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The Last Ones Left

The Last Ones Left


The Zombie Apocalypse rocked the world, it led to the Zombie War, which the humans ultimately lost.

984 readers have visited The Last Ones Left since Disarmhxc created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

this roleplay uses the physics and "rules" for zombies laid out in the two books written by max brooks "zombie survival guide", and "world war z". this roleplay however is not set in either novel.



MAR.12TH, 2013:
Cold and flu season have brought with it a new strain of influenza. What was just considered a very aggressive strain of the influenza virus seems to be much more than that. It stopped responding to any sort of drug or treatment, and led to very serious illness in the patient. The flu wasn't confined to just the United States or North America, in parts of Asia and Europe reports of the flu breaking out there had surfaced as well. Media outlets begin terming the virus the "Super Flu".

MAR.13TH, 2013:
The first death attributed to the "Super Flu" is recorded in Los Angeles, CA. However, as news stories break on that several more reports surface reporting of deaths in China and parts of Europe. The World Health Organization, CDC in the United States, ECDC in Europe, and Centre for Infectious Disease Control in Canada all combine to try and work out a vaccine for the "Super Flu".

MAR.18TH, 2013
In 5 days the "Super Flu" outbreak hits Pandemic status. All of Europe, most of Asia, the Pacific Rim and North America all report a large spike in reported outbreak cases. No vaccine has been found, but it has been discovered that the virus is an airborne virus. Cities around the world begin administering dust masks, however there is a shortage in some places as they run out of masks.

MAR.19TH, 2013
Protests are staged in major US cities as infected patients with no medical insurance are being denied treatment in hospitals. The government issues a statement saying that this was a mixup and that all infected individuals will be cared for. More deaths, in the US, and world wide, continued to be reported due to the "Super Flu".

MAR.20TH, 2013
The United States announces that they are creating a Quarantine Camp outside of Atlanta, GA. The camp is named Camp Trinity, and the US Government announces that all patients who do not have medical insurance will be treated at Camp Trinity. They issue passes to all the hospitals to give to infected patients who do not have insurance. Within 10 hours of the announcement there are reports of passes being sold on E-Bay and Craig's List for thousands of dollars.

MAR.30TH, 2013
With the death toll sky-rocketing into thousands, worldwide, panic is starting to set in. In the United States, Camp Trinity is at capacity and there are talks about setting up another camp on the West Coast just outside of Los Angeles, and posisbly another one in Iowa. While the "Super Flu", which the W.H.O. refers to as the H7N9 Virus, continues to spread across the globe the W.H.O, CDC and other disease control agencies around the world still have not found a suitable vaccine for the flu that will meet their required standards.

APR.14TH, 2013
As casualties from the "Super Flu" mount pressure on the world's leaders to produce a vaccine increases. There are riots in some parts of the world where the outbreak hit harder than other places. The CDC says they are close to finding a workable vaccine and are ready to mass produce the vaccine once it's ready for shipping.

APR.16TH, 2013
A reporter manages to quietly sneak her way into Camp Trinity. It was supposed to be a pseudo hospital for those with no medical insurance, but what she finds is something far different. Patiens are only given cots and not much else, the living conditions are horrible, and she reports a fenced off area inside the camp where it looked like severely infected patients were biting each other with no intervention from guards or medical staff. However when the reporter tries to report her story, it gets censored pretty much everywhere except a few local papers it managed to get onto, but only on the pages in the back.

APR.18TH, 2013
A news report comes out that some patients had escaped from Camp Trinity. There wasn't much else mentioned about the group of escaped patients, however some people living near Camp Trinity reported seeing black smoke coming out from inside the camp walls, however the government declined to comment any further on the issue.

APR.19TH, 2013
People were shocked to hear reports coming out of Atlanta of citizens being attacked by people who were biting them and in some cases reports said it was like they were trying to chew their skin off. As the day goes on more reports keep coming out of Atlanta that more attacks are occuring. Some reports call it a riot, some call it a mob, but no news report seems to know just what exactly is happening within the city. By the time evening comes not much is heard from Atlanta. Police have blocked off the entrances leading into the city, and the FAA shutdown and cancelled all flights into Atlanta. Reporters go off of hear-say reports and rumours but nobody really knows what is happening inside of the city of Atlanta.

APR.20TH, 2013
Reporters pressure the government to inform them as to what is happening in Atlanta. More protests and riots spark up across the country as the entire nation now demands to know why Atlanta suddenly got shut off from the rest of the country. Some local reporters make their way back to Camp Trinity to find it pretty much abandoned. There are burnt bodies inside the camp, and nobody knows exactly what happened.

APR.21ST, 2013
Isolated stories around the world matching reports from Atlanta surface. Along with the news about Camp Trinity there is an even greater demand for answers, the government declines but a doctor from Camp Trinity surfaces. He claims that the CDC had been using the patients at Camp Trinity to test their vaccines on, it had essentially been a death camp. However one of the vaccines had a mutation affect on the virus, patients would die but then moments later come back to life, but not in a cognitive state. They were aggressive and seemed obsessed on biting other people. Guards had locked these patients away. When the report came out that patients had "escaped" they didn't meniton it was these mutated patients, the doctor used the term "Zombies" to describe them.

APR.22ND, 2013
The first aerial shot of Atlanta is shown, it looks like a war zone, burned out streets, rubble, debris strewn everywher, bodies lying in the open. The barricades are broken through, infected patients, Zombies, start sprawling out from Atlanta heading toward surrounding towns or smaller cities. State Police, the Military and FEMA all scramble to try and contain the crisis within Georgia state lines. Meanwhile across the globe similar stories are popping up of swarms of Zombies, as it's become the global term, are attacking people in cities, towns, anywhere people gather. News bulletins advise people to stay indoors.

APR.29TH, 2013
A week after the massacre as some called it in Atlanta, authorities have been unable to stop the roaming swarms of Zombies from crossing the borders into neighbouring states. Within seven days most of the South East United States had been swept by the roaming hordes or "swarms" of Zombies. Cities were falling left and right. The government ordered air-strikes to try and wipe them out but everything the Military did seemed to be largely in-effective. Worldwide similar accounts are filtering in about Zombies attacking humans all over.

MAY 3RD, 2013
With most of the Eastern United States gone, and any remaining survivors simply just hiding out, the US government decides to draw up a hard defensive line essentially seperating the Eastern US from the Western US. The Military takes a zero tolerance, not allowing anyone, even those trying to find shelter, to cross the defensive line.

MAY 24TH, 2013
The defensive line in the United States gives way. With most of the Military personnel and resources being commited to that line, when they were finally overrun it left virtually no other military personnel for a counter attack. The President of the United States and key government officials are moved to a US Aircraft Carrier, as other Aircraft Carriers and naval ships carry other politcal or government officials and their families.

JUNE 5TH, 2013
The United States, most of Europe and Asia are all considered "dark". TV media is gone, there is spotty radio broadcasts in some locations across the United States. Government still "exists" but hasn't been functional in almost a week.

JUNE 17TH, 2013
Allies try to help Allies but it's soon understood that Military actions are having little to no affect on Zombies. With no chain of command, whatever has been left of the Military is scattered. There was a radio transmission shortly after the defensive line had fallen that Hawaii was relatively un-infected and that US government would be working to establish a Safe Zone there. There are reports and rumours of Safe Zones being established by survivors, but with no news network or any way to mass communicate, nobody really knows if the rumors are true. Survivors are left to fend for themselves. Some gather in large colonies, others opt to stay in smaller groups. Some groups move around from place to place searching for the one supposed Safe Zone where there is zero chance of Zombie infestation.

And now for the present.......

