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SangRoyal ~ A Story of Passion, Politics, and Betrayal ~

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SangRoyal ~ A Story of Passion, Politics, and Betrayal ~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xXSakuRADroPSXx on Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:39 pm

~ A Story of Passion, Politics, and Betrayal ~

The sun, recently awoken from its nocturnal slumber, now shone fiercely – the rays of light flickering constantly, piercing through the windows of the various townhouses strewn along either side of the main street of the center of the capital city of the Holy Empire of the Fallen Star, known as Yuoja. Surrounding these houses, along another, perpendicular street existed the particular commercials establishments of the town, including, but not exclusively: the butchery, the bookstore, the bank, the apothecary, the bakery, and any other individual store which may have been present on this planet the inhabitants called A’lea. From the center one could see the docks of the city, touching the cerulean waters of the Hychuen Sea, flanked by two watchtowers on opposite sides. Past the city walls which enclosed the capital lay the suburbs that consisted of the numerous, smaller residences of the commonfolk, bordered by the farmlands of the neighboring agricultural province, Uyd. On the complete opposite side of the Yuojan province lay the Juuthwan Mountain Range, a series of impossible-to-scale peaks characterized by unbearably frigid temperatures, with, on the other side of the mountains the frozen province of Kaache. Outside of the central square loomed the Imperial Palace of the nation, in which resided the Royal Family of Yuol’ina and their personal protectors, the Guardians. This majestic structure served as the focal point of the municipal architecture: the ultimate symbol of authority and prestige, the formal insigne of the Kuolenya Family who resided within at the time.

So shone the sun even more fiercely, and from within the houses of the capital, the townspeople, groggy and reluctant to arise, whose eyes were penetrated, much to their dismay, by the effusive sunlight, slowly prepared for the start of a new day, with little to no especial plans for its duration, except for the regular, quotidian activities; the standard schedule of the people being: awaken, work – the baker to his oven, the fisher to the sea, the butcher to his steel utensils - and so on and so forth until finally, every citizen retires to his own bed, his own personal haven from the everyday, cyclical duties of life and his ultimate escape from the drabness of reality.
And so began this common day.
Yet, on the surface, common was how it seemed.

The reality of the matter, however, was that this Empire was entrenched in a full-fledged War with its neighboring nation, the newly-established United Empire of the Traachean States, led by the ruthless Empress Maiyaa Kyeon'an – a War which seemed to have no apparent end; a War which, for the Yuol’inan people, may signal the end to the Empire which has stood for over nine thousand years, despite the collective efforts of the Royal Court at masking this fatalistic struggle from the public. The truth was that, while the citizens carried out their normal, everyday chores, a massive, constant battle was occurring just outside the city walls and thousands of warriors were sacrificing their lives to ensure that their homeland, their family, and their long-observed traditions may be preserved for whenever - and if ever - they may return.
This is the reality in which this story takes place.

"Bring in the traitor!"shouted a voice, frail yet nonetheless authoritative – quivering from the inability to accurately convey the forcefulness that was meant to be expressed.

In entered a medium-sized man, clothed in tattered garments accompanied by two men on either of his sides, who were fully clad in head-to-toe armor. The man, dragged along by the guards, walked determinately down the carpeted aisle in front of them toward the golden throne at the terminus of the hall. Once they reached the end of the hallway, the guards brutally threw the man on the ground, forcing him to bow down on his hands and knees in front of the throne. The two guards then stepped backwards one step, crossing their wrist on the front end of their torso. The man was shivering intensely and was afraid to raise his head to glance upon the face of the person seated before him – and knew if he did, that it would be a sign of disrespect. His head was turned away from the person’s feet in front of him so that he could see instead the feet of the person standing beside the throne: one of the most respected members of the Yuol’inan Royal Court, Kawada Uotiye.

The room in which this unfortunate man found himself inside was in actuality the throne room of the Kuojan Palace: it was immense, with red satin-lined drapes that shielded the indoors from the heated sun on the outside, and red velvet carpeting that sprawled along the floor. The walls were of an ivory color, and a number of miscellaneous, nature-themed decorations adorned the wall as well as various ornate paintings. Corinthian columns stood dauntingly at the sides of the room, one directly behind the other in an orderly fashion and a gigantic, crystal chandelier dangled from the ceiling. Hanging on the columns were fixtures in which lit candles were placed. The throne near where the man was crouched was lined with an intricate, flower-imprinted design and flourished with gold.

Queen Quonya Kuolenya rose from her seat on the throne and stood over the man knelt before her.

