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Joanna Lannister

"Knowledge is Power"

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a character in “A Time of Thrones”, originally authored by Calvazara, as played by RolePlayGateway


Joanna Lannister Image

The Basics

Name: Joanna Lannister
Age: 21
Affiliation:House Lannister
Gender: Female

Joanna is and has always been a very mentally strong woman, intelligent and strong willed she is a woman who knows her own mind and is not afraid to show it. Joanna is a big believer that you should never judge someone on your first meeting and she follows this example, she will always give someone a chance, however cross her or a member of her family she will not hesitate end you. Joanna has always been extremely strong minded and opinionated, she knows her own mind and likes to speak it not matter what which can sometimes get her into a bit of trouble Joanna doesn't like things to get her down and doesn't let it, she's aware that this can come across as arrogant, but as lady it is her duty to remain poised and dignified. She is quite a flirtatious woman and often finds Imageherself in the company of men, she finds them far more humorous than other women and will often join in with their jokes, indeed, Joanna's humor is trait quite cherished by her family, something that greatly surprises people upon first meeting with her.

Joanna is extremely beautiful, intelligent, sweet yet can be extremely manipulative and is by no means unaware of her charm and grace, where she can often leave behind a string of broken hearts and necks to get where she wants in life. She is an extremely stubborn woman and hates it when she's wrong; and will in no means apologize. Brazen and brave, Joanna is strong and determined, much like her mother,Cerenna. She is extremely loyal and protective of her family, and she has a sensitive, and loving nature towards her siblings and parents. Despite having a confident exterior, underneath it all, Joanna can be quite insecure and this his tends to make her an overachiever at times, creating flaws and complexities in her character as she tries to live up to peoples expectations and in the shadow of family but also out of fear of being alone. It has often been said that Joanna is exactly like her mother, beautiful, smart, powerful she will always remember a phrase her mother said to her a few years ago "Knowledge is Power" and it is something she will take with her to the grave.

Joanna Lannister is the first child born to Tybolt and Cerenna Lannister, born into one of the most prestigious and wealthy families in all of Westeros she was from the day she was born to live a life of luxury. Joanna was very close to each of her parents, although she was not a boy like her father had perhaps hopedImage he doted hand and foot to his beautiful daughter, catering to her every whim and in return she showered him with a daughters love. Her mother was an early aspiration for Joanna, strong, beautiful and extremely intelligent Cerenna was the star Joanna wished she could shine as brightly as. Born a mere year after herself Devan Lannister was the boy her father had wished she too be and soon followed after by her second brother Willem, the three grew up close together, due to the small gap in their ages and were extremely close as siblings, although she was teased and chased by her younger brothers they always looked up to her as their older sister. As Joanna grew she started schooling with her brothers and it was evident from early on that outshone her brothers tremendously when it came to academics. Like her mother she had developed a thirst for knowledge and soon discovered that Knowledge held the key to most things.

Veraleigh Lannister was the last child to be born to Tybolt and Cerenna and Joanna can still remember the day she was told she had a new younger sister, something that she didn’t exactly welcome, she thought it would take her parents attentions away from herself and so for the first few months she would distance herself from the baby. Luckily this didn’t last longer for when she first held the child, she instantly fell in love with her sister and after that very rarely left her side. Over recent months she has become privy to the fact that her father intends to wed either herself or Veraleigh to Prince Aerys Targaryen to unite the two houses through marriage and secure one of his daughters as Queen. For one Joanna feelsImage that she has been prepared for such task for her entire life, although it is not something she takes lightly, the thought of being Queen of Westeros helps fuel that Lannister fire within her and she knows she would do her family proud yet part of her yearns for a marriage based on love and respect, not political gain. Although a miniscule amount of marriages are based on such in Westeros she refuses to give up hope, especially as nothing has been set in stone yet and until that day she will continue to dream and spend the time with her much beloved family. And although she may not like it, if she is to become betrothed to the Prince she will graciously accept her fate with poise and dignity to make her family proud, although she may be screaming inside.