Our story starts off in the year 2016, three years after the world succumbed to the Zombie outbreak. Most man-made resources are used up or on their way to being used up. Gasoline has become the biggest trading commodity along with clean drinking water. Guns are valuable depending on the person, some view guns as essential and will give up a lot to get more. Others see the noise that guns make and see them as not being wise choices for defending yourself agaisnt Zombies, as the noise will just attract more. Some survivors have taken to forming colonies, and growing and farming food if the land allows for it, with no power toold readily available most would-be farmers are tasked with resorting to pioneer techniques.

Who are you? Where are you? What's your mission, or do you even have one? How have you survived for three years, and how do you plan on continuing your survival?

Toggle Rules

-Zombies ARE capable of running. While not all Zombies will run, and their speeds will vary it is possible. The level at which their bodies are decomposed will affect this too.
-Zombies don't communicate and have no sense of self preservation or survival instincts
-Zombies are capabale of moving over obstacles, this happens when they pile up against an obstacle and climb over top of each other to reach a target
-Zombies have great hearing and will always move in the direction of a loud noise
-Zombies operate by line of sight, if they see you, the move straight towards you in a straight line. If they hear a sound they will move towards the direction the sound came in a straight line
-Even without legs a Zombie will try to keep moving towards a target by any means ieL: Crawling along the ground with their arms
-Zombies cant' swim, but they can walk along the ground, ie. Lake bottom, River bed, Ocean floor, etc.

-Concerning military personnel, keep in mind that most Military resources were commited to the Defensive Line, or fighting off Zombie hordes. So when the Military failed and was overrun most Military personnel went with them. There may be a few left around but a lot of the highly trained and higher ranking ones are most likely gone.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

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Character Portrait: Jessica Matthews
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October 3rd, 2016, Entry: 401

Okay, So I'm out of food now, and The Zombs have been mirgating, I guess you'd call it. They've been rolling through here alot. I've killed about 12.Individually of course but still, That's a hell of a lot with a bat and a small tanto. The small dagger my parents sent me when they were stationed in Japan.

I know they are probably dead...I still read their letters...

I still haven't seen any one live sent this shit started. I sing to myself and I still have my violin. I haven't played it but still...knowing it's there, helps me from losing it, though I don't know for how long.

Anyway, I have to move from this spot. I'm headed toward LA. That's gonna suck considering it's filled with them because it was once filled with people...

Jessica sighed as she looked up from her journal. Standing at the 'Welcome to Los Angles' road sign. She slid into her journal into her messagener bag slung across her chest, Her Violin case that she modifed to hold her baseball was strapped to her back and her tanto at her hip with Ski Goggles to protect the sharp almond shaped eyes she'd inherited from her mother, for when the Mojave decided to California back and she walked across the overpass filled with abandoned cars.

Food was scarce as it was, and the best places were all scavenged in the beginning, now she had to find and search through Mom and Pop shops. Unfortunately, she's raided the ones around where she had been staying for the last month, moving from house to house but now, Murrieta was officially empty and if there was any people toward left, she wouldn't know.

She had her hand resting on her tanto as she walked through the mess of cars, scanning them for bodies, just in case they'd get up and come after her.
Her Hightop converses were worn, she realised as she felt a pebble embed into her foot.

"Shit." She whispered as she leaned against the car and pulled out the peeble. It was then she heard a groan. Jessica sighed heavily. "Of course." She said as she turned out to see a Zomb, a woman, probably was in her 30s. Jessica grabbed her dagger from it's sheath. Gripped the hilt as she looked the zomb up and down. She was about Jessica's height. She looked down at her feet.

"Nice Shoes."

They were running shoes. Perfect.

The zombie rushed forward, lunging at Jessica. Jessica side stepped her, still facing her as the woman scratched and clawed at her. Jessica spun, grabbed the Zombie by her stringy hair, yanking her head back and plunging her dagger into the woman's face right between the eyes. The woman slashed around for a moment before going limp and falling to the ground. Jessica quickly cleaned her blade on the woman's clothes, slide it back into it's sheath and commenced to taking her shoes. "Sorry, but I need them more then you do."She said as she hurriedly removed her shoes. She tied the shoelaces together, slung them over her shoulder and went back to going toward LA.

Entry 402

I'm in LA now. I can see what's left of The Hollywood Sign. It's sad to see it gone. It means the World really is over...

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Graves Character Portrait: Jessica Matthews
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Jason was perched ontop of the "HOLLYWOOD" sign on the Hollywood Hills, or more accurately the "HOL L WOO " sign. He had his notebook open, and his binoculars out. He was scanning for empty pockets within the city limits. One thing he noticed was when there was no stimulation for awhile, no humans or noise, the Zekes, a term he had picked up from a Military soldier he had run into sometime ago, the Zekes, or Zombies would just kinda go into a trance and stand there, almost like a robot on standby mode.

He didn't need too much food, there was enough around the area, oddly enough there was still fruit growing on some trees despite no humans seeding for trees. There were still some wild animals roaming around, however the Zombies were cutting into that population as well, however for some reason animals never turned...which maybe was nature's break to the remaining humans.

Jason had been an Adventure Guide, leading adventure trips through the dessert, the mountains, the jungles, wherever. He'd climbed Everest twice, as well as summiting K2, Kanchenjunga, Dhaulgiri, and Annapurna, all while on trips to Nepal, and in doing so had climbed 5 of the World's 6 highest mountains. He had been in the army before that, he had done a stint with the Airbourne Rangers but found the army wasn't for him, so after 4 short years of duty, he left the army, but the lessons he learned there, and as a kid, taught him how to survive in some of the harshest settings Mother Nature had to offer. He had to chuckle, in reality, a Zombie Apacolypse was really and adventurers dream "ha, more like nightmare" he thought. This wasn't for fun though, this was actual life or death.

Jason figured he had a good idea of a safe route into the city, and a few emergency exit plans if he needed. Then something caught his eyes, he looked down to see a girl, but not an un-dead one, this one had a pulse, and normal skin. Jason watched, it was the first time he'd seen another human in ages, at least several months if not a year. He watched as she dispatched a Zombie realtively quickly. Jason checked his map, the route she was on wasn't ideal, but he hadn't seen another human in almost a year, or longer. He figured he could detour his route slightly, stick to roof tops if possible, but even if it was a brief conversation, the one resource that was incredibly short in supply was conversation with other humans.

Jason checked his drawn out map to get his landmarks straight, then headed down towards where the girl was.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Graves Character Portrait: Jessica Matthews
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Jessica walked for what seemed like hours. The sun was on it's way down once she reach city limits.

She looked up at the ruined LA skyline. It made her heart hurt. Three years of this, one would think she'd be over it but...she couldn't. Being a Military Brat, she'd been all over the world. She made it a game to see what city she was in by recognizing the skyline. It would kill her to see what Tokyo looked like now...New York would bring her to tears.

She noticed Captiol Records was still up.

She grinned some. She wanted to be a singer, she'd been working on her demo while she was in nursing school, so what better way to spend her days in an abandoned record company building. She'd probably have to kill a few of her favorite artists but oh well, C'est la vie...well this life anyway.

She wondered if Drake was a Zomb. She would love to stab him in the face, He couldn't rap to save his life.

The Zombs were all over the main streets when she got there so she slipped through as many back streets as she could and if she couldn't, so long as she,followed the 3 S's she'd be fine.
Sight, Sound, and Smell.
So long as she wasn't in their line of sight, out of earshot and didn't smell like anything, she'd be alright.

Right now, there weren't any back streets for her to take so she crouched down low, skulking slowly behind cars and things as she stayed to the sidewalk. She came up to a small shoppe. It looked as if it were a boutique, She could used another pair of jeans. The ones she wore were ripped at the waistline so she had to hook a skirt over top of it, to keep it from falling. She felt like she looked like some post apocalyptic freedom fighter girl or something...

She shook that thought away, she really was going crazy...

