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Dreamer's Gate

Dreamer's Gate


The world of dreams is beginning to unravel as mysteries spill out upon its occupants as a sinister energy spills out... time is running short.

2,664 readers have visited Dreamer's Gate since Igari created it.






The Dreaming

For most people, they are visitors to the realm of Dreams. Many do not recall their nightly escapades, cannot fathom the fantastical journeys that they were a part of. It remains as a small, barely tangible fragment in memory. When they sleep, they enter their own entanglement, their own bubbleβ€”if one willβ€”and find themselves amidst a world of their own creation. Perhaps they rescue a princess, perhaps they fly over the mountains... but when they awake, all that exists within the bubble fades. It diminishes down to the embers from whence it came, and disperses into the realm of the subconscious.

Residents of the Dreamscape prefer it this way, for they are used to the topsy turvy nature of the realm of which they inhabit. Nothing is constant, yet they work to make it consistent. Those that reside at the Palace of Morpheus work to ensure that their world functions on a vague set of rules... a visitors stay is temporary, and that the boundaries of their dream bubble must be kept in order. The divide within the subconscious state is delicate after all and even the slightest event could have huge implications and a ripple effect on its surroundings...

Our Story

With their control seemingly slipping, inconsistencies have begun to surface and a sinister power moves its hand over the realm. It seeks to obliterate those in its way and force the world into a state of dreaming to increase its own power. Those that become lost in its web seemingly never awaken, and a world that once fluttered on the edges of existence is now crumbling on the edge of uncertainty and has been rudely thrust into the limelight. Waging war on this entity has begun to be suggested--but the innocent lives that could entail as well as deaths in the world of the waking is what halts this immediate action.

Perhaps you are one of the visitors of this realm, one whose Inner Self has landed precariously in the midst of the chaos. Perhaps you are one of those that serve the palace, that believe maybe one day, the Goddess of Dreams will return and wipe away the mar that clouts your home. Regardless of whichever side of the token you fall, unity seems to be the way to pursue this matter... and not all regard this with as much openness as perhaps the situation demands.

Time is running shortβ€”and this foray into dreams is not as whimsical as it appears to be.




The Inner Self

The Inner Self is the form one takes when they enter the dream realm. It is a reflection of their true self, so to speak, and at times may not always resemble the host body in apperance, age, size, or even gender. Inner Selves can have a set of powers or abilities that once again the host may notβ€”the kinds of things that can only be realized among the subconscious.

Soul Spheres

Soul Spheres are small pulses of energy that represent the mana flow of the individual. Some have stronger pulses than others, and this represents a stronger affinity to the subconscious and dream state. It is possible to have multiple energy flows, thus, more than one power; however, everything flows from an origin point in that power tree. So, for example, if someone were to wield fire as an affinity, they could not, in turn, also wield water, as it comes from a different power tree.

Some examples may include: (Fire)-->Ability to exist in high temperatures without taking any penalties, can set parts of body ablaze, can create light
This is just to get you started as you are thinking about what soul sphere and correlated abilities you may want.




Dreamer Types

There are two types of dreamers: normal dreamers and lucid dreamers. Normal dreamers exist inside of their respective dream bubbles, a space created in the dream world that hosts the dream of that particular person. While inside of a dream bubble, the person cannot normally communicate with outside parties or leave the area. The person in question is not conscious of this bubble of created dream events and just flows with the events before them. They are guided subconsciously out of the dream when it is time to awaken. Lucid dreamers are fully aware of this bubble and can influence it, creating a dream to their liking or preferences. They can even leave their area and travel in the dreamscape.

[Note] Due to recent events, normal and lucid dreamers both have been thrown for a loop. If you do choose to play a normal dreamer, then this may very well be your first time exploring spaces beyond your bubble. Some normal dreamers might look at this quest as just another adventure or dream they are having, rather than events that are transpiring.

Blessed Sanction of Zaleia

Many residents pray to what they perceive to be the Goddess of Dreams, an entity whose powers range from fantastical to highly irrational. Rumors surround her, no one is quite sure precisely what she can do. But the most devout followers assert that it is she that guides the Realm, she that breathes live into all, and she that can even grant wishes from dreams. But the Goddess in question has never been sighted, which lead some to speculate her existence.




Where You Come In

I have never been a big fan of assigning roles but I also cannot argue at the effectiveness of that sort of thing. Therefore, listed below are the open slots in this RP--try to be versatile and get as zany and creative as you want. Remember, this is a world unleashed by our subconscious--the weirder, the better! Bear in mind if you decide to take the resident slot, you will be working with me to build up some lore about the way the infrastructure of the palace works so be prepared for PM's and a flurry of ideas. I am so so open to new ideas and viewpoints, so if you are really good at improv or contributing to a bigger picture, then this is the story for you. Reservations are held for a maximum of 5 days--if you need an extension, tell me. (Sometimes characters are not made that fast and I can respect that)

[Resident (Magus)] - Taken - Igari
[Resident (Knight)] - Reserved - Mat_z6
[Dreamer Type 1: Lucid (Palace Visitor)] - Open
[Dreamer Type 2: Normal (Abilities are still very new)] - Reserved - raspberryberet
[Dreamer Type 1: Lucid (visited the dream bubbles of others and has caused problems for some of the palace occupants] - Open
[Dreamer Type 2: Normal (believes that this is just a continuation of their dream] - Open
[Dreamer Either Type] - Open

Any questions, please post in the OOC or shoot me a PM!

What to Include in Your Character

Initially I was going to put some coding here in the RP but sometimes people like to create their own thing. So your character sheet should include the following:
Name, Nicknames, Age, Gender, Sexuality (Optional), Appearance, Personality, Abilities, Some Strengths and Weaknesses, and Background
Feel free to add anything you want.


1. If you are going to apply for this roleplay, bear in mind you will be required to post at least once a week. I understand life can be active, work and school and the like, but don't post an application if you can't at least do it once in a 7 day cycle.

2. Try to be polite and play nice. If there are any disputes, my PM is open.

3. The more creative the better! Get weird, improv, do whatever zany things come to your head. I love people who can contribute to lore and background, because this is not just my story.

