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Mafuyu Hanazawa

"Meet me by the bridge at 9:00? We can walk to class together, that way."

0 · 479 views · located in Akita

a character in “Akita's Seasons Return”, originally authored by ililumi., as played by RolePlayGateway




"If you're okay with hanging out late, I just have to work until eight tonight."

upper west side | the king | boyfren | people i don't like | bon iver | freakin' out on the interstate | night trouble | stunnin'

dialogue ; #7f9f91. ā€“ thought ; #bb7e8c.

"Everybody in this party feels so fake,
I really wish that I could say it to your face."

"Time waits for no one,
But there's beauty in the moments,
And the spaces in-between."

"Before we get older let's do everything,
You're scared of when it's over, but still young and you're still free."

"And you got a lot on your mind,
And your heart, it looks just like mine."

ImageImageImageImageImage| Full Name |
Mafuyu Hanazawa
[ ēœž (ma) meaning "real," 芙 (fu) meaning "lotus," 友 (yu) meaning "friend." ]
[ 花 (hana) meaning "flower," ę¾¤ (sawa) meaning "marsh." ]

| Role |
Role one, popular and confident.

| Nicknames and Aliases |
Fuyu. Only by his little sisters, sometimes his mom.

| Gender |
Male ; [ he / him ]

| Age |

| Birthday |
August 18th.

| Orientation |
Biromantic ; Bisexual

| Scent |
Earthy variety. Likely thanks to his current job.

| Accent |
Japanese. Akita dialect.

| Nationality |

| Romantic Interest |

| Ethnicity |

| Social Class |
Working class.

| Occupation |
Part-timer at a local plant nursery.
Part-time tutor for high school students.
Part-time tutor for university students.

| Place of Residence |
Hanazawa Family Home.
Studio Apartment Complex.
Studio Apartment Interior.

| Residence Notes |
- Family Home ; A small, rundown home in an old suburban neighborhood. Surrounding by cheap, working class or under affordable housing, it seems that it's all his mother can afford, having to raise three children on her own. There's a small overhand and "balcony" on the left side of the home, which provides shade and a perfect space to hang laundry out to dry as well. A small number of furin hang by the front door, the glass painted by his sisters. In total there's three bedrooms, his mother's the largest, his the smallest, and his sister's sharing the last. One of them has moved into his while he's been away.
- Apartment ; A studio apartment he's renting while attending the college, to try and take stress off of his family while he's doing so. There's a small kitchenette so he can cook. It fits a twin sized bed, a small bookcase, a small exterior closet, a desk and a simple office chair (that is almost always holding books, homework, and the like), and finally a small table that he usually uses to eat at with whatever he ends up cooking. The window in his apartment mocks a balcony, but it's inaccessible.

| Oddities |
- His dream is to eventually make it out of the small village and into the city, where he can get better work and help out his mother and sisters more. After managing to get a scholarship for university and working his way through to a degree, that dream is starting to feel as if it's in reach.
- He has a green thumb, though he's not really sure why or how. Plant care just seems to come easy for him, more so after his current job too.
- He's a "straight A" college student, and while he does give himself time to study and work on his work from classes, he does often attend parties, and go out with friends. He's been spotting as a singer and guitarist for a friend with his band as well. Despite his worries, his mom actually encourages him, wanting him to live while he's still young and not worry about taking care of them; she's the parent, after all.

ImageImageImage| Hair Color |
An odd blue shade. Usually rather pale in tone or shade.

| Hair Style |
With its length, he can do a fair amount of things with it, though it's often left out and parted at the center. Otherwise, to keep it out of his face he's put in a headband, use a hair clip, or just put it in a small ponytail.

| Hair Length |
It's been growing out for awhile, despite the high school staff trying to get him to stop. At this point it reaches to about a chin length, though it's growing down to his shoulders at this rate.

| Skin Tone |
Pale, though gaining some color with time in the sun.

| Complexion |

| Eye Color |
Sea green, though sometimes, in the right lighting, they just looks a plain, light blue shade.

| Height |

| Weight |
149 lbs.

| Body Type |

| Build |
Athletic. Toned.

| Tattoos |
A traditional-form dragon among red spider lilies, located on his right forearm. He got it on a whim while drunk, but when he showed it to his mom she cried for a week, so he promised to never do it again.

| Piercings |
Both lobes. Studs only.
Second lobes. Studs only.
Both helixes. Cuffs. Sometimes, a chain.

| Birthmarks/Scars |
His father gave him a fair amount. A thin, slit over his right cheek. There's odd, blemished ones over his arms, and small ones from nails digging in too deeply. A large gash over the inside of his hip, curling from the top down to the inside. Large, messy blemishes over his back.
ImageImageImageImageImage| Personality |
怚 Bright, Social, Protective, Caring, Sharp, Impulsive, Patient 怛
For as long as he's been alive, Mafuyu has always been known to be bright, cheerful, a social butterfly and someone who has an easy time meeting others and making friends, finding partners and dates. Considered a popular student through all of his classes and schools he's attended up to this point, he's never had to struggle to fill his social needs, or to find groups to hang around with. The class president his senior year, the top of the track team throughout high school (though that was thanks to his skill too), considered quite attractive and confessed to by both girls and guys, and having dated both as well. He sits comfortably at what could be considered the top of a social "food chain," though he's careful to not let it get to his head, living by lessons and words his mother taught him when he was younger, to be sure to care for others, to make sure they're okay, to never hurt anyone that he may, in a sense, have "power" over.
His caring and protective side branches more from having to care for his little sisters as a teen, especially when his mother took them away from their "father," as many of the parenting responsibilities were given to him while she was left to work and provide for her four children on her own. It's become an aspect that reaches his friends, romantic partners, the ones that fall into those or similar categories. Making sure they're okay, that they've eaten (even if he hasn't, though he won't admit to it), they're safe and if they need anything. He doesn't enjoy sweeping things under the rug either, so if there's an issue, if he knows something might be wrong, he won't be leaving it in the dark and will ask and try to get people talking. In the same breath, if anyone he cares for is being targeted, hurt, threatened, he'll be getting in the face of whoever is causing it, and he's not afraid to fight for others either, verbally or physically.

| Morals |
- Take care of the ones who take care of you.
- Protect the weak; to hurt those weaker than you is despicable.
- Memories are an important aspect of every person; it's necessary to let yourself live once in awhile so you can create your own.

| Likes |
- Competition.
- Holiday breaks. Usually no tutoring work, so more free time.
- Midnight skateboarding.
- Iced coffee.
- Guitar.
- Movie marathons.
- Cooking. He had to figure it out to feed his sisters when his mom was working nights for several years.
- Plants. Plant care. He likes keeping indoor plants.
- Cakes.

| Dislikes |
- Late classes. Labs.
- Finals week. Midterms week.
- His current math professor. The man is an asshole.
- Caviar. The texture throws him off.
- Loud neighbors. He has a particularly unpleasant one that lives on the left of his apartment, and has kept him up for late nights before.
- Smoking. He tried it in high school and it sucked. It smells bad.
- Isolation. Social situations, hanging around friends, dates, they're all something he needs a fill of at least every once in awhile.

| Talents |
- Cooking. Using herbs and food he's grown himself is fun, too.
- Guitar. Singing.
- Skateboarding.

| Flaws |
- Eating. Sometimes, it catches up to him. He used to starve himself to save money and make sure his sisters ate, and even when he knows he has enough money in present to eat three meals a day, he'll skip some.
- When people ask for help, he can't seem to turn them down.
- It's difficult for him to sit still for long periods of time.

| Weaknesses |
- Heights. He's terrified of them.
- His mom, little sisters. He would do anything for them.
- A bit of an impulsive person, which can get him into trouble.

| Hobbies |
- Skateboarding.
- Partying. He enjoys most of the environments he can find at them.
- Running, it's his preferred form of exercise.
- Guitar.
ImageImageImageImageImageImageImage| History |
Born as the eldest and only son of the working class Oshiro family, Mafuyu had three sisters to follow him: Miyako when he was two, and twins Momo and Ran when he was four. His mother, Yuka, he'd always known as a gentle soul, sweet with her words and patient to each of her children as she did her best to care for them. His father, Hisao, he knew as practically nonexistent for his early years, though had he known better, he would have wished him to stay as such for the rest of his life. His mother taught him from a young age to stay in his room when the man was home, and when his sisters arrived to their family, he taught them the same.
School, for him, was something of an escape. Long, no doubt, and he didn't exactly excel in his classes in those years, but it was better than being home and risking running into the man, or sitting in his room all day. It helped him run from his own family situation, as if it wasn't always there as soon as he went home. In classes, around his classmates, was where his social nature came to light, and from day one Mafuyu found himself at ease with making friends. The same continued into middle school, not much to anyone's surprise, and eventually he found himself as someone considered "popular" by his peers. It was something that allowed him to simply live without the reality of his home life.
His home life, that never seemed to get better. The family often fended for themselves without the man, given all he could offer was an occasional check of money so they could buy food, supplies, until he decided to drop more again, and as the amount of money given grew more and more scarce, and her children began to miss meals, Yuka took to finding her own work to try and provide for them. However, despite this effort, it almost seemed like this would turn into a mistake. Her husband caught wind of her working, and instead of trying harder to provide more for the wife and children he took, he quit his job and let her do all the work and make the money. With no other source of income and Yuka feeling as if there was nothing she could do to change the situation at that point, she took to full time work instead, and began trying to provide for all five of the people at home.
Trying to survive with the man at home now, and keep his sisters safe was difficult, especially without his mother to help keep them safe as well. He had free reign over the apartment household, though whether it was a blessing or a curse, he was usually passed out drunk on the couch or in his bed. He kept himself and his sisters in his own room while they weren't at school or clubs, that way staying clear of the man for the most part, though when he did act out, Mafuyu was the one to take it.
The longer it carried on, the longer Yuka was away and the more she had to work to keep the family afloat, the more things escalated. Soon, her money wouldn't cover the man's growing addictions, and he would blame it on his children for it. This fed into his rage and resentment for the children he'd never even tried to care for, and eventually, he took it too far.
Mafuyu considers himself lucky to have been living with his family on just the third floor of an apartment complex. Any higher, and he's rather confident that he would have died. At twelve years old, he got into a fight with the man after he threatened his little sisters, that soon enough turned violent, and in the heat of the moment, he was shoved over the edge of the apartment's balcony. A broken wrist, a large gash up the inside of his hip, and a back covered in a mess of wounds. It wasn't even his own father that called an ambulance, in the end. It was the neighbors, who had been listening to the fight through the walls.
Hospital visits warranted investigation and far too many bills, but his father was able to convince them that it had been an accident, that Mafuyu had run out to the balcony and tripped, but everyone knew it was a lie. When hospital bills began piling into the apartment as well, and Yuka couldn't keep up with them, it seemed she finally broke, her guilt drowning out her fears, and staying with the man finally came to an end.
With a night of packing and a pile of bills left on the counter for the man to deal with himself, she took her children and ran.
They moved as far away as she could manage, a place where she had found a more stable job, and a old, worn down home that she could afford, that would be far better to her and her four kids than that apartment would have ever been. It felt safe, it felt warm, and it felt like home. At twelve years old, Mafuyu was freed from his father's reign of terror, and for the first time, he was allowed to live, to thrive.
Adjusting to the new home, coping with new and old trauma but having space and time to deal with it, he returned to school, attending the new middle once his injuries had fully healed and his mother allowed him to leave her sights. His personality and demeanor allowed for easy integration into his class year, and soon enough he was flourishing again. Grades improved as well, and with time he reached the top of his class, something that his mother had celebrated with him by bringing home a small cake for the family to eat together when she got home from work.
He began dating first at the end of middle school, a girl named Sayuri confessing to him after classes one day. It was a childish and fun relationship, even if neither of them really understood the concept of one beyond cheesy movies and books, but he was happy, even when it only lasted for a year, as she moved away with her family at the end of their middle school years. His dating life didn't end there, of course, and starting in high school, he began to date around more. Exploring that part of himself and his life was exciting to him. It was halfway through his second year that he met Nanao. They were placed in the same class, and he'd been curious of the other boy, but never quite gotten around to really getting to know him. It changed, after they both expressed interest in each other, and by the end of their second year, they were dating. Nanao introduced him to track, skateboarding, helped him out with his sisters at home, introduced him to smoking only for Mafuyu to make him quit. The high school relationship was pleasant, kind, something that Mafuyu still cherishes, even if they aren't dating anymore. The relationship ended at their graduation, though it was on pleasant terms, remaining friends.
In present he's began attending the local college on a scholarship he was given in his final year at high school thanks to his performance, once again celebrated at home with his sister and mom with a small cake. Things have gone well for him so far, friends, finals, parties and dates, but with the turn of events beginning to take place in the small village, change could be on its way.

| Other |
- Currently a student at the local university. Studying education, and hopes to teach high school students when he's finished.

| Face Claim |
Langa Hasegawa ; SKāˆž / SK8 the Infinity

So begins...

