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Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

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Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PirateofPie on Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:53 am

This RP is a sequel to an RP me and a group of friends started on another site. We finished the original rp and decided that for a sequel to happen, we need to move to a site more focused on rp'ing. Don't worry, the fact that it's a continuation really shouldn't prevent anyone from playing/enjoying this RP. I suppose it's worth noting that this started off as a Kingdom Hearts RP, but moved away from it soon after, so you really won't to know anything about the series to join in on the fun.


Welcome to the Ultimate Organization, an ongoing sci-fi fantasy set in a universe poised on the edge between corrupting darkness and withering light.

When we last left the Ultimate Organization, the members were exhausted from the massive battles they'd fought against the Brotherhood, and the armies of the world governments. After saying their goodbyes, they separated to different corners of the universe, intent on beginning a new life...

However, fate had something else in store for these valiant warriors... Their universe is slowly falling into chaos, gang violence, drug trafficking, and kidnappings are becoming frequent and not even newly instated Universal Government can stop it now. But there's a connection between the crimes. A connection to something much more sinister that will bring back the original members of the Ultimate Organization and join them with many more who catch themselves in the crossfire.

Meanwhile, the Empire of Kalva sits in the vice of war, and has hired the remnants of the once deadly Brotherhood to restore peace. Darius Lionheart, disconnected member of the Ultimate Organization, is working closely with the Brotherhood, hoping that somewhere along the way his lost powers will return, enabling him to protect all those he cares about...


For those of you who are interested, here is the backstory of the Ultimate Organization. This isn't really necessary to read, but it'll give you more of a feel as to how the group of us work, and where we're coming from. Enjoy!

Backstory to come later


This will be your guide to the various wolds, cities, kingdoms, etc of the Ultimate Organization world.

World: Crystalis
Government: Empire of Kalva
Environment: Small, sequestered kingdoms that are often volatile with each other, and very selfish in gaining power. It is often kept a watchful eye on by the other, more peaceful planets in the Empire of Kalva. The surface is mostly covered in deciduous forest/jungle, and water covers appx. 73% of the planet.
Trade/Economy: Crystalis makes its market from selling crystals (hence its name) for jewelry, or for storage, as some crystals exhibit magical properties that allow them to store anything. Also, since the planet's fresh water is about 32% of the world's total water, an astounding number, they also ship out water to other worlds.

World: Osidia
Government: Empire of Kalva
Environment: Mostly jungle, with many ruins, and a large ocean that pierces the main continent like a trident. The capital city rests at the peak of the middle spike of water. It is from here that the Emperor works, and the Empire of Kalva is run. On a whole, Osidia is the most peaceful planet, although the wildlife can be deadly to those unprepared...
Trade/Economy: Osidia's main trade market is the massive amount of food it can harvest from its jungles, allowing it to sustain nearly 60% of the Empire's population.



There is no limit to the number of characters you can have. Just make sure you can manage them. Preferably, if you're going to make more than one character don't introduce too many at a time. It is not necessary to make a bio of all of your characters, though feel free to do so if you want.

I don't really require a super detailed bio about the characters just yet. I prefer to see their personalities develop throughout the course of the story. So, here's how the bio should look:

User Name:
Character Name:
Occupation: (If any)
Appearance: (Either describe them or post a picture link, or both)

Here's mine as well as the ones who already have joined up (I'll let them post theirs later):

User Name: PirateofPie
Character Name: Xane
Age: 18
Occupation: Former Adventurer, Martial Arts teacher, Member of the Ultimate Organization.
Appearance: Dark skinned, tall, muscular . He has black short curly hair and brown eyes.
Equipment: Usually, none on person. Has a large transport ship at home used to move from city to city.
Abilities: Skilled martial artist in various styles he'd learned over the course of his adventures with the UO. Has some skill with weapons, though his body is his main weapon of choice.
Personality:He was once a cocky, impulsive warrior who would often go out of his way to fight. He was never short of a snide remark or taunt for his enemies. Similarly, he seems to have an array of jokes lined up for his friends. Xane is good natured and (usually) follows what he thinks will be right. Any beautiful women he saw, he would most likely hit on, though he'd tried not to be obnoxious around them if he could help it. Throughout his travels, he slowly matured into a more solemn collected person, though he still loved to fight and joke around with his friends. After settling down with his girlfriend Mellodia, he seems to have settled down.

