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Minnie Woods

"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change."

0 · 917 views · located in Hogwarts

a character in “A House Divided”, as played by Wisteria Cresting



|| name || Minerva Mae Woods

|| nickname || Minnie {Common | Preferred} - Min {Common | Liked} - Nerva {Uncommon | Disliked}

|| gender || Female

|| age || 16

|| year || Sixth

|| sexuality || Pansexual Panromantic

|| house || Ravenclaw

|| hexcode || #0a1c9c

|| height and weight || 5'3" {160cm} and 117lbs {53kg}

|| ethnicity || 95% Scottish - 5% Irish

|| eyes || Emerald Green

|| hair || Strawberry Blonde

|| wand || 10" vine, Unicorn Hair Core, inflexible

|| patronus || Dove

|| boggart || Drowning - It will usually turn into water and try to drown her.

|| familiar || Poppy {Norwegian Forest Cat}

|| talents || Potions; Minnie has always been a fan of potions and, if working in the ministry doesn't pan out, would love to become a potioneer.
Quick Learner; Minnie can pick up most things fairly quick. This includes information about people and studies alike. She also loves learning in general and can be found reading when she isn't socializing.
Reading Body Language/Emotions; Minnie is very good at reading body language and the emotions on faces as well as catering to people's changing emotions. For example, if the person she's talking to seems bored, she'll quickly switch around the conversation to something they like.
Social; Minnie is very good at interacting with people and keeping them engaged in a conversation as well as putting on a generally likable front.

|| weaknesses || Emotionally Detached; While she might seem very happy and emotional, Minnie is actually very emotionally detached from people and has difficulty expressing her emotions.
DADA; The only subject she doesn't excel in. Minnie is not horrible at Defense Against the Dark Arts, but her strengths lie in the academic aspects of it rather than the in practice aspects of it.
Fear; Minnie does not handle her fears well and prefers to run away from fear rather than facing it.
Not Knowing; Being ignorant or left in the dark about something tends to drive Minnie into near neurotic frenzies until she gets the information she wants.

|| personality || Sweet little "should've been in Hufflepuff" Minnie. To most of Hogwarts, Minnie is a sweet girl that wouldn't hurt a fly. She is lovable, adorable, and sweet. Minnie Woods is a bleeding heart that is willing to help anyone. She helps everyone with their homework, skips lightly to class, and is a general sweetheart. Of course, everyone knows that she belongs in Ravenclaw because she is an intelligent and capable woman, never leaving the Top 5 of any of her classes. She often seems lost in her own thoughts and can be found humming to herself or babbling through a conversation. She is a social butterfly that won't hesitate to strike up a conversation with anyone, but is respectful of space. The only time she can be found completely silent is when she is reading or studying. Everyone trusts her and nobody bothers her.

Minerva Woods, on the other hand, is much different story. While Minnie portrays herself as sweet and selfless, she is actually very calculating. One of her biggest goals in life is to be well-liked. While she is generous, she is not selfless. Any help she gives is a calculated risk as to what she might get in return. That's not to say she doesn't care about people though. She cares about some people, but for the most part, she is very judgmental and rude in her head. She doesn't let that side show though.

She is a very private person, a fact that most overlook considering how much she talks. She rarely expresses her own opinions or ideals and almost never talks about her personal life. As a result, she is remarkably good at lying. She doesn't view anybody as a close friend despite some people confiding her deepest secrets to her. She is very loyal and would never sell out those secrets though. She just likes knowing things and wishes she could know everything. She can sometimes come across as a smartass and is often very sarcastic in her mind. She is very emotionally detached from other to the point where she doesn't know how to show her actual emotions and panics when she doesn't understand what's going on.

|| history || Minerva Mae Woods was born to Clara and Michelangelo Woods on the sunny morning of May 16th. She lived a happy life and her family was well-off, her mother being a renowned potioneer, and her father being an Auror. The Woods were everything you would expect from a typical wizard family. And then, they died. Minnie was six when it happened. Her parents were murdered before her eyes by robbers. The ever selfless Woods couple attempted to reason with the robbers, which resulted in their untimely demise. That was the day Minerva vowed to never be caught off guard.