Mafuyu Hanazawa's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazutora Miyato Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Iphianassa Lykaois Character Portrait: Mafuyu Hanazawa Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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0.00 INK

Code- #FF1493

Code- #0000CD

Kazumi wasn't surprised in the least when her sister started shaking a bit, but soon seemed to calm down. It seemed like they got to Vel just in time for both her and Natsuo knew what happened when Velonix was pushed hard enough now, the darker half of her would awaken. So it while their main concern would always be for their sister, a part of them would always be concerned for others too, not just for their safety, but to keep their cover too.

Once Vel said she was okay and left Kazumi's side, Kazumi had to struggle not to laugh when she turned on their brother.

Natsuo was tempted to make a sarcastic remark, but reframed from doing so, not only because he knew that would get more of a lecture from Velonix, but wouldn't get him anywhere either. In his mind though, he didn't think he was making assumptions, he just was making sure the blonde hair guy wasn't one of the ones who hurt his sister. He turned his gaze to Vel's savior as she started apologizing and talking to him. Natsuo would have said something about that, but they heard someone shouting, presumably at the blonde. Both him and Kazumi stayed silent as Velonix handled the situation. She was always good at peacekeeping. Kazumi kept looking back at the two trouble makers to make sure they stayed where they were. She even went so far as to have all the animals in the nearby area keeping an eye on them.

After the teacher left, Velonix started talking again and introduced herself as well as Kazumi and Natsuo. Kazumi smiled kindly and waved when she was introduced and Natsuo mere nodded his head. It took a few minutes but the guy did finally introduced himself and thanking Vel for getting the teacher of his back.

Kazumi spoke up after he finished.

"Thank you for helping our sister Mr. Miyato. Vel, dearie, we need to get to our first class, but we'll make sure these 'boys' go to the headmaster's office and also the nurse's office," she said before turning to the guys who hurt her sister, "Come on you two, let's get going."

"Why should we listen to you?" one of them said, trying to gather up some courage, but it was obvious he was scared.

Natsuo was hoping for a response like that. There was a reason why he always carried a kendo sword while he was here. Moving so fast that only his sisters could see him movie, one minute he was next to Kazumi, the second he was right in front of the one who spoke, the tip of his wooden kendo sword right at the guys' neck.

"Because it's in your best interests. Be lucky we're only giving you this warning. Now move," Natsuo said in a calm, but threatening voice before lowering the wooden sword.

After that, the older siblings left with the two guys in tow. After taking care of that, they finally headed back to the college. Both knew they were a bit late and hoped they wouldn't be in too much trouble. Knocking on the door of the classroom, the professor opened the door and actually looked relieved to see them, but was still a bit cross at their lateness. He did say this while they were still outside the classroom. Kazumi did explain the situation.

"Well, I know this is your first day of school, so I'll give it a pass for now, but this will be your only warning. I hope your sister is fine now. Give me a few minutes and we'll introduce you two." he said before closing the door.

Several minutes later, the professor returned and allowed the pair to come in.

"Class, here are your new classmates. Please make them feel welcome. Ms. and Mr. Orako, please introduce yourselves."

Kazumi stepped up first and was all smiles. She loved being the center of attention and was already enjoying the reactions of the class, especially the guys.

"Hello, my name is Kazumi Orako and I am the oldest of 4. I love to garden and dance and play woodwind instruments. It's a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to getting to know all of you. You're next brother dear." Kazumi said, winking at Natsuo at that last part.

Natsuo rolled his eyes before looking at the class and saying, "Good morning, I am Natsuo Orako. I like to cook and train."

Kazumi couldn't help but tease her brother and said, "And he's single too ladies!"

Glaring at his sister, Natsuo snapped back, "That's not important right now, Kazumi. Shall I tell everyone all the times you've made our kitchen a disaster area? Oh wait, I just did."

He said that last part with a smirk. Kazumi would have exploded, but the professor intervened.

"Thank you both. There are several seats back there near Miss Lykaois. Feel free to sit back there and we'll continue the class."

Both siblings calmed down and nodded. Soon they found themselves near the person the professor indicated. Kazumi sat right next to the girl while Natsuo sat behind his sister. He couldn't help but look at the dark hair girl a few times for she didn't act like the other girls in class, who kept giggling when looking in his direction.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Iphianassa Lykaois Character Portrait: Mafuyu Hanazawa Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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0.00 INK

mafuyu hanazawa.
dialogue ; #7f9f91. ā€“ thought ; #bb7e8c.

"And...he hasn't tried to call you again since then, has he?"

"No, Mom. I've blocked the last number he called me through anyway, so it'll probably be awhile before he tries again."

"If...if you're sure. I just want you to be safe, okay? If he tries anything more than just talking over the phone, please come visit home for a bit. You know how I just...I would rather you be here with me and the girls, so I can know you're safe."

"Got it, got it, I promise I'm fine though. How would he know where I live? Or where any of us live anyway? He must've found my number on something, don't worry too much, okay? Focus on the girls, and yourself. Did you get that check I sent your way, by the way? It should have arrived a couple days ago."

"Oh, Mafuyu...yes, I got it, but haven't I told you, you don't have to keep sending me these. Keep this money for yourself, don't you want to go out with friends and buy nice meals occasionally?"

"...Yeah, I have enough for that, don't worry about it. Just make sure everyone's getting full meals, okay? I gotta go now though, I'm already going to be late for first hour. I'll call you tonight, alright? Tell those three hello for me."

A tap on his phone screen and the call was over, silence filling his cheap apartment once again for the morning. An unpleasant call, if he was honest, but at least it was his mom who had answered and not his sorry excuse for a father. How many times had the man gotten a new number or called from a public phone to try and get ahold of him? Was this the fourth? He didn't know, nor did he care at this point. Hopefully, his words had been strong enough to get the man to give up this time, but in the back of his mind he felt that was unlikely.

Falling back onto the pile of blankets on his bed, he stared up at the ceiling, sea green eyes going empty for a moment. If the man kept on insisting on reentering his life - for less than pure ideals no doubt - he wasn't sure what he'd do. Not that he even had time to think about it; he really was already late for class at this rate, and he wasn't really in the mood to get chewed out by his professor in front of the whole class if he could avoid it.

Sitting up again, his hand swung out to snag the backpack sitting lazily on the floor, zipping up the open pack as he walked over, and then shoving his feet into an easy pair of shoes. Skateboard in hand soon after, the keys to his apartment swung around his finger like a disc as he stepped out the door, pulling it shut with his foot and then locking the...particularly unreliable deadbolt, now that he was looking at it. How long until that just broke off the door on its own? At least none of his neighbors had tried to break in yet.

Down the shoddy steps and onto the old asphalt, he moved past the few cars littering the apartment's parking lot before letting his skateboard drop onto the ground with a clatter, and up he stepped. Its wheels roll him down to the sidewalk just a short ways away, and as he hits the more even ground and reaches a smooth drift, he puts his foot against the concrete to pick up the speed, hands moving to tie his hair back into a lazy ponytail all the while. Just a short way to the class, but even the fresh breeze of the quaint town's air and some sense of freedom for a moment lets him relax his nerves, let go of the stress from this morning and

His apartment wasn't all too far from campus, luckily, and soon enough he found the sidewalk leading him right into it, dodging past a couple of the students as he rode past, before kicking the board into grass to let it slow down and pick it back up. Trying to go around in the more crowded spaces here would probably get him in trouble, or leave him crashing into some unlucky classmate, and he wasn't really keen on doing that. A couple hey's, some waves, an exchanged high five and then he's already in the building where the...philosophy class was being held. By god, why, did he have to take philosophy? He didn't really feel like questioning life anymore than he already did in general, but it was required, so alas, here he was, stuck staring at the closed door of his classroom, trying to ready himself to face his classmates and professor within for being - a quick glance to his watch - ten minutes late already. Have mercy, ma'am, please don't mark me down as absent.

Shifting the skateboard around so the decal on the deck was facing towards him instead of the crowd within, he pushed the door open with a nudge of his foot, and then slipped inside.

"Mafuyu Hanazawa. Late, again."

Wow, not even a second to breathe. Not even a chance to sneak. Just rip the bandaid right off lady, he could probably take it anyway.

Looking towards the woman who stood at the front of the class with her arms crossed - the chalkboard behind her was welcoming two people, guests? Visitors? New students? - and as she tapped an impatient finger on her arm, he jokingly brought his own arms up to shield over himself, smile breaking through as he did, "Aiya~ please have mercy Ms. Nishihara! I promise it won't happen again!" A pause, he lowered his arms before giving an awkward smile, a short bow, a quiet tone. "I'm really sorry ma'am, I had some family matters come up."

A roll of her eyes, she gestured her hand off to a vague area of seats, to which he spotted unfamiliar faces and another he couldn't possibly forget: Iphianassa. "Hurry up and take a seat so we can get started, Mr. Hanazawa. We don't need anymore distractions for today, we're already short on time." A quick nod, and Mafuyu shifted around to make his way up to the spot left in the classroom, letting himself half fall into the seat next to the boy. His skateboard on the ground and backpack following, he shuffled out a notebook and pen while their professor began her lecture, as...unengaging as he usually found it. Only two weeks am I going to survive this semester?

Still he leans forward slightly in his seat towards Iphianassa, giving a lopsided smile in her direction as he spoke, keeping his tone quiet, "heya, Phig. Wanna introduce me to these two? You were here when they were introduced you know." A pause, he glanced to both of them, giving slight waves even if he paused at the pink haired one. "Nice to meet you both, mhm, sorry I caused a scene on the day you arrived. I've only been late twice now, promise. Name's Mafuyu Hanazawa, nice to meet you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Iphianassa Lykaois Character Portrait: Mafuyu Hanazawa Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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"Sorry, sarcasm falls out of my mouth
Like stupidity falls out of yours."

Speech Code ~ #8A0808
| Thought Code ~ #045FB4

As she waited, Iphignea withdrew a cold water bottle from her bag and took a quick swig from it. Recapping it, she returned it to her bag and was in the process of removing a notebook and textbook and straightening once more when their homeroom professor made her way into the room. She leaned back in her seat, knees and arms crossed over one another, an unimpressed expression on her face. She stopped behind the desk, set a stack of papers, files, and books that she had with him on top of it, and cleared her throat before making her way around to the side of the desk.

ā€œBefore we continue with our lessons from last week, I have an announcement to make.ā€ The chatter of the students quickly died off, as a special announcement wasnā€™t a common occurrence in their quiet school. Once the classroom was silent and Professor Nishihara was satisfied with the full attention of the class, she continued. ā€œWe have a couple of new students joining us today.ā€ Immediately she threw up her hand to stem the excited titter that quickly sprung up at this news. ā€œNow, I know itā€™s odd to have new transfers at this time of the year, but letā€™s all attempt to give them a warm welcome. Please make sure to provide any help they may need as they make this adjustment to joining us here at our lovely university. I expect you all to be as accepting as possible,ā€ she finished with a very pointed look in Iphianassaā€™s direction. This earned her an eyeroll in response, which she reciprocated before turning to the door to the room. As soon as she turned away, she stuck out her tongue. ā€œYou two can come in now,ā€ she called out before turning back to the class once more. ā€œPlease welcome Natsuo and Kazumi Orako. Mr.- and Ms. Orako, please introduce yourselves and let us know something interesting about you,ā€ she said, motioning to the small classroom as he spoke.

As the two entered the room, the class fell silent. Despite the pairā€™s obvious relation due to their last name and them transferring in together, they looked nothing like one another. They both were, however, ethereally beautiful. An odd sensation crawled across Iphianassaā€™s skin as they made their way across the front of the room to the center to stand beside the teacher. It wasnā€™t that her skin was crawling, per-say, but more like her hair was standing on end. She wasnā€™t afraid, though, so why it was doing that was baffling to her; but what she did know, though, was that something was off about these two, and despite her piqued curiosity, she forced herself to remain nonchalant. It was none of her business, and why would she care anyway? They were just two random, strange kids that she didnā€™t even know.

Her curiosity was unable to be fully contained, however, as she studied the pair. The girl was small and reminded Iphignea of cotton-candy with her bright coloring, and she had a warm yet fierce presence about her. She definitely struck her as someone that she could possibly become friends with, but who knew. Moving on, her eyes slid over to the boy who had come in with her, for the first time actually able to see his face.

Almost instantly her mouth went dry. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest and she felt her breath hitch. His dark features stood out in stark contrast to his pale skin, giving him an odd beauty that wasnā€™t handsome nor sexy, yet somehow both at the same time. His dark eyes seemed to bore into her soul and she felt herself enraptured by them. She could feel her cheeks heating up as a soft flush entered them, brushing across the rest of her body as it did. Forcing herself to lick her lips, she somehow managed to tear her gaze from his, lowering it to her desk in a strangely-subdued manner that was odd for her normally-fiery personality. Something about that boy had struck her dumb, and she didnā€™t like it.

