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Snippet #2823438

located in The Ship, a part of Cirque du Volés, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Ship



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Character Portrait: Etoile
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Three months later, on the streets of Paris

The air was thick with the warmth of spring. The sound of buzzards chirped in their ears, making their way out of their winter thaw and hanging out in the trees. Jardin des Plantes was already beginning to show its true colors, with magnificent blossoms of every kind basking in the sunlight.

Across from La Seine, in the center of a small crowd stood a man who was bound to stand out in his dapper, powder blue, three piece suit and brand new top hat. Standing a bit behind him, keeping a safe, but close distance, was a little girl who watched the large man with sparkling eyes, who occasionally whispered to the people closest to her to toss their coins and bills into the open suitcase on the ground.

For the finale, the larger than life magician removed his hat, twirled his wand, and tapped its brim three times, holding it near his side with a mischievous smirk. Then, in one smooth motion, he thrust it forward, releasing an infernal blast into the sky that lit the crowd's eyes fiery red, like a sunset at midday. When the flames died down, he replaced his hat upon his head, gave a wink, and took a bow at the waist.

In the middle of the crowd's awed applause, though, the fire unexpectedly reignited - briefly, but for long enough to set the man's eyebrows and hair ablaze. The audience largely took it all as part of the show, laughing and cheering all the same, but Etoile, who had seen this act many times before, knew it was unplanned. After making their donations to the suitcase's coffers, the crowd began dispersing, but one concerned individual in the crowd might have taken note as Tybalt put out the fires...

As soon as the audience moved on, Etoile rushed forward, grabbing onto Tybalt's pant leg. She looked up at him, her sparkling eyes filled with concern. "Are you alright?" She whispered, keeping her voice low so that only he could hear. Etoile had seen this act enough times to know when something went wrong and this time, it was the most dangerous act that had gone awry. Tybalt was playing with fire, quite literally, which could be temperamental.

Unbeknownst to them, while most everyone had left, one remained. She wore a yellow, floor length dress with white lace trim and carried a cream colored parasol to protect herself from the sun. Her hair was a dazzling blonde, not unlike someone else's, but her most striking feature were her eyes, which were the color of rubies. The woman stepped forward, folding her parasol, her lips tilted downwards in concern. "Est-ce que ça va, Monsieur? Are you alright?" She asked, her heels clacking on the cobbles to follow them.

Tybalt and Etoile had ducked into a small park to seat him on a bench, tending to his new scars and freshly burnt-off eyebrows. Even with scorched facial hair, he was charming, but he looked to be in pain. Not only his eyebrows, but eyelashes had been singed, causing him great irritation, and his hair was a goner. "Ah, not to worry, mademoiselle, all is well," he replied, turning to her with a pained smile and eyes clenched shut. If Tybalt was one thing, it was a terrible liar.

In his blind state, it was Etoile who rose to stand protectively in front of Tybalt. Even if she was small, there was something she could do. She glanced at the bear-like man, all he had to do was give her a nod and she could send this woman on her way.

And though he could not see, he could hear the shuffle of tiny steps as his favorite little assistant maneuvered to block the path of the newcomer. He was as proud of her as any father, but he did need medical attention.

The woman could tell all was not well, she was not a fool. "I can help, I am a nurse," she glanced around them, but the park was all but empty. "If you will allow me to?" For a nurse, she certainly did not dress like one. Nurses did not make enough to afford the fur stole she wore around her shoulders.

"You sound trustworthy," he answered. "Please." He shuffled nearer to the edge of the bench, leaning forward to yield himself to her care.

Etoile looked between Tybalt and the newcomer. She clambered onto the bench, putting her hand on top of one of Tybalt's so that he would know she was there, even if he could not see. "I simply would not be able to live with myself, if I allowed a face like this to be scarred." The stranger leaned forward and removed her lace gloves, placing them into the pocket of her yellow dress. With one hand, she gently tilted Tybalt's face upwards towards her own. With the other, she carefully ran one thumb across the burns, her touch like a gentle brush with a butterfly's wings. It took all but an instant for Tybalt's wounds to heal.

Tybalt held Etoile's hand, more for her comfort than for his, reminding her of his appreciation for her presence. Etoile gave one of his fingers a squeeze, her hand small enough to just wrap around his massive index finger.