(this is just because I would like to know these things to make sure this roleplay goes smoothly)

How often are you online?: Everyday
How often do you think you'll be to post?: Everyday
How much do you know about Game of Thrones and/or the A Song of Ice and Fire series?: Not read all of the books but seen all episodes up till now
Do you like chocolate?: Naturally
Password (Character sheets without the password will not be accepted. This shows me that you actually read the rules): Iron Throne Image

So begins...

Joanna Lannister's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willem Lannister Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister Character Portrait: Tybolt Lannister Character Portrait: Veraleigh Lannister
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Joanna Lannister

Joanna was truly thankful she had opted to ride upon the saddle instead of within a carriage as the Lannister party travelled towards the splendour that was King’s Landing, sat mounted upon her magnificent horse, on top of last hill before the last two miles of flat plains before the entrance of the City. Joanna had ridden slightly ahead of her family to make the most of one of her favourite views, only beaten by that of the sea; she sat there a smile upon her beautiful face, it was still early enough in the day that the sun sat just above the city causing the tall walls to shimmer like gold, it was truly
breath taking.

Yet all the beauty in the world couldn’t stop the underlining sadness that had engulfed her heart, as her smile dropped a heavy sigh escaped her lips, knowing that her main goal here was to become betrothed to the Prince who would one day inherit the throne, she should be happy, any other woman would be but she wasn’t sure it was exactly what she wanted. Joanna had known Aerys for many years, the same went for the entire Targaryen family and so she knew he was kind and handsome, traits every woman in Westeros wanted in a husband but there was just something about the Prince that unnerved her slightly, an unpredictability perhaps that could become dangerous. As the sound of hooves pounded behind her, she instantly knew her family had soon caught up to her, leaning forward to pat her mare’s speckled neck in an attempt to calm the agitated horse “there, there” she cooed lightly and that had seemingly worked as the horse immediately calmed. Sitting up straight in her saddle she soothed out the creases in her riding habit skirts before turning to face her oncoming family with a bright smile “If I knew you were going to take this long, I could have left tomorrow and still have beaten you” she joked with a small laugh.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willem Lannister Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister Character Portrait: Donnel Greyjoy
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Willem Lannister

"My dear sister," the younger son of Tybolt Lannister said, speaking loudly, clearly, and confidently as he always did, "it's not every day we get to make the ride to King's Landing. The approach is something to be enjoyed, not rushed. It's not like we've got bloodthirsty Greyjoys riding at our heels."

To be sure, Willem cast a glance around. Indeed, it would have been awkward if there had been a Greyjoy within earshot. But Willem had never been one to mind his words too carefully. His mount trotted up beside his lovely sister, and now he could lower his voice to a more conversational.

"And besides, it's so much harder to appreciate the beauty of the city when you're stuck right in the middle of it, as we soon will be." He raised his eyebrows as a thought came to him. "Ah! Or perhaps you're over-eager to appreciate the beauty of...certain individuals that are also attending Uncle Aegon's joyful nameday? Have no fear, my Queen of Love and Beauty, I'm sure everything will work out just as you want it."

He enjoyed teasing his older sister with the title Brandon Stark had so memorably placed upon her last year, though it wasn't as if the title was something negative. And of course the king was not Willem's uncle, but that didn't prevent the young Lannister from referring to him as such. Aegon had been a close family friend to the Lannisters, and to Willem personally.

The brother and sister rode gently through the Gate of the Gods and into the city of King's Landing, and immediately Willem's mind went to his options. He didn't really want to stay with his family at the moment. As much as he loved them, he'd seen plenty of them on the ride across the Goldroad. He had a sneaking desire to ride over towards Rhaenys's Hill, and pay Valerie a visit, see if she was still working at Ambrosya's as he remembered. Then there was the king...Willem pondered if he should present himself to Aegon, do all the formal greetings and whatnot. But that sounded dreadfully dull, and Willem didn't think he was dressed properly, in riding leathers and garb more fit for the dust of the road than the splendor of kingly halls. But perhaps he could ride to the Red Keep, and see someone else.