"Rise," she commanded, her voice calm now and collected.

The man complied and stood to his feet, but still hung his head as a sign of deference to his Queen.

"Look at me," she ordered. The man still did not look up.
"You have abandoned your nation and committed high treason by selling your services to the Dark Empire. You have no right to display your pitiful respect toward me – you abandoned that right when you abandoned your country. Now I command you once again to look at your Queen."

Still trembling horribly, he gradually elevated his head in order to look his former Queen in the face.

The Queen’s clothing was traditional: it was customary to wear the Robe of Ancients
((OOC: *as seen in the PROFILE THREAD*)) while prosecuting a criminal. Her face, although creased with age, reflected a remarkable serenity and incredible beauty that could only come with maturing. Her hair, long and grayed, was worn in two intricate circlets that orbited her head. The locks underneath the circlets were braided and tied at the ends with a purple ribbon. Her eyes, piercing azure, were filled with both compassion, although she possessed a facial expression devoid of emotion, as was appropriate for execution proceedings.

Upon meeting her gaze, the man fell back to his hands and knees and began to cry uncontrollably. He grabbed the train of her dress, burying his face in the folds.

"Please," he begged. "Please forgive me, my Queen. I knew not what I was doing. I beg you to forgive me…Please…please…"
"Release my robes," demanded the Empress, the man obeyed, but only began to weep more profoundly.

"Guards – keep the traitor still."

The two men that flanked the criminal stepped forward and picked him up from the ground by his arms and restrained him from moving.

"No…" he cried, still sobbing. "Please, don’t…"

"As decreed by the Laws of the Ancients, I hereby sentence you to death on charge of high treason."

The man attempted to fail his limbs in order to break free, but utterly failed, as his arms were held back by the guards. He began to scream. "Please!"

Quonya folded her hands in a prayer-like fashion, bowed her head, and closed her eyes. She uttered a few words under her breath that sounded like “I’m sorry” and opened her eyes. She then broke the prayer formation of her hands to open them palms-out toward the man, making her thumbs and forefingers into a triangle in front of her, preparing for the Rituals of the Ancient Magick.

She began to chant slowly in a foreign language.

"Rhakayitaemoro chiagudebea kametoi…"

The man began to flail more violently now, but was still unable to move. The guards were now visibly struggling to keep the man from escaping. He began to scream the word "No" repetitively.

"Jin’jinak fo yuol’inacarq…"

The criminal suddenly gasped audibly. The look on the guards’ faces who were restraining the man changed to fear as the man ceased flailing completely.

The Queen’s voice now became more deliberate.


The man’s whole body stiffened.


The man’s eyes now rolled to the back of his head and he began to shake convulsively.

"TA’ATJAKUE!" She screamed the last word at the top of her lungs while simultaneously breaking her hand formation, making her hands go in opposite directions from one another.

The candles in the corridor blew out abruptly, as if done by an unseen force or invisible wind. The man’s body then relaxed and fell back, lifeless, into the arms of the guards holding him up. They dragged the man out of the room by his limp arms. No one ever heard anything of the nameless traitor ever again.

The Queen fell back onto her thrown behind her from exhaustion.

"My liege!" gasped Kawada as he bent over the side of the throne in order to aid his exhausted Queen.

The Queen responded to this action by a simple wave of her left hand, signaling that she was indeed fine. Her breathing was short and uneven. She placed her arms on the arm of the throne, bending her elbows so that she could rest her head in her hands.

"My heart…" she began.
"…has become weighted by the world."

Kawada responded, "I will send for someone to escort you to your chambers, Your Majesty."

She waved her hand again in her Advisor’s face. "No,"she replied. "Send me my granddaughter. I would like to speak with her."

The Court member bowed. "Yes, my Queen. I will send her immediately."

With that, he exited the throne room and left the Queen to herself.