4. If you have read these rules and agree to them then when you reserve your spot--please put, the dark side gave me cookies!

5. Speaking of reservations, those last for up to 5 days. If you need an extension, please PM me--sometimes characters are not made that quickly which I understand but I don't want a slot to be selected as taken when you have no intention of finishing your character.

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Penelope Spectra Character Portrait: Violet Faune Character Portrait: Mikhael Dunborough
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#, as written by Igari


Murmured voices filled the hall, some more agitated than others. The tension was palpable. The concern practically material. After a heated few minutes, the dulcet tones raised in volume as several figures stormed down the hallway, arguing amongst themselves. Their tones were reaching a crescendo, going back and forth, back and forth. There did not seem to be any noticeable solutions, only more complaints as they blathered. A pair of eyes on the ground watched them pass from safely behind a pillar. To be more specific, it was a detached head, floating an inch or so above the ground. The skin tapered off around the neck, leaving behind glinting specs of stardust.

Penelope Spectra had an odd habit of even more bizarre observation. She had been in the main hall as she had been instructed. But no one was there so she had gotten bored. In order to entertain herself and, by barest minimum, obey her orders--she had removed her head and floated around the palace. She had seen these men before--some of them belonged to The Circle of Grace, others heads of the Blessed Sanction, and a few more, knights of prestige. The arguments were becoming more and more common, and the pandemonium was like an infection. Spreading slowly throughout the palace. It seemed no one was impervious, but she could not blame them. After all, in times like this--it was hard to know where to find the order in everything.

Oops, it looked like they were headed this way! No pun intended.

She giggled to herself and she glided down the hall, re-attaching to her neck as soon as the lot of them rounded the corner. One of the men looked up at her and she grinned--causing him to grimace in return. Ah, Captain Picarr. He had never enjoyed her presence. Why he chose to take the appearance of such a gruff and old man was beyond her.

"Penelope, where are the other members of court--this is urgent business!" He practically shouted at her. Well that really was not her fault, how was
she supposed to know? Before she could answer, the doors to the Main Hall burst open. She relaxed a little as she settled her eyes on Gregorio, who was leading a group of knights towards the center of the Hall. She smiled politely at the Captain who decided he was going to ignore her. The stupid clod. Gregorio swept his hair out of his eyes, hurriedly approaching and bowing to Picarr.

"Sir, we have located the last dreamer in this radius." They were bringing in a younger boy, blonde hair--Penelope did not really pay too much attention to him. She focused on Gregorio who, in the past few.. well, cycles, had been the closest thing to a friend she had. Well him and that other squire--what was her name again? "It is more grave than we thought..." He trailed off, gesturing to the battered knights behind them. They looked like they had wandered through some more war-torn areas of dreamspace and that was disconcerting.

This was a nasty business and she took a few steps forward. Her feet did not really touch the ground because, quite frankly, she did not have any. Instead she steadily glided forwards to stand behind the Captain who resolutely refused to turn around to look at her.

"This is bad news indeed. And this boy, he is lucid, yes?" The looks from the knights spoke volumes. "He is... normal? Then he is of no use, send him--"

"I think Morpheus will want to see him." Penelope butted in. She could see the creases in the Captain's brows. He did not like this. He did not like this one bit. And she was highly aware of it. But something inside of her insisted, no, demanded that she not abandon this boy. She did not know a single thing about him, she barely knew his name. But it was less about him and more about the chill of the news.
The last dreamer in the radius... Yes, the Lord of the Palace would want to meet with him. She could see Picarr twitch, not only because of her interruption but perhaps because of her casual use of Morpheus' name without any title. In her defense, the name was also a formality. It was not even his real name--but it was the title given to anyone that presided over their house for a time.

"You want to take responsibility for this riff-raff? Fine, have at him!" The Captain said. "Men, to me--it seems we have a meeting with Lord Morpheus," He took the opportunity to glare at her. "And Miss Spectra here will be delayed. Come!" He barked, and the knights rallied behind him. Gregorio lingered slightly, putting a hand on her shoulder almost apologetically. It was a silent look that passed between them. Picarr was always going to be this short-tempered and there would be no pleasing him.

"I am sure Violet can help you escort the... boy to the Court. I will be waiting." And with that, he was gone--hurrying after his Captain. She glanced around, crossing her arms and crossing her legs mid-air. She peered at the boy, who seemed confused and somewhat disoriented. What to say to him? She decided to put on her best smile and extended out a hand to him.

"Penelope Spectra, enchanted. Welcome to the Palace of Dreams."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Penelope Spectra Character Portrait: Violet Faune Character Portrait: Mikhael Dunborough
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Mikhael stood there, unsure of what to say. He wasn't even sure where he was. What did she call it, again? She had just said it.

"Palace of Dreams," he said, not realizing he was speaking out loud. "Sure. My name is Mikhael." He looked around himself, admiring the architecture and style of the building. He had never really seen a building like this before. "Tall," he said out loud, again. Musing to himself, but not at a volume typical of such an action.

The building had almost a gothic feel to it, tall pillars, high arches, detailed carvings in the masonry. But gothic wasn't quite right. Mikhael started to focus on it, but he couldn't concentrate. He wasn't interested in architecture.

He turned back to the.....lady? that had talked to him just moments ago. It finally dawned on him that his conversational partner had no legs. "Wow," he said. "Have you always been like that? Why am I here?"

Those knights had been none-too-gentle with Mikhael. He had been wading towards an upwards flowing waterfall when they had taken him out of the water and dragged him here. They had surrounded him, not even allowing him to view his surroundings. How boring. He wanted to go back to the waterfall.

"Hey, do you know how to get back to that waterfall?" He asked, bluntly. He looked around, as if he would see it around his shoulder.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Penelope Spectra Character Portrait: Violet Faune Character Portrait: Mikhael Dunborough
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#, as written by Mat_z6

She was going to be late.... AGAIN!

