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Oliver James "Maestro"

"This city needs some art... I'm feeling red!"

0 · 648 views · located in Modern Day

a character in “A Pledge for Justice”, as played by Outcast-Angel





General Information

Villain! Of course! Ehehehe!
A man. Yes, I know that was so difficult to guess. Need me to paint you a picture as well?
Well let's see, there's "Maestro", I adore that one the most. Came up with it myself after all, eheh. "The Painter", heard that one quite a few times now. Hmm there was a good one the other day... oh yes! "Red Cane". Those were some good times!
Only nineteen. The eye patch and classy clothes may give off an older appearance. Sometimes fools me! ehehe!
Face Claim
Fai D. Flourite / Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles


6 foot 5. Yes, I'm a tall fellow! Hard to find a cane for my height!
135 lbs. I'm skinny, what did you expect?!
Well, if you didn't catch what I just said; I'm lean. Skin and bone with a bit of muscle on me!
Hair Color
Blonde. A rather light one at that!
Eye Color
Oh! Love this subject! The right eye is golden in color. Like a hawk!
Hmm scars. Well none unless you count my eye!
Tattoos on my back, yes. Quite an intricate design I had made too! (much similar to the image above, though on the upper back area is a design of a star. The color of it is red as well, not blue.)
Normal Clothing
A large coat and regular jeans and t-shirt. The average sneakers go along with those. I also tend to wear gloves.
Armor and Weapons
Very elegant clothing, a top hat and all! Gloves are a must, gotta make sure not to leave any prints! Oh, and a paint splotched black mask! It covers my entire head, minus my mouth, so nobody can even realize the long flowing blonde hair as well as the obvious eye patch. Because honestly, not many people wear eye patches. The mask is thin enough for me to see through it fine. Ah, and my bulletproof vest comes in handy as well. Weapons include: A red cane, a hatchet, and three small knives. Two out of those three are snuggly tucked away in my fancy jacket pocket.


An uncontrollable laughter when the red of blood catches my eye. Ehehe! Oops. There it goes again!
Self-Defence: Rather than learning more of the aggressive sort of moves, Oliver finds the many ways to defend himself against the other styles of fighting. He trains his agility and reflexes, rather than his overall strength. So Oliver is a good runner as well.
Bo-staff: Or rather; the red cane he carries. His mother taught him the expertise of two things. One is the bo-staff fighting techniques. He uses this to knock them unconscious so he can finish his work.
Throwing Objects: Like knives and hatchets in particular. They tend to be his favorite to carry. His mother taught him this as well.
- Art galleries
- Blood
- Cafés
- Classy people
- Painting
- Reading
- Bad art
- Water
- Aquaphobia: he fears the water. Why? Because he cannot swim, and has had terrible instances falling in the pool as he was younger and almost drowning. Several times.
Well, there IS the aquaphobia. Get him near the water and he'll freak out a bit. He also fears the thought of people taking his own possessions. More importantly, his cane and personal paintings. Have either one of those and The Maestro will do whatever your bidding to get them back.


