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Snippet #2227005

located in A small town in the midwest called Highgate, a part of The Will to Survive, one of the many universes on RPG.

A small town in the midwest called Highgate



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Character Portrait: Leon Joseph Silver Character Portrait: Lilith R. Avery Character Portrait: Marcus "Freelancer"
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0.00 INK

Richard sat in the passenger seat in an almost trance like state, like he wasn't even worried about making it out of the city. Darcy's face was filling every thought inf his mind. What if he warned her too late? What if they were all about to die? Well he guessed Darcy would be in a better place that way. Lilith speed through side streets, alleys and small roads until they were speeding up the small foot hills that Highgate sat on the bottom of. Richard looked back at the town, it was small but not small enough yet. Leon was riding on his bike right behind them, he looked scarred as shit.

"Come on punch it!" Richard yelled as he looked back at the city, hoping that Darcy was going to make it out alright.

~Eight miles from Highgate~

It had been twenty-three minutes since the detonation of the the fuel air bomb and Raptor 2 was just getting in range of the target. His wing man neglected to check his firing systems before the mission. Well as it turns out a hug chunk of metal from one of the Chinooks crashed into the one missile port that the incendiary would later be placed on. Stupid mistake on his part, but now Raptor 2 was on the case and he made sure that every port was loaded with an incendiary and had been checked thoroughly for damage.

"Raptor 2, target in range, weapons are hot."

"Roger Raptor 2, fire when ready."

Raptor had the coordinates down to a science as he aimed the missile straight for the center of Highgate "Fox 1!"

~Outside of Highgate~

They still weren't far enough damn it! Richard's heart was racing now, they might be out of the blast radius by a quarter mile, that might not be far enough. Jesus this was bad. As he wiped some chemical rain from his hair, all he could hope for was that Darcy was far enough away that the blast wouldn't kill her.

"Faster Lilith!"

"I'm going as fast as I can!" She screamed back. Jake was in the back seat, tail between his legs and whimpering as the Jeep speed through trees and and over dirt mounds. Richard was bouncing wildly in his seat from the jeeps constant leaps on the uneven terrain of the hills. Highgate was out of sight, but only because of the treeline, Richard knew they were still too close. Then something in the sky caught his eyes and he looked up to the clouds to see a bolt of light streaking across the sky like a shooting star. This was it!

"Get down!" He screamed as an explosion shook the landscape. The Earth cracked and dirt flew hundreds of feet into the sky, and fire enveloped the trees and the Jeep was tossed through the air like a soft ball.

~Seven miles from Highgate~

Warning lights flashed as Raptor 2's plane was hit by the shock wave of the explosion. A ball of fire that must have been several miles high and at least five miles across, incinerated everything it touched. The ground around the explosion began to cave in as the shock wave of the explosion broke away the hardened Earth. The bomb had the power of a small nuclear device, sending air waves crashing through the forests, ripping off the branches and leaves of those that weren't burnt to a crisp immediately. Raptor 2 couldn't regain control of his plane, the air waves were much to powerful and it kept his jet completely off balance and soaring towards the ground like a spinning top in the air.

"This is Raptor 2! I can't regain control, spinning too fast for eject!" He was screaming at the top of his lungs, but on the other side was only silence.

"God help me! God help me! God help me!" He kept praying to a God that must have long forgotten him, as his jet crashed to the ground in a ball of fire and smoke...

~ten minutes after the explosion, just outside Highgate~

Richard kicked the door of the turned over jeep open and stepped out into the harsh heat of the landscape. The trees around him were nothing but bare sticks in the ground, and his body was littered with cuts from when the glass was blown into the jeep by the force of the bomb. He looked behind him, the trees that was obscured the city from view were either destroyed, burned or had no leaves to obscure much anymore. The once lush green landscape of the hillside was charred a hideous coal black, and small fires were burning across what was left of the grass. The devastation was amazing, the force was so strong that it caused portions of the hills to tumble down in enormous rock slides that all but made the path Lilith took in the jeep, impassable. What was even more amazing, was the view of Highgate. Where the once small city once stood, was nothing more than a four mile wide crater that must have tore through the Earth several more miles downward. For miles around the crater was nothing more then a wasteland of scorched Earth where nothing remained besides the unrecognizable blackened remains of buildings, and agriculture. Highgate was nothing more than ash, any rubble that remained would be swept away in the next strong wind storm. As for the infected and still living beings inside the city, they might as well have been a distant memory swept away by the unholy fire that didn't even leave the ash of their bodies behind.

Richard looked at the destruction with cold eyes, had she made it? He heard Lilith exit her side of the vehicle and call for Jake who had been tossed to the floor board of the front seat of the jeep. He was beat to hell but he would survive. Lilith stumbled her way up next to Richard, he eyes blackened and her nose bloody from the crash and covered her mouth with a gasp. "Oh my God." she murmured under her breath "It's...gone. My home." her voice was thick with shock and depression as she starred out at the nothingness that should not have been there to meet her gaze.

"There's nothing we can do, that bomb is designed to leave nothing in it's wake." Richard said with a bone chillingly calm voice

"Do you think the others-

"Yes." Richard cut in as he looked to the sky "They did. I can feel it." He looked to Jake who was limping on three legs, poor stupid thing. A rustling in the trees made Richard look over to his left, and from the coverage of the bare sticks came Leon. He was holding his arm, and his cloths were torn to shreds. It was amazing he survived that crash on a bike, Richard thought for sure he would have broken his neck.

"No it's okay, don't anybody rush to help." Leon moaned as he hobbled his way over to his two companions

"Glad to see you're not dead." Richard said with the same calm and cold tone

"Gee thanks." he said sarcastically at Richards tone.

Lilith said something to him, and Leon smiled and responded.

"Come on guys." Richard said with a wave of his hand "We should get walking if we want to get to that rendezvous point." He looked to both of them as he held his side in returning pain "As long as you two can walk."

They both answered in their own ways and Richard rolled his eyes "Good, then lets go." and with that the three hobbled further up the mountain, leaving the horrible sights of Highgate behind, forever.

~CIA Headquarters Langley, Virgina ~

(Theme for this section

"Sir." Director Scott's commander of Black Operations said as he approached the man

"Yes Derrek?" the director said as he sat back in his black leather desk chair. his eyes cold and emotionless

"The mission was a success, Highgate was obliterated, nothing is left."

The director's lips curled up into a wicked smile "Good...very good." he looked at his Commander with cynical, plotting eyes "And the new president?"

"He is being installed as we speak, he will be a good puppet sir."

The director stood from his desk, and turned around, placing his hands on the small of his back "A puppet will do for a while. But not forever, we need a strong leadership for our country in this time. Derrek."

"Sir?" The Commander asked

"It's time, begin the Armageddon Initiative."

"Yes sir, right away." The commander turned on a dime and immediately pulled out his cell phone to begin preparation's

Director Scott just stood and smiled at himself, "Yes, this country will come out of this greater then it was before it," He chuckled to himself in joy "We are on the verge of something great." He then turned around and placed himself back in his black leather chair, and rested the back of his head in his hands still smiling wickedly as he thought of the dreams he had coming to fruition.

(This will be my last post for Part 1)
