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Xmen: Rise of the Shadows

Xmen: Rise of the Shadows


Years have passed since mutants changed history for the better. Cities grew, People changed... Mutants have died. Humans rather made mutants their calling to attack before they lose their land. So now, the Xmen have gone into hiding, waiting to rise up...

4,202 readers have visited Xmen: Rise of the Shadows since Dak'nahlan J'novi created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Violence and destruction always seem to come so easily to even the best among us. But together, we found a better way....


About 30 years it's been since 2014. The X-men have been living in harmony with what they had before humanity over thought their presumptions. Xavier's School was found and destroyed. They lost a lot of assets along the way. Storm, Wolverine, Magneto... Even Xavier himself. So the remaining X-men went into hiding, some even splitting off and away from the people they once were so close to. The School for the Gifted somehow lived on though. Mutants started to gather together and form a new sanctuary for X-men everywhere. Who would have thought that a decommissioned bunker could turn into the Third Generation of Xavier's School once again?

Welcome to the X-men Universe! I hope, I being your CPU, that you enjoy this RP to it's fullest. Now, before beginning this RP, read the rules and get back up here before long. If you have any questions, please advise the GM in the OOC Forum of this RP.

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1: Keep your character as original as possible. If its just another Wolverine cookie cutter, try again. If he's somehow linked to Logan as a distant relative however, just don't copy the entirity that is Logan and you'll be fine.
2: Have a bit of knowledge before starting the RP. Otherwise, you might get a bit lost.
3: Give your X-men OC some sort of weakness. Everyone has a weakness.
4: Keep your character appropriate for goodness sakes.
5: There is no #5.
6: Have fun and Enjoy!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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"It's going to take more than resources and time. We still have to worry about humans out there who have death warrants on all of us.. Changing their minds, "if that is even possible, won't be easy." The world Flicker wanted was one he avoided thinking about. It made it easier for her to exist in the one she was already in. She had a family she wanted to see again, a life she was forced to abandon. But the plain and simple fact was that humans would not have their minds changed so easily of history was any indication.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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0.00 INK

Cyrus chuckled slightly. Now he knew why his father wanted him to be there. Idiots still believed humans had a grain of acceptance in them."Right, change the mind of humans. The actions that took place after the war proved well enough they don't want their minds changed. They took the very name of the X-men and stamped it out of their records like a curse, and not just the governments. Friends, families, neighbors, they all did their part in turning us into things to hate and fear."

He straightened up and crossed his arms in front of him. "Magneto may have been brash and idiotic in his actions but he was right about one thing. Humans will never trust us completely. Especially not after that war. What they will do is lure us out of hiding with this peace nonsense and kill us where we sleep."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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0.00 INK

Rachelle smiled as she followed the males hands. "Well well~ quite a plan really. But i do agree with the dude over there. Time and resources isn't just what we need. But with a crew like this, im sure anythings possible, right? I mean soooo many possibilities. And as for the trust thing, well of course they don't trust us. A large amount really. Mostly because mutants are given bad reputations by the media, the people AND the government. If we wanna change anything, it may have to be a little hush-hush before we go off and show ourselves to the world."

Rachelle began to float around and smile. "My suggestion, we start looking around for something.... ya know.. Important. Maybe the X-men before us has some plans or useful info that could come in handy. Maybe even a message for surviving mutants from Daddy X himself or something." She smiled sheepishly. "But ya know... Only a idea. Your the boss and all Flicks~."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Drake Wilson Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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0.00 INK

Location: Cerebro
Time: Nighttime I think

Rebecca slowly closed her eyes. She remembered what Flicker had said. But what she could could save the world. She had to know more. She slowly put Cerebro on her head and turned it on. The lights went out then the door locked.

Deadpool sat down and walked around the bunker, exploring. Then he heard something something big had been closed. It was the lock of a huge door. He looked around, trying to find the door that had locked. Then something inside his head said Cerebro. It said it again. Cerebro. He walked slowly to a wall. It had a big door, that was closed.... "Someone's in there" he said. "Someone is using Cerebro..." he whispered, knowing it was not a good thing. He wedged his sword in between the doors, trying to get them to open...

