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Snippet #2285439

located in Gigaverse, a part of The Alternates #1: Define Good, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Character Portrait: Drake Herminski Character Portrait: Delphinium Razportia
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"What's your fucking problem? You just hit a blind girl, you tool!" Del can hear someone shouting at the government official who had just pushed her to the ground, the fall slightly cushioned by a few people stepping out to try and catch her. She can feel slight scratches on her palms from where her hands hit the concrete below them, though, and quickly wipes her hands so that her blood, a completely clear substance resembling some thick variation of water, will go unnoticed. Indeed, the shouter is correct in calling her blind, for Kole Caltarions lack the sense of sight, this being part of the reason they were treated as second class citizens, other than being the minority. Of course, those who consider themselves to be the highest class of Caltar, the Rashna people, have the smallest population on the planet, and so perhaps the amount of Koles is not the only reason for their persecution back on Del's home planet. One thing that the shouter is unaware of, however, is that, in some ways, Del can see perfectly fine- just not with her eyes. As long as something holds some sort of energy signature, as long as it is living, she can sense and locate its presence using a sixth sense of hers- a benefit to being a Kole, perhaps. A compensation prize. Fine- don't want to play nice? she thinks, anger coursing through her veins. Of course, she had come to this place already feeling some frustration -Why else would she be protesting here?- but the use of violence on the part of the man (or so his voice appears to be) before her increases that anger. She isn't exactly the most forgiving of people, after all, certainly no saint though she is on a constant fight for the rights of all. After all, her home planet had no saints or heroes, so there was no one for her to be taught from.

Del rises to be standing, and rolls her shoulders back. Now standing in front of the person, she can tell that they are larger than her, but then the Caltarian race is not known for a great height. They are not particularly tiny, but rarely grow past 1.6256m, by Human measurements. Del, for her race, is on the taller end, standing at approximately 1.6m, even. Still, that leaves her a head or so shorter than the person before her. Despite that, she doesn't hesitate to curl her hand into a fist and swing it against his face. A sickening crack alerts her of the impact, as does the feeling of his nose breaking beneath her fist. A thud tells her that he has fallen down, as does the sudden cheering of the people around her. The young woman does not try to suppress her smirk of satisfaction. Her moment of joy is interrupted, however, by a buzzing in her pocket, coming from the communicator used only for The Alternatives. She begins to push her way through the crowd, and probably steps on several people's feet on the way through. When she is out of the mass of people, the young woman begins to find a place with no traces of living energy, only to bump straight into a wall, leaving some red pain on her forehead. "F'asdne," she mutters the Caltarian swear word, rubbing her head as the voice begins to speak, that of the brainiac of the group, one Drake Herminski. On her particular recording, the coordinates is read out and the energy radiation of the place explained, though she knows just to look for Drake's energy. His is powerful enough that she should be able to read it fairly well, though she will place the coordinates in her vehicle just in case. One thing that she smuggled on board when she and her parents immigrated to this planet was her precious bio-bike, something she had stolen from a research lab back on Caltar. It reacted to her biology and was able to shift into either a bike or a car, or a one-person plane, as well as go to the coordinates given- making transportation a lot easier on the blind extra-terrestrial young woman.

Lele, come, she instructs, using the telepathic link which she shares only with the bike. She is able to see into the minds of others in order to control them, but any communication with the minds of others would instantly become influence, as that is the nature of her mental abilities, and so she avoids using them unless she can remain completely neutral in her message- a very rare thing indeed. The bike seems to come out of nowhere, and she can sense it when it arrives, for it has some degree of life in it. Knowing that she is a good hour's drive away from the Mojave desert at the moment, she instructs 'Lele' to change into a plane, once they have left the city. The plane is small, and could only fit one person, unless the other was very small and basically sat on top of Del. Still, its sleekness is ideal for quick and stealthy mobility, and she is very fond of her little thing. Otherwise, she'd have to find some sort of public transport to take her, or make the stupid decision of attempting to drive there herself, despite being blind. She may be able to read energy and such, but that doesn't mean she isn't as useless at driving as any other blind person.

The plane moves quickly, and they arrive in a fraction of the time that would have been required had she taken it in driving form. In ten or so minutes, give or take, the plane lands in the parking lot of the gas station, and Del trustingly gets out. Perhaps it is possible that someone of great knowledge in alien technology could mess with her precious biobike and cause it to lead her incorrectly, but she doubts it. That bike is one thing in which she has complete confidence. Besides, it helps that she can read the familiar energy signature, one which is far too powerful for a human and reminiscent of a star (namely a sun). She is not surprised that Drake is already here- he's the one who chose the location, after all.