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Aceteria - Collapse of the Spirit

Aceteria - Collapse of the Spirit


A foreign chemical turns organisms into either monsters or "super" powered. Or it may not affect you at all for now. The world Terra is in the brink of destruction.

5,488 readers have visited Aceteria - Collapse of the Spirit since spirit_is_shining created it.


Okay along time ago, an asteroid hit planet Terra's surface, causing debris and etc. to settle on the planet's atmosphere. The planet absorbed this into it's soil, and when life grew again it grew from this alien debris from the asteroid from planet x.
Through out the years, slowly organisms have been turning into either monsters or 'super' organisisms because of the alien toxic chemical substance debris that the asteroid brought to the surface of Terra.

Millions of years later...

The planet is calling out and needs help. There have been too many monsters and the balance between those who have turned monsters, are super organisms, or are niether has gone awry. Terra wants to rid this disease and with the help of the protagonists, the spirit of the planet will come forth and give them power to help annihilate what's left of the asteroid and the chemicals that it still produces.

Monsters roam this planet because of a chemical which has altered animals and humans to become monsters. Bounty hunters are hired to take care of these monsters from attacking towns and villages.

Now there are super humans, who have superseded the chemical and have gained one or so more superhuman power. Do they use this for good or evil? It may show symptoms in different times in people, it just depends on your environment, your genetics, how much you're exposed to the chemical etc.

Where did this chemical originate from? Well a long time ago an asteroid hit the planet resulting in a alien substance to surface much of the planet. The planet absorbed this alien material, therefore plants started to have it as well cause it grew from that soil, etc.

You can be:




Pick your poison! Muahaha.


Currently how we meet and the setting:

One of us is hired to protect a village not from monsters but because they suspect someone is going to turn into one. A girl is sick. Just as they suspect, she loses her senses one by one until eventually she transforms into a monster. Your character will either be a)hired by the village to protect it or b)happen to be crossing by when the village is in danger.

Then we all meet! Wahoo! Fun fun!

Any questions? Suggestions? Comments? Feel free to note me or ask in the ooc, I'll gladly answer or respond.



What is the level of technology and magic in this roleplay?

There is technology and magic is limited. You can for instance see a city with a subway or police force. But " magic" goes so far as lighting up a saber in fire, or lighting up arrows in light. Or regenerating faster than normal, etc. Super human power or strength, etc.

Technology is not so advanced. This world is not modern, yet it's not medieval or steam punk either. IT's it's own time, more like there is lots of free land and where creatures may roam.

Would it be out of place to be a tribal character?

No, infact, you can say that technology has been kind of halted cause humans are constantly having to fight the monsters. Technology goes as far as trains and cities and a military force, but the rest is 'super' powered or a monster. When you're super powered, you can choose what your power is but you can't be all powerful. Magic goes as far as lighting up weaponry with elemental energy or healing tonics but that's pretty much it. If you have some kind of cool story that involves magic somehow in an approvable way, for sure add it to your cs and I'll approve or disapprove

What races are there?
It's mostly human, super human, or monster for now. Or basically humanoid.
Yeah you can do that, you can change into an animal. It can be part of your tribe's thing


Character Skeleton / Sheet:

Affected by Aceteria (asteroid)? If so, how so? Is your character a regular creature or organism, or have they mutated/superceded the chemical and have become 'super'?
Anything else:

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Browse All » 9 Settings to roleplay in

Country of Gainsborough

Country of Gainsborough by spirit_is_shining

You have entered Gainsborough country.

Village of MayFlower

Village of MayFlower by spirit_is_shining

Village of May Flower

MayFlower Village

MayFlower Village by spirit_is_shining

Entering Village of MayFlower, Gainsborough

Hemingway Capital

Hemingway Capital by spirit_is_shining

Entering Capital City of Gainsborough country.

City of Doral

City of Doral by spirit_is_shining

Entering Doral, city near the sea.

Forest Mysteria

Forest Mysteria by spirit_is_shining

Entering Forest of Mysteria. Be careful!


Aceteria by spirit_is_shining

Aceteria is... a place? Entering Aceteria.

The Northern Ashfield

The Northern Ashfield by spirit_is_shining

Entering Northern Ashfield.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcius Taiga Character Portrait: Anna Winterfrost Character Portrait: Vera Mason Character Portrait: Mahli
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Regal nodded. "Sounds like a good plan Vera" he said. Shouldn't be to hard to sneak him in the town, people are flowing in and out of it pretty well. "If you don't mind spending a bit of coin Arcius we can stay at my friends tavern." he said." Either way though we can meet up there and make up our minds on what to do if there is anything else to do." He was about to say something else to Vera but what ever he was going to say died on his lips.

