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Josephine Cook

"Control is everything"

0 · 357 views · located in Pandora Forest

a character in “A God's Blessings”, originally authored by Possibility, as played by RolePlayGateway


||Josephine Cook||

"Obedience is the mother of success and is wedded to safety"

|| Theme Songs ||
Emotional||Chasing Pavements

|| Full Name || Josephine Cook

|| Age ||
|| Gender ||
|| Sexuality ||
|| Face Claim ||

|| Hair Color || Brown

|| Eye Color || Brown

|| Skin Tone || Pale

|| Height || 5'5

|| Weight || 130

|| Appearance || She is fairly plain, with no features that are any different than normal- Brown eyes and hair, pale skin that won't tan for its life, and not-short-not-tall hight. Forgettable, aside from the looks in her eyes.

|| Personality ||
Josephine is strict. Simple as that. She did grow up with three little brothers, of course, so its understandable she would be beyond her years when it comes to strictness. She still likes to have fun from time to time, of course, but she understands that schooling, cleaning, and chores come before that. She likes to have people obey her, and things to go her way. Simply put, her mentality is "My Way or the Highway". Because of this, she has always been a bit of a loner due to her bossy attitude and her dislike of people. It's not that she hates them really, as she would love to be each and every one of their friends, but she dislikes the problems hanging out with people arise. She can't control people (Well, due to her power, she could if she wanted to, but that would require a large amount of energy), and that is a problem for her. Though, if you looked passed her hard exterior, she is a loving girl. She would lay her life down to protect someone she loves, and won't hesitate to go without for the sake of others. If she has to go without food for her brothers, so be it. She will survive, and even if she won't, they will. It's better that way. Outwardly, she is very, well, quietly loud. She never says a word to many people, but she is a strong force in any conversation. She has eyes that say she knows every secret you've ever told, every sin you've committed. And when she does say something, that perception of her is magnified. She is intelligent and involved in activities, but always a hovering cloud over the people she must interact with. However, behind her uncaring facade and even behind her kind selfless insides, she burns. If you make her angry, she will get back at you. She holds grudges and never forgets them. But if you don't cross her, she will be the sweetest she can be (that is, if you befriend her. Otherwise, she's just kind of there)

|| Likes ||
"Control. It is everything. If you don't have it, then you are lost,"
The color red
Her power
Her family's zoo
Being by herself
|| Dislikes ||
Not being in control of everything
Most people "There are too many variables with them"
Cars "They are loud and annoying. I'll take a bike any day"
Dirty places
The 'school' she was sent to

|| Weakness ||
-She isn't exactly the best hand-to-hand fighter and really the only way she could win a fight is if animals under her control win it for her.

-She would die for anyone she loved

|| God's Blessing ||
Peitharkhia was the Greek goddess of obedience to command. She is not mentioned much in mythology beyond the quote "Peitharkhia (Obedience) is the mother of Success and wife of safety"

|| God's Blessing ||
Josephine can make things, mostly animals but sometimes humans, obey her command. Given they are living and conscious, of course. The time she can control something sort of depends on it's mind. If it's a well-developed one (like that of a human) then she may be able to control them for a minute or two before the pain that comes along with using her power (a headache afterwards, but searing pain the entire time she is controlling them, the strength of the pain depending on the level of development of the creature). A less-developed animal like a cat or lion she can control for about an hour, tops, but even that is very painful.
|| Skills ||
-She is astoundingly smart and quick-witted
-Swimming. Her family went on yearly trips to the ocean each year and she just loves the feel of water.

|| Biography ||
Josephine was born in the city of Paris-- well, on the outskirts of it at least. Her mother and father were the curators of a zoo, one that was very popular. When she was born, her parents noticed a small birthmark on the back of her neck in the shape of a boar. They thought it was odd, but passed it off as a coincidence. Sadly, it was not just that. As she grew into a blossoming young lady, she began to exhibit powers she shouldn't have. She was smart and cunning in ways that were far beyond her years, and she showed no fear when caring for the animals in the zoo, like she knew they wouldn't hurt her. Of course, her parents didn't know she was positive that they wouldn't.

