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Slayer James

"You burn me, I'll burn you. Literally."

0 · 936 views · located in The Castle

a character in “Abnormal”, as played by NikkiEnvy



Age: 16
Gender: female
Birthday: October 29, 1996
Power/Ability: Arson


Appearence: Slayer's hair is dyed a deep red, which reflects her rebellious nature and is often the first thing people notice about her. Also obvious is her clothing style, consisting of elegant, punk-chic apparel.
Classes you would like to study: arts, humanities, abnormalities special class, free period
Prefered training option: group training
Other: You better believe I'm Abnormal.


Personality: While a bit of a hot-head and a temper that literally flares, Slayer is extremely fun-loving, easy-going, and a hopeless romantic. Her power to start fires with her mind definitely suits her passionate personality. However, sometimes her ability paired with her reckless nature can get her in trouble.


History: Slayer will forever live with the guilt of killing her parents when she was four years old. As a young child, an ability so unpredictable was very difficult to control. Ultimately she accidentally set fire to her house with her parents sleeping inside. Slayer was raised by her strict and unloving brother who has always blamed her for their parents' death.

So begins...

Slayer James's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slayer James Character Portrait: Jordyn Spice Character Portrait: Hannah McKarte Character Portrait: Adelaide Dawn
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0.00 INK

Addie slammed her palm down on the snooze button in her dorm room that she shared with Slayer, Jordyn, and Hannah. Blinking the sleep from her eyes, she looked at the blinking red numbers on her clock. 7:00am, Monday morning. Groaning, she analyzed the room as usual using her powers. Everyone was calm from sleep, just like every morning. Addie sighed and pushed away her covers, sitting up in bed and rubbing her eyes, she yawned and swung her legs over.

"Guys, it's time to get up." Addie said mid-yawn, and reached over to grab her shower supplies case. Stumbling into the bathroom, she turned on the hot water and stepped in, letting the warm water cascade down her hair and back. Sighing in happiness, Addie reached out with her only dry hand and pressed the button on her tablet that read her schedule. Her first official class was Art, after breakfast and Personal Study. Smiling, she reached for the shampoo. Addie loved her art class. Art was the one thing she could rely on to keep her own emotions in check, because she always had everyone else's pounding inside her head anyway, she couldn't let her own emotions change dramatically.

Getting out of the shower, she put on her purple sundress, turquoise cardigan, and white lace flats. It was supposed to be a nice, sunny, day and she wanted to dress for the occasion. Grabbing her tablet, she yelled out a "Showers free! I'm heading to breakfast!" Glancing at her clock, it read 8:05am. Just in time, she thought, as she closed the door behind her she felt a sudden rush of emotion sweep over her. She staggered and braced her hand against the wall, feeling dizzy from the intensity. She couldn't pinpoint where the emotion was coming from, but in the next second in went away and she felt completely normal again. Something's happening somewhere, she thought, returning to normal and walking to the cafeteria.

Grabbing a seat by the window, she ate her usual small morning meal of an apple and gazed out at the sunshine just beginning to rise above the trees.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slayer James Character Portrait: Hannah McKarte
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0.00 INK

Slayer vacated her bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, immediately wishing to crawl back in and be enveloped by warmth for another couple hours. Glancing at the clock, she realized that her habit of oversleeping had struck again. Slayer cursed silently and stalked over to the dorm's closet. No time to shower now.

Slipping into a black miniskirt and a frilly white blouse, she took a look in the full-length mirror against the wall. Ugh. Slayer rushed into the bathroom, not really desiring to be late for breakfast that morning. She quickly washed her pale face, wishing she could be as toned as some of the other girls. Slayer brushed her teeth and deep-red hair next while glancing back into the bedroom, trying to spot her boots and save time in the long run.

While pulling on her favorite black combat boots with the silver buckles, Slayer's hand slipped and she chipped a fingernail. "Ouch," she whispered harshly. The candle on Hannah's bedside table suddenly lit itself. "Sorry," she said, smiling softly at the quiet girl. Slayer trudged out of the dorm into the hallway, headed for the cafeteria, her stomach gurgling for food.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slayer James Character Portrait: Serena Blacksmith
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0.00 INK

I walked to the cafeteria. I glanced down at the tablet in my hand, checking the time.
Oh god.
I started to run, and I reached the cafeteria. I bump into a girl. I turn around continuing to run,
"Sorry!" I yell (and I mean it)
I reach the cafeteria, and sit and a table by the buffet. I feel my eyes turn color, then I slowly lift a bowl of fruit salad up off the table along with some orange juice. It floats into my hands, and I start to walk back to my dorm for personal study.