He turned to Anna and Malhi who were still being quiet. " Hey lets go." he said leading them to the stream of people that were making there way inside. He was worried about Anna and Malhi , he had just met them but it seemed like they weren't here , that was a shame because he was looking forward to getting to know them a little better but if they had other plans or interest oh well The wheel turns as the wheel will.

Regal looked around not really caring what he saw but he noticed a lot more color than normal for this town. Festive purples and blues were being worn by men ,the ladies wore yellow and red, It was nice seeing a bit of color.
He got a few look odd looks but more along the lines of "why aren't you dressed up" than anything. Mahli got a few looks as well but he guessed she glared at them or something because the lookers turned away rather quickly. They got in the gate rather easily The guards were too busy to notice that a bard group had gained another three members.

The city was rather grand for the area, it had brick homes and it was fairly clean with paved streets, it was a wonderful change from the wild. On every corner there was a bard group bragging about their great acts and how much better they were than the other bards. Merchants bellowed over the bustle of crowds about how their ware was the finest in the city.An old man tried to sell regal a worn sword trying to claim it had been used in the last great conflict by some general, the sword Acid tongue. Regal turned down the man politely and lead his group down an ally that looped back under the street almost. At the end of the ally was a door with a caricature of a troll smoking a pipe. Regal knocked on the door . It was answered by a large man who glared at him. [b]"I'm here to see Robert , Edward now let me through."[/b] he said pushing past the guard. The man snarled and blocked Mahli and Anna. Regal waved them down before they got all up in arms ."Give me a moment" he asked


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca Character Portrait: D'Varius McAnter
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D'Varius McAnter

After what seemed like hours of walking, the bear heard a noise coming from his right. The bear gave a rough snort, and then it was gone. Standing in it's place was D'Varius, cloak pulled tight over his face, and he edged toward the noise. As he got closer, he ducked behind a tree, and saw who was talking. It was a young woman, who looked remarkably like some sort of runaway, and a monstrous being that loomed over her. The smaller of the two demonstrated some sort of power, and he overheard they were going to be accompanying one another on a trip to the next settlement.

"Go with them, you fool! It will get us closer to our targets."

D'Varius shuddered for a moment, but then stepped out and approached the two women. He held out one hand before hailing them. "Er, excuse me? Did you say you were going to the next settlement? I'm awfully lost..." He took his hood down to reveal his face, his shaggy brown hair hanging down to his eyebrows, and his blind eye widening and gazing from left to right, while his crimson red eye stayed focused on the two of them.

He bowed slightly. "My apologies, allow me to introduce myself, my name is...Mik'ael, it is a pleasure to meet the two of you." He continued to eye the two of them, a single bead of sweat rolling from his brow down the ridge of his nose. "I won't slow you down, I promise, in fact, I can be of some assistance if we run into any trouble. Your kindness would be most appreciated. What do you say?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca Character Portrait: D'Varius McAnter
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#, as written by Echo-19
"The letter is addressed to a 'Regal Winternorth' with only 'The Troll Bar' written under his name," said Ira, frowning. She could only assume that the bar was reasonably well known otherwise the sender would have at least written the name of the town.

She was about to say something else to Rebecca when a man stepped out of the shadows of the trees. Taken completely off guard, she took step so she was standing in a way that she could easily run or throw up her glyph shield.

"Er, excuse me? Did you say you were going to the next settlement? I'm awfully lost..." he said before lowering his hood. Ira was taken aback by his appearance - the eye that didn't seem to focus on anything making her wonder if he could see out of it. His irises were red though which disturbed her but she tried not to show how she felt or that she could tell her could wield magic, though she could not tell how or in what capacity.

He bowed and introduced himself before promising to be more of an assistance in any potential trouble than a burden to them if they would allow him to accompany them to the town.

