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"I don't particularly like Hecate.. though I don't hate her."

0 · 473 views · located in Pandora Forest

a character in “A God's Blessings”, originally authored by Ever, as played by RolePlayGateway



"My secrets, I keep them under lock and key.. because I know that in a world based off beauty, they are a blemish, a flaw, an eyesore, that can never be erased.. "

|| Full Name ||
"Jinx" Arcadia Serenity Cross
|| Age ||
|| Gender ||
|| Sexuality ||
|| Face Claim ||
Inori from Guilty Crown


|| Hair Color ||
A natural occurring ombre of snow to rose
|| Eye Color ||
Mesmerizing crimson that can also lighten to magenta
|| Skin Tone ||
Flawless alabaster
|| Height ||
|| Weight ||
86 lbs
|| Appearance ||
Noted to be a beauty that could rival, and surpass, that of any known model, Jinx boasts an appearance that could be both described as seductive and innocent. Standing at the petite height of 5'0'' and weighing in at a mere 86 pounds, this particular girl is molded to have a physique curved like a perfect hourglass.. something of which women have spent decades trying to achieve. It's evidently no wonder that there isn't a single qualm about her wearing whatever style of clothing she desires or how she easily becomes the occasional fantasies of men. With her nipped waist and toned limbs, there seems to be no problems or worries about the idea of gaining weight... something of which she proclaims to those who inquire "it's all due to my high metabolism". Either it's her well-endowed bust or delicate hands and feet that directs attention towards herself or it's the innocent, doll-esque skin that's the selling point.. (after all, who could blame other females for having sparks of envy when Jinx's luminous ivory tone, a harmonious combination of rose and milk, is constantly flawless and blemish free?) but either way, she always turns heads.

Moving onto her hair, yet another selling point, Jinx has been blessed with a gift. Generous amounts of silken naturally ombre hair that, when caught in the rays of the sun, illuminates with a brilliant baby pink tint, cascades and frames her silhouette perfectly... almost like a drawing. Typically, and almost shamefully, the lazy girl will leave her waterfall down into two pigtails due to the wispy strands not cooperating (and also due to the fact she's quite sluggish when it comes to following stylish trends.. that is, unless her friends decide to fix it for her.). After several years of letting it lengthen, the beautiful tresses now fall to the rest at the low-point of her waist, a few strands here and there being arranged so that it almost looks layered. Usually, the long tendrils will have a slight, almost non-existent, wave to them... yet, oddly enough, that wave is just enough to frame her face picturesquely and to radiate the impression of her ethereal beauty belonging to that of a china doll. On the note of her bangs, seeing as Jinx doesn't have the energy to cut them, they have grown in such a way that the longest part (the middle strand) brushes the bridge of her delicately shaped nose.

Now then, the other qualities are stunning and all but the major factor that sets this particular girl from the crowd are her eyes. In her opinion, as well as her friend's and stranger's, the crimson pair are her best and most alluring trait. Why? It's all simply due to the breathtaking contrast they provide with the rest of her appearance. It should also be noted that Jinx has a tendency to day dream more often than others, sometimes zoning out randomly. When she drifts off, one can easily tell her mind's wandering by the lowered eyelids and the slight frown painted on her lips...almost making it look as if she was sleeping. It is also noticeable that Jinx's shifting orbs turn a darker shade of scarlet as she becomes consumed by her own mind or when she pouts about an event.

|| Personality ||
Jinx is definitely the type of caged spirit who keeps her feelings under lock-and-key and past where it should be kept; a book. Not wanting to focus on herself or hauntings, this girl instead tends to redirect the attention onto her friends and pets..almost a tad bit too much mind you. And as such, she is typically described as a caring and selfless person who willingly jumps to other's rescue, and will, without hesitation, exert herself to be of their assistance. Of course, Jinx does tend to go overboard and will, more often than not, put herself in danger's way to protect those she cares about.. she'll even go to the length of shielding someone from a bullet if it comes to it. This has caused her to be known as being excessively reckless on turn, this has resulted in having others be worried out of their minds for her well being. However; despite the constant trouble she's in, Jinx truly means everything she does. When doing something, no matter what it is, this girl will always put forth the greatest display of effort possible, always believing that hard work will pay off (and more often times than not it has for her) in the end. She takes everything as a challenge and, sometimes unfortunately, deals with it head on. Blunt to a fault, this teenager can also have a bit of a temper should someone ever get on her bad side...and isn't afraid to say so if this occurs. Despite this, if she is extremely close to the person who has upset her, she will bite her tongue and let them get away with it.