Because her parents lived in the muggle world, Minnie found herself thrown into the system headfirst. It was a horrible experience that resulted in a lot of bullying and a deep depression. She spent about a year and a half there until her maternal grandparents managed to locate her. They took her to their cottage in Scotland and tried their hardest to give Minnie the best life they could. But the damage had been done. Their sunshine Minnie Woods had been damaged. She spent a few months rebelling and being generally hateful.

Eventually, her grandmother managed to get through to her after she broke some flower pots. They talked and her grandmother explained that being outright hateful wasn't going to help her find friends or allies. Young Minerva decided that her advice meant that she should hide the more manipulative and calculating side of her nature.

|| player || Wisteria Cresting {Feel Free to Call Me Wisty}
|| faceclaim || Holland Roden

So begins...

Minnie Woods's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Minnie Woods Character Portrait: Archibald Prewit Character Portrait: Avery G. Jones
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The bustling sound of the Great Hall was exceptionally loud today, as most of the students were discussing their 'fate'. It had been quite a shock when Headmaster Rogkrus announced the idea of the tournament, and an even bigger shock when he announced the mixing of houses for teams. The houses had never teamed up before, for pratically anything. The chatter of the students only stopped when Headmaster Rogkrus's booming voice silenced everyone, including the teachers. He stood behind the infamous golden owl pedestal, a stony yet mischievous look on his face. "Students, as you know Hogwarts has contained a large problem, not easy to see by the untrained eye. A divide between the houses has long existed and created a rift between what should be a celebration of strengths." There were a few obnoxious sighs and groans from a couple of seventh year Slytherins, but that were quickly stopped by Professor Baldock's wicked glare. "After careful consideration with some of the staff we have decided to hold our very own tournament. You will be divided into teams of four, randomly, with each house represented. The winner of the tournament will win a special reward for each individual. Now, I'll have you know this tournament will not be lighthearted and cooperation is essential. You might find that you cannot complete these tasks alone, that you'll all need to collaborate and share each others strengths to succeed." A general feeling of confusion and excitement rose from the students. The idea of competition was always an exciting idea, but they had only ever teamed up with their house. "For those of you who chose not to compete, will spend the rest of their school year Professor Grey in the Forbidden Forest. We've had a nasty outbreak of arachnids, so I'm sure she'll need some help." He finished his statement with a gratified smirk throwing his attention to Nathan Malone and Timothy Kavanaugh, notorious troublemakers. "As for sorting, I will ask Professor Decarrow for assistance" Rogkrus took a step back from the pedestal and Professor Decarrow made her way to the front holding a small box that seemed to be made out of some sort of leather.

"Alright, one by one the Arbitrium will select four names from each of the houses, and these groups of four will be your respective team. We ask that as your name is called you make your way to the front and group together with your new teammates". Students watched in fascination as the small box shuddered and spat out a cloud of sparkling dust that arranged into a name in the air. Name by name students shuffled into their respective teams some looking happier than others.



zacharias bageli

xxxxxxZach wasn't against the whole idea of 'friendship' and 'coming together as one big happy family', but he believed the elaborate tournament was a waste of time. Granted the whole opening ceremony got him out of History of Magic for the day, he was nearly two sentences away from falling asleep, again. He shuffled and maneuvered his way past the dazed first years who were scrambling around the Great Hall trying to find their friends, and found himself standing with a group of boys from Gryffindor. He was greeted with a sharp pat on the back from Derik, a sixth year that he considered to be one of his best friends since his first year. "Hey Z, no quidditch today"" Derik mentioned causing Zach's brows to furrow slightly. "What's the matter Peters? Don't think you can maintain captain anymore?" Derik rolled his eyes with a small scoff, "Very funny. Mhm no, Grimm canceled all the practices 'getting ready' for the tournament or something. I think it's a load of horse-shit if you ask me, how are we even supposed to prepare this year if we have this stupid tournament in the way?" Zach's eyes strayed over to some of the other groups his eyes falling on some of the most influential quidditch players from the other houses. "It's not like we have to worry anyway, we have it in the bag this year. Prewit's all bark and no bite, and Hufflepuffs got Jones, but that's it." Derik nodded in agreement before breaking into a smile, "But we have to account for your dead weight". Zach gave Derik a sharp glare and opened his mouth to counter but Rogkrus spoke over the students.

"Students, as you know Hogwarts has contained a large problem, not easy to see by the untrained eye. A divide between the houses has long existed and created a rift between what should be a celebration of strengths." Keep talking old man, Zach thought with a roll of his eyes. He thought the houses were fine, there was nothing wrong the occasional friendly competition over the house cup and Quidditch.