Ira didn't trust him, but she didn't trust almost anyone anymore. She put her hand on her chest and bowed her head slightly, a common formal gesture used by her clan. "I am Ira of the Crying Bird Clan," she said. She didn't know how well known her people might be in this country. In her country, almost all the nation-states surrounding hers had heard of her clan's history in the knowledge and use of Druidic Blood Magic. It used to cause fear in those who were ignorant of the knowledge that it hadn't been used in almost ten generations. She hoped, that if it was something someone in this country might know it would come across as she intended it to: as a warning. She tried to hide her mistrust and use of a tone that was a bit cold with a smile. She was used to acting like she was happy or enjoying herself and fell into the practice easily. "You would need to ask Rebecca if she would be willing to guide another traveler," she said gesturing to the laden postworker. "I'm a stranger to this country and also quite lost."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca Character Portrait: D'Varius McAnter
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"The Troll Bar? Hmmmmm sounds familiar, but no idea where that is, i'm afraid. Not much time off since there isn't may of us posties about these days dearie. All work and no play i'm afraid.", the mutated delivery lady muttered to Ira conversationally, before turning her attention to a rustling in the bushes, seeming on edge.
Rebecca was at first startled, and then quickly defensive and suspicious of the newly arrived stranger, readying her post box to be used in a quick bludgeoning, her arm raised ready to strike while another pair clutched her delivery sack for protection.
Her eyes narrowed in distrust, as the tall, cloaked and robed man, focusing more on his face, the scalp of which was decorated with shaggy hair, after he pulled down the hood than his wishes to follow along to the next settlement, her eye's focusing on is single red eye, ignoring his other blind one.

She internally swore when Ira addressed the man that said he was called Mik'ael, saying it was her decision to choose if he was allowed to follow. Taking an angry sigh, Rebecca bellowed out; "Well how the hell could you help us Mr. Mik'ael? Or should I say enemy of the post? Trying to take my letters and parcels are you? Well, not as long as I live! You better prove your a friend of the postal service if you want to trudge along otherwise I got half a mind to smack you round the bonce!", baring her teeth viciously, giving clear signals she was highly disliking the strange,r mostly for the fact he was a mysterious stranger. She took a defensive pose, waiting as if Mik'ael would suddenly strike out.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca Character Portrait: D'Varius McAnter
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D'Varius McAnter

He continued to give the two of them a warm smile, even as the big mutant readied to swing at him with some sort of weapon? "I can offer protection from anything we might run into in this forest. You see, I am affected by this land just as you are. Though my gift has not changed me as much, I still hold power that would come in handy for the likes of you." He took a step back, not wanting to see if she was really going to swing at him with her readied weapon. "I would have never come from my hiding if I had not wished to accompany you on good intentions. I could pay you for your escort, if money is what you seek."

He removed a small pouch from within his cloak and jingled it softly, the sound of many gold coins rattling inside. He held it outward to the two women. "I'll even pay you in advance. Please, it has been many days since I have gotten lost, and to be honest, I don't wish to trifle around in this god-forsaken forest much longer. You'd be doing an innocent man a great kindness."

Inside his blood was boiling. He had never groveled for anyone other then his master, and yet here he was begging these two girls if he could accompany them. He had half a mind to tear the two of them limb from limb, and it almost made him lick his lips in anticipation. As he awaited there response, he kept the bag of gold outstretched, closing his eyes and offering the warmest smile he could muster. "I know I may not look like much, but looks can be deceiving, as I am sure you both know."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcius Taiga Character Portrait: Regal Withernorth Character Portrait: Vera Mason
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#, as written by Kirihe
"Let's go" Vera pulled Arcius along with her to the gate, casting an aura of compulsion around her. The guards were easy to fool as they were busy with the clusters of people hurrying through the gates. She didn't even hand them the passports they were asking for. Instead Vera pulled her companion through the crowd after the others, joining with them just as Regal spoke.

"About time" She smoothed her hair back. "Forests aren't friendly places to be" she thought back to the monster wolf they'd seen. If she wanted to go back to her own village she'd need to go back through there and possibly back through Mayflower. Not a promising factor. Not to mention, Hemingway had several outside cities she'd need to go through to get home. One of which was run by the very bounty hunter she had no interest in meeting. If Veon found her, or them, they'd be as good as dead for being mutated without I.D.

"Speaking of which...if you happen to hear the name Veon you'd do well to get out of his way and fast. Unless you fancy yourself a jail cell" SHe murmmered to the others to avoid the surrounding people from hearing.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcius Taiga Character Portrait: Regal Withernorth Character Portrait: Anna Winterfrost Character Portrait: Vera Mason Character Portrait: Mahli
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#, as written by CJL1290
Arcius Taiga

Arcius somewhat struggled to keep up as Vera dragged him through the gates and down the streets of the city. He wanted to ask how, but he was happy with Vera's ability; it certainly was useful. As he walked the streets of the city, he noticed how festive everyone looked, but that wasn't what he was focusing on. His eyes scanned the crowd for his mother, hoping to spot her with a bit of luck. He didn't see her however.

"Maybe she's at home? I hope she's alright." He thought.

