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Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin'

"I just want to make the world a better place"

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a character in “A Pledge for Justice”, originally authored by AvalonKnight, as played by RolePlayGateway


♦ The Silver Assassin♦

β™  Theme β™ 
Monster | Skillet


♦ General Information♦

β™  Role β™ 
She likes to think she's a Hero, but when she goes for the 'hunt' people die at her hands.

β™  Gender β™ 

β™  Nickname(s)/Alias(es) β™ 
Silver Assassin but she is also known as the Monster

β™  Age β™ 

β™  Face Claim β™ 
Shizuka Hiou- Vampire Knight


♦ Appearance ♦

β™  Heightβ™ 

β™  Weightβ™ 

β™  Buildβ™ 
Lean/ Curvy

β™  Hair Colorβ™ 
Silvery White

β™  Eye Color β™ 
Spring green but she wears one silver colored contact and one vibrant electric blue contact on her 'night job'.

β™  Scars/Tattoos β™ 
She has multiple small white scars over her arm. When she was in the army her and the rest of her special ops squad got a white ink tattoo on there wrist's with their code color name underneath. Luna's color name was Silver.

β™  Description β™ 
Luna is the definition of beauty with cascading silver white curls that reach down to her thighs, though she usually has in up in a messy bun or a tight braid when she's on the job. She has plump light pink lips that are covered by a military gas mask on the job. She is a lean woman but doesn't lack curves.

β™  Normal Clothing β™ 
Luna is usually seen in a type of t-shirt and jeans with brown cowboy boots. A tanned leather jacket is always worn to conceal her hidden weapons that she always keeps by her side.

β™  Armor & Weapons β™ 
Luna has learned alot from her few years in the military, consisting of a light weight bullet proof body suit hidden under a black hooded thermal coat and black cargo pants. Her black gas mask and black combat boots finish off her attire. Small things like her black utility hold an assortment of things from pure silver bullets (her trade mark), smoke bombs, an assortment of small knives, a pistol, small spray can of gas, an assortment of clips and hooks and a small high voltage battery that charges a super strong but thin conductive cable wire resided in a hidden compartment in her belt , used her offense and/or quick get away's being able to hold her weight. A small grappling hook is attached making it easy to latch onto things. Having military knowledge Luna and her team were able to make special electrical charged weapons like the wire but they were most successful when they were able to make it effective on a certain conduct metal used for blades that she keeps in holster's by her sides. Luna was also about to get her small hands on a taser glove, though she only uses one on her left hand while her wrist hand has a hidden blade. A MK.19 Assault rifle with a built on silencer is the last item in her little bag of tricks. Though she may be small she has carried around more things in the army that were heavier then what she now has. Luan always wears some form of glove to cover her wrists.

♦ Mentality ♦

β™  Quarks/Oddities β™ 
Luna is a very over-protective person. When she sees someone harming someone innocent she craves that bastards blood. Wants to see him drop to the ground, skull caved in and his blood splattered everywhere. Its the blood lust one usually gets after only a few years in her special ops section. Luna is broken in a sense from seeing so many people die before her, by her. So many innocent people she has rescued though the person was usually always broken, woman raped until they just couldn't take it anymore and ended up killing themselves to make the pain of the memory go away. She has seen so many children abandoned and left on the streets, left to die and left for Luna to find there writhed bodies litter alley ways. She hates all the sickening people that cause such things in the world and doesn't mind ending their life. She has nightmares about what she has seen.

β™  Skills β™ 
Luna was trained by a secret assassination black ops group ever since she was six-teen. She is extremely skilled in martial arts and is an accomplished acrobat easily able to do backflips and mid-air cartwheels with little effort in terms of physical strain. Luna has amazing agility, flexibility, speed, endurance, dexterity, and natural strength.

β™  Likes β™ 
Sweets,her cafe, her brothers, children, guys, chocolate, her weapons, fighting, video games, Halloween, Training, Christmas, wolves, cooking

β™  Dislikes β™ 
Perverts, thugs, sluts, rapists, drugs, alcohol, seeing innocent people get hurt, cats, rodents, burnt food

β™  Phobia(s) β™ 
- Seeing the blood of the innocent spilled

β™  Weakness(es) β™ 
Luna is terrified that someone will find out who she is and use her older twin brothers against her because they are the only family she has left. She will not hurt the innocent what so ever.


♦ Under the Mask ♦


β™ Real Name β™ 
Lunetta Rosalinda Hunter

Personality β™ 
Everyday Luna is a pleasant girl to be around. She's bubbly, kind, protective and shy, always seeming to have a light blush on her cheeks and a warm smile. Though she grew up in a wealthy family Luna didn't act spoiled or greedy, instead she wanted to help the world. Its always been her dream to do something good for the world. Though when she has her mask on that all changed. She is no longer Luna but Silver, a ruthless assassin who hunts down those that hurt the innocent. Though she is fairly new to the super hero business she has already been put on most of the mafia's and villains 'watch out' list because of her quick and merciless killings.

β™  Family β™ 
Father- Edward Hunter (Deceased)
Mother- Liza Hunter (Deceased)
Old brother twin #1- Mathew Hunter (alive)
Old brother twin #2- Blake Hunter (alive)
Dog- White husky/wolf mix named Lily (alive)

β™  History β™ 
Luna and he two older brothers have always had an easy life. There father was owner and CEO of Hunter Enterprises, a very wealthy business world wide. Even without growing up with a mother, whom had died giving birth to Luna.
Luna had a good life during school, being captain of the girls hockey team and lacrosse team and always getting straight A's she was quite popular and she graduated early at the age of six-teen. Wanting to help the world but not knowing how Luna convinced her dad to help her into the army, though she was to young her father found a way for her to get in. She trained for about a year in the military until she was recruited by a special ops team, whom had been keeping an eye on her since day one, after showing her natural skills and besting everyone in her base. She spent around year learning the ropes, not only in fighting but in science, her team had come up with a brilliant new weapon that could put them on top. Before her teams first mission they each got a white ink bar code tattoo on there wrists with there color name under neath. Luna was Silver. Though her squad changed that when thy saw her in action. When Luna saw a warehouse of woman being raped, being trained as sex slaves, she snapped, swiftly killing man after man, dick in or out it didn't matter to her cause all she saw was red. She didn't even use her gun, it was all hands and blades and the after math resulted in her being covered in blood and for her new nickname Monster to appear. Luna worked for the military until she was 19. She quit, having a special contract with the ops saying anyone could leave whenever they wanted. Her father had gotten into a car crash and died instantly leaving all his money and the company in Matt's, Blake's and Luna's name. Until Luna is ready her brothers are both CEO's of the company and Luna took her share of the money and bought a studio apartment in down town. Still wanting to help the world and seeing the crime that takes place in her own streets Luna became the Silver Assassin. She's only been at it for a couple months but she has already gotten her nickname back, Monster. Luna works in a small cafe she owns called 'Fiery Grace' and she loves it though her brother's are still trying to get her to take over the company.

Corn Maze


Luna volunteers alot, either serving soup to the poor, reading to hospitalized children and helping as a un-paid nurse.

So begins...

Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin''s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Death Sigil
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"Should I cut to the chase?" The man looked very frightened especially tied to a chair and gagged with a sodden rag. And to think Tim was once afraid of this man, but Tim wasn't the one torturing this man it was DeathSigil. DeathSigil is a maniac not Tim Drake the civil and loyal lap dog of the mayor! "You have gone on my 'naughty list' now you will suffer the consequences. Hehehehe." Why are you doing this what did this man ever do to you Tim? "Shut up I'll do what I want Jessica!" Jessica is such a petty bitch a real goody-two-shoes, you and me have more in common sexy thing. "Now isn't the time or place Harlene." He spat the words under his breath and his 'guests' were silenced. He removed the rag from the mans mouth, "Who are you talking to?" He back handed the man on the face, "You shall speak when spoken too worm!" He weighed the options this safe house had ten body guards outside the door giving him 'privacy.' "You have stolen from me for the last the you pathetic peice of crap!" He shoved a knife in-between his ball-socket of his knee-caps. The man'screams were awful, "I guess if you won't shut up I will make you!" He snapped his finger and a thug entered, Tim pointed towards the mans mouth. The Von grabbed it and forced it open, DeathSigil grabbed his tounge and sliced it off at the base. The man bled to death in a matter of minutes.

