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A Night To Last Forever

A Night To Last Forever


It was all cool until the wolf attacked...

1,675 readers have visited A Night To Last Forever since bizarre1 created it.


That One Night

They were just regular teenagers out having fun with their friends. What better time to go into the forest than on a full moon, when the sky is the slightest bit lighter? Some brought their cigarettes and another brought the booze. They enjoyed themselves and everything seemed to be going just fine when there was a growl. The teens looked around them, but saw nothing. A few of them became worried about their surroundings and what may be lurking about. The others just laughed it off.

"Don't be such wimps. Have a beer and chill." one of the guys said.

A couple agreed with him and laughed at the ones that insisted on leaving. Out of peer pressure, the others decided to stay and pretended like it didn't bother them that much, just laughing it off.

"Of course. What's the worst that can happen?" a girl said with a nonchalant shrug and nervous smile.

A couple of the guys raised their beers and smiled.

"Exactly, so let's just have a good time, guys." one of the guys said.

That was when a wolf came darting out of the trees, growling and snapping at them without actually touching them. The girls, of course, screamed and backed away. By this point, everyone was on their feet. Guys were throwing rocks and beer bottles at the wolf. The wolf growled and snarled at them. When they ran out of things to throw at the wolf, one of the guys, not entirely sober, decided to kick it. The wolf, out of reaction, bit this guy's leg and dragged him to the ground. Someone else tackled the wolf to get it off the other guy. The wolf turned around and bit this person. A few others surrounded the wolf. The wolf turned and tried to find a way out, and seeing none, took on a defensive stance. Throughout the rest of the night, the teens kept trying to defend each other against the wolf and ended up being bitten. Finally, the wolf found its opportunity to escape and took that opportunity and left....

A Couple Hours Later - Midnight

The teens left after making sure that everyone was okay and went home. When they arrived home, they found that their bodies were all aching. They blamed this on the wolf attack and the fight they put up. With this in mind, they cleaned up their wounds, finding that they were already healing, and headed off to bed. As they laid there, their bodily aches became worse. Their muscles began cramping and even their ears, noses, and eyes were throbbing. They were scared. They didn't know what was happening to them. Then, their muscles began shifting right under their skin. Their bones were changing, their skin became itchy all over, but they couldn't do anything about it. They lost control of their bodies. Then, it all suddenly stopped. Their bodies started to relax and the pain faded away. They were covered in sweat and were physically exhausted. Each of them fell asleep.

Now - The Next Day

The newly changed wolves have survived the first day of school as newly changed wolves, not entirely sure what happened that night. Things may not seem right. As night draws nearer, their instincts grow stronger and they won't be able to resist the change, not knowing what they are trying to resist. The rest of the story is up to you.

(This has been pushed a bit further than just waking up because this is a remake with some of the original characters. Anyone else is more than welcome to join in. (: )


The Wolf
Dani Leiber - Played by bizarre1

The Teens
1. Allison "Ally" Lawson - Played by Nami L'Chi
2. Nick Weaver - Played by bizarre1
3. Ali Jones - Played by nightwolf

Other Wolves - [full]
Jaden Rivers - Played by Syn_Maxwell

Character Sheet

Age: (15-18)
Personality: (At least one paragraph.)
Human Appearance: (At least a paragraph. Pic is optional, but I prefer one.)
Wolf Appearance: (Either words or a pic.)
Bio: (At least a paragraph.)


1) No god-modding.
2) Please use proper grammar. I understand mistakes every once in a while, but avoid reckless typing.
3) No one-liners. I know that sometimes it comes to points where it's hard to get more than one line in there, but try to be creative and get at least a paragraph.
4) Keep all OOC posts in the OOC.
5) Wolves can shift whenever they want, but their wolfy instincts are stronger at night or, often times, at high emotional points.
6) I will only hold your character reservation for 2 days. After two days, your spot is up for grabs.
7) Don't kill off another character without the permission of the author.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


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Dani headed straight for the English classroom and took a seat in front of the goth looking guy. She never really paid any attention to anyone, so she had never noticed him before, nor did she really notice him as she sat in the seat in front of his. She took out her binder and looked at the board for their morning writing assignment.


Nick looked at the writing assignment on the board and let his head fall to his desk. Do I really have to do this? I mean, if I miss one assignment, will my grade go down that much? He noticed the girl with the long blonde hair sit down in front of him. She never talked to anyone. Well, not that he had seen.


