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Snippet #2324586

located in Upper Ashridge, a part of When We Die, one of the many universes on RPG.

Upper Ashridge



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Character Portrait: Wasalu Armando Character Portrait: Michael Gawain Calvagh
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"Nah, I didn't feel like going to practice. I was planning on ditching school today, but... Dante caught me leaving the house with my easel, so I ended up staying all day. Today's more of an art day," Wasalu had responded to the inquiry about soccer practice. "But if we finish getting your stuff into your car and grabbing my sketch book before Diego reaches, sure, I'd like if you could give me a ride home. You can stay over for a while if you want."

Gawain couldn't help but flex his smile a little wider at Wasalu's response. "Cool, sounds like a plan," He said, not bothering to hide how glad he was to get a little more time with his friend. Though, when he thought about it, the longer he spent around his friend, the sooner Wasalu would see Gawain's injury, and realize he'd been hiding it all this time. It wasn't a good set of circumstances, and Gawain tried his best to look for a place to throw in a made-up story about it before it was too late. After all, people weren't typically pleased when they find out someone was keeping information from them.

"...Although..." Wasalu added in, noticing that if Gawain was having trouble getting the computers into the car, he'd have trouble getting them out, too. "Do you need my help moving your stuff into your house? I don't mind giving you a hand if you need it."

Gawain bit his lip, shrugging. "Well, I don't think it needs to be done right away. It can wait till whenever." He pulled his hand from his pocket, ready to give an explanation that in a few days he'd be well enough to handle it on his own, but he let the moment slide, leaving his arm at his side, and tugging at his sleeve a little to be sure that the nasty wound remained covered instead. He beat himself up a little bit for not saying anything but... he just couldn't bring himself to mention it.

When they approached the car, Gawain split over towards the car while Wasalu went over to inspect the computer tower that Gawain had dropped on the ground.

"Huh. Is it okay, Gawain? I mean-- that computer, can you still use it?" He asked.

Gawain made his way over to driver's side door, unlocking it and popping the trunk so that Wasalu could get the computers into his car with the other one. Shutting the door and trailing over to Wasalu's side, he watched as the other boy lifted the broken computer up off of the ground and placed it on the AV cart with the other one, having no issues easily. Gawain really couldn't help but be jealous of his friend. When did Wasalu ever have to ask for help? Okay, well, reading, for one. And... homework for another. But how the hell should that matter? It wasn't like it was too important. Wasalu could still do plenty of other things, and better yet, he could do them on his own.

"I mean, if you don't want to keep it, we can dump it." Wasalu continued, breaking Gawain's train of thought. "Or I guess we could swap it for a working one when we go back inside. The outer part is removable, right? You just have to keep the cracked part and we just swap out the insides.... What do you think?"

Gawain bit his lip, hesitating a moment before just shrugging.

"It doesn't matter, I think," He said finally, trailing back over to the car and sitting down on the bumper. "Just throw it in here, i guess. I'll just take it as it is. I'm gonna take it apart anyway, y'know? If everything's shit then I guess that's what the other two are for. Who knows, there might still be something useful in there." He shrugged again, giving a small smile for almost no reason at all, other than feeling like it was an obligation to do so every so often. Maybe it would make the injury go away and he wouldn't have to worry about it anymore.

"Though, thinking about how I dropped it twice, I kind of doubt it," Gawain added. "Oh well."

He bit his lip, remembering his wound again. He could throw the information in now, get it out of the way. He took a deep breath, like the entire idea of mentioning it was going to be the most horrible thing in the world. He wasn't even sure how to start the statement, or how to tie it in with what he'd said before, or even explain why he hadn't mentioned it earlier. He supposed he could play it off like he'd ignored it for being no big deal or something.

"The thing is, actually, uh," He let the opening fade, realizing he was already fucking it up. "Well, the main reason i'm having trouble is cause I, uh..." He picked up his wrist and rolled the sleeve back, though he kept the injury mostly covered by his other hand still. Maybe if Wasalu couldn't see it, it would make the lie a little more believable. "I sort of tripped earlier when i was carrying some other equipment, and I... I landed on my wrist funny. So I'm just having even more trouble lifting these things today." He gave an uneasy laugh, almost to just add in I'm okay! It's not a big deal! by force. He really just wanted the topic to be left alone as soon as it was out with. It would be fine, he told himself. Wasalu wouldn't look into it any more. Though, It was difficult to convince himself of that.