She examined the shop after dusting the glass with her fingerless fighter's gloves, peering through the glass. She couldn't see much, a few dresses that would kill her on contact. She hated those stupid pin up girl outfits. It was weird. Facebook posts, and Twitter feeds, Fashion trends and stupid Cat videos of Youtube, all that ended with the rest of the world.

Well now, there's looking on the bright side...

Jessica decided to move on, she pulled away from the window and noticed someone coming up behind her in the reflection of the window. She spun on a heel, fighting the urge to grimace as her feet were on burning, she slid out her dagger, held the dull end against her forearm and held out a hand, preparing for an attack in a matter of a split second. She dropped her guard some and her eyes widened behind her goggles when she realised it was a human man, like alive and not lunging after her, trying to tear her limb from limb.

The first human in three years...

She still held her guard. He was male and she happened to be a female. She was wary of that too. It may have been three years since she's seen a human but that didn't mean she'd forgotten about human nature.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Graves Character Portrait: Jessica Matthews Character Portrait: Michaline Abigale Walker
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0.00 INK

Michaline sighed, glancing at the half-gone sign that had once read HOLLYWOOD. Or rather, it now said, HOLLWOO. She wondered what she was doing here. Big cities weren't safe. She sorted to herself. Nowhere was safe anymore. She adjusted the shotgun slung across her back and did a quick check of all her equipment. Everything was in place, from the knife in her boot to the shotgun shells on her belt. She could hear moaning off to her right. She glanced in that direction as she froze, but saw nothing. Yet.

She knew she'd run into them eventually if she stayed put. So with that, she silently began to move, or as silently as she could. She was keeping her eyes to her right, when all of a sudden, she nearly plowed headlong into a male.

A very alive male. She caught herself, blinked twice, and then realized there was another girl there, off to her left. Two humans, both alive.

What. The. Hell.

It was during that thought that she heard the resounding moan from behind her. Rather close, in fact. She spun around, and then, withought even blinking, she stuck her dagger in the zombie's neck. It gave a very strangled moan and sank to her feet, and something awakened in her brain as she turned back to the two strangers, her dagger in one hand, and a .9mm handgun in the other, the gun pointed at the girl, the knife held in the male's direction.

"Alright, both of you. I want to see bites if you have them, now." The dagger was still coated in the venemous blood of the zombie, and a thick glob of it dripped off the tip. The ombie twitched behind her.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Graves Character Portrait: Jessica Matthews Character Portrait: Michaline Abigale Walker
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"Alright, both of you. I want to see bites if you have them, now" Jessica turned her head. "You have got to be kiddng me with this." She said.
Great. The second human she's seen in three years and she was some hipster bitch with an attitude. Jessica gripped her tanto. "Put the fucking gun down, if we were bitten, I'm sure one of us would be trying to kill you now or grimacing in pain, neither of which is happened now." Jessica said.

Jess has never been a social butterfly, the exact opposite actually. She was socially inept, she was sarcastic and blunt majority of the time and she didn't take kindly to being ordered around. "Besides the fact, that if you shoot, you'll call all of Hollywood right here." She said and stood up, she scanned the perimeter, checked for exits and enterances, just like a good little Marine brat. She looked at the girl. Chances are she wasn't gonna shoot, so Jess being smaller and faster would have the upper hand.

Jess noticed the zombie she stabbed in the neck was not dead. "Dammit. One would think since the 70's, the only way to kill a Zomb is a head shot." Jess muttered as she walked over to the zombie, ignoring the gun that was aimed at her face, she put her knee into the Zomb's chest, holding it there and fully sheathed her tanto into the zombie's head. Jess yanked it out with alot of force. "We need to go. They're gonna start to smell us soon." She said, cleaning her blade on the Zomb's clothes. One live human they probably couldn't smell over their own stench but three? Surely, that would start some shit.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Graves Character Portrait: Jessica Matthews Character Portrait: Michaline Abigale Walker
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Jason was about to introduce himself to the younger woman he had seen when another woman popped out holding a gun or knife. "Terrific, let's just wake the dead" he thought to himself. The woman with the gun demanded to see any bite marks they had. "Well it's clear we're not Zekes now isn't it, seeing as the virus turns the infected person within 12 to 20 seconds" Jason said a bit annoyed. "And what exactly are you planning to do with the gun? That's a 9 mill by the look of it, meaning the blast from that gun is going to bounce off all this concrete and every Zeke within 3 miles will probably hear it. So if you pull the trigger, you may as well just do yourself as well." The second girl mentioned that they should move.

"Listen...the reason I came down here was to tell you..." he pointed to the dark skinned girl with the violin case, "you were going the wrong way. About another 7 or 800 yards that way is about several blocks heavily infested with Zekes, we're talking like at least 100 if not more. Now you two are welcome to go on your own...or you can follow me." When asked why, he responded "Well, see I scout out every city I enter from above...up there" he said pointing to the Hollywood sign. "I know where the safer pockets of the city are, we're talking the odd Zeke here or there as opposed to..well...a whole swarm." He said, somewhere in the back of his mind he wondered if any of them would recognize him, he had a survival/reality TV show, it lasted two seasons and featured him demonstrating survival skills in all sorts of dangerous settings and locations.

"And I've found sticking to the roof tops whenever possible leads to fewer chance encounters with the...." he heard a groan behnd him, he spun, and somehow in the time he spun around, produced a Machete, and nearly sliced the Zombie's skull in half. The Machete itself looke different than others, it was a bit shorter, lighter and seemed to have a better handle to grip with. James noticed the girl with the gun looking at his Machete, "I call it a Combat's lightweight, easy to swing with one arm, still produces the same amount of blunt force impact, and the friction between this grip and my gloves practically glues thing to my hand...made it myself" he said with a slight grin. "However...I'm going this way...what you to ladies do is up to you" he said with a nod of his head, then started climbing towards the roof of one of the buildings.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Graves Character Portrait: Jessica Matthews Character Portrait: Michaline Abigale Walker
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0.00 INK

"Listen, the reason I came down here was to tell you, the guy said point to Jess. "You were going the wrong way. About another 7 or 800 yards that way is about several blocks heavily infested with Zekes, we're talking like at least 100 if not more. Now you two are welcome to go on your own...or you can follow me," He said and Jessica arched an eyebrow behind her goggles. "Thanks, Good lookin' out but why?" She asked, She was bummed that Captiol Records was the way he'd mentioned so now she had no goal. So going with this guy would be alright, she figured. Aside from the fact, that she was tired of her own company. "Well see I scout every city I enter from above...up there."He said and pointed to the Hollywood sign, Jessica rose a hand to see it clearly, blocking the glare from the Sun. "I know where the safer pockets of the city are, we're talking the odd Zeke here and there as opposed to...well...a whole swarm." He said and Jessica nodded. She weighed her options. Go with theses guys, run the risk of being smelled but also having the chance to be around others, maybe survive a little longer, or go on alone and survive but run the risk of losing her fucking mind and blowing her own brains out. Yea...she was going with option 1.

"And I found sticking to the roof tops whenever possible leads to fewer chance encounters with the..." Just then, a Zomb creeped up behind him. "Look ou--" No sooner as she spoke the guy spun, had a big ass sword looking thing in his hand and sent in down the middle of the Zomb's head. "Damn...Vorhees." Jess quipped. She looked at her decorative tanto that wasn't really meant for combat. It made hers look like a fucking butter knife. "I call it a Combat's lightweight, easy to swing with one arm, still produces the same amount of blunt force impact and the friction between this grip and my gloves practically glues things to my hand...made it myself." He said showing off a bit. Jessica scoffed some. "However...I'm goung this way...what you two ladies do is up to you." He said and started climbing up toward the roof of the boutique she'd been looking at. Jessica waiting for a moment, then she slid her blade into it's sheath and started after him. "Hey, Wait up." She said and began to climb as well.

She didn't know if the girl was coming with but she seemed capable enough. She seemed to think she had to authority to order people around so Zombs should be easy enough.