After he made the proper steps of covering his tracks, Tim made his way in his caddi to his favorite place to hang out a small locally owned cafΓ© called 'fiery grace' it was a decent place to get a coffee. He went there almost every day, he always got the same thing a 5 shot Caramel latte iced and a blueberry muffin. But that was Tim his other personalities got different things, Jessica the bubbly and girly fashion model always got a low calorie Chai tea. Harlene the bad girl bad girl would put some alcohol in her coffee. And Death Sigil would simply rob the place but that hadn't happened yet(could you imagine?). He sat his bag at his usual spot a comfy couch by the window. "Hey Luna I'll have my usual he smiled warmly at the familiar owner of the cafΓ© with her white hair and familiar smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Elliot Freling "The Nightengale" Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins
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The work day ended as it always had, mundanely. It ended with a sort of finality and dullness that was enough to make you shudder. It was terrifying how a whole ten hours of time could easily pass you by, as if you had no say in the matter. Regardless, as quickly as they came and went, they paid the bills, and that was the important part. They funded the Nightengale's war against organized crime in Cormick City. They paid for the repairs, the weapons, the tools, everything. Some men bought fancy cars, yachts, or life partners, but Elliot's only love was the satisfying crunch of a broken nose underneath the might of his own fist. There was something utterly breathtaking about being a hero. The way you walked taller, stood prouder, felt stronger, and lived more brazenly. It was exhilarating, it was like living with the blinders off. Elliot didn't need to care about social appearances outside of whether or not he was generally well liked. Who cared if he pissed someone off, every leg breaker they sent his way would be broken, every dirt digger confounded, and every cutthroat silenced. Elliot lived as if he had nothing to lose, and he didn't. However, that was only under the mask. Outside of it, he had an actual life, surprisingly enough.

Elliot trudged through the door of his high rise, studio apartment on the nicer side of town, slamming it behind him. He threw his keys at the wall and they clung to the magnet he'd hung in just the right spot. The various nail holes in the wall spoke to his efforts, and though they had been filled and painted over, one could still see that there had been several attempts at positioning it perfectly. Next, his suit jacket found its way to the coat rack, again via throwing; his tie hung haphazardly from the side of the laundry bin after it's own unexpected flight. Elliot sat in his chaise recliner next to the great big window that served as the south facing wall of his apartment. It had a fantastic view of the slums, docks, and city limits that most people would have cared not to see, but Elliot liked to be reminded. He liked to know that his job wouldn't be over, not for a long while. While it would have scared a lesser man, Elliot embraced the challenge, it made him salivate. Sighing, Elliot got up and made his way to the phone that hung from the wall in the kitchen. He called a local shop that he knew would provide excellent results. He picked white lilies, Blue Morning Glories, and silvery Pussy Willows. He directed that they be sent to a local cafΓ© called "Fiery Grace", and that they he given explicitly to its owner, Luna. He then asked that they attach a note written in cursive scrawl that said, "Here's to hoping the ball won't be a complete drag. See you there, E." When he was done he smiled. "If I've done this right I'll make two women happy. Won't mother be pleased..." Elliot groaned to himself. That finished, Elliot set about making preparations for the night. He had a suit to get pressed, a car to be washed, and a million other things to do between them so he might as well get started.

Elliot grabbed both his suits. The combat one was placed in his workout bag along with all his other necessary tools and toys, while the charcoal black, three-buttoned Fioravanti custom fit suit with a matching dark blue vest and pocket square. It was, to say the least, a very nice suit, which meant he needed to take it to the store itself to ensure proper, quality cleaning and pressing. Elliot threw workout clothes in with his hero suit, and his black Dress shoes in a garment bag with his suit. They needed a polish. His things ready, and his list in his pocket, Elliot headed out the door and across the street to the parking garage where he kept his car. Elliot drove a Black Subaru BRZ, and while it was a sports model, it was by no means a Ferrari. He hopped in and threw his things in the back, starting up the car. As it roared to life, Elliot turned the radio to his favorite jazz station. Elliot loved jazz almost as much as he loved fighting. It made him smile. Elliot did his chores with mindless efficiency, picking up groceries, getting in a workout, and dropping off his suit without really thinking about it. It was only once those things were done that Elliot then turned his attention to the real goal. Elliot drove his car back home and changed in the ramp's bathroom. He strapped on his gear and placed his mask firmly over his face. The Nightengale had arrived. Elliot left the clothes and black bag in the trunk of his locked car and then turned to the stairs, heading to the top. Once there, Elliot smirked, feeling crazy.

He took aim with his grappling hook and fired, after a brief moment it found its mark and latched securely. Elliot felt a wild blast of courage stir in the pit of his stomach. "Time to fly!". He said, and with that he jumped, swinging from the ramp to a nearby fire escape. After he'd detached the hook, Elliot aimed and fired again, launching himself over the edge and traversing the city much more efficiently that through slow traffic. It was almost 5, Elliot had placed to be. He brought himself to the alley where he knew a local drug dealer was bringing a client something nasty. This wasn't the target though. Whatever that idiot put into his body was his own business, what Elliot wanted was the dealer's information. Word on the street was that a huge shipment was coming through and that every dealer in the city was in on it in some way. If Elliot could get his hands on that info, the Nightengale would be sure to make a visit. Elliot was sitting in the shadows, waiting for his prey, when something happened he hadn't expected. Instead of meeting with his client, the dealer had chased a girl into this particular alley. Elliot sighed, preparing himself to be the hero, when the girl decided that she was done being the victim. It shocked Elliot to see such a physically weak girl take on such a big guy. Further, the way she attacked his nervous system was both systematic and efficient, and slightly brutal. Whoever she was, this girl was after Elliot's own heart. He smirked as she relaxed in her victory, Elliot nodded slowly, she was good. She might have been weak, but she was quick and she knew where to hit. Just then, Elliot noticed something, she was searching the man's pockets. Did she know something he didn't? Sure enough, she pulled out a scrap of paper. That must have been it! Elliot slowly, and silently, clambered down from his place on the escape.

"Well,". Elliot said loudly, just enough to catch the little girl's attention, and with his voice disguised like he always did, raspy and creepy. "Color me impressed lass. Not everyone could fight the way you do. While the knowledge of pressure points is pretty dispersed, the method of finding them in the middle of a fight isn't so widespread. Not bad. Now be a dear and hand over that paper. I'd like to see it. You see, those drug dealers have business with the Nightengale, and it would be a shame for them to miss such an important meeting.". Elliot said. While his tone was casual, it was not relaxed to say the slightest. This was the way Elliot always had the Nightengale come off to civilians. He was cruel, but he wasn't a madman; he was cold, but not heartless; and most importantly, he was friendly, but not to be denied of anything he asked for. His words carried weight. You obeyed when he spoke.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Elliot Freling "The Nightengale" Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins Character Portrait: Death Sigil
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"Good afternoon Tim, i thought you would be dropping by so i already got it here, i even added a nice pastries just made this morning" Luna smiled brightly at the man, putting his order on the table then swerved around and headed back into the kitchen.

"Hey Marcus i'm taking my break" Luna said to her co-chef who just give her a big smile and a wink.
"Your the boss oh and a package came in for you" Marcus said then continued cooking as Luna went to the back to see beautiful flowers and a note. It was from Elliot. That's right they had that big politicians ball tonight. Ya! please note the sarcasm. Walking back into the kitchen Luna hung her apron and grabbed her bags and flowers.
"Actually it looks like i'm done for the day, there's this ball i have to go to for my brothers and i need to get everything ready" Luna sighed as she blew a kiss at Marcus and left the kitchen.
"See ya later Tim" Luna waved god bye then left the cafe, but not before telling Marcus to lock up and that he don't forget. Luna dug her keys out of her bag and unlocked her baby. A white 2013 ss camaro with black stripes on the front. She had it customized to make it reached speeds only legal in NASCAR. She through her bags in the back and started the engine. It roared to life and the constant purring made her relax as she sped off home. Luna's apartment was big but not overly expensive but she loved it. The elevator was boring and as soon as she unlocked her door and entered her apartment she swiftly changed into her armor.

She had heard of a drug dealing going down today and she wanted to be there, she may be new at being the Silver Assassin but she wasnt new at what she didnt as Silver. Luna had very little fear when it came to her being Silver. Now fully clothes Luna made her way to her porch and jumped off the building, free falling in the air. But as she neared a roof top seem used her grappling hook and clamped into onto another person's porch railing and swung gracefully onto the roof top. Adrenaline pumped through her veins as she traveled by roof top to the place she need to be. Once she arrived she saw two figures and got down and crawled onto the ledge. She saw a small girl holding a piece of paper and a dark masked man. Silver needed that paper. In one swift motion Silver loosened some wire from her belt and flung the grappling hook at the opposite building and taking in a deep breath jumped from the roof, landing gracefully in between the two.

"Thanks" she said stoically as she grabbed the paper from the girl and clicked a button on her belt making the wire pulled her up as the belt pulled at it. She quickly made it to the roof tops, unhook the grapple and took off running. Only stopping to take a picture of the note with her phone then folded it back up and left it on the roof top with a silver bullet holding it down so it wouldn't blow away. Knowing thats all she came for Silver then disappeared into an alley and made her way home.

