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Snippet #2064984

located in Arcana Academy, California, a part of The Arcana Academy, one of the many universes on RPG.

Arcana Academy, California



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Character Portrait: Scott Andrews Character Portrait: Theodore McCaffrey Character Portrait: Ashleigh Fox Character Portrait: Jessica Coleman
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Morgan Janssen

Morgan's arms were still sore from carrying Alli in. That girl wasn't big. In fact, she was short and built like a stick. But she was surprisingly heavy. She seemed to be better now, anyway. "I'd better go down and see if Jess is in yet." Mo said, standing up. Alli stood up. "I'm fine now, I'm coming too." She insisted. Mo shrugged. Zac grinned. She made her way downstairs and went to stand in a spot where she was sure Jess could see her. It appeared to be a good choice of spot, because moments later, Jess made her way over. Mo hugged her. "Wow, I can't believe we're roomies! Come on! It's room Eleven." She waved goodbye to Alli and Zac and shot upstairs. She made her way down the corridor, stopping in front of her room. She had to start thinking of it as their room. Their room. She opened the door and sat on her bed. "Welcome to Room Eleven! The bathroom's over there. You can have the desk that's relatively tidy. I'm a bit of a slob, so I'm hoping you don't have much of a problem with untidiness." She said to Jess. Her phone vibrated on her desk. She crossed the room and picked it up.

Hey sweetie. Good luck with your new roommate. If it's someone you don't like, tell Mr Marinos that I'll pay for any damages. Dad. x

She grinned and crossed back over to her bed. Her dad was definitely the person who knew her best. Her mom had understood her pretty well, until the shooting. But her dad had always, always known when she was sad, even if she looked positively ecstatic. He always texted her in full sentences. He despised poor grammar, a characteristic he had passed onto Mo.

Hey Dad. It's okay, you can put the chequebook away. I'm rooming with Jess Coleman, someone I actually like! Thanks for the good wishes anyway. Arcana should remain standing for another few days. Mo. xx

She left her phone down on the bed, still smiling. "Okay, Jess, so spill. Roomies have to share everything. Any crushes? Teachers included." She said, grinning at the other girl. "I don't have anything to tell you, but Alli let something slip earlier. So, come on. I'll tell you." She sat cross-legged on the bed and played with her hands.

Her mind, however, wasn't on the tidbits that she was hopefully about to get from Jess. It was on her eight-year old self. She could remember sitting on the stairs, watching her parents argue.

"Well, who is it then?" "I've told you before, Karen, I'm not having an affair!" "You're late home from work every single evening!" "Because I'm working overtime! You want Mo to be happy, don't you?" "Don't you dare bring Mo into this." "Well, she's the reason I wouldn't have an affair! You know I love her too much! I would never leave her!" "No, you'd take her with you!" She covered her ears and flew upstairs to bed. Other kids only had to worry about their scraped knees. She had to worry about her parents splitting up.

Mo snapped back to the present. Her grin was still fixed in place, but she felt like she was about to burst into tears. She was always like this coming up to the anniversary of her mother's death. It was almost ten years now, but Mo still missed her terribly.

She was glad when the announcement came on, because it took the focus away from her. She quickly rubbed her eyes and hoped her eyeliner didn't run.

Zac Barnes

Zac watched as Mo flew up the stairs to her room, tailed by Jess. That girl was insane sometimes. The smell of cigarettes was foul. He looked around for Theo. He appeared to making his way up to the room. Zac searched the reception until he found who he was looking for. He went up behind her and grabbed Ashy in a hug from behind. "Hey, Ashy. Found out who your roomie is yet?" He said, releasing her. "I'm rooming wtih Theo. I'd like to apologise in advance. We could very well be debating until all hours." He said. "Right, I'd better go up." He grinned at her, before heading upstairs.

Him and Ashy had bonded the very first day they had met. They knew practically everything about each other. Except... Zac had never told Ashy about his past. He was worried she would worry unneccesarily, and he done enough of that for both of them. He had just told her he was in a foster home because both of his parents had been killed in a car accident. In reality, his father had been killed when a rookie police officer had been a bit too trigger happy in a hostage situation, and his mother was off the radar. He hated his mother. She had left them when he was four, and had never come back. Not even when his father had started his... Little business. Not even when his father had been killed. Not even when Zac had been taken into a foster home.

Zac caught up with Theo along the corridor leading to the dorms. He laughed at the show he was putting on with his blue duffel bag. "Ah, come on now. We both know that's not that heavy." He said, grinning at him. "Here we go. Room Eighteen." He said, throwing the door wide open. "Mind the drums. And if you find any picks lying around, they're probably mine." He listened to the announcement. "Right. You can do what you want, I'm going to get something to eat. I'm bloody starving. And I won't be able to make everyone forget if my stomach rumbles during assembly."

As he was heading downstairs, he tried not to think about the hell that awaited him in the next few days. At least he didn't have roommate problems to add to that list. But it was a rough time for Mo. He would have even more of Skylar to handle. He would have to avoid the mind-reader even more at this point. Morgan didn't want anybody to know about what time of year it was for her, because she didn't want to be smothered in sympathy. The Noctrem students would make fun of her, saying she should get over it. He completely trusted Ellie not to spill, but the Noctrem students could be slimy little bastards. And he just wanted Morgan to be relatively happy. She hadn't told anybody about him, so he wouldn't tell anybody about her.

Alli Jackson

Alli listened carefully to the announcement. Her ankle still ached, but not as much. She looked around and spotted Lulu. She was about to go over, but then somebody else caught her eye. Scott Andrews.

No way. No freaking way. He went to Noctrem?! Oh my God, he's here!" Before they had went their seperate ways, they had been inseperable. There was nothing romantic between them, but they had been best friends. He had came to her when he needed support, and she had went to him when she was completely pissed at her parents. She had told him she was going to Arcana. He had told her the name of his school. It hadn't stood out to her at the time, but now she remembered it as Noctrem. A look of pure elation appeared on her face. "Scott! Scott Andrews!" Before she knew it, her ankle was forgotten and she was flying across the room for a hug. She wrapped her arms around them. He had definitely grown taller in the three years they had been apart.

"I cannot believe you're here! I thought you were going to school abroad or something. Come on! Let's go catch up over breakfast!" She grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the cafeteria. "Who are you rooming with? I can't believe they put us with Noctrem students. I'm with Lulu Allen. She's not bad. She's certainly better than Corentine or somebody. Can I ask, does 'Fuck up' make any sense to you? Because she has no problem with saying that to me." She was so excited. She could not wait to tell Lauryn about this.

She saw Zac sitting at a table in the cafeteria. She grinned at him and dragged Scott over to the table. "Zac Zac Zac!" She said. "Guess what?" He looked mildly stunned. "Scott's here! Me and Scott used to be best friends, but then he went to Noctrem and I came to Arcana, but now he's here!" He grinned. "I'm guessing you're excited about that." He said, looking at Scott. "Yeah! Yeah, I am." She sat down. "Who are you rooming with?" She asked Zac, finally taking her attention away from Scott. She hoped with all her being that he'd say Scott, but she was disappointed. "Theo McCaffery." He said, grinning even wider. "Oh. Oh well. If you have nightmares, you'll know who to blame." She said, trying to hide her disappointment. Zac laughed. She guessed it was at her.