Peaking a look back up to the front, she quickly looked back down at her desk and opened her textbook to a random page, eyes skimming over the words but not actually taking in any of them. Her mind was racing and she couldnā€™t stop it, but she could at least keep herself from staring at the new kids like some sort of heathen. She listened as they made their introductions, and when they jibed at each other like normal siblings did, she felt a pang of sorrow over the lack of love that her blood sisters had held for her. Shaking it away quickly, however, she listened to their retorts and at the mention of the new manā€™s - Natsuoā€™s, she should say - current relationship status, she felt her cheeks flush a bit, out of - what? Excitement? What was with this reaction? The hushed, gossipy chatter around her was a clear indicator that the other students found the two new siblings attractive as well, and at that Iphignea felt her hopes at friends dashed. Undoubtedly these two would fit in well with the popular crowd, which left her out as an option for friendship. She definitely was not one for popularity, but in fact was probably the exact opposite - at least, at school she was. When she was at work, though, she got along quite well with her patrons; then again, a majority of them were completely shitfaced.

The mention of her last name brought her back to reality and away from her thoughts, and having missed what their professor said, she glanced up only to feel shock at the sight of the new duo approaching her. Her heart quickened a bit but she forced her expression to remain placid, and when the two reached her and chose their seats, she said nothing in greeting and went out of her way not to even glance at them. Once they seemed to have found their seats, the professor immediately launched into the beginnings of her lecture - something to do with ethics. Iphignea was okay at philosophy but the subject bored her to tears, and as the teacher spoke, her voice became a blur, almost akin to the voice of the teacher in the show Charlie Brown. She stared down at the textbook, her expression bored - it was clear that she was beyond dulled by the current subject.

Despite all of this, Iphianassa found herself struggling to qualm the urge to look at the new students - or, well, in particular Natsuo. Unable to stifle the need to do so, she found herself occasionally subtly flicking a glance behind her, completely incapable of resisting the urge entirely. It was during one of these glances that she truly noticed his hair and the length of it, but despite the odd amount, it looked soft and healthy. The desire to run her fingers through those soft tresses caused her hands to twitch a bit as she wrote, muddling some of the numbers occasionally, much to her frustration. What was with her today? Acting like this over a guy?I must not have gotten enough sleep last night, she reasoned to herself, rubbing the bridge of her nose. Despite this thought, she couldnā€™t ignore the giggles and whispers of the girls in the class as they blatantly stared and looked over at Natsuo, a few of them tossing in some glares in Iphigneaā€™s direction. She simply glared back, mouthing, ā€™The hell do you want me to do about it?ā€™ in return to the girls. She really hated that she was getting all of this attention just because these two sat next to her. Gods, why couldnā€™t they have sat anywhere else?

The door to the classroom suddenly flew open and in sauntered none other than the walking, talking blueberry himself - Mafuyu Hanazawa. Iphianassa found herself unable to contain her snicker as he was quickly chastised by their professor, to which he had a rather comical reaction, and she snorted a bit in her laughter. A hand flashed up to her mouth in embarrassment and she quickly stifled her chuckles. When she saw Mafuyu begin to make his way in her direction, a devilish smirk on his face, Iphignea straightened instantly and shot a look at their professor.

ā€No!ā€ she practically wailed. ā€Please donā€™t sit this dumb blueberry next to me!ā€ her voice begged, her overdramatics gaining a few chuckles from their classmates. ā€Sit down and stop your whining, Miss Lykaois - I will not tolerate the theatrics in my classroom.ā€ This instantly shut Iphignea up who groaned and dropped back into her seat just as Mafuyu opened his big fucking mouth.

ā€Heya, Phig. Wanna introduce me to these two? You were here when they were introduced you know." His friendly wave didnā€™t fool her for a second and she noted the lingering gaze he held on the new girl. Ohohoho she inwardly snickered. The things she would do with that little information. She couldnā€™t help but bite out, ā€Why is it my job to introduce you? Introduce yourself; you have a working mouth, donā€™t you? And Iā€™ve told you before, donā€™t call me Phig.ā€ He seemingly took her ā€˜adviceā€™ and began to greet the new duo. "Nice to meet you both, mhm, sorry I caused a scene on the day you arrived. I've only been late twice now, promise. Name's Mafuyu Hanazawa, nice to meet you." An eye-roll followed this hello. ā€Mafu, even if I didnā€™t have class with you literally every single day, I would still know that what you just said was a total lie. Youā€™ve been late, like, at least four or five times,ā€ she outed him, rising a bit in her seat and jabbing a finger in his direction. ā€Shouldnā€™t a talking blueberry have more drive to get a good education? How are you going to get a job anywhere without a good education looking like you just had a bad visit at Willy Wonkaā€™s factory, Mr.Beauregarde?ā€ she quipped, the name referencing the character from the movie who began to turn into a giant blueberry.

Dropping back into her chair with a light clatter, Iphignea crossed her knees and arms, narrowing her eyes on Mafuyu. ā€If youā€™re really that incapable of creating a proper introduction yourself, than I guess I have no choice.ā€ With a hand motion in the direction of the two new students, Iphignea made a rather valiant effort not to look at the two. ā€This is Kazumi and Natsuo Orako - theyā€™re siblings, so make sure you treat them kindly,ā€ she mocked their teacher. ā€Now, unlike some people,ā€ she looked pointedly at Mafuyu, ā€I would actually like to learn something today.ā€ WIth that said, she plucked up her pencil and began to fervently take notes, attempting to block out all thoughts of the new bubblegum girl and her unnaturally hot brother as well as the annoying Mafuyu.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Iphianassa Lykaois Character Portrait: Mafuyu Hanazawa Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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0.00 INK

Code- #FF1493

Code- #0000CD

If there was one thing Kazumi was dreading it was sitting inside of a classroom with nothing to do but listen to the professor. And right now, she was so bored she was starting to fidget. She never saw the point of a classroom setting either. Why stay inside when one could be outside? At least when the weather was nice. And it definitely was. She found herself looking out the window and sighing. However, her thoughts were interrupted when someone burst through the door.

The noise also got Natsuo's attention too. He too was bored, but unlike his sister, he still focused on the class and found great humor in what the professor was teaching. Did humans really think like this at one point? Wow were they ignorant of how things actually worked. However, his attention was also on the dark hair girl who he could see kept looking at him and his sister, even though she tried to hide it. Oh, Natsuo was very much aware of the attention he and his siblings had on the opposite gender. It was amusing to say the least and Natsuo relish in the attention. He knew his younger siblings didn't like it, but he and Kazumi enjoyed it. Kazumi herself loved leaving guys begging for mercy. He always felt sorry for them boys. The only males that Kazumi didn't turn men's minds into jelly were their father, Pavo, and Kazumi's new boss.

Speaking of males, one blue haired one came into the class suddenly. Kazumi watched his interaction with the professor. She was curious about these family issues, but it seemed he had issues with being on time. Even though Kazumi and Natsuo were a bit late themselves, normally Kazumi was a stickler for time. It was one reason why she and her siblings waiting until AFTER Spring and Fall started to come to Earth because she and Vel had to perform their duties in changing the Seasons for the North and Southern hemispheres. And in the back of her mind, that they might have to leave before Summer and Winter arrived again. Knowing Natsuo, he would want ALL of them to leave, but if Vel wanted to stay longer, she would at least try to convince Natsuo to let her and Vel stay at least. That's if their parents hadn't found them beforehand. Both she and Natsuo did talk privately, and both had a feeling that Astraea and Pavo were searching for them, knowing their parents would have sent them to find them. But they would cross that bridge when it happened.

As for the new guy, Kazumi found herself giggling between the outburst of the brunette, Iphianassa, and the professor. Soon, the guy introduced himself as Mafuyu Hanazawa. Iphianassa's words to him reminded Kazumi of the times she and Natsuo got into it. She looked at her brother and he merely roled his eyes at her with a look that said I am nothing like that. After the brunette introduced the two of them, she went back to taking notes. Kazumi turned back to Mafuyu and smiled. She would wait to see what kind of effect she would have on him.

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Hanazawa."

Natsuo merely acknowledge him as he too continued to refocus on the class. For Kazumi, class seemed to drag on when finally it ended. As soon as it did end though, many of their classmates clamored around the two older Seasons asking questions at once. Natsuo merely ignored such trial questions and let Kazumi be the spokesperson. It was a how they both worked and perfected it over the years.

"Ms. Orako, where are you and your brother from?" "What made you decide to come here?" "Do you have any other relatives?" "Can I escort you to your next class?"

These were the kind of questions given to them and Kazumi answered all of them, but did know when to hold back. She valued her privacy too and enjoyed keeping others guessing. Finally, Kazumi called a halt to the questions as she and Natsuo had to get to their next class, which was a Language Arts class. While there was more time in between classes, Kazumi wanted to check on her two dogs, Eos and Dawn, who were positioned outside the school grounds. Both dogs had wanted to stay by Kazumi's side but the school wouldn't allow Kazumi to take them on the grounds, even though Kazumi tried. So Kazumi promised the two dogs she would check on them between classes. After the pair left the classroom, Kazumi turned to her brother.

"Natsuo, I am going to be checking on Eos and Dawn. You can head to our next class if you want."

"Na, I want to get outside just as much as you."

Nodding, it only took them a couple minutes to get to the main gate of the campus, where Dawn, a Shiba Inu, and Eos, an Akita, were waiting. Seeing their master, the two dogs instantly went to her side, sniffing her before moving to Natsuo to do the same thing. Glad to see they were okay, Kazumi talked to them a bit before they had to leave since their class was on the other side of the campus and was pretty close to the High School campus. This time they made it to the class within plenty of time with time to spare to talk if need be.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Iphianassa Lykaois Character Portrait: Mafuyu Hanazawa Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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0.00 INK

mafuyu hanazawa.
dialogue ; #7f9f91. ā€“ thought ; #bb7e8c.

The complaints from Iphignea certainly don't reach deaf ears as he approaches, but that isn't to say they'd drive him away. If anything, they just made the enjoyment of reaching that free seat so much better, watching her shoot her usual irritated glare in his direction as he settled into his seat, skateboard clattered on the floor without much of a care. Lessons begin and his introductions are out, but the girl he considered a friend - well, she probably didn't look to him as one, but they talked and bickered enough to practically be considered siblings at this point. If she knew I thought this, my life would be over by her own hands. He stifles a snort of laughter, before leaning back in his seat, grin brightening slightly at her words. "Why is it my job to introduce you? Introduce yourself; you have a working mouth, donā€™t you? And Iā€™ve told you before, donā€™t call me Phig."

"Aw, but I like Phig! It's cute!" He replies quite quickly, moving a hand to lightly pat against her head like some kind of kid or underclassman, a kouhai, except they were the same age, only a month's difference between them. Still, it's a teasing move that he was sure would probably blow her temper off in about five seconds, and he pulls his hand back to his chest before she can think to grab it. "I'm the blueberry, you're Phig, doesn't it sound nice? Like some weird crime duo, or stage names." That was kind of dipping into stripper territory, though even if he was one he wouldn't choose blueberry for his. Still, that nickname had become a source of glee for him anyway; the girl constantly used it against him, how could he not get used to it at this point? Maybe even enjoy it a little out of some odd form of amusement. I like my blue hair, not gonna change it up for anyone.

Without her help for introductions, however, he moves along to give his own, comfortably leaning in their directions again with a pleasant smile. Usually he's able to hit it off quite easily with people, dare he say he was considered to be someone within the popular ring, had been for several years. That wasn't to say everyone took a liking to him from the get-go either though. He'd feel offed by that if it were the case, people were human, they had preferences, and sometimes Mafuyu just didn't fit within their realm of likes. Still, he always did his best to make a friend out of anyone he met, and these two wouldn't be an exception, especially not with them sitting right next to him in this class from here on out. Comfort was key when you would probably have to work together with desk neighbors, so at the very least he hoped these two would tolerate him in the long run.

"Mafu, even if I didnā€™t have class with you literally every single day, I would still know that what you just said was a total lie. Youā€™ve been late, like, at least four or five times." Iphianassa's response comes, and he stifles another laugh, feigns some sort of hurt expression, "Iphi! How could you betray me like that! There goes my good first impression..." A defeated expression crosses his face as he slouches in his seat, "to think my best friend doesn't even have my back, I'm so hurt..." Hand over his heart like he'd been shot, he doesn't have time to continue the act before she's quickly forcing out her own for him, probably to avoid anymore of his shit for the rest of the hour. Her hand moves out as she does give the introductions to each of them in turn, "this is Kazumi and Natsuo Orako - theyā€™re siblings, so make sure you treat them kindly."

"Oh! You finally gave in, thanks Phig." He smiles again, a little more happily this time before looking over to the two newcomers once more. "Happy to meet you both, I hope we can become friends! This class sucks, but let's still do our best, okay?"

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Hanazawa." Comes Kazumi's words, and he brightens a little at getting a response from at least one of them. "Sure, yeah! You too, Kazumi."

Again, words are cut short by Iphianassa, and he pouts a little as she speaks, irritable and matter-of-fact as she returns to the notebook and pencil at her own section of the table. "Now, unlike some people, I would actually like to learn something today." It gets him to lean forward a bit at that, hands fallen over the front of his table as he lays his head lopsided on the desk. "It's not that I don't want to learn, Phig, it's just that philosophy sucks. Besides, I'm just planning on teaching high school; if I have to teach teenagers this stuff, they'll probably want to die just as much as I do right now." Still, she was right; he had to pass this class, and with the way his relationship with their professor was going after being late a considerable amount, he didn't think she'd be willing to give him extra credit, or anything of the sort if he didn't do so hot on an exam or homework.