More characters to come from me...

User Name: Wing06Twilight
Character Name: Wing
Age: 19
Occupation: History Teacher, Swordsmen for hire.
Appearance: 5'11" sandy brown, blonde hair. With royal blue eyes. Athletic build, and tannish skin. (See middle pic of the blonde in my sig)

Equipment: Four blades, The sword of gales, The Twilit Oathkeeper, The Blade of Twilight, and the Featherdancer
Abilities: Complete command over the element of Wind and entrusted Guardian of the Celestial Magic of Twilight

Personality: Wing is a kind hearted, high spirited young man, with boundless determination to do what he feels is right. He tries hard to complete any and every task assigned to him. He knows what needs to be done and isn't afraid to task charge, or the hardest tasks/enemies for himself. Protective of his friends and allies, he'll give his life to save theirs.

User Name: Oxyrt
Character Name: Oxyrt
Age: 20
Occupation: Assassin for hire.
Appearance: Short cropped black hair and deep brown eyes. Light skin. Standard height and build.
Equipment: A rugged metal ogre sword with a leather-bound grip.
Abilities: The power of a chilling blue flame emitted from his hands. Think frostbite.
Personality: Doesn't take himself too seriously, but that doesn't necessarily make him the jokester of the crowd. He's a major downer if you don't know him too well, but you get on his wrong side and he's bound to snap. His loyalty is saved solely for his comrades.

User Name: Light_of_the_Fallen
Character Name: Isabella Trix Swan, but her friends call her Bella.
Age: I'm guessing 18...
Occupation: Traveler and Recorder of the Past
Appearance:Isabella is about 5'6" with a thin but lean build. Her skin is slightly tanned due to her travels. Often tying it up before battle, her hair is black and reaches her waist. She has obsidian colored eyes that almost seem to shine in the darkness. Rosy cheeks and a warm smile, she looks like a porcelain doll. Its dangerous to underestimate her because frankly, she isn't as delicate as she looks.
Equipment: Her weapon of choice are light obsidian chains with spikes as handles. Their measure is unknown due to the fact they can stretch as long as she needs them to. To avoid any injury to herself, she wear black fur gloves that work well against the cold and the roughness of the spikes. In short range, she's accustomed to a dagger made of pure silver with intricate runes on it. The handle is plain with a black grip that prevents her from dropping it. The blade is about 6 inches long and the handle was customized to her hands. Sometimes she'll wear her black cloak that she can use to shield against kinds of magic. Melee attacks can easily cut through it so she often won't wear it in battle.
Abilities:Bella is fond of long range battles since she believes they give her the most time to think and plan in battle. Short or long though, she's comfortable in both and has weapons that fit the situation. The only magic she possesses is control over metal but its under developed due to her late discovery of it.
Personality:Personality wise she used to be a simple optimist whose only thoughts were of cookies and apples. After her travels though, she's grown up quite a bit. She's still sort of an optimist, except in the most dire situations. Then her attitude is "What will be, will be." In battle, she's cold, sarcastic, and ruthless that allow her to become unflinching and daring, even reckless. She will do what she can to finish the battle as quickly as possible with the least damage to anything outside of the battle. Around her friends she's kind of quiet but will speak up when she knows what she's saying. She's kind, considerate, and will think of the others before herself. Bella is also gentle and still thinks of apples every now and then.

User Name: Light_of_the_Fallen
Character Name: Xavier
Age: Looks to be 19
Occupation: Bodyguard
Appearance: He's six feet even with a tan, muscular build. He has swirling silver eyes and short platinum hair. His rough exterior makes him an intimidating person although he tries to tone it down by wearing a button up shirt and a gray school uniform.
Equipment: A sword made of the finest metal is his best friend. He wields a cavalry style sword with the blade made of an unknown metal. Its unusually strong, incapable of breaking against regular blades. It shines with an unusual glow when covered in blood and seems to gain more strength. Its handle is made of ivory with silver adornments. He carries no other equipment or weapons.
Abilities: He has control over all elements but doesn't use any of them unless his master is on danger. Even then, its only if he absolutely has no other choice.
Personality: He's cold, aloof, and rarely talks. In battle, he's absolutely ruthless and works alone, always alone. When he talks, he will talk to only to his master and will be as direct as possible.