As a careless young woman, Jinx typically doesn't allow things to bother her much as they normally should and will, more likely than not, shrug whatever it is off. The idea or event would have to be really infuriating to her for her to snap and figuratively assault the person...and when that occurs,you can be assured that this grudge-holder won't talk to you for months at time. Much to some people's confusion, the girl will be, at one moment, calm and composed then in another, fierce and without, as such, she takes great care to work on lengthen her patience (which seems to be infinite unless under certain circumstances) to guard others against her biting words.

Generally, Jinx has a rather optimistic nature when she is feeling lively and often likes to tease people...namely her friends. Whether it's about their crush on someone or about a certain aspect of their appearance they like or dislike, she loves to playfully take a jab at the and accept said retaliations with jovial heartiness. Of course she does it with care as to not upset them.. however; there are times where she can't help herself. Though that's not to say she is without grace, without manners. Jinx does retain some social etiquette when it comes to her elders or the persons she views as being "higher-up" and will often act more reserved when this occurs.

In the end though, even if she doesn't show them, Jinx does harbor her own demons and monsters.. she just does an excellent job covering them up. Those demons you ask? The spilt personality she's as if two people constantly live in her mind and body, always fighting for control. In fact, one loves Hecate and the other despises her.. can you take a guess at which one is more dominant? Because of this burden she carries, Jinx attempts her best to hide it as not to become a trouble to others... well, at least not that much.

|| Likes ||
  • Sweet foods
  • Small animals (especially polecats)
  • Hecate (it's a love-hate relationship)
  • Dimly-lit areas
  • Full moons
  • Classical music
  • Expensive tea
  • Solitude
  • Lewis Carroll
  • Learning, no matter the subject or lesson

|| Dislikes ||
  • Crowds
  • Harsh sounds
  • Bright lights and the sun
  • Not being able to see the stars or moon
  • Hecate
  • Bitter or spicy foods
  • Canines and snakes
  • Cheap tea or coffee
  • Ernest Hemingway
  • Being restrained

|| Weakness ||
  • Extreme Hydrophobic
  • Bright lights seem to make her more sluggish
  • Harsh sounds and/or loud noises can cause immense headaches
  • Solitary and doesn't know how to ask for help


|| God's Blessing ||
Hecate, the goddess many fear. Exercising control over any form of magic and witchcraft, the night and cycles of the moon, spirits and necromancy, this is a deity very few tend to talk about gracefully or worship. After all.. she was known to be quite malicious at times, bringing back the dead from their eternal rest to terrorize those she felt needed it. Borne as an only child of the pairing Titanes Perses and Asteria, Hecate received the birthright to her powers in ruling over Earth, Heaven and Sea. Known to be connected with many other Gods and Goddesses, Hecate is most famously known for reuniting Demeter with Persephone and thusly becoming Persephone's trusted minister and a close companion to Hades.

|| God's Blessing ||
As the moon phases, the mark's own moon corresponds to it's cycle.

|| Skills ||
  1. Shadow Manipulation is the main power she inherited from Hecate. This entails:
    • The summoning, creation, manipulation and command of beings made from manifested shadows/darkness. Using these creatures that take any form Jinx wishes (be it an animal or a weapon), she can cause physical damage to her enemies.
    • The ability to control the intensity of the absence of light around her and her shadows.
    • The power to experience whatever her creations experience through their own eyes.
    • The ability, perhaps the one that provides an everyday use, that allows for Jinx to pass 'teleport' through shadows. The catch? She can only phase to places she has been before.
    • By far, this is Jinx's most frightening ability. When activated, she enters a different form than that of her human state; a body made of complete manifested darkness. Of course, this means that her real body is actually put into a coma-esque trance...after all, there isn't enough room for two people in one body. When in this stage, her new state is not one of physical manifestation (nor aging) and will stay that way.. unless her true body is being damaged or killed. No one truly knows the full potential of this particular ability..seeing as Jinx never uses it.
    1. Death's Eyes is a minor power bestowed onto her from Hecate. Those whom she meets, aside from Godlings, she can immediately see their name, age, and when they are going to die floating above their heads. Of course, this is quite troublesome to her.. especially if she tries to go out in public.