Not that he could risk losing his 4.0 anyway. It had been carefully maintained for the past two years, and he wasn't on the road to start failing now. Now even with the looming shadow of his father trying to make a comeback in his life now. Talk about bad timing...I'm already stressed enough as it is. Two jobs and full-time college certainly didn't make him keen on trying to balance anything else on his way too full platter, besides positives, like new friends, which he would be working on in this class from hereon out.

So silence falls again, and the lecture fills his ears with the overthinking, the redundant concepts and people trying to act like rocket science should be applied to lifestyle and the Japanese language. Seriously, if he met these philosophers, he'd ask them the hell they had so much free time to keep coming up with these concepts, and if he could steal some of it from them.

When class is over and they're dismissed, Mafuyu isn't surprised to see the gathering crowd around the area, classmates curious and interested in the new students that, dare he say, probably looked like they could hit up any modeling company around here and get a job on the spot. Natsuo was attractive, Kazumi was attractive, he'd date them both really, but he didn't even know them well enough to try pursuing that now, and something told him neither were the type to get drunk at a bar with him and just share a bed for the night. Besides, he was looking for a deeper relationship with someone now; an actual partner, and something told him extending his history of what could be considered one night stands (even though he was friends with most of the people he'd done so with) wouldn't help out in that area. Well, maybe it wouldn't affect it if he found someone who didn't care for his past as it was already, but he didn't feel like chancing it. Take dating seriously for the rest of the year challenge, or something.

Still, he'd seen Iphignea's gaze on the boy a couple times now, so by all means he'd keep himself from trying with him. He might not even swing Mafuyu's way anyway, so no reason to make things awkward from the get go with an instant rejection. His eyes were more on the girl at this point by all means. He wasn't shallow or anything, but that didn't mean he didn't see beauty when it was right in front of his face. She had soft features, cute, and an almost regal, put together sort of vibe; it'd be fun to get to know her, and maybe try out a date with her in the future, if she accepted his request by then anyway. He still had no idea what either of them thought of him, and given the way they had slipped out of the classroom without so much of a goodbye to either him or Iphianassa, it would be some time before he could comfortably ask her out.

Mafuyu's smile returns as quiet begins to fill the space, though, even as he's packing up his bags for his next class. "Well, what'd you think of those two, Iphi?" He spares the nickname she hates for a moment, if only because he genuinely wants to hear her thoughts, not get snapped at again and left alone in the classroom. "They're pretty cute, don't you think?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Iphianassa Lykaois Character Portrait: Mafuyu Hanazawa Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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0.00 INK

ā€Stop judging others based on what you see,
Because what you see, is what they want you to see.ā€

Speech Code ~ #8A0808
| Thought Code ~ #045FB4

ā€It's not that I don't want to learn, Phig, it's just that philosophy sucks. Besides, I'm just planning on teaching high school; if I have to teach teenagers this stuff, they'll probably want to die just as much as I do right now."

An eye roll was all that this whining excuse received. Iphignea tossed him an annoyed look, a small scowl on her face. In a hushed voice, as the teacher resumed her speaking, she stuck a finger in his direction. ā€Oh, grow up, Mafu-Tofu; adults have to deal with shit they donā€™t enjoy. Thatā€™s just the way things are, get used to it.ā€ With that, she turned back to her notes, determined to ignore Mafuyu and anyone else near her - but particularly that damn blueberry.

Class continued without any further intrusions, the events seeming to have finally ended, between the two new students and Mafuyuā€™s grand entrance it had been pretty hectic. As their lecture came to an end, it seemed that their fellow classmates wasted no time in rushing in on the new students, much to Iphianassaā€™s dismay. As their annoying peers - even more annoying than Mafu and that was really saying something - crowded near her desk, she found herself attempting to move away from the group as much as possible, all the while shoving her books and supplies as quickly as possible into her backpack. Like hell she was going to stick around this crowd; it was way too much stimulation for her.

With that thought in mind, she attempted to get to her feet but found her way blocked by the group of students surrounding the new ones. Her irritation surged - Stupid assholes, some of us have classes to attend. After a few minutes the crowd finally began to disperse but before she could make her own exit, Kazumi and Natsuo were slipping past not only herself but Mafuyu as well without so much as a farewell. Rude much? Beauty is only skin deep. From the way they were dressed, they undoubtedly came from money, so of course they wouldnā€™t even bat an eyelash in pitiful, poor Iphianassaā€™s direction, or pitiful, poor Mafuyuā€™s either. Her seemingly permanent scowl fixed on her lips, but she attempted to wipe it away and relax her features. Early onset wrinkles were not her goal.

"Well, what'd you think of those two, Iphi? They're pretty cute, don't you think?" Unbidden heat instantly assaulted her face and Iphignea found herself pressing her hands to her cheeks, staring at Mafuyu with wide eyes. Then she was suddenly on her feet, her hand pointed in his direction. I-I donā€™t - I mean, that is - How would I know something like that!ā€ She stumbled over her words as she rushed them out, clearly frazzled by the question. Who the hell just asks something like that anyway! As if I could ever find someone so stuck up and rude attractive! Even as she thought this, however, she couldnā€™t help but recall the siblingsā€™ beautiful appearances - from Kazumiā€™s gentle features to Natsuoā€™s sharply delicate ones; from her soft cotton candy hair to his long, raven-like locks, they were the picture-perfect sibling duo who could easily pursue modeling as a full-time career. The urge to play with Natsuoā€™s hair had been strong and she felt her fingers twitch at the memory of it. Knock it off!

Her scowl back, Iphignea tossed a glare in Mafuyuā€™s direction. ā€Donā€™t pretend to know what youā€™re talking about, Blueberry Man!ā€ and with that exclamation she practically ran from the room, her only intent to get as far away from Mafu and those infernal new students as possible.

Thankfully, she had Language Arts next, one of the few classes that she actually enjoyed outside of those involving anything physical. She went straight for the class, preferring to be early as opposed to on time or possibly late, and when she arrived she slipped through the door quietly. With a heft she pulled her backpack to the front of her body and unzipped it, rifling through until she found a hair tie. Mission accomplished she zipped the bag back up and was in the process of moving it onto her back once more, her main focus to find a seat near the back of the class and ready herself for the next lecture, but before she could even attempt to do that she found herself ramming into a solid piece of - flesh?

So in tune with her thoughts was she that when the collision happened Iphignea was nearly knocked back onto her butt. Unable to grasp anything else, she found her hands shooting up to grip the arms of the person that she had ran into, both in an effort to stabalize herself but also to avoid her poor victim falling as well. Damn, that shit wouldā€™ve hurt like hell too.

Once firmly planted on the ground again, Iphi turned her attention to the person she had run into, an apology already leaving her lips. ā€Iā€™m so sorry, I wasnā€™t wa-ā€ Halfway through the words, she cut off and froze, her blood running cold. No freaking way. ā€H-Haruto!?ā€ she exclaimed, stumbling back two steps from the man, who was already turning to face her, his ever-present smirk appearing on his lips. ā€Well, well, if it isnā€™t my little Phig. Iā€™ve missed you babe - I almost wasnā€™t able to switch any of my classes, but at the last minute they had an opening, so here I am!ā€ Haruto threw out his arms, a dark smile on his lips. Before she could react he had closed the distance between them, his hand lifting to press lightly against her cheek. She wanted to recoil in disgust but found herself rooted in place, her eyes wide and a scowling grimace etched across her lips. Haruto ran a thumb over her bottom lip, chuckling a bit. ā€Donā€™t be like that babe. I know things got weird for a while, but Iā€™ve changed! And I know you canā€™t wait to take me back.ā€ His expression caused a chill to run up her spine and with that she was shocked back into her body. A hand shot up out of reflex and smacked his wrist, knocking his arm away and removing his disgusting touch from her body. In the same movement she stepped back, not just one or two steps, but six just to increase the distance between them.

ā€You stay the hell away from me, you disgusting creep, or Iā€™ll kick your freaking ass into next week,ā€ she practically growled, her hands gripping her backpack straps so hard that her knuckles whitened. ā€Iā€™m not stupid, Haru - I know you cheated on me with Yumiko, and I donā€™t plan to take you back,ā€ she snapped, her eyes fiery and her expression stormy. ā€And I know youā€™re the one whoā€™s been leaving stuff at my temple and following me home from work, so do me a huge favor and fuck off!ā€ Seeming to have gotten in out of her system, she literally shoved her way past a stunned Haruto, who stood there gaping in complete surprise, his small group of friends staring wide-eyed at her as she walked, but she didnā€™t care. The guy was a total stalker and if she didnā€™t put him in his place now he would only grow bolder and possibly try something later on. Better to nip it in the bud while I still can without violence.

Feet stopping in their tracks, Iphi found herself a mere couple of feet from two of the only people she really didnā€™t want to see in this class with her - Natsuo and Kazumi. It wasnā€™t that she didnā€™t like them, per say, but something about them just didnā€™t sit right with her. Add in their mesmerizing beauty and she wouldnā€™t be able to concentrate in class all semester. Freaking fantastic! Not only do I have my own personal stalker here with me, but also Mr.- and Ms. Popularity as well! Yippee for me! Her thoughts were bitterly sarcastic, especially considering that the new duo had just witnessed a messy interaction between herself and her ex - not her finest moment, but what the hell, he was being a creep. Embarrassment tinting her cheeks pink, she found a desk at the back of the room, unfortunately this time behind the new sibling duo. Without so much as a hello, she dropped her bag on the floor with seemingly little care, dropped into her seat, and went about removing her textbook and supplies.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Iphianassa Lykaois Character Portrait: Mafuyu Hanazawa Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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0.00 INK

mafuyu hanazawa.
dialogue ; #7f9f91. ā€“ thought ; #bb7e8c.

There's something about Iphianassa's reactions, the way he knows how to push her buttons just right to get them that fills his heart with a mischievous sense of joy. He knew better than to push her too far, but what he was asking about wasn't harmful anyway; if anything it just made it all the more obvious that he had taken an interest to them himself too. But instead, the brunette in front of him is a stammering mess, a finger pointed at him in an almost accusatory manner as he raises his own hands in surrender, even if the amused smile over his lips says anything but "I give up."

"I-I donā€™t - I mean, that is - How would I know something like that!" Comes words that might scare of most, but Mafuyu had long grown used to the girl's behavior, and frankly he was difficult to intimidate anyway. Priceless, seriously, how is she going to live this down, just offering up teasing material like that for free? He gives a faint snicker as she shoots that same familiar glare at him too, a hissed, "Donā€™t pretend to know what youā€™re talking about, Blueberry Man!" This wins him even more laughter, though, and he lets his head fall back as she makes her way out, "who says I don't know what I'm talking about! We both know I do!" Is all he calls after to her as she storms out of the classroom. Frankly, he had been in his fair share of relationships at this point, thank you. Not that Iphianassa hadn't herself, but her last one had ended less than ideal, and he wasn't about to be an ass about that. Knew that guy was bad news. Not that he was able to help much beyond trying to offer a shoulder to cry on. Had he wanted to go kick the guy's shit in? Absolutely. Though honestly, Iphignea probably beat him to it, and something tells him that the payoff would be better done by her hand anyway.

His teasing, if you could even call it that at the start though definitely by the end, lost him someone to walk with to the next class, and perhaps he deserved that. Oh well, he'd certainly survive through the quiet, that's how most his mornings were spent anyway, and the ride home.

Swiping up his skateboard from the floor and his backpack soon after, he makes his way for the doorway that the transfer students and Iphianassa went through, dodging past several lingering classmates that probably don't have a class right after this like some of them. Try not to block the door, would you? It hardly delays him in the end though, as he makes his way over and almost catches a glimpse of Iphianassa too far ahead to catch up and disappearing into the building for their second class of the day. Language arts, right after philosophy. At least it wasn't as painful, and technically he did have to pay attention in here; English was one of the subjects he'd be teaching once he landed himself a position in a high school after his graduation, and not learning the material well enough to teach it would just be shooting himself in the foot. Miyako asked me to tutor Mamoru for English this weekend anyway, so it'd be better refresh on it quick now. He was due to tutor that Kenji kid this weekend too, even if the boy was a spoilt brat (he'd come to learn that himself, and heard more than enough from his sister about the boy's antics at the high school). His parents paid him decently though, so who was he to turn down the job?

Thoughts of graduation requirements and tutoring jobs on the weekend are out of his mind in an instant when he enters the building for his language arts course, nears the door and all he can hear is the sound of Iphianassa's near yelling, that bitter angry sound showing what he would consider genuine anger from the girl that he didn't want turned on himself. She wasn't that mad about my teasing, was she? She would have actually taken it out on him if she were this mad though, and as he peeks his head around the doorway, he sees the source of those emotions clear as day.

Ah, Haruto. Cheating asshole of the century, emotionally manipulative and abusive next. Did he actually think he could win her back over? Why do people like him think they can just waltz back into people's lives after the damage they do? Astounding, really. It didn't seem he'd have to step in though; that final "fuck off" was enough to put the seal over his mouth for the time being. He nearly snorts out a laugh at the guy's face, like he thought his stupid plan would work so well, like it was so fool-proof. The narcissism is out of this world, man. Go hang out with my dad, you guys would probably click to best friends from day one.

