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Zoe James

"I am inhabited by a cry. Nightly it flaps out, looking, with its hooks, for something to love."

0 · 1,754 views · located in The City

a character in “A Little Mayhem”, originally authored by partially-stars, as played by RolePlayGateway



"I am inhabited by a cry. Nightly it flaps out, looking, with its hooks, for something to love."
-Sylvia Plath

Eyelids | PVRIS || Chandelier | Sia || Shatter Me (feat. Lzzy Hale) | Lindsey Stirling


Zoe Sarah James

Zo, Zee






Energy Manipulation: Zoe's ability is really rather self-explanatory. She can manipulate pretty much any form of energy and use it however she wants. Well, within limits. Some forms of energy are harder to convert than others- for example, it's much easier to transfer kinetic energy to an object than it would be to transfer light energy. She can also absorb energy, but not without limits. All energy that's absorbed has to be released- and if she doesn't control it, it will be done so in the form of a concussive blast, which varies in strength according to how much energy she's been trying to hold in. These concussive blasts often cause her to pass out. She can control these blasts, and can even use the energy in her own body to create one. This is extremely dangerous, however, as it could knock her out if she doesn't control the amount of energy used. For some unknown reason, her ability causes her body's metabolism to be higher than normal, meaning she needs to eat more than a normal person.


Zoe stands at a height of 5'4". Her frame is slightly narrower than normal, but not extraordinarily so. She's got a relatively straight figure, but does have some curves. One side of her head is shaved, and she has some lines shaved into her brow on the same side. Her hair is a dark brown, as are her eyes. Her face is relatively long and narrow. Her style is, as she describes it, "anything flattering and black." It's rare to see her in colour.


  • Strong coffee
  • Being warm
  • Black clothes
  • Knowing where she stands with people
  • Most forms of dance
  • Indie music
  • Reading
  • Citrus-scented things
  • Candles
  • Expressing herself

  • Mint
  • Vanilla-scented things
  • Being cold
  • Being tired
  • Music snobs
  • Latin dance
  • Intolerant people
  • People who aren't open to change
  • Dishonesty
  • Badly made coffee

Zoe is one of the most understanding people one could ever meet. She's also quite physically fit, in that she can run or train for long periods of time without tiring. She's also quite bright, due to her love for reading.

When she gets tired, she gets grumpy and irritable. She struggles to handle any emotional trauma and usually either barely reacts or completely breaks down. She's not that great of a liar, possibly because she hates dishonesty so much.

Being alone with nobody to love her
Large dogs
Really small places



On first impressions, Zoe doesn't exactly come across as a villain. She's generally got quite a pleasant demeanour. She's extremely honest, although never brutally so. She seems like a perfectly average college student- complete with coffee. She's friendly, often cheerful, ready to laugh, and always willing to lend a helping hand. She can be sarcastic at times, but never cruel. She's the type of person who tells someone to put a spider outside instead of stepping on it. She's an incredibly open-minded person, and loves nothing more than a debate that opens her to new ways of thinking and new opinions. She loves to read for the same reason. Her love of dance is simply a way to express herself, and was a constant in her life as she grew up and came to terms with who she is. Her self-expression is very important to her, and she would never change herself to make anyone else happy. She is who she is, faults and all.

And Zoe does have her faults. Besides being completely unable to deal with any kind of emotional trauma, she also has an ice-cold temper lying just beneath her skin. When she snaps, she turns cold and ruthless. When she's angered, it's very easy to see why she's a villain. While she still shows mercy, it's always ice cold. She'll attack anyone or do anything. She's gone through so much for so long that being a hero was never an option for her. At her best, she's violent, yet merciful. At her worse, she's destructive, and will only show mercy if it's begged for. She's incredibly passionate and throws her heart and her soul into everything she does- including destroying things to get what she wants.


Zoe was born into a perfectly normal family. Her parents split up when she was 7, but the shared custody arrangement worked well, and they both made it perfectly clear that they did still love Zoe and her older brother. Zoe never missed a soccer practice or a dance rehearsal or a drama class, and she never came across as anything but normal. However, things started to go wrong as she reached her early teens. It started when her father, a cop. died on the job. He was hailed as a hero, but that did nothing to sooth Zoe's pain. She later discovered that the heroes had allowed him to be killed and had called it collateral damage. While saving him was next to impossible, Zoe was still angry, and felt like they hadn't even tried.