When Josephine was a little girl, of only about eight, she began to hear a voice in her head. It was calming but strict, and it told her it was the voice of a goddess. She believed it, of course, as she was only eight. Still, when she voice told her to walk into the lion's den she became a little frightened. But then, she couldn't help herself. She walked into the lion's den like the voice told her (and by this time the voice had a name- Peitharkhia, which she later found out was the Greek goddess of obedience) and followed the command of the voice, petting the fur of one of the female lionesses. She stared into it's eyes and Josephine began to see a glowing on it's fur that seemed to be coming from her forehead (it in fact was, but she didn't know that at the time) and she began to feel power over the creature, like it was connected to her. She told it to sit, and it did, and she told it to growl, and it did. It obeyed her every command. She loved that power. Still, it came with a price, and after she forced the lioness to obey her she was very dizzy. The voice in her head told her to leave and lie down, and she did.

As the years passed, she became better at the control of her power. She discovered that she didn't have to be near the animal to control it, she only had to look at it and concentrate-- it's easier if she looks it in the eyes, but it can work if she isn't. Controlling animals would only leave her with a small headache, after a while. Still, she knew she could never show her power in public, as as long as an animal was under her command a glowing mark would appear on her forehead. By the time she was 14, she discovered a new power of hers. Power over people. She can't control a person for very long without long-lasting affect (Peitharkhia says it's because of their more developed minds, and after so many years Peitharkhia has become her guiding light when it comes to her power and her sole confidant), but for a moment she can control someone if she concentrates. Afterwards, however, she is left with a searing pain in her head and horrible vertigo.

When Josephine turned 16, however, her life took a turn for the worse. Her parents got a letter from America that said she had been accepted into a prestigious school, free of charge. Of course they took the opportunity, and off she went. Nevermind that she only knew some English at the time (thankfully, she has gotten better, but she still gets confused from time to time). Turns out, though, it was never really a school. It was a testing facility. But the American scientists were stupid, in her opinion, to try and control her. In her mind, she only controls, while others obey. She was chosen by the goddess of obedience, after all. None of them. One day, three months in, she escaped with ten others. Now she just wants to either get out or take her residual anger out on her captors. That is, if they survive the woods.

[color=]"Control over life makes it easy to live"[/color]

So begins...

Josephine Cook's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finn J. Dubois Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Maya Marcasius Character Portrait: Genevieve Noel Deluna Character Portrait: Jinx Character Portrait: Louise Seras
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(Well crap, I wrote this in the wrong area (/=w=)/ )

The setting changes from Pandora to Pandora Forest


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finn J. Dubois Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Maya Marcasius Character Portrait: Genevieve Noel Deluna Character Portrait: Jinx Character Portrait: Louise Seras
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Maya yawned after taking a short nap, which was simply leaning on a tree. What other places where there to sleep in a forest? She wasn't really someone to go and make her own bed out of leaves or something, and se was most definitely not sleeping on a branch that could probably fall down and break. So the ground was, obviously, the most logical choice.

"Tired, aren't you?"

"I suppose." She said with her usual womanly sounding voice. Not to put it in a strange way, but it was true. Maya was, after all, one of the oldest in the group that escaped that awful facility, and she even looked mature, so it only made sense, really.

"I sometimes can't understand humans... How exactly can you be tired when there is so much to do?"

"Then again," Maya began, saying her words in a hushed tone since, even though some of them could have contact with their gods, she would still appear strange, "You're a goddess and I'm not. I'm just a simple human who has these odd voices in my head."

"Now, now," The voice told her, like an annoyed mother with her child, "Don't go bad mouthing me, love. You'd hate to know what I could do to you."

"Oh but you won't." Maya giggled a little underneath her breath. Honestly, she didn't know how she felt about knowing a goddess so personally. Sometimes she could get annoying, and other times her words were the only thing that comforted her, "Both you and I know it."

She then heard that same soothing voice sigh gently and just slowly fade away. That would end their daily 'First Conversation Of The Day' routine. Maya, too, let out a sigh, but it was more of a tired one. They escaped the prison they were in, and were on the run. Maya was worn out.

While closing her eyes to rest a little longer, she heard a voice say, "Shut up, old man."

This made Maya chuckle a bit as she asked, peeping one eye open, "The two of you arguing again, dear?" She found it funny how some people, five in specific that she knew about, had communication with their own gods, but some that just didn't seem to get along very well. They'd probably have to live with their voices and opinions their whole life, so in her perspective, it'd be wisest to try and get along. But she kept this to herself, knowing it'd only cause trouble if she said anything out loud.

Although Maya never really got along well with her lovely goddess, Idunn, she didn't really hate her either. They had a strange relationship, one that was hard to explain, but easy to see. Sometimes they'd get along like mother and daughter, or like best friends, and other times they'd hate each other like cats or dogs, and sometimes she'd drive Maya to the point of insanity. But her voice mostly kept her away from insanity, especially when Maya was trapped in that 'school.' She could have gone insane and probably would have died in there without Idunn.