Death's Eyes, fortunately, isn't very taxing on her body..however, Shadow Manipulation is. Hecate has warned Jinx numerous times what can occur if she uses this power for an extended period..and the end results are not very pretty. For example, she can only have a creation functioning for about 15 minutes before it starts to channel off her own spirit energy..which, in turn, causes great stress on her human body. In her shadow form, Jinx is only allowed to be in it for an hour before the connection between her physical form and spirit form starts to deteriorate. And once that cord is severed completely, Jinx has no choice but to remain forever in that accursed shadow form. As for teleportation, Jinx has been known to, at times, suddenly show up at a completely different location than originally intended, phase in public or even get stuck between shadow realms for hours on end.

|| Biography ||
Unbelievably, Jinx was not born into this world with such an accursed name.. nor alone. Originally bestowed with the identity of Arcadia Serenity Cross, eldest daughter and heiress to the Cross Culinary Arts Institution, she was brought forth a mere 10 seconds before her identical twin, Lisanna. A perfectly balanced and rare gift is the event of having twins.. Lisanna and Arcadia were no different from this stereotype.

As they grew from docile infants to rambunctious toddlers, the two sisters became extraordinarily close to one another, always knowing the other's thoughts or emotions. In fact, aside from their flawless identical appearance, Lisanna and Arcadia only differed in name.. they both even had the mark of Hecate. Of course, being mere 4 year olds, neither sister possessed any awareness of how different they truly from the other children their age, the potential each had....the powers that were dormant within them. So, with each passing day another one full of blissful innocence, they matured little by little, their nanny's watchful gaze keeping them out of any looming trouble. What? Did you think two parents who were renowned world-class chefs, work always keeping their presence from their home, had time to watch double the trouble?

It wasn't until the age of 6 that the twins began to spilt from their uniformity. First, it was minor little things that were based on preferences.. one enjoyed spicy foods, the other loathed them. Then it snowballed to major factors, contradictions and fights now occurring due to rival clashing opinions. Yet.. despite the growing list of differences, Lisanna and Arcadia were still the closest any two persons could be. They always told each other everything, no matter how grave it was. Or at least, they did. At 7 years old, each sister was suddenly harboring a deeper secret, one that each feared to tell the other, neither wanting to voice the truth. For Arcadia, she noticed a strange woman appearing in her dreams, talking to her as if they had known each other for the entirety of their existence. Not only that, but the eldest seemed to have developed a form of mental confusion, the idea of two people living in her body firmly ingraining itself into her mentality... and let's just say she despised it. One half was drawn to the negative side of the universe, to the darkness and prospect of death, while the other strived for light and the glow of life. As for Lisanna, poor poor Lisanna, the young girl observed each day as her birth mark began to fade away and the presence of that ethereally beautiful woman in her dreams diminish. Hecate's decision was made.

It was the night of Christmas Eve, the twins, at this time, being 13 years old, were reunited with their absentee of parents.... of course, they would leave by the 27th but it was still a time for rejoicing, for praise and gratitude. A time when fighting was not permitted. Unfortunately, that rule did not apply to the twins. It started out as a mere scuffle about one wearing another's favorite dress without permission that soon escalated to harsh words and curses upon one another's existence. It was all of the excuse that Arcadia's darker side needed to make it's debut. Suddenly tapping into the hidden reserves of Hecate's power, Arcadia lost any cord to her humanity as she assumed her shadow form, the world going black. When the girl finally came to, she found herself lying out in the snow-laddend driveway, blood that was certainly not her own splattering her body in a tasteful manner. The household of Cross, including the servants and pets, were all slaughtered, the once beautiful mansion now laying in rubble and ruin. Terrified at the crime she committed, the deaths that sullied her hands, Arcadia took the best option; flee and allow the media to make up it's interpretation.