Then, when her powers first appeared, she was terrified. Because it didn't start with just being able to apply kinetic energy to something- no, it came when she was struck by lightning. Her body absorbed the energy and then sent it out in a concussive blast that knocked her brother out and broke two of his ribs, as well as knocking Zoe herself out. She was terrified of herself and her ability, and locked herself away in her bedroom for days, trying to figure out how to control it. When she finally emerged, there was an incident on the streets where a hero turned up. She asked them for their help, but they turned her down. It was a villain who actually agreed to help her, to give her proper training. And from that moment, Zoe was a villain. The heroes hadn't saved her father. They hadn't come to help when she'd first discovered her power. They hadn't helped when she'd asked- but a villain had. And so, her alliance was sworn.



Face Claim:
Lynn Gunn


So begins...

Zoe James's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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Zoe glanced up at the branch above her, trying to decide if she was going for it or not. It was within her reach, but barely, and if she fell from this height, she'd draw attention to them. But it would also provide a much better viewpoint, and besides, the branch she was on appeared to be sturdy enough. She wrapped her hands around the branch and pulled herself up, using a nearby branch to give her a boost.

Settling herself on the branch, she pressed a thumb to the communication unit in her ear. "This is Hecate. I'm in position and have a perfect view of the office. It's currently empty... and whoever uses that office is messy as hell. I can count at least three- no, four- coffee mugs on his desk."

They were currently on a low-risk mission, attempting to get some information about how the attack had been orchestrated. It had been decided that getting as much information about their tactics was their first priority- and then finding the location. The heroes had rushed headfirst into it, and it had ended badly for them. Zoe had always preferred playing the long game anyway.

She kinda wished that she was actually in there, trying to get the info- but when they were half-expecting an ambush, she'd agreed to stay on surveillance. That, and she'd been promised that she'd been inside next time, as long as she didn't royally screw up.

"I'd be careful before you enter the office, though, I can still see sheets and everything all over the desk. There's probably some kind of security system in place."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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Sam sat against an alley wall, far enough away that she could contribute but far enough that she wouldn't risk the others spotting her. Hey, just because she's on the team doesn't mean she needed to break her mysterious facade, right? Anyway, she had her knees up, a new sketchpad resting against them and a sharpened pencil balancing on her upper lip.

"This is Hecate," said the small pod in her ear. "I'm in position and have a perfect view of the office. It's currently empty... and whoever uses that office is messy as hell. I can count at least three- no, four- coffee mugs on his desk."

[clor=#612185]"They should cut back,"[/color] Sam replied sagely, catching the pencil as it fell off her face. "Might end up like Mr. Gonzalez. Could you imagine having to deal with two of that guy?"

Jokes at the resident speedster's expense aside, Hecate's update meant it was now Sam's turn. She flipped open her sketch pad, bouncing her pencil's eraser on her cheek as she considered which construct to go with. Obviously something small and fast, with an eye so she could see. An eye-bat? she was feeling kind of "eye-bat".


This... was not an eyebat. What was this thing? Some kind of eyeball dragonfly sperm gremlin? Regardless, it served her purposes.

She let her breath out slowly, and the color drained from her surroundings. She heard the familiar burbling sound and a quick glance downward revealed a rapidly growing pool of ink next to her. A slow inhale, and the paint formed into a three-dimensional photo-realistic duplicate of what she'd drawn. The world returned to full color, and she pressed her finger to the communicator.

"This is Chiaroscuro," she said,waving the small creature off in the direction of the office. "Edd-Es-Gee inbound. Now taking bets on that ambush situation."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi
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#, as written by Taunbon

E moved foot to foot, growing impatient with the waiting. He had disagreed, vehemently, with the amount of cloak and dagger they were employing. It was an office, not Fort Knox. Tilting his head back and forth, staying behind Nora encase she suddenly walked into a door which would have been a much needed amusement to dull the biting blade of his boredom, he listened to the 'boss', was she the boss? Weird. Did they vote on that? Was there ever a vote? If so, E really wanted to talk to Hecate about their dental plan or lack thereof.