[[[OOC: So this is the beginning of the story, I'm sorry for writing so much - I promise this will be one of my very few overly descriptive posts. Whoever wants to can post next.]]]
Last edited by xXSakuRADroPSXx on Mon Oct 20, 2008 7:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: SangRoyal ~ A Story of Passion, Politics, and Betrayal ~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby reticulated99 on Sun Oct 19, 2008 11:09 pm

In a dungeon beneath the Imperial Palace of Traachou, Jen'jidai Ma'vet V'Hazak was also executing a traitor. Those who were guilty merely of questioning the rule of Empress Kyeon'an weren't worth his time, though their suppression formed the official part of his title of Commissioner of Public Safety. No, his attention was reserved for those who had something to reveal through their pain--and who presented him with an opportunity to exercise his greatest skill. The begging was long since over; even the screaming had stopped. The ragged thing that hung from chains around its wrists would no longer have been recognized even by his closest companions--who, in any case, wouldn't have cared, since they had been lucky enough to die already. This one, however, had had things to say--some of them might even be true. In any case, it had all been taken down and could be checked later. Jen'jidai regretted the end of this particular game, but there would be another later, and another, and another. All of his empire-spanning schemes, in the end, amounted to nothing more than a ploy to get more fun like this. Carefully, he picked what must have been the fifth or sixth different cutting instrument from a tray conveniently nearby, turning it back and forth to watch the torchlight play on the gleaming steel. It was a pity he didn't have time to finish the job properly, but he had an audience with the Empress shortly to discuss his "official" duties; his real ones were never referred to, even in private. He was good, and the girl knew that; just keeping what she had already gained required great trust in her subordinates--too much trust. True, she hadn't made it this far without being a brilliant schemer, and Jen'jidai was still watching his back, but she was more vulnerable than she knew. He didn't care; he had what he wanted. Nonetheless, crossing her openly was ill-advised, so he needed to end his play. With none of the finesse that had marked the dozens of hours he had spent so far on this one man, Jen'jidai rammed the blade through the base of the prisoner's spine and turned to leave, wiping his hands and face with a snow-white cloth. He could clean up later.

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Re: SangRoyal ~ A Story of Passion, Politics, and Betrayal ~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TwinDeath on Mon Oct 20, 2008 9:25 am

Xaul sat in Kalla’jhan’s Place, a dive in Youja, and thought about what to do next. I need to find brother dear, but the little putz is nowhere to be found. Xaul had tried all of his brother’s haunts, but Rapaj was never there. Xaul sighed, and nodded to the bartender, standing and leaving a large coin on the bar. Time to foray once more into the chaos that is any city. Xaul always got rather philosophical after a few drinks.

Stumbling through the streets, Xaul faded inside his coat until he was simply another street person. Smiling inwardly, Xaul began to exaggerate his drunkenness, taking a small flask out of a pocket and splashing the contents on his face and chest. Now reeking of the strongest alcohol known to man, Xaul zeroed in on an extremely well-to-do merchant. Weaving and stumbling in, Xaul clasped the man on the shoulders.

“Pardon me, shir. Have you ever… Ever have you… you have… LOOK, WILL YOU LOT SHUT UP?” Xaul turned and screamed this last at an empty alley, before turning back to the merchant who was trying desperately to extricate himself from the grasp of this insane beggar. “Right, that’sh better. Have you ever tried to shee shomeone who’sh not… who’sh not… who’sh…” Xaul loosened his hold on the man, sliding to the ground. “Shorry, shir. I think I’m too drunk… think about it, will you? Urp.” Xaul’s eyes widened and he clapped his hands to his mouth, turning and rushing into an alley, from which loud retching noises emanated soon after. The merchant, happy to get as far from Xaul as possible, rushed on, never having noticed that Xaul had lifted his purse during the exchange.

Xaul leaned against a wall, shaking with laughter. Whistling jauntily, he left the alley, heading to the dock areas. I’ll look in the docks today. Maybe tomorrow I’ll start staking out the palace. The prodigal is coming home, brother. Are you ready for me?
Hey, read my fiction! Reviews are appreciated.
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Re: SangRoyal ~ A Story of Passion, Politics, and Betrayal ~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby littleitaly6 on Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:28 pm

Sariyu stopped at the top of the temple steps on her way out. She had spent the better part of the day on her knees in prayer. Which she was sure that she would feel in the morning when she woke up. Hoisting her pack up onto her sholder she admired the veiw. The city was bautiful in the fading light of the sun. The sight of it all formed a pit in her stomach, There were those outside these walls that wanted to destroy such beauty. But that was why she was here, to ensure that they never crossed the threshold of her lands. She wanted to serve the Queen, be a guardian to her and the people. Visions of bright steel and glory danced in her head. Taking a step she walked down the stairs making her way to the palace as a hasty pace, she wanted to get there at a decent time. She was sure that she was gonna break her neck from looking at all the sights, it was so much to take in. Her family had been merchants in a traveling caravan, never to settle in a city such as this. It wasnt until it was too late that she walked smack into the drunkard. She backed up a few steps, the smell of alcohol over whelming her nose. "I-im sorry sir.."

