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Snippet #2380284

located in Carnes High, a part of Carnes High: Revival, one of the many universes on RPG.

Carnes High



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Desmond Ruler and Kalen Hols-Ruler Character Portrait: Arthur Odysseus Ruler
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 I understand your concerns, Councilwoman, but I assure you I know what I saw.” Desmond was being firm as he spoke into the phone with barely contained aggravation, “That was definitely a Doppelganger, no doubts about it, the aura and the figure was absolutely unmistakable.”

Desmond continued with his conversation as Kalen rolled her eyes standing by the stove, the water was about to boil so she removed it from the heat and poured it into her cup, “Jeez, he’s been at it all morning
” she commented as she submerged the tea into her cup and let it stoup, “She is never going to admit it you know!” she called out to him. He just frowned deeper, if that was possible, considering the situation. Finally she took the tea from the brew and took a sip, smiling at the flavor.
“Look, I don’t care if you are willing to admit it or not, but the fact is a doppelganger killed and replaced a student of my son’s-“ the line was louder as the other side shot back, “they killed and replaced a student at my son’s school and attempted to assassinate him. Whether or not you had a hand in it isn’t the issue here, fact is that the captured assailant has named two of your representatives as the backers for the attack. That is, before he was killed
 suicide my ass.” More retorts, however in the meantime Desmond’s coffee was finished and Kalen brought it to him, taking a sip as the other person continued to produce excuses and Desmond placed the cup down rather hard and broke in again, “This is not a discussion, Councilwoman, I am calling to inform you that I will be pressing an investigation on these events and that’s all. Now if you’ll excuse me.” with that he hung up the phone and took in a deep breath.

“It’s alright dear,” Kalen cooed as she stood beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder, “Arthur is fine, he can handle himself after all. And don’t forget what today is.” She added as she walked back to the main stair, “I’ve got to go get ready; it’ll be nice to see the old gang again
 Desmond, could you get Arthur up please? He always sleeps in so late on Saturdays.”

“Huh, oh, right the reunion!” Desmond, for a moment, took a trip down memory lane before letting himself relax more, he’d been under a great deal of stress recently but he was actually looking forward to today, “I’ll get him, Hun, you just leave it to me.” He assure as his typical smile returned to his face again.

“I’m counting on you!” she called down the stairs.

“Sure! No problem
” he replied while inwardly he thought how he would ever get the kid to wake up this early. “Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into this time
 hmmm, guess I’ll finish my coffee while I strategize.

While his parents were down stairs getting their morning coffee and, most definitely in his mother’s case, tea Arthur was still snoozing in his room. Or normally he would have been on a Saturday but unfortunately for him he’d forgotten the previous night to flip the alarm clock to his weekend setting the night before so he was already awake. Oh well, he vaguely remembered that there was something they were going to do today. “But what was it?” the boy wondered aloud.


The cat on his bed complained at this sudden outburst that had awoken it from its gentle slumber and looked up at him. He glanced away from his hand held game and too the animal. The creature stepped up onto his chest and pawed at his face, must to his disapproval. He loved his cat but the thing had sharp claws! Given the quiet moment to think more on the day however he felt the sleepiness that he’d been fighting all morning after waking up early slip further away, What was it?

Knock, knock, knock!

“Come in!” he called.

Desmond opened the door with a look of relief on his face, “Ah, good, you’re up, that’s the first good news I’ve had this morning.”

“Morning, Pops, eh
 are you trying to say I’m difficult in the mornings?”

Insert Desmond’s devious grin, “No, I’m not trying to say that I am saying it.”

“Gee, thanks
” the youth returned to his game as his cat hopped down and moved over to Desmond, sashaying between the man’s legs as it rubbed against him. Reaching down the Hirule picked up the mammal and gave it a pat, to which it just meowed loudly. “Okay, okay, I hear you; I’ll get your breakfast!” Arthur directed to his pet that jumped from Desmond’s arms onto the nearby dresser.

“Well, while you’re up grab a shower, son, and get dressed. We’ve got to go to the reunion today.” he explained while leaning in on the door jam, “Kage and a few other kids your age should be there so it shouldn’t be too boring.” He added.

Getting off his bed and stretching Arthur yawned once and then nodded to his father, “ok, I guess, it’s not like I’ve got anything better to do.” He surmised, “But do we have to leave this early? Carnes is just down the mountain.”

“Your mother is already in the shower, that mean you’ve got two hours before she’ll be ready
 I hope

Resolving himself he just nodded again and went to collect and feed his cat, “Yes, sir.” Glancing into the small mirror atop his dresser, however, the boy’s calm face broke into one of dismay, “Wha! Aah!” he dropped the cat, not that it had any problems landing on it’s feet, though the swishing of its tail indicated it wasn’t happy as the animal growled slightly and exited the room, sitting in the hall with its back to them both.

“What is it?”

“A-a pimple, come on, today of all days!” the pubescent preteen exclaimed ash e he grabbed the mirror and brought it closer to his face, staring angrily at the white head that had appeared on his otherwise perfect forehead.

Desmond had for a moment tensed, being on guard since the attack a few days earlier, but relaxed and sighed in relief and embarrassment at the standard preteen problem the boy was showing. But of course that would be his problem wouldn’t it, he had yet to be told about how one of his school mates was dead in that attack. Desmond decided now was not a good time to tell him either, and so just laughed, “You know, pimples are just the start there kid, soon you’ll have to deal with a whole mess of other issues, like- .”

“Ugh! Dad, just stop right there, now is not the time for ‘the talk!’” the youth yelled making Desmond laugh even harder as he stepped up to the boy.

Still chuckling he patted the young boy’s head, “Oh, thanks son, I needed that.” he brought his hand down to the boy’s face and pointed at the blemish. A moment later a blue spark arced across his fingers and into the sore, causing it to shrink and shrink until it could not be seen, simple but meaningful magic, “There, better?”

Rubbing the spot against the ingle of the energy still found beneath the skin the kid smiled, “Much, thanks Pops! It would have been impossible to treat that thing in such short time.” And with that the kid gave Desmond a quick hug and hurried off down the hall, shoeing the cat along to the kitchen to be fed.

The older Hirule just stood there smiling, thinking of how care free the young boy was, and then his smile faded as he realized the truth he’d yet to learn. This would be the first death of many though. The young boy was destined for this though, for he was the bridge between two worlds that couldn’t or perhaps shouldn’t touch. And the worse part of this all was that Desmond was the one setting him on that path, predestined or not. Will he take it as a gift or a curse I wonder?

“Wow, this place sure has changed
 and just think, kiddo, you’ll be here in a few short years too!” Kalen commented as they walked down the tree lined street next to the school. “I mean, the old buildings remain but those dorms are new, aren’t they Desmond?”

“Huh? Oh yeah, I got some letter about it from the school Alumni Foundation, they’re supposed to be individual rooms now instead of the shared dorms from back in our day.”

Arthur puzzled for a moment at that comment, “I thought you two didn’t stay in the dorms?” as he walked along behind them, hands behind his head looking about to take in the school he’d soon be attending.

“Yeah but we had some special circumstances.” Glancing ahead he spotted a few other families and moved up to walk next to his parents, “Hey, who’s that?”

“Looks like Jamie and company to me, dear.” Kalen commented. Desmond just nodded and waved with a smile to the figures in the distance as they approached the gate themselves.