"Oh, thinking about two of me now, Chiaroscatarorororo? I didn't think you could handle the one," E said over the com to their mysterious drawer of all things creepy and weird, purposely mispronouncing her codename, "When you are dreaming about those rather charming and handsome Gonzalezs tonight, make sure their pants stay on. I don't put out on the first dream, and I put tonight's dishes duty on there being one underpaid night guard and a standard commercial security system."

The 'light' conversation wasn't enough stimulation as his foot began to tap waiting for Surge to do his 'thing', "Careful there Surge, don't be too happy on that, our insurance only covers angst and blandness in our members, I am already pushing the quota on the giddiness portion," he remarked on his teammates usual... state of being? Guy was blander then... then... three day old popcorn? Soggy Cheerios? An I-Spy game with Nora? Well, one of those, perhaps a bit of all of them?

"You know," E said on his commbead as he followed in Nora, "I really could just zip in and out in like... thirteen seconds, maybe, fifteen if you really wanted a deep clean. Also.. anyone else think it is kinda funny we are bringing a blind chick on a search mission? I mean... I suppose we can just shove her in a direction until she trips on something, but I have a feeling we would get a lot of shit from OSHA."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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Edd-Es-Gee grabbed playfully at Havouvi's hair as it flew over him and into the building, its wings a blur of translucent white. "That's okay, buddy," Chiaroscuro said through the earpiece. "She's just there to let us know when you finish talking." And then, wry whispering. "And just FYI, not everyone likes a quick finish."

Sam thumbed her nose, trying to get comfortable in her seated position. One more quick sketch had a wall up at the end of her alley, indistinguishable from the grey cement on either side. It wouldn't do to have anyone get the drop on her, would it? Settling back against the wall, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and the world fell away.

When she opened them again, she found herself looking down on three familiar faces in an apparently empty office building. She felt her stomach drop, followed by a feeling of weightlessness; had she remembered to give the construct ears, she imagined she'd hear the oh-so-faint whine of beating insect wings. Phase two of her part in the plan was a go. Somewhere far away, she felt a hand raise to her ear and heard her voice speak. God, this dual-consciousness thing when she was controlling a construct directly always gave her motion sickness.

"Hope you don't mind if I join you for a bit," she heard her voice say into a communicator she could-yet-couldn't feel.

The small, white paint creature she was piloting flitted around the first-floor lobby of the office building before darting off through a separate door. Surge may have taken care of the electrical security, but not all locks were electrical, and she felt it would be better to finish this without unnecessary vandalism. After all, an electrical glitch could be believed; finding half the doors smashed was less subtle.

She discovered exactly two locked doors along the intended route, and each was conquered in the same way: land on the door, release the construct's solidity, ooze through the cracks, reform on the other side, turn the handle and push as hard as tiny Edd-Es-Gee could. With the way clear, she had it land on the desk to wait for the others and pulled her consciousness back into herself.

"Way's clear, guys," she announced over their comms. "I didn't see any guards? Maybe they're playing hide-and-seek. Or poor Edd is nearsighted."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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Molly had positioned herself across the street on the far left side across from the entrance. From here she could not only see the main door to the building but also a stairwell that lead down to a sort of underground, basement, level. She was crouched under a small tree, or large bush, to which it was she didn't know, and wearing all black. Her hood was up and she was trying to be as stealth as she possibly could. The little ear piece she'd been given earlier that day had been continuously falling out and she reached her finger up to her ear once more to adjust it.

As she pressed it back into place the voices of each villian got a little louder and clearer. Each voice was unique and easy to identify, and everytime someone new made a joke or attempt to lighten the mood Molly felt more and more uncomfortable. Maybe it was because it was her first recon mission ever, or maybe it was because all she could think about was her sister, but weren't these types of things supposed to be taken seriously?

Quinn would know what to say...what to do...

Molly watched as Surge opened the door and entered the building. She then noticed two small green lights go off on the top corners of the buildings, the security cameras.

"Can you please..." Molly tryed to get in inbetween E's incessant speaking "Check the papers for names, lists, addresses..." Though she wished deeply that the villains she was now very much involved with would just focus on the task, she kept quiet. Now wasn't a good time to argue with them...maybe later. This wasn't a good idea, maybe bargaining with the kidnappers could have worked...or we could have tried harder together just the it to late to back out... Molly felt sick to her stomach, much like she had the last couple weeks. With a deep sigh she shifted her crouched position to sitting and continued on listening to the people who had been labeled "evil" to her her whole life.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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She adjusted her position on the branch, tucking one knee closer to her chest. "E, if you really want to run, go back and get me a cushion. This is much less comfortable than the movies make it seem," she said, rolling her eyes. "Remind me to bring coffee next time," she muttered.