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Re: SangRoyal ~ A Story of Passion, Politics, and Betrayal ~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby morriganxchan on Mon Oct 20, 2008 5:11 pm

Aahra let out an angry shout, and charged forward, plunging her bastard sword into a soldier of high rank. She looked at him with an angry glint in her eyes. "You lost another city?! I put you in charge of a simple task! Simple!" She sighed and cleaned her sword, suddenly much calmer. "Never send a man to do a woman's job." She muttered. "You're fired." She said to him, though it was completely unnecessary, considering he was inches from death.

She marched off to a large tent and walked in. There were several men standing inside, and looked at them annoyed. "Do you incompetent penises think you can hold our position for a few days?"

They looked at her worried, they knew she would not hesitate to kill them. Most of them were of equal or higher rank to her, but she would not tolerate failure, and they knew that well. One man stepped forward. "Where will you be going?"

"I have to go have a chat with the Empress because some people seem to have a problem doing simple things for short periods of time. We lost another city." The men all looked around at one another, expecting what came next. "He's dead." She grinned.

"We will be fine here. How long are you going to be gone?"

"I will be gone only a few days, but if the Empress grants my wish I will taking a few platoons with me to go take back what we have lost." She turned her back to them. "I did not work so hard taking those cities to have them lost due to a man's inferior thinking skills." She let out another angry shout and thrust her sword into the hard ground. "I will not tolerate anymore thoughtlessness!" She pulled her sword back up out of the ground, and stomped off out of the tent to begin preparations for her journey.

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Re: SangRoyal ~ A Story of Passion, Politics, and Betrayal ~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Diary-chan on Mon Oct 20, 2008 5:47 pm

Clash upon clash of cold, hard steel. The peircing sounds rang through the palace training grounds, and a cheer followed. Stabs and parries, nimble dodges and agile leaps. Sweat coursed down the faces of both combatants; and surprisingly, on of them was a female.

Princess Nicchi panted, grinning as her tongue lolled out of her mouth, quite unladylike. Minimally armoured, she took another stab-- and missed. As her challenger grinned arrogantly, Nicchi saw her opening and took it-- a deep cut appeared on the assailant's arm. He made a small grunt; and the two were about to resume, when a palace messenger clad in scarlet sprinted into the playing field.

" Your highness, oh, your majesty. " he bowed continuously, and Nicchi gave an apologetic glance to her partner. He nodded sympthetically. " Your presence is requested in the throneroom, "

" Oh, bother, " Nicchi rolled her eyes, blowing a stray strand of long hair from her shining face. Cheeks red, sweat covering her body. " I'll be back as soon as possible, " she said to the general. The general saluted smartly, and Nicchi waved it away, making her way into the building and toward the throne room, closely trailed by the ever-present Rapaj, bodyguard.

" Wonder what ole' Grandma wants now, " Nicchi mumled sourly, waiting for the reproach that would arrive undoubtedly from Rapaj.
.;A picture's worth a thousand words;.
.;But when those words are worthless;.
.;So is the picture;.

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As expected, a young man followed from behind, trying to catch up with the Princess ahead who was obviously pacing herself so that she could avoid any particular chastening from her Guardian.

As he walked, his long, charcoal greyish flowed wildly with the breeze of wind which hit his face. His hair fell straight down past his buttock. His eyes, a particular golden color, seemed to glisten from the sunlight which reflected off of them.

As the man closed in on the woman, spoke rather quickly. "Princess."

Nicchi sighed. "Yes, Rapaj? Will you, once again, reprimand me for my overt display of unfeminine characteristics?"

"No, Your Highness," answered Rapaj, unaffected by his charge's previous comment. "I must escort you to see the Queen."

The Princess rolled her eyes and stopped mid-walk, Rapaj stopped dead behind her. She turned around to face her bodyguard. "Must you?" she asked, sarcastically. Of course, she already knew his response.

"It is my duty to see to it that you safely arrive to any given destination - whether it be within the Royal Estate or not, I will ensure that you, my liege, are under my watch at all times."

While he said this, Nicchi mimicked him, mouthing the words simultaneously as he spoke, blatantly mocking his authority.

The look on Rapaj's temperment changed dramatically at the lack of respect that his charged possessed toward him. Yet, he did not let this change in disposition show, for he knew that it was not acceptable in his eyes to show any signs of disrespect to his charge, who was also the granddaughter of the Empress.

A brief moment of silence passed as he attempted to regain his composure.

