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"All my actions were those of justice."

0 · 851 views · located in The Lands of Galderia

a character in “Adventures in Galderia”, as played by Gundalive


Name: Riddhe Prielind Adelheid
Age:37, apparent age: 26
Profession: Vagrant
Description: Image Adelheid stands at roughly six foot one. Short blond hair covers his head, while from a serious looking face; spared from many a scar, pine green eyes observe his surroundings. He possesses a muscular but nimble body, something reflected in his uniform, as it is mostly made out of leather, and minimal metals, as not to impede movement. Recently, he stopped wearing the tabard that was part of his uniform. While earlier mentioned, his face barely has any scars, his lower arms and torso bear the exact opposite, all which have a tale to tell. (Pictures, Writing, anything you can use to describe what this character looks like)

Personality: Usually serious but approachable, his recent morose demeanor, has given people the impression that he is the unfriendly sort, while in reality he is quite friendly, and can be very talkative when engaged in conversation. Being a former member of The Order of Absolute Judgement, he still wishes to dispense justice upon those who do wrong. However due to recent events, he doubts what he perceived justice entailed, and questions if his actions up till now were truly righteous.

History: Riddhe Prielind was the youngest of three, with the eldest being seven years older. His mother; Adelheid, was of high nobility, although stripped of her status when her land was conquered, and was forced to marry a newly appointed baron hailing from the Divine Empire of Altella, Riddhe and his siblings eventual father named Rydholm. At the age of ten he was drafted into the ranks of The Order of Absolute Judgement, where he would apprentice under a foreign member by the name of Omar El-Ghazzawy, whom would teach Riddhe how to fight. Over time, they forged a bond that became more than that of mentor and apprentice; they became comrades, and something akin to father and son. They would fight together on different fronts, nigh unbeatable, as they complemented each other, intercepting blows, and sneaking in hits when the other couldn’t.
This all came to an end roughly 3 months ago, when the both of them got involuntarily involved in a coup within the order. They were used as scapegoats, Riddhe’s mentor sacrificed to “appease” their god, and he himself exiled and geased, unable to inform anyone of what happened, or tell a person of his true identity. With his identity and mentor stolen from him, he wanders the road aimlessly, now under the name of Adelheid.

5 days worth of rations.
Twenty sovereigns
Adelheid’s uniform
A tabard bearing the mark of The Order of Absolute Judgement
A large curved sword of Damascus steel
A sizeable shield

Special Traits: Like most templars and paladins, Adelheid is capable of using holy magic. Due to no longer trusting in his god, and doubting his teachings, it’s effects have greatly reduced, and at times won’t work at all. The curved blade he owns is exceptionally sharp, able to cut through various materials with greater ease. He's been using it for such a long time in concert with his divine abillities, that his blade has adopted elements of it.
His fighting style and skillset are both unorthodox, especially so for a Templar, prefering to rather fight without a shield then with.

So begins...

Adelheid's Story

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Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Adelheid
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Appleton. A small town that had definitely seen better days. Most of it’s inhabitants had fled when they were continuously attacked by what appeared to be blobs; slimes to be more precise, each with special powers according to their color. This was something Adelheid would find out during a brief scuffle outside of the town, from which he escaped mostly unscathed. While he usually just drifted through places without staying for long, seeing in what condition it was, he could hardly leave.

Soft but steady footfalls carried him towards a space occupied with rows of wood, all in different sizes, and by the looks of it, originated from the fallen buildings in the area. Bending slightly through his knees as he placed; a rather large collection of wood, neatly next to another row of wood. He had been doing all kinds of odd jobs around Appleton for the past three days, when he wasn’t driving off Slimes. It felt like it was a battle destined to be lost, as each night wasn’t without losses.

In the distance, Adelheid could hear the clamoring of the villagers, as various cheers and shouts out of joy could be heard from their mouths. But why did they cheer, he wondered. Nothing these last few days had warranted those, so with his curiosity piqued, he made his way towards the voices of the villagers, and ended up in the town center. There he saw the cause of the commotion; A group of eccentrics, seemingly led by a young blond haired fellow in heavy armor, likely a paladin. Each individual was interesting to a degree, but the one that stood out most, and not solely because of length, was the one of obvious demonic heritage. Adelheid instinctively grasped for his sword, only for him to grab at air, as he did not bring his sword. mentally face-palming, he opted instead to listen in on what was going on.

