go to class. She would have been better doing a gap year. She regretted it already. Why class? The evident relief at finishing and never having to write a stupid english oral again was tremendous. So why was she doing it again? Eileen sighed and packed up her bag and tucked it neatly away in her handbag.

Stepping out into the hallway she was lost already. Looking both ways at a deserted corridor, she shrugged and decided to explore. Maybe some hunk would find her and get her out of this mess. But they were all so short. And Asian. Not that she was racist or anything – they just didn’t look like her. Or Australia. Or the other 5 billion Anglo-Saxon people on the planet. But where did that thinking about boys come from? Boys were too complicated. But they were fun to flirt with. They wouldn’t be as much fun if they were going out. Or married – married people must get so bored. No wonder they have affairs. She shook her head, as if trying to stop the thousands of thoughts that flashed past.

Girls are complex like that. Boys just don’t understand it. A girl’s mind works at three times the speed of light – every possible scenario plays out in her head when dealing with even the simplest decisions like buying bread. Will the extra grains in the bread add to the total mass and therefore create more bulk on the hips? Doesn’t white bread lead to cancer? Apparently wholemeal contained genetically engineered grains and that wasn’t safe. A whole loaf of bread is a lot for a person who isn’t really that hungry. But if the choice is made to not buy it, the decision might be regretted tomorrow when hungry again. But if the bread is bought and it isn’t that nice, then it won’t be eaten and then it might get mouldy. It might get mouldy secretly and if eaten it might cause a dangerous disease like the Black Plague. Rats were dirty creatures. And so you see – they really do flicker on like that. You’re better off never asking a girl what she is thinking about.

The whole school just looked the same. It looked recently built, although it wasn’t – it had just been refurbished recently. In the past few months. By the government. And it was the only school to have received the free refurbishment. From the government. Along with free admission. Upgraded technology. It was mighty strange. But no one complained. No one had questioned. Yet...

With the many thoughts that had been running through her head, she had wandered randomly through several hallways and finally found one with doors, leading to classrooms, with students in them. Suddenly there was an awful loud beeping from apparently nowhere. The new refurb had built in a PA system, but had designed it to be unnoticeable – except for the louder than life sound. Eileen froze as she tried to understand the horrific noise when doors began opening up and down the hall and students poured it. Lunch time.

Students of all ages swept past her, all with pressing duties and activities to complete. Eileen stood alone, as if on an island, watching the people rush by her. She could have stayed like that all day, watching the ongoing traffic as if they were ants, until something heavy bumped into her and sent her sprawling.
Whirlwinds of tempestuous fire...


Ah Joy! That in the embers, something doth live...

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Re: Nottori High School

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kouketsu on Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:21 pm

Is she..staring at me? No way. She is! She's totally staring at me. That's got to be the most obvious stare down I have ever seen. No, no, staring is a bad word. Not staring. Gazing. Yes! Gazing! That's it!

The boy's thoughts had begun to drift away from those notes and that physics lecture as it carried on for an exhaustive two-hour stretch, his quick sight noting throughout the whole thing that the new girl - who henceforth shall be referred to as his 'beautiful distressed damsel whose angelic wonder could only be matched by goddesses fabricated in ancient myths because nobody that beautiful has ever existed except for that one girl' - was actually putting more time into studying him than she was the morning notes. There was something odd about her that he just couldn't put his finger on though. She seemed different. It was almost like she had a literal raincloud following her about and cursing her with poor fortune. Whatever it was, Book had already thoroughly decided it would be him, and none other, THAT WOULD DEFEAT THIS TERRIBLE FOE!

But saving the world and all matters of epic heroicness aside, the bell as long last clanged through the entire building and never had its shrill tone sounded more heavenly to those students. But the Heaven would be short lived in comparison to that which followed, a veritable chaos that ironically enough the teachers believed could rival Hell itself. There was a rather distinct difference between the quiet and typically despondent trudging into the classroom to begin a session and the riotous uproar that ensued when it was out. For the students unfortunate enough to be in that particular lecture, they would be forced to endure an entire year of physics, two hours per day, every single morning. That kind of agony should never have to be experienced. But there were, of course, a select few who reveled in it, Book being the most prominent among those numbers, especially when it came time to do laboratory work.

All digression aside, however, the whirlwind that suddenly whooshed out that door was a one-of-a-kind sight, an incomparable blur of students dashing out through a single small entrance, most of them proceeding at speeds that normal human eyes couldn't even attempt to follow. Book wasn't nearly fast enough to keep up with that surge, but he didn't pay much attention to it anyways.