User Name: Nulix
Character Name: Nulix Princeton
Age: 18
Occupation: Co-Founder of the Princeton Parent Company, CEO of Princeton Corp.
Appearance: 5'11", curly brown hair, tan skin, green eyes.
Equipment: None.
Abilities: None.
Personality: Nulix is a skeptical, sarcastic, self-confident businessman who came from the world of adventure and crime. Nulix has a mind always working to get an advantage, for whatever the situation be, and is always looking for shortcuts to get him to his goals, which, for the most part, are to not work another day in his life, a goal he is getting close to with his personal savings raising steadily as he is the owned of a successful media company, Princeton Corp.

User Name: DarKnight36
Character Name: Darius Lionheart
Age: about 28
Occupation: Mercenary
Appearance: About seven feet tall and muscular; dark red hair cut short, blue eyes; to most people, he seems like a giant, but for his size, he's simply fit. Carries himself like he's used to having a sword on his back.
Equipment: One of the Masamune-style katanas; a crystal-power katana named Ryukai (or Chomper); two semi-automatic pistols.
Abilities: Darius used to be able to wield immense magical power due to his Phoenician powers, the most powerful force in the universe. However, in the events leading up to the current story arc, Darius has lost his powers... or so everyone believes, including himself...
Personality: Confident to the point of egomaniac; he doesn't show a lot of respect for people who can't take care of themselves, but doesn't have a problem helping people. Very loyal to his friends, but also seems to just have a natural sense of when he needs to back off. Enjoys fighting a little bit too much, but doesn't seek out fights.

User Name: DarKnight36
Character Name: Rune Solaris
Age: about 25
Occupation: None, unless you count "Phoenix" as being a job, XD
Appearance: Around 6 feet in height, slender of build; dark hair kept somewhat short, intense dark eyes; tends to slouch to disguise the "warrior's grace." Most people would call him handsome.
Equipment: Carries a long katana, but can use pretty much anything
Abilities: Rune's Phoenician powers enable him to utilize any element, especially fire. His powers also enhance his senses, especially speed and strength, making him seem unrealistically strong in battle.
Personality: Quiet and a little hesitant about showing his emotions; however, his feelings are very intense. Self-sacrificing, especially when it comes to his friends; despite his own wants and needs, he puts others first. No matter the station, he treats everyone the same, which makes many nobles dislike him for his lack of titles.

User Name: X-07
Character Name: Raze
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Appearance: Somewhat tanned, around 6' tall, athletic build, buzzcut black hair
Equipment: A curved shortsword as well as a combat knife, carries brass knuckles as a last resort weapon
Abilities:Extremely skilled with his blades, although not as skilled when it comes to unarmed fighting he is an avid boxer and is able to at least hold his own when confronted in a fist fight
Personality: His personality is very easy to read, he hates to lose. When he first started out as a bounty hunter he failed his first job and the consequence has haunted him ever since. Although you can call him a womanizer by nature, he is actually very shy around attractive women and unless it has to do with his job he cant even look them in the eye while speaking. He tends to be a loner although he will work when others when times call for it, most of the time though he turns things into a competition where he attempts to outdo his allies.

User Name: Ris

Character Name: Ris Grestar

Age: 17

Occupation: Nothing's concrete. He does whatever's available (and reasonable) when he needs money, whether it be scavenging, being a stunt-devil (for movies and such), etc.

Appearance: (Well, here's a bust lol) ... tail-1.jpg
Ris Grestar is a blue anthropomorphic Arctic Fox standing at 6'. His muzzle trailing down to his stomach is a slightly lighter shade of blue, and the tip of his tail and the fur in his ears is even lighter than that, almost white. He has a larger tuft of fur on the top of his head, the closest thing for him to a head of hair. The fox's eyes are a calming blue, emphasized by his fur color.