Just the thought of that place made Maya sick, causing her to frown as she sat up straight again, getting off the tree she was leaning on, and muttering something under her breath, sounding sort of like a curse towards the scientists and their trickery. It made her a bit angry that she told her that it was a school she'd go to, and they were probably still sending out the same messages to other people. It just made her angry, especially, that she was unable to do anything about it at the moment.

Well, she probably could with the powers she gained after becoming what she nows calls a monster. Her powers were something she considered inhumane, something that mere humans like her shouldn't even posses, including having contact with an actual god. Maya could use both to her advantage and destroy that place with the help of the others who had escaped, but she hesitated. She always did after figuring out what she was capable of.

"Pathetic..." She murmured to herself, "Those wretches turned us all into monsters..." Maya said while leaning back again. She then opened her eyes to focus on the bright light just past the trees and said at an evened tone, "We're going to get all the others back from that horrid place." She said in a determined voice.

The setting changes from Pandora Forest to Pandora


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josephine Cook
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Josephine sat against the back of a tree, not bothering herself to get up. She was thinking, of course, as she normally was, about how to get back into the 'school' and save the others there, as well as how to survive the woods they were in now. Both would be astoundingly difficult, it seemed, but both had to be figured out.

"You have to get up and do something, Josie. You won't succeed if you don't do anything," a voice sounded off in her head, causing her to roll her eyes and swat the air like the figure speaking was there and not inside her brain.

"And I will, but it would be no use to do anything without a plan," she murmured softly as she closed her eyes and relaxed against the trunk of the sturdy tree.

"Go hunt- get some food for the others. I'm sure someone knows how to make fire around here and there are plenty of wild beasts out there you could make kill for you," the voice offered, and Josephine nodded in approval before standing quickly. She didn't bother to tell anyone she would be leaving- no one would miss her and they never really did anything exiting. So, she just walked into the thicker bush and looked around for animal tracks.

As she looked over the ground for tracks that would belong to an animal capable of killing something, she heard the noise of dogs. The sound made her speed up, quickly finding the trail of an animal that appeared to belong to a Margay. It wouldn't be big enough to catch anything close to what another, bigger, cat would, but it would do and allow her to get away from the spot she was standing at. She followed the trail hurriedly, sometimes marking her passage by tying the branch of a tree with a flower below it before heading off again.

It took her a while, but eventually she spotted what she was looking for. A small, spotted wild cat carefully hidden in the trees. She focused her concentration on it, the tale tale glowing of her forehead and the pounding in her head rising to meet the usage of her powers. Slowly, the cat stopped what it was doing and turned to look at her, as if awaiting her command. She quickly whispered a rushed order for it to hunt and bring its catch back to her before it dissipated into the next tree, probably on the trail of a bird, or even a monkey.

The Margay visited her more than once in the thirty minute span she held her control over the animal during, bringing back a bird with it each time. By the time it was done, her head was pounding and the overly bright sun was causing her to bite down on her lip so she wouldn't scream. The Margay had brought her four birds, one of which she knew what species it was due to the fact they had one at the zoo and the rest she couldn't identify. All of them would have meat on them, at least. She tied the stem of a nearby flower around the belt loop of her tattered pants before tying one of the birds to it and repeating the possess with the other birds before slowly rising to her feet, steadying herself on the nearest tree before walking on, her head downcast and her feet slowly dragging over the ground.

The setting changes from Pandora to Pandora Forest


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finn J. Dubois Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Maya Marcasius Character Portrait: Genevieve Noel Deluna Character Portrait: Josephine Cook
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Tadashi Renichi

ImageHearing the new comer, Tadashi simply offered a shrug. Fighting with the god came to be a daily routine now, much to his annoyance. Every time he did something, he would hear a sarcastic comment from that annoying god. As the girls discussed about what to do, he spoke up.

"I could go and distract them for a bit." He said with a another shrug. By distract, he meant beat up. After all, these guys were scientist. They used their brains, and not brawn. It would be completely easy for him to beat them up enough to get them to back off.

Crossing his arms, he continued. "I can at least confuse the dogs for a bit by changing the wind. Then handle the people behind them easily while you guys head to the ruins. That's our best option at the moment." Although he didn't add he'd probably be weak after his use of the wind. It wasn't important right now.