A young flustered squire scrambled around her personal quarters in search of pieces of her uniform scattered here and there throughout the room. Once again Violet Faune had slept through morning training and just now she was informed of an emergency court gathering by one of the barrack's staff who noticed that she was the only squire present when everyone else was long gone. Managing to slip into her outfit in only a few seconds Violet took a peak at the tall mirror that sat on her desk in the far corner of the room to make sure that she was at least presentable and grimaced. She had a terrible case of bed hair this morning and she could notice tufts of dark hair sticking straight out here and there atop her head. It was clear to her that there was no time to fret about it now and she made an effort to pat down her unruly hair but to no avail. Breathing out a frustrated huff she gave up and burst out of her room making her way towards the entrance of the barracks. She would definitely be punished later for being late but she shook the thought from her mind as she stepped out into the large courtyard that connected the barracks with the castle. The two guards that were posted at the front of the barracks gave her disapproving glances as she hurried past but Violet paid them no mind. This was normal for her after all and mostly everyone in the castle was accustomed to her lazy behavior by now.

As Violet made her way towards the main hall, she could sense the feeling of urgency and tension in the air. Gatherings like this were not held too often and when one did it was usually because of one thing: A lucid dreamer. As questions of what might have happened ran through Violet's head she picked up her pace and as she neared the main hall, she managed to spot a group of knights across from her with her father, Gregorio, leading the pack. The knights looked exhausted and beat and Violet remembered that they had just returned from a scouting mission that took them to the very edges of the Dreamscape where the fighting was brutal. Behind the knights was the group of their respective squires, the group that she would have been walking with at this very moment if she hadn't overslept. Fortunately the squires were not able to join them on this particular mission. Violet silently slipped into line behind them as they approached the grand doors of the main hall her face bright red with embarrassment. Though no one said a word to her, she could once again feel the disapproving gazes of the knights and the squires in front of her. The squire directly in front of her coughed silently, glanced back at her and subtlety pointed at her waist. Confused, Violet instinctively set her left hand on the sword that rested on the left side of her hip and gripped the hilt tightly. Only........ There was no sword to be found and Violet's hand gripped only air where her sword was supposed to be. Violet went rigid. How could she have possibly forgotten a squire's most important tool?! Her face flushed an even deeper shade of red with the feeling of utter frustration mixed with in with the previous embarrassment. Cursing under her breath, Violet knew that she had done it this time. Though as Violet was beginning to run through all the possible horrendous punishments that would befall her later, Gregorio threw open the grand doors to the main hall and they began to enter.

Inside the hall the tension was thick enough to take your breath away. A very serious atmosphere greeted the group as they made their way to the center of the hall. In front of them Captain Picarr greeted Gregorio as he gave his report, "Sir, we have located the last dreamer in this radius." Violet's speculations were right. It was a dreamer that was the cause of this sudden gathering. Wait... Located? Violet's cast her gaze ahead and finally realized that there was a young boy in the middle of the group of knights in front of her. She was to focused on making herself as unnoticeable as possible while she slipped into line that she had totally missed the fact that they were actually escorting a dreamer into the hall. Violet listened in as they discussed what to do with the boy when an all to familiar soothing voice pipped up amongst the commotion.

"I think Morpheus will want to see him."

Penelope Spectra, who was mysteriously floating nearby interrupted the conversation and Violet couldn't help but stare at the strange but enchanting sight of the woman with no legs. At first Violet could tell that Picarr was undoubtedly against this idea but suddenly he agreed and barked out orders that a meeting with Lord Morpheus was underway and the knights began to file out behind him. But before they exited the hall Violet noticed her father approach Penelope, "I am sure Violet can help you escort the... boy to the Court. I will be waiting." Violet suddenly jerked to attention when her name was called and she instinctively voiced a strong, "Sir!" while clapping her right fist over her chest to salute the him. Violet could sense the relief coming from the rest of the squires in front of her when her name was called and she knew that none of them wanted to be in the presence of Penelope Spectra for to long. Violet was always confused as to why everyone wanted nothing to do with the strange woman. To Violet Penelope was kind, beautiful but overly mysterious. She did not mind it one bit and she always enjoyed running errands for her as they would have very interesting conversations from time to time. If she could call anyone a friend here in the palace it would be Penelope. She, as well as her father, seemed to be the only one who could overlook her flaws and mistakes.

And with that Violet watched as the knights disappeared from the court and began to make her way towards the dreamer they had left behind in her care. Once again she saluted and introduced herself nervously. "Welcome. My name is Violet Faune, squire of the knight Gregorio Faune. It is my humble duty to escort you and Penel- Lady Spectra to Lord Morpheus' court!" Violet tried her best to hide her embarrassment of almost dropping formalities but it was of no use as her face went red once again while she blinked nervously. Whenever she was running errands for Penelope she would always use her first name and it became somewhat of a habit and since they were rarely in a formal situation like this, she slipped up. To her relief the boy seemed to still be in a sort of daze and didn't hear her.

"Hey, do you know how to get back to that waterfall?" The boy asked out of the blue as he looked around. Unsure of what to say to him Violet cleared her throat and spoke again. "We shouldn't keep the Lord waiting, sir. I suggest we be on our way. Lady Spectra?" Directing her gaze towards Penelope she pleadingly looked to her legless friend for help.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Penelope Spectra Character Portrait: Violet Faune Character Portrait: Mikhael Dunborough
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#, as written by Igari


She watched the boy carefully as he shifted to and fro. He did not seem to preoccupied with what she was saying, seemingly more content to let his eyes wander then pay attention to her. She didn't mind though, letting him roam. This was a trait a lot of dreamers shared--unable to place their attentions in any one place on their first visit to the palace. She waited politely as he looked, glancing around the hall instead. The squires who had been attending the knights were spanning out and trailing after their charges. Well, everyone except... Violet.

The young squire was stumbling slightly, swordless, and out of breath. Penelope raised her brows--undoubtedly the girl had forgotten her equipment this morning. It didn't happen often but it always seemed to happen at some of the worst moments. She turned her attentions back towards the boy as he muttered a question to her. "Yes," She said brightly with a quick smile. "I have always been!" She chose to ignore his second question, it seemed his interest was waxing and waning anyway. It was as he asked his last in the set of questions that Violet approached, hastily introducing herself and putting forth a polite statement. Penelope's smile still came easy, despite the situation.