Once on the roof, Jessica stopped. "Hold up a sec," She asked him. Her shoes had finally spilt, the bricks had cut into her foot and it was time for the ones she'd picked up. She set down her gear, slide her goggles to the top of her head, revealing a pretty light brown face, a little pink where the goggles were set, with a deep brown almond shaped eyes, indicating her afro-asian heritage.

She cracked open her violin case and inside set a beautiful midnight black violin and on to top was her bow and a few viles of different things. It was a hybrid violin case/medical bag. She removed her shoes. Her dainty feet were blistered and bleeding. She grabbed a roll of bandages and a vile of green gunk. Somebody asked what it was. "It's Aloe, ground up and made into a salve." She said and she smoothed it over the cut on her foot. "It helps with cuts and burns." She said as she wrapped up her foot. She slipped on the shoes and found them a perfect fit. She stood up and winced. "Doesn't help with pain though. I'll deal with that once I find shelter." She said. She worked her ankles a bit, closed up her case and set everything on her back again. "Alright, Ready to go." She said. "Oh, I'm Jessica, by the way. Jess for short." she said and held out her hand.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Graves Character Portrait: Jessica Matthews Character Portrait: Michaline Abigale Walker
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Michaline eyed the other two and said nothing through the exchange., except for once when he made a remark about the gun. "I'm not dumb, I know what happens when you use guns."

Ouch. Had she really gotten that rude? She sighed, and remained silent until they began to move away. She didnt even flinch when the guy sliced open a zombie. For a while, she silently followed, until the came to a stop once again, and she watched the other female open a violin case and remove a medicinal jar. She raised an eyebrow, slightly impressed with her explination. She then gave her name. Michaline waited half a second for the male to respond before finally saying, directed at Jessica, or Jess, "Well, if you'd like, I actually have some tylenol that isn't that expired, it should still be good. I don't know how much good it'll do you, but it can't hurt, right? I'm Michaline. I usually go by Mic. And I'm sorry about before. It seems I'm not as sociable as I once was."

Of course, her words didn't seem to have much heart to them. She sounded friendly, but she also seemed incredibly distant. This world destroys any and all lives and relationships. Remember that. She silently reminded herself.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Graves Character Portrait: Jessica Matthews Character Portrait: Michaline Abigale Walker
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0.00 INK

"Well, If you'd like, I actually have some Tylenol that isn't that expired, It should still be good. I don't know how much good it'll do you, but it can't hurt, right?"

'Wrong' Jess thought but she didn't say it. The girl seemed to be trying. She'll just explain that to her later. "I'm Michaline. I usually go by Mic. And I'm sorry about before. It seems I'm not as sociable as I once was." She said and Jessica shrugged, hearing the half hearted apology. "Right. It's whatever. Mic. Thanks. I have some pain relievers in my case." She said. "You should chuck that Tylenol. It wasn't all that relible before the expiration date, don't think it'll do much now if not make shit worse." She said with a sheepish laugh. "If you plan on sticking around. You could use some of mine, if you need it." Jess said and then stepped closer, her back to the guy.

"Girl to girl," She whispered, "I've got herbs that'll help with--" She averted her eyes downward. "--girlie issues too." She said and stepped back.

She stretched. "Ah. So. Where is this merry band of misfits headed anyway?" She asked the guy. She said, looking around. She could see the Zombs lingering around below, she could see the sun slowly begin to set. She turned attention back to them.

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Character Portrait: Jason Graves Character Portrait: Jessica Matthews Character Portrait: Michaline Abigale Walker
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Jason watched the interaction between the two girls, he was impressed with Jess' home made medical kit she had with her. Jason pulled out a bottle, it contained a dark brown/red liquid in it. "If you want something for pain you can try this" he said holding the bottle out to Jess, "It's liquid from white willow bark, with some ethanol, it works just like Aspirin for relieving pain, made it myself and use it all the time, it works" he said handing it to her. "Seeing as we're all introducing ourselves, I'm Jason Graves" he said "That has to do it" he thought to himself, as he realized that he sounded just like the intro to his TV show. He saw the flicker of recognition in their faces, "I once had a TV show, 'Jason Graves Left For Dead'?" he said, "The producers thought the name was a great play on my last name" he said with a grin. Jess mentioned something about the show, all Jason did was grin politely, he wasn't a fan of doing the show in the first place, and after all this, well it didn't really matter now.

"Anyway the reason I came down here in the first place was to stock up on some supplies. We've got clear sailing if we head in that direction and keep to the roof tops" he said pointing in a direction away from the Zombies. "There's a little mall, and I'm thinking there should be enough supplies left. It was in a pretty heavily infested area, so doubt any survivours looted it" he said, Jess mentioned the obvious concern of going into a heavily infested area. "Yeah well Mother Nature helped us out a bit. A few days ago when I was scouting, a big sign a few blocks away gave way to the rust and crashed down onto the street. The bang drew Zekes from every corner of the city. Bad for anyone who may have been around there. However, Zekes don't have memory retention, they don't remember where they were previously, they just react to stimulant. So that mall is clear, I haven't seen any activity around there since. Still want to keep an eye out when we get inside, but getting there should be no problem. Like I said...that's where I'm headed, you girls are free to tag along. I only got one rule" he said pointing to Mic, "Keep those guns holstered. The area we're going into is clean, BUT, the surrounding blocks are far from clean. One shot rings out and we're surrounded by probably hundreds of Zekes.

Jason then turned to start leading them across the roof tops towards the mall he had indicated. There were zombies milling around that they could see, but Jason's assessment was correct, and in their immediate area they didn't seem to have any zombies. They got to a corner of a building and could see the mall across the street. "Okay, before we go in a few things to take note of. First, going back that way along this street will take you the Aqueduct, you can follow that out of the city to a safe place. If you can't get there...I've scouted that red brick firehouse, it's not ideal as you'll be confined to one spot, but there's been no sign of any Zekes around there, the doors are heavy enough to withstand a swarm. It won't get you out of the city but it'll keep you from being a Zeke's lunch." he said pointing out his exit points he'd mapped out.

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Character Portrait: Jason Graves Character Portrait: Jessica Matthews Character Portrait: Michaline Abigale Walker
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Jess took the bottle from the guy and examined it as he spoke. "Cool, Thanks." She said. She wouldn't worry about the pain relievers she had in her case. They seemed to be hell bent on doping her up. She looked up when he spoke his name. "Jason Graves?" She said and shook her head."Oh yeah... My grandmother used to watch that show, I never saw the point of that, putting yourself through all that shit. Well, I guess it worked out now, huh." She said with a shrug. It would only hit her later how that came off. Wow, Three years with no people really takes a toll on one's social skills.

He then went on about his original plans. She palmed her forehead at the mention of the mall. "Dude, seriously? That's like Zombie Exnay 101. Malls are never a good idea." She said but rolled her eyes. "Aside from the fact that you JUST SAID, it's heavily infested." She said and held up her hands as if to say 'What the fuck?'

He explained and she nodded. "Can't beat that." She said. "I still think that mall is just asking for ironic trouble." She muttered following behind him as he started walking.

She looked around as they walked and sure enough. Jason was right on the money. The Zombs seem to be less and less to being nonexistent.

Soon enough, they were across the street from the mall
"Okay, before we go in a few things to take note of. First, going back that way along this street will take you the Aqueduct, you can follow that out of the city to a safe place. If you can't get there...I've scouted that red brick firehouse, it's not ideal as you'll be confined to one spot, but there's been no sign of any Zekes around there, the doors are heavy enough to withstand a swarm, It won't get you out of the city but it'll keep you from being a Zeke's lunch. He explained and she rested her arms on her head. "Alrighty then." She said with a sigh then her eyes fell on the mall. She frowned a second. "You know, Chances are, not all of them left out." She said and slid on her goggles. It was both protection from the sand and from Zomb splatter. She flexed her toes inside her new shoes and reached behind her for her bat. "Lead the way, Vorhees." She said to Jason, gesturing to the mall with her back. She had to pick on him a bit. Hell, His name was Jason, he had a machete. It was too hard to resist.