"You will be divided into teams of four, randomly, with each house represented. The winner of the tournament will win a special reward for each individual. Now, I'll have you know this tournament will not be lighthearted and cooperation is essential. You might find that you cannot complete these tasks alone, that you'll all need to collaborate and share each others strengths to succeed." Zach's eyes wearily scanned the room landing on a couple of his friends from the other houses. The sudden dread of being paired with someone he loathed or didn't like slowly crept up and he focused his attention back on Rogkrus. The idea of possible danger within the trials was also concerning, of course he wouldn't want to get hurt because of quidditch, but if this was anything like the Tri-Wizard tournament he didn't know what to expect.

He averted his eyes to Professor Decarrow as she flourished the box, or Arbitrium and before he knew it students were being placed into their respective teams. He began to get increasingly more nervous as he watched his friends, Derik included, shuffle into groups the red, green, blue, and yellow of their robes being the key separation between them. He was almost too distracted that he almost missed his own name being called. "Zacharias Bageli from Gryffindor, Archibald Prewit from Slytherin, Avery Jones from Hufflepuff, and finally Minerva Woods from Ravenclaw".

Just perfect.

Zach barely knew any of them well. As he made his way to the front his eyes trained on the teammates that he would soon be forced to work with. Archie, was obviously the only one Zach was truly worried about. Granted, Zach's only knowledge of him that he was a qudditch rival and a slytherin which made him easily the target for Zach's distate. He knew Avery a little from quidditch, she was a damn good flyer, and quite nice. The one Zacharias knew the least was Minerva, the girl from Ravenclaw. She was in a couple of his classes, he had noticed her due to she raised her hand for damn near every question which made Zach entirely insecure about his own school work. But she sure is pretty, Zach thought his ears turning a slight red as he stood in a spot next to the owl pedestal waiting for the others to join him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zacharias Bageli Character Portrait: Minnie Woods Character Portrait: Archibald Prewit Character Portrait: Avery G. Jones
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archibald prewit

xxxxxxAs the headmaster spoke Archie watched quietly, with a half smirk on his face. A large collective groan called out around him from his various housmates, but Archie couldn't help but think of the possibilities. Winning this tournament at the very least would make him look good, he could ride out his final year a legend if he wanted too. Not to mention the positive light it would shine on his house, a no good Slytherin actually cooperating with the other houses? Especially the Gryffindors? Practically unheard of but it would serve to lessen some of the lack of trust the other students felt towards him. Friendly and charming, white sheep or not Archie was well aware his house cast a shadow. Not that he didn't mind using it when he has too, but crawling out of it could be so much more useful.

A playful jab on the arm pulled Archie away from his contemplation. the names were being called now but he spared his attention for Timothy sitting next to him. "Can you believe this Archie? This whole tournament thing is nothing but a load of hogwash, don't ya think? And I mean what does this spell for Quidditch? It's going to get in the way. This is so lame.

Archie offered a shrug and a raised eyebrow. That Timothy always focusing on the negative, he could never bother to see the silver lining in all things. He chuckled a little bit before responding in his usual friendly tone. "Oh don't be so negative Timmy. Who knows it could be a lot of fun and besides aren't you the least bit curious what you'll get for winning? As for Quidditch, don't worry I won't let this get in the way. Just don't be distracted and we'll trounce the competition like we normally do."

Timothy nodded a confident, and reassured, only to be called away to the stand as it was his turn to meet his teammates. One by one all of Archie's friends were called until he finally heard his name called out to the crowd.

"Zacharias Bageli from Gryffindor, Archibald Prewit from Slytherin, Avery Jones from Hufflepuff, and finally Minerva Woods from Ravenclaw."

Archie made his way to the other's watching, surprised at the team he landed on. He knew all of them, or at least knew of all of them. Avery was quite the little terror on the pitch, often the deciding factor between victory and defeat whenever they faced off against Hufflepuff, but otherwise she seemed a decent sort. Minnie however was more of an academic presence, from the talk in the halls Archie gathered that she was a sweet enough girl, good natured and kind, and an intellectual powerhouse, being ahead of Archie in most of their classes. Then there was Zacharias. He would probably the biggest problem here, a rival Quidditch player and a Gryfindor. Those Lions so easily fell victim to petty rivalries, he likely won't be too receptive to Archie's presence. Then again this could be an opportunity, Archie always suspected that self proclaimed ladies man was hiding something. At the very least Archie could satisfy his curiosity.