It did not take very long for Adelheid to grasp the general situation. Apparently, the paladin, had agreed upon venturing towards the tower belonging to Fumbledorf the wizard, and try to resolve the slime menace together with his party. He himself had also contemplated upon leaving for the tower. It would’ve been a last ditch effort, since a sole person would hardly stand a chance completing such a task, but he felt like he had nothing to lose in the first place, and as chance would have it, this group was willing to tackle that problem, so who would he be if he did not take this chance? No just man, that’s for sure. Not only that, he could also keep an eye on that demonspawn. Content with his decision, he made is way back from whence he came walking, towards a hut he used to store his belongings, intent on donning his armor, shield and blade.


Pulling on one of the belts that decorated his armor, he checked if it were fastened right. Seemingly satisfied, he clasped the scabbard of his blade around his waist, and held his shield in hand. With his tabard tucked away neatly in his bag, he wasted no further time and made his way towards the town center, some quick questioning got him directions to the alchemist’s. As he arrived there, none other than the person he had to speak stepped out of the establishment and was about to walk of. Picking up the pace, he followed until he was right behind the paladin before placing a firm hand upon his shoulder. “Hold ser paladin.” Adelheid said. He waited until the man he had turned around to look him in the eye’s before continuing. You are planning on traveling to Fumbledorf’s tower, and rid these people of their slime dilemma, yes? Then i request of you to take me along on your task. I too, wish to help these people in their time of need.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Adelheid
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Taethion made his way towards the other half of the group but was stopped by the sudden touch of another. Taethion quickly turned behind him to see who it was that addressed him as ser Paladin. "Oh no, I'm no Ser ye-," He stopped in mid sentence when he saw the person in question. This was no villager that he had assumed to be, no this was a different person altogether. He was a warrior, but not of this village obviously. His weapons, his armor, all of a much higher quality than anything here. He looked at him for a while and began to gain sense of camaraderie out of him. His posture, his aire, it felt all too familiar. Taethion listened as he questioned him about traveling to the tower. Apparently he wishes to accompany his party into dealing with the matter of these Slimes. He seems to be upstanding enough and his words feel like they carry concern for these peoples. Taethion just smiled, "Well I didn't believe anyone here would be capable of undertaking this task." Taethion spoke as he placed his hand on his shoulder and patted it. "If you wish to accompany us it is your decision, and I won't stop you, but I do need to know something." Taethion trailed off as he took his hand away. He narrowed his eyes and seemed to analyze this man before him.

"I don't mean to be rude but what did you use to do before coming here? I have the distinct feeling that you were at least touched by Holy Magic." Taethion spoke to the man, he believes him to be a Paladin like himself, although the aura of his holy magic seems lowered for some reason. Normally Paladins, metaphorically reek of divine presence but his isn't as strong as his own. So he could be wrong in assuming it and may just have a potential for it. Yet it looked like he was an accomplished warrior, a confusing matter indeed.

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Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Adelheid
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A sigh of relief escaped Adelheid’s lips, as the one standing before him raised no objections to him joining along with his group.While he had expected to be taken along, due to a paladin’s nature, the fellow’s amiable demeanor put him at ease, and if one were to look very carefully, the start of a smile could be gleaned. That glimmer of a smile quickly faded however, as he saw that the paladin’s posture changed. “I don't mean to be rude but what did you use to do before coming here? I have the distinct feeling that you were at least touched by Holy Magic.” Ah, there it was. Paladin’s, and even the one’s not yet inaugurated, could sense if a person was touched by the divine. “I used to be a follower to a greater power in the past, however, i now follow my own judgement. I must admit, it definitely hampers my skills in the holy arts a great deal, but i more than make up for that in martial prowess. So if you still see use for me, then i, Adelheid, shall lend you my sword and shield.” While Adelheid did not lie, about the matter, he did not devulge the intricacies, as his geass would not allow him. He hoped that he could talk around it, or distract, when the time would come.

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Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Adelheid
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Taethion nodded and listened to the warrior's explanation. It would seem he was right about his assumptions. The man once belonged to some Order but has since left it. He has heard of Paladins and Clerics who leave their Order for whatever reason. Although those reasons usually have to do with something disgraceful, but he wasn't going to judge this Adelheid of whatever he has done in the past. His reasons for leaving are his own and as a brother he has no right to question him further. In time all things are revealed and that may be true of this person. Ye he seems kind of guarded about it, as he didn't divulge much of his past. Taethion could be right and he was disgraced but that didn't matter at this point. Any assistance will prove useful despite if Adelheid isn't attuned to his Lord anymore. He then smiled again, "Ha! I figured I felt something familiar about you, and now since I understand better I would like to give fore warning." Taethion spoke his tone becoming serious.