Well, that was until the 'beautiful distressed damsel whose angelic wonder could only be matched by goddesses fabricated in ancient myths because nobody that beautiful has ever existed except for that one girl' actually, no lie, ACCIDENTALLY BRUSHED HER HAND AGAINST HIS WHILE THEY WERE WALKING OUT OF THE ROOM. OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD! HOLY SH--! DID YOU SEE THAT? I AM LIKE, FREAKING OUT HERE! THEY TOUCHED! THAT'S LIKE KISSING WITH YOUR HANDS!

And this, dear viewers, is where you all come in with your collective "OOOOOOOOOOH!"

Do it yet? If so, take a deep breath. Calm yourself. Good again? Okay, let us move on.

So, now that the two touched hands which means they like, practically already had sex and stuff, Book shouldered his backpack and attempted to mask some of that embarrassment while he trudged on to the next lesson. The first round of lunches - of which there were four in all - was already beginning and so the madness was a bit more than he had anticipated, and if it weren't for those epic hero reflexes, Book would probably be smashed to pieces.

It didn't help things either that he insisted on keeping his sights locked on 'her' throughout the entire procession wanting to make sure that no further harm befell her.

Although usually when one decides that they're going to follow somebody around, they don't do it standing directly in front of them while walking backwards.


The fact that Book was a mere pace or so ahead of her walking backwards, arms crossed, and looking directly at her the entire time maybe, just maybe, was a little weird. But all in the hero job description...right?

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Re: Nottori High School

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LitomoSilver on Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:08 pm

The text BOREDOM seemed to scroll across the teacher's face, as he droned on about the subject. A soft sigh passed through his lips as he ran a hand through his thick brown hair and shook his head, still copying down notes. Then the teacher at long last, brought the subject to a close.

The blast of the bell startled him out of his seat. Quickly, he packed everything up and began walking out of the classroom, tilting his head as he watched students blurring in a massive show of speed. Damn. This has gotta be crazy. Where's the traffic controller when you need one?

Again, that odd boy, Book, could be seen walking backward watching Emily. That caused him to raise his eyebrow, wondering what exactly, was going on inside the boy's mind. Has the guy gone insane or what? I wonder how he's gonna get to wherever he's going... without smacking into somebody or walls and the like. That caused him to smirk, then chuckle before once more shaking his head.

"Craziness." Then he looked at the schedule he had. "Hmm. Computer lab? Why do we need computer lab for?" He was curious now, but then recalled that he'd always excelled in computer-related subjects. Interesting. I wonder what they have in mind?

"I wonder if it's lunch time now?" He spoke, to anyone and no one at the same time.

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Re: Nottori High School

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mid on Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:24 pm

After their "quickie" Emily gave Nori a puzzled look. She expected him to continue on as if nothing happened, yet he looked as embarrassed as she felt. Unable to speak she grabbed her things and made her way to her next class stopping at the sight of the boy walking backwards before her. He was staring at her with such intensity that she was actually beginning to feel naked. She blinked a few times and walked forward; he was still walking backwards staring at her. She giggled a little bit holding her books close to her chest and spoke. "Your name is Nori, right..? Why are staring at me like that? And do you always walk backwards?"

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Re: Nottori High School

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Drako11 on Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:39 pm

Akendo raised his head as the bells clang throughout the school, tolling their message of freedom and socialization of lunch for the students. Instantly the halls were tranformed into a mass of rumbling, milling, shouting, running, laughing, students. They all progressed towards the lunch room, like a mass of buffalo running from charging indians. Akendo swiftly picked up his back, in an attempt to keep its contents from being utterly smashed.

Pressing his body tightly against the wall, Akendo waited for the brief yet fierce chaos to end, so he could make his own through the entrance of the cafeteria. Soon as he predicted the surge ended transforming into a trickle of students. Akendo noticed a boy walking backwards fiercly eyeing a girl. Picking himself off of the wall he walked up to the boy matching his speed to that of the backward traversing lad. "Uhhh..What exactly are you doing?", Akendo asked smiling, glancing back at the girl.

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Re: Nottori High School

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Tarskius on Wed Feb 13, 2008 11:17 pm

A small sigh was the only thing that showed Kanaye even noticed the bell as it rung out it's momentary freedom to the whole school. Rising to his feet, he gathered his stuff, aiming for utmost efficiency even at such a minor task.
He looked quickly to his left, eyeing his subordinate, Saitsu. One of the few people he knew well, even if only due to their constant training matches as Captain and Vice Captain of the Kendo Club.

"Saitsu...Do you not find Nori annoying? It seems he's growing on people. Why someone would let such a vile little fungi grow on them...I truly do not know."

His gaze shifted back to the fool as he attempted to court one of the new girls, a scoff coming to his features. The man truly had no self control.

"Hrmph...I could really use a good spar right now..." He finishes gathering his things and goes to the door, among the last to leave, walking alongside Saitsu. "Yeah, I could definitely use a match."

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