Rebecca could see many, many mutants. She knew what they had to do, and she knew how to do it. She was not a telepath, but somehow she had a connection with Cerebro. They had to remake the X-men. And soon.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Drake Wilson Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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0.00 INK

Cyrus scoffed. "The X-men obviously failed once why on earth should we use their plans. Besides the school was destroyed in the war, everyone knows that." He looked Rachelle over once, out of curiosity wondering what her mutation was. "Whatever we do I really think we ought to do it with caution. Humans hate us, there's no denying that. Even if we seem to be making progress they will continue to hate us and whisper foul things from the safety of their homes and in the presence of their children reminding each other of the damage we caused in that war. I propose we gain favor quietly. Ignore the governments for now and work where the shadows are. That's where most the hate will lurk. If you get the villages to love you, the king will have to kneel."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Drake Wilson Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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0.00 INK

"Oh come on. Theres no need to think so negatively." She said with a smile. "Sure, their plan may have failed but who makes a plan without making other plans along with it?" She said while shrugging. "And as for the hate thing, not EVERYONE hates us. Just... a large amount of people... But the world isn't all black and white you know. Asking humans for help couldn't hurt. You never know what kinds of connections you can have. Most of the hatred is targeted to big cities and heavily populated areas. But the world is big. As well as countries of the sort. And who knows, we might even find some more mutants along the way." She said optimistically. "The only way to over come a problem like this is a positive outlook! So stop thinking so negatively you big downer."

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Drake Wilson Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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0.00 INK

James fell back down to a crouch as the others spoke, his eyes darting back and forth to each individual as his head twitched every now and then. Whatever the group were talking about, it wasn't making any sense, in fact it seemed a bit boring. There are much more easier ways to gain a human's trust, or maybe simply force it.

And so, after some muttering under his breath with his head looking side to side after each sentence as if he were talking to himself, James spoke up; "Kill. Eat. Humans. Force. Fear. Love. Hate. Survive survive survive.... Hungry..."

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Drake Wilson Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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0.00 INK

Location: Cerebro
Time: Nighttime

Deadpool tried and tried to open the door, without success. He ran down the hallway, flailing his arms and saying "Someone got stuck in Cerebro! I can't get the door to open!" He looked at the one with one eye expectantly. Please help, please help...I know who's in there...I need help to get her out....please.

Rebecca put her hands on Cerebro, grimacing. She shut her eyes closed. The lights in the bunker were flickering off and on.
She set her head down. Her head was starting to hurt.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo Character Portrait: Simon Henry Shaw
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0.00 INK

I nodded at Galaxy Child's statement and stated, "I know it will take some time. But we will get to the point that the X-men 30 years ago. I just know that will." He stared back at the monitor that came up from the desk again and started to plot a few points on his agenda. He looked back up and signed, "But, until then, we need to prep ourselves. Focus up on our powers." He got back to the papers on his desk and looked up some official documents on his mother, tossing them in a drawer and then closing it. He remembered his studying and then suggested, "There's a large storage area that doesn't have anything in it at the moment. Maybe we can train there?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Drake Wilson
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0.00 INK

Location: Cerebro
Time: Nighttime

"Hello! Morgan, someone is stuck inside the flipping Cerebro!" Deadpool said, waving his arms around in front of Morgan. "Didn't you see the lights go out? Come on!" Deadpool said frantically. He was about ready to give up. Why won't they listen to me? Why?

Then, everything went black. Rebecca's eyes forced themselves closed.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Drake Wilson Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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0.00 INK

Cyrus frowned noticing the power fluctuations. He did a quick sweep of the security and found Rebecca in the Cerebro. "Damned fool. I'll try and bypass Cerebro's defenses and shut it down but one of you lot should get her out of there. Heh and Morgan, you really aught to put a lock or something on that damned door."

Cyrus sat down in one of the chairs and closed his eye focusing completely on what he saw in his blue ocular. The strings and lines of data streaming in vast waves from Cerebro. Cyrus slumped over completely as he focused all of his brain power on writing the code to shut it down.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Drake Wilson Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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0.00 INK

Rachelle cheered before sticking her tongue out at Cyrus. "Haha! Optimism wins!" She said before landing on the ground. She smiled. "Training huh? Sounds like a plan sir. I mean, im sure everyone here is capable of right?" She then paused feeling a strange force and a sudden black out. "What~? What a total mood changer." She said while pouting and floating again. "No touch means no touch young lady."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Drake Wilson Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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0.00 INK

Deadpool nodded running to Cerebro. He shot the door and kicked it open. He saw Rebecca lying on the floor, apparently unconscious. He ran to her, taking Cerebro off her head. He scooped her up swiftly. Running out of Cerebro, he ran over to where Cyrus was. "Computer man, do you think you can wake her up? I don't want to bitch-slap her" Deadpool said, lying her down on the couch. He looked at Cyrus, studying his face.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Drake Wilson Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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0.00 INK

Cyrus managed to shut Cerebro down and came out of his temporary unconsciousness. He glared at Galaxy Child. He was beginning to get irritated by the present company. They acted like complete children. "You lot are going to end up getting yourselves killed either by touching things you shouldn't or running headlong into a trap made by humans and you can be absolutely certain that I won't be the body next to you. I will not get myself killed because of, or FOR you lot. Optimism my ass. I'm a realist' kid. The REAL fact of the matter is right now there are mutants starving on the streets because of human business owners not allowing them to step inside for a meal. There are mutants forced to the black market for simple every day items. There are mutants who are kidnapped and forced under a microscope for their powers THAT or locked up completely with all kinds of torture devices meant to snuff out their abilities completely. Optimism. But of course ONE DAY we may be able to strike up a deal with the government and the media. ONE DAY we may get some people to forget but you know what? Forgive me, I'm going to keep a safe and reasonable amount of skepticism about it all."