"I travel with some very unique people of very diverse backgrounds. And some of these backgrounds could be very sensitive to you. I just asked that you be wary of your actions as some people may take them to heart. Anyway that is all I wished to say, is for you to be a little understanding. Anyway you'll see what I mean soon enough, let us not prolong this matter any further, come." He spoke to Adelheid as he began to lead him to where the group was scouting out the Tower. It seemed they were mobilizing to continue some sort of plan. He walked up to get a better look of the tower itself. He was surprised to see just how bad it was. Some gigantic Slime was sitting on top of the place as chunks of earth circled about it. "This infestation is worse than I thought, no wonder the people here fear that tonight is their last night alive." Taethion spoke aloud to no one in particular. He hoped the others have formulated a strategy to tackle this problem, because this time they cannot just charge in like they have been doing this entire time.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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#, as written by Zalgo

The time had come for them to set forth. While much was left to do, many recuperations needed before readiness could be truly ascertained, time was not on the group of adventurers side. The grey sky could bear to hold out no longer as drops of water started to fall from the sky. Though some reluctant they all gathered together, united to reach their destination: The tower of Fumbledorf.

Up the path they forged, into the forest where a significant population of slimes were concentrated. Luckily for everyone the illusory spoons were enough to keep the slimes at bay, discouraging them from approaching. Along the way many strange and odd slimes could be found. There were numerous numbers of the more mundane slimes, so many in fact that if they weren't moving out of the way no one could take a step and not step on a slime. Beyond the mundane and even irregular types however were stranger slimes still. Clinging to the trees a nearly transparent white slime could be seen, it's inside glowing with a phantasmal light. These slimes would blink into the ethereal realm temporarily, disappearing both visually and physically, before reappearing a few seconds later a few feet away from where they were last.

Some of the stones although solid as rock were actually Livestone Slimes, slimes which possessed all the properties of rock but moved as a slime would. A couple moved out of the way, no doubt startling a couple people due to their excellent camouflaging. A pack of slime wolves had caught their scent but stayed their ground at the sight of a spoon. There even seemed to be a slime made out of a liquid metal, a most strangely developed slime indeed. Even stranger were the bee slimes. These slimes were yellow and black striped much like a honeybee. Along their backs they possessed what appeared to be a hardened ridge like slime callous which resembled a spine. Attached to the callous were two sets of membranous tear drop shaped wings not unlike an insect's. These wings even buzzed loudly when they flew, carrying the large squishy undercarriage attached to the spine-like ridge. These slimes seemed to be highly protective of the yellow honey slimes which were a fruit slime variant that were very sticky like sticky slimes and tasted like honey.

The group passed all these slimes by, earning an odd glance from the very strange Beholder slime which watched them pass with it's large unsettling single eye suspended in it's goo. After three hours of weary travel they finally arrived at the enigmatic tower. The sun had just set, the sky dark as the last rays of light had faded from the land. There was little light, not even stars in the sky to illuminate the dark blanket above as rainclouds covered it all up. The rain from the sky had worsened into a full blown storm which blew harshly across the treetops. There was so much rain it was almost as though they were under a waterfall falling from the clouds. Though the water might dampen the adventurer's appetite for intrigue and mystery the slimes seemed to be plenty nourished and happy with the abundance of water. Most of the slimes had grown almost double their size since the party first starting making their way up. Though the gravity slime rested atop the tower so far it had shown little interest in the party that approached, opting to ignore them as it sat there defying a basic natural force by merely existing.

With the storm as heavy as it was and scarce light at best to guide their way the tower, even though it was the epicenter of the slime epidemic, was still a form of shelter if nothing else. Everyone made their decisions then...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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#, as written by Wake
Bliston kept a tight hold on his club as they walked through the forest, eying each ooze like creature as they passed. They were plentiful in number and diverse in type. Some coming in variation that not even he, in all his five and a half centuries, had never come across. That fact alone was enough to keep him on edge because it meant he wouldn't be able to predict their behavior. But for the most part they all seemed to be keeping their distance thanks to the gnome's illusions.

When they started to approach the tower he finally spoke up for the first time since they left the village. "Right," He called, trying to make his voice heard over the rain. "Once we get inside we need to figure out who's taking point and who's guarding our rear." It was important that they get some form of a fighting formation established once they got there. Preferably they could all just keep point spoons at the little blobs and not have to suffer any engagements at all the whole trip through the tower. But banking on that to remain the case could be dangerous if they didn't have a working back up plan and few slimes suddenly got over their fear of silverware.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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"I'm willing to take either point." Adelheid informed to the one of infernal heritage. "I have experience fighting at either front as i've done so numerous times, and have been assigned to protect people in the past as well." Furrowing his brows as if to think, he added- "Again, either point is fine with me, although i must say i have a slight preference for the back, as i think i might contribute the most there." Enough individuals in the group would be suited to take the frontlines, some more than he himself. But he knew for sure that not all were suited to keep guard at the back, something Adelheid was about equally good at.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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Day 6

With a harsh downpour and a blinding darkness, the forests of Appleton seemed even more unsettling than the task made them out to be. In the darkness, what seemed to be blends of slimes and numerous animals could be seen faintly. Bizarre appearances, unique was though the party had entered another world entirely, in that one forest.