From where she was sitting, she could just about see them entering the building. At E's comment about Nora, she rolled her eyes and sighed into her mike so that he'd hear it. "Yeah, but she'll be able to warn you if anything does happen. She wouldn't be much good up here in my tree, now, would she? I'm good, but I wouldn't be there in time to save your asses," she remarked, examining her nails. At Molly's request, Zoe rolled her eyes. "That's not what we're looking for, Blue, and you're not putting the others in danger by going looking for unnecessary information. Tactics first, details later," she snapped. Bloody heroes- didn't they understand that getting this information was the most important thing?

"No guards, huh? Definitely an ambush, just saying," she said in reply to Samantha's comment. "Good luck with that," she remarked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi
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#, as written by violeta

Nora couldn't stand E. She wanted to scold him for being so careless and rude, she believed it was going to get him killed one day. Instead though, His comments flew past her head, as she had learned to do, after the second time he insulted her when they first had met. It had almost become a game for him, "See how many comments it takes for Nora's head to explode". She let out a quiet sigh of annoyance, I may be blind, but I'm not deaf... She thought angrily as she walked behind Surge throughout the building.

From what she could sense, it almost felt crowded to her, and to Hecate and Chiroscuro's comment, she believed that an ambush was a probable option at the moment. If there truly was important information in this building, than why would it not be guarded, by a bunch of burly, sweaty, henchmen.

She strayed off slightly from the group and as she walked through a certain spot, she felt it. Almost like a tugging sensation, or an itch that wouldn't go away. That's how most of the time she could tell when and where a vision was going to occur. "Second no- Third. Third floor. Right above me. There's something there" She spoke in short choppy sentences, as she concentrated on the spot. "We need to go to the third floor". She hoped now, that there isn't in fact an ambush, and just an underpaid night guard and a standard commercial security system, like E had said. If she was caught in a vision during an ambush, all hell would surely break loose.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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#, as written by Taunbon

"Quick finish, ho, shots fired," E said eyeing the eye-sperm-thingy, "You know, you really should be nicer to the mes in your dreams because this seems like serious emotional abuse, and I may have to go on twitter or tumblr or whatever these kids are doing these days and tell everyone on my blog about it. Then who will look like the idiot?.. Don't answer that."

E took a look around the empty office, sure it was weirdly quite, but it was an empty office. Would have been far odder if it was loud, still, he didn't see the point in hiding an ambush there. Only a moron would keep information in such a low-key area, and if they were smart, they wouldn't have any here even if they did put an ambush there in the odd chance they survived, plus, who keeps super secret information in a office when they can just keep it with the kidnapped heroes? Really, they were in the middle of a city, a shoot-out with villains after claiming to be bringing the city to a sense of normality would be counter-productive. If E were them, he would send them on wild goose-chases, let them make a menace of themselves until the people of the city were, literally, eating out of their hands thanks to the lack of heroes, and then, and only then, would he target them... But then, no everyone was as smart and awesome as him, he mused as he blew a strand of hair from his face, he was still banking on them just being overly cautious.

"You know Hecate, I could make a joke about how it shouldn't be unusual for you to be above so much hard wood, but I am too nice a guy to say something so crass, but I mean, come on, the hell are we supposed to do if this is an ambush? Shove our blind psychic into a broom closet?" He said not willing to give up the fight on that one yet, plus, Nora had yet to respond to him which demanded further prodding.

E thought about saying something to Blue, perhaps, ease the worry and tension in the puppy, as she totally was like a puppy, as he could almost imagine her pouting with a little puppy face after getting her head bitten off by his two teammates, Sir Bland and the Taker of Copious Amounts of Hard Wood, but it wasn't really his problem, and this was far from their first rodeo.