Equipment: The blue vulpine wears a sleeveless "assassin's coat" (basically, a sleeveless, black shirt with an almost-turtleneck collar, though the collar is more loose), dark blue, baggy jeans, and a good pair of white and black tennis shoes. He wears a black headband tied around his head and two black wristbands, one on each wrist.

Abilities: The Arctic Fox is a skilled traceur (traceur being one who practices parkour, a non-competitive sport based on efficient and uninterrupted movement through the environment using the body and nothing else) and uses his speed, agility, and strength to his advantage in fights. The vulpine's only weapon is himself, though some would say that it's a force enough to be reckoned with.

Personality: Ris is overall a friendly person, loyal and protective of those he deems his friends. He loves a good laugh, though he can often be sarcastic, cocky, and headstrong. Most of the time he's an active furry, though like everyone else, he has his sentimental moments where he stops and takes the time to really think and reflect. While he doesn't necessarily like to inflict pain upon others, he relishes the feeling of victory and isn't likely to give up when faced with a challenge. Having trained in parkour for many years, the fox is used to overcoming challenges.

User Name:

Character Name:
Alish Torrent


Former pirate, but now uses her ship and knowledge of sailing for more legal adventures.

Standing at 5"7 in height, and of a slender, lithe build, Alish doesn't look much of a threat on her own. Big, bright emerald eyes, long legs and a cheeky grin also don't make her look dangerous, in fact, making she looks pretty and defenseless. Her hair is a dark brown in color and cut just below her shoulder when loose. However, it is normally worn in a ponytail, with some bangs hanging around her face, just to keep most of her hair out of the way.
Alish wears a crisp white shirt, that appears several sizes too big for her. The two top buttons are left undone, the collar is straight, sleeves cut to her wrists, and the ends of the shirt just pass her backside. She wears a deep purple waistcoat, longer than the average one as well. It is tight around the upper body, and then loosening just below the waist, displaying its wearer's figure, without being too slutty. Alish wears brown breeches under her shirt and waistcoat, which are tucked into knee-high leather boots.
Alish also wears a belt just above her hip, in which she keeps her sword and scabbard and her two pistols.

-Sword [complete with scabbard]
-Two pistols [fully loaded]
-A ship [complete with crew]

Alish is slightly stronger, faster and more agile than the average humanoid creature. She can also read minds with concentration.

Alish is usually a no-nonsence kind of person. She likes things to be simple and straight to the point rather than dragging things out and playing with words. She prefers to bottle up her feelings than to show them openly. She is slow to anger, and even slower to resort to physical violence. She'll only fight if it's the last option, or if her life, or indeed the lives of her crew are in danger. Her crew is the only family left, and she is very protective of them.

User Name: iShiila
Character Name: Yuni
Age: 17
Occupation: Hair Stylist, looking to become a Wizard Archer, Shapeshifter
Appearance: Bleach blonde hair, sidebang. Stormy grey eyes, long lashes. Pale skin. 5'9, thin, long arms (not super long). Always wears two black bracelets. Black gloves.
Equipment: Enchanted Arrows(Fire, Ice, Thunder, Earth, Wind, Light, Dark) Bow of a Thousand Whispers.
Abilities: Heals people with light arrows on light souls. Turns into any animal to fight as well, usually a wolf or fox. Blesses arrows to heal and demolish.
Personality: Takes things seriously, Trustworthy, Sarcastic, Friendly, Careful, Competitive, Devoted.

User Name: CrimsonLanceGeneral7
Character Name: Vincent Margrave
Age: 18
Occupation: had chef and secret owner of a resturant

Appearance: Vincent stands at almost 6 feet tall with a thing yet strong build. His eyes are dark brown, almost black, however they turn a bright yellow at night or in dark shadows. His hair is long and brown, normally tied back in a ponytail, but wild and tangled when not. His usual attire is a pair of faded, slightly ragged blue jeans, worn sneakers, a black t-shirt, and a black long coat. On occasion he wears a black fedora and black fingerless gloves. All over his body there are scars, most of them not very big, however one is unforgetable. This scar is on his left arm, going from where his shoulder connects down to his elbow, it goes right through his yin-yang tattoo. His left ear is peirced with a tiny silver loop and he wears a pair of thin rectangular glasses.