Under the Mask


Real Name
Oliver James
Undercover: An average loner of an artist. He sticks to himself and talks to nobody but his boss and co-workers at the café. He loves to listen to music and drift off into his own mind. He rarely has a smile on his face and is friendly only to the ones that he does interact with. Which would be the co-workers. If not them, he will not say a word, and he will continue as he sees fit.
Villainy: Speaks elegantly and strangely to all. Likes to make sarcastic remarks, and loves to make artsy references. He is almost always smiling or grinning at everyone. Yes, he's unusually happy looking for a villain. Though plenty of the comments he makes may be twisted. He hasn't many morales as a villain. As a "Maestro" he paints the ones he kills and the area around them. He also enjoys trapping his subjects as the beginning process of killing them. He likes to kill people slowly and paint the scene - and paint the victim - using their own blood. Obviously a little sadistic and a good amount of insane. Though he keeps his two sides (undercover and not) well separated.
His mother, his most beloved family in his life, was a former villain but in another city. She met a nice man and settled down with Oliver's father - which walked out on them soon after he heard he'd be having a son - and the small family moved to the city we are all in now. With her earnings as a villain she bought a nice secluded house on the outskirts of the city. She had the expertise of the bo-staff and throwing objects as mentioned above. She was known as "Bo-Shot" in her times of villainy. Her real name was Kiara James. Oliver is an only child.
As Oliver was raised alone in the city, Kiara worked in the very same café that he does now - Kat's Kafé. Her money as the manager was enough to save Oliver a good amount of money for his own lifetime in the future, as well as pay off the house they stayed in. Oliver grew up alone with his mother, because she home-schooled him. He painted for most of his free time, becoming a very good artist. He also read whatever he could get his hands on. Oliver didn't mind one bit. He loved his dear mother with all of his heart. When Oliver had reached the age of fourteen, one day when his mother was away, a group of men came to the house. Little boy Oliver answered the door and he was instantly snatched and bagged and gagged. Kiara came home to a punch in the stomach and saw poor Oliver bound and gagged on the dining room table, pulled closer to the doorway and sat upright.
Oliver shed tears while he watched her mother fight off three of the men and then come to face the man next to her son. She demanded to let him go, else he'd be getting "a hatchet to the eye". He bellowed a laugh and drew a hatchet of his own. Before Kiara's thrown weapon could reach the man, he slit the eye of Oliver and the blood came pouring out. Kiara quickly took out the last man - whom turned out to be the man that hired her long ago for villainous jobs - and called for an ambulance. Oliver held bandages over his eye as his mother held him and cried. She apologized to the son of a villain, for bringing this life to him.
With his good eye, Oliver saw that his mother dripped with blood of her own when she stopped apologizing. A dagger had been put through her skull. Blood dripped from her mouth, and she fell over lifeless.
One last man stood and laughed maniacally. He announced to the world and the son that he had killed the infamous Bo-Shot. "And look at the scene! A painting of red!" His praises and hurrahs stopped there, as a dagger pierced his throat. Oliver glared at the man as he fell to the ground. His first kill. He couldn't help but to laugh at the final death. The medics came and were shocked at the scene.
When he was patched up he went straight back to the home, still coated in red. Oliver laughed. And laughed. He took one man's top hat and the weapons of his mother. Years later he lived in a small apartment next to the café, and he did villainous deeds of his own. He stole and plundered as his mother had. On his sixteenth birthday he tracked down his father and murdered him with the man's own red cane. It was a bit too tall for him at the time, but Oliver took the cane as his prize - he'd grow into it anyways. Now, Oliver is a well (mostly self) educated man which enables him to make decently clever traps to ensnare his foes and victims. He is, of course, a grand maestro of painting as well. He keeps his most prized paintings - of those that he's killed and his mother - in his apartment. The paintings include his father and mother, the man that killed his mother, the man that had the top hat, and a select few others. His targets now include; people with bad taste in art or who try to mess with the art galleries, people with decent money, and banks. Because the scene bland and ready to paint there! Plus, I need to keep my mother's fortune going! Ehehehe!

Password: CornMazE!


Oliver enjoys going to the art galleries around the city once a week. He serves customers their drinks and food at the Kat's Kafé, where the fellow co-workers only think good of the poor young lad who lost his mother years ago.

So begins...

Oliver James "Maestro"'s Story


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Character Portrait: Oliver James "Maestro"
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Oliver sulked as he walked to the top of the apartment building’s stairs and fumbled with the keys at his door. Another long day working at the Kat's Kafé. The pad underneath his feet welcomed him home. “I appreciate the welcome, but I hate seeing you every time I look for my keys,” he spoke to the inanimate object as if an annoying sibling. “Ah! Found you, you little devil!” he exclaimed to the key to his door, holding it up in the air as if it were a prize. Oliver inserted the key and walked into his welcoming, gloomy apartment home. It was dark and had one bedroom, bathroom, and a kitchen infused with the living room. He threw his work uniform on the single couch sitting alone in the darkened living room. “You looked cold couch,” he called out to it as he entered his room.

He went immediately to his bed and pulled out a suitcase underneath it as well as a portrait of a very lovely woman. The suitcase held a long black suit coat and pants as well as a classy red shirt. He placed the articles of clothing neatly and carefully upon his bed rather large bed. Oliver pointed at them and opened the closet door as he said, “You two need a friend.” He pulled out a mask, on it there was an oval cut to show the mouth of the mask wearer. The entire thing was painted in a wondrous collage of dark colors over the original black that it had been. Alongside the mask was a large black top hat. He dressed himself up in his uniform - as well as put on the bulletproof vest underneath the bed - and looked in his bathroom mirror.

“Well, I look dashing as ever. Wouldn’t you agree mother?” he called out to the painting of the woman, now set up against the wall. “I’ve got a date you see. He owes me a bit of money... no, no. I won’t kill him... okay you got me, I will.” he gave himself a chuckle and put the painting and suitcase safely away back under his bed. He put on his nice black shoes, locked the doors to his apartment, and opened the window outside his bedroom jumping onto the fire escape and heading down to the alleyway below.

Just a few blocks over he stood and waited in a dark and shadowy alley at the dead end within, covered by the tall abandoned buildings of old apartments. The four o'clock sun did not shine here, neither did justice. Oliver, now Maestro as known on the streets of this city, waited quietly and patiently for his date to come for their reunion. Oliver heard the slow footsteps approaching him and knew already what he held in his hand. “Do you have the money, sir?” Maestro called back to the approaching man. He didn’t reply, but instead continued to walk toward him. “Do you want to die, sir?” Maestro asked, not really caring what the vocal response was to the question.