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Character Portrait: Jason Graves Character Portrait: Jessica Matthews Character Portrait: Michaline Abigale Walker
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They were getting ready to move when Jason looked over at Mic. "You know...maybe it wouldn't be so bad for you to hang out up here. If a swarm all of a sudden shows up on the street...I mean...the noise won't help, but having some fire power to thin out a swarm may help us escape to the Fire Station at least. Depending on how good of a shot you are" he said with a grin.

"Voorhes huh? Says Goggles the Overlord" he said chuckling gesturing to Jess's goggles. "Okay first thing, hand signals. If I do this..." he put up a fist, "That means stop. If I do this..." he waved his arm forward "That means move in whichever direction I'm pointing. This..." he motioned his arm downward, almost like dribbling a basketball "means get down, and this..." he tapped the top of his head "means to take cover quick. Got it?" he asked as he saw Jess nod, "Inside a building even a quiet voice can stir up trouble, so the less sound we have to make the better. Alright, let's go shopping" he said as he climbed down from the building, scanned the street, then ran across to the mall entrance.



Once inside the place looked desserted. but with multiple floors there was always a chance zombies could be lurking somewhere nearby. Then as they stood near the door, Jason did something that seemed to be incredibly stupid. He picked up a pop can lying on the ground, and proceeded to roll it across the lobby floor. The sound was definitely loud enough to be heard by a zombie as they had incredible hearing. Before Jess could object Jason put his hand up to stop her. "If there are any around, it's better to find out about them when we're right next to an exit" he whispered to her, he always planned ahead for everything. He stood and waited, his ears trained to pick out any sound, a moan, or even a shuffling of feet. "Nothing...that's a good sign, now, let's move quick" he whispered, then turned as if to answer Jess's next question "They react to sound and follow it's source, meaning if there are any still here...they're coming here...which means it's a good idea for us to move somewhere that's NOT here" he whispered, then led her down one of the hallways.

The first store they came to was a sporting goods store. Jason carefully moved inside, the place was dark and a lot of things like bats, hockey sticks, etc. were already long gun, but it didn't seem like Jason was looking for those things anyway. He first found a backpack still on the shelf. He then proceeded to put a few plastic water bottles in it. He then found some sports tape, which most looters had apparently left untouched. He put numerous rolls into the bag as well. He found another backpack and tossed it to Jess, he pointed down another aisle indicating for her to head down that way. He then made his way to the shoe area, there wasn't much left but he did find a pair of hiking boots which seemed to fit, he also grabbed three packages of socks off the rack as well. It wasn't Jason's first time doing a run like this, he knew what was valuable to survive. Most looters just grabbed whatever they found that they thought could kill zombies, unfortunately most surviors never thought about the bigger challenge, surviving in a world that was fast approaching a return to pre-historic times, at least in terms of man made amenitites.

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Character Portrait: Jason Graves Character Portrait: Jessica Matthews Character Portrait: Michaline Abigale Walker
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Jess' arched an eyebrow as Jason's quip. "You made it easy...Somebody had to say it..."

Once inside, Jason decided to roll a soda can into the middle of the empty mall. Jess swore it was the loudest thing she'd ever heard. 'We're doomed.' she thought and Jason went on proudly. "Are you kidding me? Three S's man, Sight, Smell, and most importantly Sound, are you trying to kill us?" She said and was tempted to pop him one but he explained himself and she sighed. "Whatever, You can warn me next time..."

They found themselves at a sporting good store. Jason handed her a bag and they commenced to 'shopping'.

Jess found most of the place was raided. She found some rope, some tape and went to see if by any chance the world was stupid enough to leave sleeping bags.

"Sweet." She whispered when she found quite a bit of them and aisle full to be exact. She turned the corner and was smacked hard in the stench of decaying flesh.
"Oh god." She groaned, covering her mouth but it was too late, the smell reached her gag reflexes and she retched a few times. Now she was happy she hadn't any food or things would have been ugly.
Laying on the floor were four bloody body bags, Three were torn to shreds, and the last one had the poor soul still inside, it seems the guy decided to check out himself rather then deal with this shit. The smell was powerful. It's no wonder there weren't any Zombs in here. It smelled like a whole lot of death.

Jess had to walk away before the smell knock her out. She stood a little ways away, catching her breath. Jason took notice. "Yea, I'm okay, There's a dead body over there. Recks to high heaven but I gotta get those sleeping bags. Santa Ana will be visiting soon." She said and she pulled up a a bandana she had time loosly around her neck, up over her nose and mouth and knowing it wouldn't help too much, she went down the aisle anyway.

She retched a few times once back down the aisle but she managed to snag three sleeping bags.

She hurried out of the aisle. "Good Lord..." She breathed, resting her hands on her knees as she gulped in a few deep breaths. She straightened herself up and went to the far side of the room looking for protective gear. She filled her bag with fishing wire, ropes, some disposable rain parkas and a few other items that'll help with water collection. On her way back, she walked down an aisle, just looking things over, protective gear and what not, She grinned when she saw a hockey mask. "Yo, Vorhees. Dig this?" She said in a hushed tone as she walked up to him. She put the hockey mask on his head. "Now you got the whole deal." She said and laughed at his comment. "Okay, okay I'm done...I think...maybe...probably not." She said and had to stifle more laughter . "Anyway, You ready, There's a Tokyo Express on the top floor, They've got actually sword's an shit. Mine's a little dull." She said underexaggerating. "They've got dry foods and fruits imported from Japan too, It's not much but it's nourishment." she added with a shrug.

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Character Portrait: Jason Graves Character Portrait: Jessica Matthews Character Portrait: Michaline Abigale Walker
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Jason nodded as they exited the sporting goods store and carefully headed up the levels. They got to the Tokyo Express store, Jason didn't feel the need to grab any sort of sword, he had his hand crafted Machete and that was good enough for him but he did pocket some of the dry food they had imported, stuff like this seemed to have been passed over by a lot of survivors, which was good news for Jason and Jess. "Remember only take with you what you can run with" he whispered as he looked around the store as well. Jess seemed to be happy with a sword she had found, "moving up from your Fisher Price knife huh?" Jason chuckled a little as they left the store. They moved out, Jason grabbed a pair of Oakley sunglasses as he'd lost his last pair when he got surprised by some zombies. He wasn't entirely sure why, but it seemed as if the sun was getting hotter these days. Different governments had tried different approaches, some launching massive bombs or emptying their arsenal of warheads, shockingly enough nobody detonated a nuclear warhead, Jason was sure in the desperation of the moment some country somewhere would unleash one on the the zombies. He was glad it never happened, a zeke was bad enough, but radio-active zekes would just border on cheating.

When they exited the mall they looked around, but Mic wasn't at her perch watching over the mall. Jess muttered something about her taking off. Jason and Jess quickly moved back towards the roof pathway they had followed to the mall. They started back when Jason saw Mic overlooking a street, her machine gun was raised. Jason didn't have time to stop her, or even get to her before she opened up on a small group of zombies below her. Jason got up to her and grabbed her arm, "are you fucking crazy? You know how far away the sound of that gun travels?" Jason asked irate. "I'm fucking tired of hiding from these fucking things! This is our fucking land not theirs!" Mic yelled back. Jason had seen this before, eventually if you weren't careful the stress and apparent hopelessness of the situation got to you, where you either got angry and felt the urge to kill every single one of them, or you figured there was no point in surviving anymore. There were a few still scattered and Mic continued opening fire on them, then his fear came true as a swarm of zombies seemed to appear from around the corner, rushing towards their position. "We gotta get out of here!" Jason said grabbing her arm, but she was gone, she pulled her arm back "fuck them, I'm fucking tired of running" she said and started opening fire on the zombie mob that was coming down the street.