When arriving he saw Regal walk inside, and he stopped and waited with everyone. He looked at the large and kind of intimidating man who snarled at them and blocked their path. What was his problem? From the looks of it, he wasn't too happy to see Regal bring all these strangers here. Arcius didn't want anymore trouble today, so he decided to let him know that he wasn't going to be any trouble.

He cleared his throat and extended his hand to introduce himself, trying to be friendly and courteous.

"My name is Arcius, it's nice to meet you." He politely introduced with his hand stretched forward expecting a handshake. He only received a soul-piercing glare and a low growl however, which was a good sign to retract his handshake. Taking a step back, he placed his hands in his pockets.

"Okay... never mind then." He muttered, a bit embarrassed that happened in front of all the women.

Arcius was going to ask Vera about this "Veon" guy, but he decided to keep quiet for now.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcius Taiga Character Portrait: Regal Withernorth Character Portrait: Anna Winterfrost Character Portrait: Vera Mason Character Portrait: Mahli
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Regal's head popped out from behind the body guard Eric. " We're safe here for a few days " he said. He patted Eric's shoulder who grinned and stepped aside. He bowed a little to the ladies " No disrespect ladies, just doing my job" The large man turned into a teddy bear more or less. Eric leaned against took a seat beside the door and relaxed. Regal rolled his eyes and went into the tavern.The tavern smelled of freshly cooked break, roasting meat, and good ale. It wasn't full by any means but it wasn't empty either. There were folk talking quietly to each other. Some turned to see who was at the door others ignored them completely.
Regal waved to a few folks he knew who nodded in acknowledgement. Regal went down a hallway. " Don't ease drop around here, you mind not want to hear what you will." He said quietly. If anyone lingered by a door they could hear any number of sounds:pleasure, torture, small talk, pillow talk, and even strange sounds not made by humans. The Troll's Tavern was a place that as long as you had gold you could do what you please.... a great many folk enjoyed that. Regal handed a key to Vera , Anna, and Malhi. " The three rooms on the back there are yours. Me and him have to bunk in the same room" Regal didn't sound thrilled about that idea. " He's out of rooms this week. Unless someone else would like to bunk with him." He said He opening the room. The room was well furnished and had a desk, a sturdy bed, a table and even a small fire place, it was the standard in this place unless you ordered something else. "Unless there are any objections?" He asked leaning against the door frame. His feet were killing him and he really wanted to relax.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca Character Portrait: D'Varius McAnter
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#, as written by Echo-19
Ira looked at the defensive stance Rebecca put on and decided to ease the building tension she could feel and stepped forward, dropping her defenses, even her glyph shield.

She looked at Rebecca. she was beginning to realize that almost nothing meant anything to this individual except for the mail. Although it was strange, it meant that she could use it to her advantage if need be. "I don't think he's an enemy of the post. There are very few people who really want to interrupt the mail, I assure you." She looked back to D'Varius. "I have no need for money, just to get to the nearest town." She glanced back at Rebecca realizing she'd become the mediator between them trying to keep a two person bloodbath from occurring. "How about you show us both the way to Hemingway and when we get there, I will not only give you the letter I have in the knapsack but I will post something myself. You get two parcels to deliver for the job of leading two people to the town. Does that sound feasible?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca Character Portrait: D'Varius McAnter
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Although the man that referred to himself as Mik'ael offered gold and insisted he had no ill intentions and merely desperately wanted to leave the forest, Rebecca's mood barely softened, after also hearing him say he had powers to 'protect' them from trouble, and that he mentioned appearances can be deceiving, and was merely glaring at the bag of coins.
Before the mutant could continue her aggressive behavior however, Ira stepped between the two, becoming a mediator of sorts, announcing she didn't believe he would cause harm towards the post, and refused the man's money.

She then turned back to Rebecca and came up with a proposition; to hand her something to deliver. It was a rather unusual deal, but one that made Rebecca decide she was starting to warm to the young lady, lowering her post box and relaxing her posture more, before giving in and saying; "Alright, alright then, i'll guide him along too, but unless he's posting those coins too, keep them in your pocket Mr. Mik'ael! I'm also keeping an eye on you, so no tomfoolery and keep your grubby mitts off my post! Right then, if were going to get to Hemmingway we can't stand around chatting all day, lets get a move on!" And with that, she turned to begin the journey to the aforementioned town, making a quick brisk walk through the trees, fully expecting the others to follow behind, to the extent of not even checking.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca
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D'Varius McAnter

D'Varius stuffed the coins back into his pocket as the smaller girl seemed to have come to his rescue. A flicker went through his mind of what she may look like as a mangled corpse, and a smile played across his lips. Again, he resisted the urge to drag his tongue across his upper lip. "Thank you. It is most...appreciated." As the bigger woman began to trudge off into the forest, he pulled his hood tightly over his head once more, it was much more comfortable this way, and began to follow.