"Third floor?" E repeated, looking up at the roof, "Of course it would be the third floor, heaven forbid they leave the crap on the first floor and save us the trouble of stairs. Chiararakababato and I should go up first. Her eye-sperm-thingy can be a meat shield and I can zip down and escape if there is something nasty up there. "


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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Reconnaissance was, admittedly, not a strong suit for Encke. He'd come to the realization many times before, each time in some position of varying discomfort, after being crouched behind a bush for hours, perched precariously on a rooftop as pins and needles crept into both of his legs, or hunkered down behind a gas tank at the edge of a firefight. And it wasn't necessarily the inevitable pain or boredom of sitting still that got to him, but rather that the whole activity just wasn't in his nature. He was an up front kind of guy. Was there an issue? Deal with it. Don't spend three hours between two tree branches at the edge of a park, staring at a group of The City's finest super villains making witty banter as they infiltrated a mediocre looking office building. Encke bit back a sigh. No, definitely don't do that.

Of course he realized on some level that there was a time and place for all this sneaking around, with The City's current situation being the prime example of such. Encke's pale eyes focused on a leaf on a branch just in front of him, studying its veined underbelly with a passive expression as he allowed his fingernails to sink themselves into the bark of the bough he himself was seated on. His knuckles turned white. All the heroes in The City were... God knows where. Nearly everyone he had befriended in The City, everyone who has saved his ass countless times, his team, vanished into thin air. Encke's usually calm demeanor was starting to fray at the edges, and the few remaining heroes of the city who had either stayed back or escaped the "negotiations" were now teaming up with the villains in a last ditch attempt to organize a rescue.

And Encke? For now, he watched. He wasn't naive enough to think that there was another way around this unfortunate alliance, but nor was he quite ready to join the group just yet. He was a little more than weary of The City's villains, and wanted a little more time to get a look at them and exhaust his other options, even if he knew he was fighting the inevitable. He closed his eyes, forcibly dissipated what he could of his anxiousness and anger, and began maneuvering himself into a better vantage point in the tree. They'll make it. Somewhere in the back of his mind, the words rang out hollowly. They always have.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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Image Image

Molly didn't respond to any of the comments given back on her suggestion so politely by the villains. Instead she just leaned back again the bush tree she sat under and rest her head against it's trunk.

Since the moment the heroes and villains had come together, Molly had pondered how emotionless the villians seemed to be towards the situation. They weren't considering the many lives at stake or remembering that the heroes remaining were hurting for their current losses, they were just doing the job. Sure, these are the things that made them villains but they were helping. They couldn't be that awful if they were here right now doing this. It had always been ingrained in Molly's mind that villains were reckless, emotional, careless people. And yet tonight, even past the snappy comments and dry sarcasm, Molly had hope.

When Nora mentioned the 3rd floor Molly sat up straighter and listened intentivley. She wasn't quite sure what she would do if an ambush did happen, she honestly hadn't planned very far ahead past trying to get information. Sitting here in the dark her best option would be to stay put until someone told her what to do.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi
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"Come out here and say that to my face, Speedy, and we'll see who comes out on... Wait, nevermind, I'm not going to finish that, because god knows, you don't need more fuel," she said, sighing a little. "Third floor? God's sake, now I need to try and climb even more in this freaking tree. Please ignore the swearing that is about to ensue," she complained, before climbing to her feet and searching for a branch within her arm's reach.

After a few minutes and a number of highly creative strings of curses, she was perched on one of the higher branches. "Okay, so I'm as high as I'm willing to go, and I can just about see into one of the offices. This one is a little neater, it appears, but I can't actually see if anyone's in there. Also, I'm now more or less out of the running as backup as I'm pretty sure that, unless I take my time getting down, I'll either knock myself out or break a few bones."

She kept an eye on the window, still scanning the branches above her for a more secure spot. She was nearing the top of the tree, so they were few and far between, and the one she could see looked far too dangerous to try and get to. She needed to invest in some sort of climbing gear if they were going to keep putting her on surveillance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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Ig was so freaking late it wasn't even funny.

He didn't even know what part of The City he was in - which happened, at times, when he tumbled out of an apartment building he'd never been in before; leaving some guy in bed and trying not to wake him up when he untangled himself from the sheets and ran out the front door. Ironically enough, waking up like this, with the sun already down, was nothing new.