Sitting on her tamer's right shoulder, glancing with horror and fear at everything around her, Pirika almost seemed to have gone through a complete personality flip. Able to see more in the darkness than her human counterpart could, she felt as though she was now in the lion's den. Despite having stayed away from the girl and her sorrows because she wasn't sure how to handle it, the green-feathered bird even started burying herself in her master's soaked, slightly paler-colored hair...

But Sylphine herself was striding forward, wearing a strangely calm, even a slight smile. You know, if you're feeling this bad right now, I could send you back to the village right now if you want. The others would probably feel annoyed that I'm holding us up, but I promise I won't make fun of you.

Huh?! Pirika's eyes snapped open, as though someone in the party mysteriously transfigured into a fish. What are you even saying?! I-I'm not afraid, I swear! And anyway, this is coming from the one who was crying pathetically earlier! If she were a human, she would have even given out an overbearing huff and puffed out her chest or something like that.

To her surprise, all Sylphine did was giggle a little, eyes closed (read: moe style). There we go, there's the strong little bird I remember! she teased, though when her eyes opened, they didn't quite seem as carefree as before. And...yeah, I guess I did cry for a while. But I had a bit of time to clear out my thoughts and get myself together again. On top of that, my arm is healed, I was taught a new magic spell, and Iator gave me that potion for enhancing my magic. And, finally...despite what happened in our previous battle, it looks like I'm still wanted here. That's the most important part...

Somehow, the conversation seemed to have gone a completely different route. I won't hide it from you, since you're my familiar...I'm about scared as you are right now. But for now, the others can't know that. The girl returned her gaze forward, covering up any doubt that could be seen in her eyes once again. Even you should know how badly people perform when they're afraid, right? But now would be a horrible time for any of us to slip up. So the others will have to believe that I've gone mad...or that, if someone like me can be so composed right now, then they shouldn't be afraid either.

The bird familiar was only able to stare at her master speechlessly, not sure what to make of it at all. ...yep, you've lost your mind, she decided resignedly.

Do you even have any hope left? Sylphine retorted sarcastically. Noticing that the party had walked into some dry wasn't possible to make out what was sheltering them in the darkness...she heard someone--the daemon's voice, it seemed--talking about how they should have some people guard the rear. "I think I could fit either role, so I'll leave it up to you," she replied. He did have pretty good judgement in most cases, after all.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Randionalia Ashengrits Character Portrait: Jor The Ravager Character Portrait: Lana
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The gnome spoke up over the rain. "Fighters in the front, healers in the back, and those of us who tend to be more...squishy can stick in the middle." He said looking at the paladin and the new guy who had joined. By the way he dressed, he assumed that he was a paladin as well. "As for lighting. I can handle that. I still have plenty of spells left for the time being thanks to Taethion. He tapped his head. "That reminds me." He handed a blue vial of liquid to Florette. "Lana was low on mana so perhaps you may need this."

When they did go in, he would cast phantasmal lights that would circle the group along with the illusory spoons.


It was annoying, having so many enemies close by but not being allowed to kill them. Jor had to steel himself against even looking out at the horde of slimes. When Bliston spoke up he decided he would stick to the front of the party and said as much.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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This sudden shift in atmospheric stablization known as gravity really threw him for a loop this time. As if floating wasn't it bad enough it seemed this whole room went in reverse. The ceiling became the floor and the floor the ceiling, that large Slime up above them must be a gravity slime. Yet it's playing heavily with the forces of nature right now if everyone was forced to be stuck to a ceiling. What was frightening to think of was, that if this ceiling wasn't here they would be inside of a lake of acidic goo, dying a most painful death. Still this room seemed to be a major site of experimentation of some sorts. The tall glass cylinders were evident of that. Although these things all seem rather trivial when compared to a talking, humanoid Slime!