"Good...GOOD! Rip them apart! Tear the flesh from their BONES!!"

D'Varius shook his head violently, then looked up to Ira. "Er..sorry, I have this twitch, you see. I hope it won't be a bother to you." What he was really doing was trying to ward off Kaine for a while longer. The last thing he wanted was him getting loose and killing these two before he even had a chance to make it to the larger group he had been following earlier. He balled up both his fists until his knuckles turned white, gritting his teeth and almost biting through his lip.

"You can't keep me in here forever and you know it! I will be free! I WILL take control! And I WILL feast upon their blood!!

Again he shook his head, though this time not as violent. He thought of a way to pass the time as they marched through the woods, for the silence would surely drive him to the brink of insanity. "So...what brings the two of you into these parts? Must be quite a way from home to stumble out into these woods." He tried to maintain a calm demeanor, but his voice nearly cracked as he bit his tongue, and he kept quiet for a moment. "This accursed twitch!" He growled, rubbing his fingers on his temples. He seemed like some sort of madman, which would either drive pity or concern from the two, and he hoped it was pity, for his sake.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca Character Portrait: D'Varius McAnter
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#, as written by Echo-19
Ira smiled at D'Varius, in a way that may reassure him that the twitch he seemed so irritated with wasn't a problem, as they set off through the woods after Rebecca. Ira kept the little orb of light lit and it gently bobbed in the air, slightly in front of them just over their heads so they could see where they were walking.

"I'm a gypsy from the neighboring country of Navarre," said Ira. "My clan was slaughtered and I was arrested and exiled after being sold into slavery for a time," she said avoiding the point about her being a prostitute after she was sold. "Rebecca found the wagon they were carting me around in after the guards delivering me from who knows where were killed by something," she said. She was hoping talking would help him relax and possibly ease the 'twitches' so he was calling them. She felt a darker aura underneath his - something she had felt when she was taught how to use blood magic. She didn't trust it and hoped he could maintain it under his own.

Though she didn't like the darker aura that seemed to be pushing against D'Varius's like an animal barely caged, she thought maybe appeasing the darker side would ease the potential threat. "My clan, we were accused of practicing Druidic Blood Magic," said Ira looking straight ahead of her as she spoke. She knew how to use it and that it was typically used with human sacrifices. When the elder had taught her what it was, because she was the Enchantress, she was required to know how to perform the darker rituals, though she had only killed animals. It was why when she used very powerful magic, blue glyph's that looked like they were tattooed on her skin glowed. In her clan, blood stained those who used it for power.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcius Taiga Character Portrait: Regal Withernorth Character Portrait: Anna Winterfrost Character Portrait: Vera Mason Character Portrait: Mahli
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#, as written by CJL1290
Arcius Taiga

"Oh sure, I don't get an apology?" Arcius thought as he walked by the body guard and followed everyone else. He looked around the tavern and saw a variety of people and creatures. The smells made him hungry, and he was envious of the others that were drinking ale. Soon he would get his fill. He heard the sounds of people chatting, laughing, and...

Arcius' cheeks flushed slightly at the other noises he started hearing when they walked down a hallway. He nodded in agreement when Regal said not to eavesdrop on anyone here. He didn't even want to think what was going on behind those doors.

When Regal handed the keys to the women, his shoulders sagged in disappointment when he heard he had to room with Regal. Of course it was nothing against him, but if he had to room with someone, why couldn't it be one of the women?

"Dammit Arcius, are you really thinking about this now? Seriously, what happened to my priorities?"

Regal opened a door and and Arcius peeked past the group saw how comfortable these rooms looked. Not bad for a tavern.

"Unless there are any objections?" Regal asked. Arcius pondered for a bit. Maybe there was a way to change things up a bit. Before he could pitch his idea however, Mahli walked over to him and handed him her key. She quietly mumbled something that sounded like "I'm leaving," as she headed for the nearest exit. Surprised, Arcius turned with a "Hey, hold on-!"

She was already gone like the wind however, the only trace of her left was the key in Arcius' palm. Whatever her reasons for leaving was, it was none of his business.

He looked up and faced the remaining group. He held the key up between his index and middle finger. "Well... I guess I have my own room now." He said.