“Do you?” the man replied in a gruff voice as he now held a gun to the back of Maestro’s head. “You sick son of a-” his insult ended before it even became a good one, and the hands of the man now lied on the ground beside them both and beside his gun. The man yelled in pain, but was muffled by Maestro’s gloves now placed upon his mouth. He struggled, and bled, as he tried to escape the clutches of the well-dressed madman. The madman laughed at the sight of the gunman’s blood covering the scene in red around them. Maestro threw the man against the wall, and he screamed in muffled agony.

While Maestro’s hands were upon his lips he taped them shut with the tape he had ready at hand since his own arrival here. Against the wall he threw down a broken mirror, now covering the underside of the tortured man. “This would have gone more smoothly if you’d of just given me the money,” Maestro told him quite plainly. “There would have been no need for hand decapitation. Though honestly, that was quite rude of you,” Maestro smiled at his handiwork - he had set up the hatchet to swing down next to his head from the top of the alleyway with just a push of a button. The string was transparent and the hatchet blended well with the wall. He removed the hatchet from the contraption and walked to the crying man. He leaned down to him and held the devilish smile that he had been this whole time. The smile widened as he eyed the man, covering himself in his own blood by his hands.

“Don’t cry, dear John. For this is art, and you its victim. Art must come from somewhere, by someone, with something. As for the answer to those,” He lay John the gunman down on the broken glass and he gave him a sympathy smile. “Art will emerge right here. The someone is you, John. And this-” he pointed at the hatchet he wielded in his other hand, “-is that something. Are you ready John?” John cried and shook his head, he tapped his left pocket with his wrist. “What’s what John? The money is in there? Well I’m afraid we both know it’s a little late for that.” the man cried and closed his eyes and bowed his head in defeat and acceptance. A young girl’s voice called to the two men from the entrance of the alley. Maestro’s head whipped to the sound and noticed the young female standing there. He slowly turned his head back to his work as he called to her, “not now deary, I’m working on my art!”

“There’s news, sir!” she called innocently back to him, then walked off to the corner of the alleyway and standing there quietly facing away from the men. Maestro stared at the feeble man on the glass and let out a sigh. He turned and took a few steps toward the young girl, then had second thoughts and threw the hatchet effortlessly and carelessly into John’s taped mouth. The villain stepped silently back to the dead man and removed the weapon, shaking his head. He now casually walked to the girl - letting small laughs escape him - as he wiped the edge of his favorite weapon off with a handkerchief that was stuffed in his coat pocket.

“You killed the mood, little lady. This had better be important,” he informed her as she now turned to the villain approaching. Even though the disappointment was in his voice the smile was still there. She informed him of a large drug deal going down at the docks that were decently nearby. Maestro shook his head calmly and sighed once more. “What about these vigilantes of the city you’ve been telling me about? Any more news on them?”

“Not that I’ve heard of, sir.” the small girl spoke to the villain that towered above her with an expressionless face but you could feel the fear in her while she answered. The small child had beautiful black hair and big grey eyes. “Though not many are hearing about this deal going on, is what I’ve heard whispered,” the girl added trying to have some useful input.

“Fine, yes, the deal. I will take a good amount of it all. I’m sure whatever they have may be useful for me...” Maestro trailed off into his own mind and thoughts. He now stood staring at the alley wall, the smile on his face remained in place. He was motionless. “Stick around for your payment,” he told her, startling the girl as he came back into reality. She nodded and turned once again away from the bloody scene, silent and obedient. Maestro went back to John and carved X's in his eyes with a small dagger he withdrew from within his pants pocket. He painted his clothing red with his own blood and withdrew the money from the dead man's pocket, then started on the scene around him. Maestro laughed with a sinister smile as he painted, and as he stepped back from his finished product. Around John's dead body was painted money falling all around him, his hands were placed in his mouth, looking as if catching the falling wealth. The gun Maestro threw into the dumpster nearby, for he had no need for such things and he was a terrible shot with a gun anyways. The villain counted the money and tossed half of it to the small girl who waited for him, "happy anniversary street urchin, you've been my little ears for six months as of today. Now get out of my sight until tomorrow." she thanked him for the payment and ran off without another word.

Is this really all the help I can get? Some guys have thugs and armed men ready to shoot everything in sight. I have a ten year old girl that gets dirt on people and hears news from drug dealers...? Oh, well. Can't complain. Oliver now walked off the scene and wondered about drugs and hired help, not really paying attention to where he was going though he knew this was the direction of Cormount Bay.


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Character Portrait: Oliver James "Maestro"
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Maestro waltzed forward heading toward the great water body beside the city when realized he was missing something. He cemented his feet to the ground and felt all his pockets and clothing checking items off in his head. Top hat, check. Knives and daggers, check. Hatchet, check. Cane... cane?! The tall man frantically looks around his for his missing item and started running back to his apartment building. He opened his window and flew to the closet, in the back corner lay the large and tall red cane of his late father's. Maestro cuddled the cane saying, "Sorry I forgot you, Daddy. Must be having an off day."