Once Luna arrived back home she took a shower and got ready. She curled her long silver white hair, the waves cascaded down her back as she applied a eye liner, mascara and dark red lip stick. Then she put on her red dress , silver bracelet and black ankle boots. Luna has never been the type of girl to over dress, she liked to keep it simple and elegant because she knew she looked damn hot. Then sat grabbed her laptop and went to her kitchen table and started studying the image on her phone and looking up all the drugs listed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Elliot Freling "The Nightengale" Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins Character Portrait: Death Sigil
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Double post sorry


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Elliot Freling "The Nightengale" Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins
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Annabeth had turned to leave the alley once more, when suddenly a dominant voice echoed through the alleyway behind her. She knew that the message was directed at her, since when she turned around to see who had challenged her it was a rather lean, muscular tall man. She automatically felt 10 times colder than before and shivered feeling her face blush a little. She watched him approach her until he was only a few feet away from her person. Annie knew who this man was, she had seen his face, or really the mask he wore when fighting crimes and causing mischief as well throughout the city on the news. He called himself The Nightengale and he was a sort of anti-hero to civilians and to criminals. The Nightengale was willing to do anything to stop the evil and help the greater good and helpless victims of the city. However, as Annie stood in front of the famous vigilante she knew why so many feared him. He stood with a demeanor that you could tell that he was here to get down to business. The Nightengale's voice also sounded like he wasn't in the mood for games, yet he knew that she was a victim and didn't want to use force to get what he had came for, yet was willing to use it if it was in order to get the information that he needed from her.

Annie took a step back and was about to run for it, when all of a sudden another masked vigilante seemed to swoop down like a hawk and snatch the drug dealing information right out of her hand. Annie gasped and stumbled backwards ending up on her bottom on the ground. She looked up and saw the masked woman disappear over the rooftops. Annie quickly looked back at the Nightengale and realized now he didn't have what he wanted and now needed to get the information out of her. Annie quickly pushed herself up and ran out of the alley away from the Nightengale calling back, "I'm sorry sir!". She ran as fast as she could and quickly ran into the next alleyway that was on the other side of the building. She didn't look back because whenever a perosn in any movies were being chased they always made the mistake of looking back and ended up tripping, bumping into the person in front of them or getting caught somehow. She quickly srcambled into a small space behind the dumpster and slowed her breathing down which had escalated again into almost a panick attack. She didn't want to get hurt or...what had happened to her the last time she was chased into an alleyway by someone who was too strong for her to fight against. She breathed in small gasps and tried to calm herself down, trying to stay quiet and hidden.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Elliot Freling "The Nightengale" Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins
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The Nightengale walked coldly up to the little girl before him. She was by no means the type of thug that Elliot sent sprawling on a daily basis, and yet, she stood her ground. There was a fierce sort of pride in her eyes, like she wasn't going to let him scare her. She held the paper out to him, the outstretched hand giving away her only shield. "Easy now miss, I'm not going to hurt you. All I want is to know what it says on that paper. You could even keep it if you like. Just let me take a peek at it-". Elliot was cut off by the sound of wire running through a powerful winch reel. Elliot looked up, a woman with long hair swooped down from the top of a nearby building that Elliot himself had just descended from. She dropped gracefully to the ground snatched the paper from the girl's hand, and pressed a button on her belt as she began to run. A second wire pulled the woman straight into the air and over the top of the next building over. Within five seconds she had appeared, gotten what she needed, and vanished. Elliot wasn't sure if she was a hero, or a villain, but she needed pursuing.

"Shit!" Elliot swore, forgetting to disguise his voice for just a moment. His hand immediately flew to the grappling gun at his hip, but the woman was long gone. Elliot sighed, turning back to look at the little girl before him, who was so surprised that she fell over. Elliot had to stifle a chuckle. It was rather funny. He stepped forward, offering the girl his hand to help her up. That's when she decided she didn't want to be there anymore. Elliot sighed, hanging his head for a moment, looking rather comical, as if he'd just been stood up. They always run. "Just hold on a second miss, I just wanna talk to you!" Elliot called after her taking a few steps forward, his voice disguised once more. She too had rounded to corner and headed off as well, leaving Elliot completely alone. Elliot sighed. He turned to the side, there was the sound of laughing. An old beggar man was pointing at him and laughing, he had obviously seen the whole thing. "Lookie there! That big shot Nightengale just got taught a lesson! Hihihi, where's a camera when you need it, eh Borris?" There was no one else there with him. Elliot tilted his head sideways. "Say what you will old timer, but no one will believe you. After all, I'm just a passing Nightengale." Elliot pulled out his grappling gun and swung his way up to the top of the next building over. He was trying to find traces of the woman who had stolen the paper when something shining in the sun caught his eye. He walked over to it and knelt to analyze it. It was a silver bullet, and beneath it was the note with the drug dealer's meeting place and time. Elliot pocketsd both. Not only did the Nightengale get to storm a dock warehouse and thrash the trash inside, but that other woman knew as well. Perhaps there would be an opportunity to repay that silvery haired woman who had made Elliot look like a fool. Elliot smirked under the mask. The docks after dark was Elliot's new place to kick ass. He shivered with anticipation. It was gonna be fun.

Elliot walked over to the edge of the building and jumped. Halfway down, Elliot fired the gun once again, once it was securely anchored, Elliot slung himself back up into the air before landing on a fire escape. He reeled the gun once more and clambered down the rickety old escape with a few flips here and there for fun. Elliot walked down the alleyway feeling much better about himself. His chores were done and he got to go home and get dressed so he could see the one person in the city who was even close to a match for him. While others could be said to be stronger, faster, or smarter, only Luna shared his gift for sarcasm and wit. Not to mention, she was an excellent dance partner. Halfway down the alley, Elliot stopped. Muffled breathing caught his attention followed by whimpering. A hostage? A victim? Regardless, this person needed Elliot's help. He followed his ears to a dumpster up against the wall. He threw open the lid to find nothing there. Sighing, he closed the lid and walked over to the side of the dumpster and bent over to find the girl from earlier hiding in the crawl space behind the dumpster. "Ahh, here you are." Elliot said. Though his voice was disguised, he tried to sound comforting and gentle. "Relax sweetheart, I'm not going to hurt you. I found the paper, see?" Elliot said reassuringly, and flashed the little slip of white so she could see he wasn't going to interrogate or beat her. "Now why don't I help you out of there and we send you home? Sound good? After all, this isn't a nice place to be, and after dark, it's only going to get worse." Elliot offered the little one his hand, trying to be polite and gentle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Elliot Freling "The Nightengale" Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins
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Elliot smiled gently underneath his mask, though the girl obviously couldn't see it, he hoped it might make him sound friendlier. However, when she opened her mouth, Elliot's grin all but vanished. "Please-" she cried, obviously upset. Something was very wrong. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself perhaps. "I don't wanna get-" She took another breath, this one was on the verge of sobbing. Was the Nightengale's mask that scary? "R-ra-ra-ra-" she breathed in slowly, unable to finish the word, but Elliot knew where it was going. He was right. She was a victim. The last vestiges of his smile disappeared entirely. "Again!" She finished, shutting her eyes tightly and covering her head with her arms, terrified. Elliot gently extended his hand, placing it gently on her shoulder, comforting.

For what was probably the first time ever, the Nightengale spoke in a gentle tone telling her to calm down and relax. He had found the paper there was no harm done. He then went on to say he was going to take her home and that she didn't want to stay there since bad people were coming out. She knew what he meant and timidly placed her hand in his outstretched, and noticeably bigger, hand and let him help her out. She stumbled and fell into the Nightengale shivering from being so cold and still a bit nervous. Elliot smiled, placing his hands under her arms and helping her to stand on her own. He smiled. "There, that wasn't so hard." He said, letting his own true voice through instead of disguising it. He hoped he wouldn't sound quite so scary. "Now, where can I take you? I'll be your escort this evening." Elliot said, his voice soothing and calm. Instead of talking, the girl pointed to a billboard. It was an adoption advertisement. This little one was an orphan, and sick to boot. She had to use an inhaler to help breathe in the cold air. That was when Elliot noticed it. though it was fall, winter's chill had come early. She was so cold. Elliot chuckled, removing his jacket as they walked, and placing it squarely on her shoulders. "It's a bit big, but it should help you stay nice and warm. Keep it." Elliot said, looping her arm through his, the pair continued walking. If not for their difference in size, posture, and outfits, the pair might have been confused as lovers. Elliot felt himself blush under his mask. She was pressed so tightly against him, as if her life depended on him. Elliot shuddered to think that it actually might.