"Yes, we should be on our way! If you follow us, we can get you back to the waterfall as soon as possible." Now to be fair, this was a small truth. Because indeed they did want to return him back to his dream bubble... but the semantics were not important at the moment. She gazed at him curiously as she started down the hallway, not really pausing as she was under the assumption they would match her pace. He was a strange dreamer--was he even lucid? It was odd that he did not seem more observant. Usually the ones that came here were more... astute. More in the moment. Hm... No matter, her task was to escort him with Violet, and that was what she was going to do!

She led them down the familiar hallways, past the exaggerated paintings of some areas of the Dreamscape. As she turned the corner, she saw two knights stationed outside of the Throne Room. They stared at her with a bit of disdain as she floated past--opening the doors with her spectral hands to reveal a grandiose and lavishly decorated room. She saw Picarr practically red-faced as he was yelling at Morpheus, spinning on his heel as the door opened.

"There you are! What took you so long, were you dilly-dallying in the main hall? Do you have any idea how--"

"Hold, Picarr." Came the quiet voice of Morpheus, who gazed out at the newest arrivals with some interest. Picarr looked ready to lose it but he held his tongue. All for the better, she found his voice very grating! She bowed mid-air to her Lord and smiled at him, gesturing backwards towards Violet and the boy.

"I brought them, Morpheus! The boy seems particularly befuddled though..." She said as she floated closer towards him, still remaining near the other two. She didn't want to leave Violet alone with the boy, she knew the squire's habit of getting nervous.

"Yes... Picarr was telling me of the circumstances. It seems this boy," Morpheus paused, gesturing with a hand at the blonde. "He is not one of the lucid. However, we should not too readily dismiss him. He is here in the Palace now, we need to grant him protection while he is. We need to be cautious, especially in these times..." He trailed off, coughing lightly at first which progressed into a slightly frightening spasm. She watched with a little bit of alarm, a squire running up to the Lord. However, he waved them off.

"... I am not the one who needs assistance right now..." Penelope looked over at Picarr who, oddly, looked... almost concerned. "Tell me, boy, what do you remember?" She was twice over surprised today. First at Picarr, now at the worry she heard in his voice. The last dreamers in the radius... what did that mean? She peered closely at the blonde, crossing her arms and sitting mid-air again. This was troubling... very troubling. If even Morpheus was getting uncomfortable... she tried to piece a little together in her mind, replaying over the events of the last few days.

She knew the knights were going on patrol and Picarr had been much more of a jackass than usual. And now Morpheus seemed almost... ill. It was hard to place but he was not emanating his usual energy as of late. Now this boy had come here... so many questions! She sighed. She hoped maybe he would be able to shine some light on the situation--at the very least, maybe they could begin to unwind why the dreamers were disappearing.


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So the floating lady had never had legs. How did someone ever be created like that? Mikhael pondered that for a moment, then heard the professional lady mention Lord Morpheus. Who was this guy? Well, in any case, a lord sounded important and interesting, he would see what was going on.

They traveled through hall after hall, each one tall, narrow, and endless. They turned down passages Mikhael hadn't even seen were there until they were already in them. And each wall, depicting a new scene Mikhael badly wanted to stop and admire. Each one strange and exciting, new places, new things. A few times, he lagged behind, only to be prodded by the two ladies leading him through this labyrinth.

Finally, they were in what Mikhael assumed to be the royal throne room. Or whatever room a Lord would be in. Mikhael pondered this as the legless floaty lady, Penelope she had said, introduced their little group. Some high commander, he assumed would be a royal advisor or some such thing, was very angry with them. Mikhael didn't understand what was going on, he couldn't concentrate on the words being spoken to him.

The the throne had some sort of spasm or coughing fit, and Mikhael snapped to attention. An ill monarch. He got excited. It was the standard story, and he started muttering to himself, running through the story and weighing the possibilities. "A sick monarch, orderlies running amok, military in full gear. Betrayal from inside or outside?" Because every monarchy story had some betrayal in it somewhere. "Inside would be trusted, advisor" his eyes turned to the man beside the Lord who seemed to be showing concern "or perhaps military coup." He thought back to the leader of the knights who had led him to this palace. "Outside would be some strong source of power, strong enough to start a war of attrition, starvation, power stripping, destruction."

Mikhael stopped with a slight intake of breath as the Lord Morpheus addressed him. What did he remember? From when? Not in the palace, his two guides would be able to tell them about that. He thought back. His travel here, with the knights? No, that wasn't of interest. Before that. Before the knights came. He had been wading to the waterfall. Lost in his thoughts, Mikhael looked down, his brows furrowed in thought, and a little bit of concern and some other emotion he couldn't pinpoint at the moment.

He waded to the waterfall. He had been going there because it was nearby. He had walked there. The water had attracted him first, though. He wanted to wash up. Wash up? From what? "I got dirty..." Mikhael said aloud, "the pond would clean me, and I saw the waterfall, then." His frown deepened. "Got dirty from what, though?"

"I fell." He said, thinking back. He had remembered falling, and then landing, and then falling again. "I stopped falling and then fell again, I landed near the pond." Why had he fallen? He had been on land before that, jumping off cliffs would be crazy. Mikhael's eyes widened as he thought back, his face changing to an expression of horror. Morridia's necklace, the darkness, the deafening noise and then the crumbling and loss of motion control. It all flashed back into Mikhael's mind.

Suddenly, the crowd wasn't looking at a young man, but a small child. He looked back up at everyone and said in a bright and cheery voice "I can run around! Watch me go!" And proceeded to do just that, making zooming noises and running around the room with his arms extended like an airplane.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Penelope Spectra Character Portrait: Violet Faune Character Portrait: Mikhael Dunborough
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#, as written by Mat_z6

Violet stared blankly at the back of the blonde haired boy in front of her. The little trio that consisted of herself, Penelope and the dreamer were headed towards Lord Morpheus' throne room and it was Penelope that was currently leading them down the long familiar hallways of the castle. Violet hung her head and sighed silently as she marched along behind the two. Some escort she was. She had no weapon at her side and it wasn't even her that was leading them to the throne room. The young squire did not really mind that Penelope was the one to guide the boy but she couldn't ignore the small feeling that she wasn't needed. Couldn't father have picked someone with a weapon at least? Even though she was happy to be near Penelope again, she would've rather crawled back to the barracks to perform her daily duties to distract herself from the utter embarrassment she experienced this morning. It was no use reflecting on it now. She was assigned a duty and it was ingrained into her very being that she must carry out that duty to the best of her ability..... Swordless or not....