Renaming herself with the cruel tag of "Jinx", Arcadia wandered the streets for the length of her 14th year, trying to forget and move on. Though.. it probably wasn't in the way most would suspect of forgetting. She tried to starve herself, vainly struggling to die. However, Hecate wouldn't have her vessel so carelessly toss her life away. Assuming control over the girl, the forbidden goddess directed her to an orphanage, a place in which for Jinx to sort out her problems. However, the government intervened and she was carted off to a research facility.. which she ended up escaping from.


Live your life in happiness, in content.. just remember one thing, though; even the sun sets in paradise.

So begins...

Jinx's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finn J. Dubois Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Maya Marcasius Character Portrait: Genevieve Noel Deluna Character Portrait: Jinx Character Portrait: Damon Lynn Kuzimato
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A currently bright day for godlings in the forest, it's been 2 weeks since they escaped and currently are living at the building ruins they found.

Tadashi Renichi

ImageAlthough this day to some, may have been a "nice" day, Tadashi thought it was an annoying day. This whole place annoyed him, but today it annoyed him more then usual. Why? Simple...

The sun was shining on his face as he tried to nap on a tree branch. The tree branch wasn't high up, but still fairly high enough for him to get injured is he fell. That of course, didn't stop him from doing that.

He had decided to take a nap right now, because he couldn't think of a way to free the other people still trapped there. After all, if they went near that place they'd probably be sedated or shot down with tranquilizers like animals. Perhaps they could stage a giving up and go back might all be wasted, since they escaped with a lot f luck.

"So brat, what's up? Still thinking of how to break them free?" A voice sounded in his head, which caused said "brat." To scowl slightly while his eyes were closed.

"Shut up, old man." He muttered under his breath, as he crossed his arm over his eyes in hope of blocking out the light. It didn't work to well, or either he was bothered by Susano'o so he felt like it didn't work.

"Is that anyway to respect a god?!" Came an irritated reply, but an amused tone at the end. Tadashi sighed, before looking at the leaves of the tree, deciding to ignore the Japanese storm god. Usually, this was how his conversations would go with him; an insult here, there, then he would just ignore him. Luckily, the storm god didn't seem to be in the mood for fighting, and just remained silent.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finn J. Dubois Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Maya Marcasius Character Portrait: Genevieve Noel Deluna Character Portrait: Jinx Character Portrait: Damon Lynn Kuzimato
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Leaves crunched and twigs cracked under Genevieve's feet as she walked through the wood, cursing herself for lacking the ability to move silently. She'd been tense ever since she escaped the school with her five companions. Constantly looking over her shoulder, reaching for the knife she kept in the small satchel that hung from her shoulder every time an unexpected sound alarmed her. This was no way for people to live. But then neither was their lifestyle at the school.

A shadow darted over the sunlight and Genevieve glanced up as a large, dark raven landed on a nearby branch and gave her a cracked, throaty greeting. Gen crept closer and lifted her hand to stroke the silky black feathers.
"Hello, Nightmare."
she murmured. The bird cocked a beady eye at her and when she continued on her way, she heard the flutter of his wings as he followed her. Nightmare had been coming and going ever since she'd escaped the school and Genevieve felt sure that he was sent from Persephone. Her own, personal, guardian angel. Her shadow among the shadows. The bird followed Genevieve all the way to her destination; a clear pool of water not far from the ruins her and her fellow godlings were bunkered in. The pool was kept cool in the shade of the huge maple that sheltered it and the water was fresh and clean. Genevieve crouched and took a canteen from her bag, filling it to the brim before capping it back up and leaning back on the grass, enjoying the shade.

The day was clear and not at all hot. 70 degrees and paired with a crisp breeze. It was the sort of day her parents and the animals back on the farm lived for. But for Genevieve, it was another day that she could only take in careful doses. The sun, so bright and inviting, had always been cruel to the girl with pale skin. She burned so easily and after two weeks practically living outdoors, her skin had turned a rosy pink and it itched with the beginnings of a burn. But that was just part of Genevieve's package. When she was very small, Genevieve was visited occasionally by the goddess who'd "blessed" her. Persephone, the golden lady of the light. She had hair the color of straw, eyes a glorious shade of hazel. She'd told Genevieve that her curse was being one of light who longed for the dark. She'd blessed Gen in a way that would balance herself out. And so, just as Persephone had to resurface from the underworld every Spring and Summer, Genevieve would spend her days keeping to the shadows and making friends with the moon.