With a sigh, Tadashi walked to a bush, grabbing his bag that he took back with him when they escaped. Reaching inside, he took out to silver Tonfas out, before tossing the bag back down. He rotated the tonfas in his hands, before talking, not looking up. If all of them stayed here to long, their scent would start going toward the dogs, since the light breeze was heading toward the people searching for them.

"Find the rest of us, and get them to the ruins. We'll figure out what to do later." Right now, they needed to get away. With that said, he simply turned and walked where Genevieve had come from.

Being a godling, he didn't get enhanced speed or an enhanced mind. Instead, he had gotten strength which to him showed he was meant for battling and fighting, not so much thinking and running. He despised the thought of running away from such easy prey. He had knocked around a few while they escaped...they had no fighting ability whatsoever, so it would be a quick fight.

Truthfully, he just wanted to buy time for the others to escape further into the dense forest. He shut his eyes, and drew in a breath. He could feel energy-as if electricity running through his body as he summoned wind. He made the wind shift to the east, so the small groups scent were headed there instead of north, where they really were. The dogs barking in the distance had fallen for it, he realized, as the barking grew more distance. An annoyed look crossed his features, as he felt a wave of nausea go through him. A scowl then graced his features as he heard the Storm god's mocking tone.

"Little brat...that was too much energy you used! You won't stand a chance!"

He paused in his stride, and leaned against a tree, as his headache came. It would last a few minutes, then he would be fine again. He didn't have the energy to even say shut up to the god. Footsteps and sticks cracking filled the part where he was in. He hid behind the tree silently, and peered out to see about 4 people with lab coats. The scientists. Looks like some had followed the dogs.

With a sigh, he picked up a rock from the ground, peering out. Aiming carefully, he threw the at a nearby bush causing it to shake. He smirked as the group turned wildly, aiming the dart guns they held toward it...a bad mistake sine they turned away from him.
He rushed out, and struck the back of the first scientist's head harshly, causing the man to fall to the ground with a shout. The others turned, but he hit the next nearest one in the stomach, with enough force to at least crack the rib. The second fell down with a grunt and he kicked the gun out of his hand and into the bushes.

The third was about to shoot, but Tadashi picked up the one on the ground quickly, and that body took the darts instead. The man instantly looked sleepy, and before he could fall into Tadashi, the teen kicked the man in the gut again toward the standing one, causing them both to loose balance. Walking over, he picked up the dart gun, and shot the still awake on his hand. They both fell asleep withing seconds. Turning to the last one, who had just watched with wide eyes he pretended to lunge at him with a predatory smile, just to scare him away. It worked, and the man turned heel and ran screaming. With another smirk, he stood back up straight. Looking down at the three other knocked out adults, he frowned. They would cause to much of a trail. With a sigh, he grabbed the two on each other first, placing his tonfas on the side of him. He began to drag them with some effort away from where they were. Once the two was far enough, he dropped them without a care, and walked back, doing the same to the last man. Once the three were out of the way, he sighed, and sat down by a tree. He felt the waves of nausea come back, since he had honestly ignored the feelings while he was beating the adults up. He'd just rest for awhile, before heading back.

The setting changes from Pandora Forest to Pandora


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finn J. Dubois Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Maya Marcasius Character Portrait: Jinx Character Portrait: Damon Lynn Kuzimato Character Portrait: Josephine Cook
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The setting changes from Pandora to Pandora Forest


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finn J. Dubois Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Maya Marcasius Character Portrait: Jinx Character Portrait: Damon Lynn Kuzimato Character Portrait: Josephine Cook
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Tadashi Renichi

ImageTadashi's head shot up when he heard movement in the undergrowth. As he attempted to stand up and prepare to fight again, he looked to see the pink hair. Unless someone else had pink hair on the island, it had to be Jinx. He watched quietly, as she came over to him before bending down toward his level.

”You used your power too much again, didn’t you?” The girl said, almost as if scolding him. The headache came back, causing his gaze to go toward the ground, shutting his eyes tightly, not responding as the pain subsided.

"....The dogs would have found us." He said simply, and quietly, as the pain started to fade. Although changing the wind normally wouldn't bother him as much as he did right now, it only was worse since he directed most of the wind on the island. That took a lot out of him, as he did not usually use that much wind. Half the time, he used his powers to just blast people backward, or use it to enhance his hits.

His energy began to return, as he stood up, still wobbly though. But his eyes flickered to sky blue, as Susano'o decided to bother him once again.