Cyrus looked over to his mad friend, James. "Madman here knows first hand the true face of what humans are like. That doesn't take years of sweat and blood to see."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Drake Wilson Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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0.00 INK

James looked up to Cyrus from his crouching position, his face had stopped bleeding but was still covered in blood. At what Cyrus looks like and how he spoke, it seemed a lot like a compliment or something to be proud of. So, he smiled, a great smile of proudness before he spoke; "Pain. Humans. Torture. Death. Kill. Eat. Hungry." He spoke the only words he knew which would describe the humans and what they did to him, this time he didn't fall into a trauma from remembering. "Test. Pain. Hunger. Starve. Guns. Pain pain pain."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods.
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0.00 INK

Elaine's sleep was uneasy and light as waves of the cerebro knocked on the door to her mind. She had weird dreams of humans and mutants in different shapes and colors. She could feel the sorrow and longing seeping from the source of these waves and she huddled with a frown while her body shivered from cold. Her shoes were soaked and the wet fabric stuck to her calves an thighs.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Drake Wilson Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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0.00 INK

Deadpool sighed. "Just tryin' to make the mood lighter, here. Besides, who doesn't like to have a beer once in a while?" Deadpool joked, pulling two beer bottles out from behind his back, uncapping one. He sat down in a chair and drank from it. He held out the other bottle to Cyrus. "Come on, relax" Deadpool said.

Rebecca opened one eye. Her vision was blurry, all she could remember was closing her eyes. She out of low moan of pain. Her head hurt like hell. Rebecca rolled over, falling off the couch. "Ow!" she yelped, lifting up her head to see Deadpool burst into laughter. "Its not funny!" she told him angrily. "Fine, fine" Deadpool chuckled. Rebecca growled and sat up.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Cyrus
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0.00 INK

In the dream a wave of spiders and a man calmed the knocks on her mind until they were completely gone. She dreamed of this man with a shiny blue eye and a vision of this mechanical man was the last thing she dreamed of before falling into normal sleep. The man had felt very good, even though he bore a lot of pain and hatred. She loved machines more than people, because they were simple and straight forward. She missed communicating and controlling her gadgets at home.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Drake Wilson Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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0.00 INK

Location: Cerebro Room

Neema didn't call the vibe she got from Cyrus a good one, but she did see his point. "He's right. The most any of us can and should hope for at this point is to be able to avoid the humans long enough to sustain our own survival."

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Drake Wilson Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo Character Portrait: Simon Henry Shaw
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0.00 INK

Time: Night

Simon sighed and shrugged as he followed the newcomers towards Cerebro, coming into contact with more new faces. Just how many people had suddenly sprung from nowhere and shouldn’t they be the slightest bit suspicious? The young mutant thought to himself as he silently filed away whatever information he could glean from the newest arrivals. He could have spoken up and asked questions but he was usually silenced, ignored or outvoted due to his young age. Simon preferred to act and even though it might have been in his best interest to hold back it wasn’t exactly his strong suit.

Crossing his arms over his chest he listened thoughtfully to the one apparently known as Cyrus, he talked a good game and seemed pretty logical especially compared to some of the others. His philosophy might have differed from Simon’s slightly but at least it was better than the sit and wait approach. “So we agree then that maybe now isn’t the best time to attempt to hold hands and sing kumbaya with the humans or use alien technology we’re unfamiliar with. Wonderful.”

Clapping his hands together to accentuate his point Simon felt a rush of energy and smiled at the assorted group of mutants. “Nice to make your acquaintances, I’m Simon, now does anyone have any sort of ideas on how to get the villages to love us So to speak.?”

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Drake Wilson Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo Character Portrait: Simon Henry Shaw
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0.00 INK

Location: Cerebro
Time: Night

Deadpool looked at Simon and said "I'm Drake Wilson. Son of Wade Wilson, the original Deadpool, and Rogue. I have both of their mutant powers. Most people just call me Deadpool or Revenge". "Oh, and the girl that just succeeded in falling off the couch is Rebecca Pryde, daughter of Bobby Drake, Iceman, and Kitty Pryde, ShadowCat. She is a shapeshifter, but I sense she has some sort of connection with Cerebro. She won't stop going in there and putting it on. Anyway, I think her mutant name should be Recall. It sort of fits" Deadpool said, ignoring Rebecca's glares at him.