The more they walked, the more Elliot felt his heart break. Victims like these were why Elliot became the Nightengale. By dirtying his own hands with blood, Elliot hoped that he could create a city that nurtured innocent souls like the one desperately clinging to his arm. Elliot Freling could do nothing for these people, however, at least the Nightengale could take out their trash. Finally, after a short while, they arrived that the orphanage. Elliot had to suppress a chuckle. The smaller boys were pointing at him excitedly behind the windows, pressing their faces against the glass, as if to see him better. Leaving the girl on the front step of the only orphanage in town, Elliot knelt down in front of the girl he had saved and smiled. He placed his hand on top of her head, sliding it down gently to cup her face, and for a moment, he simply looked at her. He stared deeply into her eyes. Though they were soft, victim's eyes, there was a strength there he hadn't noticed earlier. This girl might just make something of herself. Next, Elliot's hands found hers. He took them both, as a parent might for their child on the first day of school. "Thanks for walking with me." Elliot smiled. "Unfortunately this is where I have to leave you. Be good for me while, I'm gone, eh? No more scary alleys?" Elliot asked, the girl didn't speak, but she nodded vigorously. "That's my girl." Elliot said, before standing up and firing his grappling gun at the nearest building, flinging himself off into the night. He didn't realize but it was late, he needed to hurry if he wanted to get to the ball in time.

Elliot had to rush to make it, but he managed to get home, shower, shave, clean himself up, and got dressed in his nicest suit, which had been brought back from the store pressed and dry cleaned. Though it struggled for a moment, Elliot even managed to put a slight game on his hair. Though it was still long, it no longer looked as if he'd just woken up. If Elliot had to say so himself, he guessed he looked... dashing, actually. Elliot locked his apartment behind him and flew down the stairs, hero tools, suit, and a new black duster in his workout bag. Elliot slung the whole thing into his trunk and made his way to the ballroom as quickly as he could. Luckily, he was just in time to be fashionably late. Mother would be so pleased.

Elliot handed his keys to the valet, with strict instructions to park it in the ramp next to the building, not the attached parking lot. Elliot wanted to be able to jump through a window, into the lot, and leave over the top of a building at a moment's notice. After his car had been taken care of, Elliot mingled. He met with a few politicians, converse politely, and have the overall impression of being both knowledgeable and wise beyond his years. While the men enjoyed his banter, the ladies in attendance couldn't keep their eyes off of him. Who was he? Was he making jokes with the mayor? He was seen next to THE Drake Freling, head of one of the wealthier companies in Cormick. Who was he? The attention made him nervous. The feeling of being watched from all angles was particularly sickening, but Elliot persevered with dignity. After a few toasts, the commemoration of some event, and the invitation by the hosts to enjoy themselves, Elliot found himself incredibly bored. While the other guests were all conversing, Elliot was sulking by the lunch bowl. He was trying to get the boy serving it to let him spike the bowl when Elliot head something scary than explosions, gunfire, and a mob boss's screaming granddaughter combined. It was the sound of stiletto heels followed by his name. "Shit..." Elliot muttered under his breath. "Elliot Freling you come here right this moment!" The party seemed to pause, all eyes turning towards the black haired woman in an equally exquisite black dress. The horror currently approaching Elliot, was his mother, Annabeth Freling. The most terrifying woman Elliot had ever met. "Elliot come over and greet your mother!" It all made sense now. That boy was Elliot Freling, the son of Drake and Annabeth Freling. His connections explained, Elliot's painstakingly crafted reputation was in tatters. the party continued as if nothing had happened, and the general noise of chatter and music once again filled the hall. "I've been looking for you since the ball began. Now don't tell me you've been here this whole time? I thought you were going to come incredibly late and make a spectacular entrance! I guess the nuances of high-class parties are lost on you." Elliot's mother lectured. "I digress, since you're here, I need you to dance with me. Your father is busy chatting with other businessmen and won't dance with me." Elliot shuddered. "We'll, if you won't dance with me, at least go dance with the Hunter's daughter". Mrs. Freling commanded. "The two of you will look lovely together and then I can convince your father to join me." Elliot sighed, "Yes mother." Elliot said plainly, as if his soul had left his body.

Elliot scanned the party until he found her. A bright red dress was hardly subtle, but that was never the way Luna did things. Elliot smiled. She did look very nice. Elliot walked up to her, gently taking her hand within his own. "May I have this dance?" Elliot asked, much to the excitement of the girls around her. The two walked to the edge of the dance floor and began to waltz, keeping themselves in time with the beat of the music. "Sorry about that." Elliot apologized. "You know how mother gets..." Elliot sighed. "On the other hand, you do look very nice tonight. I couldn't want for a better partner either." Elliot said, leading Luna into a spin that she executed effortlessly. The music began to speed up. No one else was dancing now, it was just Elliot and Luna. The party had stopped to watch them. The two danced together as if they had been all their life. Elliot led Luna through graceful spins, leaps, and slides, showing her off to the room as if she were a princess, and in turn, she made his job easy. She was, Elliot had to admit, an excellent dancer. The two spun together, faster and faster with the beat of the music, which climbed higher and higher into a multitudinous crescendo before stopping suddenly, the dancers quitting just as abruptly, perfectly in time with the music. When Elliot's senses returned to him, he noticed he was only inches away from Luna. They were standing perfectly together in the finishing position of the dance. Elliot stared into her eyes and, smiling, broke contact. All was silent. Then, Elliot broke their position, and held Luna's hand high in the air. The hall erupted into roaring applause, thunderous was the sound of their approval. Elliot smiled, letting go of Luna's hand, and gestured as one might to let her take the first bow. She curtsied politely, turning to Elliot, who bowed at her signal. Elliot smiled, however, he felt his stomach drop as be noticed the time. It was already ten, the old clock tower began to ring. Elliot turned to Luna and excused himself. "Time to go. It seems I'll turn into a pumpkin if I stay any longer." He chuckled. "That was most enjoyable. Thank you for being such a wonderful partner." Elliot called after her as he rushed to the men's restroom. Once inside, Elliot jumped through the window and flew through the air, landing on the parking ramp next to his car. "How convenient," Elliot chuckled.

The clock had not even finished chiming by the time Elliot was gone, and the Nightengale was out to play. He slung himself up to the rooftops, and ran over his shingles path, swinging on his grappling gun whenever necessary. However, just as Elliot was closing on the warehouse at the docks, he stopped. He was being followed. Elliot's hands flew to his knives, and he turned around ready to fight, only, it wasn't a hired thug. Elliot was being followed by that silver haired girl who took his paper earlier. He sighed, putting the knives away and disguising his voice. "Ahh, I remember you. Stealing isn't very nice you know. I've tied grown men to light posts for less. I suppose you're heading to the after party at the docks as well. Do what you can, but stay out of my way." Elliot finished, tilting his head sideways. "If you keep me from doing my duty, I'll kill you myself. Got it? For now, just keep up." Elliot finished, and took off running once again with a swish of his long coat. After a while, Elliot stopped once more. He held out his hand, arm at a right angle from his shoulder, closed fist. A signal to stop. Elliot pointed. "Guns on the rooftops. Our friends are learning. Having those eyes poked out could serve quite nicely. We'll take it in equal parts. You use that thing on your back to get rid of the not-so-friendlies up here, and I'll do what I do best in the darkness down there. Though I'm sure this goes without saying, stay hidden. Muzzle flash at night is a great way to get yourself killed." Elliot said. Though he didn't want to sound like he was barking orders, there was no time to take his new friend out to dinner first. "I suppose the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I'm the Nightengale. See you on the flip side." Elliot mock saluted before jumping from the roof. Halfway down, Elliot fired his grappling gun, swinging down behind a large stack of boxes. Safely on the ground, Elliot drew up a plan, quite a simple one really. All he had to do was keep to the shadows, use smoke when necessary, and be just sloppy enough to keep the eyes up top trying to find you. It'll keep them off his gunnie while she targets the rooftop snipers. Just in case, Elliot pulled out a single remote control EMP charge and slapped in on the side of a nearby box. If Elliot clicked the button on his belt, the electrical systems for a mile around it would short, giving Elliot precious darkness, should the need arise.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Elliot Freling "The Nightengale" Character Portrait: Isaiah Jones "Slugger" Character Portrait: John Clarke "The Captain" Character Portrait: Death Sigil
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0.00 INK

Just over fifty men in total. This was the armed force for the evening. Snipers posted on the roof provided cover for the ground team. The bulk of the guards were sporting shotguns, automatic small arms and pistols, your standard load out for well supplied criminal enterprises. Recon of the area noted several speed boats nearby, no doubt intended for a hasty getaway should that be required. It didn't take long for The Captain to sneak down to the pier and disable the two guards near the boats silently before he jerry rigged the boats with a few grenades. With the detonator in his pocket he could detonate them at any time.

