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Snippet #2698076

located in Eludrest, a part of Dreamer's Gate, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Character Portrait: Penelope Spectra Character Portrait: Mikhael Dunborough Character Portrait: Violet Faune
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The sharp pain of flat out rejection pierced Violet's already frail heart. Unfortunately her meager efforts of calming the child were all for naught as he began to tug at her, begging the defeated squire to let him go. Instead of granting the boy's request, Violet stared at the ground with a blank stare. She had never been able to take any sort of rejection lightly no matter who it was and on top of it all she had already stepped out of her comfort zone in an attempt to find a solution to the situation herself which is something she rarely did. It was always easier to wait and follow orders. Violet would rather much rely on a superior to give her orders than looking like a fool when she tried to take matters into her own hands. She just wanted to die. The boy was squirming in Violet's grasp and he began whining even louder for her to let him go though his words were not reaching the girl. She had already retreated into the depths of her mind where she was currently overthinking this situation WAY out of proportion. Though as Violet was sinking deeper into her unnecessary despair, she jolted her head upward when a gentle hand suddenly touched her shoulder. The touch was warm and Violet looked up and found herself locking eyes with Penelope who had glided over to her side without her noticing. A kind, bright smile spread across her friend's face and the squire couldn't help but return a meek smile at the cheery woman. Penelope's smile had helped alleviate some of the girl's embarrassment and Violet let a relived sigh escape her lips, grateful that Penelope was there. It always seemed that she was there to help Violet whenever she was in a pinch and even though she was grateful, Violet truly wished there was some way she could repay Penelope for all the times she had come to her rescue.

Violet felt Penelope's touch slide down her arm to take hold of her hand and she instantly felt her cheeks go a slight red. "It's going to be okay," She whispered in a soft comforting tone and in return, Violet gave her a more confident smile as thanks. It was going to be okay. Those were the words she needed to hear the most. The words that she always wanted to hear whenever she began her silly thoughts. Just then, Violet felt someone approach from behind them and when she saw who it was the girl felt even more relived. It was none other than her father Gregorio. Greeting Penelope first, Gregorio turned his attention to Violet. "Violet, I will need you to accompany me out into the hallway. I think our companion has the dreamer from here, and there are some matters I want to attend with you." Her father's tone was serious and Violet could instantly tell that something was wrong and once again she gave him a strong, "Yes sir." as she stood up from the floor. It was then that she finally realized that she still had a strong grip on the boy dreamer's hand and she quickly apologized letting him go. Though before following her father to the main doors of the hall she gave Penelope a concerned look. Was she going to be alright with this situation? Not really wanting to leave her behind, Violet mouthed a few words to the legless woman asking her if she was okay but Penelope only responded with a sour but playful look and shoo'ed her away. Violet couldn't help but chuckle at her friend's response and just with that she knew Penelope would be okay. It seemed that she was even enjoying this strange situation. Turning on her heels, Violet quickly followed Gregorio.

It was a little while until the two of them stopped just out of earshot of any guards nearby. Violet's head was spinning as she wondered what could be so important and why he had to consult her about this matter. Gregorio suddenly turned to Violet as he laid both hands on her shoulders. "Violet, you know that I trust you. I have tried to take care of you the best that I have been able to, and now I need you to hold on to a secret that I have been... hesitant to share, even with the Captain. But I believe you are the right person to hear it..." Violet's heart felt like it was about to leap out of her chest. What in the world could be so secretive that her father could not even tell the captain? But no matter the reason, Violet nodded and readied herself for whatever her father had to say. Deep in her heart she had the utmost respect for this man who had taken her in. He had taken care of her, guided her, took her under his wing as his own squire and taught her everything she needed to know about how to take care of herself here in the castle. And at this moment, no matter what dire situation he was about to lay onto her she had already made up her mind long ago that she would always stand and fight by his side when the time came.

"I don't.... think he was the last dreamer in the radius. But I'm not certain. Which is why I would like you to collect your things. When the night falls, I want to take you, Miss Spectra, and a select few men to scout out an area a ways off from the palace. I think there might be someone... or something out there." Something? What did he mean? Gregorio's words spun round and round in Violet's head as she tried to make sense of what she just heard. But at mention of Penelope's name, Violet suddenly became worried. Why did Penelope have to venture beyond the walls with them? Just the thought of her venturing with them into dangerous territory with some... "thing" out there made her uneasy. Accidentally dropping formalities once again, Violet had to ask. "P-Penelope? Why is she coming with us? Isn't it going to be dangerous out there?"