Usually he at least didn't have anywhere he was supposed to be. Like a recon mission that he was pissed he had to be a part of to begin with. Fucking heroes couldn't keep their shit together and somehow that was his responsibility? Honestly. He was a villain. He wasn't supposed to have any responsibilities! That was the whole point.

Ig cursed as he slowed down rounding the comer, lifting his foot and trying to jam his combat boot on without stopping in his mid-run. It wasn't working, and if it wasn't for his ability to pull at shadows, he definitely would have toppled over. But he saved himself, barely. He didn't bother tying his boots as he kept up his pace, pulling his shirt free from where it hung over his shoulders and jerking it on. He ran into a few people still out late, but didn't bother to apologize.

Finally, finally, he made it to his destination. When the office building came into view he slowed, not wanting to draw attention to himself...not that he would anyway, dressed in all black, pulling at the shadows he already blended into. Ig sighed and dug through his pockets until he finally came up with his ear piece, and pushed it into place, searching the trees because he knew Zoe would be up there somewhere. He was probably late enough at this point that he'd only really be useful as backup. Which was fine by him.

"Sorry I'm late guys," he muttered when he heard the activation click. "But I didn't want to come."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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Surge eyed Nora as she claimed to know where they had to go next. It seemed bringing the prophet along had payed off after all. He nodded at E's suggestion."Sounds like a decent enough plan. In that case I'll stay down here with Omen, while you and Chiaroscuro go on ahead. Wouldn't want to leave our prophet here defenseless after all." Despite the apparent payoff, Surge wasn't too excited about Omen being here in the field. She wasn't suited for combat after all, and Surge despite all appearances grew fond enough of this little villain team that he'd rather they not meet the same fate as the heroes.

He listened to the others, as Hecate began her perilous climb, and Chiaroscuro started to repositon her creature. All the while he couldn't help but notice the absence of a certain shadow manipulator. It seemed he was late, very late, and Surge was beginning to wonder if Ig had forgotten about this little operation. Or chose not to come, no one on the team was exactly excited about working to fix the heroes' problem. Surge himself was none to happy to be on the same side of the self-righteous do-gooders again.

It seemed Ig finally managed to drag himself down, as the boy's voice sprang to life in his ear. "Good of you to finally show up Shadow. You didn't miss much, its been quiet so far. Hopefully it stays that way." It was good at least to know there was another villain here in case things went south. More back up was always appreciated.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport Character Portrait: Encke Aryes
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#, as written by violeta

Ig's unexpected drop in was quite normal, this was the second time he had done this. She could sense him the second he popped in, she honestly still wasn't used to that. She often tried painting a picture, of what his abilities looked like in her head. She had never had a vision about them, so she often found herself quite curious about what exactly it looked like.

Nora listened to the others talk about Ig and leaving her in the safe area while they did all the work. She cleared her throat quietly, but there was no denying the presence of an annoyed tone . She appreciated the others, everyones, but E's worry for her well being, but sometimes it just made her even more frustrated. ""The Blind Prophet is going to go to the third floor and actually help. I have no use just standing here, like a kindergartner that has to be watched. I can handle it, at least let me make myself useful" She finished.

She walked past Surge, E, and the others towards the stairs. She used the beating wings from Chiaroscuro's monster to lead her to and up the stairs, and hopefully to the third floor. She could sense the vision the closer she got, as her hand started to twitch uncontrollably. This happened some of the time, but others it was totally unexpected. At least this time she'll know when she's about to get sucked into a vision, which to her feels like getting hit by a semi truck, twice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Ig Montgomery
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#, as written by Taunbon

"Learning, you are, Young Jedi, fight the Sith Lord E, you must not." E said sagely to Hecate who, apparently, decided that discretion was the better part of valor. Still, she was lucky he decided not to make a comment on her climbing all that hard wood and to be careful to not grip too hard with her hands. He truly was on his best behavior today. Still, this was slow progress, unreasonably slow for just searching an office building.

"Oh, yeah, Shadow is here guys, oh.. did... did none of us care if he showed up or not? Well that is rude, I, for one, totally noticed he wasn't here and was waiting with baited breath." E said as.. really, if he was that late, why show up at all? E wouldn't have. Now that he thought about it, why was he even here? He could take off right now and there was nothing the others could do to stop him from just leaving... this. Letting out an annoyed huff, that made a lock of his hair bounce, he moved to the stairs only to be cut off by.. Nora.