So he moved back to surveillance, he caught sight of a few kids skating around on roller blades. For a brief second he mistook them for playful children out too late but he'd heard of this gang before. Hardly able to call them that, more like kids with a bad streak in them. John felt bad for the kids, for whatever reason drove them to crime to ruin their lives so early when they have their whole lives ahead of them was a shame. Regardless he had a job to do and if they tried to intervene tonight would be the night they would learn what crime got them.

The Captain was almost ready to move in, he was going to sneak in through the roof and start with the snipers when he caught something he did not expect. Two individuals arrive don the scene, stopping on one of the nearby rooftops overlooking the docks. One he recognized as the masked vigilante The Nightengale, the other was a complete mystery to him. A woman with long silver hair with a large sniper rifle, the make and model of which Cap couldn't identify at this range. He watched as the two spoke for a brief moment before The Nightengale leapt off the rood effortlessly and the woman got into position, taking careful aim at the snipers on the roof. John added this new development into his tactical appraisal before altering his plan of attack.

He no longer need to start on the roof and deal with the snipers nest since there was already a counter sniper in place. From what little he knew of how Nightngale worked he was a shadow fighter, not a stand up soldier. Fortunately that served The Captain perfectly. He could operate as The Nightengale's equal and opposite. One fighting from the shadows with lightning fast attacks, the other shooting right down the line and bringing the fight to the enemy. Between the two of them drug dealers muscle stood little chance. Especially with the safety net of a sniper posted just outside.

Satisfied with his current plan The Captain moved in. Carefully sneaking around the back via the rooftops of the surrounding structures he scouted for the best entry point. An unused fire escape and accompanying window would work well. Cap judged the gap he would have to jump with a readying breath. These aerial leaps were not necessarily his forte but the supreme condition of his body did allow him to be surprisingly agile for a man his size. He sprinted forward, shield strapped to his back and leapt out into the night air. His gloved hand reached out and found cold metal. He gripped the last rung of the fire escape landing and pulled himself up.

Once on top of the metal set of stairs he looked down at the drop he almost took with a shake of the head. At least four stories, that would've ended his night early. Cap turned back to the mission and began to ascend the fire escape, carefully not to go stomping up the metal ladder and alert any guards. He reached the window in under a minute and slipped in, dropping to the floor quietly. He could hear voices in the distance, the thugs causally talking amongst themselves from all over the warehouse.

Cap did a quick scan of his immediate surroundings as he took cover behind some crates and readied his shield. He had no idea where Nightegale was but he didn't want to spoil the vigilante's element of surprise so he held position and waited. He'd let the shadow fighter strike first before he moved in. The heroes would pin the enemy between the dagger and shield, leaving them nowhere to run.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Oliver James "Maestro" Character Portrait: John Clarke "The Captain" Character Portrait: Death Sigil
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0.00 INK

As the event came closer on his watch and the area nearer as well, Maestro slowed to a walk rather than a jog as he had been. He first spotted a few uniformed men afar off but near Cormount Bay. Welcoming party? Maestro took a closer look at everything around them; windows, cars, rooftops, and of course who was in the very center. From this distance (and with only one eye) he could tell much but one gunman above a nearby building and a few men on the ground floor of the site. Up we go. The tall villain quietly climbed the fire escape and peeked his head out at the top, seeing the sniper keeping intent watch on the ground. Maestro readied his tape and dagger in hand, placing his red cane at the side of this rooftop. He quietly crawled to the man in uniform, careful not to make any noise - being that he was so tall it would be hard to hide on the same roof. When the painter was only a foot or so away he lunged his hand at the man's mouth and slapped the tape on his face while simultaneously jabbing the dagger in the back of the man's neck and slicing it to the other side. The muffled death was as quiet as Oliver's laughter at it.

Maestro positioned the corpse beside him as he was only a few seconds ago, though off a bit to the side so that Maestro could see through his scope himself. He quickly scanned the ground and rooftops for a count of henchmen. It was quick, so he estimated twenty on the ground and twenty up above. Much more interesting to him he spotted - more stealthily placed - a woman with silver hair and a rather large rifle. Shit, I'm in range! Better make this quick. The villain quickly and carefully looked at the buildings more closer to her, seeing if there may be any unique people lurking. Indeed there was, as he saw a very muscular man with a shield strapped to his back jump between a window and fire escape. Maestro pulled the dead man next to him closer to his own rifle making him look as if he had never been bothered and rolled off the scene to his cane and exit point.

Well, hopefully that woman didn't see anything up here. Better be on the safe side now anyways. Two vigilantes running around, and one of me. Hmm. How to go about this? Maestro focused more on silence rather than speed as going down the fire escape. The black and dark red of Maestro's clothing shadowed him well enough to those far off, though his height gave him away once closer. Taking that into account he decided to stick to the shadows and buildings, just hoping not to run into that big, blue-outfitted man. Oliver took his time to distance himself from the other two, being that it seemed they would be taking out these men as well as Maestro. Might as well use that to his advantage. He entered a building that was beside the body of water and made sure to best stay away from any windows as he scouted out the interior. Empty, good. Oliver grabbed a chair and placed it just out of the way of a window and sat down, now racking his brain for a good plan to execute. Midnight was only so far off now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Elliot Freling "The Nightengale" Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins Character Portrait: John Clarke "The Captain"
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0.00 INK

Annie held onto the vigilante and shivered as she felt like he was a bit too mysterious for her. She felt something on her shoulders and looked down and saw his jacket around her body. She felt the warmth that the coat contained from being on his person and it felt nice and cozy. It was rather large on her small person as he had stated to her calmly, but it did its job of keeping he warm just fine.

She slowly started to stop shivering and felt more comfortable as he escorted her back to her home. Annie glanced a few times up at the man, then quickly away blushing. She wanted to know why his voice sounded so deep and raspy at times. She thought that it seemed odd for a man to have a voice like that all the time as their natural sounding voice. She didnt want to ask and knew he say something like it was natural.

As they neared her home, or what she called home she felt tired and knew tht she would definitely need some rest before she went out to the deal going down at the bay at midnight. She yawned and felt lucky that she ha let him escort her home, since the sun was nearly down and the streets were dark now. Annie saw some of the younger boys and girls in the windows watching the orphan and hero approach the stairs as if they knew each other. She giggled quietly and blushed as they pressed themselves on the glass.

Annie took a step onto the stoop of the orphanage and she turned around to see the Nightengale kneeling before her and gently carressing her face. She blushed and smiled shyly as she looked at the eyes of the mask, wishing to look into his real eyes, wondering what color they really were. Annie then felt her hands in his and held them back lightly. He told her to be careful and be good for me, to stay away from the alleys and that he had to go now. Annie simply nodded at all his requests and he said, "thats my girl." suddenly he shot a grapling gun and attached it to a building stood and shot off and disappeared over a building. Annie watched him till he was out of sight and she smiled giggling as she went inside the orphanage.


later that night, annie awoken from a long nap and rushed to get into her hero dress. Se pulled out of the pocket of her coat a red and black masquerade mask and tied it around her head and onto her face. She crawled out if the window and onto the fire escape. She touched the side of the dress and made sure that she had he inhaler in it and felt it in the pocket. She continued to run through the streets and she hitched a ride on the backs of some cars and within a few minutes, she arrived at the docks, on the back of a UPS truck. Jumping off it she ran to a pile of crates that were against the side of a building. She quickly jumped on them and lifted herself up and onto the top of the warehouse and hid behind a a big AC unit. She peeked out from behind it and noticed a man with a rifle in his hands pacing the roof as a sort of look out.

Annabeth sighed and reached into her pocket for her inhaler and took a small dosage quickly. She looked around the other roofs of the other buildings. However when she looked over at one rather far away from her, she noticed that there was a black figure that was different looking from the guards...Annie wondered if it could she shook her head and looked back at the guard on the roof with her. She quickly went on the ground and found a small pebble and tossed it lightly to her left. The man lifted his head up and walked over holding the gun more firmly. She crouched down and waited for his back to be to her. When he walked by her and didnt noticed her she pounced and pinched hard on a vein in his neck holding her hand over his mouth. She couldnt hold the man up so he sorta just fell out of her hands and onto the roof. Annie sighed panting and took his gun and find it behind the AC unit. Across the way She saw the Nightengale, she was sure it was him, swoop down and into the darkness below in a loading dock. She then saw the silver lady who'd stolen the paper from before get into a position on the roof to attack the snipers. Annie didnt have any grapling hooks and the sniper in her area was taken care of, so she slowly jumped back down and into the pile of crates and boxes. She was behind the warehouse now and saw a man coming her way. She became silent and still and as he walked past she pounced again on him and held her hand over his mouth. Unfortunately he was much larger and stronger...mustve been why he had not had a gun with him. Instead he had a knife and he swung the knife at her. She glared at him and he punched her arm rather hard making her yelp softly. The man yelled once saying, "Guards!" then Annie managed to pinch the vein and instantly knocked him out then took the knife and slit the throat letting him bleed out. She hard someone running towards her and she ran into a warehouse.Β 


