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Ari'wyn Snowstorm

"Music can do more than entertain."

0 · 320 views · located in Terreth

a character in “Aboard The Phoenix”, originally authored by Celaradith, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Ari’wyn Snowstorm

Role: Musician/Archer

Nickname: Ari, Snow.

Race: Tyrnea’ess (Moon elf)

Age: 20

Skills: Archery, singing, flute, guitar and violin.

Bio: A runaway, Ari’wyn wanted adventure outside of the forests. Disgusted and horrified at the idea of this, the xenophobic community tried their best to stop Ari from leaving. Imprisoned in his own home, the adventurous elf broke out in the middle of the monthly festival. He fled into the night, leaving everything of his own life behind.

A new face on The Phoenix, Ari has been employed as a musician. He also has skill in archery, while it’s not perfect; he practises and is improving.

Appearance: Standing at 6ft 4”, Ari'ywn is thin with lean muscles. His stark white hair flows down to the bottom of his shoulderblades, and long bangs frame a thin diamond shaped face. From the middle of his forehead, like all of his kin is a horn, not unlike that of a unicorn. His skin is slightly tanned and his eyes are two different colours, the left violet; the right silver. This is also another trait of the Tyrnea’ess.

His long, pointed ears are upright and are not pierced and his skin is slightly tanned. He has long limbs and long fingers, his legs are digitigrade; ending in hooves. A thin tail protrudes from the base of his tailbone, which is tufted at the end.

Personality: Ari’wyn is still adjusting to life outside of the forest and finds other races absolutely fascinating. He has trouble with the common tongue, so he tends to not speak too much as his stilted, accented words feel heavy and awkward in his mouth still. He misses many innuendos and slang leaves him confounded. Despite his language barrier, Ari is eager to explode and to adventure - although he can rush into things without thinking about the danger aspect.

Weapons: A longbow made from oak, it’s nothing special to look at; but it does it’s job. Although he prefers to use his music to support his allies, not unlike a bard. He can also pack a mighty kick with his hooves should the need call for it.


So begins...

Ari'wyn Snowstorm's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dnaria Renigeen Character Portrait: Durzog Character Portrait: Rueben Sanntrigo Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Anne Marie Character Portrait: Robin Volcus
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In the depths of the sea, Calypso was swimming peacefully until she noticed a dark figure. It had two big threatening eyes, hundreds of teeth sharper than needles and massive strength that could be felt with the ripping bite in Calypso's left leg. This is what happened around a month before she joined the crew. This is what happened in her nightmare.

She had a dream about this misfortune. Calypso had this nightmare for the first time, but it felt so real, even lucid dreaming couldn't help her turn this into something peaceful. She could feel the pain in her left leg even if she didn't have it any more. She was screaming both in her dream and reality. "GET AWAY FROM ME! LET ME GO! LET ME GO RIGHT NOW! DAMN SHARK!" her voice invaded the ship. "TAKE THAT!" She threw a punch in the air while still sleeping. Afterwards Calypso fell off the bed, but that didn't wake her up. She was peacefully sleeping on the floor. However this probably interrupted most of the others', if not everyone's sleep.


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Character Portrait: Ari'wyn Snowstorm
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He probably should have returned to the ship earlier, but the city had so much to see! To Ari'wyn, the world was new and exciting. The Moon Elf was sort of like a child in that manner, wide-eyed and in wonder of most things. Then again, that's to be expected when you are a member of a highly xenophobic race.

His hooves clopped softly over the cobblestones, his tail curled close to the back of his legs to stop it getting stepped on or caught on things. Mismatched eyes peered at everything as he walked, pausing to look at things now and then. Part of his mind warned him to be careful, and to stay on guard; this was a place known for it's underhanded dealings. The 'black market', as it was called. He clutched the sliver flute in his hands, one releasing the instrument a moment to push some hair back from his face.

Pausing in his step he realised... he was completely lost.

Turning around a few times, he peered down the dark streets. Which way was the dock? His tail curled around his left calf lightly as he tried to figure out which way he needed to go.

Oh, look the sun was rising. He'd been out all night.

The daylight illuminated the world slowly, and thankfully he could see the docks at the far end of the road to his left. Uncurling his tail, the elf broke into a trot-like pace and made he way down that street quickly. Soon enough, cobble turned to wood and the Phoenix was in sight. A breath of relief passed his lips as he slowed to a walk and made his way up the gangplank, giving the few who were up and about an awkward smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Durzog Character Portrait: Rueben Sanntrigo Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Anne Marie Character Portrait: Ari'wyn Snowstorm Character Portrait: Zaed Aerovaul
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Rueben saluted. "Yes, Captain!"

He hurriedly finished cooking, not bothering to clean up the mess he had made while doing so. Nodding thanks to the shipmates that helped him, he rushed onto the deck. In his arms, he managed to balance plates of breakfast which he generously handed to the crew that were up and awake.