The setting changes from The Castle to Girls Dorm A


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slayer James Character Portrait: Hannah McKarte
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte
Still vast asleep, Hannah was rudely awakened by the scurrying about from one of the girls that were part of her assigned dorm. It was Slayer, one of the more vocal teens stuck in this castle, slash academy. Apparently she had accidentally lit the candle that stood on Hannah's end table, and apologized for it to the silent girl which woke her completely.

Eyes opened to the loud sight of everybody getting up and ready for another bland day in prisonville. Hannah nodded with a drowsy smile forming in the corners of her mouth, struggling to pull herself from her bed and getting ready to take a wake-up shower. Although...

The girl wanted to inquire Slayer about the time, but the older girl rushing out of the dorm seemed a good enough indication that time was, and always will be, too short for that.

Still drunk on a great amount of sleep, Hannah dressed herself in the only clothes that were at hand; A black hoodie along with navy-blue jeans, a pair of pink sneakers and her favourite hat. Scratching her still sleepy arms, the girl vaguely reached for her tablet and rushed down for the cafeteria. If she was quick, she could, perhaps, still digest a sandwich before the whole place was coming down...

The setting changes from Girls Dorm A to The Library


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slayer James Character Portrait: Amelia Werner
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0.00 INK

Once Slayer was finished with her rather bland breakfast of orange juice and a plate of fruit, she checked the cafeteria clock and the schedule on her tablet. It was time for personal studying. Exiting the cafeteria and feeling a bit more energized, she followed the map on her tablet screen, trying to find the Library entrance. It was one of the few places she could stand to visit in this massive, dreadful, depressing castle.

Slayer twisted the knob and opened the door to the extensive library, basking contentedly in the natural light the windows let in. Immediately she was drawn to the grand fireplace in the center of the room on the main level. She concentrated a bit of energy on the log, lighting it and creating a warm glow.

Then as she looked about her wanting to find a book, she noticed the girl sitting quietly at the window and wondered if she had disturbed her by igniting the fireplace. Slayer shrugged to herself and continued on to one of the tall bookshelves to browse.

The setting changes from The Library to The Castle


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slayer James Character Portrait: Amelia Werner
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grrbot
I sat at the Alcove as I heard the fireplace crackle to life. I raised an eyebrow. I hadn't heard anyone so it must've been powers. Pyrokinesis perhaps? I peered over and spotted a girl with fiery red hair and a daring fashion sense. Her eyes were mysterious. I watched the girl cross the room and disappear behind a large book shelf. I contemplated whether I should talk to her or not.... What would I say? I can't just use my powers to find something interesting... That's an invasion of privacy... What if I stumbled upon a secret?

I slid off the alcove, away from my view and comfy seat. I walked slowly around and pretended to be busy, finding a book when I was studying her. She appeared to be browsing the section. I walked around so I could actually see her... Maybe some conversation wasn't all bad. "Hello... My name is Amelia... Need any help finding a book?" I smiled at her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slayer James Character Portrait: Amelia Werner Character Portrait: Hannah McKarte
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte
Quickly grabbing a bite in the cafeteria, Hannah briefly glanced at the tablet. Her schedule... Err- Personal Class. Oh jolly, that meant an hour long study for... whatever. Munching on the last bit of sandwich, the girl silently walked through the castle, locating the familiar library she always preferred to study in. It wasn't quiet, well, sometimes... But the main thing were the ridiculous amount of books that they had stored in there.

Quickly twisting the knob on the door, Hannah entered the room that was decorated with a huge array of shelves, and each shelf carrying an abundance of books ready to be read and learned from.

Silently closing the door behind her, Hannah walked up to the nearest shelf, browsing through the lower shelf for something- Err, specific. She noted the conversation two other teens were having – One of them she recognized as Slayer, though the other girl was slightly hidden around the corner of the bookcase and couldn't quite make out who it was. She waved, though wasn't sure Slayer noticed it and continued her hurried browsing. Pale fingers gently slid alongside an array of books before Hannah reached out for a rather slim-looking book. Obtaining it, the muted girl quickly hurried down the path, settling near one of the desks and eagerly diving into said book.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slayer James Character Portrait: Amelia Werner Character Portrait: Hannah McKarte
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0.00 INK

Slayer looked to her right as the blonde girl from the window spoke to her in a friendly manner. "Hello... My name is Amelia... Need any help finding a book?"