Walking into the classroom with most eyes on Haruto and his obnoxious little gang after that scene, he doesn't have to worry to much as he half skips past in something of a mocking manner, head tilting towards the other classmate as he passes him, a, "humiliated yourself enough yet?" muttered in his direction, taking off before the male can retort or say anything back to him that wouldn't probably embarrass him further. Mafuyu knew he was higher on the social food chain than that guy, but he didn't particularly care anyway; Haruto deserved all the shit he got; he brought it on himself half the time after all.

Glance around the classroom again and there's full view of the desks, and gleefully he spots Iphi right where she always was, fully prepped to take notes and listen to the lecture, but alas, her favorite blueberry is here to ruin her plans.

I won't actually distract her that much this class though, our professor is okay for this one at least, and I need to teach it eventually.

"Iphiiii~!" A mix of whine and playful, he quickly made his way over to her again, look of betrayal crawling over his expression, "what'd you leave me behind like that for? We could've walked together! Did I make you that mad?" He cuts into a free seat close by, nearly sitting on top of the desk to chat, but he knows better than that by now; the professors would probably call him out for damaging property if they caught him doing so. But even with that teasing tone and the probably growing dread that he added to with his second time sitting near her, he tilted his head slightly, "you alright, by the way? Is he still not leaving you alone?"

A slight pause then, he glances around the classroom again before spotted the transfers once more, that same feeling hitting his chest again at the sight of them both. They were in front of where he and Iphianassa were this time, though whether that was good or bad heā€™d have to figure out; staring at the back of their heads with no distractions besides english lectures probably wouldnā€™t help make this go anymore smoothly. A slight head tilt all the same though, and he offers a brighter smile and wave. "Hi again Kazumi, Natsuo. Guess we share more than philosophy, huh?ā€


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Iphianassa Lykaois Character Portrait: Mafuyu Hanazawa Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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0.00 INK

ā€Talent canā€™t be taught;
But it can be awakened.ā€
~Wallace Stegner

Speech Code ~ #8A0808
| Thought Code ~ #045FB4

As she rifled through her belongings and began to get her books in order, Iphianassa heard a voice pipe up, calling her name in a pitiful yet coy howl. When she looked up and located the owner of the sound, she couldnā€™t contain the eye roll that followed. Greeeeat, just what I needed. What an eventful semester this is looking to be. It was an internal groan, revealing her emotions through the annoyed expression on her face. "What'd you leave me behind like that for? We could've walked together! Did I make you that mad?"

ā€In order for me to be mad, I would need to care about what you have to say, but since most of the stuff that comes out of your mouth is either sarcasm or a flirtation, itā€™s hard to take you seriously,ā€ she scoffed, really going for the jugular today it seemed. It wasnā€™t her fault; the universe seemed to really be trying her patience and to be honest was lucky that she hadnā€™t set fire to the school yet.

ā€You alright, by the way? Is he still not leaving you alone?" The question gave Iphignea pause; she internally debated whether or not to lose her absolute shit over Mafuyuā€™s words. The boy was bold, sheā€™d give him that, but he seemed to have no boundaries for others' personal lives - something that was bound to get him into trouble at some point. She couldnā€™t really pinpoint it, but he seemed to be lacking something - streetsmarts, perhaps? Despite the anger that threatened to boil over the nosiness of Mafu, she paused. Her doctor had been pushing her to try and make more friends. The least I can do is give it a shot. Plus, when she really studied him, he appeared to be genuine in his concern over her exā€™s actions. You lose every shot you donā€™t take, and all that. Slowing a bit in her movements as she finished withdrawing her supplies from her bag, she sighed. With a soft thwup sound, her books hit her desk and she lowered herself into the seat, her physical demeanor betraying how tired she felt. She hadnā€™t been sleeping well - not that she ever had - but lately it had been getting worse, due to a combination of things, at the top of that list being the one and only Haruto. Rubbing her face a bit as though to try and bring herself back to her normal state, she stifled another sigh.

ā€It hasnā€™t been ā€¦ Good, you could say. After what happened with Yumiko and him and I broke it off between us, I figured everything would just go back to how it was before we ever dated. But ā€¦ā€ she paused and was unable to stop the next sigh that escaped her. ā€Now, it seems like it wonā€™t be that easy. Itā€™s been over half a year and he still calls and texts me at least once a day. I figured that since weā€™re in different majors, I would be able to avoid him in class, but obviously thatā€™s not the case. And ā€¦ā€ This time it was a hesitation and her expression was weary as she continued, ā€And someone has been leaving gifts for me at my temple every week. If it was just that I could ignore it, but ā€¦ā€ Wringing her hands together, she stared down at her fingers, ā€But after work every night this week, when Iā€™ve been walking home alone, I swear that someoneā€™s been following me. Iā€™m not the type to just imagine that kind of thing. I may be paranoid and may have my own issues, but I swear Iā€™m not just imagining it, and I can guarantee that I know who it is.ā€ Clenching her hands into fists, she couldnā€™t help but feel her skin crawl a bit. An unfortunate side effect of her somewhat above-average senses was her uncanny ability to be able to tell when someone was watching her, and to be honest, even without her enhanced sensory, it would be nearly impossible to miss the beady brown eyes that belonged to her slimy ex. Unable to control herself, her lips turned into a scowl; it was a consistent expression that she made, or similar ones, when at school in particular, but she found her muscles were a bit tighter due to her increased emotions. Without being able to contain it, she snapped her head to the side and shot Haruto a glare full of absolute hatred and fury. Unfortunately for her, he had chosen a seat as close to hers as possible, which left only two students separating them. In response he simply smiled at her, in what she assumed he figured to be a charming way, but instead it had the opposite effect, leaving her disgusted and annoyed.

Before she could stop herself, her tattooed hand had lifted and she let out a fake sneeze, moving her head forward as she did so. When she pulled her head back, her hand held one dainty, long finger pointing towards the ceiling, and her scowl had twisted into a look of mock surprise. As she flipped him the bird and revelled in his shocked face, she quite sweetly slipped out, ā€Didnā€™t I just get done telling you to go fuck yourself? Because obviously you didnā€™t hear me, seeing as youā€™re still staring at me with your beady little reptile eyes.ā€ As he was satisfyingly struck dumb, his jaw hanging slack, Iphignea ignored the surprised stares of the few classmates that were near them. She wasnā€™t one for many words and given the small status of their town had spent the last decade with a majority of these people, so most of them knew better than to try and approach her. She had made her feelings about her peers clear; stay away from her, sheā€™d stay away from them, and theyā€™d have no problems, capiche? People are so freaking annoying. When will they learn?

An eye roll and Iphi turned back to her desk, only at that moment to have her new bubblegum classmate appear. As she watched the other woman flaunt her features to none other than Daisuke, she couldnā€™t contain the second eye roll that revealed itself. Daisuke was a confirmed socially awkward straight-edge who followed the rules to a T, leaving Iphi about as far as could possibly be from his friend group and activities. She knew him, but barely, and wanted to keep it that way. Seriously, what a dork. It would be a lie to say that Daisuke was a complete joke, though; the siblings were definitely something to look at, and matched with their odd charm they seemed to carry gave them a deadly draw. Kazumiā€™s sweet voice, tinged with hues of pink and yellow, and Natsuoā€™s gentle baritone that held soft blues and purples - they were enticing, to say the least.

"Hey, nice to see you again Ms. Lykaois. Your name is so pretty by the way! Are you from Greece originally?"

The sudden address of her name jerked Iphignea from her thoughts. As though confused or unsure despite her name being used, she actually turned in her desk to look behind her, as though searching for who Kazumi was speaking to. When she turned back to face the trio that were near her, she pointed at herself, seemingly baffled. People donā€™t just go out of their way to talk to me. Seriously - who is this chick? And she recognizes Grecian names? ā€Um, me?ā€ After a beat of awkward silence - Obviously she meant you, you freaking idiot - Iphignea found herself scowling again, but this time at her own stupidity. She wasnā€™t dumb, but had definitely just made herself seem to be.

Dragging her palm across her forehead as though she were having head pains, she sighed and seemed to relent, but to what, who knew? ā€Of course, you mean me - not like thereā€™s any other Lykaoisā€™ here,ā€ she muttered, seemingly to herself. When she glanced back up at Kazumi, her features were a bit more docile, at least half of her consistent hostility gone. Given her personality, however, she found herself crossing her arms defensively over her chest. Her sudden state left her feeling vulnerable in more ways than she could count, so to counteract it she found herself positioning her body protectively, legs and arms crossed, as though to guard her inner self - the child who was simply afraid of growing close to others. ā€Yeah, Iā€™m from Greece. Iā€™m ā€¦ Surprised you could tell. Most people donā€™t recognize Grecian names, and Iā€™ve gotten to be really good at hiding my accent. Iā€™m ā€¦ Impressed.ā€

Fingers tightening their grips on her upper arms, Iphignea frowned, uncertain on how to proceed. Her therapist had encouraged her so often over the years to step out of her comfort zone and try to make friends, but it was just so freaking difficult. What if they found out about her past and decided they wanted nothing to do with her, after she had let them in? What if they developed the same asinine belief that her eyes could see things that others couldnā€™t? What if they found out about her indifference to gender, instead preferring what was within an individual when attempting to find love? What if, what if, what if - it all just cycled endlessly within her mind, almost as though entrapping her within the confines of a prison cell. When these thoughts assaulted her, she felt like little more than the scared, small child that her birth parents had done their best to create. Her back ached at the memories, stinging in resistance to what her mind was recalling.

Of course, these were all things that had been discussed in length with her various doctors, none of whom she had found herself able to connect or bond with. Instead, they had simply been there to make an easy buck off of the fucked up adopted foreign kid and really just couldnā€™t care less about what actually happened to her. At least now, with her current psychiatrist, she felt somewhat of a kinship. The woman had been through similar - albeit different - circumstances to Iphignea, and she couldnā€™t help but feel a bit of a connection through the womanā€™s empathy.

When she glanced up again, pulling herself from her reverie - she had a tendency to just clock out and into her own little world - she found her azure gaze snagged by intense eyes that looked to hold an entire summer storm within them. The depth of them stopped her breath in its place, and despite the thundering of her heart telling her to breathe, she was unable to focus on anything other than those eyes. An odd whooshing sound dulled all other noises around her, and for a moment, all that existed was this manā€™s fierce stare.

ā€Alright, class - take your seats and weā€™ll begin momentarily.ā€ The sudden words somehow managed to wrench Iphianassa from her trance. She blinked rapidly, quickly coming back to the current moment, and was unable to contain the intensely red hue that instantly assaulted her face. What the hell is wrong with me, just staring at random people like that? He probably thinks Iā€™m a freak - way to go, Iphi! If you were possibly going to make friends before, there goes your chance. They both probably think youā€™re some sort of freaking psycho. Groaning internally at the thought, she dropped her forehead onto her desk with a soft thud. She really couldnā€™t do anything right in her life, could she? And now she had to tell her psychiatrist what an utter loser she was; what a joke.

Language Arts proceeded without any intrusions or anything really eventful to note, and as their instructor gave the departing words, Iphignea began to gather her books, ignoring the hair standing on end on her arms. She knew without looking that it was Haruto staring again that was causing this to happen, and with a clenched jaw, she shoved her things into her bag with an unnecessary amount of aggression. Freaking chill Iphi; what'd the books ever do to you? A deep inhale followed by a slow exhale and she had calmed herself enough to pull her bag over her head. She could see Haruto attempting to make his way through the departing students to her side, but before he could reach her, she spun to the nearest person to her and grabbed their arm, rather loudly exclaiming, ā€Wow, thanks for inviting me to lunch! I absolutely can't wait to share our lunch hour together! Lead the way!" without even bothering to look at the person in question.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Astraea Mantrenul Character Portrait: Iphianassa Lykaois Character Portrait: Mafuyu Hanazawa Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako Character Portrait: Pavo Etoile
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0.00 INK

Code- #790D49

Pavo was deeply asleep but had learn to wake in an instant. Even though he wasn't human anymore, he still retained some of his human habits, and the ability to wake up instantly was one of them. It was something he picked out during WWII when he joined the rebellion. You always had to watch your back for you never know when you had to move, so sleep became a precious commodity. Another trait he still carried though, was the fact that he was a crabby person when woken up suddenly, like right now.
He didn't even fully pick up what Astraea said, only that he heard his name. Someone was certainly excited. Groaning, Pavo got up slowly. He was so out of it that he didn't even bother to put on a shirt or brush his hair. So when opened the door, he was still only in his boxers, which had red hearts and silver stars all over it. He scowled when the lights hit his eyes too.

Looking at Astraea though, he saw her demeanor change from excited to demure as she noticed his own physical state. It wouldn't be the first time he got such a reaction out of a woman. After all when he had time, he did indulge in the human women of this planet, but those were quick 'one-night stands'. In the USA, the women there practically melted the moment he opened his mouth and his French accent hooked them in. When Astraea's eyes finally rested on his face and not his torso, he managed to smile. Her reaction certainly put him in a better mood instantly. All too soon though, she hid her face behind her notepad and told him she managed to narrow down their search.