"I'm off to find Rhaegar. Try to enjoy yourself, dear sister!"

With that, he put his heels into his horse and sped off down the road, towards the Red Keep, shouting at the commoners to make way, skillfully steering around those who didn't react fast enough. Rhaegar was like a brother to him, more so perhaps than his own blood, Devan, and Willem would have been a poor friend if he didn't go to find him first. The brothel could wait. After all, they had those in Lannisport, too.

Donnel Greyjoy

The water didn't smell the same here, for some reason.

The crew of the Lady Amalya skillfully guided the warship in the Blackwater Rush, their captain, Donnel Greyjoy, observing from the rear. He had been conducting his father's business in Dorne prior to this, and had elected to travel by ship to King's Landing rather than ride with the rest of his family. After all, he needed to get to know the ship better. She was only a year and a half old, her construction having been ordered by his father Torren shortly after Donnel's wife had passed from her wasting sickness. Donnel knew Torren was not too happy with him naming the warship after his late wife, as it seemed to convey too much attachment to her, which could potentially hurt Donnel's very purpose for being in the city. After all, it wasn't like the Greyjoys came to King's Landing to enjoy the company of families like the Lannisters, those who distrusted and even hated them for their names alone. No, Donnel was here because he needed to remarry. As the eldest of the Greyjoys, Donnel meant to set a strong example for his younger siblings on how a Greyjoy needed to live.

The Lady Amalya slowed as they approached the docks, his men preparing her for arrival. They were a fearsome bunch, proud and fierce ironmen that Donnel had handpicked for his crew. The eldest Greyjoy himself looked more appropriately dressed for battle than a nameday celebration, clad in boiled leather and ringmail, his shield slung across his back, a gleaming war axe at his hip. He felt comfortable, the wind spraying sea water onto the deck, leaving his gear damp and salty. He was glad for it. Any reminders of home were helpful right now.

All he wanted to do, really, was to serve House Greyjoy, and see his father's goals accomplished throughout the Seven Kingdoms. But this was something he had already gone through, and wasn't looking forward to going through again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willem Lannister Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister Character Portrait: Tybolt Lannister Character Portrait: Veraleigh Lannister
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#, as written by Brock10

Tybolt smiled at the short exchange between his two children, feeling his love for them envelope him. He was slightly annoyed at Willem for hinting at Brandon, however, and was even more annoyed when he rode up ahead to see Rhaegar. He sighed. It was good that Willem was gaining a good relationship with the Targaryens, but, he was afraid that Joanna was not. And she needed a good relationship with Aerys if everything was going to go to plan. He smiled. All his family was clad in red and gold, proudly displaying the Lannister Lion on their banners as they rode through the chaos that was Kings Landing. He had also chosen to rode himself, and went to catchup with Joanna, hoping to gauge how she was feeling.

"Joanna, when we get to the Red Keep, act courteously, especially to the Targaryen's. Flirt with Aerys, seduce him, make him LOVE you. Soon, my love, you shall be Queen. And also, I ask a question, how would you feel about dining with the Starks on the morrow? They are in Kings Landing, and I wish to see Edrick again, but if you do not wish to see Brandon, tell me."

He smiled at the beauty of the city, taking time to enjoy it all. Tybolt was exceptionally happy. Devan was growing to be a fine young man, and would be a fine Lannister Lord. Willem had all the becomings of a fine Knight, and, if Tybolt played his cards right, would join the Kingsguard to protect his sister. Joanna, a fine lady, and hopefully the future Queen of Westeros, but he was worried she may become distracted by this....Brandon Stark. And Veraleigh, his little girl, always sweet and caring. Tybolt hoped to marry her to a Stark, maybe Aeron, if everything turned out right. As these thoughts flew through his keen mind and as he waited from a response from his daughter, Tybolt smiled. Soon, the Lannisters would be the dominant House in Westeros, maybe even the Royal Family. And it would all be down to him...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willem Lannister Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister Character Portrait: Tybolt Lannister
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Joanna Lannister