"Princess," he said once he once again reverted back to his collected character. "Would you please allow me to accompany you to visit your Grandmother?"

Sighing out of annoyance, she threw her hands up in the air as a sign of defeat. "Do I have a choice?"

With that, she turned around and began again to walk across the courtyard and into the Palace. Rapaj followed closely after her.

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Re: SangRoyal ~ A Story of Passion, Politics, and Betrayal ~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Diary-chan on Mon Oct 20, 2008 7:22 pm

Nicchi threw open the doors to the throneroom, not bothering to let the elaborately dressed herald announce her titles. She stormed into the room, all eyes directed on her-- the way Nicchi hated, their eyes filled with disgust at her lack of feminence and posture. But she really didn't care; she was in too sour a mood.

Bowing out of protocol, Nicchi looked her grandmother straight in the eyes. " Yes, Grandmother? " her words were slow and deliberate, barely a hint of respect for the elder.

Nicchi stood expectantly, hair hanging limp in the cool air of the room. She looked back at Rapaj, only to see a depth of dissaprovement on his features. For a second she felt a pang of guilt; but as Nicchi turned back to her exhausted grandmother the guilt vanished.

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The facial expression of the elderly woman seated on the throne was full of disappointment by the young heiress's flippant lack of courtesy and inability to follow the traditions of the country.

"My granddaughter," began the Queen, her voice audibly fatigued while at the same time extremely agitated.

"My granddaughter," she repeated herself, while attempting to collect her coolness and regalness. "I have been asked by the Commissioner of Heechr to speak to a congregation of local inhabitants of the region. I have decided to fulfill his request and disembark for the Moure Islands at nightfall. I would like to ask if you would accompany me to Heechr. Of course, your Guardian will be allowed to attend, as well."

Rapaj, knowing well in advance the way in which this sort of occasion would end, took a sharp glance at Nicchi, almost as if telling her, "You go - you represent your country - you act accordingly." But he did not voice this statement, for if he did, he would have been chided for disrespect toward his authorities. Instead, he remained silent, keeping his ice-cold gaze locked on his charge.

(OOC: It is completely up to you, Kittycat97, whether or not you would like Nicchi to go with.

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Re: SangRoyal ~ A Story of Passion, Politics, and Betrayal ~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TwinDeath on Mon Oct 20, 2008 9:49 pm

Xaul sat outside the palace, his coat and hair artfully muddied to make him look like any other beggar. Shaking his begging bowl at the passersby, he studied the gates thoughtfully, his shrewd eyes missing nothing. Soon, he found an opening. Several delivery boys were let through the gates in a day, carrying vital messages and parcels. Chuckling, Xaul left his post, tossing the coins from his bowl as high as he could, walking away as they jangled to the ground, grinning as he heard the chaos behind him.

A while later, Xaul returned to the palace, now dressed in the livery of a servant of one of the higher-ranked nobles in the city. His coat and weapons were wrapped in the parcel under his arm, and Xaul smiled as he was waved through the gates. Once inside, Xaul found his way, mostly through wrong turns and asking directions. Swapping into his regular clothes and strapping on his weapons, Xaul left the laundry, a shiny new guard’s uniform over his normal garb. After all, chuckled Xaul, the clothes do make the man…

Xaul slid into a typical guard’s walk as he moved down the hallway: bored, arrogant, and powerful with it. He passed a rather young and timid looking servant, and decided to have a little fun. “You there,” barked Xaul, “where is the best place to find Rapaj Juoan Tach'en?”

“You-you mean the princess’ guardian, right?” The young servant was obviously new, and his stammered reply did not bode well for his courage.

“No, you idiot, I mean the Empress’ mistress – of course I mean the guardian, moron!” Xaul was enjoying his role as the big mean guard – there were certain advantages to not having to think, only yell. So, big brother’s the guardian to the heir, huh? Not bad, not bad at all.

“We-well, right now I heard that he and the princess were in the throne room, but he usually can be found at the heir’s quarters. They’re up that way, on the left,” said the servant, quelling Xaul’s next question.

“Great, thanks kid. Now, go tell the kitchen staff that the Lady Ju’Cheild will be coming for a visit tonight, and they are to have the entire kitchens absolutely spotless for her. After they are done cleaning, they have the night off, as the Lady will bring her own staff. No need to worry about dinner.” Xaul saw the servant begin to protest, and hurriedly went on. “Tell you what. Since you’ve been so helpful, you get the night off too. Deal?”