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Elliot Freling "The Nightengale" Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins
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0.00 INK

Silver grumbled to herself as she readied her rifle. The silencer was already in place and the gun was loaded.
Stay out of my way, your only a girl, stay in the background and out of the way. Luna had heard those things so many times while she was in the army but all of that changed on her first mission. There was a reason her nickname was Monster. She counted about 20 rifle men, 5 on the east bound, 6 on the north, 5 west and 4 northeast and with ease shot each one of them down. Luna had always been fast on the trigger and always hit her target.
Two minutes later there was now 0 riflemen atop the roofs.
It was almost completely silent until Silver heard the muffled cry of a guard. It seemed 3 guards close by had noticed to. And were closing in fast. She saw a shadow run into the warehouse, the men following behind it.
'Idiot' Silver thought as she used her grappling hook and swooped down in front of the men, blocking their way. Before they could get a word out Silver cut one's throat, electrocuted another with her tazer glove and now had the throat of another tide tight with wire. She placed her tazer gloved hand on the wire and the electricity traveled through the wire and into the man. Mostly likely frying him from the inside out like his buddy. She then slit the two other guards throats and with some difficulty moved their bodies behind a dumpster and placing garbage bags over top of them. Silver then slid into the shadow's, maneuvering around boxes and other garbage until she was standing 2 feet away from the Nightengale.
"Dont freak out its just a short term partner in crime" she whispered so only he could here. Incase he reacted the wrong way Silver held up her knife so if he was to turn around it would be at his throat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Lilith Hale "Shade" Character Portrait: Elliot Freling "The Nightengale" Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins Character Portrait: John Clarke "The Captain"
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0.00 INK

Lilith crouched down on a rooftop near the meeting place of the drug deal. No one had arrived yet, as the sky had just started to dim, signaling the coming night. Making sure she wasn't seen, she stood up and gazed at the intended meeting spot. From her vantage point, she could see the entire place in front of her, and a couple warehouses. She could tell where safe spots were immediately, in case this got ugly and needed cover from bullets. She quickly mapped out possibly escape routes in her mind, in case she needed a quick getaway.

She checked the small digital watch on her wrist. The deal wouldn't be happening for a couple hours. For now she had time to kill. She familiarized herself with the location further, which took about a half hour. After that, she settled down against a natal column on the rooftop, leaning against it and closing her eyes. Resting would be a smart thing to do for the oncoming scrimmage. She drifted off to sleep -- if that's what you could call it. She would still be on alert, and even the slightest sound could awaken her.

She woke up to the sound of faint voices. By now it was twilight, the sky a mix of colors. Immediately she crouched low and looked over the side of the building. There were men with long black bags being stationed on the surrounding roofs. One such sniper was using the fire escape to climb onto the roof she was on. With her agile reflexes, she ran to the other side of the building and jumped, landing on the adjacent roof. She landed with a roll to cushion the impact. She quickly hid behind a generator. She watched as the sniper carefully took out his gun and assembled it, each piece being attached one by one. Staying in the shadows, she clambered over the gap between the two buildings. It was fortunate the rifleman didn't notice. He was humming a tune as he worked, checking the scope to see if it was functioning.

Shade snuck behind him, her footsteps muffled. Her hands went straight to his head, one gently clasped under his chin, and the other on the tip of his head. By the time he noticed her touch, it was too late. With a quick jerking motion, she twisted his head and broke his neck. She let his body fall with a dull thud. Her eyes scanned for more snipers, and counted 25. She let out a quiet whistle. That was quite a heavy set of firepower for something like a drug deal. She killed four more snipers who she saw as a threat. She would've killed them all, though it doing so would have expended too much energy.

As the fifth sniper fell lifeless to the ground, she heard more voices. Was the deal about to begin? Looking down, she saw two people with masks. One had dark hair and was obviously a male, while the other had long flowing silver hair. For a moment, she wondered how the young woman's hair came to be that color, but quickly dismissed it as another more important thought came to mind. They were heroes. Despite herself, a smile spread on her face. This night was going to be interesting.

She saw a well muscled man run into a warehouse, and soon after that, a young woman with a small stature chased in by guards. In no time, the snipers on the roof were taken care of by the silver haired lady. So many heroes in one place, it was simply outstanding. Was there ever a better time to take them out?

Shade stayed on the roof, sitting cross legged on the rim of the building. From there, she had an unobstructed view of the events that were about to unfold. For now she would wait, either for a perfect moment to catch one of them unawares, or one to come to her. She knew it was crazy to take them on all at one. She might be able to beat two, but anymore than that would be suicide. She wasn't worried at all though, she had many, many tricks up her sleeve.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Lilith Hale "Shade" Character Portrait: Elliot Freling "The Nightengale" Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins Character Portrait: John Clarke "The Captain" Character Portrait: Death Sigil
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0.00 INK

Behind a stack of boxes, Elliot waited and waited. Though he knew it was only mere moments, the seconds passed like ages. Each tick of the clock felt like years, decades, centuries of waiting. Finally, behind the safety of his cover, Elliot heard the sound of a gunshot. She was starting. "Time to go." Elliot muttered to himself. In order to keep the snipers off of Silver's back, Elliot had to make himself a more tasty target. He pulled the smoke bombs from his belt and chucked them in three separate directions, making big, chalky clouds of dust. The snipers' eyes were drawn to the clouds, as well as the explosion made during their creation. At that, Elliot booked it, he ran from cloud to cloud, keeping the snipers trained on him so they would never see Silver's muzzle flash. Even though Elliot was running as though his life depended on it, some of the armed thugs got in his way. His father had always told him it was better to start early, so Elliot killed them. Some were stabbed in the throat, dying soundlessly in seconds, others had their necks broken, and others still made the mistake of shooting at Elliot. Those last idiots were decapitated. Elliot pulled his bladed chain from its place at his belt. The razor sharp whip found it's way around the necks of those who were unfortunate enough to shoot. All Elliot had to do was pull.

After roughly 20 shots, Silver stopped and all was still. "Must be finished." Elliot smirked to himself. He finished off the rest of the ground troops that were stationed outside with relative ease. All relatively soundlessly. The only ones who made noise, were the ones that Elliot allowed to cry for help. Elliot was no fool. He didn't simply run around killing people uselessly. He used bodies as bait, used the screams of some to attract the others. They never even saw his face. Elliot was in and out like a shadow's worst nightmare. By the time he was finished, his kill count must have been up to the mid twenties. He's stopped counting after nineteen. He stopped behind a stack of boxes near the back of the warehouse. Elliot looked around, checking his in. While the inside was no doubt more heavily forticated, the front door was also bolted shut. There was only one way out, and it would most likely be covered with guards. Time to do something sneaky. Elliot ran over to the outside circuit panel on the south side of the building. He stopped for just a moment. Was he... breathing heavily? It was only twenty something goons. His master would be laughing at him if be saw the state Elliot was in. Time to get serious.

Elliot slapped an explosive charge on the main breaker box and ducked behind something sturdy. He pressed the ignition switch on his belt for both charges. All at once both charges blew, both the homemade explosive on the circuit breakers, and the EMP charge he'd left at his starting position. The electrical systems were flooded with an electromagnetic pulse, and then the power was cut. On the outside, the breaker box wasn't even serviceable. The whole thing would need to be replaced. Inside the warehouse every single lightbulb would burst, every switch would short circuit. Even the emergency back-up generator would need some spare parts before it was up and running again. The inside of the warehouse would be flooded with darkness. Just the way Elliot liked it. Those inside would meet a swift end and he would go home with a clear conscious. Just when he was wondering where his gunnie was, he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around, and was presented with a sharp something in his face. "Don't freak out its just a short term partner in crime," Silver said. Elliot slapped the hand containing the knife away from his face. "Didn't your mother ever teach you that it's rude to point?" Elliot asked, his voice disguised in the gravelly rasp of the Nightengale. With the sharp out of his eyes and away from his throat, Elliot felt much more comfortable. He even felt nice enough to be polite. "Pleasantries aside," he began. "Nice work on the roof. With that out of the way, we won't have to worry too much about the get-away once the high priority target is dead. Well done." Elliot said, genuinely complementing her work. "Inside there's most likely more guards protecting a big mob boss, he'll be the fat one wearing the nicest suit there. Kill him and their morale will dig it's own grave. I killed the power inside so if you need those goggles on your hip, I'd suggest strapping them on. I'm going up top to dump all those rifles. We wouldn't want anyone picking one up and picking us off during the escape. Once I'm finished, I'll meet up with you inside. Pop this white smoke if you need me. I'll get you out alive." Elliot said, tossing a pair of smoke bombs at the girl. Since the pins weren't pulled, there would be no explosion in the immediate area. Once he'd finished, Elliot grabbed his grapple gun and made his way up to the warehouse rooftop. Little did he know there was someone waiting for him there.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Lilith Hale "Shade" Character Portrait: Isaiah Jones "Slugger" Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins Character Portrait: John Clarke "The Captain" Character Portrait: Death Sigil
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0.00 INK