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Jaden heard a soft thud and turned in the direction it came from. Seeing a boy with his head down Jaden silently chuckled and turned back to her assignment. She was almost finished since writing was one of her favorite hobbies. Jaden began to lightly hum as she wrote the last paragraph and smiled when she finished. Setting it aside Jaden pulled a sketch pad out and started drawing a wolf. Go figure right? After all its been what seems like forever since her incident and now this seemed to be what she drew the most of besides the moon and fantasy. Sighing, Jaden slowly drifted off into her own world.


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Nick sat back up and read the directions for the writing assignment. He had to keep his grades at least at average so he could graduate. As he began writing, he noticed the girl in front of him was already done. Another girl had also finished and was drawing on a sketch pad. Wasn't she there last night? He felt like a creep for staring, so he looked away. However, his curiosity rose and he couldn't help himself. He got out another piece of paper and wrote a note. Do you remember the wolf?. He folded it in fourths and passed it to the girl with the sketch pad.


Dani finished writing her assignment and stared at the board. The teacher seemed to have had a long night because she appeared to be falling asleep at her desk. Dani sighed and searched for other work to do. If there wasn't going to be anything to do in class, she may as well get ahead on her work for other classes. Her math teacher always gave the class a paper that listed all of their assignments for the week, so Dani could start working on tonight's assignment so she could have more time at home to patrol her territory.

Dani noticed the guy behind her pass a note to the girl in the seat next to him. She turned her head to the side to see if she could catch a glimpse out of the corner of her eye, but caught both of their scents instead. They smelled different than before. There was a slight.... Dani's eyes grew a bit wider as she realized what it was. To calm herself, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Maybe they'll be fine on their own... She recalled the time when she had been changed. It was terrifying. She closed her eyes and swallowed. I can't let two new wolves run around like that. Dani turned in her seat. "Hi, I'm Dani." she said. Dani wasn't sure how to start an actual conversation, so she just started with that. She glanced at the other girl who the goth guy had passed a note to.


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Jaden glanced down at the paper and opened it. Reading it her heart stopped for a moment. He couldn't possibly know she was a wolf. Jaden made sure to keep her scent hidden to her best ability for years. Setting the note down she did remember going on a run to patrol her terriorty when she smelled blood and another wolf. Biting her lip she began to subtly inhale and noticed the different scent coming from the guy next to her and the girl who said her name was Dani.

Grabbing her pen she began writing. Yes, are you doing okay?


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Character Portrait: Allison "Ally" Lawson Character Portrait: Dani Leiber Character Portrait: Nick Weaver Character Portrait: Jaden Rivers
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Ally woke up with a jolt. Seeing the time, she cursed herself mentally. How could she sleep in again?! Then it hit her. Last night, the wolf. She looked at her hands. Were they paws last night? She didn't remember. Sighing, she looked in her closet at her dress and shoes she had bought the week before. She had a party to attend. Her aunts.

Her aunts reason for throwing it wasn't for fun, it was to get Ally to make friends, and hopefully get a boyfriend. Of course her aunt would never tell the girl that. Sighing, Ally threw her hair into a messy bun. Quickly grabing a pair of jeans and her top and hoodie she looked into the mirror. Frowning she decided that it would have to do. Doing basic makeup and grabbing her gir bag, she left the house. She knew she was late for school, but oddly she didn't care. Walking into the building she opened the door to her class. The teacher seemed to be either asleep, or not even in the Room, Ally didn't look for her.

She took her seat beside the goth boy and worked on her writing assignment. Her hair starting to fall out of her bun. Her eye caught the corner of a glittering envelope. Pulling it out of her binder she realized, that this was the envelope her aunt had mailed out to almost everyone in her class. She looked up and noticed that one of the girls and the goth guy were passing notes. A smirk formed on her face. "Who is going to the party tonight?"

It was random chit chat, and she knew no one knew it was her aunts party, and no one knew that her aunt was well... her aunt. Ally was sure she was safe. "I'll be performing tonight." Before anyone could comment upon what she said she went and looked back down, drawing random pictures on a spare piece of paper. One doodle was her beautiful les paul guitar, another was her schecter guitar.

She was tapping her foot against the floor as she continued doodling random things that entered her mind. Flipping the page over, she drew a picture she loved. A picture of her and her father when she was a little girl, the santa hat hanging off of her head. As her dad held her in his arms reading her a book. Smiling tears formed in her eyes.

Trying as fast as she could she tried blinking them away.