“Yes sir!” The kid turned and ran off, deciding that the guard with the strange skin and scars wasn’t so bad, once you got past the yelling. He was so caught up in planning what he was going to do with his night off, he never even stopped to wonder why he had never heard of a Lady Ju’Cheild.

Xaul smirked at the retreating back of the kid, enjoying the thoughts of the chaos he had just caused. Now, brother dearest, let’s have a chat. He strode to the heir’s quarters, nodding to the two guards on duty. “You lot have been relieved. My partner and I got caught drinking on duty last night, and we’ve pulled double duty as punishment. He’s lagging a bit behind, though. Tried to hide the contents of three flasks in his stomach when he saw the lieutenant,” said Xaul in a conspiratal whisper, winking at the two on duty. Laughing, the real guards shook their heads, and left, telling Xaul that they’d “always be willing to help hide the contraband.”

Whistling softly to himself, Xaul used his lock picks and let himself into the rooms. Once there, he stripped the uniform off, and leaned against a wall to wait. Come on, brother. You won't know me, but I'll know you.

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Re: SangRoyal ~ A Story of Passion, Politics, and Betrayal ~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Diary-chan on Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:02 pm

Nicchi was silent, face emotionless. She knew what she was supposed to do; like all the other perfect little princesses. But she also knew what she wanted to do.

" Fine. I'll go. " Nicchi said. She really wished she didn't have to; but although the Empress had asked 'politely', Nicchi knew that there wasn't a choice in the matter. If she refused this, it would be as good as abandoning the kingdom; and not even the soldiers would look up to that.

" I wait in my quarters until we leave, " Nicchi spoke, face still emotionless. With the last sentence, she walked to the great doors and stepped ou tof the throneroom. And as soon as she was out of the presence of the high-horse court members and spectators, (and had a few seconds before Rapaj caught up,) her face contorted with disgust.

" What have I just agreed to? " she asked herself, but already knew the answer. A dull month, possibly longer, sitting in a room stiflingly hot with other bodies, not a minute to spare sparring or training. She sighed, thin strands of hair billowing in the resulting breeze. But then Rapaj stepped out, an approving smile on his normally blank features, Nicchi felt herself feeling a bit better, even going so far as to grin shamelessly back.

Then Nicchi went her separate way, waving off the servant who attempted to tend to her and the maids who were packing her bags. When her apartments were empty, she sighed contentedly, looking fondly at the various weapons hung on the wall, looking out the huge french doors that lead to the balcony. Sighing again, she began to pack, and in this case unpack. The maids had packed too many dresses, dresses way too fancy. Nicchi chose a few simple dresses, but also some comfortable leggings to wear under them, should the opportunity arise. And a chain mail shirt, the one she wore under every dress, no exception.

When the packing was done, Nicchi threw open the doors to the balcony, leaning over the railing and letting the warm breeze wash over her as she looked down at the glorious city, bathed in gold with the sunset.

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Re: SangRoyal ~ A Story of Passion, Politics, and Betrayal ~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TwinDeath on Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:46 pm

When the servants had arrived in Nicchi’s room, Xaul had quickly hidden himself in a dark closet, fading easily into the shadowy interior. Settling down, he listened to what he could only assume to be the sounds of packing for a trip. Now, where would the queen be sending you, lass? Xaul pondered this new information as he sat. Several years of spying had given him a broad knowledge of politics, but there were not many reasons to leave one of the best-protected places on A’lea in the middle of a war.

Xaul had to grin when he heard the princess come in. He had heard about her temper, but listening to her shoo the maids out of her room was quite an education. He listened to her finish packing, and felt the rush of fresh air from the balcony doors. Alright, any normal girl is going to sigh over the sunset, thinking romantic thoughts for a bit. Showtime. Xaul silently let himself out of the closet moving to stand behind the princess, careful to be out of arm’s reach. Knowing that his skin and scars were frightening enough, Xaul made his pose as nonthreatening as possible and cleared his throat. “Beautiful, ain’t it lass? Do you know where Rapaj Juoan Tach'en might be?”

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Re: SangRoyal ~ A Story of Passion, Politics, and Betrayal ~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vettvyer on Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:59 pm

A chilling paean unraveled throughout the austere castle to greet the coming sun. Grief and sorrow could be inferred by the diligent but knowing staff, exactly as the songstress expected it to be. The lyrics alleviated the remainder. The silvery morning of dawn revealed the pitiful situation of the once-palatial grounds of New Jukkatem: The convoluting corridors within lacked all previous royal embellishments—they had been fashioned into garbs and used practically—and most other luxuries had been sold for bare necessities. The resulting grounds seemed rather capacious and empty.