Archie was the third to arrive, so he flashed his two teammates a genuine smile, adding in a teasingly playful wink Zach's way just to see his reaction. He stood next to his teammates confidently as he faced the rest of the school.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zacharias Bageli Character Portrait: Minnie Woods Character Portrait: Archibald Prewit Character Portrait: Avery G. Jones
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  1. This post is by tehnotsoinnocent ! They were currently just out of wifi so I went ahead and posted their's for them.

    by purpletorment

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avery jones

xxxxxxAnxious. Avery didn’t feel anxious when Headmaster Rogkrus mentioned the tournament. She did when he announced the mixing of houses for the teams. Avery finally felt comfortable in Hufflepuff and now she was to be throw into a team with strangers. The thought filled her with worry. Could any of the teams find a way to work together? Could they even get along? Avery took a deep nervous breath, which shook her body a little bit. She listened unhappily as Headmaster Rogkrus continued to speak.

Hope sparked in her when he mentioned not competing. She’d have to spend the rest of the school year in the Forbidden Forest, but Professor Grey was nice on the eyes. Avery would be content to help if she wasn’t on a team. She even dealt with arachnids before thanks to Aunt Lucy. Maybe if I can get Aunt Lucy to help with the arachnids, they’ll let me not be a part of this tournament…What if others judge me for not competing? What if it just leads to a bunch of backlash? Would I still be able to play Qudditch if I don’t compete? A soft sigh escaped her lips as she went over her options. She gently, but nervously squeezed Quinn’s hand.

Under the table, she and Quinn were holding hands. Quinn was her best friend who was in seventh year. They met on Avery’s first train ride to Hogwarts. They clicked and were friends since. The two never pursued a romantic relationship. It could have been as Avery only saw them as a friend. It could be as Quinn was a asromantic pansexual. Avery had been single all her time at Hogwarts. No one ever caught her attention long enough for Avery to want to enter a romantic relationship with them. Avery mostly only ever stuck around Quinn or her Quidditch teammates as well. She never felt close in that way to any of her teammates. Avery mainly only saw them during practice, when studying, and or when they gathered for food.

Avery missed her name when it was called thanks to being so consumed in her thoughts. She was pulled out of her thoughts when Bageli, a red head, and Prewit where standing together. They are missing someone. Is someone not going to compete? A Hufflepuff really isn’t going to compete? She was pulled out of her thoughts as Quinn let go of her hand and nudged her. She looked at Quinn in confusion.

“You’re up lambchops,” Quinn whispered. Avery’s eyes widen as her face slowly began to turn red. It turned a cherry red when she looked around; every Hufflepuff seemed to be looking at her, some with surprised looks on their face. This is when she knew she had taken too long from when her name was called to join her team.

Those looks were enough for her to scoop sleeping Jinx, her white rat with red eyes, from her lap and rush over to her team. She held the rat in her hands as she kept her eyes on the floor. Avery had to resist the urge of running out of the dining hall as she heard laughs behind her. In a matter of what seemed like seconds she was standing with her teammates. Well, she was standing behind them anyways.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zacharias Bageli Character Portrait: Minnie Woods Character Portrait: Archibald Prewit Character Portrait: Avery G. Jones
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zacharias bageli

xxxxxxZach shifted back and forth on his heels as he watched the others his teamamtes make their way to the front. Minerva, the pretty girl from Ravenclaw, was the first to make her way down and stand next to him. She flashed him a bright smile which caused him to fluster about even more. The Raven obviously had the lion a bit tongue tied, which was something new for the boy. He as notorious with the ladies, unashamedly flirting with the majority of the girls he came across. However, with Minerva he felt like she wasn't just another witty and bubbly Ravenclaw, there was definitely another level of calculation with her, and loosely flirting seemed out of the question.

His crazy train of thought was abruptly stopped however as Archibald sauntered his way up to the front. Zach was about to throw him a look of annoyance when the Slytherin threw a wink his way which completely threw him off. He scrunched up his nose, in a little twitch of annoyance but the tips of his ears turned a faint pink, in which Zach averted his eyes to the floor. Why did he wink? What does that mean? Does he know? Zach racked his mind trying to find a sure explanation. It was just one damn kiss, with a seventh year Hufflepuff last year. Nathaniel Gregory. Immediately after it happened Zach made him swear not to tell a soul, and Zach went back to his normal ways neglecting that it had ever happened. Archibald couldn't have known, he was just freaking himself out.