Finally someone was speaking to her in this place. Slayer had begun to feel lonely. "Actually yes, thanks," Slayer grinned, happy to be able to finally use her voice. "I'm not entirely sure of the system in here. There's just so much to choose from." The echo created by the vastness of the library validated just how big it was.

Slayer heard the door open around the corner, Hannah appearing behind it. She glanced at the young girl from her dorm, who smiled and waved. Naturally, Slayer smiled back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slayer James Character Portrait: Amelia Werner Character Portrait: Jordyn Spice Character Portrait: Hannah McKarte Character Portrait: Sanders McCarthy
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grrbot
Amelia was happy to hear Slayer needed her... Amelia liked it when they said that... She felt like there was a use for her in the world. Amelia stood quietly as Slayer finished. "So you need help finding a book?" Amelia asked. Slayer turned to smile at a friend who had just entered the library. Amelia gave the girl a smile too and watched another girl appear and she waved. Guess the library was a popular place this morning?

Amelia then watched as a young boy came in. He looked about 13 and he looked like he was pretty quiet. Visions threatened to appear in her mind, of all the people in the room. Amelia winced at the mind overload and she imagined mentally pushing the thoughts out of her head and it temporarily eased her mind. Amelia watched as the boy sat at the window and she brought her attention back to the girl with red hair. The bell rang and it didn't startle Amelia... She knew it was coming.. One of the perks of Precognition. No surprises. "Oh... I have to go.." Amelia said to the girl.. She'd never even learned her name. "I'll see you around..." Amelia said, leaving without answers. Amelia walked out of the Library and headed to Art Class.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slayer James Character Portrait: Amelia Werner
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0.00 INK

At the sound of the bell Slayer grabbed her tablet and casually checked her schedule. Hey, she had arts class as well. Slayer followed the students filing out of the library.

Entering the arts room, she recognized many of the faces, including Amelia and the girl who had bumped into her before breakfast. She looked around, wondering which seat to take. Some of the girls looked like they already had good friends. Makes sense, Slayer thought. Many people seemed to find her intimidating at first glance. And when they found out about her dangerous ability, forget about it. She was pretty used to it, fortunately.

At least in a class like this one didn't need to talk very much. Art was a quiet subject. Deciding to mind her own business, she took a seat at an empty table and continued her charcoal drawing of a starry night sky.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slayer James
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0.00 INK

Slayer was so absorbed in her charcoal that she didn't notice her tablet had been flashing at her for the past five minutes, signaling the end of art class. She looked around the studio, realizing that all of the students in the class had either left or were leaving. She grabbed her things and remembered that it was time for a dorm break. Now would be prime time to take that shower she had skipped that morning.

Slayer figured most of the students would be hanging out in the library. That seemed to be the place that everyone actually enjoyed within the confines of the castle. As much as she'd have liked to socialize, she couldn't stand feeling gross and passed right by the library doors, continuing on to Girl's Dorm A.

Once in her dorm, Slayer retreated to the bathroom and turned on the shower. She never looked in the mirror when she shed her clothes. She couldn't look at the burn scars that painted her body. Her scars reminded her that there was something about herself that she sometimes could not control. They reminded her of past situations, accidents, fatalities. She couldn't go there again.

After showering, there was still about a half-hour before lunch. Not caring much for studying, Slayer grabbed a banana from her bag that she had pilfered from the cafeteria and peeled it thoughtfully.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slayer James Character Portrait: Sanders McCarthy Character Portrait: Victor Kennedy Larcs
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0.00 INK

Sick of silence and an empty dorm, Slayer left for lunch a few minutes early. She could only stand to be cooped up in a room with nothing to do for so long. Walking down the corridor in the direction of the cafeteria, she passed by the library. Suddenly she heard shrieking coming from behind the closed doors. Curiously she pushed one open and peeked inside.

Books were flying about, hitting people on the head. No one was throwing them, but one boy was rather hastily thrusting them back on the shelves. Strange things went on in this school.

Slayer knew about the girl with the telekinesis, but the books hadn't simply been floating from place to place. They looked as if they had a purpose. Approaching the cafeteria, Slayer went over the list in her head of kids at this school and their powers. Could it have possibly been the quiet little boy who animated objects? What would make him do such a thing as to attack people with books?