Before leaving the room again he took a good look at the horizon and then a good look at his clock on his nightstand. Five-thirty? Where the hell was I going at five-thirty...? The thought of the drug deal came up and it now clicked that it was going down at midnight. He thought of what to do to pass the time and went ahead and changed back into his normal "Oliver" clothes. He looked back at the clock reading it as five-thirty-five, mumbling "Shut the hell up clock," then leaving the room with his villain tucked safely away back under his bed and in his closet. Cormount Bay is about an hour's time away for me. Half hour if I run. Plenty of time to spare, but where to spare it at? Oliver walked out the front of his apartment building in his coat, gloves, jeans, and eye patch heading off to a more different scenery than his own workplace and apartment.

As he walked he heard many things throughout the town; laughter, motorcycles, cries, muggings, and anything else you could imagine in the darker spots of this disgusting city. Oliver loved it. It was a grand city despite the justice, filth, and everything between. It was no wonder so many vigilantes - or "heroes" as some of the citizens named them - and villains such as himself had come here. There was art, there was power, there was fear, there was intelligence. A great multitude of it all spread throughout, and such things described the very heroes and villains within. Amazing how none of us meet too often. Do they not hear the police calls? The cries for help? Oliver pondered this as well as many other thoughts as he aimlessly stepped though the streets more waiting for something to reveal itself to him rather than actually looking for an exact place. He felt the edge of his dagger in his pocket as a habit, and as a defense in case of any emergency or threat of danger. In which case could happen every moment you step outside your front door.

When Oliver again looked up out of his thoughts an art gallery presented itself to him. Whether that was conscious or subconscious or coincidence it really didn't matter or cross thought for Oliver. It was art and it was here, so he was going in. It was only moments later that Oliver was lost in the paintings instead of his own mind. The taste of these artists were beautiful and graceful with every stroke of their brush. Oliver related their art with his own and saw them in blood red and the many shades of it. His work was gruesome and horrific, yet still a work of art. Nobody could deny he was a good artist, for his skills of painting and drawing were impeccable. People could, however, debate whether or not it was a sight that should not be seen by the human eye. Not many took his side on that matter, yet those that did had no worries of him making them the next portrait. Oliver wandered out of the peaceful building and casually walked back toward his home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everett Rudolph "Razor Blade" Character Portrait: Oliver James "Maestro"
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The alleys were unusually quiet for this time of the day, Oliver thought. There were a few strange groups of people he passed by during his venture home. There was a group of small children that glared at him as he walked passed, a few homeless that were asleep upon their piles of loot, and... singing? Oliver's ears drew him down the alley to his right where he could hear the voice. He walked slower as to get a long enough hearing of the song. He soon crossed walking paths with a man of golden eyes, carrying a woman. He sung softly yet the ears of Oliver could hear art wherever it may be, or so he loved to think to himself. Oliver made no eye contact whatsoever and he kept his usual discontent face on, no sound or response was made toward the couple. He did come to the music that was produced, he did not come to meet the vocalist. Whether or not he payed any attention to Oliver as he passed by was beyond him, he cared not for the human's reactions or thoughts.

As he continued to walk the song faded into the distance and Oliver continued as he had been, back to his home. He thought of a few tunes himself and hummed a few songs, until he came upon a scene. A scene with blood, and Oliver laughed at the sight of it. There were four large men and one was dead, drowned with his own dark red, lovely, blood. The three others seemed to have been knocked unconscious or something of the sort. Oliver looked around very carefully (knowing that he was in fact out in the open as Oliver and not Maestro) and saw that nobody was around, nobody to witness. Good. Time for some art. The eye patched boy pulled the dagger out of his pocket and began his work. He stabbed the temples of each of the three unconscious and thought for a moment of the fourth. Well I can't mess with another's art. Best to let this one be. Oliver drew the blood of the other men and drew a bloody path from each leading to the fourth. When he was finished the men had multiple holes in their skulls and the eyes of them were placed around the fourth man. Oliver took a long look... and laughed uncontrollably. When he finally got a hold of himself Oliver wiped the dagger off on one of their shirts and went on his way once more.

He finally arrived at his apartment building and began fumbling with his keys, finding the right one within the time of getting to his doorway. Oliver didn't bother conversing with his furniture this time, he went straight to his bed and closet. Soon enough he was Maestro once more with the painted mask covering his smiling face once more. His top hat was placed on his head and his cane in hand, the many pockets were filled with the various weapons. He practically dived out the window and yelled goodbye to his mother in the portrait. Maestro now ran excitedly toward the docks; he wanted to get a good look and possibly plant some traps before midnight came to this city. He smile on his face expressed him well, as did his giddy laugh as he ran down the alleyways.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Oliver James "Maestro" Character Portrait: John Clarke "The Captain" Character Portrait: Death Sigil
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As the event came closer on his watch and the area nearer as well, Maestro slowed to a walk rather than a jog as he had been. He first spotted a few uniformed men afar off but near Cormount Bay. Welcoming party? Maestro took a closer look at everything around them; windows, cars, rooftops, and of course who was in the very center. From this distance (and with only one eye) he could tell much but one gunman above a nearby building and a few men on the ground floor of the site. Up we go. The tall villain quietly climbed the fire escape and peeked his head out at the top, seeing the sniper keeping intent watch on the ground. Maestro readied his tape and dagger in hand, placing his red cane at the side of this rooftop. He quietly crawled to the man in uniform, careful not to make any noise - being that he was so tall it would be hard to hide on the same roof. When the painter was only a foot or so away he lunged his hand at the man's mouth and slapped the tape on his face while simultaneously jabbing the dagger in the back of the man's neck and slicing it to the other side. The muffled death was as quiet as Oliver's laughter at it.