Violet's thoughts were suddenly interrupted as the three of them came to a stop in front of the massive ornate doors that led to the throne room. The girl was so preoccupied with her thoughts that she almost ran into the stranger in front of her. Penelope herself opened the grand doors and what greeted them was none other than Captain Picarr's all too familiar scolding when they entered. "There you are! What took you so long, were you dilly-dallying in the main hall? Do you have any idea how--" Violet winced and dropped to one knee, head bowed with her fist crossed over her chest once again in salute. The swift movement was instinctive as this was a required gesture of all the knights and squires as they came to be in the presence of the lord of the castle but rather than bowing out of respect as she usually did, Violet had done it to apologize more than anything at failing to escort the two on time. It was only natural for her to take the blame being the one assigned the duty but before she could open her mouth to defend Penelope and the boy Morpheus himself spoke over Picarr, his voice quiet but powerful, "Hold, Picarr." It seemed that the lord of the castle was more interested in his newest guest and would rather silence Picarr before the captain lost his voice. Violet had noticed that Picarr had been already straining his voice even before the three of them entered the room. At that moment, Penelope bowed to Morpheus and gestured towards the boy dreamer and the two of them began to discuss how this matter was to be dealt with. Violet, who was still kneeling, shifted uncomfortably in her position. She wasn't used to being up front and center like this but as she turned her gaze slightly upward, she caught a glimpse of Penelope nearby and the ethereal sight of her friend put her at ease. Distracted by the way she flitted about above the ground as she spoke with Morpheus, Violet found herself completely zoning out and even though she was curious to know the fate of the boy next to her, she wanted nothing more than to get this over with.

Catching herself staring at Penelope's strange figure once again, the purple headed squire snapped back to her senses and directed her vision towards the ground. It seemed like Morpheus was currently questioning the dreamer and the blonde boy was in the middle of giving his answers. What is his name, I wonder? Though Violet had seen an infinite amount of dreamers come and go here in the castle, she always found each and every one extremely intriguing. They were beings who could manipulate the very fabric of the world she lived in. Who wouldn't be at least a little bit interested in these powerful people? Though at the very instant this thought flashed through her mind the boy who had been explaining what he remembered before he arrived at the castle was suddenly not there. In his place was a small child. Violet blinked. And then blinked again. It happened so fast and the squire looked around the room confused as to what she should do about the situation in front of her. The child in front of her was clearly a younger version of the boy who was just standing there moments before and this was no new occurrence as dreamers who were brought to the castle wold display some bizarre powers and transformations such as this one. But it was still a shock to Violet as it usually happened like this without warning. "I can run around! Watch me go!" The little blonde boy exclaimed as he began to scramble about the open throne room with his arms outstretched like a bird. The boy had begun to start quite a ruckus and a few of the guards had begun to move towards him in attempt to calm him down. Violet, who was the closest to the playful child, still was under the impression that it was her job to take care of the new guest no matter what age he turned into next and she reached out and gently caught hold of the young boy's hand when he ran close to her. In her mind she had decided to do something about the situation but as she knelt there with the boy's hand in her's she suddenly found herself unable to find words to say to him. She was never any good with children and she never knew how to deal with them when they got out of hand but since she had already come this far she knew that she HAD to at least say something. Anything! Violet thought back to when she first approached the older version of the dreamer and something he had said popped into her mind. The nervous squire opened her mouth and began to stutter her words.

"W-W-Waterfall....... I-If you can be a good boy and b-behave..... I c-can take you to s-see it......."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Penelope Spectra Character Portrait: Violet Faune Character Portrait: Mikhael Dunborough
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#, as written by Igari

As the boy recounted his journey, Penelope watched with a vague interest. She was finding it hard to pay attention to his words. He was ill-paced and didn't have a very good attention span. And one of the first rules any of the residents had learned, never trust dreamers to be the most precise creatures. It was not until she heard a shift in his voice that her eyes roamed back to him, finding not a man but... a small child. She raised her brow as she watched him run around the court--a smile flicking over her lips as some guards tried to move in on him. Yes, this was a new predicament. She almost laughed.

Violet was the first to reach the boy, stuttering and stammering over herself as she knelt, words coming out as barely more than a whisper. Penelope looked over to Morpheus, who had Picarr whispering frantically in his ear. She tapped her chin before gliding over a bit, putting a reassuring hand on Violet's shoulder and giving the woman a warm smile. Someone had to cheer the squire up. The guards, meanwhile, were apprehensive and whispering in confusion amongst themselves. They didn't know what to do. In fact, it was almost hilarious that the palace did not know how to deal with such sprites. Most dreamers never took the forms of children, not the ones that made it to the palace. A child was an unstable dreamer, and someone whose dream bubble could burst at any moment.

She slid her hand down from Violet's shoulder and squeezed the girl's hand in an attempt to comfort her. She found that the squire often worried about the wrong sets of things. "It's going to be okay," She whispered. Though Penelope wasn't really sure how much she believed that. Things had been... odd. But she had to be bright, she had to be positive! Because that old cad of a captain certainly wasn't going to be bringing any sort of cheery disposition to the court. She heard the sound of approaching footsteps and glanced up. Gregorio had removed himself from the squadron of guards stationed near Morpheus. She smiled gently as he came to stand near them, the knight politely nodding towards the dreamer before turning to address Violet.