Equipment: Throwing knives in pouches at his waist, fighting daggers strapped to his legs, and on his back he carries a Gun-Sword (think of this as a rifle with a sword blade attached to the underside of the barrel. It has a special stock that doubles as a sword handle.)

Abilities: Incrdible control over his throwing knives, from aimming to the forse he puts behind it, to the speed at which they travel. At night or in the dep shadows his eyes turn yellow, the only tale-tell sign of his night vision ability. Aside from that he heals quicker than most people, like, what would take a week for a normal person would take him only two days.

Personality: Vincent has been called bipolar before. As a loner he will say nothing until he is sure he can either trust or kill the people around him. However, if he is with a group of people, or even a singl person h knows well, he is a very friendly, open person, when it comes to most things. Only problem is, as far as he knows all his friends are dead, having died a year ago in the big war. If anyone asks him about that, or the scar on his arm, he either goes quiet or makes something up, not wanting anyon to know it bothers him any.

User Name: Zivko

Character Name: Adokul Serpenthelm

Age: 32

Occupation: Kingdom Magician

Appearance: ... medium.jpg
|Height| 5'10"
|Weight| 145 lbs
|Physique| Lean
|Skin Tone| Pale
|Eye Color| Crystal Blue
|Hair Color| Black tinted blue
|Hair Style| Freely falling, shoulder length
|Distinguishing Marks| A demonic right arm.


Weapon 1
Name: Sparky
What: Wand
Material: Red wood
Core: ...wood
Color: Red
Length: 13 Inches
With: Half inch
Guards: N/A
Handel: Brown Leather wrapped around
Hilt: Sawed off
Strengths: Spells: Spark, Lightning Bolt, Lightning ball

Weapon 2
Name: Damos
What: The Hand n Half Long sword
Material: Steal
Core: Human (Wizard)'s Soul
Color :Black
Length: 32 inches
With: Half inch
Guards: Skeleton arms reachign streight out
Handel: Criss cross with red leather over black wood
Hilt: steal round orb Held in a Skeleton hand
Strengths: The sword is a living entity, with a real sarcastic attitude.

Weapon 3
Name: Tomb
What: Spell book
Material: Boiled leather, paper, silk, ink, Gems
Cover: Boiled black leather very simple with red leather markers, encrusted with a clear gem on inside of the cover.
Height: three inches
Length: twelve inches
With: ten inches
Protection: Defensive wards, runes and spells placed upon and in the book.

Geo/Electro-Kinesis, Rune, Arcane

|Motivation(Needs/Wants| To Study the Arts of Magic (Needs to be wanted/ Wants more magic)
|Weakness/Flaws| Human frailty. Lecherous, craving for more magic, bordering insanity.
|Strengths| His Magic, his loyalty

What Causes:
|Fear| Losing his hands and sanity.
|Anger| Disrespectful people, Failure in his magic
|Happiness| Oh more magical scrolls, artifacts, books and knowledge!

User Name:

Character Name:
Gabriel Bishop


Ex-Pirate, first mate to Alish Torrent.

Height: 6"3, making him appear more like the Captain at times.
Build: Toned/Muscular
Skin Tone: Light Tan
Eye Color: Brown
Hair: Dark blonde, messy.
Clothing: White shirt hanging over breeches, flat leather boots. Heavy navy wool coat.
Equipment: Sword, pistols.
Abilities: Basic's increased, and can read emotions.
Personality: Protective, loyal, brave, caring.

