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Snippet #2559072

located in The City of Anthemia, a part of Anthemia Academy for Hunters||Remaster, one of the many universes on RPG.

The City of Anthemia



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Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei"
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Lorelei raised an eyebrow. If, by her own admission, there was no point to initiating a conversation, then why was this manic idiot bothering her? Was she trying to be annoying, or did it just come naturally to her?

Then again, both answers were probably correct, now that she thought about it.

"Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Am I right?" Muttered the girl, giving a cheeky smirk. Lorelei's eyes narrowed in annoyance. She, admittedly, had no idea what that phrase was supposed to mean, but it was probably some sort of insult.

"No, you're not. I don't even own a bed," She responded bluntly, taking the girl's comment literally and quipping what must have sounded like a joke with the utmost seriousness. She tried to calm herself with the reassurance that after this, she could just avoid this irritating person for the rest of the semester, but it seemed fate had other plans.

"I bet you're Lorelei! Right? Right?!" She squealed, her speaking voice almost as grating as the wave of enthusiasm that struck the supersoldier's psyche like a sledgehammer - an oddly appropriate metaphor, considering the brat's weapon of choice. And here she'd thought that finally being referred to be her name would be a sign she was being treated as an equal. Coming from this idiot, it felt more like she was being treated as a dog.

"No, I'm the Duchess of the Gumdrop Kingdom," She muttered sarcastically, rolling her eyes as she gave a sigh of annoyance. This was one of the people she'd be working alongside for the foreseeable future? How predictably infuriating. Taking a deep breath, she continued more seriously. "Unfortunately, yes I-" Her words were cut off by a loud crash as the other victim of this maniac, the short boy who'd been cowering a few moments earlier, was dragged bodily from his seat by the insane girl. He must have been the other member of their team. Normally, she'd probably have viewed his scrawny appearance and meek demeanor with a critical eye, but at least he seemed fairly quiet, and compared to the hammer wielding nutjob, infinitely more bearable.

...That is, until a strange woman materialized out of thin air beside him to help him up, and her voice, along with a booming, powerful male voice, began to resound from within his mind. Of course, it was far too much to ask that her teammates be normal people. No, she had to get the crazy broad with ADHD and some weird kid who had actual other people living inside his head! She slapped a palm to her forehead, shaking her head and turning away. The boy picked himself up, meanwhile, and seemed to be looking the both of them over. To her surprise, he didn't seem to be afraid of her. Rather, the emotions he was projecting seemed more like... admiration? Huh? Where did that come from?

" to m-m-meet you! I am C....aesar M-Minamoto!" The boy stuttered, his name barely intelligible through his stammer as he bowed hastily. "I hope I didn't something wrong and offend them..." Came a worried whimper from within his mind. Lorelei raised an eyebrow. Okay, so apparently, he was afraid of her after all. Turning back towards him, she gave an expression somewhere between a sardonic smirk and an exasperated sigh.

"Tell me, Mr. Mi-Minamoto," She said, purposefully mimicking his own stammer, but doing so with her usual utterly serious demeanor, such that it wasn't exactly clear whether she was mocking him or had seriously misinterpreted his stammer as a part of his name. "How exactly would you offend somebody just by introducing yourself? Unless your name was something like Mr. You R. A. Fool, I fail to see how it would be possible." She didn't know much about manners, so she wasn't really sure whether or not there really was a way, but she felt the need to comment on it, nonetheless, since it seemed strange.

...Oh, right, she'd just responded to someone's thoughts again. Damnit! It was always so hard to tell when people were speaking to her, or merely thinking at her. Great, only a few minutes into her new class, and yet again, she'd already made exactly the same mistake as she had when she first arrived. Fortunately, her frustration at herself was short lived, for another outburst from the queen of hyperactivity swiftly put her focus to other matters - like being frustrated with the idiocy she'd been saddled with.

"Guess we're a team, huh? What should we call ourselves? It's gotta be something cool, like Super Death Team! Er..something like that," She said with an annoyingly cheerful grin. Oh, for the love of... was she really serious? Lorelei may have had all the backbone of a worm when it came to what was important - like basic human rights - but even she had her pride. She'd sooner rip out her own appendix and wear it as a hat than she would willingly be part of something called the "Super Death Team."

There was an expression about something being the "last straw." It was another thing Lorelei didn't really know the context of, but whatever it was, this was it.

"Rejected!" She declared firmly. "In fact, all of your opinions from this point onward are henceforth pre-emptively rejected!" Not that it would actually stop her or anything, but it still felt tremendously satisfying shooting down that stupid plan before it actually took root. Egged onward with her own irritation at how her day had been going thus far, she continued her little tirade. "So, instead of yakking about moronic ideas like team names, why don't we talk about the things we actually need to know to function in a combat situation? Allow me to demonstrate!" She stood up, her eyes flashing azure as she focused at random on the strange metal box in her pocket that the midget had given her. In an instant, it floated out and began to orbit her like a tiny satellite. "Gather round, kiddies! Now look at the box! It's flying! Now look at me! I'm also flying!" She continued condescendingly as she floated off the ground to punctuate this statement. "Now look at the shiny thing in my hair!" The crystal woven into her black and white tresses shattered outward, a stream of water circling around her as her smirk broadened. In an instant, the composition and orientation of every single molecule of the water surrounding her became known to her as they collapsed into a single plane, forming a blade, the hilt of which she laid hold of in an almost casual movement. "Now it's a sword! I'm reading your mind!" She abruptly spun about in midair, the sword she held sweeping upward and stopping inches away from the hammer girl's face. "Surprise! There's nothing in there!" With a rather cruel grin, she floated back down to the floor, drawing back her weapon as its form shifted to that of an ornate crystalline cane, which she planted in front of her and leaned on with a very casual air, at the same time snatching the box and sliding it back into her pocket. Twirling her cane, she gave a melodramatic, stage-like bow. "Thus concludes our show, thank you for coming, and please stop at our gift shop!"

...Huh. That verbal smackdown had been a little more... enthusiastic... than she'd intended it. Maybe being exposed to the hammer girl's seemingly infinite level of energy had made a bit more of an impact on her mindset than she realized. It was rather funny, now that she thought about it. Between being scolded by the man she hated, the expectations foisted upon her and the comparative disgust directed at her in return, and the nuisance she'd been sentenced to deal with for the rest of her stay in this class, she'd finally reached the point where she no longer cared about any of her many irritations - or anything else, really. So what if everybody in the vicinity thought she'd spontaneously decided to go mad? So what if her teammates hated her for being an insufferable bitch to them? So what if every single one of her classmates decided to join up and form the Super Lorelei Hateclub? The amount of shits she gave was so far in the negative that it had collapsed into a black hole that consumed all emotions she felt towards everyone else save frustration, smug superiority, and general apathy. They'd just treat her like scum no matter what she did, so she might as well have fun and do the same to them! Thus, carried on a wave of resignation, she allowed herself to succumb to the feeling of blissful euphoria that came with not caring what anybody else thought of her, and rounded next on the boy, a rather unhinged sneer adorning her face. "Alright, then. Let's do this in order of relative intelligence, which means that you're next! What can you do, exactly? Actually, for starters, why are there three people in your head instead of one, anyway?"