"Better late than never, I am glad you made it. And Miss Spectra," He added, turning to bow briefly. "Enchanted as always." Penelope rolled her eyes--this formality, really, it was just plain silly. "Violet, I will need you to accompany me out into the hallway. I think our companion has the dreamer from here, and there are some matters I want to attend with you." Penelope pretended to be slighted but she made some shoo-ing gestures towards the squire as she hummed lightly, peering at the little boy. Well, what the hey, the guards didn't know what to do. She began to run around with him, scaring some of the armed men and also making noises with him. No one had said she couldn't play with him. She began to skip around the court with him, earning a laugh from Morpheus and a very loud disgruntled noise from Picarr. Well, whatever, that stuffy idiot. He really needed to learn how to have fun.

"Why don't you run at that big, nasty looking man up there and jump on his back. That will make him smile!" The doors to the court closed behind Gregorio and Violet as Picarr began to yell at the top of his lungs, Penelope's tinkling laughter accompanying him in the background.


Gregorio led Violet a little ways down the court, making sure none of the other guards were in earshot before taking a deep breath and settling two hands on her shoulders. "Violet, you know that I trust you. I have tried to take care of you the best that I have been able to, and now I need you to hold on to a secret that I have been... hesitant to share, even with the Captain. But I believe you are the right person to hear it..." He trailed off, unsure of how to continue. He didn't want to alarm her, he wanted to protect her. Guide her. Look after her. He had done what any foster parent could do, but... the situation demanded her take a greater burden, a larger responsibility. She had to be ready. He had to believe in her.

"I don't.... think he was the last dreamer in the radius. But I'm not certain. Which is why I would like you to collect your things. When the night falls, I want to take you, Miss Spectra, and a select few men to scout out an area a ways off from the palace. I think there might be someone... or something out there." He settled her with a firm look. "And the Captain cannot know about this, do I make myself clear?" Picarr would most certainly try to stop them and he couldn't afford that. None of them could afford that. Time was precious and if his theories were correct, then they would be one step closer to solving this mystery.


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Character Portrait: Penelope Spectra Character Portrait: Violet Faune Character Portrait: Mikhael Dunborough
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He was so fast, like a plane flying around the audience chamber. Mikhael enjoyed the feeling of child-like abandon. Various men in armor clanked as he came near them, and he saw arms reach towards him, but no one stopped him, yet. As he turned along one of the edges of the room, his arms extended from his sides, someone caught his hand, yanking him to a stop abruptly. He whipped his head around, a confused and slightly indignant expression on his face. Oh, it was the pretty purple lady, Violet? She was holding his hand. She whispered something to him about the waterfall, something whispered must be a secret, just for the two of them. Intrigued, Mikhael stepped slightly closer to the squire, to better hear what she said.

He scrunched his face at her words, contemplating her words, before turning back to her and saying brightly, "No thanks, I don't want to go to the waterfall right now." He turned his body away from her, slightly tugging at his hand still clasped firmly in hers. "I wanna run around! Run real fast!" Vainly, he tried to tug away from her grasp, the older, stronger figure easily holding him in place. "Come onnnn," he whined at her, "lemme goooo..."

Others came over to see them, Penelope from before and one of the shiny men in armor that had ferried him here. They said some things to which Mikhael didn't listen. He was too busy pouting and sulking, his hand still secured in Violet's hand. Then his hand was free, Violet was leaving, and Penelope was the only one left, smiling at him. He looked up at her, and then smiled as mischievously as he could before darting away, running around with reckless abandon. To his surprise, she followed him, keeping pace easily.

"No fair!" he sulked. "You don't have legs to hold you back." Instead of dwelling on that, he neared towards her, and said "Tag!" before hiding behind one of the other soldiers fully decked out in armor. The man next to the throne sputtered angrily, barking out "Lady Penelope, cease this at once! Stop that child!"

Mikhael didn't pay much attention to this, storing it in the back of his mind. He instead continued darting and dodging, laughing and giggling with Penelope as they ran around columns and around soldiers. She stopped him, and pointed to the angry yelling man and suggested he bring their fun to him. Mikhael drew his eyebrows together and up in an expression of fear and concern and whispered to her, "But what if the evil corruptor man orders to have me killed or taken care of?" This was punctuated by Picarr issuing another order to 'stop the child'.

His ears filled with the clanking of armor, and he noticed the knight nearest to him extending his arms to grab him. His mind filled with apprehension, seeing this tall, imposing figure partially covered in shadow attempting to reach him. Mikhael extended his hands away from him and wished and pulled and hoped something would stop the knight from grabbing him.

A noise like a gong filled his head and a ring of light appeared in his field of vision, narrowing to position itself on the knight's chestplate. The knight slowed, as though moving through molasses. Mikhael stepped back, and then turned and buried his face in Penelope's skirts, hardly paying attention to the lack of legs in his protector.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Penelope Spectra Character Portrait: Violet Faune Character Portrait: Mikhael Dunborough
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#, as written by Mat_z6

The sharp pain of flat out rejection pierced Violet's already frail heart. Unfortunately her meager efforts of calming the child were all for naught as he began to tug at her, begging the defeated squire to let him go. Instead of granting the boy's request, Violet stared at the ground with a blank stare. She had never been able to take any sort of rejection lightly no matter who it was and on top of it all she had already stepped out of her comfort zone in an attempt to find a solution to the situation herself which is something she rarely did. It was always easier to wait and follow orders. Violet would rather much rely on a superior to give her orders than looking like a fool when she tried to take matters into her own hands. She just wanted to die. The boy was squirming in Violet's grasp and he began whining even louder for her to let him go though his words were not reaching the girl. She had already retreated into the depths of her mind where she was currently overthinking this situation WAY out of proportion. Though as Violet was sinking deeper into her unnecessary despair, she jolted her head upward when a gentle hand suddenly touched her shoulder. The touch was warm and Violet looked up and found herself locking eyes with Penelope who had glided over to her side without her noticing. A kind, bright smile spread across her friend's face and the squire couldn't help but return a meek smile at the cheery woman. Penelope's smile had helped alleviate some of the girl's embarrassment and Violet let a relived sigh escape her lips, grateful that Penelope was there. It always seemed that she was there to help Violet whenever she was in a pinch and even though she was grateful, Violet truly wished there was some way she could repay Penelope for all the times she had come to her rescue.