Tim sat on a crate while the deal was commencing very slowly. He opened his eyes, "and let the games begin." A gun shot rang out. The mobsters looked clearly surprised, but the imfamous Death just cracked a smile. Most of the guards outside would be dead by now. The lights short circuited making the room fall into blackness. Tim was surprised how prepared these 'heroes' were. He excepted the situation as it was. "Men prepare to go nocturnal!" He popped open the crate that he was sitting on inside there was a barrier made especially for this kind of situation. Inside there was ten pairs of night vision goggles he put on his own pair and lead the men to the goggles. He searched the area well aware that only about half of them had goggles. He pulled out his katana and his pistol, it had nine bullets. "Those who can't see are useless now!" He lunged his sword into the eye of the nearest 'blind man'. He cocked the 1911 and unloaded the nine bullets into the faces of those who couldn't see, only of his own men the rest would have to fend for them selves. He shouted out to the invisible 'heroes hiding in the dark'. "Eleven versus the several of you, can you rise to the challenge? Or will you be another to fall by my hand?" He spoke to all heroes and villains alike, for the games had begun.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Isaiah Jones "Slugger" Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins Character Portrait: John Clarke "The Captain" Character Portrait: Death Sigil
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Deallo
Slugger did his routes around the dock, phone vibrating several times, snippets of information slipping in his eyes and ears from his scouts.

Cap was out in the dockyard, from a couple of boats suspiciously enough, before he ran into a warehouse. A scout saw some freak with a top-hat, either The Painter or some fancy fucker, sneaking in as well.

Then, it was the goddamn Nightingale.

"I don't know, he just put something on the box at the side of the building."

"The box?" Slugger said with the cell by his face, heading turning left and right for any soul in sight. The kid, Jack, must've meant the breaker for the building. Looks like Killy Mckillington was going to blow the lights, though how, it was unsure.
"As soon as he's far enough, try to get the 'something' off, right, Jack?"
"Got it boss. And there's some silver-haired chick with a gas mask..."
"Monster." The newest so-called "Hero" to date. "Stay the fuck away from her as well. You and George follow my orders, alright?"

With a click of the phone, he had continued his route, suddenly hearing the roar of a motorcycle before ducking into the opposite alley to hide in the darkness. The gunshots have been causing him to jump and twitch throughout the night as if he'd been the one getting shot but he managed to stand completely still in the dark for the moment to be stealthy. The engine stalled before the ignition was turned off and a "Hero" emerged from the alley. You could always tell because unless there was a dungeon in Cormick City that advertised half price admission for guests with black jumpsuits and masks it was always a hero.

Now, instead of just catching up to him and smacking him across the face right there, Slugger had a better idea. Ducking into the alley the motorcycle was parked in, finding it behind a dumpster, Isaiah smirked as he pulled the butterfly knife from his pocket and flipped the blade up with a practiced skill.
"What are you doing?" Carlos called from behind in a whisper, watching with intrigue and curiosity. "Are you gonna make it explode? Take it apart and sell it? Key it?"
"Keying? I thought I taught you better then that." He said, almost disappointingly as his knife got to work.
"Besides, I ain't got the tools with me for the other stuff, no siree. I'm just gonna cut the brakes, to see how far our little hero could go before crashin' his dumb-ass all over the pavement." If you really wanted to know how stupidly easy it was to cut the brakes on both wheels for such a fancy new ride, look at the brake pads then follow the brake lines. These things are made of hard rubber and stupidly easy to cut.

Half way between cutting the back brakes, the lights around the whole dock, and a couple of blocks, blacked out.
"Those fucking bastards cut out the lights. Smart. Carlo, call up the others if they're ok." Slugger commanded as he cut the last brake, skating out of the alley and back into the front of the docks, his eyes focused on his gang that for some reason assembled together without his command.
"The fuck are those idiots doing?" Slugger said to no-one in particular as he slowly approached them, only then just realizing the copius amounts of dead bodies and blood lying around the area, carefully avoiding them as his skates were stained with blood of the spaces in between as he got closer.
"Guys, what're you doing?" He said to them once he got closer, realizing that they were frozen in place, and their eyes were fixed on something on the ground, one of the kids raising an arm and pointing to it.
"Jack and George aren't picking up."
"Well then, fucking call again." He said it again before turning to his gang.
"Look, I know this looks bad but as long as we keep our distance from these assholes, we should be-"


"For fuck's sake who's-"
But then he stopped. The ringing wasn't coming off any of them. Slowly, he turned his head, his shoulders feeling as heavy as the fucking world could make it when he saw their bodies. Slugger used his phone as a light, from their rollarblades up. George had blood all over him, covering his every piece of clothing, neck freshly stabbed.
Jack was the exact same thing except by the time they reached his neck, there was no head attached, they only knew it was him by the skates he wore by his feet. Slugger hardly noticed most if not everyone running away behind him as he stood, absolutely dumbstruck, his every thought silenced and his soul blank.
"If you want to go Carlos. Just go." He said ever-so solemnly, still keeping the Slugger voice for the sake of reputation, to that one kid still there.
"What're you going to do?"

Slugger looked at him, his eyes full of sorrow yet void of tears, his brother taught him early on in life to never cry and to never let anyone see you cry. Instead, rage started to fill his veins like lava as he remembered Jack's last phone call. Nightingale and The Monster.

"I'm going to kill those fuckers." For when he turned around, blading towards the docks, this was true. Slugger didn't care about the money now, didn't care about self-preservation or safety, all he wanted to do now was to splatter their brains across the pavement for the murder of his dear friends.

He slipped in the back of the warehouse, staying in the shadows and watching for bodies not to fall over. Slugger got close enough to see the shape and sound everyone's favorite Mad Jester open the case they've been standing on and wearing what Slugger could only believe are night-vision goggles like the movies since he said to "go nocturnal." Just as the kid took cover behind a closer wall, he could hear those nine shots of the gun, and shook every time he heard it go off, hyperventilating near the end as Death Sigil challenged everyone in the room.
Slugger opened a flap in his pocket and took out his home-made flash-bang while keeping the cold metal bat on his face to calm him down for a couple of seconds before he got out of cover and whipped the flashbang at their group, closing his eyes and turning away to protect himself form the flash.

Apparently, while wearing night-vision goggles, flashbangs could really hurt the eyes even more so. It's the only conclusion Slugger could make as Death Sigil's gang were clutching their faces, shouting "Arghh My Eyes!" to the flash their goggles ever so amplified painfully. The kid rollarbladed to the crate, clutching a pair and quickly snapping it to his head, left hand frantically running over the sides until he found the on button. The green vision gave the kid more depth and he skated away, turning the corner and out of their field of vision, speeding through the warehouse at high speeds dodging a spinning fire disk from the window by ducking his head and blocking all bounds of logic from questioning it as he searched for the people responsible for killing his friends. His heart was beating like mad over the maneuver he had just done, partly in disbelief and relief, but he had to forget such things as he spotted both Captain Asshole and some other chick/hero. She didn't much the description of The Monster but if he had simply let them go, they were going to follow him.

In a flash, Slugger passed the two, and a rather sharp click of the pin leaving one of the grenades around the Captain's waist and around the middle finger of Slugger's left hand. If the warhouse wasn't dark and slowly going up in flames, he would have turned around, and flipped the middle finger for good measure but he had a mission.

Then he saw her. The Monster, in her gas mask and all. Slugger sped up as much as he could and just when the distance was right, he dipped the bent metal bat back, gripped it tightly with two hands and swung with both the strength his arms could muster and the speed he traveled, ready to strike a homerun with The Monster's head as the ball.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Isaiah Jones "Slugger" Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins Character Portrait: John Clarke "The Captain" Character Portrait: Death Sigil
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0.00 INK

Silver through on she night goggles and stayed on the side, if anyone needed help she would be there in a flash. But out of the side of her eye she saw a person speeding towards her, metal bat in hand and looking as if he wanted to knock her head off. But Silver was faster. She was always faster. She quickly ducked, dodging the blow and the person voomed right past her, but not before getting a swift kick in the stomach. Using her wire she flung in at the man, if wrapped tightly around his ankles, tying them together. Silver pulled hard making the person trip and smack their head on the ground and she took out her knife. The electrical waves were so strong you could see it bouncing on the blade as she pounced on the body, kicked the bat away and pinned down his legs and arms. She hovered the blade close to his neck but stopped.