He gave a small smile to Ari'wyn, waving hello and handing him a plate of food. "Eat up. We're about to head off soon!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rueben Sanntrigo Character Portrait: Siv Blackhammer Character Portrait: Ari'wyn Snowstorm
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It was too early... Way to early for the blacksmith. Shifting she opened her fiery red eye, the only one that could open at all. She slept in her smith, on a small mattress right by the only window. The door to the smith was available to everyone from the deck and the walls off the smith were decorated with row upon row of weaponry and armor. Most would find this a morbid place to sleep... Siv thought of it as home... But as comfy as home was she was not happy to be awoken so early, when the gray of night was still trying to fight off the light of day.

Grumbling Siv sat up and ran a hand through her hair. Today they would leave the ship to do jobs or whatever... Though Siv rarely left she was getting low on ores. Putting on a pair of thick leather gloves Siv sparked up the slowly dieing fire in her forge. Soon it was roaring and Siv got dressed and, opened the doors to the smith so as to signal her awakening. Putting up her father axe she shined it so that it gleamed fiercely upon the wall before picking up out of a nearby bucket a strange blue green coal. A 'bonk' coal her last one and one that would hopefully keep her fires ablaze for a good week. Gripping the coal in her hand she tossed it into the fire and watched the flames roar.

Finally after checking to see her things in order Siv peeked out of her smith her red eye narrowing, some light hitting her eyes. "The morning is evil..." Some crew men nearby hearing the disdain in her voice rushed off making the fiery red haired red eyed smith smirk. Those crewmen who did not know her feared her. 'And they should' thought Siv after all she was a hot blooded smithing Dwarf, with a missing eye and her fathers axe. Short or not they should fear her... Unless of course she chose to let them in... But that was a different matter. Siv's red eyes spotted Rueben and Ari'wyn, she made her way over to them. "Need some help?" Without even giving him the option she stole some plates and handed them out to the still wary of her crewmen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rueben Sanntrigo Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Anne Marie Character Portrait: Siv Blackhammer Character Portrait: Ari'wyn Snowstorm
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Anne cleaned herself off as her crew mates began to leave the kitchen. The food smelled heavenly but it would have to wait, she had left some things in her cabin that she didn't feel whole without. Her door was still open from before but it looked as if nothing had been touched. Walking in she picked up a pair of long fingerless gloves and slipped them on. Next to them lay two large bracelets once of which had a long chain attached to it, the other end was attached two her sword. She put them on, the one attached to her sword on her right hand, then placed the sword into a hilt sown into her dress. Lastly she grabbed her hat, it had been a gift from the captain of the previous ship she had been on and was a valued treasure in her eyes. She couldn't start her day without it.

After finishing up her outfit she made her way to the deck to see some of the crew had already made it up there. Giving a nod to Markus she took a plate from the Dwarf smith with her thanks and began eating as she waited for the rest of the crew to show up so the meeting could start. On the outside Anne looked calm but on the inside she was actually very excited to go to the city. Shaking her head she tried to calm herself, this was not like the old days. She couldn't be rowdy and all pirate like here, she had a job to do after all but once that was done a little sightseeing wouldn't hurt. It wouldn't it hurt if something shiny and valuable found it's way into her possession either.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rueben Sanntrigo Character Portrait: Siv Blackhammer Character Portrait: Ari'wyn Snowstorm
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Taking the plate with a smile, Ari nodded a thanks to Reuben and moved aside as Siv came up and grabbed some of the other plates from half-human. He lent against the railing of the ship and watching the others quietly as he enjoyed the meal, his flute tucked into his belt. Thankfully he'd made it back in time for breakfast, the food he was served here was always delicious.

Once he had devoured the meal, as he was rather hungry after wandering most of the night; he took the plate into the galley and through to the kitchen to return the empty plate. Turning and heading back out to the deck, he took his flute into his hands and began to play a gentle tune.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dnaria Renigeen Character Portrait: Durzog Character Portrait: Rueben Sanntrigo Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Anne Marie Character Portrait: Ari'wyn Snowstorm
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The beautiful dreams about flying together with members of her own race were interrupted by her ringing timer. The screaming above her had been faint, due to how deep she was below deck and not to mention her tired, sleep had sent her into a 'coma'.

Blinking the sleep from her eyes, she tapped the timer, making it quite. She removed her top and stretched, letting her tiny wings have some breathing time as they pulled their joints, stretching in unison to their owner's hands. When that was done, she donned her top back on, her wings folding beneath, giving her back a small bulge. After buckling on her signature mechanic's belt, filled with the equipment that she needed, some of which were an oiling can, different sizes of wrenches and a tapping hammer, Ria picked up one of the many empty bags in the workshop and slung it across her bag before tottering off down below to run her daily 'Phoenix Checks'. Noting that most of the mechanisms were moving the way they should and those that weren't were oiled to perfection, she hummed, giving a few parts of the ship some taps, to see if anything had gone hollow. Feeding more coal into the furnaces was part of this routine as well, and not just one, but several furnaces that ran the power around here.