Genevieve sighed and closed her crystal blue eyes, trying to relax and clear her mind. There were five in her group that had been training at the school for so long that they'd somehow managed to make a sort of psychic connection with the gods who'd blessed them. Gen would kill to be able to talk to Persephone. But every time Gen tried to summon up a picture of her Goddess, the only woman that came to mind was Genevieve's mother, Trinity. Genevieve opened her eyes, not willing to go down the halls of her memories just now. And then a distant noise made her rise to her feet once more, alert and tense. Hounds sounded their cries far off to the west. The group had been hearing them for days but today they sounded closer. Genevieve shouldered her bag and clucked to Nightmare before jogging off to rejoin with the others.

The setting changes from Pandora Forest to Pandora


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finn J. Dubois Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Maya Marcasius Character Portrait: Genevieve Noel Deluna Character Portrait: Jinx Character Portrait: Louise Seras
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(Well crap, I wrote this in the wrong area (/=w=)/ )

The setting changes from Pandora to Pandora Forest


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finn J. Dubois Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Maya Marcasius Character Portrait: Genevieve Noel Deluna Character Portrait: Jinx Character Portrait: Louise Seras
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Maya yawned after taking a short nap, which was simply leaning on a tree. What other places where there to sleep in a forest? She wasn't really someone to go and make her own bed out of leaves or something, and se was most definitely not sleeping on a branch that could probably fall down and break. So the ground was, obviously, the most logical choice.

"Tired, aren't you?"

"I suppose." She said with her usual womanly sounding voice. Not to put it in a strange way, but it was true. Maya was, after all, one of the oldest in the group that escaped that awful facility, and she even looked mature, so it only made sense, really.

"I sometimes can't understand humans... How exactly can you be tired when there is so much to do?"

"Then again," Maya began, saying her words in a hushed tone since, even though some of them could have contact with their gods, she would still appear strange, "You're a goddess and I'm not. I'm just a simple human who has these odd voices in my head."

"Now, now," The voice told her, like an annoyed mother with her child, "Don't go bad mouthing me, love. You'd hate to know what I could do to you."

"Oh but you won't." Maya giggled a little underneath her breath. Honestly, she didn't know how she felt about knowing a goddess so personally. Sometimes she could get annoying, and other times her words were the only thing that comforted her, "Both you and I know it."

She then heard that same soothing voice sigh gently and just slowly fade away. That would end their daily 'First Conversation Of The Day' routine. Maya, too, let out a sigh, but it was more of a tired one. They escaped the prison they were in, and were on the run. Maya was worn out.

While closing her eyes to rest a little longer, she heard a voice say, "Shut up, old man."

This made Maya chuckle a bit as she asked, peeping one eye open, "The two of you arguing again, dear?" She found it funny how some people, five in specific that she knew about, had communication with their own gods, but some that just didn't seem to get along very well. They'd probably have to live with their voices and opinions their whole life, so in her perspective, it'd be wisest to try and get along. But she kept this to herself, knowing it'd only cause trouble if she said anything out loud.

Although Maya never really got along well with her lovely goddess, Idunn, she didn't really hate her either. They had a strange relationship, one that was hard to explain, but easy to see. Sometimes they'd get along like mother and daughter, or like best friends, and other times they'd hate each other like cats or dogs, and sometimes she'd drive Maya to the point of insanity. But her voice mostly kept her away from insanity, especially when Maya was trapped in that 'school.' She could have gone insane and probably would have died in there without Idunn.

Just the thought of that place made Maya sick, causing her to frown as she sat up straight again, getting off the tree she was leaning on, and muttering something under her breath, sounding sort of like a curse towards the scientists and their trickery. It made her a bit angry that she told her that it was a school she'd go to, and they were probably still sending out the same messages to other people. It just made her angry, especially, that she was unable to do anything about it at the moment.