To distract himself he trained his eyes on Avery Jones, who was currently in another world. Her face was slightly scrunched up in some sort of thought, so much so that she had no idea that her named had been called as well. It took her friend's nudge in the side to finally bring her back to reality and he watched as her face flushed a bright red from embarrassment. She quickly picked up her pet rat and rushed over making sure to hide herself behind him and the others. Zach didn't know the girl was that much of a quirk, but she sure was a damn good flyer.

After all the teams had been assigned and called, Professor Decarrow cleared her throat and spoke once more to the groups of anxious witches and wizards. "Now that everyone is slightly aquatinted with your teams, there are a few more things we'd like to address. For the duration of the tournament you and your teammates will be staying in a special small room, equipped with your very own common room and a room for the boys and one for the girls. As for the tournament... it begins tomorrow. I give you the utmost courage and luck students! Now we will have the seventh year prefects lead you to your respective rooms, and remember it is our choices that show who we really are far more than our abilities". With that Decarrow stepped down form the podium and the Great Hall erupted in a chatter from the students. Before Zacharias had time to even introduce himself a Prefect swept the four students up and out of the Great Hall. The Ravenclaw boy led them down a hall and into a corridor that Zach had never been in before, with doors lining on each side. They passed a couple before he stopped in front of one, "The password for your room is Hobgoblin, don't forget", and then he was gone. There was a moment of awkward silence between the group before Zach finally stated the password, and the door swung open.

Th inside resembled his own Gryffindor common room, there was a cozy fireplace that was already heating the room, a couple of couches and tables. Except, the room wasn't decorated in the familiar red and gold, instead it was decorated in the theme of all the houses. Red, green, yellow, and blue patterns painted the furniture, rugs, everything. There were also two doors, one encrusted with the crests of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, the other Gryffindor and Slytherin, he could only assume these were their rooms. Zach was in awe for a moment before he finally took notice to the others in the room with him. He turned to face them, awkwardly shoving his hand in his pockets. He was at quite a loss of words on how quickly everything had just changed in a matter of an hour, so he could only sputter out a lame "Hey".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zacharias Bageli Character Portrait: Minnie Woods Character Portrait: Archibald Prewit Character Portrait: Avery G. Jones
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archibald prewit

xxxxxxArchie watched Zach quietly as he stood there. Looking for subtle hints in his reaction. His ears went red, and his gaze drifted to the floor. He knew what to expect if he was wrong, more typical Gryfindor bullheadedness of course, an angry glare, defiant scowling, stuff of that sort. But there was none of that, no the boy was flustered.The response satisfied Archie's curiosity as he looked away, with as smile. At least he'd have a easy, rather harmless sort of entertainment while this whole tournament lasted.

The final member of their team Avery Jones arrived after a short delay. Poor girl seemed distracted and out of focus, not noticing her name being called for several seconds.Well she certainly wasn't what he expected off the Quidditch pitch, and yet she still seemed very flighty.

When the the teams had all finally assembled, it was announced that all the teams would be spending the duration of the tournament in their own special dorms. Archie wasn't exactly prepared for that, and gave off an inconvenienced frown. He had never expected to share dorm space with his teammates, so this was bound to be either intensely interesting, or intensely annoying.

As they followed the Ravenclaw boy Archie briefly considered his teammates. One was a skilled duelist and flyer, he would be foolish not to recognize Zach's talents. While Avery was skilled on a broomstick, and friendly enough company. With Minnie they had an intellectual powerhouse, sure to be useful. He wasn't exactly sure what to expect in the tournament but he was confident that individually his teammates had the skills to win. It would be getting along that would be the chief problem.

When they arrived at their dorm everyone stood there awkwardly, Zach not getting out more than an underwhelming "Hey" it was time for a proper introduction. Archie gave a pleasant smile and looked them all over.