Laughter erupted from within the blonde beauty at her brother Willem as she mentioned the Greyjoy’s, although she did not share her father’s and brother’s sentiments towards the family they did come up with some humorous statements. Joanna’s smile quickly dropped from her face as Willem brought up Brandon and she swatted him lightly with her riding crops, why did he always have to tease her about that, but then again that was her brother all over. Watching him ride away she shook her head with a small chuckle and her smile grew as her father trotted over and fell into a steady pace beside her

"Joanna, when we get to the Red Keep, act courteously, especially to the Targaryen's. Flirt with Aerys, seduce him, make him LOVE you. Soon, my love, you shall be Queen. And also, I ask a question, how would you feel about dining with the Starks on the morrow? They are in Kings Landing, and I wish to see Edrick again, but if you do not wish to see Brandon, tell me."

Rolling her eyes slightly not one bit surprised at his words, she loved her father more than any man in the world but his power schemes were often centred around herself, something she was use to by now “Oh father aren’t I always courteous?” she asked finding herself becoming increasingly bored with her father repeatedly telling her how she should behave around certain people. Although her interest did peak slightly as he mentioned the Starks “On the contrary father It would be pleasant to see the Starks again, I haven’t seen Alyria or Brandon for over a year
Brandon’s always good company” she smirked slightly casting a quick glance towards her father trying to fathom how he would react at that revelation.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister Character Portrait: Tybolt Lannister Character Portrait: Brandon Stark Character Portrait: Edrick Stark Character Portrait: Aeron Stark Character Portrait: Steffon Baratheon
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#, as written by Brock10

Edrick laughed at his youngest sons comment. The boy was his only source of amusement, a light in a dark tunnel. He was a welcome rest from the politics and distrust in the realm.

"Well, Aeron, would training with Brandon, Brennidon and I be fun? Perhaps we can arrange Callum, Kale and Steffon to join in, eh lad?" He smiled at the younger boy, and noticed his Stark features were growing every day. He reminded him a lot of what he was like at that age, before his brothers and father had died.....

"MY LORD! SER RODRIK IS APPROACHING!" Edrick nodded at the arrival of his captain of the guard, wondering what news he brought him.

"My Lord Edrick, Baratheons have been sighted not too far behind us. I thought you would want to see them."

Edrick nodded, happy the Baratheons, one of the Starks oldest allies, had arrived.

"Keep an eye on Brennidon, Alyria and Aubrey, Ser Rodrik. Brandon and Aeron will come with me." Rodrik turned around, and Edrick quickly added "Keep Alyria company, and tell her to prepare for Steffon's arrival." With that, he picked Aeron of his smaller horse, and placed him in front of him.

"Brandon, with me!" Edrick called, before charging through the streets and turns of Kings Landing, coming out to the final stretch, the gates, sighting the Baratheon banners.

"Is this fun, Aeron?" he whispered to his son, before calling out to his oldest friend.


He rode the final stretch, stopping before Kale Baratheon, great general, warrior and womanizer. He allowed himself a smile before gripping the mans arm.

"Too long, old friend."


Tybolt smiled at Joanna's comment, glad she understood what to do. He had brought her up well, and he honestly wished she was his heir. She was smarter, stronger, more manipulative than any of his other children.

"I am glad you wish to see the Wolf again. If it does not go correctly with Aerys, we have a fallback plan. Play with him if you want. He is a nice boy, but his love for you is his weakness, and you can use it against him. I got you some gifts, you will receive them at your room, later. For now, though daughter, I ask your advice. Your mother is not here, and you are the closest to her there is. I am going to offer to fund a tourney for Aegon's name day, being the richest man in Westeros. However, I need a second gift. Before we arrive, what should it be? A sword? Money? Armor?".

