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Snippet #2667488

located in Japan, a part of Seiyuu Academy: A Girl in the boy's dorms!?, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Character Portrait: Hikaru Yoshika Character Portrait: Reika Takeru Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada Character Portrait: Kurokawa Kazuki
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Countryside could be seen for miles. It was strange, but Hikaru couldn't have been happier. She was in the car with her mother and father, heading down an unfamiliar road, until she heard a loud buzzing noise.

Without warning, the short haired girl fell out of bed and was torn from her peaceful dream by the loud alarm clock and cracking her head open on the wooden floor. She remained upside down, the bottom half of her body on the bed while the rest of her was now in the floor. With a sigh of pure frustration, Hikaru got up off the floor and rubbed the now tender spot on the back of her head. She hated these dreams, they constantly reminded her of what she could never have. Before she could become too depressed by her dream, Hikaru noticed her new school uniform hanging on her bedroom door. Shit! That's right, school!! Hikaru panicked. If she didn't get ready, she wouldn't have time to find her way around the school or locate her class on time. She withdrew her uniform and rushed to the bathroom in record time. Due to her socks, Hikaru nearly slipped and stopped mere centimeters from crashing into the bathroom door.

Once inside, Hikaru took a quick shower and dressed for school, only slightly skeptical about her school uniform's masculine appearance. It looked like something boys would wear, but who was she to judge? She didn't know a lot about Japanese fashion or the culture, seeing as she just moved to this country, and the fact that any Japanese school was interested in her was flattering. Hikaru gazed upon herself in the mirror and adjusted her bangs before tugging at the Seiyuu academy's red tie around her neck. She pulled it looser, not very comfortable with it clenching her throat. She made her way to the kitchen and quickly whipped up breakfast for herself and her grandmother, chewing her food in record time. Once she finished and washed the dishes, Hikaru shoved on her shoes and seized her luggage as she left the house. She smiled up at the rising sun, totally unaware that she had been mistaken for a boy and was going to be attending Seiyuu Academy as a male student starting today.

As she made her way down the streets, Hikaru ran her fingers through her pale blonde hair, walking calmly to the train station before boarding. She couldn't reach the straps hanging from the ceiling, so she took a seat before they were all taken by adults. She stared around at people flirting with their significant others and couldn't help but notice s group of girls giggling as they pointed at her. She smiled and waved to them in a friendly manner, only for them to giggle more. What was with them? Had they never seen a girl on her way to school before? She brushed it off as something about her foreign appearance, but their reaction generally disturbed her.

Once the train made it to her stop, Hikaru stood quickly and retrieved her luggage. She had to get off of the train before it decided to keep going, so she rushed off the platform and dashed towards her school with a sense of excitement. She had never been a new student before! She had to run a few blocks with her heavy luggage in tow, but at least her heaviest bag had wheels. The invention of the wheel was absolutely genius. Before long, Hikaru finally had Seiyuu Academy in her sights, and she had to admit the live on campus was absolutely gorgeous! She began wondering what kind of sports this school participated in, and took no time going in to retrieve her schedule. She wandered the halls for what felt like forever, but was escorted to the principal's office soon enough by a member of the faculty. Once her schedule was printed off, Hikaru found out that she was in class 4B. Apparently they did not switch classes here, nor did they have a cafeteria. She would have to bring her own lunch, a detail her grandmother had never mentioned. I'm going to starve at lunch!

The small blonde girl that was dressed as a scrawny male student shifted through the crowded hallways until she finally found her class. She had to squeeze past people, but she eventually made it to her classroom and took a seat in the main back, hoping that since it was the start of the year that no one had claims on the seats yet. She was very small, and did not wish to start a fight. She was doing well, and did not wish to trigger her anger. The longer Hikaru glanced around at her classmates, the more she seemed to realize that she was in the boy's uniform, not the girl's. This school thought that Hikaru was a boy!! This was bad. There had to be some kind of mistake. She felt nervous, but realized that she would have to switch uniforms after today, but for now she'd lay low if possible. Her chest was almost always bound down by ace bandages because she didn't like her boobs distracting her in sports, so it would be easy enough to pass as a male. She touched her chest to make sure the bandages were keeping it flat, sighing in relief when she realized that maybe no one would find out. She couldn't sacrifice her first day after all. Besides, would pretending to be a boy for a day really be that bad? What could happen in one day? Hikaru had no idea she'd be keeping this façade up a lot longer than one day, but how could she have known?

Olive eyes scanned the room until they landed on the clock. She realized that class would begin in about twenty minutes, but right now that felt like a million years away. She just hoped that no one would recognize her as 'boy' Hikaru once she wore the female's uniform and straightened out this gender mix up. Everyone thinks I'm a boy.. Wait... I can't tell them! This is s dorm school!! I'll lose my scholarship! suddenly the blonde girl was quite conflicted. She would have to pretend to be a male, or risk missing out on this prestigious school.