"Well I guess we'll all be living together for the year. I'm Archie for those who don't know. I'm looking forward to working with you all" He turned to look at Avery and then to Zach."Especially you two. It's nice that we get to work with each other instead of against for once don't you think?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zacharias Bageli Character Portrait: Minnie Woods Character Portrait: Archibald Prewit Character Portrait: Avery G. Jones
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avery jones

xxxxxxAvery eyes wandered over to Professor Decarrow as she stroked Jinx’s little head. The rat was at full attention as it looked at her and around. Avery’s heart might as well have stopped when Professor Decarrow announced where they’d be staying for the duration of the tournament. Her eyes wandered over to the only female in her group. She had missed the girl’s name. Avery wasn’t even sure if she even seen her before. Though, Avery rarely paid attention to anyone around her. A soft sigh escaped her lips. She wasn’t fond of this sudden change in her living situation. Her gaze wandered over to Professor Grey.

Too late to chicken out now I guess. The girl hopefully will be pleasant to live with…hopefully she will be okay with Jinx. I can’t believe we are starting the tournament tomorrow. Are they going to give us a hint with how it begins?

With hesitation, she followed the Prefect. All she could tell was that he was male and a Ravenclaw. She repeated the password mentally for their room when he announced it. The last thing she’d want was to forget it. Avery knew she’d have to write it down sooner rather than later.

Avery didn’t mind the moment of awkward silence, but was glad when Bageli stated the password out loud. Once in the common room, her eyes wandered around curiously. Despite the color differences, the room was nice. She saw what must be her room door and glanced down at the red head. Avery noted she was the second tallest. She didn’t need the random fact, but she liked to keep notes of things like that. Bageli had her attention when he turned to face them. It was odd to see him outside of Quidditch. A small smile graced her lips when he awkwardly shoved his hands in his pockets. It gave Avery comfort she wasn’t the only one to feel awkward.


"Well I guess we'll all be living together for the year. I'm Archie for those who don't know. I'm looking forward to working with you all" He turned to look at Avery and then to Zach. "Especially you two. It's nice that we get to work with each other instead of against for once don't you think?"

It will be interesting to work together P-Archie,” she paused to glance at the Ravenclaw before her eyes went to Bageli and then Archie, “My name is Avery, but I know you may be use to calling me Jones, so if you like, you can call me that. I have a few other nicknames too if Avery is an issue, but I am going to put Jinx in his cage now, so I’ll be back in a second.”

Her cheeks turned a light red when she finished speaking. She really felt uncomfortable having to get to know people, especially with all their differences. They were in different houses for a reason. With Jinx in hand, she walked over to what she assumed to be her room. Quickly she entered and shut the door behind her. Her eyes only glanced around the room. The room was decorated with half Ravenclaw and half Hufflepuff. Avery was glad to see her luggage and Jinx’s cage was there. She placed him in the cage and decided to set up his other litter boxes later. Avery glanced to make sure he had enough food and water, he did.

She ran her fingers through her soft hair once before exiting her room. She shut the door gently behind her. Her eyes went to her teammates, and she flashed them a smile. She slowly walked back over to the trio, but stayed more than just a few feet away. It may have been awkward to do, but she didn’t know what to think of any of them. She liked the extra space. Avery wanted to be able to have a good view of them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zacharias Bageli Character Portrait: Minnie Woods Character Portrait: Archibald Prewit Character Portrait: Avery G. Jones
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minerva woods
house here

xxxxxxMinnie went through the motions with an easy gait, almost skipping with each delicate and practiced step. She smiled at the Ravenclaw Prefect and offered him a small nod before he left them alone in front of the door. An awkward silence followed and she took a moment to study her teammates. Archibald Prewitt, Slytherin, a Quidditch player. Smart enough. Zacharias Bageli, Gryffindor, also a Qudditch player, known to be a bit of a ladies' man. Avery Jones, Hufflepuff, another Quidditch player and a major daydreamer. She couldn't recall a time {off of the field} that the girl hadn't been lost in her own thoughts.

Minerva nodded to herself. This would be interesting. Maybe a little fun. Maybe. She just prayed that they wouldn't spend all of their time talking about brooms and Qudditch, otherwise she would likely find herself at a loss. "Hey."

Minnie looked over at Bag- Zach {was it proper to use a first name basis now? She hoped so.} when he spoke, a faint smile forming on her face.

""Well I guess we'll all be living together for the year. I'm Archie for those who don't know. I'm looking forward to working with you all," he looked at Zach then at Avery. "Especially you two. It's nice that we get to work with each other instead of against for once don't you think?""