At first the healing seemed not to work, and Tybalt gave pause, his smile briefly disappearing before returning even brighter. Then, at her touch, the burns receded, the hairs on his brows and eyes regrew, and his eyes opened to gaze upon her. That irresistibly corny smile that he wore during the performance like a boutonnière returned in full force, but though his interest in her was far from romantic in nature, his reply was unintentionally top-notch. "You are someone special, aren't you?"

The woman stepped back, her cheeks slowly burning into a hue that matched the roses growing beside the bench. She tucked a stray blonde hair behind her ear and coyly looked at the ground. "You should be more careful in the future, Monsieur," the stranger emphasized. "Both with your fire and with your words. It would not do to carelessly call a woman special."

But Tybalt shook his head no, then removed his hat and bowed, a gesture that was nothing short of adorable as there still remained a patch of singed hair in the center of his head, which made the stranger stifle a laugh. Etoile, however, did not hold back a giggle. "I would not say it if it were not true. You have a gift, I am sure, and I am pleased to make the acquaintance of someone with the initiative to show kindness. What is your name?"

She replaced her lace gloves and curtsied. "Maria Osho and you are?" She glanced at Etoile as though noticing her for the first time,smiled warmly, and waggled her fingers before looking back at the mysterious magical man. "Is this your daughter?"

Etoile carefully slid off of the bench, hiding behind Tybalt, careful not to say a word.

"Une petite Étoile est tombée du ciel," he answered, giving his adoptive daughter's golden hair a ruffle. Etoile leaned away from him when he did that. It had been three months and yet, the child was still wary to be touched unexpectedly. "My name is Tybalt Benjamin Jean-Pierre LeGrand de la Fontaine, but you may call me Tybalt."

Maria watched them curiously. "You are not from Paris, are you Monsieur Tybalt?" Maria asked, noticing a slight lilt in the way he spoke. "Have you been enjoying your stay here? Spring is an especially nice time in the city."

Maria was not originally from Paris either, but from Manosque. After discovering her power at 15, she had been chased out of her home by her parents.

Maria who was normally hesitant to use her ability had revealed herself to others not unlike her.

Tybalt tilted his head and smirked. Without responding to the first question, he answered, "It's been a lovely visit. I have indeed heard good things about the springs." Ever the direct man, he added, "So what brings a woman of your exceptional talents to my humble show?"

"I have always been something of a fan of magic, since I was a small girl." Maria admitted, "So when I saw your performance, I could not help but stop to watch. I found myself taken in by your performance, it was very passionate "

"It is easy to be passionate about a talent that brings smiles to others," he answered easily. "I am sure you can relate; you are no mere nurse, mademoiselle." Tybalt signed something to Etoile, to whom he had begun teaching French Sign Language, holding out a finger and tapping its tip with a rising hand.


Etoile nodded in agreement, she had seen the healing, it was almost like Tybalt's magic. Etoile touched her thumb and index finger together, tipping her fingers forward to sign, «Oui.»

It was the first time she had encountered another like herself and Etoile was curious, but afraid. Would her power work on the woman? Or would she be resistant to it, like Tybalt? Etoile looked up at the man, a question in her eyes. She would be happy to be able to speak to others.

Maria's cheeks were tinged pink again. "We are all born with different talents, it would be a waste if we did not use them to help others. Vous n'êtes pas d'accord? Don't you agree?

Tybalt scratched at his beard in thought, as though puzzle pieces were coming together in his head. "Chère Maria, I believe you may have just given me the answers to some very important questions. For this I must thank you. Would you care to join Etoile and I for coffee and lunch?"

Tybalt placed his top hat back on his head, then gently took Etoile's hand, walking closely along with her. In his mind he was weighing so many possibilities, choices, fears, and futures, but outside he was the ever-charming magician she had known for months now. It was precisely those months which allowed her to see past his face, to know the concerns he grappled with each day to protect and care for both of their needs. Tybalt must have seen something, known something, or reasoned something; he was no foolhardy man.

And so, following beside this stranger, they took a brisk stroll through the park, arriving at their destination before they even knew it. Maria was not kidding when she said it was very close.

Maria took them to a quaint café, whose storefront was covered in crawling ivy, which almost consumed the storefront. The smell of coffee wafted just outside the shop, which made Etoile wrinkle her nose. She never liked the smell, but she would tolerate it. At the very front of the shop, behind the window glass, were two large pans, both of which were being used to make crepes and galettes. Etoile released Tybalt's hand, running over to the window immediately to stand on her tiptoes and watch. With the suitcase of money from the show, they could easily pay for lunch.