He queried this with his beloved daughter, realising they had reached the Red Keep, people swarming to welcome them. He smiled, handsomely, winking at women as he went. As he got off his Horse, he grinned, before offering his daughter his hand to get down, waiting for her response to his question...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhaenys Targaryen Character Portrait: Vysenia Targaryen Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister Character Portrait: Tybolt Lannister
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Joanna Lannister

“If things didn’t go correctly
” Tybolt’s words resided within her for a long while as she thought on the possibilities that she would fail at the task, although Joanna wasn’t overly fond of the challenge her father had set before her, the prospect of possibly disappointing her beloved father was too great to think about. Beaming she turned her head towards her father “I will become Queen” she uttered firmly yet quietly so only her father could hear. As they reached the keep her heart rate quickened slightly as a mixture of excitement and uneasiness ripple through her yet pushed these away as her father mentioned her had gifts for her, although now a grown woman she still got that giddy feeling she did as a child whenever her father bestowed lavish gifts on her.

As they pulled their horses to a firm stop, Joanna patted her mare’s neck fondly as her father dismounted from his steed, listening to him carefully as he asked her opinion on what gifts he would bestow onto the royal family. Accepting his hand Joanna dismounted as her horse was quickly taken away towards the stable, it felt good to be on her feet again, placing a quick kiss on her father cheek in thanks, she slipped her arm through his as they walked towards the magnificent doorway “Well father, If I were mother I would tell you that paying for the tourney was quite sufficient” she smirked knowing her mother would not approve on spending a great deal amount of money on gifts “But I am not mother and I have already had a gift sorted for the King” she smiled “Ser Fion” she called with a click of her fingers.

The knight lined up, each holding out a large mahogany box “A gift for the King father, a sword forged from the strongest and lightest metal within all of Westeros, with a golden hilt made from our own mines” she smiled proudly running her hand over the dragon shaped hilt, it was simple yet exquisite at the same time "so, what do you think?” Joanna asked turning to face her father with a smile.


Queen Rhaenys Targaryen

Rhaenys couldn’t help but beam at her youngest words, Vysenia was just so pure and innocent it was hard to believe that she was already betrothed to the young Baratheon boy, he was a nice lad yet Rhaenys had still wept upon hearing of her daughters betrothal, although she would not marry until she came of age, she still felt that her baby was being taken away from her too early.

Laughing at her daughter’s eagerness Rhaenys nodded with a loving smile “it is my darling, we now just wait upon the great houses” she explained, knowing that they would be arriving any moment “And of course they’ll be dancing! It would not be a party if there were not” the Queen laughed in exaggeration “Would you spare a dance for your mother?” Rhaenys asked tucking a strand of her daughter’s hair back behind her ear.

Listening to Vysenia’s comments about the flowers, the Queen couldn’t but be amazed at the girls logic, it was just so pure and beautiful, she wished deeply it was true, smiling as the young Princess added the comment about herself, Rhaenys scooped her up into her arms and rested her on her knees, she hadn’t done that for years and missed it greatly. Placing a loving kiss on top of her daughters golden hair, she smiled “A mother’s love never wilts
you will find that out for yourself one day my love” she explained lightly.

“My Queen” A voice beckoned from behind, turning her head Rhaenys greeted the member of the Kingsguard with a small nod as he bowed gallantry “Yes Ser Alyn.”

“Forgive the intrusion, but the Stark, Lannister, Baratheon and Greyjoy banners have all been spotted” he explained quickly “Marvellous” she smiled brightly “Please find the rest of my family and inform them to meet us promptly in the Great Hall.” Nodding her thanks Rhaenys dismissed the knight before standing up with her daughter “Come Vysenia, we have guests to greet.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhaenys Targaryen Character Portrait: Vysenia Targaryen Character Portrait: Elaena Targaryen Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister Character Portrait: Jaehaerys Targaryen Character Portrait: Tybolt Lannister
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Joanna Lannister

Joanna couldn’t help but feel an immense sense of pride as her father praised her work, it seemed imbedded in her to constantly seek out his praise and affection and couldn’t quite figure out why, she supposed it something to do with having four siblings, each of them competed for their fathers attention in different way and hers was by making him proud. “Oh father have no fear, I am never going to forget my name, I do wish I could keep it even after I marry” she sighed lightly, her sadness toning her voice at the thought that she may not be leaving with her family after the celebration, that was if her father’s plans went accordingly. Although she did feel her spirits lift as she was presented with the necklace, it was simply divine; running her hands over the lion carvings a smile graced her beautiful face “thank you” she gushed lightly, unable to come out with the right words to describe the necklace.