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Nick arched a brow at the blonde. "Not be rude, but why are you talking to me?" he asked. As far as he was concerned, she was just some stuck up girl that always got the best grades and never talked to anyone. He picked the note up from the girl with the sketch pad. I'm fine. I'm just glad you remember too. I wasn't sure if you were there or not. The entire time he was writing, he kept the note from the blonde girl's view. He folded the paper in fourths again and passed it back to the girl. His attention went back to the blonde, but only for a couple seconds because another girl had spoken. She was late to class that morning. He noticed her pull out an envelope. It looked familiar to him and he remember that he had received the same one. "I wasn't really sure if I wanted to go or not, but I'm considering it. If you're playing tonight, that might be cool." he said with a smile. Nick noticed that she started drawing and then looked at the other girl that had a sketch pad. What's with girls and drawing?


Dani bit her lower lip and turned back around. The guy seemed difficult to talk to. Maybe I can talk to another one of them later. Anyone that's not him. She glanced at the other two females. The one who came in late asked if anyone was going to the party. Dani recalled receiving an invitation, but didn't plan on attending. Maybe if I go, I'll get the chance to talk to them.


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Reading the note Jaden wrote back, I was passing by when I heard the noise. Im glad to see you're okay. Folding the note Jaden went to pass it back when her drawing fell off the desk and near the boy. Silently cursing Jaden looked up to see if the teacher was watching. Seeing that the teacher was busy with other things, Jaden was doing her best not to hit her head on the desk. Sighing she pointed to her paper, "Sorry, could you please hand that back?"

Turning her attention to Dani she smiled, "I'm Jaden, it's nice to make your aquaintance."


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Character Portrait: Allison "Ally" Lawson Character Portrait: Dani Leiber Character Portrait: Nick Weaver Character Portrait: Jaden Rivers
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Ally looked up from her drawing, as a tear slid down her cheek. "Well... I hope to see you there. I was lucky to get this gig." She'd smile after wiping the tear off her cheek. Holding her hand out she expected to shake his. "I'm Allison, but everyone... er... some call me Ally." She'd turn to hear Jaden. She saw the picture she was speaking of. "Very pretty." She'd mutter as she looked at her own drawing.

Something seemd familiar about Nick but she couldn't realy remember what. Shruging she continued to smile as she looked up at the clock. "So, uh.. Jaden... right? Are you going to the party tonight??"

Ally was nervous about playing, but she wasn't too nervous, adreneline always helped her when it came to these sorts of things.


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Nick shook her hand. "I'm Allison, but everyone... er... some call me Ally." He chuckled. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Ally. I'm Nick." As he was speaking, the note was passed to him again. He reached for the folded paper as another piece of paper fell near his desk. "Sorry, could you please hand that back?" Nick leaned down and retrieved the drawing for her. "A wolf, huh?" he asked as he handed it to her. The two girls he had been talking to began talking to each other.

As the other two talked with each other, Nick read the note. So she wasn't there... He wrote his response: Did you actually see the wolf? He folded it back up and passed it to her.


Dani grew uncomfortable. Everyone around her smelled wrong. Their scents weren't what they were supposed to be. Two of the girls were drawing wolves. It couldn't have been a nightmare. Dani was slightly startled at the sound of the other girl's voice. "I'm Jaden, it's nice to make your acquaintance." Dani offered a weak smile. "I'm Dani. It's nice to meet you too." She began to feel nauseous. This can't be happening.


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Jaden saw the note and opened it. Reading it Jaden bit her lip wondering what to tell him. She was doing a patrol of her territory that night and they happened to be near when she ran by. Of course she investigated it but only caught a glimpse of the wolf. Sighing she replied. I only caught a glimpse. I'm sorry that you had to experience such a thing. Putting the note on his desk since the teacher seemed to be in their own world, Jaden began drawling again but this time she was doing a landscape.

She really didn't know what to do about it, there's a chance he was bitten and could change at the worse time without any warning. She discretely sniffed out his scent and realized something was off. Holding in the growl that formed in her chest, Jaden felt a little agitated. Jaden could tell the difference between him and the other students, well the normal ones. Now she really had a problem on her hands along with the one responsible for attacking him.


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Nick propped his elbows up on his desk and rested his forehead on his joined hands. He thought he was getting somewhere with it until he found out that she wasn't with them when they were attacked. His last hope of finding anything was dependent on whether she had seen the wolf or not.

The note was placed on his desk again. He took his time unfolding it. So she didn't really see the wolf. A slight frown formed on his face. He wrote back, It's fine. I was just hoping to figure out exactly what happened that night. It seemed to be more than just an attack.