Tybalt preferred to use money instead of words when possible, both out of fairness and a desire not to let Etoile's secret be revealed. To his credit, he had yet to allow anyone to be made aware of it, at least to his knowledge, but perhaps this stranger could be trusted.

Tybalt grinned on seeing Etoile brighten at the sight of the sweets. He reached forward and pulled the door open, letting his two companions enter before him.

"Thank you," Maria entered, Etoile rushed inside in front of both of them. "C'est gentil, how sweet." She remarked, watching little Etoile's excitement at watching the artisans up close. "She is a very quiet one, your Etoile. Does she not speak?" Maria asked, picking a table for them in a quiet corner.

The inside of the cafe had maps in gold frames all over the walls and chestnut tables with gold filigree. As soon as they were seated, a waiter came over to bring them the menu.

"She speaks with her hands," came his cleverly worded reply, signing «See?» to Maria. "And she has a special affection for pastries." He pulled out Maria and Etoile's chairs before seating himself, taking a look at his menu. "What will you be having, Etoile?" he asked. He did not have much of a sweet tooth, so he intended to order whatever she did.

Etoile bound over to them when called, clambering onto her seat before picking up a menu. She narrowed her eyes, her reading getting better everyday. «Strawberry crepe», Etoile signed, then added a quick «please.»

Maria watched, fascinated. "How interesting," She had never seen anyone speak with their hands before. "You are an excellent Father to have so much patience." She complimented.

Remembering to remove his hat, Tybalt set it down upon his lap, nodding to Etoile's request with a smile. "It is easy to be patient with an angel. And what would you like, our favored guest?"

Maria gave the menu a cursory look-over, having been here many times before. "Probably the spinach and cheese galette." She removed her lace gloves and folded her hands in her lap. Tybalt relayed their order to the waiter, who arrived quickly and left after jotting down their decision with a feathered pen.

[/b]"I do have a favor to ask, Monsieur Tybalt. What I have shown you today... you must not tell anyone about."[/b]

"I have no intention of repaying evil for kindness. But I mean to ask...have you met anyone like yourself before?" Maria was able to breathe a bit easier with the reassurance that he would not tell anyone. "No, I have never met another with a... talent like this. Although, I would say that your magic must come close." It was Maria's way of asking if he too, had an ability.

Without giving too many specifics, he answered her query, "Today that has changed. I suspected there were more, and while I do not know for certain what has brought us about...I fear for the world that forces those like us into hiding."

Their drinks arrived discreetly, a glass of water and a cup of freshly brewed coffee placed in front of each patron at the table. Tybalt remained quiet long enough for the waiter to leave again.

"Perhaps it is fate that our paths crossed. I have always hoped that there were others like us," Maria placed two sugar cubes into her coffee. "And I hope to meet many more."

Etoile reached for the glass full of sugar cubes, popping one into her mouth and biting down with a satisfying crunch! Etoile too, was excited, but for different reasons. It was her first time inside of a cafe like this, where they made the food right in front of you.

"My dilemma has been just how to find such-like ones," Tybalt spoke, "but I imagined that like would seek out like. It proved true in your case, did it not?"

Afterwards, they received their meals. Tybalt sipped at his coffee, glancing at Etoile, always eager to see her reaction to a new treat.

"And your daughter is she... like us?" Maria asked cautiously after the waiter had left. Yes, it had been true in her case, but it was more of a happy accident than anything.

Etoile was hardly paying attention to their conversation. She had been watching them make crepes this entire time, eagerly waiting to see what it looked like up close. Her eyes glittered when the food was placed down in front of her and her feet did a little kick with glee. She looked up at Tybalt, signing to him first. «Can I eat?»

Tybalt bowed his head to say grace, then gave Etoile a warm nod of approval. He started to cut his meal into pieces, buying himself enough time to formulate a guarded, cryptic, but accurate response. "I expect the extent of her talents to be revealed in time, but she is nothing if not extraordinary."

Maria watched him, she had grown up in a staunchly religious household, but had stopped following the practices once she had left home. Etoile, too, bowed her head, although she did not know why Tybalt did this before every meal, she never failed in mimicking him, just in case it was something important.

