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Snippet #2471044

located in Los Angeles, a part of A Game of Lycanthropy, one of the many universes on RPG.

Los Angeles



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Character Portrait: Lacianne Nightingale Character Portrait: Daniel Blackwell Character Portrait: Lucas Blackwell Character Portrait: Stevie Lockley
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Laci kept reliving it. It was like her brain was trying to make sense of what happened, but patches were just blocked out. She had seen Seth trying to break up a fight, and was terrified that he was going to get hurt. She moved closer, but in the blink of an eye something clamped down on her shoulder, causing searing pain to spread it's way through her body. She kept feeling the bite, over and over again. It was like her brain was trying to get her to notice something, but she was too distracted by the pain. Lace couldn't focus on anything else. Usually she was very good at keeping her mind calm, even in the most stressful or crazy situations, but the pain in her shoulder was unlike anything she had felt before. Not that it was the worst pain she had been in her entire life, but this pain was... different. It was almost like her entire body reacted to it immediately.

Lace twitched slightly in her sleep, crumpled on the bed. Her hands trembled ever so slightly. She continued sleeping for a few moments after someone entered the room. She heard the noise, but somehow her mind found a way to just incorporate the noise into her dream.
Laci's clear blue eyes finally fluttered open. She let out a tiny little yawn, and attempted to prop herself up on her elbows to take in her surroundings. Immediately a sharp pain flooded her. She let out a light yelp, and fell back to the bed. She tugged down the side of her shift slightly, to reveal a deep bite into her flesh. A bite that did not look like it was healing very well... at all.

So her dream was real. But what bit her? Surly it couldn't have been a human. Humans can't do that much damage. Laci gingerly put her shirt back into place, and covered the bite with her hand. It was warm. How odd... Her bones ached, too. It felt like every bone in her body was under an immense amount of pressure.
She carefully sat up, and finally had a real look around her. It was definitely unfamiliar to her. Someone had brought her here.

That was when she noticed him. Somehow, she had managed to look right over him before. For some reason, part of her felt safe with him there.

She didn't say anything at first. Her gentle, sky blue eyes just studied him. Her face was open and curious, and to her surprise she wasn't afraid. Well, he's very, very attractive. He must've been the person who brought me here after I got hurt. he could've have been the one to hurt me- maybe he was trying to help, so he brought me here? Laci thought her herself, reading his body language and facial expressions. He appeared to be annoyed, but it didn't necessarily seem aimed at her. He had the most stunning eyes, and a strong facial structure that surpassed that of most other humans that she had met or seen. And for some reason, she had no idea who he was, but he made her feel safe.

"I-I'm Laci. And you are?" Lace asked softly, being her usual, polite self. She offered a soft, unsure smile.
Stevie! Oh, Stevie!! She had been in her dream too! She must've gotten hurt too!!! Worried, she looked around the room again once more, as if she was hiding, and looked towards the door. "Have you seen my friend?? Uhm, she has long blonde hair and really pretty eyes. She looks like a gothic version of me?" She asked nervously, worried that Stevie was hurt and alone somewhere.

She carefully adjusted herself, swinging her legs over the side of the bed that he was sitting in front of. She turned her big blue bambi eyes on him, biting down on her lip. "I'm terribly sorry to be a bother. I-I'm just worried about her."

Lace paused, and glanced at her shoulder before looking back up at him. "Do you know what happened? Thank you for getting me out of there."



Daniel paced behind the guest house. He had asked for Seth to look over the human that he bit, although he already wasn't planning on going anywhere. Of course, he ended up biting his friend's twin sister. He was probably going to murder him later. It looked like he had some sort of attachment the other human, Luke's, too.

Danny knew what was going to follow in suit now that he had a defenseless changelings to take care of. Not to mention the attatchment- he already felt somewhat tender towards her, and very protective. A natural response, that annoyed the hell out of him. Couldn't he, for once, just pick out someone he liked and hang out with them?

He knew that there would be many other connections and bonding that would naturally happen, even if they hated each other. He had to help her shift, which was going to be very, very painful for her. He felt bad, knowing that the next month or so of her life was going to be hell. It wasn't just the first shift that he had to help her through- it was all of the others, until she could shift without any pain. Not to mention the full moon. Who knew what would happen there.

Dan hated responsibility. He hated feeling tied down. This was pretty much as tied down as wolves could get. Well, other than having pups. He was going to have to take care of this human, and she deserved better. Anyone would deserve better.

Although, he felt bad for Luke's human too. Luke could be a real ass and she looked pretty... fragile. But he knew that his brother would take care of her. He may be a bit crude to her, but he'd make sure she was okay. He was, after all, significantly more responsibly than him. Between the two, his human was definetly more his type. More durable. Not to mention, she was hot.

With a deep groan, he made his way back into the guest house and into the room where he had put down the human- Seth called her Stevie, right? Cute.

He entered the room, to see him human up and looking very unhappy. She caught her asking her twin what had happened and internally flinched a little. He did feel bad- she was probably in pain because of him. Her body was changing. Her sight becoming progressively better, her hearing getting better, stuff like that. Things that he loved about being a wolf, but to a human would be overwhelming. Not to mention, she was going to have to go through her first shifting, which would be an unimaginable pain.

"So. How much has your brother told you?" Dan asked nonchalantly, glancing at Seth before looking back at Stevie. She did have the most beautiful eyes that he'd ever seen. It her hair looked so beautiful- it looked like golden silk. Not to mention, she had an amazing body.