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Snippet #2515122

located in Misaki Creek Academy, a part of Misaki Creek| An All Boys Academy, one of the many universes on RPG.

Misaki Creek Academy



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haruka Miyamoto Character Portrait: Hiroshi Tatsuno
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Outside School Grounds

"Now that’s something you don’t see every day” Haruka Thought to himself as his bike strolled down the lane leading up to the Academy, a beautiful morning sprinkled with blooming cherry blossoms, the sign of Spring dancing it way into the small town of Misaki, and the creek that the school was built next to flowed with all types of algae, and beautiful petals that flowed on the surface, giving the creek an ethereal look to it. Haruka enjoyed this much more than the bungle of traffic where he was from, and the dingy little shops that served tea, or some other form of mundane entertainment, Misaki was a ways from the city life, and was slightly more rural than Haruka was used to, though rural not in the sense of poverty, just in traditions. The school served as a reminder of the ever changing world, at least that’s what Haruka liked to think. There was definitely something that this place feel perfect for school. Haruka was so very eager to take off from the grasp of his parents, to make his own way in life. It wasn't as if he hated his parents. No, they were good people, if not completely misguided and shameless. For one thing, Haruka honestly couldn't take his last year at his previous High School, the torment he received from classmates who had grown to know him and his parents antics for well over a decade had followed him throughout each of the grades, and with that came the usual sinister teasing, and rather backhanded compliments and insults. For someone like Haruka that knew such a thing couldn't be helped, he jumped at the chance to attend Misaki, a school which he admittedly had no idea existed until a letter came in the mail. Not to mention that he could hardly find anything online about the school either, almost as if it didn't exist, yet even then he would not deter from admission.

After a few strange questions which he figured must have been good enough, and not to mention his grades were above average than most students who attended his previous school, that much he wanted to believe was enough for acceptance. With his luggage in a large basket in the front of his bike he continued his trek there, unaware of anyone else who was attending or just why it was so far away. For him, as long as something fruitful came out of it, he could care less. Before he knew it, he found himself at the gates, moving his bike inside he found the racks where other bikes were typically stored, hit his brakes, and then got off. It must have been a good 2 hours since he left his home town, but he had no way of knowing just how far he trekked, only that he was a little tired from having to wake up so early to make it here on time. He stretched he sore limbs and chained his bike to the metal post. Looking around not many students were out and about, and the few who were talked quietly amongst themselves, so quietly that the nature surrounding the school could be heard over their voices, though it was more likely that Haruka was too far to hear any of them talk. It was then that the encroaching realization that he knew no one, and that this wasn't like him returning to another year at his designated hometown high school came along. Every face was different from the other, like he suddenly landed on another planet. He put a a nervous hand through his hair, realizing that it'd be more difficult to make friends in a place that he hadn't lived all his life.

The violet haired boy picked up his luggage places in the bicycle basket in front of him before walking into the Main Courtyard of the school. the school looked like any normal school and Haruka had to find it in himself not to be nervous, he was nearly an adult for heaven's sake, and yet meeting new people still fazed him in a certain way that he couldn't explain, that he thought he had to blame on his parents, since most people were keen to the idea that their behavior reflected off of him, which would cause him further shame. This he realized crippled his social confidence, to the point where he was unaware of such a thing. Regardless, he sauntered up to the main steps of the school, a poster-board attached to the window pane, explained that students were to drop off their personal items at their dorm rooms, and then report to the Dining Hall for the 'Commencement Speech' at 9:00am, while breakfast would e served as early as 7:30am. That sounded pretty straight forward to Haruka, from there beyond the board was a list that had the names of students by Year, and Dorms. After a few minutes, and squinting his eyes a few times, he was able to find his name next to another, he memorized the dorm number, but would not be going to the dorms just yet. Instead he turned his attention to the Dining Hall, when a appetite for whatever was going to be served passed through him, he knew he needed to satisfy it. He walked over to the Hall glad to find the one thing that he was familiar He stood in line patiently awaiting to be served.