Yet this Slime introduced itself as Anima. "Wait this has to be the same Anima that Fumbledorf mentioned, this can't be some mere coincidence." Taethion thought. Yet this Slime seemed harmless in fact, very harmless. Her demaneor gives it away, that and the incredible amount of Divine Energy radiating off of her. What is she? A Cleric Slime? He humorously thought. Yet his attention was drawn away again by another source of Divine Energy. A strange object was emitting divine magics as well and oddly enough it was on Anima's container. Its obvious they are meant to go together but the Paladin is far from deducing all of the meaning and functions of this place. But as far as he could tell he was making new Slimes. Who in their right mind would make even more dangerous Slimes? Seems more like a hindrance on the world than a solution to it's problems.

Still the creature was rather comical as it or, maybe she, jumped at the sight of Bliston and hid. Then to add further to the hilarity she warned us about him as if he was geared to attack. Taethion laughed at Anima's display and then spoke. "Have no fear, this one of daemons isn't going to cause harm to us or you. So please come out, we do not wish to cause any harm." Taethion spoke to the creature. He wasn't quite sure but he felt calm around this one and bit trusting for a first encounter. But it's because he understands that most people that emit such strong light are of good spirit and kind heart. Not the type to think maligned thoughts or even give off the aura of murderous intent. Taethion watched this Slime further as he was curious to see a Slime both talk and emit Divine Magic.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Adrian Retter Character Portrait: Gale Urovic
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As Adelheid and the group ventured towards the tower, he could remember that as he arrived, he felt a bit anxious, though eager to enter, so he could help the group with solving this issue. The trek through the tower left him somewhat disappointed. Except for the slimes trapped in cases on almost every floor, about every room was empty, various belongings placed in ways that indicated that they had seen recent use; just as if the owner could just walk back in and continue where he had left off. The rooms with abnormal gravity did throw him for a loop, as he had never experienced any manner of gravity alteration before, noticeable as he tumbled through both altered rooms like an oaf, much to his own embarrassment.

As the group made a stop on the ceiling of their latest survey, Adelheid’s reddened cheeks returned to their regular coloration as they met with the sentient slime, whom introduced “herself” as Anima. The fact that she exuded divine energy hadn’t gone past him. He had first written it off as it belonging to the paladin on previous floors, due to the close proximity to him, but in the end it was undeniable it did not belong to him. The fact that it belonged to a sentient slime of all things greatly confused him, and left him weary of their “hostess”. greater confusion spread through his being as he witnessed it healing one of the individuals in the group, with a prayer addressed to Dedarius. It was not so much the prayer uttered; it was a basic one, one that most people would be able to perform with practice. No, it was the potency of the prayer casted. It had the force behind of what a cleric or paladin had.

“What sort of mockery is this?” Adelheid uttered in befuddlement. He highly doubted the slime had any faith in the god she called upon to perform her prayer, and was vexed, that some wizard was able to doctor a slime into able to produce prayers of such intensity though more than likely putting no faith in Dedarius, while he struggled making his prayers work nowadays. “This goes against all conventions, no one without putting all his faith in their god should be able to perform miracles like these, and i can hardly color you as being a disciple of the one you prayed to. I request you explain as to how you, the anomaly that you are, are able to do so this easily.” he said with an noticeable, harsh edge to his voice. Once again something that should not be ever possible happened; witnessed even. He had to get answers, any answers, as this discovery was shaking at the pillars of what he knew were facts, and absolute truths.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Randionalia Ashengrits Character Portrait: Jor The Ravager Character Portrait: Asha Ignivora Character Portrait: Adelheid
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Taethion felt bad as the Intelligent Slime seemed to feel ashamed of it, or herself. She didn't seem to know who Animax Malus is so she immediately believes this ordeal was her fault. Taethion felt bad that she perceived them to place blame on her for something he was sure she didn't do. He was about to speak when Iator removed the barrier and spoke to her himself. The Gnome seemed to have calmed her down before she felt even greater shame. Her sad mood seemed to be shifting back to that rather eagerness to help. He smiled when she was becoming happy to help and then began to provide some information. It seemed what she spoke of is most likely the reason why these Slimes are so numerous. It seemed clear to him that their next move should be finding these cases and taking them away from the Slimes. Destroying them all however, is a different problem.

Then his smile shifted into a frown as she mentioned her "maker", the Wizard of this tower. He looked down to his boots, she doesn't know that her creator is dead. How can he tell her something like that? It seems she treats Fumbledorf as some sort of father figure. How can you tell anyone that is like a child that her father is dead? He worries Anima will not take that bit of information well. She was on the verge of tears from them basically just asking questions not even accusatory. She will undoubtedly cry if she hears that the Wizard is no longer with them. She then moved towards Asha curiously as Anima went to heal her. He was quickly surprised by Anima's healing capabilities. It was a low level prayer but the amount of divine energy was equal to Clerics of a high caste. It's power was even more so than his own, rivaling even his output on a more advanced prayer. It was quite something else to see something created not by Gods that can have access to godly power.