Jason could have killed for an eagle eye view of the city right then, but he knew what he'd see. Every pocket of zombies, probably across the city, would be headed toward the sound of Mic's gunfire. If they didn't leave soon, the roofs wouldn't even be safe. He turned to Jess "let her make her own decisions, but if we don't get out of here soon there won't be any use in escaping" he said as he turned back to Mic "Listen just leave them and come with us" Jason shouted at Mic, she was too busy spraying zombie splatter all over the street below. Jason had to admit she was a good shot. Then suddenly a hand reached up and grabbed her throat. A zombie had climbed up the side of the building and in one motion pulled her off the roof, as she fell through the air and landed on the street. Jason heard the gunfire blast for a few moments and then it stopped, shortly after they heard a scream, it was Mic. Jason got to the edge and saw the swarm piling ontop of her, chewing away at her arms and legs. She made eye contact with Jason "don't let me turn!" she screamed, almost pleadingly. There was nothing Jason could do, he'd have to be on the ground to use his Machete, and he had left his cross-bow in the cave he was camping in, he had nothing to put Mic out of her misery with. The previous gunfire, combined with her agonizing screams were drawing zombies like flies to honey. He grabbed Jess "We gotta move now" he said, he followed her gaze down below to Mic "Listen, the only thing we're going to be able to do is die along side her...come on" he said pulling Jess's arm as he headed across the roof tops. If they were lucky maybe the distraction Mic made would give them a clear straight path out of the city and back to his cave he was camped out in.

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Character Portrait: Jason Graves Character Portrait: Jessica Matthews Character Portrait: Michaline Abigale Walker
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Jess and Jason grabbed up the dried fruits from Tokyo Express. She used to love this place. She'd lived in Japan with her parents and it reminded her of them. She found a tri-set of kanatas, three different sizes. She was shocked no one grabbed them up. But then again, no body thought to come to places like these. She'd survived just like that. Thinking of places the rest of the world didn't. That also had her living off of dry foods but what the hell.

Jess examined her new swords. She pulled the standard katana from it's candy apple red sheath. The blade rang a bit as she did so. She grinned. "Oh hell yeah." She whispered. "Finally moving up from your Fisher Price knife, huh?" Jess narrowed her eyes. "Haha You got jokes. Bet this knife could cut you up." She said, smiling.

They finished up, Jess looked like something out of a kung fu movie, Four swords strapped to her,as they made it outside. They both notice Mic with her gun raised and before anyone of then could do any of them, she fired on a pack of zombies. "You tryina' kill us?!" She shrieked but Jason went on to reprimending her. They went back and forth and Jason started toward her, telling her to let her make her decisions. Soon enough her decision got her killed as zombies rushed her. Jess watched in horror as Mic was being eaten alive. She didn't even know the girl but she was alive, that was all that mattered to Jess. Her screams would haunt her as Jess had noticed to end it for her. There was so many, all she'd end up doing would being killing herself. Jason grabbed her arm but all Jess could do was watch as the girl was torn apart. "Listen, the only thing we:re going to be able to do is die along side her...come on." He said and dragged her with him. "You won't turn!" She called back to her, knowing that nothing would be left of her to turn.

Jason lead her back to his cave, Mic seemed to be able keep the zombies on her, and gave them a safe way out. Jason secured his barricade and Jess dropped to the floor. Jason went on to tell her there was nothing they could do for her.

"I know...but still...I just wish...nevermind." She said and pulled her knees to her chin and sighed. That was the world they lived in now. People died. In horrible gruesome ways. She'd had to get use to that.

After a long silence. "You could a left me. On the freeway, on the roof, You didn't have to do that...Thanks." She said. All her snark, jokes, and sarcasm seemed to disappear into seriousness and sincerity. She'd only just realised he didn't have to drag her out of there when the zombies attacked. He could of high tailed it out of there and left her to her own devices but he didn't. She wondered why.

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Jason had led Jess back to his cave. "The place is a hole in the ground" he said with a joking laugh as he led her up the side of a small rock face, it was a pretty gradual grade, shallow enough that they could walk up. Jason grinned when he saw Jess looking around for the cave, she was looking for an open cave mouth, maybe 5 to 10 feet high perhaps, but the cave Jason found was a lot more strategically located. The cave opening was at an angle, and facing up to the sky. You could still technically walk into it, but it was virtually invisible if you were to look straight at it due to the angle of the opening. Once they were inside she saw Jason pull out something made of wood from the trees nearby possibly, and covered with pine needle branches. He attached it near the lower mouth of the cave with a makeshift system of hooks he'd made with wood and some cable. Once in place the barricade sealed off the bottom half of the cave opening, making it almost impossible to enter, with the top half of the cave mouth going into the section of the rock face that took a steep incline. Nobody could just walk into the cave now, not without alerting Jason of their presence.

Jason started up a small fire as well, it was then Jess noticed the other reason for the pine branches, as the smoke rose, the pine branches absorbed a lot of the smoke, and therefore very little would escape outside into the sky, meaning there'd hardly be any trace or sigh of their existence there unless you looked right at it. "This place is pretty cleverly hidden, good to keep away from wandering Zekes, the rock face above us is too step for them to climb, and we'd hear them coming from below before they got here. Also makes the place virtually invisible to looters or any other gangs like that" he said. There wasn't much room, the cave inside was maybe 7 feet high, there was a hand-made ladder he would take down once they were inside. There were a couple sleeping bags inside the cave "I used the extras for insulation when it got cold, or if one got ripped or something" Jason explained.

Jess then asked about why he had decided to help her out when he didn't have to. "Humans weren't built to operate alone. They're creatures who thrive and depend on interaction. After the initial wave, most people died either by killing themselves or just losing their minds completely. Zombies aren't the biggest threat on the planet, isolation is...zombies are a close second." He said with a grin. "After awhile if you're just ask yourself what the point is...why go through all the stress of avoiding Zekes." He said, then after pausing a moment. "So I guess that's why I decided to help you. Besides...every person I can one less Zeke I got to kill"

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"Humans weren't built to operate alone. They're creatures who thrive and depend on interaction. After the initial wave, most people died either by killing themselves or just losing their minds completely. Zombies aren't the biggest threat on the planet, isolation is...zombies are a close second." Jason explained and ended with a grin. Jess nodded. "After awhile if you're just ask yourself what the point is...why go through all the stress of avoiding Zekes." he said and there was silence. Jess knew what that felt like. She wasn't far from there already..."So I guess that's why I decided to help you. Besides...every person I can one less Zeke I got to kill." Jess smirked. "Here here." She said and removed her goggles, relieving a small headache she didn't know she had.

She looked around with a sigh. "I guess I should show you all my stuff. I mean if we're gonna be sticking together." She said and then began to methodically arrange all of her gear. Her swords were ordered according to size with her bat beside them, her medinical viles arranged by color and her food according to expiration date. She noticed Jason catching on to the pattern. "OCD." She said with a smirk. "It used to be really bad as a kid but It's not so bad now. I only freak the fuck out if someone rearranges my order, other then that. Most people can't even tell." She said as she finished arranging her inventory. She looked up at him. "So this is it." She said and then her a noise coming from above them. She grabbed her smallest blade quickly. "What was that?" she whispered.