User Name: Doxyc
Character Name: Doxyc
Age: 16
Occupation: Ex-Soldier
Appearance: 5'7". He has dark purple hair that resembles Clouds from final fantasy 7 advent children. He has lime green eyes. He wears a white and gray shirt that zips up, which is always zipped up. The long sleaves on the shirt are like the sleaves from the Organization XIII cloaks from KH2. Wears black pants and boots, the pants go over the boots. Around his waste is a loose belt that has a leg length cloth that hangs around his left leg only.
Equipment: ... 4ffc8c.jpg - My Keyblade
Abilities: Gifted in Combat. Not so much with the magic. Able to shoot a beam from his keyblade. moves at high speeds. very aero dynamic. can summon keyblade whenever.
Personality: Very mature for his age. He learns fairly quick. Determined. Loves his friends. Very heartfelt. Hates giving up.
Last edited by PirateofPie on Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:52 pm, edited 16 times in total.

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Re: Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby X-07 on Sat Dec 05, 2009 3:12 am

[Ill get in on this if its cool, but Im just going with one character since I wouldnt be able to create anybody 3 dimensional if I were to do more.]

User Name: X-07
Character Name: Raze
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Appearance: Somewhat tanned, around 6' tall, athletic build, buzzcut black hair
Equipment: A curved shortsword as well as a combat knife, carries brass knuckles as a last resort weapon
Abilities:Extremely skilled with his blades, although not as skilled when it comes to unarmed fighting he is an avid boxer and is able to at least hold his own when confronted in a fist fight
Personality: His personality is very easy to read, he hates to lose. When he first started out as a bounty hunter he failed his first job and the consequence has haunted him ever since. Although you can call him a womanizer by nature, he is actually very shy around attractive women and unless it has to do with his job he cant even look them in the eye while speaking. He tends to be a loner although he will work when others when times call for it, most of the time though he turns things into a competition where he attempts to outdo his allies.
Fell free to MSN or ICQ me, preferably ICQ but I do get on MSN as much. All the stuff is right there.------------------>

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Re: Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PirateofPie on Sat Dec 05, 2009 9:39 am

Looks good, X-07. Accepted.

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Re: Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Light_of_the_Fallen on Sat Dec 05, 2009 11:32 am

User Name: Light_of_the_Fallen
Character Name: Isabella Trix Swan, but her friends call her Bella.
Age: I'm guessing 18...
Occupation: Traveler and Recorder of the Past
Appearance:Isabella is about 5'6" with a thin but lean build. Her skin is slightly tanned due to her travels. Often tying it up before battle, her hair is black and reaches her waist. She has obsidian colored eyes that almost seem to shine in the darkness. Rosy cheeks and a warm smile, she looks like a porcelain doll. Its dangerous to underestimate her because frankly, she isn't as delicate as she looks.
Equipment: Her weapon of choice are light obsidian chains with spikes as handles. Their measure is unknown due to the fact they can stretch as long as she needs them to. To avoid any injury to herself, she wear black fur gloves that work well against the cold and the roughness of the spikes. In short range, she's accustomed to a dagger made of pure silver with intricate runes on it. The handle is plain with a black grip that prevents her from dropping it. The blade is about 6 inches long and the handle was customized to her hands. Sometimes she'll wear her black cloak that she can use to shield against kinds of magic. Melee attacks can easily cut through it so she often won't wear it in battle.
Abilities:Bella is fond of long range battles since she believes they give her the most time to think and plan in battle. Short or long though, she's comfortable in both and has weapons that fit the situation. The only magic she possesses is control over metal but its under developed due to her late discovery of it.
Personality:Personality wise she used to be a simple optimist whose only thoughts were of cookies and apples. After her travels though, she's grown up quite a bit. She's still sort of an optimist, except in the most dire situations. Then her attitude is "What will be, will be." In battle, she's cold, sarcastic, and ruthless that allow her to become unflinching and daring, even reckless. She will do what she can to finish the battle as quickly as possible with the least damage to anything outside of the battle. Around her friends she's kind of quiet but will speak up when she knows what she's saying. She's kind, considerate, and will think of the others before herself. Bella is also gentle and still thinks of apples every now and then.

I might be adding another character but I haven't developed his profile yet. I'll add him later.

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Re: Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PirateofPie on Sat Dec 05, 2009 11:52 am

Both of your bios have been posted.