Violet felt Penelope's touch slide down her arm to take hold of her hand and she instantly felt her cheeks go a slight red. "It's going to be okay," She whispered in a soft comforting tone and in return, Violet gave her a more confident smile as thanks. It was going to be okay. Those were the words she needed to hear the most. The words that she always wanted to hear whenever she began her silly thoughts. Just then, Violet felt someone approach from behind them and when she saw who it was the girl felt even more relived. It was none other than her father Gregorio. Greeting Penelope first, Gregorio turned his attention to Violet. "Violet, I will need you to accompany me out into the hallway. I think our companion has the dreamer from here, and there are some matters I want to attend with you." Her father's tone was serious and Violet could instantly tell that something was wrong and once again she gave him a strong, "Yes sir." as she stood up from the floor. It was then that she finally realized that she still had a strong grip on the boy dreamer's hand and she quickly apologized letting him go. Though before following her father to the main doors of the hall she gave Penelope a concerned look. Was she going to be alright with this situation? Not really wanting to leave her behind, Violet mouthed a few words to the legless woman asking her if she was okay but Penelope only responded with a sour but playful look and shoo'ed her away. Violet couldn't help but chuckle at her friend's response and just with that she knew Penelope would be okay. It seemed that she was even enjoying this strange situation. Turning on her heels, Violet quickly followed Gregorio.

It was a little while until the two of them stopped just out of earshot of any guards nearby. Violet's head was spinning as she wondered what could be so important and why he had to consult her about this matter. Gregorio suddenly turned to Violet as he laid both hands on her shoulders. "Violet, you know that I trust you. I have tried to take care of you the best that I have been able to, and now I need you to hold on to a secret that I have been... hesitant to share, even with the Captain. But I believe you are the right person to hear it..." Violet's heart felt like it was about to leap out of her chest. What in the world could be so secretive that her father could not even tell the captain? But no matter the reason, Violet nodded and readied herself for whatever her father had to say. Deep in her heart she had the utmost respect for this man who had taken her in. He had taken care of her, guided her, took her under his wing as his own squire and taught her everything she needed to know about how to take care of herself here in the castle. And at this moment, no matter what dire situation he was about to lay onto her she had already made up her mind long ago that she would always stand and fight by his side when the time came.

"I don't.... think he was the last dreamer in the radius. But I'm not certain. Which is why I would like you to collect your things. When the night falls, I want to take you, Miss Spectra, and a select few men to scout out an area a ways off from the palace. I think there might be someone... or something out there." Something? What did he mean? Gregorio's words spun round and round in Violet's head as she tried to make sense of what she just heard. But at mention of Penelope's name, Violet suddenly became worried. Why did Penelope have to venture beyond the walls with them? Just the thought of her venturing with them into dangerous territory with some... "thing" out there made her uneasy. Accidentally dropping formalities once again, Violet had to ask. "P-Penelope? Why is she coming with us? Isn't it going to be dangerous out there?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Penelope Spectra Character Portrait: Violet Faune Character Portrait: Mikhael Dunborough
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#, as written by Igari


Penelope watched with amusement as the small boy continued to run around. She gave light chase, keeping pace with him without much difficulty. He ran behind some pillars and as she followed him she heard the Captain yelling behind her. He sounded disgruntled, confused--well, when wasn't he either of those things? Very lightly below his dulcet tones was a chuckle coming from the direction of the throne. At least Morpheus knew how to have some fun around here. She turned on her heel, her laughter stopping in her throat as she noticed the small boy being cornered by one of the knights. She went to reach out her hand to stop the fool but just as she opened her mouth to speak, a loud noise filled the air. Several guards clutched at their ears and the boy's assailant--his chest plate was glowing.

With wide eyes, Penelope watched as the man slowed down... moving through the air as if it were thick around him. The Captain's face was red but even Picarr was keeping his distance, apprehensive... watching.

"Interesting..." She muttered under her breath. The boy turned away from his would-be capturers and instead chose to push his face against her legs--well, what was left of them anyway. She placed her hands on his back, rubbing in a circular motion to calm him down. She waited a few more moments before speaking up, catching Picarr's eyes.

"I think it's best not to aggravate him... it seems there is some magic inside of him after all!" The Captain scowled at her, his hand still on the hilt of his blade.

"Yes, and it is unrefined, uncontrollable! He turned it on my own men! Why are we allowing that boy to run around free? He is no lucid walker, he barely has memories of his own! A moment ago he was a young man and now he stands here in a child's skin?! He thinks we are so easily fooled? What proof do we have that he--" A deep voice cut Picarr off smoothly, Morpheus narrowed his eyes.

"Enough Picarr."

"But Sir--!"

"I said that is enough." There was a stunned silence in the hall, it seemed as if all sound had left the immediate surroundings... save for the stern voice of their King. "While he is a guest in my palace, no harm will come to him. Miss Spectra, if you would remove him, we may summon him later for additional questioning. But for now, I think it wise to remove him from things that are... scaring him." Morpheus seemed to direct this last statement at Picarr, who had settled his glare on Penelope. Every time something went wrong, this man was so quick to blame her. Oh well! At least she could leave this stuffy reception. She wasn't much fond for formality anyway.

She deflected her stare to the boy who was still clutching at her and smiled warmly, whispering softly. "Shall we be off?"


Gregorio regarded Violet cautiously, still looking over his shoulder every now and again. He still wasn't convinced they were all the way safe, considering he heard the Captain's yells all the way from here. He saw the concern flash across Violet's face and he tried his best to give her a reassuring smile.

"Yes, it will be dangerous out there. But you've been trained to deal with such hazards. Miss Spectra is more than capable of handling herself despite how she looks. We need to place more focus on making sure we have the proper materials assembled for our journey. Can I trust you to do this?" He wanted to send Violet on her way as soon as possible. That way he would have time to regroup with Penelope, touch base about this night and check in on the new boy. He had a strong feeling they could not leave the dreamer behind and it would be best not to draw attention to the Palace. Whatever this curse was that was besetting the land, surely it would be looking for that boy too. And to keep him here would be a direct invitation to their enemies.

When had things become so complicated? He almost missed the monotony of before, now things were so tense. He was grateful to have Violet by his side, she had proven most loyal. Even if she was forgetful at times. He would not begrudge her. He gave her shoulder a squeeze.