The solemn hymn blossomed from the throne room. An ambrosial woman gently caressed her son’s head, sweetly chanting the lullaby. The movement of air that pervaded the castle seemed to stir with her every staggering breath, her every thought of insecurity. The song was restrained but resolute. A man interrupted and the ephemeral captivation scattered to the empty corners surrounding the lackluster throne.

“Forgive my interrupting, Lady Vizier,” the veteran solider fell to one knee in apology. The woman rose to her lofty heights, adorned with beautifully-spun white robes and tarnishing ornaments. The youth of the noblewoman’s countenance was at a debilitating wane, but her sagacious grace was still a marvel to bear witness. She set aside the grieving of the assassinated emperor.

“What news have you, soldier?” the Vizier’s gentle gaze swept the man’s worn silhouette. His mustered pride and swollen posture suggested a genuine satisfaction that uplifted her encumbered conscience. He gulped audibly and blushed at the innate act--she was quite intimidating.

“We have fended off Traachou soldiers near the farms, my lady! The crops will be saved!” he cried and saluted her ceremoniously. She had missed the old customs. She gave a stately nod and withheld her joy, but smiled briefly. He was seasoned. The army was aging even more quickly in these harsh times and in their sentient strides to protect the people. Who will replace them? she thought pensively. Drawing her silk-sheathed arms towards her in an elegant gesture, she gave a slight bow. He reacted with an even lower bow.

“Good work, soldier. Yet another step to regaining out lands begins with protecting those which we have obtained. I grant you and your men a token of my gratitude. Many lives have been spared—in ways more than one. You have my personal thanks. Please continue your duties,” she commended him serenely with a hint of her inadvertent effervescence. As he left the barren throne room, she released a deep sigh. He only perceived the immediate results. They would be back, she realized, but any achievement uplifted the people. Every time she delved into the interminable future, she only saw despair and adversity. “My people will suffer through the winter if I sit here. I will need to travel to Yuol’ina once again and apply for aid. Send for my ship to be prepared for the journey. I fear the Queen will become rather sick of my presence. What else am I to do?” the idea of begging was one of acrid taste. Her loyal handmaiden rushed quickly into the next room, bearing the message. She sat once again into her hopelessness and drew her fur-lined vestments close to her sleeping son in the frigid weather, beginning her musical soliloquy once again.

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Re: SangRoyal ~ A Story of Passion, Politics, and Betrayal ~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Diary-chan on Tue Oct 21, 2008 4:29 pm

Nicchi stiffened almost invisibly, but her expression changed none as she drew her sword, spinning around and landing with its blade at the intruder's throat.

" Hmm? Must be a foreigner, or else you would have known that the princess was a seasoned warrior who did not take kindly to intruders, " she said coldly, staring almost through the scarred man with roiling blue-green eyes. " Now, dead man, what business do you have with my gaurdian, or in all of Youl'ina for that matter? "

He was frozen, and she was still. The biting edge of the steel blade never left the intruder's throat. All this time, Nicchi was calculating how much it would take to escape the man; he was bigger, stronger, and probably better, and she knew it. But the only change in her expression, her eyebrows lowered and she practically exuded hostility.

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Re: SangRoyal ~ A Story of Passion, Politics, and Betrayal ~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TwinDeath on Tue Oct 21, 2008 5:09 pm

“Dead man…” The words slid between Xaul’s lips as he repeated Nicchi’s statement. “No…” Yes, Xaul. Xaul began to shudder slightly, his memories flooding through his mind as the heir’s words tore down his mental walls. He collapsed to the floor, his voice changing and stretching into an inhuman rasp. “No. Not Dead. No! No!” Xaul’s entire body arched, and he screamed, rolling and pounding the ground. His Kounnar had activated, and the room was suffused with a bloody, sullen light emanating from his tattoos.

With a visible effort, Xaul hauled himself to a crouch, focusing on the pain from his neck where Nicchi’s sword had cut him. He began to breathe, his entire reality narrowed down to the wound. Blink. The sharp bite of the steel. Breathe. The soft warmpth of the blood. Calm. Seal the wall. Quiet. Keep the past locked away. Shaking, Xaul stood, shaking off the effects of the Kounnar has his tattoos faded away. He ignored the scratch on his throat. It had kept the madness at bay, and now was no longer needed.