Maestro positioned the corpse beside him as he was only a few seconds ago, though off a bit to the side so that Maestro could see through his scope himself. He quickly scanned the ground and rooftops for a count of henchmen. It was quick, so he estimated twenty on the ground and twenty up above. Much more interesting to him he spotted - more stealthily placed - a woman with silver hair and a rather large rifle. Shit, I'm in range! Better make this quick. The villain quickly and carefully looked at the buildings more closer to her, seeing if there may be any unique people lurking. Indeed there was, as he saw a very muscular man with a shield strapped to his back jump between a window and fire escape. Maestro pulled the dead man next to him closer to his own rifle making him look as if he had never been bothered and rolled off the scene to his cane and exit point.

Well, hopefully that woman didn't see anything up here. Better be on the safe side now anyways. Two vigilantes running around, and one of me. Hmm. How to go about this? Maestro focused more on silence rather than speed as going down the fire escape. The black and dark red of Maestro's clothing shadowed him well enough to those far off, though his height gave him away once closer. Taking that into account he decided to stick to the shadows and buildings, just hoping not to run into that big, blue-outfitted man. Oliver took his time to distance himself from the other two, being that it seemed they would be taking out these men as well as Maestro. Might as well use that to his advantage. He entered a building that was beside the body of water and made sure to best stay away from any windows as he scouted out the interior. Empty, good. Oliver grabbed a chair and placed it just out of the way of a window and sat down, now racking his brain for a good plan to execute. Midnight was only so far off now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver James "Maestro"
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The painter peered through the window as the goons were taken our with relative ease all around the warehouse. His smile widened as he saw the many different "Heroes" enter (and sabotage) the building one way or another. Oh darkness, that's a lovely trick. Gunshots and yells of challenge and pain echoed out of the structure. Maestro stood and stretched with his continuous grin cracked upon his face. Seems I'll be fashionably late to the party. Time to take a peek at the surroundings.

The villain quietly exited his building by the water and searched the many men and containers close enough around him that he would not draw attention to himself by any close to the warehouse just yet. He removed the few shivs and knives that some few goonies had carried and tucked them safely away for later, also taking a small lighter that one used for lighting his cigarettes. Along the side of the water closer to the warehouse he found one large barrel half filled with gasoline. Perhaps for their use at some point in time, but now all for the taking and burning for the painter. For now he left them there until he was fully prepared to move along amongst the warehouse war. He searched the building he camped in as well as the one beside it for anything he could find to be useful . Taking one bottle of alcohol from each he stuffed in one of his handkerchiefs to soon create a decent weapon for himself within the dark and enclosed building. His jacket pockets now filled with sharp objects and two molotov cocktails at hand Maestro went to the alleyways for one more item on his list.

The tall man dressed in black gathered three lids of garbage cans and took them to the building across form the warehouse, taking the route behind the structures as to keep himself hidden as well as taking the window to enter. He set the two cocktails on the ground beside them, which were placed beside the side door looking toward the battle. He exited through the back and went quickly and quietly to the barrel of gasoline now rolling it near the entrance. Bit of sound from the barrel. Nothing I can do about that. He unplugged the top letting it sit just out of sight from the entrance, letting the gas seep out and cover the ground in front of it. While it did he flew to the door of the building closest where he had stashed the few items. Carrying the lids in one hand and the bottles in the other he stood to the side of the entrance door and flipped the lids upside down filling them with the fluid that was leaking out of the barrel. Maestro ripped off small pieces of the cocktail's handkerchiefs, lit them, dropped them into the lid, and threw them inside the battle. Flaming frisbees now flew across the battleground spitting small flames off the sides, hitting a few darkened characters, and giving light to some parts of the area. That was more fun than expected. Heheh. He did this with the three, then wet the end of his cane. The painted masked man burst open the barrel, the gasoline now flowing out and about on the ground.