I mean, I get mad sometimes, but I never... Slayer suddenly decided she wasn't one to talk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slayer James Character Portrait: Jordyn Spice Character Portrait: Hannah McKarte
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0.00 INK

Slayer decided to go through the lunch line before choosing a table at which to sit. She appreciated the cafeteria's food immensely. Back at home her brother never made her food, she'd always had to fend for herself. Whether that meant doing her own grocery shopping or picking up some fast food, she was sick of all the junk food she'd had to endure. It had always made her feel bloated. At least this school had health standards.

Even so, she didn't pay much attention to what she grabbed and threw on her tray, she was more concerned about who wouldn't mind her sitting at their table. Slayer scanned the eating area as she went through the line. There were Hannah and Jordyn, two of her roommates. There was Amelia, the blonde girl from the library and her art class. She was with some other, older-looking guy. Better not impose on that, Slayer thought to herself jokingly. And then there were two other boys she didn't know all that well either. Slayer figured that Jordyn and Hannah would be her best bet until she got to know some of the others. She didn't know how well they liked her as Slayer was probably one of the most talkative of the students there. But she certainly wasn't going to sit alone for another hour.

Slayer approached the table with her tray of food and sat down without waiting for an invitation. "Hey guys," she greeted cheerily. "How have your days been so far?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slayer James Character Portrait: Jordyn Spice Character Portrait: Hannah McKarte
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte
Hannah listened to Jordyn's reply as she cut her apple into smaller chunks, smiling at the other girl's reply. Sounded like a fun and interesting ability. Useful, too, unlike her own power which was rather... Specific.

The remainder of their talk was played in the silent girl's head, wondering what else there was to talk about. Until-

β€œHey guys, how have your days been so far?”

Shocked at the sudden question, Hannah flinched as the knife shifted slightly without her consent and left a tiny cut on her left index finger. On instinct, the girl let loose of the red fruit, which broke into half as it made contact with the table, and brought her finger to her lips softly nibbling to remove the burning pain that was running through the region around the cut.

Clumsy, one could say, although Hannah knew exactly what caused it. Lady luck had decided to play around with the silent girl yet again.

Taking a second glance, Hannah was relieved to see it was not all that severe. Good, she really had no intention of hurrying for the school nurse or whatever. With that little accident over with, the red-haired girl turned to Slayer, managing a smile and a quick wave of her free hand before signing that, up until now, her day was pretty relaxed. Having spend her time studying.

Again, the conversation was brief. The bell had a tendency to interrupt Hannah's social life when it was turning for the better, didn't it? Tapping her tablet, the girl noted that Study Hall was next. Off to the library, again. She rolled her eyes, mentally muttering to herself something about better having stayed there.

Quickly finishing the last of her lunch, Hannah grabbed her luggage, waiting if the others were ready to go as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slayer James Character Portrait: Jordyn Spice Character Portrait: Hannah McKarte
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0.00 INK

The two girls didn't seem to have any objections to Slayer plopping down at their table. She thought it was nice of them to let her. Back at her old school, a lot of girls didn't like Slayer. She didn't know if it was because she talked too much or too loud or if they were jealous or what. Slayer didn't know what about her they could possibly be jealous of.

Hannah seemed startled as she jumped a little, and accidentally bumping a knife and dropping her apple. Whoops. She kept forgetting that Hannah was the opposite of her in the aspect of speaking. Slayer hadn't meant to scare her. But when Hannah waved to indicate that her day had been okay so far, Slayer smiled in relief and continued eating. She was glad.

"Oh, you know, the usual," Slayer replied to Jordyn's question. "Boring, lonely, fine overall though. Hey, you guys were just in the library, right? What was up with those flying ghost books? I've heard before that you can fight effectively with words, but that was a bit ridiculous."

As the time ticked by, Slayer glanced at her tablet to make sure of her next class, which was a study hall. So much study time. Better than actual class, she figured.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slayer James Character Portrait: Jordyn Spice Character Portrait: Serena Blacksmith
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0.00 INK

I got up from my seat, and walked over to the nearest bookshelf. I picked through a few books, and picked up a humanities textbook. I return to my seat, and begin to study. I tapped my foot for a while, anxious to train. I haven't trained in a while, and I seriously think I need to. I thought about the outside, and how I longed for it. I couldn't focus on the Shakespeare. Sometimes I have ADHD-like signs, or from what my health test. I look over to my left, to see a few people walking into the library, I say "Hi" semi-loud and then return to my book.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slayer James Character Portrait: Serena Blacksmith Character Portrait: Hannah McKarte Character Portrait: Adelaide Dawn
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0.00 INK

Jordyn saw Hannah knick herself. "Are you okay, Hannah?" she asked.