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Re: Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DarKnight36 on Sat Dec 05, 2009 3:23 pm

User Name: DarKnight36
Character Name: Darius Lionheart
Age: about 28
Occupation: Mercenary
Appearance: About seven feet tall and muscular; dark red hair cut short, blue eyes; to most people, he seems like a giant, but for his size, he's simply fit. Carries himself like he's used to having a sword on his back.
Equipment: One of the Masamune-style katanas; a crystal-power katana named Ryukai (or Chomper); two semi-automatic pistols.
Abilities: Darius used to be able to wield immense magical power due to his Phoenician powers, the most powerful force in the universe. However, in the events leading up to the current story arc, Darius has lost his powers... or so everyone believes, including himself...
Personality: Confident to the point of egomaniac; he doesn't show a lot of respect for people who can't take care of themselves, but doesn't have a problem helping people. Very loyal to his friends, but also seems to just have a natural sense of when he needs to back off. Enjoys fighting a little bit too much, but doesn't seek out fights.

Well, there you go; most of that I copied from the bio I did a while ago. I might add Rune and a few others later.
Until I get a signature image, this is all I have.

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Re: Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ris on Sat Dec 05, 2009 3:34 pm

Quick question:

So from what I've read, this roleplay stretches clear across the universe, right? If that's the case, would it be okay for me to use a furry character? The roleplay idea sounds interesting and I'd like to try it out. Also, it would be my first on this site =P

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Re: Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PirateofPie on Sat Dec 05, 2009 4:50 pm

DarKnight, your bios been added.

And Ris, I don't see a problem with you having a furry character, but most of the worlds in the known systems are full of humanoid inhabitants, so be prepared to get some looks from some characters.

Also, there is a new section in the opening post that will detail the various locations in the RP. Be sure to check it every once in a while for an update.

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Re: Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TFairy on Sat Dec 05, 2009 7:33 pm

User Name:

Character Name:
Alish Torrent


Former pirate, but now uses her ship and knowledge of sailing for more legal adventures.

Standing at 5"7 in height, and of a slender, lithe build, Alish doesn't look much of a threat on her own. Big, bright emerald eyes, long legs and a cheeky grin also don't make her look dangerous, in fact, making she looks pretty and defenseless. Her hair is a dark brown in color and cut just below her shoulder when loose. However, it is normally worn in a ponytail, with some bangs hanging around her face, just to keep most of her hair out of the way.
Alish wears a crisp white shirt, that appears several sizes too big for her. The two top buttons are left undone, the collar is straight, sleeves cut to her wrists, and the ends of the shirt just pass her backside. She wears a deep purple waistcoat, longer than the average one as well. It is tight around the upper body, and then loosening just below the waist, displaying its wearer's figure, without being too slutty. Alish wears brown breeches under her shirt and waistcoat, which are tucked into knee-high leather boots.
Alish also wears a belt just above her hip, in which she keeps her sword and scabbard and her two pistols.

-Sword [complete with scabbard]
-Two pistols [fully loaded]
-A ship [complete with crew]

Alish is slightly stronger, faster and more agile than the average humanoid creature. She can also read minds with concentration.

Alish is usually a no-nonsence kind of person. She likes things to be simple and straight to the point rather than dragging things out and playing with words. She prefers to bottle up her feelings than to show them openly. She is slow to anger, and even slower to resort to physical violence. She'll only fight if it's the last option, or if her life, or indeed the lives of her crew are in danger. Her crew is the only family left, and she is very protective of them.
Last edited by TFairy on Sun Dec 06, 2009 7:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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But my thoughts you can't decode.

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Re: Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PirateofPie on Sat Dec 05, 2009 7:47 pm

Thanks for joining, TFairy! When you're finished, with the bio, I'll add it to the first post.

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Re: Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ris on Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:25 pm

Well, depending on how you look at it, you could say that Ris is plenty humanoid =P

User Name: Ris

Character Name: Ris Grestar

Age: 17

Occupation: Nothing's concrete. He does whatever's available (and reasonable) when he needs money, whether it be scavenging, being a stunt-devil (for movies and such), etc.