Well, she probably could with the powers she gained after becoming what she nows calls a monster. Her powers were something she considered inhumane, something that mere humans like her shouldn't even posses, including having contact with an actual god. Maya could use both to her advantage and destroy that place with the help of the others who had escaped, but she hesitated. She always did after figuring out what she was capable of.

"Pathetic..." She murmured to herself, "Those wretches turned us all into monsters..." Maya said while leaning back again. She then opened her eyes to focus on the bright light just past the trees and said at an evened tone, "We're going to get all the others back from that horrid place." She said in a determined voice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finn J. Dubois Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Maya Marcasius Character Portrait: Genevieve Noel Deluna Character Portrait: Jinx Character Portrait: Damon Lynn Kuzimato
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He was in a forest. It was a sunny day. Everyone seemed pretty relaxed at the moment, happy to soak up the rays.
Finnigan wasn't the kind of person who would spend the day lazing around in the sun. The idea was tempting though, no doubt about that. Plus, the boy would have loved to spend a few hours doing absolutely nothing productive, but there were other things to do. There were much bigger things in Finn's mind that he had to deal with rather than sitting in the shade watching the clouds float aimlessly in the sky.
Planning had to be done, strategies had to be formed, and attack plans? Had anyone even considered how they'd break in to the top notch fancy prison? People needed to be saved, and no one seemed to be taking things seriously lately. Was he really the only one out of the six who actually wanted to get the others free?
...Nah, of course not. Stop thinking like that. He chided himself, the others cared. After all, every one of them used to be stuck in that... place. They knew what it was like in there. Friendly at first, then bam! you're now an experiment. How sick.

Finn stared at the drawings he had made in the soft forest dirt a few hours ago. They were meant to be maps, but Finnigan only had a rough idea of the outline of the building that was keeping the remaining godlings from their freedom.
Godlings, that's what they had been called. Weird. Finn had never really thought of that second pestering voice inside his head as a god talking to him, but apparently that's what it was. Finnigan narrowed his eyes, he was getting sidetracked.
Stop it. He scolded, focusing back on the makeshift maps, Concentrate.
"You're still doing that?" The previously mentioned voice asked, "When was the last time you slept? You're not going to get anything done if you can barely stay awake."
It was bad enough that Finn could hear the others talking to their lovely god people, but another voice to listen to was definitely pushing it.
"Not now, Asclepius. I'm busy." Finnigan snapped, glaring at the markings in the dirt.
"Not now? You have an almighty being speaking to you and your choice of words is not now? You sound like Hermes. How disrespectful! I should have Zeus zap you with a lighting bolt to set you in line!"
Suddenly Maya's voice started up in the background, and Finnigan buried his face in his hands, "Oh my god." He mumbled, feeling a headache coming on. Everyone was either completely insane, or gods and goddesses really did exist. Whatever pick, the concept was hard to handle.
"That's gods to you, boy."
Finnigan looked away from his dirt maps and instead up at the sky. The relationship between he and Asclepius wasn't very complicated. Sometimes they would argue, sometimes they would be a little bit nicer, and sometimes they'd be buddies. However, apparently gods didn't like going unappreciated and spoken down upon like they were five year olds. Finnigan found that out the hard way. Stupid gods and their even stupider rules. Stupid everything. Scientists, experiments, gods and powers and all that weird stuff. Screw it all. Finn didn't want to be a part of it, but he had to.
There were people who needed him. Not necessarily him, that was thinking way too highly of himself and his 'power' sucked. 'Ooh, you can heal scratches, cuts, gashes and stuff, but after that you're basically useless because you'll be too tired to do anything! Have fun fighting, doctor!' Finn could easily imagine Asclepius saying the exact words.

The setting changes from Pandora Forest to Pandora


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Jinx
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#, as written by Ever

Are you going to get up anytime soon? You don’t want to worry the others.. chided that dreadfully familiar voice within Jinx’s head, the voice that had caused her endless headaches and misfortunes.. Well… not entirely. It was the possessor of that ever-so-constant mischievously coloured tone that held the blame. So, with that disgust expressed as transparently as one could, it shouldn’t have been a surprise when that doll-esque girl firmly clenched her eyelids tighter, her breathing purposely returning back to the sluggish pace. Ignore her, Jinx… she’ll go away eventually. reasoned that exasperated inner voice, a twinge of resolute burning it’s edges. After all.. it was the only thing she wanted; peace. And if peace meant she could continue to lay here on slightly sloped hillside, the plush new growth cradling her skull for a pillow and the melodic strung notes of the songbirds a lullaby, then by gods, she wanted, received, it.

