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Snippet #2602030

located in Aeonis Academy, a part of Aeonis Academy for Demigods, one of the many universes on RPG.

Aeonis Academy



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Altair D'Cruz Character Portrait: Isra Tennyson Character Portrait: Juliette M. Kingsley Character Portrait: Aiden W. Stuart Character Portrait: Dylan Ramirez Character Portrait: Daniel Keisuke
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Dan looked up as Tair walked over him before standing himself and following his friend, if not a little slowly and dragging his feet to return the favor of slowing them down. Dan smiled as he saw Tair texting someone. "Oooo, does Tair have a girlfriend now?" Danny asked, teasing his friend as he continued to drag his feet before picking up the pace upon having the favor of yelling returned. "I'm going to hurry not because you told me to, but because I feel like it," Danny said in his most rebellious voice he has.

Dan looked down to see he owed lessons and wondered if he could somehow have Teddy steal the time so that he didn't have to give lessons and could instead spend the time with Isra. That would be nice. He would like that.

To Dylan:You see buddy, I have recently broken my voice and therefore cannot give instruction by speaking. You will only learn through telepathy, since you can't do that, I guess we can't have guitar lessons.

Danny sent the message with the most serious face he had on. He knew his friend would know he was joking and did it for the sake of making him smile. He continued walking next to Altair only to receive another text and just stop where he was without warning.

To JullieteI'm coming and don't worry, you're already a looser! You're my sister!

Danny had his half sister in his phone as "Romeo's GF" for whatever reason. Maybe it was because someone had once gone through all of his contacts to change their name to something related to their name to just mess with Danny. Dan had decided he either didn't care or liked it, but was too lazy to decide which and just went ahead and left it as it was. Dan then continued to walk, jogging slightly to catch up to Tair. Danny heard yet another text and groaned, stopping suddenly once again, then smiled at who it was and whooped, pumping his fist in the air in his excitement to talk to her. The best part? Nobody knew who he was so psyched over! Then his crush would be out and Isra would probably reject him, at least in his head that was how it went.


Isra: I'll be there in two minutes.

Dan's contact had Isra in it as Amore Mio, My Love in Italian since few people in the states seemed to speak or be able to read Italian. Danny made the text short and sweet so he could take off running to get there as fast as possible. He ran by Altair, leaving him in the dust as he ran to reach the dining hall, ignoring the banging of the guitar on his back. He slowed to a jog as he approached so he wasn't so desperate in appearance.

Dan gave Dylan a slight wave as he took back up his running so he could reach the food line before someone else got there since he had spotted Isra at the end of the line. "I swear I will talk to you in a few minutes, thank you, I know I'm your biggest fan, I love you too, bye," Danny said as he gave a slide shuffle thing before resuming his running. He skidded to a stop behind Isra, his hands in his pocket, willing his body not to sweat and praying his dad was enough of a ladies man that he understood Dan's need to look good and not stink from exertion.

"There she is!" Danny stated as he held his arms up as if presenting Isra to an invisible audience. "So, have you gotten a new favorite song I must learn how to play so you have a fabulous acoustic version?" Danny asked as he grabbed a muffin and began peeling the wrapper off.

He wasn't sure what flavor it was, but as soon as he took a bite, he grabbed a napkin and spit it out. He dropped the gross half eaten bran muffin into the trash then hesitantly reached for one with something that might have been chocolate chips, he hoped they were chocolate chips. Dan was very pleased when it was and was able to swallow it.

"I'm telling you what, muffins are not just ugly cupcakes, they are just a different part of the cupcake family and prefer to not use makeup. So basically, muffins are beautiful as they are as they are like us, beautiful when natural. In other words, you look very muffinish today," Danny said in the stupidest pick up line he had ever used. He turned slightly away so he could bang his head on a table and lay down to die when he realized it wouldn't do any good and turned back to Isra. "So, what're you gonna do later? I did get my violin tuned if you want to come over and hear that one song from last year with a properly tuned violin," Danny asked, feeling like she would automatically say no since it was him. He would think every other girl would say yes, but the one that mattered? Why would she see anything in him? She was so much better...

Dan glanced back at Dylan and his other friends, scanning the dining area for anyone he might have missed. He saw people he knew and was friends with spaced out, then found the one guy he wasn't friends with, at all. His arch nemesis, which wasn't Danny being over dramatic, was currently doing something Danny didn't like. He debated interfering, then realized he'd have to eventually. Danny was fast, whispering under his breath so that it was only audible to him, "Ugly acts dealt to another shall return to you and become a bother."

It wasn't one of his best curses, and he could already feel lightheaded, the darkness he felt increasing on him causing him to feel as if he was suffocating for a moment before it passed and the curse was sent to encounter the jerk. Danny hoped that whatever Aiden had sent at Dylan was something really bad, not because he wanted Dylan to be in pain or whatever, but so Aiden was. It was a good jab, the first of many between the two Danny imagined. He gave a slight smirk before returning his full attention to Isra, having done the entire act when she was busy with the food options.