The young man walked over and unlocked his door. After taking a peek inside and being satisfied with the condition of the room, he shut it and walked past the group, heading back to the area where they served food. "If anyone needs me, I'll be getting some food, halfway drunk, and relaxing."

He was pretty sure his shoulder could hold up until he at least ate something and had a good drink.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcius Taiga Character Portrait: Regal Withernorth Character Portrait: Anna Winterfrost Character Portrait: Vera Mason
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Malhi's departure made Regal shake his head a bit " Doubt we will see her again, shame." He shrugged a bit. Regal was quietly thankful for her leaving , she didn't seem happy traveling with the group.."Maybe something came up?" He pondered " Well what ever her reasons it solves one of our issues" He nodded a bit " I think I'll Join you Arcius, I've got a table here we can use. Permanently on reserve more or less. Pardon ladies." He said following the younger man. He had been looking forward to eating all day, the little bit of deer and cheese they had before had long since wore thin. " The room's include one meal a day." He explained, he leaned a little closer to Arcius " Ask for Katy if you ever eat without me , the other servers have a habit of ending up with wallet's that are not theirs " He gave him a smile and went over to his table. His table was over in the corner and faced the door and the gave a clear line of sight to the hallway so anyone sitting in it could see the comings and going of folk. He took his normal spot, soon a short , slim, redheaded girl went by the table and started chatting with him. He tutted on about how he hasn't been there in weeks to see her and so on, but in a playful manner. He smiled chatted back with her, after their chat was over he ordered a bowl of stew and a large mug of ale. She turned to Arcius with a smile. " And what would you like hun?" she asked.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcius Taiga Character Portrait: Regal Withernorth
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#, as written by CJL1290
Arcius Taiga

Arcius sat at the table Regal went to and thought about what he wanted. He saw Regal and this redheaded girl talk like they knew each other. Arcius though she was a nice person, but he didn't know the relationship between those two. He decided to try and not do anything stupid. His stomach grumbled as he waited for them to finish their conversation.

When she faced him and asked what he liked, he smiled and said, "I'll take whatever you recommend. Oh, and a large mug of ale as well." He placed his hand on his chin in thought.

"On second thought, make that two mugs. I've had a long day."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca Character Portrait: D'Varius McAnter
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As Rebecca kept walking at a steady pace, her rhythm of marching along on her four 'legs' keeping her going onward towards the village without pause, she merely gave a grunt at Mik'ael's thanks for keeping his gold and commenting on an apparent twitching habit, though had a odd sense of some animal aggression in the air, but assumed she was just imagining things, looking around suspiciously just in case.
As the cloaked stranger began to strike up a conversation, Rebecca looked back at him with her eyes squinting in distrust, getting a feeling she may be right about him having ill intentions in her gut as he twitched again, but didn't lessen her pace.
She also decided that Ira definitely had her uses too as she created some orb of light in her hands which floated gently in-front of the group, getting the mutant postal woman's nod of approval, and a sympathetic frown towards the gypsy girl as he told the tale of her clan being wiped out. being arrested, and then sold into slavery. A terrible tale of misfortune indeed.
She also mentioned something about the clan being blamed for druid magic with blood or something of the sorts. To be frank, Rebecca had little care for magic, they tended to be things that other people did that didn't benefit her or the post, like a deal of other things.
Deciding to pitch in purely to keep their minds off the journey, having already decided to travel without stopping on the way to Hemmingway, knowing fully well if she said the travels would take all night they would certainly insist on stopping which just wouldn't do. She was already behind schedule, not that she remembered it often.

"Sorry to hear the troubles you had to put with dearie. Bless you Ira, if I didn't free you from that carriage you would be starving by now.", she commented in a semi sincere manner, though she always found it difficult to understand others troubles.
"I haven't got a tale of why I'm wondering these parts to be honest Mr. Mik'ael, whether its your name or not, I'm merely off to do my rounds as a delivery woman should. Always have, always will. Well, not sure if always have, don't remember much back, could be old age if I had remembered my age.", she chatted, before grabbing a few branches and pushing them out her way aggressively, a few snapping like twigs.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca Character Portrait: D'Varius McAnter
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#, as written by Echo-19
Ira smiled at Rebecca's condolences for her clan's demise. "And I can never thank you enough for what you did," said Ira as she stepped up and over a large rock. If they weren't on such a determined hike towards Hemingway, she would have drifted a couple steps on either side of the trail looking for recognizable herbs and plants. It was a hobby she'd picked up when she was little, learning plants that could be used for flavoring food or to make medicines with. She let her eyes wander the sides of trees for moss and mushrooms and kept an eye towards her feet on the edge of the trail Rebecca was blazing for them for familiar things.