Only a few more seconds had slipped away, the feeling of the kisses of warmth gracing her luminous skin, before the silence within her was disrupted. Pretending to be asleep..? Or ignoring me..? How mature.. Don’t be so cold.. Now then, get up! rang out Hecate’s disapproval, only the light-hearted tone proving it to be opposite of what the goddess intended. With a resigned sigh, annoyance tainting her once blissful mood, the teenaged girl fluidly fluttered her eyelids open. If the shock of her delicate stature or the unnatural ombre of snow to rose wasn’t enough to put a normal human in shock, then her eyes would. Those mesmerizing crimson orbs briefly flashed in magenta at the sudden attack of the accursed dim sunlight, a slight pang in the forefront of her head instantly appearing in it’s response. Gritting her crafted jaw, Jinx absentmindedly sent a flattened hand to hover in front of her vision, a shield for the swords, as she hulled that rested upper body forwards. ”Yeah yeah.. I know… ”It’s impolite to be cold to someone who gave you a new life”..or something like that..” was the godling’s mutter as elegantly shifted to her feet. Actually, I said- wait.. I don’t remember ever saying anything like that.. Are you putting words in my mouth again, Jinx? Heh..oh well, get a move on it. Otherwise, they may leave you behind..”

With a muted scoff at Hecate’s airhead dispelled aura, Jinx finally began to thread her way through the undergrowth. Shockingly enough, the teeanger produced hardly any noise.. but then again, if you knew the ability she possessed, perhaps the normal reaction would be the opposite. After all, a shadow doesn’t make a racket. was her hissing thoughts, a tsk sounded from Hecate in response to the bitterness. However, her metacognitive state was disrupted by the abrupt rustling in the bushes to her left, wariness leaking into her expression. Not even bothering to consult Hecate first, the godling hesitantly stalked towards the noise, her curiosity overwhelming the reasoning of her goddess. Unfortunately that alight excitement was cut short as her gaze wandered over the bushes before latching onto the slumped form of Tadashi, nausea painted onto his features. With a soft sigh, the disappointment tangible in it, Jinx expertly maneuvered around the foliage to pause in front of his tired posture, her knees bending to be on his level. ”You used your power too much again, didn’t you?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finn J. Dubois Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Maya Marcasius Character Portrait: Jinx Character Portrait: Damon Lynn Kuzimato Character Portrait: Josephine Cook
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The setting changes from Pandora to Pandora Forest


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finn J. Dubois Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Maya Marcasius Character Portrait: Jinx Character Portrait: Damon Lynn Kuzimato Character Portrait: Josephine Cook
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Tadashi Renichi

ImageTadashi's head shot up when he heard movement in the undergrowth. As he attempted to stand up and prepare to fight again, he looked to see the pink hair. Unless someone else had pink hair on the island, it had to be Jinx. He watched quietly, as she came over to him before bending down toward his level.

”You used your power too much again, didn’t you?” The girl said, almost as if scolding him. The headache came back, causing his gaze to go toward the ground, shutting his eyes tightly, not responding as the pain subsided.

"....The dogs would have found us." He said simply, and quietly, as the pain started to fade. Although changing the wind normally wouldn't bother him as much as he did right now, it only was worse since he directed most of the wind on the island. That took a lot out of him, as he did not usually use that much wind. Half the time, he used his powers to just blast people backward, or use it to enhance his hits.

His energy began to return, as he stood up, still wobbly though. But his eyes flickered to sky blue, as Susano'o decided to bother him once again.

"Oi, Brat! Suck it up already! I didn't choose you so you can fall to something like oooh I feel sick!" Rang his voice. A scowl came on his face slightly, as his eyes faded back to gray. He didn't want to be chosen anyway. The only good thing about this was he was away from that woman, man and boy. With an annoyed shake of his head, he looked at the still crouching girl.

"We have to head to the ruins for now." He said simply. They still needed to find Damon, and Josephine. They wre all split up, since they had wandered away from the group.