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Character Portrait: Nickolas Mapals
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#, as written by Shaodow
Nick was heading into the city for a little scavenging, to see if he could round up enough supplies to make a second visit to the Zeke infested city unnecessary for another month at the least. But that plan was quickly derailed by the actions of one, clearly not to bright and or suicidal survivor. Just as he was arriving at the edge of the city he heard the echoes of a gunshot, knowing the consequences of such a reckless action sent him flying in the opposite direction almost immediately. There were several shots following the first and then silence which confirmed three things; who ever fired those shot would surely be dead very, very soon. And more importantly there were more survivors most likely taking refuge outside the city as well. Whenever he went out to gather supplies for himself he could not help but notice something, something most people probably wouldn't be able to see, or see it and only realize what it meant too late. There were quite a few places people would obviously try first when scavenging for themselves, like convenience stores, so of course they were pretty much completely emptied out. Yet every now and then he would check just for the sake of being thorough and he would find something turned over here or there that remained previously undisturbed, or a bar cabinet open that he'd closed himself. It meant there were other survivors out there that even though the scavenged the same area of the city as him, yet they somehow never crossed paths. And if they were scavenging the same area within the city, they probably would probably have a camp set up somewhere in the same area as well.

The gunshot worked out in his favor in the end as it manage to lure probably over 80% of the zombies to it's point of origin, even the stragglers outside the city and making it very easy to scout around for any hidden camps or caves. In the end he didn't find anything but a few fruit bearing trees that he hadn't gone far enough out to discover on his own, and just as he was about give up and head back to his own camp, he saw them. two adults running for their lives, one a dark haired woman and the other a giant who was at least 10 years older than the woman who's arm he held on to for dear life. The woman had that look, the look one gets after watching someone they care about get torn apart by the hordes. They must have been a small group before the gunshot which most likely came from one of their members. Fortunately because of his size it was an easy to simply stay low to escape the sight of the fleeing adults. Even though the man was burdened by the woman he drug with him it was still pretty difficult to keep up with the weight of the Rifle he carried with him, and the backpack jammed with ammunition, weighing him down. But he managed to just barely keep up in the end.

He had to wait until they were practically at what seemed to be the entrance to a naturally well hidden cave before he followed them up the shallow path because the rattling ammo would be too noisy rush up on them. The best he could do was tread lightly to make as little noise as possible once they were climbing into the entrance. He could hear what was probably the older man setting up a trap as he ascended to the cave's entrance; By the time he got there they were already well inside and all that was left was for him to get pass the barricade as quietly as possible and sneak inside. He couldn't help but feel a little like he was in an old spy show as he crept into the entrance. When he came across the barricade, upon closer study he was both shocked and impressed by the level of complexity achieved with with unrefined wood and wire; However it wasn't clever enough for him. It appeared that the barricade was designed to not just block others out, but to guide them into a completely different area of the cave without them knowing. Anyone else would be easily fooled, but he wasn't anyone else. He went straight to work disabling the system of hooks and wire as quietly as he could, but he unfortunately over looked one detail that resulted in him being hit with a wall of smoke that was previously being filtered before he removed the barricade. His bodies first instinctual reaction was to drop everything and shield his eyes from the smoke that burned them and he stumbled back and fell right on his ass, coughing the entire time.

It was safe to say his stealthy infiltration was a complete failure. He did his best to gather himself before they came running, he had no idea just how many people were waiting in the cave other than the two he followed in. He figured there must be at least five of them if there was already a fire; He stood up and readied his rifle and waited

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Jason and Jess both heard the commotion above them. "Wait here" Jason said, he slid his combat Machete into his sheath, and then grabbed a compound cross bow from some bags. Jason climbed up and pulled down the barricade he'd made, evidently it worked out just as he had planned it to work. He took a mirror, using it to peer over the edge of the cave opening without exposing himself. He could see what looked like a person, and a rifle lying in wait not to far away.

Jason didn't want to kill somebody unless he had to, he had no way of knowing if this person with the rifle was a threat, or just some spooked survivour. He also had to think of a way to solve the situation without that rifle going off and drawing who knows how many zombies toward his hideout. Jason grabbed a small rock from near his feet, he was able to get enough velocity from his position to hurl the stone at his target, Jason's accuracy was close enough as it struck the target above the shoulders around the head. As soon as Jason heard the cry from the target in reaction to the stone, he swung up over the lip of the cave entrance bringing the crossbow up, "You do anything but drop that rifle you're getting an arrow through the skull" Jason said as he knelt down in firing position as he saw the target stumbling to get back to his feet. It was still too dark to make out details. "I don't want to hurt you unless I have to" Jason warned.

Being an outdoorsman and adventure guide had helped him survive off the land, having spent a brief stint with the Airbourne Rangers just out of college before he realized that the army wasn't for him had helped him handle encounters like these. He may not be a Ranger, but he made sure to keep up all the skills he'd learned polished, even if it had been only a short 12 month stint.

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"Wait here,"

Jess watched as Jason disappeared up and out of the cave. She stood up, her small blade in hand. She heard a bunch of noise. Jason's hushed voice and a smaller, one a cry of sorts, like one of thoses 'Ow' type cries. It was either female or a child. Either way, Jess felt she should be the diplomat. She found a stick, wrapped a small bit of bandages around it and then grabbed on of her viles. It was a hair gel. Believe it or not, it pretty flammable and . She dabbed a small bit on the bandage and ran it over the fire Jason had made. She climbed up with the torch in hand and followed the sound of Jason's voice. "I don't want to hurt you unless I have to." He said and Jess came up to him, illuminating the cave some. She saw Jason and then she saw a smaller figure. "It's a kid."
She said, in shock. She could already hear Jason's protest about her staying put but whatever. "Put the cross bow down, Jason. It's a little kid." She said, though the boy looked about 10 to 15. She wasn't sure, but something, maybe it was just a natural maternal thing that went off in her head, something made her want that kid, fed, warm and as safe as humanly possible.

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Character Portrait: Jason Graves Character Portrait: Nickolas Mapals Character Portrait: Jessica Matthews
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#, as written by Shaodow
Nick was breathing evenly, his grip was firm and steady on his rifle, and his ears were wide open. He heard what he suspected was the shuffling of feet somewhere in the darkness and his heart rate began a rapid climb. His eyes narrowed as he tried his damnedest to keep his hands from getting shaky; This was the first time he's been in a confrontation with another human, and they were much older than him so he suspected they've had their fair share of experience with bandits, meaning they were more prepared to kill another living human than he. At this point he was seriously considering calling it quits and high tailing while before it was to late, but before he got the chance something round and hard struck the side of his head near his temple that sent him tumbling to his butt once again.

" Ow! You son of a bitch! " he growled as he rushed to his feet, fumbling to ready his rifle once more, but it was already too late. The older man he'd followed here was already in position with his bow trained on Nick's head, making threats.

"I don't want to hurt you unless I have to"

Yeah right, he thought. Nick figured he would probably shoot him the very second he put his gun down anyways. Nick refused to drop the Rifle, but he did not raise it either; He held it at his side, barrel pointing down at an angle, hovering just a few inches above the ground. Just as he was about to recommend a meeting of the compact bow and the man's anus, the woman who he had been dragging along with him came up carrying a torch that illuminated the scene. She looked shocked when she saw him; Understandably seeing as he may very well be the first person either of them have seen as young as him. One that wasn't trying desperately to tear them limb from limb at least.

" It's a Kid!"


"Put the cross bow down, Jason. It's a little kid."

For a moment he had completely forgotten the standoff. He hated being called a kid, and a little kid at that. His first instinct was to march up to her and show her how very from from being a "little kid " he was. Fortunately he was able to put his pride aside and see the forest for the trees; She was probably saving his life, because he was good with his Rifle, but definitely not strong enough to raise it and fire it accurately before the man buried an arrow in-between his eyes.