Appearance: (Well, here's a bust lol) ... tail-1.jpg
Ris Grestar is a blue anthropomorphic Arctic Fox standing at 6'. His muzzle trailing down to his stomach is a slightly lighter shade of blue, and the tip of his tail and the fur in his ears is even lighter than that, almost white. He has a larger tuft of fur on the top of his head, the closest thing for him to a head of hair. The fox's eyes are a calming blue, emphasized by his fur color.

Equipment: The blue vulpine wears a sleeveless "assassin's coat" (basically, a sleeveless, black shirt with an almost-turtleneck collar, though the collar is more loose), dark blue, baggy jeans, and a good pair of white and black tennis shoes. He wears a black headband tied around his head and two black wristbands, one on each wrist.

Abilities: The Arctic Fox is a skilled traceur (traceur being one who practices parkour, a non-competitive sport based on efficient and uninterrupted movement through the environment using the body and nothing else) and uses his speed, agility, and strength to his advantage in fights. The vulpine's only weapon is himself, though some would say that it's a force enough to be reckoned with.

Personality: Ris is overall a friendly person, loyal and protective of those he deems his friends. He loves a good laugh, though he can often be sarcastic, cocky, and headstrong. Most of the time he's an active furry, though like everyone else, he has his sentimental moments where he stops and takes the time to really think and reflect. While he doesn't necessarily like to inflict pain upon others, he relishes the feeling of victory and isn't likely to give up when faced with a challenge. Having trained in parkour for many years, the fox is used to overcoming challenges.

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Re: Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PirateofPie on Sat Dec 05, 2009 9:01 pm

I suppose you're right...Anyway, you're bio is on the first post now.

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Re: Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wing06Twilight on Sat Dec 05, 2009 10:03 pm

User Name: Wing06Twilight
Character Name: Wing
Age: 19
Occupation: History Teacher, Swordsmen for hire.
Appearance: 5'11" sandy brown, blonde hair. With royal blue eyes. Athletic build, and tannish skin. (See middle pic of the blonde in my sig)

Equipment: Four blades, The sword of gales, The Twilit Oathkeeper, The Blade of Twilight, and the Featherdancer
Abilities: Complete command over the element of Wind and entrusted Guardian of the Celestial Magic of Twilight

Personality: Wing is a kind hearted, high spirited young man, with boundless determination to do what he feels is right. He tries hard to complete any and every task assigned to him. He knows what needs to be done and isn't afraid to task charge, or the hardest tasks/enemies for himself. Protective of his friends and allies, he'll give his life to save theirs.

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Re: Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PirateofPie on Sat Dec 05, 2009 10:21 pm

You've been added up top, Wing.

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Re: Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby X-07 on Sun Dec 06, 2009 1:05 am

I dont want to sound impatient or rude or anything like that but Im just wondering, what we are waiting for exactly?

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Re: Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PirateofPie on Sun Dec 06, 2009 1:20 am

I'm waiting for Nulix, who is helping me with the story. If he doesn't show up tomorrow, we can go ahead and start. Sorry if I was keeping you guys waiting, though.

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Re: Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TFairy on Sun Dec 06, 2009 12:37 pm

My profiles finished, just to let everyone know.

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Re: Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PirateofPie on Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:58 pm

I'll be on later today to start the rp. Busy at the moment.

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Re: Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Oxyrt on Sun Dec 06, 2009 5:03 pm

User Name: Oxyrt
Character Name: Oxyrt
Age: 20
Occupation: Assassin for hire.
Appearance: Short cropped black hair and deep brown eyes. Light skin. Standard height and build.
Equipment: A rugged metal ogre sword with a leather-bound grip.
Abilities: The power of a chilling blue flame emitted from his hands. Think frostbite.
Personality: Doesn't take himself too seriously, but that doesn't necessarily make him the jokester of the crowd. He's a major downer if you don't know him too well, but you get on his wrong side and he's bound to snap. His loyalty is saved solely for his comrades.
As the devil reached out his boney hand, I must have felt what she felt that night.
And as the loneliness crept in, I readied for one last fight.

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Re: Ultimate Organization (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PirateofPie on Sun Dec 06, 2009 6:27 pm

TFairy, Oxyrt, your bios have been added up top! I'm gonna start typin' up the RP right now, so stick around if you can.

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