The setting changes from Pandora Forest to Pandora


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finn J. Dubois Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Maya Marcasius Character Portrait: Genevieve Noel Deluna Character Portrait: Jinx Character Portrait: Damon Lynn Kuzimato
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"I could go and distract them for a bit."

"Oh, actually dear, I think that you probably shouldn't..." Maya frowned a bit. The scientists already had more people like them at their own facility, and she didn't want to lose any more of themselves to those monsters. But apparently, he hadn't been listening since he continued.

"I can at least confuse the dogs for a bit by changing the wind. Then handle the people behind them easily while you guys head to the ruins. That's our best option at the moment."

"And so if you get killed or taken how long are we supposed to wait then, young man?" She asked, though it was more of a rhetorical question. Maya let out a great sight before the same voice popped back into her head.

"You know it's the best choice, right? You all can get away if they're not focused on the rest of the group."

"I don't like when we get split up." She said softly, "It'll be impossible to find each other, and not to mention, we don't even know where two more of us have gone. I suppose you can't tell how worried I am, since you're a god after all, Idunn."

"Unfortunately not."

"Then I would appreciate it if you could be silenced for a little while."

"Find the rest of us, and get them to the ruins. We'll figure out what to do later."

Maya only realized that he was gone, when he was literally gone. Tadashi was out of her sight and reach, and while she didn't like someone leaving the group who is uncertain about coming back in one pice, she wasn't one to stray from the pack for the reason, "Children these days..." She seemed to have muttered underneath her breath as she turned in the opposite direction and said to the rest of the group, "Then I suppose that means we'd better not let this contribution go to waste, shall we? Out of random assumption, I'd say we should head in the opposite ways of the dogs and try to find any lovely pair of ruins there, yes?" Without needing an answer, she began to walk, at a medium fast pace, to try and find a place for the group to stay for the night.

She knew that ruins weren't ever going to be the best living space, but it worked in the mean time, "I can't believe you humans would actually dare to sleep in such a low life place such as that!" Idunn would complain on the way as if she were sharing the same body and would feel how uncomfortable the ground could really be.

"Stop complaining." Maya said as she continued and started to hum a small rhythmic tune that she learned as a child. A little while later, after continuously 'talking to herself,' she saw signs of what may have been a potential place to stay for the night as she called back to the group, "I think I may have found something."

The setting changes from Pandora to Pandora Forest


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finn J. Dubois Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Maya Marcasius Character Portrait: Genevieve Noel Deluna Character Portrait: Jinx Character Portrait: Damon Lynn Kuzimato
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Finn Dubois

"Having trouble dealing with them also, dear?" Maya asked, causing Finn to look towards her, "I still have trouble believing you're real also."
Finnigan snorted, "You got that right." he said, glancing up at the sky again.
What? Do I annoy you? Asclepius taunted, You're lucky I tolerate your poor attitude, boy.
How kind.
Finnigan rolled his eyes, "So, any real plans on what our next move will be? We're not going to be lying around for much longer, right?" he asked, irritated to be doing nothing. His mind kept telling him to work, but he wasn't getting anything done. The others had been talking about building up defenses, but how could they manage that? All they had to work with was what was out in the forest or what they had managed to snag during their escape from 'paradise'.
Then again, Finn wasn't known to be an optimist.

There was a mention about dogs by Genevieve and then Tadashi running off, but once again Finn was too focused on the makeshift map to pay closer attention.
Now if they just could go through that way...
". . .better not let this contribution go to waste, shall we? Out of random assumption, I'd say we should head in the opposite ways of the dogs and try to find any lovely pair of ruins there, yes?" Maya said, interrupting Finn's thoughts.
He then realized that practically the rest of the group was gone, and the few were alone.
"Huh," Finn said, getting up from the ground, "Time goes by fast."
He trailed Maya through the forest for awhile, all while taking in his surroundings when Maya called back to the falling behind Finnigan,
"I think I may have found something."

Finn jogged up beside her and whistled, "Nice." he commented. Sure it was true that sleeping on the ground wasn't ideal. and Finnigan was sure that he'd hear snobby notes from Asclepius later on, but what was a stiff back when compared to a certain death?