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Snippet #2454702

located in The House, a part of The Beast and the Beauty, one of the many universes on RPG.

The House



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Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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"Thank you, so much. For everything"

Levi smiled slightly, tilting his head. "You're welcome, miss Sadie... I am still sorry for all the trouble we have caused you, though. You were not meant to see, hear or experience any of that..." he said quietly, softly, glancing down and scuffing his feet nervously before glancing up at her again and smiling once more. "I shall give you a bird table anyway. There surly will be a way to keep Madness away from the birds... don't you agree? He is a kind cat, after all, and easily distracted." he said thoughtfully. That reminded him- Madness still had to be fed. He better get it done now soon or both Smile and the Master would be very displeased.

The rest of the day went by in a flash. Never before had Levi enjoyed himself so much, and seeing Sadie enjoy herself warmed his heart even further. Never even once was there another incident and it seemed Smile went out of his way to stay away from them. Levi had only sighted him once, and that was in the library, where he had made sure to hide himself from Sadie's view. Now, this was no surprise at all. Smile loved reading and would usually spend his time in the library. This also meant that if Sadie went there often, chances of her running into him were rather big. Levi wasn't sure if he was happy about that or not. He didn't wish for anything strange happening again.

Showing Sadie where the masters rooms were was most uncomfortable of all, in Levi's opinion. It was not because he feared his master, because he most certainly did not. Or well, perhaps he did slightly. However, he also knew that the master was gentler and less of a monster than he considered himself. He was a monster, do not misunderstand what I am saying... but perhaps not as bad as he himself thought. It was just the masters mood that made Levi feel uncomfortable- when he got angry or even when he was sad. Those sudden bursts of rage that often ended in him uncontrollably inflicting pain on either himself or Levi... although Levi supposed that also meant himself. After all, they were all three sides of one singularity.

Dinner was as pleasant as the rest of the day had been. To his surprise, for once he had not been the one responsible to making it. Even if he was unsure of how it had gotten there or who had done it, he had a faint idea of what could have happened and who was responsible for it. Perhaps the master had left his room when they did not notice? Levi didn't know and he decided not to dwell on it too much. He could always ask the master later, when the light had gone out and their guest was asleep. Other than that the conversation Levi and Sadie held was pleasant, and for once he forgot all about his worries and pains. There were just him and Sadie... and the whole conversation simply felt causal and... everything was so normal. It brought him back to the days when his life too had been like this. It brought him back to the days with Emily... before she... passed away. Emily had once upon been his wife... but that was many, many, many years ago.

"Thank you so much for showing me around today, Levi."

The servant glanced up from his plate as Sadie spoke, a small smile spreading across his lips. "You are most welcome, Sadie dearest... I do hope you enjoyed yourself." he paused and trailed off, glancing at the clock on the wall. Sighing softly, he realized there was only one hour left to midnight. Had they really had such a wonderful time together he had forgotten time? It seemed so. Standing up, Levi smiled at her softly.

"It seems, miss Sadie, it is time for us to retire... there will be a new day tomorrow, after all." he smiled and offered her his hand, feeling slightly nervous as the time began ticking away. "Please follow me," he said before pushing away his chair and standing up, gesturing for her to do so.

Levi led her up the grand staircase and towards her room, forcing himself to keep acting causal despite the pressure he felt. "Do remember the rules, understood? And please, please... don't attempt to break them again," he added softly, opening her door for her before bowing.

"I bid you goodnight, my lady... sweet dreams," he said gently, reaching out his hand to gently touch her cheek... before quickly withdrawing it again, looking down sadly. "Goodnight," he repeated softly and then started making his way away, down the corridor and towards the masters bedroom.

Once he reached the end of the corridor Levi hesitated before knocking on the masters door. As a way of reply, he heard a soft click as the door unlocked. The servant opened the door and glanced inside.

The room was drenched in darkness, and therefor making out what was inside was quite troublesome. However, Levi could see the outline of something large and furry and the sound of heavy breathing could be heard. It was laying pushed up again the wall of the empty room and the chains around its wrists and ankles glittered slightly in the moonlight that managed to sipper into the room through the window.

"Good evening, Master..." Levi said softly, noticing the small figure curled up again the monster, his thin, pale fingers gripping thick, long black fur. The tousle of blond hair was evident in the dim light and Levi couldn't help but smile weakly. "Did he have nightmares?" he asked gently, stepping over to them.

A large, blood red eye opened and regarded Levi for a moment.

When did we last sleep properly without being plagued by nightmares, Levi?

Levi could hear in his hand. The servant sighed and leaned down, carefully picking up little sleeping Smile and cradling him in his arms once before starting towards the door.

"That is true... I shall bring him to his room. Goodnight, master..." Levi said softly, quietly, before exiting and carefully closing the door behind himself. Holding Smile carefully, he started making his way towards the child's room.

An hour had passed. It was exactly midnight when suddenly an ear piercing scream echoing through the halls of the mansion. This was not the scream of a child or even an adult. This was the shout of a monster, a scream for help... a scream of agony. Shortly after, there was a new sound echoing through the corridors. The sound of chains scraping against the wooden floor... the sound of heavy breathing... and finally, the sound of human yet insane laughter.