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Snippet #2070892

located in The Renegade Headquarters, a part of A Tale of Seven Children, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Renegade Headquarters

"Welcome to the HQ, you'll probably like it here. Unless you're here to kill us, then you're fucked".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deon Morris Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim Character Portrait: Keilani Dreahen Character Portrait: Anders "Agony" Agni Character Portrait: Mireya Nightless
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ImagePitter Patter.

Pitter Patter.

Pitter Patter.

Pitter Patter.

Pitter Patter.

It was the sound of the falling rain as it kissed the soil to quench its thirst. The soft rustling of the wind passed by as if to embrace everything with melancholy. A scent of dampened grass and muddy soil created a calming perfume that further soothed the occupant of a certain room. The weather was certainly a soothing lullaby for the slumbering maiden sprawled upon the wooden floorboards. Her velvet locks cushioned and spread underneath her like silken spider webs. The light of the moon entered the room through the holes that littered the ceiling. It seems she was in an old abandoned shack. Her pale skin was illuminated by the moon making it glow like a diamond that perfectly contrasted her attire. She wore a flimsy black nightgown that reaches up to her ankles with laces as its details. One would wonder if she does not feel the chill that encloses the room due to the rain. The answer would be upon further inspection, she was sleeping with a rather composed expression. Her lips were slightly parted and her breathing was even. She was blissfully asleep.

"You sleep in the weirdest places, don't you?"

A voice. It was distant yet so oddly familiar. It was the thought that registered in her mind. Long eyelashes slowly fluttered as if a butterfly wishing the flower to open and it did. Sapphire blue eyes were finally revealed. The maiden roused from her sleep due to the voice that seems so close to her heart. However, she only saw a tattered wooden ceiling and the cold breeze sweeping with in the dimly-lighted room. It was odd as she did not mind the chill entering her body. For her, it was nothing to be bothered considering her choice of clothing. She slowly stood from her position and looked around her surroundings. The wooden floorboards creaked as she moved despite doing it gently. The walls that surrounded her showed age and the need for repair. Although, it did surprise her that despite the moon's light sipping through the holes above her. The rain that could still be heard pouring did not enter the room. In any case, she looked around for an exit and found a rather eccentric one. "A shōji door?" She muttered under her breath. A thoughtful look was visible on her face as she approached. "Am I in Japan?" She wondered to herself. Her hand reached for the door's handle to open it, however, she was prevented by what loomed behind those paper doors.

A shadow was behind these translucent paper doors. She wanted to say something however it seems that her voice was kept hidden within her. Furthermore, she found that she was being weird at the moment. She was in an old and dimly-lighted room with a rather provocative attire all alone. Now before her separated by a shōji door, an unknown shadow stood. She should feel fear and confusion. But, she only felt an eerie calmness which was not supposed to. It is why she found it odd for her to feel such a thing. She was not acting normal. In any case, she stood there silently as she waited for the mysterious shadow to do something. However, it also remained still. In which, she took the opportunity to study the shadow. She was certain that it was man with such slim yet masculine gait. He was taller than her and stood there calmly. From her position, she could make that the man was wearing a collared long sleeved shirt and pants. He seems to have mid-length hair that was quite messy. One of his hands was placed on his hip or perhaps inside his pockets as he stood with confidence in his opinion. Was this person that one who kept her here or the one one who would take her away? She finally touched the handle and was contemplating when to open the door.

"When you're sad, the whole world cries for you. I wonder who will you cry for?"

It was the same voice that woke her up. Her eyes of blue widened due to bewilderment. It also helped that the statement seemed to have unlocked her emotions. She was now feeling shock and at the same time desperation to know who was the man behind the door. Without much hesitation, she opened the door with great force as she simultaneously said, "Who are you!?" As the doors were opened, she could see a very familiar face looking down on her with slight surprise. A set of worried yet mischievous brown eyes accompanied by a small smirk upon that face which had made a lot of women's hearts captivated. "So, you're finally awake, Nightless?" Blinking her eyes for a few times, she released a small sigh. "What do you think you're doing Vince?" He leaned his face closer as there was only a few centimeters that separated their lips from closing the gap. "A kiss to wake the sleeping beauty." She rolled her eyes upon hearing his words. If she was like any other woman, she must have blushed and fall head over heels in love with him. He was not bad in the eyes and being one of the most wanted boyfriend in her school. She has no reason no to swoon over him. However, she was not just any other girl. Pushing him away, she stood and stretched her arms to loosen some of her muscles. It seems she had fallen asleep and had the same dream with the same results. "I didn't get to see his face..." She thought inwardly and dropped it as she felt Vince's arm over her shoulders.