Satisfied, she pulled her hair into a ponytail to let off some of the heat that was growing between her locks and made her way upstairs. Through the door and out she went, breathing in the welcoming fresh air. The smile on her face was filled with innocent joy and pure warmth as she enjoyed the scenery around, not knowing that they were to disembark in a 'black' island.

An eagle perched nearby the edge of the ship, to which Ria waved at before it took off. One of her friends of the sky had came to say hi. Turning around, she realized that their captain had been standing up at the wheel, so she quickly averted her eyes. For some reason, she was afraid of looking at the werecat in the eye. She did a quick and flustered bow before trotting down to the main hall, where most of the crew mates slept in, other than Siv and her, if she recalled correctly. She slept in the workshop, while Siv took her bed to the smith's.

Immediately, she was buffeted by the smell of fresh breakfast. A faint trickle of drool had flowed down from one side of her lip as she swallowed with a look of longing.

"Oh Reuben... the things you make." she crowed, before making her way to the dining hall, where it seemed everyone was present. Gun-toting Anne(Which she was a little afraid of), gentle orc Durzog(which she was also afraid of), their wondrous cook Rueben, Calypso(Another one she was afraid of), Ari'wyn(who had past her in the hall) and Mitch.

"H-hi everyone." she greeted quietly, entering the dining hall. "B-breakast?"

She held out her hands for a plate, which might have been taken for a rude gesture, but with the look that she had on her face... She was just more frightened out of her wits than a trapped brown bird.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Gamut Bilsan Character Portrait: Ari'wyn Snowstorm
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Ari'wyn stayed back away from the group that spoke to the female intruder, he looked on and listened in - for sure... Although his limited grasp of the common tongue made eavesdropping that much harder. He kept playing his flute, just playing for now - if things got too tense perhaps he could play a calming song to stop fights breaking out.

Then Gamut and the Captain started to argue. Athough it seemed to fizzle out quick enough, with the Captain storming off the ship and down into the city. It had been interesting, that the two men had some sort of history between them - he assumed at least. The old lizard seemed somewhat protective of the younger Captain.

His mind drifted off to the past, to his own family and the Fa'illium. There was always someone watching them play, sleep, explore. The Elders were paranoid and their hatred and mistrust of anything or anyone outside of the forest had been passed down through generations. Ari highly doubted any other of his Fa'illium would ever venture outside of the forest, his family for sure wouldn't.

One thing was for sure, he would never go back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Siv Blackhammer Character Portrait: Ari'wyn Snowstorm
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Siv watched the exchanges silently as she leaned against the rail of the ship. The blacksmith did not want to get her nose into any one else affairs... Mainly because she herself had only been on the ship a year or two really she could not remember as she never left her forge really.

Closing her eye Siv listened to Ari'wyn play his flute before she opened her eye and smiled. "Hey Ari!" Siv's voice sounded gruff as she usual made it. "Your not bad with that flute of yours..." Her voice softened so she would not seem rude to the elf. "It's nice to finally have a musician on the ship..." Letting out a sigh Siv's eyes wandered out over the city.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aykio Natoi Character Portrait: Rueben Sanntrigo Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Anne Marie Character Portrait: Gamut Bilsan Character Portrait: Siv Blackhammer
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Markus eventually made it back to the ship, he walked up to the upper deck and shouted to the crew "Listen up! This afternoon two large crates will be stowed in the cargo hold! We are to take these crates and transport them to the city of Irkin! That is all! I will be in my quarter if you need me!" Markus walked speedily into his quarters and sat down, taking an apple from the basket of fruit and chomping down. What is so expensive, or important, that he is willing to pay that much money? I'll find our sooner or later I suppose, Markus was deep in thought, wondering at the big mystery of the crates.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Siv Blackhammer Character Portrait: Ari'wyn Snowstorm
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The moon elf lowered his flute and smiled, bowing his head in a gentle thankyou. "Ari'wyn play ma'ny mus'ic." He spoke with a stilted exotic accent, the little of the language he knew not translating well. "He a'slo play uhm..." He couldn't remember the words for the other instruments in common (or whatever the common tongue is called). "Nhi'alsia and Nhi'sumere. His... uh... my fa'illium..." His mouth twisted as he tried to get the right words out in the right language. "La'rge fami'ly has tea'ch us mus'ic. We are tea'ch ma'ny o'nes as grow."

His conversation with the dwarf was interrupted by the captain returning. A broad smile crossed his features at the mention of their next destination, another city to see!