Then, Slayer replied to Jordyn's first question.
"Oh, you know, the usual. Boring, lonely, fine overall though. Hey, you guys were just in the library, right? What was up with those flying ghost books? I've heard before that you can fight effectively with words, but that was a bit ridiculous."
At this, Jordyn started cracking up. The laughter just kept coming and wouldn't stop, but it felt good. Before today, it had been a long time since Jordyn last laughed. Finally, the laughter died down and she finished her food before replying. "We were literally jus talking about that."

When everyone was done, Jordyn stood up, checking the time. "Guys, it's time for Study Hall," she cheered. Study Hall was always amussing to her, especially when she put people to sleep. Not to be mean or anything of course. The humor she got from it was just too good to pass up. Making her way to the trash can, she threw out her trash and went back to the other girls, a small smile on her face. She slung her bag back over her shoulder, then turned to Slayer and Hannah, asking, "You guys ready to go?"

Eventually they got to the Library for Study Hall, and Jordyn went to a random table near Serena and Addie. Jordyn didn't the name of the girl Addie was talking to, but she knew they had Physical Activity and Training together. Shrugging, she put her bag on the floor and sat down, taking out the her science book.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slayer James Character Portrait: Jordyn Spice Character Portrait: Hannah McKarte
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte
At Slayer's thoughts on the whole book incident, Hannah managed to crack an amused smile. Placing a hand in frotn of her mouth, as if to prevent herself from giggling out loud. She would giggle, but fate and impairment degreed that she couldn't. Though it was clear that she, too, found it an amusing comment.

As soon as the three of them had packed their bags and finished their lunch, Hannah quickly tailed Jordyn and Slayer on their way to the library. Smiling all the way, though the mute girl did make a brief mention, simply showing her index-finger, to tell she was okay.

She hoped, however, that this would be the only time her powers plotted against their user...

As they all arrived at the library, Hannah didn't hesitate a second to seat with Jordyn, opening her writing block and tablet to continue where she left off. Not that there were many Math problems left to solve, but the red-haired girl wanted to master that one curious equation she had read about.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slayer James Character Portrait: Jordyn Spice Character Portrait: Hannah McKarte Character Portrait: Adelaide Dawn
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0.00 INK

Slayer followed Jordyn to the library, Hannah following close behind. These girls were a bit younger than her, Hannah by three years, but Slayer didn't care at all. It had already proven tough to make friends in this place, and these two seemed to accept her so quickly.

Once in the library, Slayer decided to sit with Hannah and Jordyn, and their other roommate Addie. Things were finally beginning to look less lonely. Of course, this was the library, let alone study hall, so Slayer couldn't exactly blab on and on to her friends. She wouldn't know what to talk about anyway. Life had been pretty uneventful lately, what with being trapped in this prison of sorts.

Instead, Slayer pulled out her art history book and commenced reading. Although, it was difficult to focus on the reading when there were beautiful pictures of prints, paintings, ceramics, and drawings on every page to look at. Short attention span led Slayer to pull out her own piece of paper and begin drawing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slayer James Character Portrait: Jordyn Spice Character Portrait: Serena Blacksmith Character Portrait: Hannah McKarte Character Portrait: Adelaide Dawn
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0.00 INK

"I love the Tempest! That's my favorite Shakespeare piece!" Addie exclaimed.

I smiled at her, happy, then I walked over to the shelf and picked up the second copy of the Tempest. I returned to my desk and slid her the hardcover book. Most of the people here are all younger then me, by as much as 5 years, but it's good to actually hang out with some people for once, instead of studying alone. I saw her and some other girls, that I recognized as Slayer, Hannah, and Jordyn sit down around us. Once they were seated, Addie broke the silence.

"How's everyone's day going? Today seems to be going by really fast, doesn't it? I kinda like it!" she says, happily. I then reply, also with the same emotion.

"Great, I honestly can't wait for training and end of the day break. Training because I don't want another mishap like the one in Art," I laugh, "and Break, because I feel I need one, I even was so desperate for a little rest I used my lunch to take a nap."

I giggle again, then go back to my book.