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Snippet #2458250

located in US, a part of Supernatural: Dark Desires, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Character Portrait: Skylar Winchester Character Portrait: Addalaciea De' Leon Character Portrait: Castiel Character Portrait: Dean Winchester
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She wasnā€™t going to stop, she didnā€™t want to hear whatever stupid thing was going to come out of his mouth whether it be about her and Sam, Her and Cas, or her and Sky. She just didnā€™t want to hear it, because he wouldnā€™t listen to her and she couldnā€™t reason with him, so she headed straight for the stairs but he stepped in front of her blocking her path and stopping her.

"So, sticking around this time?" he asked and she just rolled her eyes crossing her arms over her chest. "So, is there a reason you kept your true self from my sister? Aren't you supposed to be her friend? Or were you just pretending?"

ā€œDean, I wasnā€™t lying to her. She never asked and I never brought it up.ā€ She said holding his eyes. ā€œI wasnā€™t trying to hurt her, I was protecting her.ā€ She sighed ā€œYou donā€™t want her involved in the shit you have to deal with just as much as I donā€™t want her involved in my worldā€¦itā€™s complicated and you should know that.ā€ She said trying to get him to understand.

She pulled down the sleeves of her sweater, a cool breeze picked up and she hated that they were talking about this outside, because Exodus was probably watching and heā€™d use her words against her later.

"Look, Addieā€¦You'll need to talk with Sky in the morning. She was heartbroken." She sighed running her fingers through her dark hair, nodded, letting him know sheā€™d talk to her and she hoped they were done talking, because she hated the way he made her feel, even just standing there with him.

She could feel the heat that radiated between them. She was drawn to him, like sheā€™d been drawn to Sammy, only with Dean it was stronger. There was more of a pull to Dean then there ever had been with Sam. But, she didnā€™t want to admit it, she ignored the feelings.

"So, Cas is your Dad. Care to elaborate? " He asked and she looked up to realize he was a little bit closer and his eyes were fixed on her he wanted answers and she rolled her eyes.

ā€œYeah, you could call him that.ā€ She explained. ā€œHeā€™s not my biological father, but he might as well be. I donā€™t remember much from when I was human. But, Cas has always been there and so heā€™s my father as far as Iā€™m concerned.ā€ He shrugged.

" and Sam? how'd that come about?" she rolled her eyes tired of his questions. She was explaining more to him then she should have and she didnā€™t owe him an explanation for her and Sam.

She pushed past him heading up the stairs towards there condo ā€œIā€™m done with this interrogation D.ā€ she said nicknaming him. She paused once she got to the top of the stairs and turned back to face him. ā€œThereā€™s a lot about Sammy you donā€™t know.ā€ She smirked tauntingly. ā€œJust like thereā€™s a lot about me that your never going to know.ā€ She winked as she continued to the door of their condo.


"It's all right." she said and he sighed watching her as she got up and made her way over to the couch sitting next to him. Their bodies grazed and it sent small sparks of electricity through his body. The longer he spent around her he found it was harder to suppress his feelings. "I..had a nightmare." he sighed, wishing she didnā€™t have to deal with that kind of stuff. "But..please, I don't want to talk about it." He nodded understanding.

Silence fell between them as she lend against him and he lend back on the couch getting a little more comfortable. He let her lean against him and he wanted to wrap an arm around her and pull her close, he didnā€™t know why but he just felt the need to, but he didnā€™t think sheā€™d want him to, so he just let her lean into him.

"Are you feeling better now? You said that you had stuff on your mind. It must have been all terrible things to cause you to drink so badly." he sighed it hadnā€™t actually been that terrible. I was just a mix of his feelings for her and why Addie was acting the way she was. "You know what? I think that I want something to eat. Are you hungry? There's no way that I'm going back to sleep and I've found that food is the best way to stay up."

He chuckled and nodded ā€œThat sounds lovely.ā€ He smiled as she got up and headed into the kitchen and he got up and followed after her a few moments later sitting at the table, he watched as she bounced around the kitchen cooking and the two of them carried on casual conversation until finally she set a plate in front of him sitting down at the table next to him.

"Here. My mom taught me how to make these. If you want syrup, you'll have to get it. I can't eat it so I normally don't get near the stuff." He smiled to her thanking her as he started eating and the food was amazing.

ā€œYouā€™re a great cook, Sky.ā€ He said happily having finished the food fairly quickly. The two of them talked for a bit longer until Sky was finished.

"Castiel, you should really get some rest. You look exhausted. You can't sleep on the couch. You'll get no rest. Come on." He really wasnā€™t that tired and he watched as she stood up taking his hand and pulling him up from the table and he sighed giving in.

ā€œIā€™m really fine, Angelā€™s donā€™t really sleep.ā€ He tried to argue the fact as she pulled him towards her room. ā€œYouā€™re the one who needs rest.ā€ He said in a concerned tone.

"Don't argue with me, Castiel. The bed is huge and I doubt that I'll sleep at all. You'll thank me later." she led him to the room and he followed her not that he really had a choice. Once inside she closed and locked the door behind them before tucking a book back into her bag and crawled into bed. He raised a brow as she turned her back to him expecting him to get into bed with her. "Don't make me get back up. If you're worried about Dean, you can stop worrying. The door is locked and he won't come in."

She said as if knowing he was hesitant to get into bed with her. It didnā€™t matter if the door was lock, Dean would still kill. Hell if he was in bed with her Sam would probably kill him, but he didnā€™t want to argue with her and he had a feeling if he got into bed with her, she might be able to sleep better. She he slipped off his trench coat and hung it of the end of the bed frame, before slipping into bed.

ā€œYou should really get some rest two Skyā€ he whispered. He knew her would be able to sleep, because heā€™s bee to worried about Dean knocking down the door, but he didnā€™t tell her that. ā€œIf you need anything, Iā€™ll be here.ā€ He said letting her know he wasnā€™t going to leave but he wasnā€™t going to sleep either.