What was Fumbledorf doing up here!? Yet then came a voice he has hardly heard since speaking with him in Appleton. It was the Paladin that lent his skills to our quest here. He seemed to be bordering on pure outrage that Anima can do the things she does. It seemed her capability with the Holy Arts perturbed him in such a manner. Taethion could hear the edge on his voice and he worried that the knight's outburst is going to accept Anima and she probably won't have a clue about it. He wasn't quite sure what to do, but he decided to step in. "Of course, I understand this seems strange my friend but let's not be so hasty with her. I am sure she meant no disrespect to you or Lord Dedarius. Lets just calm down and talk though whatever the problem is." Taethion spoke in a calm and reassuring voice. He hopes his attempts to defuse the situation would work.


She landed on the floor with a bit of an ooph from the sudden gravity. She didn't mind floating but the change in perspective was a bit dizzying. Still she adapted quickly but began to dislike the strength of gravity here. She liked to feel free and light and not heavy and burdening like this. Still those thoughts changed when the group was a (more so than others) surprised by the talking Slime. It sounded and even looked like a woman, just what sorcery is this? The room was no less strange with the assortment of magical equipment spread about. She wasn't sure what to think of it all but was focused on ending this problem, and not discussing the mystery of it all. It seemed the Slime could be helpful and wanted to be, but it seemed everyone was stuck conversing with it. She just wanted this to be over and then the Dwarf suddenly darted with a speed she has never seen of a Dwarf. She almost laughed, he seemed so afraid on his way out. She would not soon forget this. It seemed a fight was about to take place in the room over the Slime's abilities. She could only sigh in frustration over this commotion.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Asha Ignivora Character Portrait: Adelheid Character Portrait: Anima Lumen
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Asha took the seat with some sense of relief and, curiously that relief expanded as she watched the slime cast some kind of healing spell on her, and it seemed as though a great weight was being lifted from her shoulders. She made a brief gesture of thanks but said nothing more of it, making slight note of the talking slime's peculiar abilities. She watched in relative silence as one of the newer members pitched in by addressing the nature of the slime's holy powers while Taethion attempted to resolve the situation in a more calm manner. For the moment, she simply listened and took in what information was being thrown out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Asha Ignivora Character Portrait: Adelheid Character Portrait: Anima Lumen
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#, as written by Zalgo

“What sort of mockery is this?” It seemed one of the others weren't all too happy with her. “This goes against all conventions, no one without putting all his faith in their god should be able to perform miracles like these, and i can hardly color you as being a disciple of the one you prayed to. I request you explain as to how you, the anomaly that you are, are able to do so this easily.” She didn't quite understand why he seemed so upset but it was unfortunate for her that someone was perturbed nonetheless.

"Of course, I understand this seems strange my friend but let's not be so hasty with her. I am sure she meant no disrespect to you or Lord Dedarius. Lets just calm down and talk though whatever the problem is." The man with the greatest connection to the divine amongst this group spoke in her defense. She nodded in agreement to his wise words.
"Yes, we can all discuss to our hearts content here in peace since this is a sanctuary of learning and progress after all." She added, hoping she could help temper the other man's harsher tendencies.

"As far as I can remember I have always been this way but I'll tell you what I've been told. Apparently, back before I was made I was a simple healing slime. The maker chose me and placed me in a vat of holy water. From that water I now stand before you all in this form. He had taught me about the source of my power and a little about how to draw upon it so that I may help make a better future for people everywhere." She explained to the man what he had asked for.
"I guess you could say he's 'Building a better world, one slime at a time!~' " She recited Fumbledorf's catch phrase in an endearingly sweet sing-song manner. Afterwards she laughed a bit, not at the phrase itself but rather at the memory of her maker's amusing eccentricities which makes him such fun to listen and be around.
"It's funny because it's a motto, a goal and a play of words all neatly wrapped together." She figured since the saying was more of an inside joke they would find it funnier if she explained it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrian Retter Character Portrait: Adelheid Character Portrait: Anima Lumen Character Portrait: Selena Wulfric
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#, as written by ____
It was a smooth trip so far. It was great that the party was somehow back in shape, and another man of faith somehow joined them.

Along the way to the tower... The slimes were staying away thanks to the spoon and a little of this and that... and~ a talking slime appeared and offered them assistance. The slime seem to have said a prayer to heal Asha's ailments, but she somehow received a negative comment from Sir Adelheid.