He picked up what was left and shoved it inside the warehouse, then stepping inside himself as he grabbed the other cocktail. He saw the many people with night-vision goggles and gave a small chuckle to himself. Oh my, the fire may prove a bit tedious with those on to see me now. The tall man lit the bottom of his cane making a more deadly weapon than it already had been in his hands. Finally, he did all that was left - the fire was now lit, scorching a large part of the warehouse and carrying on through the many flammable things throughout it. Lovely scene for a battle. The flames twisted around him and there was only one path for him now - to march to the battle alongside his increasing inferno. He lit one molotov ccktail and threw it at an oncoming man, instantly encasing his body in fire. Maestro casually swept his burning body aside with his cane and continued his march, watching out for anything coming his way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Lilith Hale "Shade" Character Portrait: Everett Rudolph "Razor Blade" Character Portrait: Elliot Freling "The Nightengale" Character Portrait: Isaiah Jones "Slugger" Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins
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Shortly after he had his goggles on, he saw a flash of light and searing pain. He ripped the device off of his face replacing it with his mask once again. It took about a minute for his eyes to fully recover, thankfully he had been wearing his contact lenses. The the green of the lense had absorbed a lot of the light since the light produced by the goggles is mostly green. A mere lucky coincidence he simply wore them because he liked the color green and neon eyes made him look other worldly. He still had a migraine headache so he struggled to regain his bearing all of his men had fainted from the severe pain. Setback after setback, the men who came here on business were huddled in the office of the warehouse. He opened the door and suggested that they should fight should they not wish to die. He didn't have to tell them twice, he tapped into his years of training in the dark. Closing his eyes and focusing on his hearing and sixth sence. He heard some commotion from a building near his current, he reached into a crate and pulled out two moltovs. This outta be fun, guess this will be more challenging than expected. He silently made his way to the un expecting heroes. He saw the man who proclaimed himself a captain and some masked girl who he did only recongnize. Then he heard an explosion and saw a silver haired girl with some mask on, three heroes huh? This would be impossible for anyone else, more of a challenge for Tim. The two moltovs will deal with them nicely, then I can wait for the girl to come to inspect their copses I can decapitate her then. But once again he heard more noises from the roof top this time. So how many have crashed this little party of mine? His matto was that it wasn't a party until at least twenty died, well it wasn't until now. He climbed up on the roof, he observed as the shadow and the birdie, as he called them,locked in fierce combat. "Wow I am honored to be in the company of the Nightengale but the shade as well, so glad yo two could make it to my little get together. I am slightly disappointed that cat girl or ace didn't show but I'll get over it. So who should I play with first?" He cackled sadisticly drawing his katana glancing at the gleaming steel. He pointed the blade between them, he closed his eyes. "Einnie minne miny mow..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins Character Portrait: Oliver James "Maestro"
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Minus the last few warehouse goons it seemed that everyone had fled the flames. Maestro continued to fight alongside it, throwing knives and using his red cane. One man shot at him from afar but the oncoming and increasingly growing flame wall, as well as the battle sounds all around, threw him off a bit. Maestro retrieved a knife from his pocket and threw it, landing in the gunner's eye socket. Ha! I know how that feels! Perfect shot! The villain let out a laugh as the man fell dead to the ground, then turned to see another coming at him from the side. This man must've thought he'd take him by surprise because he ran alongside the flames as well with a large ax in hand. The suited villain thwacked him in the cheek with the end of his blazing cane, singeing the flesh and having the man stumble. Half the goon's arm stumbled into the flames and caught a few embers, the man reacted but only too slow because Maestro's swift kick behind his knees and a well placed swing to the back sent him into the inferno. The villain was rewarded with agonizing screams that kept that devilish smile on his mostly-masked face.

Maestro sped ahead to the exit - being that there was no more fun to be had beside the fire - and peered at the hero versus villain stand off going on atop another building. He began to hurry toward it when he saw a small scene of defeated goons in front of him and a small uniformed girl beside the wall of the building. She seemed to be more focused on the battle overhead. Lovely. The tall top hatted villain lit the other cocktail in his hand with the flaming cane in his other calling out, "Hello my pretty!" with the sinister smile placed well upon his face he lobbed the cocktail - ready to burst with flames upon impact - at the small heroine, letting out his evil laugh for good measure. With that cocktail now out of his hands he drew a knife and readied for battle. "It seems there's plenty fun going on up there already. Let's have a little fun of our own, shall we?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilith Hale "Shade" Character Portrait: Elliot Freling "The Nightengale" Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins Character Portrait: Oliver James "Maestro" Character Portrait: John Clarke "The Captain" Character Portrait: Death Sigil
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Annie was suddenly frightened and startled when a tall slender man in an elegant looking outfit cooed at her creepily. She shuddered and noticed he threw something at her, she screamed and dove to the side doing a somersault and landing on her feet in a crouching position. She quickly got up and ran a few yards out of the flames reach and heard a crash and boom as it burst into flames on impact. Annie looked up at the seemingly insane man and knew he wasnt with the deal that was going down, he was a villain. In fact, annie had overheard rumors on the streets of a madman artist that paired scenes on the walls ground and any surface with the blood of his victims after he has disposed of them properly. She shuddered and glanced up hoping the captain or Nightingale came to help her since if this man was stronger than her then she might be his next art project. He asked her if they could have some fun as well. But all annie replied with was a small and polite, "Ladies do not start fights..." she smirked Shyly. "but they can finish them." she charged at the man and faked him out by going from the left to the right and under his arm to around his back. She jabbed him with the tips of her fingers into the side of his back then in the middle on his spine in the lower back region. She managed to only be able to get to the painful pressure points and not the most effective ones like around the neck and elbow. She let out a yelp however as she felt the man's knife cut her skin on the top of her forearm And near her collarbone as she ran off into the warehouse where it stored large crates that looked to hold furniture. She ran inside and looked up at the ceiling she could see the heros and villains on the roof fighting through the windows and she quickly climbed up on a mountain of crates to the window, where she touched the glass. She waited at the top and shivered panting heavily. She started to hyperventilate and panic a bit when she felt the tightening of her lungs and the constriction of air going into her and out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins Character Portrait: Oliver James "Maestro"
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The little fighter looked up to others on the roof then shyly replied, "Ladies do not start fights... but they can finish them." She charged at Maestro and gave him a difficult time to aim with precision as she feinted her movement patterns from left to right. She maneuvered around to his backside and jabbed in very particular locations that would release a very painful effect upon the target. In the reaction to the painful fingertip jabs the villain sliced at the girl with the knife in hand, landing a two blows. She disappeared into the warehouse under the battle of the others. A jab and run? Not too shabby, girl. but I know how you fight now...