" Look man " he said as he bent down, slowly, placed the rifle on the ground next to his feet and rose again with his hands up to show that he didn't have any more concealed on his body. There was only the switch blade in his pocket. A memento of his mother who carried it with her in and out of the house, always. " Truce alright "

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Jess watched as the kid slowly put the rifle down and rose with his hands up. "Look man," He began and Jess relaxed, She didn't think Jason would shot an unarmed kid, so she turned toward the kid. "Truce okay." He said and Jess let out a breath and gave the kid a grin, hoping she made the right judgement in trusting Jason and his personality- He seemed like a decent reasonable man, hell he dragged her with him when she was struck stupid watching Michaline die,- she was fairly certain his cross bow was down though she didn't see him. "Hey, What's your name, Kid? I'm Jessica, You can call me Jess." she said, approaching him cautiously. Jess was friendly, not stupid, the kid could very well be a scout from some gang, using him to lure out anybody, especially women. Luckliy for Jess, being an army brat, she had some extenstive martials art training. She could atleast handling herself against a kid.

A dark thought but hell, these were dark times.

Regardless, she extended a hand with a friendly and more importantly, genuine smile.

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Jason lowered his cross-bow. "My name's Jason, are you alone kid?" he asked as he approached the kid with Jess slowly. Jason scanned the area, it was dark and if there was anyone with him it wouldn't take much for them to hide out of sight. However if they were planning on using a kid to lure people out, giving him a loaded gun to point at people probably wouldn't have been the best move, had it been somebody not as level headed as Jason the kid would be dead right now. He lowered the cross-bow, but didn't put it down, watching Jess as she moved close to the kid, he figured there was no harm keeping the bow ready in case something happened.

Jason watched Jess introduce herself to the kid, for almost a year Jason had pretty much been roaming around on his own without seeing anyone, at least nobody living. Now in the span of not even 24 hours he had run into three other humans...and seen one torn to pieces by a mob of Zekes. That was the only downside to connecting with other people in this new world, you ran the risk of seeing any friend get ripped apart by zombies.

"Hey it's not exactly safe being out here after dark, especially if we're going to be talking and stuff. If you want kid, you're welcome to come join us inside, we got enough room for one more" Jason said.

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"Hey It's not exactly safe being out here after dark, especially if we're going to be talking and stuff. If you want kid, you're welcome to come join us inside, we got enough room for one more." Jason said and Jess grinned at the boy, who looked like he was irritated by something. "Nick." He said and Jessica blinked. "Call me Nick. Not kid." He said and Jess frowned a little at his tone.
"Okay Nick." Jess began. "How about get you inside, huh?" She said with a big babysitter smile as she reached around him and hovered her hand over his back, sort of leading him toward the enterance of the cave. Nick lookee uncomfortable by that gesture by sort of shrugging away from her, gathering up anything he'd dropped. Jessica frowned a little but figured, he was probably more antisocial then she was.

Jason lead them back inside, before going back to reset the barricade that Nick had skillfully removed. Jess looked at the boy. "How old are you, Nick?" She asked curisously as she went back over her inventory, checking her swords for sharpness.

"11" Nick repliled. Jessica whipped her head in his direction. Her eyes wide. "Holy shit." She gasped, Nick looked as if it was no big deal. She did the math in her head. He was 8 when this shit went down.
She was still playing with barbie dolls when she was 8.

Jessica stayed quiet after that. It was the Jason returned and started to talk to Nick himself.

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Character Portrait: Jason Graves
Character Portrait: Nickolas Mapals


Character Portrait: Nickolas Mapals
Nickolas Mapals

" Take a fucking hike, I got this "

Character Portrait: Jason Graves
Jason Graves

You can try to save the world, or live long enough to see the end of it


Character Portrait: Jason Graves
Jason Graves

You can try to save the world, or live long enough to see the end of it

Character Portrait: Nickolas Mapals
Nickolas Mapals

" Take a fucking hike, I got this "

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jason Graves
Jason Graves

You can try to save the world, or live long enough to see the end of it

Character Portrait: Nickolas Mapals
Nickolas Mapals

" Take a fucking hike, I got this "

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Re: The Last Ones Left

alot of my keys have stopped working so i cant really rp till I get a new one. Could you just take control of my character for now to move things along? Im sure you'll be able to figure out what actions he would take based off his personality and history

Re: The Last Ones Left

sorry man. Mt computer has been out of commission kinda

Re: The Last Ones Left

Hey Shadow, are you going to be posting soon? Just wondering as we were kinda waiting for your next post.

Re: The Last Ones Left

Also, not sure if I made reference to Jason's height, but he's not really a "giant", he'd be about 6'2" and around 180 to 200 lbs. Unless you were using the reference to demonstrate the size difference between your guy and Jason.

Re: The Last Ones Left

Yeah, maybe to understand the barricade better...

Picture a hole instead of a cave opening. Now elevate that hole to a 30 degree angle with the highest point sloping into the rock face, and that's kinda what the cave opening looks like.

Now, as for the barricade, it essentially covers off the bottom half of the opening, leaving the top half (closest to the steep rock face) open.

Also, I maybe didn't describe the size of it either. This "cave" is really more comparable to a hole. Where Jason and Jess are sleeping would be pretty much right below the barricade, and the barricade is about 7 feet up from the floor of the cave, so your guy would have most likely been noticed right away.

The cave isn't very big, I said it had a height (or maybe depth is better) of about 7 or 8 feet. The opening is roughly 15 feet in diameter, and the cave isn't too much bigger inside. So the way I'd picture it, this cave would hold maybe 4 or 5 people "cozily".

If that paints a better picture of the cave.

Re: The Last Ones Left

I was having trouble coordinating what my character should be doing with what happened with yours, and I also had trouble understanding the barricade so I just did the best I can to explain him getting through it in a way that made sense. I hope it's ok

Re: The Last Ones Left

Right on mate. I'll get to posting now

Re: The Last Ones Left

@Shaodow- I left an opening for you, if you wanna jump in.

Re: The Last Ones Left

I'll describe it in my next post. The roleplay started off with Jason already headed to the city, so there's only been a brief reference to it.

Re: The Last Ones Left

It doesn't mention anywhere what the cave looks like on the outside, nor does it mention the construct of said barricade, so I'm struggling to find a way to do this. Do you think you could explain what it's supposed to look like, outside and in? Outside, like how will I describe it when my character sees it, and the barricade. The inside being what he should expect to see when they actually let him in; Placement of a fireplace within the cave, any miscellaneous tools or materials lying about, backpacks, things like that to help me be more descriptive.

Re: The Last Ones Left

Hey Shaodow, I'd say what might work better is that your character sees Jason and Jess as they're returning to the cave and decides to follow them.

Re: The Last Ones Left

Hmm? I don't see why not, though, I'm fairly certain, Jason probably would have had it barricaded and hidden pretty well. So you might wanna explain how he came across it, how he got in yadiyada and not just have him just pop up. Okay?

Re: The Last Ones Left

Just for the sake of having my character join up with yours without a bunch of useless solo roleplaying, is it cool if my next post starts off with him hidden somewhere in that cave? As if he stumbled across it, saw that it had been occupied, and lay in wait to ambush who ever returned?

Re: The Last Ones Left

Your characters have been accepted so you can go ahead and post!

Re: The Last Ones Left

I have a character I could use from another post apocalyptic rp; My character can replace Naga's spot. Would you prefer I re do the character in the form of a Journal Entree?

Re: The Last Ones Left

Hey guys, I'm going to have to bow out of this. I simply do not have the time to keep up with this. So, just have Mic get eaten or something. Hope you two have fun!

Re: The Last Ones Left

No problem. Maybe Michaline decides not to go with Jason and Jess, but instead decides to follow along behind them at distance, maybe feeling safe that way? Just an idea

Re: The Last Ones Left

Okay, I'm just letting you two know, I can't post every day, or post multiple times every day, either. However, I don't want to hold the role play up any, but I do ask that you kindly wait for me? Please? I would post now, but I have to go to sleep as I have to work tonight [I work midnights full-time, which is 10pm to 6:30am]

Re: The Last Ones Left

Love the characters so far! Just created mine finally, unfortunately won't have time to do anything before tonight.

Feel free to start posting, I'll be on tonight

Re: The Last Ones Left

Michaline is done ^^