"Sir Adelheid sir? Isn't faith for everybody? I don't really know much about religion since I've grown in the countryside with no church and knowing only a few prayers of thanks, but is a slime not allowed to recite the words of faith? She probably wouldn't even have learned it without even knowing about the god, and it probably wouldn't have worked without faith..." Adrian said without thinking twice, pointing out at a mere possibility. A trait which made him receive several negative comments from the others.

Selena was simply following behind the group the entire time, not yet offering the slightest assistance. She found it a waste of time as it have nothing to do with the quest, until just a bit while ago...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Adrian Retter Character Portrait: Randionalia Ashengrits
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#, as written by Wake
While everyone was talking, Bliston was losing his patience. They had something they needed to do, and objective to accomplish. And all these uncoordinated louts were wasting time chatting with a talking blob. His irritation born of a desire for swiftness was further aggravated by the presence of the slime herself.

It... it hurt.

He had smelt the increase in holy magic which had confused him at first. Now that they were in the room though, the effects of her holy aura was hitting him full blast. And it hurt. Bliston's nose was sensitive to the auras of sacred and infernal magic, and a aura this strong stung his nostrils, almost over loading them with a bitter sweet scent that made it feel like someone was jabbing tiny needles into his nose. The longer they waited about here, doing nothing productive and being forced to endure this aura that was actively assaulting his nasal cavity, the more the daemon's mounting agitation grew, until finally he snapped.

"I could care two shits and a damn about all this nonsense talk of gods and prayer." He growled. He stalked forward, shoving a few people aside. "You said there was another lab. Where is it?" He stomped closer towards the sentient slime until he was standing over her. His own aura was likely starting to push back against hers, especially now that his temper was starting to flair. He asked another question. "What were the other slimes that this 'maker' of yours was trying to create?" His voice had a growing edge in it's tone. "And how do remove these items from the slime's bodies?"

There was a short pause in the rapid fire questions he was listing off. Then the every shortening patience of the daemon caught up to him again and he leaned down towards her. "WELL!?" He shouted in her 'face' "TALK!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Adrian Retter Character Portrait: Randionalia Ashengrits
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I understand this seems strange my friend but let's not be so hasty with her. I am sure she meant no disrespect to you or Lord Dedarius. Lets just calm down and talk though whatever the problem is."
Raising a brow, the templar turned towards the paladin. “You seem awfully calm, all things considered.” He found Taethion’s passiveness regarding the situation at hand strange, since this was not a minor matter in his eyes. “I was well prepared to talk with this creature- a short pause, as Adelheid turned his attention back to the sentient slime. -as long as it is willing to explain itself, of course.”

And talk it did. During the sentient slime’s explanation, he started to realise it was infact, well natured, and that he perhaps had been projecting the anger he felt towards the late wizard upon the slime. For after all, the child does not bear it’s “father’s” iniquity, it’s merely the product of the fathers sinful experiments. But why exactly is it sinful? This question suddenly popped up in his mind, and stopped any further course of thinking. Indeed. Why was it sinful? Because Isanditus has decreed so? Because it slighted He Who Can Do No Wrong? He no longer served him, and had decided to rely solely upon his own judgement. So what was exactly so wrong?

"Sir Adelheid sir? Isn't faith for everybody? I don't really know much about religion since I've grown in the countryside with no church and knowing only a few prayers of thanks, but is a slime not allowed to recite the words of faith? She probably wouldn't even have learned it without even knowing about the god, and it probably wouldn't have worked without faith..."

“True enough. I… think i’ve made a mistake.” The tenseness in his body faded with a sigh, as he realised this had been unnecessary. Just as he was about to apologise towards the slime, the one of demonic heritage, made a remark about having no further interest in their discussion, and strode forward, right in front of the slime, and started grilling it for questions, much like he had done so himself. He noted however, that his aura was growing hostile, which frightened the slime so much, it hid behind Taethion, and pleaded for protection. But even then, was still concerned about the well being of others.

At this point, Adelheid felt quite guilty about the way he had treated the sentient slime, and felt it was his responsibility to ensure no harm befell it, nor that it had to feel threatened. He placed his shield hand on Taethion’s shoulder, so he would have his attention as he spoke. “I made a mistake. One that i would like to rectify. Your companion is starting to lose his temper, so i feel it would be better if the three of us, and perhaps the boy left the room so that he might regain his calmt again. That, or he leaves the room instead. I feel after what has been said that i am obliged to strike down all who would harm this… creature, even if it so happens to be one of your companions. With that said, i leave the decision to you.” During his talk, Adelheid had placed his right hand upon the pommel of his blade. If the daemon would decide upon violence, he would, true to his word, deal with the aggressor.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Jor The Ravager Character Portrait: Adelheid Character Portrait: Anima Lumen
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0.00 INK


The Gnome watched as first the new paladin and then Bliston threw angry words at the poor slime. It was obvious that Bliston had become agitated by her presence though the new paladin seemed to have come to terms with the fact that she could cast divine spells. When it looked like events were going to come to blows and Anima had hidden behind Taethion, Iator stepped forward.