"Can I have that kiss?" She coyly smiled at him and placed an index finger on his lips. "You could have done it anytime. Are you afraid of dying?" She leaned closer to him as Vince instinctively backed away. His reaction made her smirked as she remove his arm from her shoulders. "Don't worry you're not the only one afraid of dying." Vince blushed in embarrassment as he retorted to make up for his blunder. "I don't believe that kissing you will kill me!" The school bell rang signalling the end for today's classes. It seemed that she had skipped her afternoon classes as usual by taking a nap on the rooftop. Nightless as she is called proceeded to the door. But no before leaving Vince a few words with a smile. After all believe it or not, he was one of her limited close friends. "But, I do. See you later." With those words, she was gone leaving him alone. Vince shook his head and leaned on the railings. "A kiss to die for... More importantly, I'm impressed that she has yet to fail any of her subjects when she just comes to school to sleep." Looking down from building, he could see the other students leaving. "I wonder what she was dreaming about..."

"Master, I have reports that the children are being located one by one!" The one who had spoken was waving a sheet of paper happily along with a rather cheerful tone. It was quite contradictory. This was not because of the contents of the report but due to the identity of this person. "Master! Master! Master! Look! Look!" This was followed by an explosion that seemed to have missed the one speaking so exuberantly just a few centimeters from the head. This had effectively ended the zest. "Report Elegia." This was greatly different from the one before. It was cold and monotone. There was not even a hint of life or emotion behind that voice which seems to reverberate within the room who had only blue flames as its source of light. Elegia who was earlier cheery was now in a complete state of fear. Walking slowly towards the one called Master, the blue flames that lined the pathway revealed Elegia. It was female who wear a rather revealing dress. She was very attractive in every way. Long black hair arranged in half-ponytail, blue eyes filled with fearful respect, pointed ears, and a pair of purple horns on each side of her head respectively. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that she is a demon. "5 of the children are under the Renegade's jurisdiction. One is within Lord Loki's protection. One is under the veil and She is yet to be discovered. What do you wish to do, Master?" Elegia lowered her gaze as not to offend her master even further. "Just watch. She is of no use if she cannot accomplish much on her own." This was the answer of her master. "As you command, Master." Elegia stood from her position and bowed her head before leaving to do as she was told.

It was another busy afternoon at the Bonheuriffic Cafe. "Mireya, could handle table 5?" Sapphire blue eyes looked at the who called her first name. It was the only person she knew that calls her by that. Others find it more interesting to use her last name which was 'Nightless'. Well, she was not bothered by it. After all, it was still part of her real name not some alias. "Covering it, Janet!" She answered with a wink as she approached the said table. After school, she comes to this cafe to work. She serves as a part-time waitress along with one of her fellow co-workers, Janet. Vince had once told her that it does not fit Mireya working as such. However, this job was profitable in her opinion. Her salary covers most of her daily expenses and at the same time she gets to wear a rather cute uniform. No one really knows this and she would rather die than to tell. One of her main reasons applying for Bonheuriffic Cafe was the uniform. "Welcome to Bonheuriffic! May I take your order?" She smiled warmly at the customers who blushed at the sight of her. Jotting down the orders on her notepad, she cast a glance at one of the flowers at the nearby window sill. As Janet passed by her, she immediately whispered to the other girl. "Can you water that flower?" She pointed at it and smiled. "It's thirsty." Janet looked at her and then to flower for a brief moment in silence before smiling. "Sure. You heard it talk again?" Mireya nodded with her all-knowing smile. "Hey, I am the plant whisperer." Janet gave out a small laughter that earned some blushes from the male patrons. After all, Janet was also a beauty. She had this long black hair, ruby-red eyes, and fair skin. In short, Janet looks like an Asian Princess. It made Mireya wonder that perhaps one of the attractions here at the cafe was them the waitresses.