"Your only a kid" she whispered more to herself then to the boy. Then Silver glanced at his hands and her eyes widened.
"Fuck!" she growled, seeing the grenade pin.
"Are you stupid or something? get out of here before you get hurt!" Silver snarled leaving the boy. Silver then rushed into action, swiftly running towards the only person she knew would have grenades. The Captain.

She could now she him and some girl but Silver just focused in on Cap's belt.
'There!' she thought once she saw the pulled grenade.
"Excuss me Cap but I'm going to need this" Silver said as she grabbed the grenade from him and ran out of the warehouse. She rushed over to the docks. Throwing the grenade into one of the speed boats Silver was thankful the keys were in it as she started it up and put it into gear. The boat raced off towards the open water and only a few moments later the grenade set off.

"Well if that wasnt movie worthy i dont know what is" Silver giggled to herself. She then rushed back into the warehouse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Lilith Hale "Shade" Character Portrait: Elliot Freling "The Nightengale" Character Portrait: Isaiah Jones "Slugger" Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins Character Portrait: John Clarke "The Captain"
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0.00 INK

Before the young woman could answer the two heroes were bathed in darkness as the power to the warehouse was cut. Cap instinctively turned around, scanning the darkness with eyes not yet adjusted to the absence of light. This wasn't good, whoever had killed the lights obviously was attempting to use the darkness to mask their movements. Night fighting was dangerous in the best of times but with so many highly trained individuals running around it was a recipe for disaster. He stepped closer to the young woman protectively, one hand on her shoulder.

"Stay close to me."

He warned as he tensed his jaw, waiting impatiently for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. Then the familiar bangs of grenades. The sound and resulting boom's didn't not have the crack that fragmentation grenades did nor the screams of wounded men that always accompanied it. The hissing he heard in the distance tipped the expierenced military man of their nature. "Smoke grenades... interesting" John thought to himself, wondering of the tactical significance of using smoke grenades in an already visually obscured battleground. Smoke grenades typically were used to mask movement through enemy territory or as signal flares when coupled with brightly colored dyes. In an urban setting like this they would serve well to mask someone's movements through enemy ranks but when they were already stumbling around in the darkness the only benefit they would be would be is the irratation they caused to the throat and eyes.

Before The Captain could consider this any further his patience was rewarded and then immediately betrayed. He had wanted light and he got it in the form of wild flame. Someone had tossed lit gasoline into the warehouse followed by a molotov cocktail.

"We have to move, now!"

Cap shouted as the warehouse became even more chaotic. He ushered the woman along with him, all the while using his own body and shield as a protective barrier from any of the dangers in the darkness and flame. The two raced out of the warehouse but were quickly halted as Cap skidded to a stop. He felt a sudden gust of wind and could've sworn someone had touched him. With a clenched fist ready to defend the girl with his life he scanned the maddeneing darkness for the unseen presence. What he found was the silver haired sniper that was supposed to be posted outside. She snatched one of the grenades off his belt and hurled it without pulling the pin. Cap was about to inform her that the grenade pin would need to be pulled before it could be detonated. As if to answer for her the grenade promptly exploded in the speed boat that it landed in. John stared in shock for a moment before reaching down to his belt. That's what he had felt! The bastard had pulled the pin off his grenade. They couldve both died right there.

"Well if that wasnt movie worthy I dont know what is"

The sniper giggled before racing off back into the warehouse. Cap stared after her in awe before voicing his thoughts.

"That woman just saved both of our lives, I'm going to have to shake her hand when this is done."

He spoke proudly with respect and gratitude in his voice. With that Cap turned to the young woman and gave her a firm nod.

"Let's get out of this building before it comes down."

That said Cap lead the young woman safely out of the burning warehouse and out into the night air. Clear of the hazordous smoke and fire Cap happened to catch the makings of a fight on the opposing rooftop. From this distance he was having trouble making out both combatants but one he was deffinately able to identify.


Never taken his eyes off his fellow hero Cap spoke to the young woman beside him.

"You going to be ok here miss? I'm not too keen on letting good men fight alone."

Cap said daringly, ready to take off and ascend the building to help the shadowy vigilante.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Lilith Hale "Shade" Character Portrait: Everett Rudolph "Razor Blade" Character Portrait: Elliot Freling "The Nightengale" Character Portrait: Isaiah Jones "Slugger" Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins
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0.00 INK

Shortly after he had his goggles on, he saw a flash of light and searing pain. He ripped the device off of his face replacing it with his mask once again. It took about a minute for his eyes to fully recover, thankfully he had been wearing his contact lenses. The the green of the lense had absorbed a lot of the light since the light produced by the goggles is mostly green. A mere lucky coincidence he simply wore them because he liked the color green and neon eyes made him look other worldly. He still had a migraine headache so he struggled to regain his bearing all of his men had fainted from the severe pain. Setback after setback, the men who came here on business were huddled in the office of the warehouse. He opened the door and suggested that they should fight should they not wish to die. He didn't have to tell them twice, he tapped into his years of training in the dark. Closing his eyes and focusing on his hearing and sixth sence. He heard some commotion from a building near his current, he reached into a crate and pulled out two moltovs. This outta be fun, guess this will be more challenging than expected. He silently made his way to the un expecting heroes. He saw the man who proclaimed himself a captain and some masked girl who he did only recongnize. Then he heard an explosion and saw a silver haired girl with some mask on, three heroes huh? This would be impossible for anyone else, more of a challenge for Tim. The two moltovs will deal with them nicely, then I can wait for the girl to come to inspect their copses I can decapitate her then. But once again he heard more noises from the roof top this time. So how many have crashed this little party of mine? His matto was that it wasn't a party until at least twenty died, well it wasn't until now. He climbed up on the roof, he observed as the shadow and the birdie, as he called them,locked in fierce combat. "Wow I am honored to be in the company of the Nightengale but the shade as well, so glad yo two could make it to my little get together. I am slightly disappointed that cat girl or ace didn't show but I'll get over it. So who should I play with first?" He cackled sadisticly drawing his katana glancing at the gleaming steel. He pointed the blade between them, he closed his eyes. "Einnie minne miny mow..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Lilith Hale "Shade" Character Portrait: Everett Rudolph "Razor Blade" Character Portrait: Elliot Freling "The Nightengale" Character Portrait: Isaiah Jones "Slugger"
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0.00 INK

"Shade darling to be a good little girl and go make the captain feel at home, he is so alone you see." He waved of the girl without a second glance, he had a bone to pick with the Nightingale. "I have to say you do like shaking up the pot don't you...and killing. It seems we have a problem my thing is that I'm crazy as fuck and everyone fears me, but it's as if you are trying to outdo me. A man has to ask himself when does justice turn into crime." He randomly swiped at the air with one hand on his sword sloppily and jokingly. He knew to respect his weapon, or at least Tim did. "How about this no guns this rounds, you seem to be knightly enough. Death sigil tossed the English hand-and-a-half sword his way turning his back to his opponent briefly. He collected himself he called upon his knowledge and skill. While Krav Maga is a death art JSA is equally so especially for one who started at age ten. It would be a snap to kill an unarmed opponent but his sensei had ingrained respect into his pupil. He bowed at his opponent, and began an advanced kato from a unique style. Word on the street was that he nightingale knew how to use a sword to so a common kato could be read easily. "Mind if I clip your wings little birdie?" He let loose an insane laugh as the heat rippled the air around them and the warehouse below them began to slowly give way. This would be a great little exercise.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins Character Portrait: Oliver James "Maestro"
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0.00 INK

Silver watched the other young female fight the crazed painter. She wanted to know everyone's skills so she only got in the fight when needed and right now that woman needed help. Silver was on one of the rafters of the roof and she tied the wire around the pole then jumped, landing gracefully in front of the girl. Reaching into her belt Silver pulled out a knock out gas grenade and set it off, making so that the painter couldn't see them and would hopefully travel into his lungs and knock him out.

"Hang on" she whispered into the girls ear before gently lifting the little female onto her back. She didn't weigh that much, she was very light. Silver took in a deep breath of air and removed her mask and put it on the girl, not wanting her to inhale the fumes then clicked the button on her belt and they shot up onto the rafters. Silver quickly unlatched the wire and took over running on the rafters. She then repeated her actions of tying the wire and jumping down once she saw another exit. This girl was her and needed to be treated. Once outside Luna ran into an alley and using the wire flew up onto a unused roof. The fight was happening several roof's away. Silver put the girl down, leaning her against a chimney then got out her first aid kit.

"Dont worry you will be good as new in no time" Luna said nicely, gently removing the gas mask from the girl and placed it aside. She cant work with that thing on it gets in the way. Luna quickly treated the girls injuries, taking full precautions by disinfecting, stitching if needed and wrapping them up.

"alright that should do it" Silver mumbled to herself. Hopefully that crazy villain painter didn't somehow follow them.