"Oh, E, you had a really good idea about going first and scouting with the sperm monster, but no, I can do it! I can help cause I am a big girl with a big girl bra on!" E said following behind her, "Although, someone has to make the blind leading the morons joke or this is going to be a rather dull search mission."

Coming to the second floor, E separated from the group, digging in and taking off, leaving a small gush of air in his wake. It was... an odd thing to describe, running at the speeds he did, to him, the world didn't look all that different from before, he still 'moved' in the same ratio, but the world around him had slowed. If he tossed a pen into the air, he could circle the room a dozen times before it touched back down. Catch water droplets on the tip of his finger... the feeling was indescribable, but right now, he had a job, so in a flurry of activity, he looked through the various desk and cabinets of the second floor leaving, opening, searching, cleaning, closing in machine precision earned over a lifetime of experience.

Gone but for a moment, he was back in his spot on the stairs, "Second floor is clear. Nothing of note," E said a tiny bit annoyed as he had hoped Nora was wrong, a fool's hope, but it would have been fun, and he didn't want to leave an unsearched room to their backs and their only escape route. Well, their escape route, he could go out the window and run down.

Popping some M&M's into his mouth he 'borrowed' from one of the desk, "Third floor it is," he said around crunching candy and chocolate.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Ig Montgomery
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She grinned as she heard her best friend's voice in her earpiece, cautiously getting to her feet and starting to pick her way over to where he'd be able to see her. She allowed herself to drop down a few branches, trusting that she'd be able to get back up. "Shame that baited breath didn't stop you from talking," she replied to E as she moved. She ignored his next comment as she caught Ig in her sights.

"Late and you didn't even bring coffee," she called from where she stood, having found a somewhat sturdy branch that was wide enough for her to stand on. "Simply appalling," she teased. The two of them had enough history behind them to get away with it. "C'mon, get your ass up here, I'm lonely as hell up here," she added, leaning down to hold out a hand to pull him up. Moments after she did so, however, a gunshot rang out, and a branch shattered above her head. She ducked, losing her balance and slipping. Only her reflexes stopped her from hitting the ground as she grabbed the branch she'd previously been standing on.

"They're fucking shooting at us," she yelled into her headset, glancing at the ground below. "At me, specifically," she added, trying to gauge the distance. She couldn't tell if it was far enough for her power to kick in and soften the blow. But as a bullet embedded itself about three inches from one of her hands, she knew that she didn't have an option. She glanced down at the ground again, braced herself, then let go of the branch, starting her drop to the ground.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport Character Portrait: Ig Montgomery
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It's the piercing crack of a gunshot through the night air that drags Encke out of his reverie and back into the present, with his cramping legs and splinter-dotted hands. The rounds sounded as if they were coming from behind him and to his left, and definitely not too far away. He whirled around, seemingly without thought, and began slipping down branch by branch, as quickly and quietly as his bare feet would allow. His mind, on the other hand, was racing, and not entirely with fear. He wasn't sure with how to deal with the villains, but with a shooter? With someone who was almost definitely connected with whatever was going on? That he could most definitely manage.

Encke's finally reached the last bough of the tree, and he couldn't help his lips twitching into a smile as he dropped straight into an ankle-deep puddle on the ground with a small splash. It had rained recently, and the ground was littered with small pools that glittered brightly in the moonlight. He could feel each and every one, simply there and present in his mind. It would have been quite peaceful, if not for the screaming girl stuck in the tree. Encke glanced back in the direction of her voice, considering for half a second to go help her, but deciding that his abilities served a better purpose in tracking the gunman.

He peered around the thick trunk of the tree he was crouched behind, looking for the silvery glint of a barrel in the darkness. Discerning nothing, he carried himself with silent footsteps to a tree a little further back, hoping to maybe get a better view from behind whoever had fired the shots. It briefly crossed his mind that anyone from the little reconnaissance party who found him would have a hard time judging him friend or enemy, but he pushed the thought out of his head and hunkered down behind the new tree, which was a great deal skinnier than the last. He would deal with them if the time came.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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Image Image

The moment the gun went off Molly's hands shot up to cover her own mouth and her heart quickly picked up speed. She sat frozen under the green brush and could only move her kneck to scan the street that seperated her from the building. The longer she had been sitting there the colder she had grown, but hearing Hecate's panicked voice in her ear now had her sweating. She began to calm herself down and begin to think logically.