"Have faith in yourself, Violet. No daughter of mine can fail when she sets her mind to something."


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Mikhael quivered, his head hidden in Penelope's shirts. With no legs in the way, he could have hidden his whole body in her billowy skirts, but something stopped him. He wasn't sure what. It felt inappropriate for him to hide in a lady's skirts. But why? He was just a little boy who was scared. Wasn't that reason enough to hide? Wasn't that reason enough for him to hide in Penelope's skirts?

Something in the back of his mind gently whispered 'no' to him, so he withdrew his head from Penelope's dress to the shrill and angry voice of the...royal advisor, that's who he was.

".....on my own men! Why are we allowing that boy to run around free? He is no lucid walker..."

Mikhael had heard enough. He was definitely yelling about him, and Mikhael didn't want to be in trouble. They would take him away, somewhere worse than here, he was sure of it. He pushed his face into Penelope's skirts, again, balling his fists in the satiny material and trying to shut the world out.

But even Mikhael could hear the booming voice of the monarch, as he came to Mikhael's rescue. Mikhael poked his head out of the folds of satin to peer one eye at the leader of everyone around him. Even sick as he was, he still commanded the loyalty and obedience of all around him. But Mikhael didn't focus on that. Right now, he had to pay attention to what was being decreed about himself. He scrunched his face slightly, and narrowed his attention on the monarch. People had been saying his name, right?

A voice from the back of his mind whispered again, 'Morpheus.' Ah, so that was it. What was he saying....Mikhael would not be harmed, he would be able to leave! But he would be summoned again later. Oh.... And Morpheus took his side against his own advisor's? That to Mikhael for some reason. But he shoved the thought aside for later. He couldn't help but glance at the advisor, 'Picarr' the voice reminded him, as Morpheus finished his statements and saw him glaring at him and Penelope.

His eyes grew wide, and his heart sunk. He had gotten his pretty friend and guardian into trouble. Picarr seemed to Mikhael to be a vindictive kind of person. What kind of revenge would he try to enact upon them? Before he could even conceptualize of the many terrible and painful ways of seeking revenge, Penelope addressed him, leaning down slightly and whispering,

"Shall we be off?"

Mikhael looked up at her and nodded meekly. He took her proffered hand, and the two of them walked--Well, Mikhael walked. Penelope glided--towards the entrance of the chamber. Mikhael looked down towards his feet, thinking about the last scene had been. Something was wrong. And when did Penelope get so BIG?

But Penelope was pushing open the door, to reveal the staunch soldier that had brought Mikhael here and Violet, the older with his hand on her shoulder in a gesture of comfort and hope. They separated as Mikhael and Penelope drew closer, and Mikhael focused again, to hear what the older knight had to say.

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Eludrest by Igari


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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Penelope Spectra
Character Portrait: Mikhael Dunborough
Character Portrait: Violet Faune
Character Portrait: Ellen Faun (Era)


Character Portrait: Ellen Faun (Era)
Ellen Faun (Era)

"Breathe in your courage, and exhale your fear."

Character Portrait: Violet Faune
Violet Faune

I-I'm sorry.... It won't happen again.....

Character Portrait: Mikhael Dunborough
Mikhael Dunborough

"Hold on, the light isn't right."

Character Portrait: Penelope Spectra
Penelope Spectra

"Is there something you need?"


Character Portrait: Ellen Faun (Era)
Ellen Faun (Era)

"Breathe in your courage, and exhale your fear."

Character Portrait: Penelope Spectra
Penelope Spectra

"Is there something you need?"

Character Portrait: Mikhael Dunborough
Mikhael Dunborough

"Hold on, the light isn't right."

Character Portrait: Violet Faune
Violet Faune

I-I'm sorry.... It won't happen again.....

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Mikhael Dunborough
Mikhael Dunborough

"Hold on, the light isn't right."

Character Portrait: Violet Faune
Violet Faune

I-I'm sorry.... It won't happen again.....

Character Portrait: Ellen Faun (Era)
Ellen Faun (Era)

"Breathe in your courage, and exhale your fear."

Character Portrait: Penelope Spectra
Penelope Spectra

"Is there something you need?"

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  • Dreamer's Gate
    by Igari on Mon Sep 12, 2016 10:08 pm
    9 Replies
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    on Sat Sep 17, 2016 8:15 pm

Most recent OOC posts in Dreamer's Gate

Re: Dreamer's Gate

So just as a heads up to everyone; I have yet to receive PM's from some of you and your time is nearly up so I will be freeing up those slots if I do not hear anything by the end of this night for people who want to participate.

I am excited to begin though!

Re: Dreamer's Gate

I should be done with my character either tonight or tomorrow night. Depends how fast I can get some of the formatting done. T-T

Re: Dreamer's Gate

Some of you have gotten PM'S from me as per your reserve spots and what you are going to be playing : )

Ohhh so keep an eye out! <3

Re: Dreamer's Gate

WOW I took a look at this RP this morning and was all like, meh, no one has reserved anything yet so I'll reserve tonight. I get on and people are here!!!! Alrighty, I'd like to reserve a dreamer spot please! And oh....... The dark side gave me cookies as well!

Re: Dreamer's Gate

Yes, we are all being manipulated by the dark side it seems. I'll note your spot down and make edits when I'm home.

Re: Dreamer's Gate

May i take the last resident dreamer spot please?
The dark side gave me cookies and i accepted!

Re: Dreamer's Gate

I've got both of you : ) About the head into work so will update the main page when I'm off.

Re: Dreamer's Gate

May I reserve the Lucid dreamer? :3 the dark side gave me cookies they're double chocolate chip cookies.. -drool- so good

Re: Dreamer's Gate

Hello! May I request the Dreamer position, the normal one? The dark side gave me cookies if I asked nicely. Pretty please? (They're white chocolate macadamia nut.)

Dreamer's Gate

Hopefully you have read through the rules but welcome to Dreamer's Gate! Here you can reserve your slot, ask questions, communicate, make friends--hopefully we are going to have a lot of fun.