Nick folded the paper and handed it back to her. He was feeling a bit disappointed. As he waited for her to respond, he looked around the room. Who else was there that night? He knew there were more girls than guys. That was usually the case with him. The other girl with the drawing looked familiar. Of course, he knew them from school, but he thought he had seen her that night. He watched her for a bit to see if he could get her attention.


Dani turned to face the front of the classroom again. She didn't feel like talking to the others much. However, she created this mess and now she had to clean it up. What am I supposed to do? She lightly rested her head on her desk. Maybe I'll talk to one of them after class. I can figure out which ones were there.


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Ally bit her lip as Jayden seemed to ignore her. Shrugging she'd look down and grab her bag. "I'll see you guys tonight... maybe." She'd stand up and leave the classroom, sneaking as quietly as she could. Of course, her phone was left on the desk, she was so eager to leave the room she'd forgotten it. When she got outside of the classroom, ,she leaned against the lockers and closed her eyes.

Taking a few deep breaths, she'd slide down and sit for what seemed like a few long moments. Hearing footsteps she'd get up and continue walking as if she had been doing that the whole entire time. When the footsteps stopped, she'd continue walking out of the school, just to go sit and rest in her car. Leaning her head against the steering wheel, she'd sigh and shake her head. Reaching in her pockets, she pulled out her keys, and start her mustang only to leave the school grounds and go home.

Mostly to practice, rest and get her thoughts straight. She had a large ball to play for tonight, and that's what she planned on doing.

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Allison "Ally" Lawson
Character Portrait: Dani Leiber
Character Portrait: Ali Jones
Character Portrait: Nick Weaver
Character Portrait: Jaden Rivers


Character Portrait: Jaden Rivers
Jaden Rivers

Well this is an inconvience

Character Portrait: Nick Weaver
Nick Weaver

"It was fun until the wolf came."

Character Portrait: Ali Jones
Ali Jones

" Things are getting strange "

Character Portrait: Dani Leiber
Dani Leiber

"Things don't always turn out as planned."

Character Portrait: Allison "Ally" Lawson
Allison "Ally" Lawson

"Don't be fooled, I was raised by wolves.."


Character Portrait: Dani Leiber
Dani Leiber

"Things don't always turn out as planned."

Character Portrait: Allison "Ally" Lawson
Allison "Ally" Lawson

"Don't be fooled, I was raised by wolves.."

Character Portrait: Nick Weaver
Nick Weaver

"It was fun until the wolf came."

Character Portrait: Ali Jones
Ali Jones

" Things are getting strange "

Character Portrait: Jaden Rivers
Jaden Rivers

Well this is an inconvience

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ali Jones
Ali Jones

" Things are getting strange "

Character Portrait: Allison "Ally" Lawson
Allison "Ally" Lawson

"Don't be fooled, I was raised by wolves.."

Character Portrait: Jaden Rivers
Jaden Rivers

Well this is an inconvience

Character Portrait: Nick Weaver
Nick Weaver

"It was fun until the wolf came."

Character Portrait: Dani Leiber
Dani Leiber

"Things don't always turn out as planned."

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Re: A Night To Last Forever

That's alright. It's good to have you back. ^.^

Re: A Night To Last Forever

Sorry didn't mean to be AFK for a while, but I finally posted :3
and I ish back :3

Re: A Night To Last Forever

Lol its okay, it has everyone in the same room so it works.

Re: A Night To Last Forever

I kinda cheated by using the same post from the previous RP, but I figured it would give some sort of starting point from where we were in the other RP.

Re: A Night To Last Forever

Sorry. I was gone at the beach for a few days and I was lied to when I was told I would have access to the internet. I'll get a post up asap.

Re: A Night To Last Forever

Sounds good to me, I'm ready to start when you are.

Re: A Night To Last Forever

Haha it's all up to you guys :3 I'm all for starting this shindig!

Re: A Night To Last Forever

Maybe at the school since that is where everyone took off in their directions and the characters figured out that the attack was real.

Re: A Night To Last Forever

Good question...should we start back at school since we have a new wolf? Or start it at Ally's party?

Re: A Night To Last Forever

Since this is a remake going off the old version, where should we start?

Re: A Night To Last Forever

You've both been accepted. ^.^

Re: A Night To Last Forever

I modified Ally just a bit :) but she's still the same ole Ally :)

Re: A Night To Last Forever

I'd be interested in a male character.

A Night To Last Forever

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "A Night To Last Forever"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.