The bullet had clearly been fired a ways down to her left on the same of the street Molly was on. Whoever it was must be sitting diagonal with the left corner of the building while she sat diagonal with the right corner. All the villians were on the side with the building while Encke, the gunman, and Molly herself were across the street looking at the building. With this information she knew not what to do execept something across the street suddenly caught her attention.

"There's someone coming out of the building, from a underground basement level..." Molly whispered quickly watching the man climb the stairs to reach the ground level. "He's on the opposite side of the building where Hecate was in the tree." She squinted her eyes and ducked down lower in the leaves. "And I can't tell if he's armed or not..." She added and ducked down even further making herself as camouflaged as possibly. No one had ever gone over what would happen if they were shot at and for all Molly knew it was every man for themselves. She quickly decided to remain still until told otherwise.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Encke Aryes
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Samantha was almost snapped back to her physical body by the sound of the gunshot. She took a deep breath to steady herself, and her vision of the office came back into focus.

"Well, that's kitchen duty for Wally West," she said, her construct hovering over Nora's head. "Pity, I hear paint's a bitch to get out of dishware." True, the construct she kept in their little base as a representation of her presence didn't require food or water, but tonight she'd make an exception.

Speaking of constructs... She considered sending one to help the others, but that would mean pulling away from Edd-Es-Gee, who was currently operating as Delphi's seeing-eye monster. If there was as ambush waiting on the third floor, she'd be the last to know about it, barring precognitive intervention.

Well. The three outside were big kids, and Volts was still downstairs if they needed back-up. They'd be fiiiiiiiine.

Dragonfly wings carried her construct up the stairs to floor number three, close enough for Nora to feel the air move but far enough ahead that she could put Edd-Es-Gee's utter lack of mortality to use. The hall at the top of the stairs was empty, at least. She took herself down one end, past a trio of empty offices toward the ones at the front of the building. Speedy Gonzalez would no doubt have the floor checked in an exceptionally short span of time, but it still felt wise to ensure no one was waiting around the corner for the earliest sign of-

Ah. Yeah. "Well, Edd's down. Anyone mind telling me what just hit me?" she sighed and bumped her head against the wall a couple times. Maybe they'd get lucky and it was just a startled janitor wielding the broom of plus one paint slaying. "Careful not to slip in the puddle."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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0.00 INK

Surge had thus far resisted the urge to sigh as Nora stubbornly decided to assert her independence at about the worst possible moment. As far as he was concerned the girl was being foolish. Blind or not taking the lead and walking straight into a possible ambush with no real defenses was pure arrogance. Arrogant and dangerous. He'd rather not have one of his friends march towards a preventable demise. He was about to speak up in protest when Hecate's nervous voice came from his ear piece.

This time he did allow himself a small sigh."Great, just great a gunman." He was still on the first floor, it wouldn't take him long to run to the aid of his teammates. Then again if he were to leave the building he would be sending the others including their defenseless prophet into an ambush, without his aid.

He quickly began to weigh his options trying to decide the best course of action. Shadow, and Hecate were out there faced with a gunman, of course the heroes were out there as well, but one of them was only useful if an injury had occurred, something he'd rather avoid in the first place. Besides he learned along time ago you could never really place your faith in the heroes of The City. They couldn't be relied on to help his teammates. And as for the others Chiaroscuro was in no real danger, and if an ambush were to be waiting for them then E should be able to get Nora and himself out in a flash. He wasn't sure exactly where the gunman was, what the distance was, or anything else. However if an ambush did occur and they needed to quickly evacuate he'd likely get in the way, it was doubtful E could speed away everyone vulnerable to a gory bullet filled death. At least he could find someway to help outside with the others.

"Hecate this is Surge. I'm still on the first floor, and I don't trust any of the heroes out there to be of any use. I'm coming to help. I can be out there in a minute or two. You and Shadow hang tight." Despite the fact that two of his friends were currently being shot at, Surge remained relatively calm. On the surface at least, truthfully he was quite worried for the sake of his teammates, and as he ran out to their aid he began calmly breathing in and out, an attempt to keep himself from involuntarily sparking as he ran to the aid of his friends.