Looks like she took his suggestion to heart, which pleased Pavo. He was glad they were making headway too. The question now to be where to go from there. However before saying what he was thinking, he said something else.

"It's no problem, Astraea. I don't blame you for getting excited. And um, technically it is tomorrow, so if you want to keep on talking about it, by all means go for it. By the way, would you like for me to put on a shirt?" he asked smiling mischievously.

Code- #FF1493

Code- #0000CD

Before Iphianassa could answer Kazumi's question, the other guy from their previous class showed up and addressed the dark hair student. Kazumi liked the nickname he gave her, it was cute. Looking at the blue hair guy, what was his name again?, oh, Mafuyu Hanazawa, she very much liked his interaction with Iphianassa. Their interplay reminded her of her relationship with Natsuo. Soon Mafuyu addressed her and Natsuo. Smiling, Kazumi answered him.

"It's nice to see you too! I'll be honest, I am looking forward to this class more then I was the last one."

Soon the subject seemed to get serious when Iphi started talking about an ex-boyfriend of hers. Kazumi wondered if Natsuo was listening. She looked at her brother, and while it seemed like he wasn't paying attention, she saw how his eyes had darken to the point of looking black. Oh dear, that was never a good sign. Natsuo might not show it, but he had a high sense of honor and anyone without was a pest at best in his eyes. And hurting women was one of his biggest pet peeves and a quick way to ignite his anger. It sounded like Iphi had a stalker on her hands and that was even worse. Kazumi could feel her own inner rage growing, but took a deep breath and decided to try and calm down Natsuo.

Without saying a word, Kazumi got out of her seat, and placed a hand on his cheek. His eyes opened wide and he looked at his older sister and saw her sad smile. He then realized just how close he was to losing it. Last thing he needed to do was blow their cover and the last time he lost control of himself, it has caused the Dust Bowl that devastated the USA during the 1930s. He felt such shame for that and it was one of his biggest regrets. Immediately he pinpointed was almost set him off, it was learning that Ms. Lykaois had an ex that just would not leave her alone. Taking a deep breath himself, he patted his sister's hand to let her know he was back in control. Nodding, Kazumi returned to her seat. Both looked at Iphi's ex after seeing her look at him. Both already knew they were going to keep an extra eye on him now. When Iphi told the guy off, Kazumi actually laughed, which earned her a few looks from her fellow classmates. Natsuo grinned himself. The girl certainly had spunk. He admired those who stood up for themselves so his opinion of her improved a bit.

Finally Iphi answered Kazumi's question. The girl was clearly flustered by the compliments, and it did amuse Kazumi and Natsuo because one minute she had a strong backbone and the next she acted like a bashful teenager.

"It's obvious your last name isn't Japanese, and I just love learning about the world. Hey can I call you Iphi too?
You have such a pretty name that I worry I would butcher it."

However the girl didn't have time to answer since class started up. Kazumi was relieved that this class was more interesting then the last one. Still there were times she almost found herself falling asleep. Still it was better to be bored then to be irritated by the subject matter. Thankfully this was to be her last 'boring' class.

Soon class ended, and thankfully this time not many students came to their area. However, both Kazumi and Natsuo watched Iphi's ex and could see he was looking at Iphi. Both got their things together quickly and ended up sticking to her side. What they weren't expecting was for Iphi to suddenly grab Natsuo and say something about inviting her for lunch, rather loudly. Natsuo was genuinely shocked at the physical contact and Kazumi laughed. It was obvious she wanted to get away from her ex and Kazumi played along right along.

"Sure thing Iphi! Why don't you show Natsuo where the best place to eat is hmm?"

An idea popped into her head too. She wanted to know more about the girl's ex, but thought it wasn't a good idea to ask the girl herself. Mafuyu seemed to know about him though. Turning she immediately when to the guy.

"Say, can I ask you something very quick? This won't take long at all!" she said before taking his wrist and dragged him out of the classroom, winking at Natsuo on her way out.

Natsuo rolled his eyes at his sister's antics and turned to Iphianassa.

"Come on, let's get out of here," he said before leading the girl out of the room.

He couldn't help but turn and glare daggers at the ex though. One could tell what he was conveying too 'just try me pal'. When Natsuo got them out of the classroom, he still took the lead though and took her to place outside where there were no crowds.
Once outside, Natsuo felt better. Once alone, Natsuo addressed his classmate.

"I don't think your ex will find us here. The other day when exploring the campus I figured this was one of the places people don't visit much during lunch. Sorry, I guess I should have asked if you brought a lunch with you. I have some here, but it's pretty spicy." he said as he sat on the ground next to a tree and opened his own bento up to reveal his meal of traditional Japanese lunch of ramen, tempura, and veggies.

Only difference was all of the spice cooked into each. One thing Natsuo found lacking in Japanese cuisine was the lack of spices found here. Oh there was wasabi, but the stuff was very mild as far as Natsuo saw. Once nice thing about society was web access, so Natsuo ordered spices online from outside of Japan and got stuff from India and China. With his current meal, Chinese Chili peppers had been cooked in with each element.

Meanwhile, Kazumi had also led Mafuyu to a secluded area outside. She was so tired of being indoors.

"Sorry about that, I just wanted to ask you a question about Iphi's ex really quick. Was it the guy who kept looking at her throughout class and what's his name? I am just really curious and I'd figured you know that much about him. And if you're worried about Iphi being with my brother, I can assure you she's safe with him. Just this morning our younger sister was being harassed and Natsuo was ready to beat the crap out of the delinquents, but someone beat him to it. He really doesn't like guys who target girls. Anyway, I've jabbered on long enough. After you answer my question, you can be on your way and I'll go find Natsuo and Iphi."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Iphianassa Lykaois Character Portrait: Mafuyu Hanazawa Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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0.00 INK

mafuyu hanazawa.
dialogue ; #7f9f91. ā€“ thought ; #bb7e8c.

Settling into class isn't so bad, not when he knows he can sit right by Iphianassa again, even if he's rather sure that she wishes he wouldn't. Still, he goes, dropping into his seat next to her along with his bag and skateboard on the floor once again. Leaning back in his seat, he turns a content smile towards her, even as she rolls her eyes and scoffs at him, words meant to probably pierce through him, but he doesn't find himself particularly hurt or offended by a single one of them. Learn to have tough skin, or whatever. He'd had it since he was a child after all.

"In order for me to be mad, I would need to care about what you have to say, but since most of the stuff that comes out of your mouth is either sarcasm or a flirtation, itā€™s hard to take you seriously," come those sharp words, and he feigns shock again, an overdramatic gasp leaving him at such a pitch that a couple people turn to look in their direction, only to realize it's just Mafuyu, and there wasn't actually anything interesting or wrong going on. Just his antics, as per usual, though most didn't mind them. It came with the popularity, he supposed, even if it confused him sometimes.

"Miss Phig, how could you? And here I thought we were friends!" A little joking, though he wished it were true, honestly. He knows better than to actually think the other woman thought of him that way, not at this point, and who knew in the future. He'd keep trying, but he wasn't one to force anyone to do or tell him anything just because he wanted to hear it.

Regardless, he gives up on trying to piss her off further, lets her tell him about the asshole that was Haru in however little or plentiful detail she desires. He knew he was being nosy, even if the implications only hit him after he'd asked, but still, he wasn't overly keen on seeing that bonfire of garbage harassing someone he, at least personally, looked to as a friend. Or any of his other classmates in general, really. He'd never taken kindly to people like that, flaunting their power and status, whatever else they wanted and treading over others. His mom had raised him that way after all, and after watching his father do so for twelve years of his life, he found himself only being reminded of the man when being in unfortunate proximity with them.

Lucky for them he had a clean record to uphold for his future career, or he'd be sure to make them regret their actions. Not that it could hold him back forever, at this rate. Even in such a small town, the college student-body was full of those who didn't belong near any other being, after all the harm and pain they'd caused.

He won't lie, he's a little surprised when she actually does come out and talk to him about it, giving up the details of a little history, and his brows furrow, twitch into something of a glare most certainly not meant for her, but he doesn't look over at the other man, doesn't want to give him the time of day when he thrived off of that attention. A stalker? Haru had seriously fallen that low? What the hell was wrong with him?

He talks of winning Iphianassa back, but he's too delusional to see that he's just terrifying her half to death? His gaze finally does shift back to the other for a moment, scowl burning into his features at the other who won't take his gaze off the brunette next to him. Seriously, what was wrong with that guy?

Bubbling rage settles for a moment, or is at least pushed to the background as she finishes speaking, and Mafuyu watches her careful, takes note of the body language, the way the wrings at her hands and how her expression turns to something exhausted, wary, uneasy. No doubt these things had taken a toll on her, but who wouldn't it take a toll on? Miyako had had a stalker herself a year or two ago, and thinking of that only draws out the evermore protective side of him, leaves him thinking of Miyako in that position again, but it's Iphianassa here now, and for far too long than she ever should have deserved.

Letting out a quiet breath, he leans forward slightly as if to block Iphianassa from that asshole's view, words tumbling around in his head as he tries to take more care in phrasing his offer, but all he can do is his best, leave it in the air for her if she'd like, even if the thought of her being alone walking through the town at night makes him...paranoid himself.

"You shouldn't have to walk alone at night like that, you know. Not when there's obviously...something wrong." A pause, he tries to catch her gaze, head tilting slightly, "If you want, I could meet you after your shifts. I know you probably don't think of me as...a friend, but at least you wouldn't be alone. I doubt he'd try anything if someone else was with you."

The offer is in the air now, and he gives a small smile, warm and genuine this time, "I won't force you or anything, but I thought it might make you feel better to have someone to walk you home at night."

Hopefully, he thinks, that doesn't piss her off.

Still, a snicker leaves him as he watches her look behind him, sees her hand move up with the middle finger extended towards exactly the person he was thinking of. Seriously, this guy didn't know how to fuck off even when it was spelled out for him, it was beyond obvious. Eventually, he hopes anyway, karma will catch up to him tenfold. The day that happens, Mafuyu hopes he's there to see.

The new siblings are here again soon after though, and his gaze stays on the two of them as they make their way up towards the desks too, approached by Daisuke who seems to already know Natsuo. It's a bit surprising, if Mafuyu is honest; Daisuke was socially-awkward, a little strange at times and most certainly didn't seem the type to mesh well with what he knew of Natsuo so far, someone who seemed to hold a heated air about him, that rarely smiled and spoke even less at this point, though he was sure that would change with time.

It's the awkwardness and second-hand embarrassment that comes from seeing the other male practically melt and fall apart at Kazumi's acknowledgement, taking in her appearance. Surely that was nothing but uncomfortable for her, wouldn't it be? Unless she liked that, but most of the girls he knew ran for the hills when that was a guy's initial reaction. Tact, man. Learn some please... Sighing slightly, he turns away from the odd scene, waiting until they actually find their seats and by then he's already said hello.

"It's nice to see you too! I'll be honest, I am looking forward to this class more then I was the last one." Comes Kazumi's voice, pleasant to the ears and he smiles, nods along with her, "that makes two of us, then. Isn't philosophy such a bore?" He laughs lightly, leaning forward and turning to the side so as to easier face the siblings.

Language arts is in motion soon enough though, the professor entering the classroom and gathering most, if not all attention to the lecture prepared, and at least this time Mafuyu manages to keep focus, take notes even with the distractions of his phone vibrating with a text that he was almost nervous to see who it was from. His mom? Sisters? Or his dad, somehow finding a new way to contact him again? Ignore, ignore, ignore, he had classes to study and pass for his degree, so that he could get his mom and sisters out of that house and somewhere nice, to let his mom work less than two or three jobs at once, just one.

Shifting around slightly in his seat, another hits his phone again, and finally he relents, pulling it just out of his pocket to see the lit up screen and, perhaps expected, an unknown number.

+ 8133-560-1254
XMafuyu, it's your father.
+ 8133-560-1254
XI'd like to meet up. Respond once you receive these messages.

And that's a fuck no from me, asshole. He wants to hiss it out loud, but all he does is toss his phone without a second glance onto his backpack on the floor, quiet hope that the man would stop trying to get his attention until he could get on his phone and block the number.

The rest of class goes smoothly enough, a full set of notes for once in his notebook, and quietly he wonders when exams will be starting up for these classes. They were already two weeks in by now, but usually professors were already scheduling dates for those sort of things, throwing them up into calendars to give him another day to dread. For now, however, the professor doesn't give any out, and the class ends somewhat peacefully as the last.

It's before he can even think or say a word that Iphianassa has suddenly taken hold of Natsuo, to Mafuyu's own surprise, though he certainly knows she would never take hold of his arm like that on purpose. Still, only an idiot wouldn't catch onto the reason for her sudden latching, and as he glances over to the pair now so readily exiting classroom fast past Haru, he laughs out loud over the entire thing. So uncharacteristic of her, but entertaining all the same, and at least he was rather confident she'd be safe with the new guy; or so he hoped. Vibes alone told him he wouldn't have to worry anyway.