Clasping it around her neck she beamed with pride as she did with anything with Lion’s on, the sign of her house and it was an honour to wear “I really love it” she smiled placing a loving kiss on Tybolt’s cheek before embracing him tightly, something that as she grew had happened less and less but in that moment she taken back to when she was a child. Pulling away slowly she laughed lightly “Shall we go in father? It would bode well not to keep the King waiting.”

Queen Rhaenys Targaryen

Rhaenys smiled at Vysenia as they walked back into the Keep from the gardens, it was obvious that her daughter was excited to see the Stark and Baratheon boy but the Queen couldn’t help but hope she would become better with some of the daughters of the great houses, she was pretty sure the Lannister’s had a daughter the same age as Vysenia, it would be good for her to have a female friend, every young girl needed one. As they walked into the grand hall Rhaenys was immediately greeted with a procession of respectful bows and curtseys from the lords and ladies of the court, she would down the hall noticing her two other daughter were already sat in their seats waiting for the greetings to begin. Rhaenys smiled, her daughters were all so reliable
the male members of her family however were another story; neither of them was present yet,

Sighing slightly as she approached Jaehaerys and Elaena, she smiled greeting both her daughters with loving embraces “you both look beautiful” she stated tucking a strand of Elaena’s hair behind her ear, like she use to do as a child “Jaehaerys my love have you seen your father or brothers for that matter?” she asked taking a seat on her throne next to the grand Iron throne upon which her husband sat.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister Character Portrait: Brandon Stark
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#, as written by Brock10

Brandon nodded to his father, noticing this was a political moment that Brandon should not be involved in.

"Father, I am going to go ahead into the hall. Kale, it was good to see you again. Steffon, it's always good to see you brother. Oh, Callum, keep Aeron out of trouble will you?"

And with those comments, he strode off into the hall, wearing mail, and leather pants, with boots. On his back was a large great-sword, Prowl, which his father had commissioned to prepare him so he could wield Ice, the ancestral Stark sword.

When he walked into the hall, he saw the slim, attractive build of Joanna Lannister, wearing red and gold clothing, and a lion necklace which perfectly complimented her golden hair and green eyes. He was stunned, and lust and love overpowered him.

"My Lady Joanna!! A word, please, my Lady?" Brandon called, and instantly regretted, realizing what he had just said, prying she didn't just outright reject him...

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Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister
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Joanna Lannister

Joanna turned quickly on her heel upon hearing her name being called, casting her blue orbs over the bustling crowed she quickly spotted the source of the noise "Brandon" she greeted warmly with her usual large, beautiful smile before turning back to her father whom did not seem best please, placing a quick kiss on Tybolts cheek "you go on ahead father, I shall catch up in a moment" she said quickly before walking off toward Brandon.

"can I help you with anything my lord?" Joanna asked formally yet kindly as she folded her hand in front of her, pleasantly smiling at the Stark man, taking in his older and handsome appearance "it's very good to see you again, I must admit."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willem Lannister Character Portrait: Alyria Stark Character Portrait: Aubrey Stark Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister Character Portrait: Rhaegar Targaryen Character Portrait: Harlon Greyjoy
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Willem Lannister

How right Rhaegar was. Being a prince was a dull affair, riddled with responsibility and a future that was determined for you. Being a Lannister, however, or more accurately, being rich, was quite the opposite. What Willem wouldn't have given to not be a prince, to not have all the responsibilities saddled on him, and to maintain his wealth...well, it was too good of a life to hope for. Still, he had a right to dream.