"Fighting will get you nowhere! We are not going to attack our comrade Bliston and we are not going to attack an innocent slime. Bliston if you cannot handle her presence at the moment, then step out and cool off. The rest of us will find out what she has to tell us. There is obviously nothing else up here to do at the time being."


The Dwarf had gotten all the way to the first floor before he started to calm down. It was darker now, but he could see fine, dwarves had such a keen sense of sight that they could see in all but magical darkness. When he came to his senses he realized that the source of the pull must have been the huge gravity slime. But that didn't mean he was going to head back up there. He looked around and noticed that the room had changed from the first time they'd entered.

There was an opening and a trail of black ichor leading to it. He walked closer, curious. He readied his axe and made sure to step carefully as he headed into the entrance and down some stairs.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Adrian Retter Character Portrait: Adelheid Character Portrait: Anima Lumen
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Taethion could nearly sigh at the moment Bliston went off the handle. He had hoped no one would be so aggressive with her, it was clear to him that she couldn't stomach it. She was absoultely terrified and unable to answer Bliston's questions. Anima instead hid underneath a table and then behind him suddenly. His formerly calm posture was now a bit comical as he gave quick squeal and lifted his arms away from the Slime that was now behind him. He lifted a boot up as slime covered the soles and heels and his cape and parts of his pants and armor were being slimed. "Hey, hey! Your getting slime all over my armor!" He cried. He then calmed down as she spoke. He began to shake his head as this was all becoming a bit much. Then Adelheid spoke after being calmed down by Adrian's words. While he was glad his issues with Anima were resolved, his gestures about Bliston was unnecessary. This had to stop before some decides to take Bliston's anger as grounds for assault.

Iator then entered the brewing fight and spoke words that were correct. "Yes Iator is right, fighting over this matter isn't going to lead us to where we need to be." Taethion spoke as he looked over to Anima. "Please don't be frightened, Bliston is angry but that doesn't mean he is going to attack anyone. He...just has a way with people." Taethion spoke trying to reassure her that she isn't in any danger. He then looked towards Adelheid, "Thank you Ser Adelheid but attacking Bliston isn't going to be necessary. Honestly, he doesn't mean harm to anyone here." He spoke looking back and forth between the Slime and the Paladin. "He was only agitated by the situation, we have bigger problems to deal with than the ethics of creating a talking, divine slime. Also what Iator said is likely true." Taethion spoke as he looked at Anima. "Your Divine Aura is very strong and Bliston is most likely bothered by it. After all his Infernal Heritage does not mix well with Divine Energies." Taethion spoke.

"Now I hope we have a better understanding, because we need to get back to the task at hand. We need to end the threat the Slimes posses and quickly. So whatever we need to do in order for that to happen, lets do it now." Taethion finished.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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#, as written by Wake
Bliston felt a level of distaste rise up in his throat as the blob thing started throwing around statements that painted him as frothing mad man, and he almost started snarling again. But Iator yelled back at him and Bliston forced himself to reign in on his irritation.

"I'm not angry." He started off slowly, responding to the gnome. "I'm just frustrated with the lack of progress we've been making because of this group's tendency to stop and gawk at everything that gets dropped in our lap!" He let Henvoraak's head drop from his shoulders and hit the 'floor' with a loud thud. "Encase the rest of you have forgotten, we are on a time table. That little village that you were oh so staunch about helping is supposedly going to get destroyed by morning. So in the interest in preventing that from happening and getting back on progress with our original task, I suggest we start progressing forward, kills this abomination the mad idiot wizard concocted before it gets out of control and finally move on with our lives! You want to ask it questions? Then do it on the trip down!"

His little rant over, Bliston then stormed out of the room and started marching back down the stairs, somewhat expecting at least a few of the others to follow him. He continued down at a purposeful pace, experiencing a little difficulty part way from the shifting gravity generated by the giant slime on the roof. As he cleared some distance away from the others, the paladin and the 'holy blob' especially, Bliston's senses started to clear now that they weren't being bombarded with holy energy. It was at that point that Bliston started to smell something that made him suddenly pause in his march. He sniffed the air a few times to be sure it was what he thought it was. It was faint, but foul. And very familiar.

His pace started up again, but this time with less composure and more haste.