It's just that he doesn't expect the hold on his own wrist next, blinking once as he looks back at the pink-haired girl who smiles all brightly at him already, and his brows quirk in confusion. "Say, can I ask you something very quick? This won't take long at all!"

Without any time to respond or think, she's already dragging him away, and Mafuyu isn't sure what to think. This sort of thing had happened in the past, though it was usually when he was dating someone and they wanted alone time with him somewhere. He highly doubted the new girl carried any of those intentions in doing so, but he still laughs along with it as they make their way out of the classroom, him just barely able to grab his things before they're out of reach.

The pace of the dragging slows considerably once they make it outside, but she's still leading him along like some sort of lost child, or so it feels that way. Eventually, she releases his wrist, and he finds himself standing with her somewhere quiet, away from the crowds of students and staff. What was such a secret little spot chosen out for now?

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you brought me here to have some sort of private date," he tries to joke through the awkward, confused sensation dredging up inside of him, but even he outwardly cringes at his own attempt for a joke, offers an apologetic smile as soon as it's out, "yeah, sorry, that was a shit one."

Pausing, he quirks his eyebrow again slightly, turning towards Kazumi and trying to settle into comfort once more, "ignore what I just said; what's up? Something you need to talk to me about here?"

"Sorry about that, I just wanted to ask you a question about Iphi's ex really quick. Was it the guy who kept looking at her throughout class and what's his name? I am just really curious and I'd figured you know that much about him. And if you're worried about Iphi being with my brother, I can assure you she's safe with him. Just this morning our younger sister was being harassed and Natsuo was ready to beat the crap out of the delinquents, but someone beat him to it. He really doesn't like guys who target girls. Anyway, I've jabbered on long enough. After you answer my question, you can be on your way and I'll go find Natsuo and Iphi."

Her words come out quick, and he almost finds himself falling behind as she talks, but rather than be annoyed with it, he's rather pleased. She seemed comfortable talking to him at least, hopefully didn't mind his presence or his personality of what she knew of it so far. He was a great listener too anyway, so she could talk all she wanted.

"Iphianassa's ex?" He echoes, head tilting slightly before he lets out a hum, wonders if it's even his place to tell someone else about any of the things he'd learned or knew at this point. Well, if it was basic knowledge, that wouldn't hurt anyone, right? Seems he had someone as nosy as himself on his hands, and silently he tries to remind himself not to gossip too much. "Yeah, that's Haru. I'd keep your distance from him if I were you. He's...bad news."

A light laugh, he waves off her second words, "I figured she'd be alright with your brother, he doesn't seem too bad. Pretty sure she could stand her ground if he weren't anyway. Not gonna shit-talk your brother right to your face though, that'd be stupid. He seems cool, maybe he can get her to relax a little."

His arms are crossed over his chest now, fingers tapping absentmindedly at his arm as she finishes speaking, "eh? I mean, I wouldn't mind tagging along with you to see them. Iphi..." He pauses, laughs awkwardly, looks away quickly, "I guess she probably doesn't think of me as a friend. I'll just make sure things are okay and then leave you all to your own thing."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Iphianassa Lykaois Character Portrait: Mafuyu Hanazawa Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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Code- #FF1493

The date comment was pretty funny and Kazumi did giggle at that.

"Hehe oh please, if I were to go on a date with you, it definitely wouldn't be in a school setting. Besides, aren't there rules for that here?" Kazumi asked.

Even though Kazumi was the type to bend the rules, a lot, she would never break them without good reason. Like they all pretty much broke a rule by coming to Earth without telling their parents or Astraea. Kazumi knew they were all going to be in for an earful whenever they were found. She just hoped it would be later rather than sooner. Her thoughts refocused on Mafuyu though when he answered her question. So the ex's name was Haru huh? A devious smile appeared on her face when Mafuyu warned her about him.

"Thanks for the warning, but I should warn you, I get a special thrill of putting guys like him in their place. I can't stand guys like that either and if he tries to put any moves on me, I'll crush him," she said menacingly.

She meant it too. Her attitude brightens though when Mafuyu talks about her brother a bit. Oh, she wasn't 100% sure about Natsuo helping Iphi relax since he was pretty uptight himself. He would no doubt protect her. Her brother didn't carry his kendo sword around for show after all. He was very proficient and was taught by the best. The only one who could best him was their main protector Astraea. Now there was someone you never messed with.

When Mafuyu said he'd like to stick around, Kazumi nodded.

"Sure thing! Oh sorry for dragging you off too suddenly. I am hungry so let's go find them. Just give me a second and I'll call Natsuo," Kazumi said before pulling out her cell phone.

After pressing a few buttons, she called him up.

"Hey where are you? . . . Oh that place. . . . uhhhh, sure I know where that is . . . . . okay right . . . . See you soon."

Kazumi was annoyed that she forgotten the location of the place Natsuo had mentioned. It was the exact place they had met that morning before the incident with Kazutora and Vel. Thinking of her sister, she hoped she was still having a good day. Well in several more hours they would know.

"Okay I know where they are. Let's go shall we?" Kazumi said before leading the way again.

Code- #0000CD

Natsuo, being the observer that he was, did look at Iphianassa as she took out her cell phone and read what he guessed was a text message for her expression changed. The girl was quick to show emotions so she was a pretty easy read. She was definitely not happy about what she read too. Curious, he decided to ask what was up, but before he could even do that, Iphianassa sat down and started talking to him. Her mentioning spicy food cause the corners of his mouth to lift and he found himself smirking a bit. How would she react if he told her he could jump into lava and still think it was pleasant? He was pleasantly surprised when she offered him a bit of her meal. Instead of taking the chopsticks offered to him, he just took his own and took a sausage. He wasn't expecting much, so when he tried the food, it was nice to see that it was really good. It was certainly had a kick to it, but was still a bit mild for his taste. Still what he was eating was not as spicy as he preferred too. After all, his sister made it.

"Very nice. You're welcome to try mine if you like. Sadly I didn't make my lunch this time, it was my younger sister who did since I was too busy training this morning."

After she took one of his tempuras, he started eating his meal. It was pleasant and it was during this time, Natsuo saw his sister and Mafuyu approaching. Iphianassa's back was to them so she wouldn't be able to see them. The girl then started talking again.

"I really appreciate your help and your sisterā€™s kindness as well, particularly with getting away from my ex ... But to be completely honest with you, Iā€™m a little confused. Why would you help me? You donā€™t even know me, and Iā€™ve done nothing but be rude to and glare at you since we met this morning."

Natsuo looked at her, puzzled.

"Because no one deserves to be treated that way Miss Iphianassa. If there's one thing my siblings and I don't like it's those who prey upon others."

Ipianassa continued on though by saying, "If you think that thereā€™s any benefit of being close to me in any way, youā€™d be wrong. Not only am I poor, but I also tend to scare a lot of people off with my resting bitch face. Iā€™m not really the type of person thatā€™ll boost your popularity, if you catch my drift."

Natsuo frowned and would have replied, but Iphianassa continued on, "So whatā€™s your goal here? I donā€™t have any money, and I donā€™t own nice things. I donā€™t have many friends, and itā€™s not like Iā€™m pretty; so whatā€™s your end goal? Huh?"

Kazumi and Mafuyu had arrived in time to hear that last comment.

Raising an eyebrow, Kazumi was quick to say, "What are you talking about Iphi?"

With a flourish, she sat down next to Natsuo, right across from Iphi and took out her own lunch, which was a regular a bowl of ramen and some vegetables mixed in.

"Miss Iphianassa here seems to think that by being around her, our reputations will be shot."

Kazumi's eyes opened wide and she suddenly laughed before saying, "Oh my, it's sweet of you to worry, Iphi, but the last thing we ever worry about is our reputation. And we could care less if you have limited means when it comes to currency, which I always never liked, it causes more problems than solutions. Seriously, the day humanity decided to put a cost on something was the dumbest decision humanity has ever made. Also, as for you not being pretty? Girlfriend, have you ever looked in the mirror? You've very attractive. Isn't she Natsuo?"

Natsuo nearly choked on his food for he wasn't expecting Kazumi to say something like that. Seeing Kazumi's look, he knew she did that on purpose too. Looking at Iphianassa, he felt his cheeks redden suddenly. She was attractive, but for crying out loud, they had just met. Still better to be honest then to lie and hurt the girl.

"Yes she is," he said, not looking directly at her.

Smiling, Kazumi turned back Iphi, "See? If you're not feeling comfortable about your looks, maybe I can help you out there. I do great make-overs. Anyway, let's eat before we need to get to our next classes."

Natsuo was grateful his sister finally stopped talking and just focused on her meal. They continued to eat and after finishing, Natsuo decided to ask Iphianassa about her text message.

"Miss Iphianassa, was something troubling you earlier? I saw you looking at your phone and I can only assume you got a troubling text message."

That got Kazumi's attention and she looked at Iphi to see what was up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Iphianassa Lykaois Character Portrait: Mafuyu Hanazawa Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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mafuyu hanazawa.
dialogue ; #7f9f91. ā€“ thought ; #bb7e8c.

Perhaps his joke doesn't fall entirely flat, given the way the pink haired girl before him lets out a small laugh. That was good, right? She didn't already completely despise him? He'd take it as something of a win, that he'd managed to take the smallest step forward in terms of becoming a friend.

"Oh please, if I were to go on a date with you, it definitely wouldn't be in a school setting. Besides, aren't there rules for that here?" He blinks once at the words, and takes this as his second small win. She wasn't completely averse to a date? Enough at least, that she didn't mind playing along with his joke. It makes his smile a little brighter with that in mind, and then shrugs, "probably, I'm good at letting that sort of thing slip my mind though. There's a whole booklet on rules, it's impossible to keep track of them all here." Besides, this was a college campus, wasn't it? Couldn't they be allowed to let loose a little more than in high school?

Probably not, there was still reputation to uphold for universities after all.

Maybe it was something he should catch up on more, given he'd be teaching high school soon enough. Not that he was overly strict, but letting too much slide would let teenagers walk all over him, and he wasn't exactly for that by the time he was free of the school system. In just two years, really, he'd be graduated and working soon enough.

"Thanks for the warning, but I should warn you, I get a special thrill of putting guys like him in their place. I can't stand guys like that either and if he tries to put any moves on me, I'll crush him," Blinking once out of his own thoughts, he finds himself staring at Kazumi for a second longer before his head tilts and he lets out a small laugh. Crush him, huh? That was certainly a choice of words. She wasn't the type to take shit, was she? Iphianassa and her would get along that way, he was rather confident of that now.

"If you say so; don't put yourself in a bad situation though, Haruto's dirty as they get." Mafuyu doesn't think he'd try anything...insane, or so he had thought until he'd crossed the line of stalking with Iphianassa. How long until he went further into that depraved territory? She seems like she'd be able to handle herself, but it still doesn't settle well with me.

Shrugging off the thought of too many unknown futures, he waves off her apology as she turns around to pull out her phone, call her brother and ask where he and Iphianassa ended up. Not far off, probably. It wasn't that big of a campus in comparison to others nearby. Higashi-Naruse only had space and funds for so much, after all, and as much as he would have enjoyed attending college in the city somewhere a little more prestigious, staying close to his sisters and mom, to home, and going somewhere cheaper even with a full scholarship to other places was better for him in the long run.

He was a bit eager to move eventually though, what with Hisao having tracked him down at this point. More anonymity in a city, less in a town of just barely over two thousand people. It wouldn't be long before that trash starting pinning things, or places down a little easier, would it? As long as he stays away from the girls.

Looking back up from where he had been absentmindedly kicking around tufts of loose grass, Mafuyu's eyes settle on Kazumi for a moment as she begins to walk away, and a faint smile comes to him then, "mhm, lead the way, Kazumi. I certainly wouldn't know the directions." His skateboard is back in his hands from the ground, a little careless in its retrieval, and he jogs for a bit to catch up to her and stick to her side, comfortable in the presence they shared for the moment. She really didn't seem too bad, a likeable personality and a seeming caring side to her as well. And yes, she was pretty, but you'd have to be blind to miss that fact about her. It's just the way her apparent personality thus far makes that sort of beauty a little more true, a little more deep than just the skin, and he finds himself appreciative of that. It wasn't always that way, after all. He'd met plenty of people who turned ugly the moment they opened their mouth.

The air is quiet as they walk for a bit, Mafuyu's mind continuing its wandering, but after a second he glances to the pink haired girl again, head tilted ever so slightly before slipping out the question that had been on his mind since they'd first entered, before he'd been able to given they were all in class or the two siblings were surrounded on both sides by curious classmates that wanted to meet them. "You and Natsuo, where'd you guys move from? I figure you're probably not from Higashi-Naruse originally, right? I feel like I would have met you both by now if you were, it's such a small town."

His words are up in the air only a moment before the answer to that question can even be spoken, interrupted by the sound of Iphianassa's voice, her apparent interrogation on the man who she'd had help her escape Haruto earlier before. His brow quirks slightly at the tone, at the words themselves; couldn't people just want to be friends? Though, knowing her, it made sense that she'd question everything that way. It was rather rare that most would seek her out in any positive manner or lacking some sort of ulterior motive, he knew that, he'd watched it go on for several years now, hadn't he? So truly, in the end, no shock here.