Maestro took out a few knives and placed them between his fingers, now able to throw several in shorter time. The painter walked over to the entrance where she had gone and called out to her as he examined the area and where she was, as well as her condition. On the crates calling out to the heroes through the window. She seems to be having issues breathing properly. "Well, you know how to make a first impression missy. I've got to say I'll only fought a few that aim for the pressure points on a man's body, though never someone so small and agile..." he threw the knives at the windows, shattering them. He held a palm outward to present the scene, "Let's bring the party to us, shall we?" With only one or two knives in his pocket he felt no need to bring those out just yet, now was the time for his hatchet alongside his still burning cane which seemed would be going out soon enough. Well at least I know where she'll be aiming. No clue as to the others... The painter got atop a large crate with room and cover behind him to jump down if things got a bit too hairy. The doorway of escape was right there if need be as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Lilith Hale "Shade" Character Portrait: Everett Rudolph "Razor Blade" Character Portrait: Elliot Freling "The Nightengale" Character Portrait: Isaiah Jones "Slugger"
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"Shade darling to be a good little girl and go make the captain feel at home, he is so alone you see." He waved of the girl without a second glance, he had a bone to pick with the Nightingale. "I have to say you do like shaking up the pot don't you...and killing. It seems we have a problem my thing is that I'm crazy as fuck and everyone fears me, but it's as if you are trying to outdo me. A man has to ask himself when does justice turn into crime." He randomly swiped at the air with one hand on his sword sloppily and jokingly. He knew to respect his weapon, or at least Tim did. "How about this no guns this rounds, you seem to be knightly enough. Death sigil tossed the English hand-and-a-half sword his way turning his back to his opponent briefly. He collected himself he called upon his knowledge and skill. While Krav Maga is a death art JSA is equally so especially for one who started at age ten. It would be a snap to kill an unarmed opponent but his sensei had ingrained respect into his pupil. He bowed at his opponent, and began an advanced kato from a unique style. Word on the street was that he nightingale knew how to use a sword to so a common kato could be read easily. "Mind if I clip your wings little birdie?" He let loose an insane laugh as the heat rippled the air around them and the warehouse below them began to slowly give way. This would be a great little exercise.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins Character Portrait: Oliver James "Maestro"
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The heroine ran off behind some crates after Maestro's shattering glass tactic. She covered herself by the large amounts and sizes of crates, keeping Maestro's throwing objects not quite useful right now. The painter hacked off a few chunks of a crate and set fire to them in front of the door with the last remaining flames of his cane. The small chips of wood atop the bigger chunks of crate lit slowly, but surely. The door was now lined with a flame that rose a few feet high, burning with the orange hue and smelt of smokey wood. The crate was now bare on one side presenting some room and opportunity for a small hiding spot cushioned up against the object within. There, that should keep it blocked for a time. He began a fast paced walk toward the girl's last seen point by the further crates in the room.

Maestro heaved himself atop one of the larger crates to get a better sight behind the crates and further down the warehouse. Afar off he could see another door and heard the sound of the runaway girl desperately trying to get it open to escape this madhouse and madman. Must be locked. Maestro let out a small, creepy laugh. What a pity. The insane artist took a step back and then sprinted forward, running and jumping on the path of crates headed close to the door. He held his red cane horizontally at one of his sides (as to not hit any of the crates while charging ahead) and held the hatchet out at shoulder height to present his weapon to her more menacingly, as it fit well with the bared teeth smile of the lunatic. Wasn't any time for painting the goons. Time for her...? Yes, there's plenty time for her... and what a lovely picture she'll make...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins Character Portrait: Oliver James "Maestro" Character Portrait: John Clarke "The Captain"
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Annie tried harder and whimpered scared. She smelt fire and turned around shocked and startled to see the other entrance was taken up by a few crates that were on fire. She coughed and felt the woodey smoke in her lungs now. She shook slightly and saw the crazed painter studying her and she squirmed under his eyes. She felt exposed and vulnerable, wanting to escape. She looked up at the man and leaned against the wall stareing at his hatchet. 