Soon, the work shift was over. Mireya said her goodbyes to her employers and at the same time to Janet and her other co-workers. She looked at her watch and it was a little past 11 in the evening. She had always been told to be careful since she goes alone. After all, the streets were dangerous especially for a girl like her. She lives on the other side of town while her fellow co-workers lived opposite hers. It even got more dangerous as there was news about a hospital collapsing and the reason for it is yet to be fully unraveled. Many concluded it was some sort of terrorist attack. Well, it did not concern her anyway. Finally reaching the subway, she waited patiently for a train and when it arrived, she chose a cart where there were least amount of people. She didn't like a crowd. Taking her seat, she took out her iPod and choose a song from her list. After choosing, she put on her earphones and leaned on her seat then closed her eyes as she waited to arrive at her destination.

Time passes by quietly but all things comes to an end at some point. Mireya felt eyes looking at her and they were heated with lust. She definitely knew much working at a cafe where most of the men have perverse fantasies. Opening her eyes, she met the gazes 5 drunk looking male passengers. It seemed that these men were acquaintances and by the look of their clothes, it seems they were office employees enjoying a night of fun. However, she has no intention of joining them in any way. She looked at her iPod and increased the volume as one of the men began to speak. Those words have no importance to her as she looked outside the window behind her. Her actions annoyed one of the men as he grabbed her arm pulling her up from her seat. This annoyed her as she kicked the said man in the place where the sun doesn't shine. The man instantly fell to the his knees while holding his family jewels in clear pain. The four men looked at her in disbelief and anger. They really disliked what she did. As for her, she released a sigh of frustration. "Don't blame me for what's going to happen next." She warned them with a deathly glare within those deep blue eyes. Her words only angered the men as they launched at her. "Amateurs." She muttered under her breath.

After a few minutes, the five men were lying unconsciously on the floor. Mireya looked at them with disdain while the train stopped at her destination. She run her fingers through her hair and exited the train without much another glance to the men she had beaten down in a plop. "That could not be even called a warm-up. Oh well..." She exited the subway and soon enough, she reaches her apartment. It was not luxurious or neither too worn-down. One could say, it was better than most of the other cheap apartments in the area. Taking out her keys from her pockets, she noticed a presence that was awkwardly familiar. Looking at her side where the light were flickering. It seems the landlord has yet to fix it despite her informing the man. "I have no time hide and seek." A laughter answered her as the it revealed itself. It was an odd-looking female with purple horns and quite the outfit. "Are you cosplaying or something?" She asked without much of a hesitation. "You have grown well. Tell me, how are you feeling Mireya?" She faced the mysterious woman and narrowed her eyes. "You know me, but I don't know you." The woman gave another laughter and vanished before her. "What the?" She looked surprised at what happened but even more when the woman appeared behind her with a whisper to her ear. "I know everything about Mireya. How you came to be and the results of that. From the moment you were born, you are a sinner like no other." Mireya quickly looked behind her with the intention of grabbing hold of the woman. "I don't understand what you're saying! Show yourself!" But, she saw no one behind her. "If you want to know, men will be coming for you. Go with them and seek your answers. Or, just stay here and forever rot." The voice seemed to surround her and it soon faded away in a distance.

Mireya looked at the night sky with confusion and at the same time with worry. Is this her past coming back for her? To be honest, she has no recollection of her memories before she was 7 years old. Everything was a blank. She tried many times to look back on it but, it was impossible. Nothing would come out. "Answers..." Taking a deep breath, she decided to think about what happened at the comfort of her house. But as she unlocked her door, men surrounded all possible exits that she could take and with weapons blazing as well. "She did say men would come... I bet she was referring to you guys." She said with a sigh and a carefree smile. "The massive demonic signal is gone Sir!" One of the men announced. "Sir, but the DNA signal... It's coming from her." The men all looked at Mireya in new light as she opened her door. "You know that is not a proper way to treat a lady. Well, I have some beer and snacks. I'll listen to you." She said with a rather calm voice and a smile. The men looked at each other as they lowered their weapons and accepted her offer.

The next thing that Mireya knew, she was in the Headquarters of the Renegade. She was soon brought to a man named Scott. It seems that the man would be talking to her about being one the Devil's children. Honestly, she was not certain how to digest all of the information. But, she had not much of a choice. For now, she would just take everything one at a time and then when she has much of a free time decide what to do on what she has come to know. Well, she only hopes that this Scott would be able to give her much reliable information. She needed to know as much as she could especially when that cosplaying woman had declared to know her from the moment she was born. Taking a deep breath, she entered the room after she had been given permission and looked at the man behind the desk. "This must be Scott..." She thought inwardly.