Teacher's Quarters

The unmistakable aroma of freshly bloomed cherry blossoms permeated the air, and with the it and the sun out, came the aggravating chirps of birds. It was a sound that Hiroshi hoped to soon forget, hundreds of years (or perhaps thousands with his memory) of having those same decibels intrude his ear canal while he slept was no walk in park. Indeed, Hiroshi was not a morning person by a long shot, despite having seen more suns that most humans could even dream of. If there was one thing he could wish, it was that animals of the avian type found a way to shut their traps while people like him tried to get a good morning's rest. Wait....that wasn't right....., Hiroshi eyes began to flutter once again out of unconsciousness. Birds don't chirp at night do they?" he asked himself, before realizing that morning had come, and for him hardly a good nights' rest, it was always like this when school came back in, the night before always made him anxious despite the process being the same as it had been for hundreds of years of the schools establishment, in many ways he accepted the butterflies he received from thinking about the new and returning attendees of the Academy, it was almost like holding on to a minuscule piece of humanity, not knowing what what he was, or what to classify himself as, Hiroshi could only act as every other being chained to this realm they called Earth. For him, that was enough philosophical yearning for the morning. He raised himself from the mattress, rubbing his sensitive eyes from the crust that usually accumulated there.

He began his day by the usual hygiene routine, walking into the bathroom, taking his clothes off and taking a shower, brushing his teeth, fixing his disheveled hair, none in a particular order or anything before returning to his room, and picking out the outfit he tailored for today, Hiroshi was not one for occasion, but every once in a while he liked to be fashionable at least for a time, or more like a week, the outfits in his closet were tailored for the entire week, and he already knew from many repeated tries that it wouldn't last any longer than that, but it was nice to let potential students know that their Headmaster wasn't a complete slob. As he fitted his tie into his dress shirt, Hiroshi made note of the fact that most people probably wouldn't recognize him as Headmaster, much like it had been for the last few years due to his age, and while he took this with as much tact as he could it was rather disheartening to see some students not even listen to him until they were made aware of his position. Looking into the tall mirror posted on the other side of his bedroom, he somewhat regretted having to choose this body to harbor his soul, as he had no choice, though he could admit that at least it wasn't someone with a frail, failing body. Vanity was not one of his strong points, but he had to admit that he liked his current body, and would prefer to stay in it if possible.

With enough of that on his mind, he picked up his jacket and strolled out of his room, walking past the multiple rooms in the Teachers' Quarters, Hiroshi noted that the place seemed much more full than he last remembered, it being modeled after most condos around the area made it a small little community within itself, and when Hiroshi first established the Academy, Dorms weren't even installed then, but of course he was thinking a number of years ago, when the Academy was relatively small, and far less likely to attract students due to the way superstition was handled by the masses, no doubt if they were exposed back then the Academy would have been lost to religious heretics, or some other insane group. Nowadays, some part of Hiroshi believed that Supernaturals like them would be accepted into society with either a grain of salt at their abilities, or probably as interesting. The way generations of youth separated themselves was so unique to Hiroshi, and how opinions and traditions change drastically over a few decades was part of the reason he established Misaki Creek. He wished for a day where they could fully integrate into society, where they weren't just stories to be told at night to spook children, or beings that could only exist in superhero comics. Humans typically had no idea that Supernaturals were all around them, and for that Hiroshi made it his life duty to make sure that would happen someday, or at least it was a goal he easily envisioned.

He moved his way into the Teacher's Lounge, not yet ready to address the new batch of students coming in, and the returning who knew the routine. Instead he decided to relax, and take a few sips of caffeine which was mysteriously pre-heated, and the perfect temperature to drink. Today, they would start with the commencement speech, new students would get the chance to explore the school, and get friendly with their new dorm-mate. Settling into the school was probably the easiest part for most students, realizing that they weren't alone, and making the transition that much easier. That he supposed made it far easier than being around otherwise judgmental humans. Wouldn't that be a surprise? Humans at the Academy?.... He returned to sipping on his drink as the strange thought passed. "How absurd... he thought to himself.