She smiled broadly when she saw a plant she knew was edible growing in a large cluster at the base of a tree they passed and quickly plucked it from the ground. It was a tiny plant - not something someone could live off of - but it was a large cluster. Ira plucked a couple of the tiny heart shaped leaves from the bunch and ate them. She held out a section of the cluster to D'Varius. "Do you want to try some? It's and herb called wood sorrel. The leaves have kind-of a tangy almost candy-like flavor." She put a couple more of the little leaves in her mouth when he looked from the plant to her so he could see she wasn't lying about it being edible. "There's enough if you want some too," she said to Rebecca. She didn't want to exclude the determined postal worker.

Technically Ira owed her life to the strange woman. The thought didn't sit well with her. She didn't like owing large debts to anyone but Rebecca didn't seem particularly interested in Ira returning the favor. She felt a little guilty about it, but hoped it wouldn't get brought up and it would stay that way.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca Character Portrait: D'Varius McAnter
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Rebecca gave a grin back at Ira expressing her gratitude for rescuing her, though in truth all she did was break a carriage a bit, and retorted; "No problem at all dearie, but to be frank, it was not much of a problem at all, plus I get to help a letter find it's way home!", seeming more ecstatic on finding another item for the post than saving the possible slow demise of a young helpless stranger, as she cheerfully kicked a rotting log out of the way.

Her grin shrunk a little when she saw her new companion and even newer companion stop to pick at some vegetation, Ira calling them 'wood sorrel' and that they were a sweet tasting edible herb, which she offered to Rebecca and the mysterious mister Mik'ael, to which the mutated postal woman waved a dismissive hand, giving the excuse, "No thank you Ira, I already had food today, you both grab a few for the journey.", being quite uneasy about stopping for plants she had no knowledge on. She thought it would best not to try in case she had an allergy to it. After all, who would deliver the post then, if she did fall ill from it?


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcius Taiga Character Portrait: Regal Withernorth Character Portrait: Anna Winterfrost Character Portrait: Vera Mason
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#, as written by Kirihe
[I was asked to put a new post up in an effort to restart this so here goes]

Vera tucked the key into her pocket, crossing the room to the table where she now found Arcius and Regal. The two of them were ordering, speaking to a young server who was grinning and batting her eyelashes at Regal more than she should have. Vera rolled her eyes, shrugging past the girl and slipping into a seat next to Arcius.

"Though I might join you for a bit" She smiled, glancing at the girl still standing with her. "I was hoping for something a little less meaty than what I suspect you'd want. Maybe one of the vegetable stews? And some tea and honey, if you wouldn't mind"

She turned back to the two men sitting with her, particularly focused on Arcius. "After you eat we'll need to see a healer. I'll go with you to find one, and keep someone from arresting you along the way. Regal, whether you want to come is up to you; but I suggest we leave Anna to deal with her bounty business. Unless you feel like accompanying her? I have a streak of trouble with the usual crop of bounty hunters, but oh well. Comes with the trade." She carefully folding a cloth napkin in front of her, waiting for a response.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcius Taiga Character Portrait: Regal Withernorth Character Portrait: Anna Winterfrost Character Portrait: Vera Mason
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0.00 INK

Regal leaned back a little bit folded his arms neatly under his chest in a relaxed manner while he thought. " I'd be fine staying here but to be honest I'd rather go about with you all, as neatly as your .... gift ... might be , sometimes a simple conversation would work. "
He looked over to Arcius. " So I'd suppose it'd be up to you if I tagged along or not."

"You're drinks." The serving girl said dropping their drinks off.
"Thank you kindly Katy." Regal said as he took his drink.

Regal took a drink of the warm honey flavored ale, he sighed contently.

"Do yo know where a healer is in this town? If not I could find someone who isn't to bad at it and won't cost us an arm and a leg. No pun intended." He gave a joking look over to Arcius. A little ale in Regal made him all the more friendly to people he otherwise mistrusted and he knew it but eh, the ale was good at least.

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Country of Gainsborough

Country of Gainsborough by spirit_is_shining

You have entered Gainsborough country.

Village of MayFlower

Village of MayFlower by spirit_is_shining

Village of May Flower

MayFlower Village

MayFlower Village by spirit_is_shining

Entering Village of MayFlower, Gainsborough

Hemingway Capital

Hemingway Capital by spirit_is_shining

Entering Capital City of Gainsborough country.

City of Doral

City of Doral by spirit_is_shining

Entering Doral, city near the sea.