His words had piqued Maria's interest, however cryptic they may be. "I see," she replied thoughtfully. "Well, how much longer will you be in Paris? I would love to see this extraordinary talent in person." Maria would also like to see Tybalt again, but she was too shy to be so forward.

"The intent was to have one more show before moving on, but...making your acquaintance, I think it may be the correct time to accelerate my plans," he replied. Heavy matters for them to be discussing over crepes and coffee, but such was the nature of this unusual encounter. "Like seeks like," he repeated somewhat wistfully. "Where might one find extraordinary people if one were to look for them?"

Maria cut into her crepe, taking a thoughtful bite. It was a curious question. Tybalt was a man of many mysteries and Maria somehow found herself drawn in, wanting to know more. She was normally cautious and guarded, especially to someone she had revealed her abilities to, but something in her made Maria instantly trust this man.

It likely did not hurt that Etoile was so innocent and peaceful; her health, countenance, and behavior probably went far to establish him as a man of fine reputation. That he had the added benefit of being well-built and well-dressed was...

"I should think that if like-seek-like, then you do not need to search very far. They will come to you, oui?"

"They already have," he spoke with a knowing smirk, "but if we hope to find more, we will need to think bigger." Including her in the adventure of discovering a solution, he twirled a piece of crepe around on a fork and asked, "What sort of group travels, shelters and showcases the strange, and garners fame in the process?"

"The only thing that comes to mind are traveling performers. An opera, or a circus, perhaps?" But why was he asking her this? Was he proposing that she go with them?

Etoile looked outside the large window, tugging on Tybalt's sleeve. She pointed to the sky, there was an airship passing by. It was the first time that Etoile had seen one. «Can I look?» She signed, wanting to go to the window. Tybalt ruffled her hair in answer and nodded with permission, watching her slip away. «Be careful,» he signed.

”It is not a bad idea,” Maria admitted, watching Etoile run to get a closer look at the passing ship. The child pressed her hands against the glass, looking up to catch sight of the airship that was lazily making its way across the sky. ”With your magic and charisma, it would be easy to draw others in.”

”Etoile and I cannot do it alone, however, we will need help.” Tybalt said as a caveat. He took a sip of his coffee, delivering a most unfortunately worded petition for aid: "Mademoiselle, are you otherwise engaged? I have to imagine someone like you is in high demand."

Maria's cheeks turned bright red at this, misinterpreting the question at first. She hid her blush behind a sip of coffee and wiped her mouth quickly with a cloth napkin before realizing what he had meant. "I try not to make a habit of revealing my talent." She admitted, "Everyone else that has ever seen it has shooed me away." Her family included. "I work as a nursemaid for a family near La Seine." Maria had not lied about being a nurse, she had simply never specified what kind of nurse she was.

"I can promise you at least that Etoile and I would never shoo you away." His sweet words were like an assault on her heart, but he was as oblivious to his effects as a blind mouse. "Might I employ your services to help me find others like us?"

Maria hesitated. His words were as sweet as honeysuckles, they were easy to believe, laden with promises of finding others, just like them. Maria closed her eyes for a moment, thinking. She did not have much to lose. Once the children were old enough, which was only going to be another year, she would lose her job anyhow. "Alright," Maria decided, reopening her eyes. "I will join you both on your adventure."

Tybalt's eyes lit up like the fire of his show. "Really?!" he replied, unable to contain his excitement. "Goodness, this is the start of something amazing - I can feel it! We will work wonders together, the three of us; no, we will need more than just us three...oh, it boggles the mind just to think of it! Performers, staff, a proper vehicle...this is just the beginning." Tybalt scarfed down the rest of his crepes expediently, his grin contagious.

Etoile rushed over, having heard him yell. Had something happened? Etoile knew they shouldn't have trusted this stranger. Much to her surprise, however, Tybalt was excited. «What happened?» Etoile signed, looking between them.

"Where will we find a vehicle big enough?" Maria questioned, finishing her crepe too. She looked down at Etoile, who was clinging to Tybalt's free arm, then towards the window where she had come from, an idea dawning on her. "Monsieur, what would you think about a flying troupe?" She asked, indicating to the airship that it was still within view.

Tybalt apologized and explained matters briefly to Etoile, concluding with, "Little star, we may soon be bound for the skies."