"please, i'll do anything you want. Don't hurt me." she whimpered and coughed more as she felt the air being constricted from her lungs. She looked up at the roof and wished the Captain would come help her. Annie was very weak and injured, needing assistance. 


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins Character Portrait: Oliver James "Maestro"
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Silver watched the other young female fight the crazed painter. She wanted to know everyone's skills so she only got in the fight when needed and right now that woman needed help. Silver was on one of the rafters of the roof and she tied the wire around the pole then jumped, landing gracefully in front of the girl. Reaching into her belt Silver pulled out a knock out gas grenade and set it off, making so that the painter couldn't see them and would hopefully travel into his lungs and knock him out.

"Hang on" she whispered into the girls ear before gently lifting the little female onto her back. She didn't weigh that much, she was very light. Silver took in a deep breath of air and removed her mask and put it on the girl, not wanting her to inhale the fumes then clicked the button on her belt and they shot up onto the rafters. Silver quickly unlatched the wire and took over running on the rafters. She then repeated her actions of tying the wire and jumping down once she saw another exit. This girl was her and needed to be treated. Once outside Luna ran into an alley and using the wire flew up onto a unused roof. The fight was happening several roof's away. Silver put the girl down, leaning her against a chimney then got out her first aid kit.

"Dont worry you will be good as new in no time" Luna said nicely, gently removing the gas mask from the girl and placed it aside. She cant work with that thing on it gets in the way. Luna quickly treated the girls injuries, taking full precautions by disinfecting, stitching if needed and wrapping them up.

"alright that should do it" Silver mumbled to herself. Hopefully that crazy villain painter didn't somehow follow them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins Character Portrait: Oliver James "Maestro"
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Maestro's charge skidded to a stop when the sniper from before showed up flying down from above in front of the girl. Pah, what a killjoy. The new character on scene released a type of gas from her belt, and it was only then that the painter noticed the gas mask on her face. Within a second they were covered by the white smoke and Maestro turned tail and tried to run from the incoming air polluted with fumes. He took a quick look over his shoulder and saw the two heroines escape through the rafters, though with that glance he also took in an inhale of the noxious air. The coughed covering his mouth with his hand and jumped down off to the side of the crates, heading to the fiery door.

The artist's vision began to faze from color to black, coming and going. He walked as fast as he could while using the wooden crates next to him for support to keep going. Only a few crates away from the on-going blaze by the door. It wouldn't spread, he made sure of that earlier. The painter took a deep inhale of the still good air and raised his hatchet for a swing. He gave a swift and powerful chop on one side of a crate near him, aiming for the right spot that it would make one side collapse on the building's floor. His breath was running out, he went to the open crate and crawled weakly in after he grabbed the fallen side of the now broken box. The painter stood it next to the side and gasped for another breath, only to get a waft of the knock-out gas. There was enough of a crack to let the air in still so he could breath while he sat inside here knocked out for a while. Maestro was now nicely hidden just in case that sniper came back or any others came through. Well... done the best you could for now... He smiled as his vision faded completely to black. Damn that silver woman... I'll paint her up good... and the girl... one day...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Hunter 'Silver Assassin' Character Portrait: Lilith Hale "Shade" Character Portrait: Everett Rudolph "Razor Blade" Character Portrait: Elliot Freling "The Nightengale" Character Portrait: Isaiah Jones "Slugger" Character Portrait: Annabeth Collins
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Cap's attacks were savage and somewhat predicable, Tim held him self together mentally and physically. He took the brunt of his knee, though the armor helped lessen the sting as well as let Tim recover fast enough to dodge the right hook. He slipped in between the Captain and his shield. He grabbed his wrist and twisted kicking the shield out of the mans grasp. Before he could react Death Sigil put two hands on his adversaries hulking shoulders. He boosted himself up and wrapped his legs around his opponents torso. He then twisted himself so that he was latched to the captain's back from their he had a front row seat to the weakest part of the body. He rapidly stroke him with furious punches to the base of the neck, right about where the brain stem starts. He then grabbed the captain's shoulders boosting himself until he was standing on the man's shoulders. "And now the kill shot!" Though it didn't sound as cool with a broken jaw. He jumped a feet off of his shoulders and sucked his legs together, seconds from landing on his head...
(Do remember that he has taken many strikes to the neck ouch, making him dizzy! And not on top of things! But with a broken jaw can he really pull this off? Plus there is those pesky heroes wanting to help, plus where the heck is ace and Electra?)