She tried not to take offense to that, but she knew that this was likely to happen. They were all associated with each other whereas she was the odd-one-out. How long would it take to worm her way into that little "circle"? Hopefully not too long. The first tournament was tomorrow and she could already tell that trust and friendship was going to be an important factor in this competition.

"It will be interesting to work together P-Archie,” Avery glanced at Minnie and she smiled back. The poor girl looked like a deer caught in the headlights. “My name is Avery, but I know you may be use to calling me Jones, so if you like, you can call me that. I have a few other nicknames too if Avery is an issue, but I am going to put Jinx in his cage now, so I’ll be back in a second.

And with that, she scuttled away into their shared room. That left one introduction. "My name is Minerva, but please call me Minnie," Minerva schooled her voice over the years to sound as appealing and kind as humanly possible. With rises and falls in all of the right places. A sweet, but not too sweet smile. A practiced and slight tilt of the head, enough to be endearing, but not to be naive. Everything needed to gain the trust of those around her. "I look forward to looking with all of you and I can already tell we're going to make a great team."

She made eye contact with Archie and then with Zach, lingering on him for a moment longer. With a sigh, she eased herself into one of the chairs and made herself comfortable. Normally, comfort was infectious and she hoped to ease the tension in the room with the gesture.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Zacharias Bageli Character Portrait: Minnie Woods Character Portrait: Archibald Prewit Character Portrait: Avery G. Jones
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zacharias bageli

xxxxxxZach trained his eyes on each of his new teammates as they each introduced themselves. Archie spoke up first, typical, his greeting seemed simply, harmless but Zach was thrown off by his last bit. "Especially you two. It's nice that we get to work with each other instead of against for once don't you think?" The Slytherin boy turned towards Avery and Zach. He blinked for a mere moment before nodding in agreement, "Yeah, it'll be interesting to say the least". He was on to the Slytherin, there was something else there had to be.

Avery spoke next, short and sweet, she seemed more interested in the safety of her rat then the aimless introductions from the others. Before Zach had any time to respond to the girls greeting, she turned on her heel and disappeared into the girl's room. He turned to Minerva, or as she liked to be called, Minnie. Again, like Avery her greeting was small and sweet, but Minnie was definitely all smiles. She was the only one of the group he hadn't gotten to know at all, hopefully that would change soon. He couldn't help but be intrigued by the girl's persona. Her lingering gaze on him gave him a boost of confidence.

"Bageli. Zach Bageli. I'd be surprised if you haven't heard something about me." He flashed a debonair smile with his comment, and ran a careful hand through his dark hair. "As much as I'd love to get to know all of you even more" he felt his familiar charm slipping back in, and sent a slight wink to Minnie on the couch, "I need to make sure my dear Grace doesn't have her feather's ruffled". With that he sauntered past Archie brushing past the boys shoulder and made his way to the boy's room not caring to close the door.

Sure enough he was greeted with an exiting caw and his little owl Grace was staring back at him with her dark eyes. "Grace, I missed you!" He bent down and stuck his finger through the cage and Grace nibbled affectionately on his finger. He laughed quietly, standing back up and then finally took the time to admire his room. Half the room was decorated in rich greens and silvers, the emblem of the snake on the bedsheets and curtains, the other half, his, was bright reds and golds, the familiar lion roaring back at him on his half. He had to admit, he really liked it.

He peeked his head back out the door and dressed the others, "Have you guys seen the rooms? They're amazing"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zacharias Bageli Character Portrait: Minnie Woods Character Portrait: Archibald Prewit Character Portrait: Avery G. Jones
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archibald prewit

xxxxxxArchie watched and listened as his teammates introduced themselves. Avery was , far less social than he had expected from a Hufflepuff. She seemed far more interested in finding her pet rat, and Archie briefly wondered where his favorite feline had gotten off too. Minnie's introduction was short and sweet, she seemed friendly enough. After speaking she slid into a comfortable chair, seeming entirely at ease.

Not long after Zach seemed to gain something resembling confidence donning a charming smile and letting out a suave comment, running his hand through his hair,ending his display by giving Minnie a wink. As soon as it came the charm seemed to disappear, Zach quickly made his exit brushing past Archie as he went. Archie watched the Gryffindor walk away his interest admittedly piqued. Evidently he'd hae to work a little harder to earn the lion's trust.