Xaul stared at Nicchi, trying to decide what to do. I could kill her, he thought, the idea sickening him. Is that who I am now? Is that who they made me? Finally, he nodded. “I need to see him, is all. Why is none of your business, girl. You could try to kill me, and die yourself,” whispered Xaul, knowing with terrible certainty that this girl would not be the one to release him, “or you could tell me where he is. I assure you, I will not be the one to kill him. He just needs to see me.”

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Re: SangRoyal ~ A Story of Passion, Politics, and Betrayal ~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Diary-chan on Tue Oct 21, 2008 5:59 pm

Nicchi watched in horrible fascination as she watched the intruder roll on the floor, kicking and screaming.... covering her eyes as the room was suffused with a bloodred glow.

" try to kill me, and die yourself.... just need to see him, that's all," It took a minute for Nicchi to register that he was talking about Rapaj.

And then, surprisingly, Nicchi laughed.
" Fool, " she said, eyes turning cold. " You would not dare harm me. I do not say this out of arrogance; I say it knowing that the whole of Youl'ina would be lunging for your head, " Her expression didn't change. " And I know, for a fact, that that is not what you would like."

Her sword was at her side; her curiosity was now piqued. Nicchi's hard expression began to soften, and a hint of curiosity lightened her eyes. " But, if you would do so kindly as to explain to me who you are and what you want with my trusted guardian, then I may just let you know where he is. "

" And, I think we both know that you don't have much of a choice. "

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Re: SangRoyal ~ A Story of Passion, Politics, and Betrayal ~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TwinDeath on Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:47 pm

“There’s always a choice, lass. A long time ago, I chose love, and she died for me. You think that I would not dare attack you, that I would fear to die? Listen to me, girl.” Xaul spat this last word with all the hatred and contempt that he could muster. “I have lived for death for the last four years. Let all of your toy soldiers come, for I will welcome the void. I am Xaul Knofker, the DarkBlade, and death would be a kindness. You call me a fool, and yet you, the Heir to the Empire of Youl’ina, have left yourself in a closed room with a potential assassin…”

Xaul let out a sharp bark of laughter at the look on Nicchi’s face. “But what reason would I have to kill you, girl? After all, I am only a fool,” chuckled Xaul, bowing deeply to the princess. “Now, I have already told you my name, so all that remains in the list of your highness’s demands is what I want with him, yes?” Xaul watched Nicchi carefully, unsure of what to tell her. Finally, he shook his head. “We’re family. Cousins. We were close as children, and then we went our separate ways, him into the military and me to the Keuthein. I was hoping to reconnect with him.”

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Re: SangRoyal ~ A Story of Passion, Politics, and Betrayal ~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Diary-chan on Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:57 pm

" And what, sir Xaul, would persuade you to reconnect with him now, of all times? When the world is in the middle of a war? " Nicchi asked, choosing to ignore his earlier comments. But already, she was storming out of her room, servants cowering in her wake. She made twists and turns, up stairs and down, until she came to her gaurdian's barracks.

Nicchi rapped on the solid doors, having them opened by a blonde boy who couldn't be more than twelve. His eyes were awestruck at seeing the princess and he stuttered a few words.

" Y-your m-m-m-majesty, I-I--" but Nicchi impatiently waved him away.

" Go get Rapaj, " she said with obviously forced patience. As he went, she sighed.

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Re: SangRoyal ~ A Story of Passion, Politics, and Betrayal ~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TwinDeath on Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:16 pm

Post deleted. Will delete for real as soon as the $*(%#(ing button is back.
Last edited by TwinDeath on Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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The impatience of the Princess forced her to remain on the outside of the door, not allowing the doorman (or rather, boy) to formally request her to enter the building, thus causing her patience growing even more visibly thin.

After a few minutes passed while the Princess stood at the door, Rapaj swiftly answered the door. He stood in the doorway so that his body was halfway between the door and its frame.

"Yes, your Majesty?" he asked. His counfounded expression on his face manifested itself through his voice.

"You have a guest in my quarters," Nicchi responded, briefly, obviously agitated by this unexpected turn of events.

"A guest...? In your...quarters...?" Rapaj mouthed these words slowly, as if trying to find some deeper meaning hidden within them, but, despite this attempt at ascertaining the unknown, he was unable to figure out any reason why someone would be at his charge's chambers, and not think of visiting his own.

"Yes," she retorted while grabbing his hand to pull him through the doorway and out of the room. "Come."

She dragged him across the short distance from his quarters to hers, where his unexpected visitor was awaiting.

OOC: EDIT: Sorry there. You posted sooner than I had expected you to TwinDeath!! haha

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