"Oi, Brat! Suck it up already! I didn't choose you so you can fall to something like oooh I feel sick!" Rang his voice. A scowl came on his face slightly, as his eyes faded back to gray. He didn't want to be chosen anyway. The only good thing about this was he was away from that woman, man and boy. With an annoyed shake of his head, he looked at the still crouching girl.

"We have to head to the ruins for now." He said simply. They still needed to find Damon, and Josephine. They wre all split up, since they had wandered away from the group.

The setting changes from Pandora Forest to Pandora


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finn J. Dubois Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Maya Marcasius Character Portrait: Genevieve Noel Deluna Character Portrait: Jinx Character Portrait: Damon Lynn Kuzimato
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"I could go and distract them for a bit."

"Oh, actually dear, I think that you probably shouldn't..." Maya frowned a bit. The scientists already had more people like them at their own facility, and she didn't want to lose any more of themselves to those monsters. But apparently, he hadn't been listening since he continued.

"I can at least confuse the dogs for a bit by changing the wind. Then handle the people behind them easily while you guys head to the ruins. That's our best option at the moment."

"And so if you get killed or taken how long are we supposed to wait then, young man?" She asked, though it was more of a rhetorical question. Maya let out a great sight before the same voice popped back into her head.

"You know it's the best choice, right? You all can get away if they're not focused on the rest of the group."

"I don't like when we get split up." She said softly, "It'll be impossible to find each other, and not to mention, we don't even know where two more of us have gone. I suppose you can't tell how worried I am, since you're a god after all, Idunn."

"Unfortunately not."

"Then I would appreciate it if you could be silenced for a little while."

"Find the rest of us, and get them to the ruins. We'll figure out what to do later."

Maya only realized that he was gone, when he was literally gone. Tadashi was out of her sight and reach, and while she didn't like someone leaving the group who is uncertain about coming back in one pice, she wasn't one to stray from the pack for the reason, "Children these days..." She seemed to have muttered underneath her breath as she turned in the opposite direction and said to the rest of the group, "Then I suppose that means we'd better not let this contribution go to waste, shall we? Out of random assumption, I'd say we should head in the opposite ways of the dogs and try to find any lovely pair of ruins there, yes?" Without needing an answer, she began to walk, at a medium fast pace, to try and find a place for the group to stay for the night.

She knew that ruins weren't ever going to be the best living space, but it worked in the mean time, "I can't believe you humans would actually dare to sleep in such a low life place such as that!" Idunn would complain on the way as if she were sharing the same body and would feel how uncomfortable the ground could really be.

"Stop complaining." Maya said as she continued and started to hum a small rhythmic tune that she learned as a child. A little while later, after continuously 'talking to herself,' she saw signs of what may have been a potential place to stay for the night as she called back to the group, "I think I may have found something."

The setting changes from Pandora to Pandora Forest


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finn J. Dubois Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Maya Marcasius Character Portrait: Genevieve Noel Deluna Character Portrait: Jinx Character Portrait: Damon Lynn Kuzimato
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Finn Dubois

"Having trouble dealing with them also, dear?" Maya asked, causing Finn to look towards her, "I still have trouble believing you're real also."
Finnigan snorted, "You got that right." he said, glancing up at the sky again.
What? Do I annoy you? Asclepius taunted, You're lucky I tolerate your poor attitude, boy.
How kind.
Finnigan rolled his eyes, "So, any real plans on what our next move will be? We're not going to be lying around for much longer, right?" he asked, irritated to be doing nothing. His mind kept telling him to work, but he wasn't getting anything done. The others had been talking about building up defenses, but how could they manage that? All they had to work with was what was out in the forest or what they had managed to snag during their escape from 'paradise'.
Then again, Finn wasn't known to be an optimist.

There was a mention about dogs by Genevieve and then Tadashi running off, but once again Finn was too focused on the makeshift map to pay closer attention.
Now if they just could go through that way...
". . .better not let this contribution go to waste, shall we? Out of random assumption, I'd say we should head in the opposite ways of the dogs and try to find any lovely pair of ruins there, yes?" Maya said, interrupting Finn's thoughts.
He then realized that practically the rest of the group was gone, and the few were alone.
"Huh," Finn said, getting up from the ground, "Time goes by fast."
He trailed Maya through the forest for awhile, all while taking in his surroundings when Maya called back to the falling behind Finnigan,
"I think I may have found something."

Finn jogged up beside her and whistled, "Nice." he commented. Sure it was true that sleeping on the ground wasn't ideal. and Finnigan was sure that he'd hear snobby notes from Asclepius later on, but what was a stiff back when compared to a certain death?