"When all this royally dull business is through here," he called as Rhaegar left to join his family, "you and I will see what trouble we can get up to!"

Willem sighed when Rhaegar was gone, knowing that he needed to rejoin his own family as well. The sooner this was over, the better. It was impossible to experience a city trapped in a keep like this. He walked swiftly back towards the entrance of the Great Hall, passing various people, some he recognized, some he didn't, few he was interested in speaking with. He knew how these reunions of the Houses worked. This was a time for alliance building and backstabbing, political pandering and arse-kissing to get one's House on top. Willem wanted no part of it. Some of these people were nice enough, but the young Lannister prince would much rather spend time among the honest common folk of Kings Landing, and in the company of good friends, rather than licking the boots of those who you wanted something from.

He passed Joanna, who had just engaged in conversation with Brandon Stark, he who had so famously granted Willem's sister her lofty title. He was tempted to interrupt with some playful, teasing comment, but instead gave his sister a small smile and a knowing wink, before heading off without a word. Joanna was likely at the forefront of his father's power games he so loved to play. He felt sorry that she probably didn't have much choice in where her life was to go from here.

"Father," he called, seeing Tybolt a ways past Joanna, and coming to a stop at his side. "Sorry for running off like that, I simply had to find Rhaegar before all this royal...well, before the celebrations began."

He'd been about to speak negatively about Uncle Aegon's whole nameday affair, but thought better of it at the last second. He and his father had quite different ideas about responsibility, and Willem had no doubt that Tybolt did not think kindly about Willem's obvious aversions to it.

Donnel Greyjoy

The eldest Greyjoy hardly had time to recognize his sister before she threw herself on him. He laughed at the warm embrace, smiling at her when she finally released him. "Likewise, Alys. I'm glad to see the city doesn't daunt you. It's a bit much to take in on your first trip here."

Donnel was quite protective of his younger sister, and had been somewhat worried about how she would fare in a city like King's Landing, but judging from her state of excitement, Donnel guessed she was doing fine. One of his father's men, Duncan, approached then with a horse brought for Alys. He greeted the three Greyjoys, stating his intention to return Alys to her father's side, and to summon Donnel and Harlon as well. They needed to greet the King.

"No doubt we'll need to greet the Lannisters too. I know they've sorely missed our company. We'll catch up with you at the castle, then."

Donnel hadn't brought any horses aboard Lady Amalya. He detested having the animals aboard his ships. All they did was get in the way, and shit on the decks. He was a skilled rider, of course, but horses didn't belong on boats anymore than boats belonged on land.

His sister then rode off with Duncan, leaving Donnel and Harlon alone with the crew once more. Donnel noted that they looked eager to be away from the ship, to explore the city as they would. Donnel adjusted the shield slung across his back, and patted Harlon on the shoulder.

"We'd better get going, father won't want us to be late. Just...remind me to leave the axe at my belt if any of the Lannisters get out of hand. I'm likely to start a war if there's another brawl between our fathers like last year."

Callum Baratheon

It was a big meeting of the Stark and Baratheon Houses, with Callum's father greeting Edrick Stark, his brother Steffon reuniting with his betrothed, Alyria, Brennidon and Aubrey conversing off to the side...Callum suspected it was because there wasn't a Baratheon near their ages. Callum himself hadn't become too close to either of them, though he thought them nice. Brandon Stark was the only one not present, having disappeared into the Great Hall after telling Callum to keep Aeron out of trouble. Callum laughed at that. No one could keep Aeron out of trouble. He watched Brandon leave. Callum had excitedly informed Steffon last year that the eldest Stark thought Joanna Lannister was some kind of queen of beauty and loveliness or something, only to be told that all the Seven Kingdoms already knew.

And there was Aeron. Callum grinned from ear to ear, waving at his friend from atop his horse.

"Tell me you've got something in mind for what to do when all the greetings are done," he said. Aeron always had the best ideas, even if they occasionally got him into trouble. The young Baratheon always seemed to have significantly more fun when Aeron Stark was around.