Forest Mysteria

Forest Mysteria by spirit_is_shining

Entering Forest of Mysteria. Be careful!


Aceteria by spirit_is_shining

Aceteria is... a place? Entering Aceteria.

The Northern Ashfield

The Northern Ashfield by spirit_is_shining

Entering Northern Ashfield.

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View All » Add Character » 17 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Regal Withernorth
Character Portrait: Vera Mason
Character Portrait: Anna Winterfrost
Character Portrait: Atma Pidgin
Character Portrait: Lancet Dyman
Character Portrait: Veon Lysander
Character Portrait: Marcus Winchester
Character Portrait: Nousta
Character Portrait: Aceteria
Character Portrait: D'Varius McAnter
Character Portrait: Arcius Taiga
Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca
Character Portrait: Spirit of Terra
Character Portrait: Ira


Character Portrait: Ira

A Gypsy and part of the Crying Bird Clan that was wiped out. After the slaughter she was imprisoned for a few weeks until she was sold by her captors into prostitution.

Character Portrait: Spirit of Terra
Spirit of Terra

Please help this planet

Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca
Delivery-lady Rebecca

"The Post never stops. The Post is eternal."

Character Portrait: Arcius Taiga
Arcius Taiga

"I may be exiled from my hometown, but at least I have ice powers now. Wait, I can't tell if this is a good thing."

Character Portrait: Aceteria

Our minds are everywhere

Character Portrait: Nousta

"Humans are fun, but sometimes your views are very backwards"

Character Portrait: Marcus Winchester
Marcus Winchester

I can help, but just give me some time.

Character Portrait: Veon Lysander
Veon Lysander

"the only person worth trusting is yourself"

Character Portrait: Lancet Dyman
Lancet Dyman

Very carefree character, Tries to avoid conflict


Character Portrait: Vera Mason
Vera Mason

"Anything you want I can get, all you have to do is ask nicely"

Character Portrait: Nousta

"Humans are fun, but sometimes your views are very backwards"

Character Portrait: Spirit of Terra
Spirit of Terra

Please help this planet

Character Portrait: Marcus Winchester
Marcus Winchester

I can help, but just give me some time.

Character Portrait: Regal Withernorth
Regal Withernorth

"trouble always follows trouble, and I want to avoid that, but i can get you where your going." He is a guide in this toxic world who can lead you where you need to go as safe as he can: for the right price that is.

Character Portrait: Veon Lysander
Veon Lysander

"the only person worth trusting is yourself"

Character Portrait: Aceteria

Our minds are everywhere

Character Portrait: Anna Winterfrost
Anna Winterfrost

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca
Delivery-lady Rebecca

"The Post never stops. The Post is eternal."

Character Portrait: Vera Mason
Vera Mason

"Anything you want I can get, all you have to do is ask nicely"

Character Portrait: Arcius Taiga
Arcius Taiga

"I may be exiled from my hometown, but at least I have ice powers now. Wait, I can't tell if this is a good thing."

Character Portrait: Regal Withernorth
Regal Withernorth

"trouble always follows trouble, and I want to avoid that, but i can get you where your going." He is a guide in this toxic world who can lead you where you need to go as safe as he can: for the right price that is.

Character Portrait: Aceteria

Our minds are everywhere

Character Portrait: Veon Lysander
Veon Lysander

"the only person worth trusting is yourself"

Character Portrait: Anna Winterfrost
Anna Winterfrost

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Character Portrait: Ira

A Gypsy and part of the Crying Bird Clan that was wiped out. After the slaughter she was imprisoned for a few weeks until she was sold by her captors into prostitution.

Character Portrait: Spirit of Terra
Spirit of Terra

Please help this planet

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Country of Gainsborough

Country of Gainsborough by spirit_is_shining

You have entered Gainsborough country.

Village of MayFlower

Village of MayFlower by spirit_is_shining

Village of May Flower

MayFlower Village

MayFlower Village by spirit_is_shining

Entering Village of MayFlower, Gainsborough

Hemingway Capital

Hemingway Capital by spirit_is_shining

Entering Capital City of Gainsborough country.

City of Doral

City of Doral by spirit_is_shining

Entering Doral, city near the sea.

Forest Mysteria

Forest Mysteria by spirit_is_shining

Entering Forest of Mysteria. Be careful!


Aceteria by spirit_is_shining

Aceteria is... a place? Entering Aceteria.

The Northern Ashfield

The Northern Ashfield by spirit_is_shining

Entering Northern Ashfield.


Aceteria is... a place? Entering Aceteria.

Hemingway Capital

Entering Capital City of Gainsborough country.

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