Rebecca repeated everything Deadpool had said about her out loud and nodded. "That's me. Rebecca Pryde"

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth Character Portrait: Simon Henry Shaw
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0.00 INK

Location: still in lobby(he hadn't moved whilst hacking Cerebro, he's still there with Flicker and the others)
"Easy.....we tend to the little people. The unfortunate, the poor, humans and mutants alike. We do that and the villages will learn that we're more than power and government ties. We do that and the people will learn to trust us more than their own government. That way while the governments consider and ponder and have their committees, the humans will be screaming for our justice." Cyrus looked to Simon. Something about his face. He couldn't place it though. This would do nicely though. The last thing he needed was this lot getting in cozy with the governments and the media. Keep them on the low so that he could do his work in the shadows. It was going to be difficult as he didn't have his old ties in the city anymore. It was time to make new ones. Cyrus was a master of spiders, the web he would weave for this group will turn out to be a masterpiece. Cyrus watched Morgan with a steely gaze. He only needed to keep Morgan close and dancing in his palm.

Further away in the air vents above Elaine's room Cyrus' tarantula, his larger spider drone stopped and scanned the sleeping girl in the bunks below. She was an intriguing one as her energy signature was slightly different with her technological ability. The spider did not approach however, out of caution. Should any of the student's have the ability to hack it's unique and specially developed software Cyrus would be at a sudden disadvantage. Instead it sat in wait, silently observing until Cyrus was on his own and able to retrieve it.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Cyrus
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0.00 INK

Location: A room in the bunker
Time: Night

Elaine smiled in her sleep as her body recognized the electricity above her. She dreamed of heaters and wanted them to turn on as her body was still freezing. She was not aware that her technopathy in reality sent information to the spider of her cold condition and asking it to heat up the room comfortable for humans.

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Character Portrait: Simon Henry Shaw
10 sightings Simon Henry Shaw played by Retrovertigo
Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.

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View All » Add Character » 14 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Flicker
Character Portrait: Katalin Volkov
Character Portrait: Job Volkov
Character Portrait: Dragoon
Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir
Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods.
Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde
Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
Character Portrait: Drake Wilson


Character Portrait: Drake Wilson
Drake Wilson

Son of Deadpool and Rogue, has both of their powers.

Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
Neema Okonkwo

"Never stop looking for the silver lining"

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde
Rebecca Pryde

"At least you people have parents. I never knew mine"

Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods.
Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods.

Elaine is careful and kind. She loves electricity and music. "I talk to machines and dance to hip hop music."

Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir
Rachelle Noir

"Breathe. Let go. Float away slowly~."

Character Portrait: Dragoon

"Mutation is not kind."

Character Portrait: Job Volkov
Job Volkov

"I-I had a nightmare again."

Character Portrait: Katalin Volkov
Katalin Volkov

"My only goal is to protect Job and keep him safe from the horrors that lie beyond these walls."

Character Portrait: Flicker

Son of Blink and takes after his mother.


Character Portrait: Drake Wilson
Drake Wilson

Son of Deadpool and Rogue, has both of their powers.

Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
Neema Okonkwo

"Never stop looking for the silver lining"

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde
Rebecca Pryde

"At least you people have parents. I never knew mine"

Character Portrait: Flicker

Son of Blink and takes after his mother.

Character Portrait: Katalin Volkov
Katalin Volkov

"My only goal is to protect Job and keep him safe from the horrors that lie beyond these walls."

Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir
Rachelle Noir

"Breathe. Let go. Float away slowly~."

Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods.
Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods.

Elaine is careful and kind. She loves electricity and music. "I talk to machines and dance to hip hop music."

Character Portrait: Dragoon

"Mutation is not kind."

Character Portrait: Job Volkov
Job Volkov

"I-I had a nightmare again."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods.
Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods.

Elaine is careful and kind. She loves electricity and music. "I talk to machines and dance to hip hop music."

Character Portrait: Drake Wilson
Drake Wilson

Son of Deadpool and Rogue, has both of their powers.

Character Portrait: Katalin Volkov
Katalin Volkov

"My only goal is to protect Job and keep him safe from the horrors that lie beyond these walls."

Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir
Rachelle Noir

"Breathe. Let go. Float away slowly~."

Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
Neema Okonkwo

"Never stop looking for the silver lining"

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde
Rebecca Pryde

"At least you people have parents. I never knew mine"

Character Portrait: Dragoon

"Mutation is not kind."

Character Portrait: Flicker

Son of Blink and takes after his mother.

Character Portrait: Job Volkov
Job Volkov

"I-I had a nightmare again."

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