"Siv." He turned back to the woman. "Ev'er see'n this uh... Ir'kin city?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Siv Blackhammer Character Portrait: Ari'wyn Snowstorm
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Siv smiled gently listening to Ari talk with his strange speech. "I see... As dwarfs are main occupations were building, creating, and fighting... We were always getting attacked... Hence why I can't play any instruments like you can but I can make stuff." When the captain returned Siv listened to orders. Crates... That meant they only had a few hours left.

Siv blinked at Ari. "You know what... We've probably stopped there before and i was so busy being a soot ball making armor I did not even realize." Chuckling she pondered. "We have a few hours until departure..." Running into her smith the blacksmith returned with a bundle of armor, tools and swords. Grabbing a crewman she handed them the bundle. "Go into the city and sell this for me then buy lots of iron a little gold leather for binds and coal lots of coal... oh and see if you can't get some black ore and silver." The crewman stared at her confused. Sighing Siv arched her eyebrow. "Remember last time I went bargaining?" The crewman went pail nodded and ran off. In fact the last time she had gone bargaining for things it had resulted with an all out war in the market place and Siv being dragged back to the ship angry. Ever sense that day the crew had agree to do the shopping for her...

Running a hand through her hair Siv smiled again at Ari. "So you gonna go down to visit the city or stay aboard the ship with the captain and who knows who else... I for one should probably check everyone's weaponry if were going to be going anywhere they all need to be sharpened... You use arrows don't you? How are they?" Crossing her arms Siv awaited an answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Siv Blackhammer Character Portrait: Ari'wyn Snowstorm
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"Arrow are sha'rp and ma'ny nu'mber." The elf replied with a smile and a nod, swatting at a bug that had decided to do laps of his horn with a loud buzz. "I was in ci'ty uhmm... all tyrnea'li'ean. Oh, uh... moon ti'me? I was in ma'ny new plac'es I did n'ot kn'ow and lo'st plac'e of Nir'enne, uh... Pho'enix" He flushed a little in embarassment. "Thi'nk I will lay sle'ep. Good tyrnea'li'ean, Siv." With that the elf bowed politely and headed down to his quarters to nap before things got bustling and busy with the arrival of the crates they were taking to the next city.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Siv Blackhammer Character Portrait: Ari'wyn Snowstorm
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Siv bowed and watched the elf leave for a nap. She would begin tracking down people too check on the state of there weapons and armor. She decided to begin with the captain. Siv left the deck and made her way to the door of the captains quarters before knocking firmly. "Hey Captain!" Looking around to make sure they were alone Siv eased up her voice so it was more relaxed. "Markus... Open up its Siv... I wanna check everyone's armor and weapons before we leave... I don't want anyone ill prepared.." Just the thought of someone falling in a fight because there armor or weapons were not maintained caused the blacksmith to feel ill. Siv checked again to make sure no one was around. "I also wanna make sure everyone's alright..." Siv normally addressed Markus by Captain as a sign that she respected him. But under other terms Siv thought she knew the werecat well enough to be allowed to talk to him as she would a friend or acquaintance.

Few people could say they had Siv's respect. She was a tough person to impress but day the moment she met Markus he got her respect. He was 17 and yet ran the entire ship... But to be honest Siv actually admired allot of the people on the ship. Mitch like Markus wasn't too much older then her yet he ran things smoothly, the cook, the doctor.. Really almost everyone on the ship had her respect... Though if you asked the one eyed red haired girl no way she would ever admit it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Iari Seldowyn Character Portrait: Ari'wyn Snowstorm
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Ari'wyn had been awoken by a strange sound, bumping and... slithering? He sat up and narrowed his eyes in though, tilting his head towards the source of the sound.

What was that?

He got out of the hammock that was his own, his hooves clattering on the wood as he sleepily tried to get his footing on the ground. Rubbing his eyes and yawning, the moon elf made his way towards the deck. A strange creature seemingly blocked his exit from the lower deck, a strange creature with fippers and a small figure riding on the back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Durzog Character Portrait: Rueben Sanntrigo Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Ari'wyn Snowstorm
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0.00 INK

#, as written by isara12
Iari didn't hear her captain. She was giggling like a madwoman. The creature she rode used its long neck to bring its head up to the child and lick her, making her giggle more. Finally, she calmed down and took a moment to breath. Then she hopped down form the creature. Just now she realized that lost everyone was staring at her.
"uh..sorry?" she smiled sheepishly


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Durzog Character Portrait: Rueben Sanntrigo Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Iari Seldowyn Character Portrait: Ari'wyn Snowstorm
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Rueben's head whipped towards Durzog as a strange screech reached his ears.

"We go now to city?" the Orc asked him. Rueben nodded in response as he remembered his task at hand. "Right! We've only got an hour to explore this place; we can't waste time!" He waved goodbye towards the crew on deck and ran off, quickly disappearing into the large crowd of people in the winding roads of Black City.