He turned back Minnie, sitting down in a chair across from her, sliding comfortably into the space."And then there were two." He let out a small chuckle as he closed his eyes utterly relaxed in the moment. "You know I hope I didn't offend you before. I'm just as excited to work with you as I am with my fellow Quidditch players. After all you are just about the only person in our year who kicks my ass academically speaking."

He smirked for a moment about to say more when Zach emerged from their shared room "Have you guys seen the rooms? They're amazing" Archie shrugged as he got up from the chair. Might as well see the room he'll be staying in for the next year.
He got up and made his way over taking a detailed look at the accommodations once he entered. "Hey not bad. The colors kind of clash though. Way to...... Christmasy."

At the sound of Archie's voice Grimsley let out a tired purr as he opened up his eyes. He skulked out from under the bed he had claimed as his secret sleeping spot and scanned the room. There were many new things in the room but what caught jet black feline's attention was the owl perched in a cage. Curious Grimsley pawed over to the owl, meowing here and there. He got as close to the cage as he could,and stared at the bird inside, his tail swaying from side to side like an over eager clock.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zacharias Bageli Character Portrait: Minnie Woods Character Portrait: Archibald Prewit Character Portrait: Avery G. Jones
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avery jones

xxxxxxAvery was tempted to take a seat near Archie and the girl, but she was too busy taking everything in. She took the details in of the common room. It was very different from what she was accustomed to all these years at Hogwarts. She stopped looking around when Zac caught her attention. He was talking about his bedroom. She had just been in her room, but she didn’t really take in its beauty. She bit the inside of her cheek. Avery was going to miss her roommate Martha Hilton.

Curiosity pushed her to walk towards the boys’ room. She stopped a couple of feet away. She had a good view of the room from where she was standing. A small smile graced her lips. Christmas was one of Avery’s favorite holidays. Her aunt always made sure to come home for that holiday when Avery lived with her. Feeling a bit better about the strangers, she took a small step into the doorway of the room. She looked at the two boys.

You two do have a Christmas themed room. You won’t have to decorate your room when Christmas time comes around,” she said. Her gaze had left the boys to look at the cat. She felt a bit of concern for the owl since the cat was just looking at it, and it had meowed. A soft nervous laugh escaped her lips before she looked at Zac.

Your little owl seems to have an admirer,” she paused as she turned to look at the redhead. “What kind of familiar do you have?” She hoped the girl didn’t have anything that’d want to go after Jinx. She was not sure how she'd handle that situation. Avery loved Jinx. She never had to worry about Martha's familiar as it was a rat as well. Jinx and her rat got along splendidly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zacharias Bageli Character Portrait: Minnie Woods Character Portrait: Archibald Prewit Character Portrait: Avery G. Jones
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minerva woods

xxxxxxZach seemed to regain the air of confidence he tended to exude when he walked the halls of Hogwarts. Minnie smiled at him and watched him enter his room with a thoughtful expression. "And then there were two," Archie slid into the space next to Minnie, his body relaxing. "You know I hope I didn't offend you before. I'm just as excited to work with you as I am with my fellow Quidditch players. After all you are just about the only person in our year who kicks my ass academically speaking."

Although her face didn't betray her thoughts, Minerva had no recollection of him being competition to her. Which was probably horrible, but she didn't care much. "Have you guys seen the rooms? They're amazing."

Minnie trailed after Archie, beholding the Christmas colored quarters. She briefly pondered if blue and yellow complemented each other. At least it wouldn't be this disaster of an interior. Her new teammates chatted amongst themselves until Minnie found herself being addressed directly. "What kind of familiar do you have? he voice betrayed the smallest amount of concern and Minerva remembered that she owned a rat.

Minerva thought back to her cat, Poppy, undoubtedly snoozing away in her cage. "I have a cat named Poppy," she told Avery with a bright smile. "But don't worry, Pop doesn't care about mice and rodents. She'd rather sleep and eat all day. Maybe chase a moth or something. Jinx'll be fine."

Remember the small details, she reminded herself. Like the name of Avery's familiar. Zach's owl was named Grace and Archie had yet to mention his cat's name. She leaned her shoulder against the door frame, a small smile on her face as she watched them. They were jocks, but nothing about them screamed meatheads and she found herself appreciative of that. And maybe being good on a broomstick would come in handy. Hopefully, she wouldn't have to fly, because she'd never been great at it. Adequate, yes. But not good by any stretch of the imagination.