"So whatā€™s your goal here? I donā€™t have any money, and I donā€™t own nice things. I donā€™t have many friends, and itā€™s not like Iā€™m pretty; so whatā€™s your end goal? Huh?" Silently, he follows in with Kazumi, though the woman doesn't seem keen on staying quiet in their positions as she questions her brother on what the conversation was over. "Miss Iphianassa here seems to think that by being around her, our reputations will be shot."

Looking down at her the, Mafuyu tilts his head slightly, faint smile picking up over his features. Sure, maybe reputation was at risk when you hung around those that had the bad rumors and the like hanging around their heads, but Mafuyu was rather confident that anyone who would treat someone else terribly just because of, exactly what they were, rumors would be far from worthwhile. Iphianassa's anger and harsh personality certainly were there for everyone to see, but that didn't make her a bad person. If anything, the brunette reminded him of his sister. Of Ran, who certainly had her own reputation and bad rumors building with each year they spent here. If someone were to treat her badly, how would he feel? Enraged, no doubt. So why treat someone like his sister cold or cruelly?

But there Kazumi goes again, that swift talk, though this time it's more of a pep talk than just general rambling. He listens quietly all the while, nodding along with each statement, stifling a laugh when the question of how attractive Iphianassa was is turned on Natsuo, who half chokes on the food he'd just put in his mouth. If anything was obvious in this sibling dynamic, it was that Kazumi had her way with teasing, and seemingly found every moment to inflict it upon the dark haired male. He often did the same with his sisters, so he could appreciate that. There was just a joy like no other, getting a reaction out of those related to you like that.

In the end, Natsuo agrees, even if he can't bring himself to look at Iphianassa. Mafuyu tilts his head then, looking over to her with a slight piqued curiosity over the situation. They'd practically just dashed away her concerns, or at least done so in the form of words; whether or not she'd take it and consider any weight behind them was up to her in the end.

"People can like you even without material things, you know. It's not all about money, in the end." Maybe it was for some people, but Mafuyu certainly wasn't one to care for it, and most people who did didn't stick around him for long when they caught a glimpse of his wallet. He shrugs lightly though, glances away, "and people shallow enough to only stick to a pretty face aren't worth your time anyway. Not that you aren't pretty, Iphi." It's a little teasing in tone, he's rather sure that he's the last person she wants to hear compliments from anyway.

"Miss Iphianassa, was something troubling you earlier? I saw you looking at your phone and I can only assume you got a troubling text message." Natsuo's voice cuts through a moment later though, and a brow quirks up in her direction at the words. Text message...of what? Had Haruto tried to get ahold of her again? Or was it something else? Well, he supposes he'll stick around just a bit longer to be sure things are alright after all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Iphianassa Lykaois Character Portrait: Mafuyu Hanazawa Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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ā€Pretty words are not always true,
And true words are not always pretty.ā€

Speech Code ~ #8A0808
| Thought Code ~ #045FB4

"Because no one deserves to be treated that way Miss Iphianassa. If there's one thing my siblings and I don't like, it's those who prey upon others." The sentiment was nice, but it was hard to believe. It would be amazing news to know that there were still people out there with such a high moral peak, but it was also extremely unlikely and doubtful. She found herself giving him an incredulous glance, and it didnā€™t help that he had called her Miss Iphianssa. What was with this guy and his formalities? Must be a culture thing? Iā€™m sure he means well but come on - guyā€™s making me feel old as hell, calling me Miss.

"What are you talking about Iphi?"

The sudden voice jerked Iphignea from her thoughts and she whipped around, almost spilling the remnants of her lunch onto the ground. She just barely managed to catch it in time, but was unable to hide her blazing red face. What she had asked Natsuo had been a private rant; she had lost her control for a minute and begun to demand these answers from him, but she had never intended for anyone else to hear them. Embarrassment of course ensued, engulfing her features. She wasnā€™t upset with Kazumi for listening to their conversation. It wasnā€™t like it had been an intentional thing; she had simply overheard, and clearly Mafuyu had. Hopefully the other woman hadnā€™t heard the beginning of what she had said.

"Miss Iphianassa here seems to think that by being around her, our reputations will be shot." Oh Gods, can this get any more mortifying? Now I sound like a whining pre-teen looking for attention! Here I go, fishing for some attention, tossing my metaphorical hook into the water, she groaned internally. It was the last thing that she had wanted to be seen as by anyone, and hear there were now three people who had witnessed her inadvertently admitting to her own insecurities. How humiliating.

"Oh my, it's sweet of you to worry, Iphi, but the last thing we ever worry about is our reputation. And we could care less if you have limited means when it comes to currency, which I always never liked, it causes more problems than solutions. Seriously, the day humanity decided to put a cost on something was the dumbest decision humanity has ever made. Also, as for you not being pretty? Girlfriend, have you ever looked in the mirror? You're very attractive. Isn't she Natsuo?" Okay, wow, that was a lot to take in all at once, her azure eyes blinking blankly as she soaked in her response. At least Kazumi had said that she didnā€™t care for material things, and apparently Natsuo didnā€™t either. Whether or not she was telling the truth was an entirely different situation altogether, but for now, Iphignea decided to take her doctorā€™s advice and try to look on the brighter side of the situation - that Kazumi was telling the truth, and that she definitely wasnā€™t lying. But boy, oh boy, that last part of what she said - and why would she ask Natsuo! Instantly any color that had begun to fade from her cheeks was back, her naturally tan skin helping to hide the flush only a bit. Her hands shot to her uniformā€™s lapels, lifting them as much as she could to hide her cheeks, and she dropped her head slightly so that her hair could help shroud her face, her sudden shyness evident in her demeanor. She couldnā€™t help it; something about these two new students just made her feel less aggressive, more demure. In an effort to cool herself, Iphi snagged her water bottle and began to take a drink from it, enjoying the cool liquid as it passed her parched lips.

"Yes she is.ā€

A series of coughs escaped Iphignea as she choked on her water. As she fought the liquid going up her nose - the last thing she needed was to spew water from her nostrils in front of these people - more coughs racking her chest, she waved her hand as though to try and convey that she would be okay in a moment. She was completely caught off-guard by Natsuoā€™s response to his sister; he thought that she was attractive? What was this, a joke? There was absolutely no way, in either Hades, Earth, or Olympus, that a man who had looks that were so akin to that of the Greek God Adonis would ever find her even remotely attractive. This definitely had to be a joke. What, did they decide that on their first day that they would find the weakest link in their classes to target and make a mockery of that person? Iphigneaā€™s had tightened around the bottle at the thought, her anger sizzling a bit under the surface. Just who did they think they were?

But then there was that little voice, buried so far underneath her surface of ice. She could see this little voice in her own mind and it was as though she were there as well, hands curled into fists as she battled over whether or not to chip at the ice, at the solid block of frozen water, her eyes locked on a doppelganger of herself only feet away in the solid substance. It called out to her, begging her to listen to reason, begging her to remember what her parents had taught her over the last decade; begging her to remember what her doctors had tried - and failed many times to - instill within her.

That not everyone was evil, and not everyone was out to get her. Not everyone had an ulterior motive in approaching her.

As the reasoning slid through her mind, she calmed herself once more and let out a breath, but her mind immediately returned unbidden to what Natsuo had said. Yes, she is. He ā€¦ He thought she was pretty? Another blush entered her face, but behind her hands was the ghost of a small smile at the thought, and uninvited, another thought crossed her mind. He thinks Iā€™m pretty ā€¦ Unable to think of anything else to say in this situation, and knowing that it had been long enough that she really should respond, she managed, ā€I ā€¦ Thank you,ā€ she said softly, to both of the siblings.

ā€œSee? If you're not feeling comfortable about your looks, maybe I can help you out there. I do great make-overs. Anyway, let's eat before we need to get to our next classes." Iphignea jumped, almost guiltily, but she quickly fanned herself and returned to her normal resting bitch face expression. At the offer of a makeover, Iphignea made a sound with a shrug, but whether or not it was one of agreement could be argued. The offer sat with her though, and she was definitely tempted to take Kazumi up on it. If anything was obvious with a first glance of the new student, it was that she had a sense of style - something that Iphignea was sorely lacking in. Her closet consisted mostly of black or deep red items, a majority of such were pants and tops, with maybe two or three ā€˜fancyā€™ pieces thrown in there. She snorted a bit at the thought of her current wardrobe; it left quite a bit to be desired.

"People can like you even without material things, you know. It's not all about money, in the end, and people shallow enough to only stick to a pretty face aren't worth your time anyway. Not that you aren't pretty, Iphi.ā€ She found that pretty hard to believe. Money made the world go round, and if it werenā€™t for money, you couldnā€™t survive. Anything worthwhile costs money, and if you didnā€™t wear the latest clothes or carry the newest bags, you were considered an outsider. He wasnā€™t wrong, though, in his last statement. It was simply a matter of finding the people who didnā€™t care about materialistic things. Those people, though, were hard to come by.

With that, she returned to her meal which was now luke-warm at best. Oh well, might as well enjoy what I can of it.

"Miss Iphianassa, was something troubling you earlier? I saw you looking at your phone and I can only assume you got a troubling text message." Ah, here he goes being nosy. Good things canā€™t last forever, can they? Iphignea really couldnā€™t stand nosy people - those who put their noses into other peopleā€™s business. Plus, there he went calling her miss again. But she also couldnā€™t deny that both Natsuo and Kazumi had been pretty helpful and nice to her so far; and he had just said he found her to be pretty, so it was unlikely that he was asking with nefarious purposes. Still, it wasnā€™t exactly her business to be sharing, so she would have to pick and choose her words carefully.

As she began to pack up her empty lunchbox, she spoke.

ā€Well, first of all - stop calling me miss. Iā€™m sure youā€™re saying it with the best intentions, but damn, youā€™re making me feel old,ā€ she rolled her eyes, tucking the box into her bag. With a flick of her arm she zipped it shut and dropped back to sit beside it. She threw up her hand to hold up two fingers. ā€Second of all, youā€™re a bit nosy now, arenā€™t you?ā€ she tilted her head to the side, almost seeming to be teasing him. ā€You should tread a bit more carefully when asking people that youā€™ve just met questions that could be seen as personal; it may be a cultural thing, but here in Japan, people tend to be fairly reserved and prefer to keep most matters to themselves and within a tightly knit circle.ā€ A third nimble finger flicked up. ā€And last but certainly not least; to answer your question, I simply received a text message from a close friend of mine whoā€™s in the high school about a rather disgusting pest infestation that they have in their classroom,ā€ she said this with a sweet smile, but her eyebrow twitched, betraying her underlying anger just at the mere thought of Kenji. ā€But donā€™t worry - itā€™s nothing that a little bit of ass-kicking canā€™t solve.ā€ Her smile seemed to darken a bit, a small chuckle escaping her. ā€That little ****** is gonna wish he never saw the light of day. Iā€™m gonna cut off his **** and shove it up his *** until he ***** his *** and wishes he ******* his ***** instead,ā€ she happily delivered, cracking her knuckles as she spoke. A somewhat maniacal laugh escaped her as she envisioned exactly what she was going to do when she got a hold on the nasty little vermin that Kenji was. Oh the fun that she was going to have kicking his ass into next week and shoving his head up where the sun didnā€™t shine for him.

Realizing that she had slipped back into her naturally aggressive self and exposed her easy rage to the trio, Iphignea suddenly laughed sheepishly, relaxed her hands and used one to rub at the back of her head. ā€But you guys donā€™t need to worry about any of that. Itā€™s not like Kenji's going to tell anyone about getting his ass kicked by a girl, and I wonā€™t hurt him badly enough to send him to the hospital. I know my own strength,ā€ she reassured them, flapping her hand in their direction.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Iphianassa Lykaois Character Portrait: Mafuyu Hanazawa Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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Code- #FF1493

Code- #0000CD

Kazumi was enjoying Iphi's reactions thoroughly. It was obvious she got easily flustered and it was endearing. The added bonus was seeing Natsuo get caught off guard, which was rare, so Kazumi relished in it. She would have rubbed it in more, but she wanted to focus on eating since she was legit hungry. At least she had time to savor her meal. Kazumi saw her brother's meal. She could only handle a tiny bit of spice, certainly nothing like Natsuo. What she called spicy; he would call bland.

Iphi started talking again, firstly telling Natsuo to drop the 'miss'. This caused Natsuo to raise an eyebrow at her. Since when did saying the word 'miss' imply someone was old? From Natsuo's understanding, the word was always used to women who weren't married. Plus, it was another way he showed respect to the female race. Only women he didn't use it on were his sisters, Astraea, and his mother, but that's only because they were on very close to him.

"I make no promises, but I'll try to drop the miss."

After that Iphi made commentary on how nosy they were, about cultural differences, and then finally talking about what was bothering her. The mortal kind of contradicted herself there about warning them to not be so personal but having no issues talking about her problem. Even Kazumi noticed that. She was also aware she still had to answer Mafuyu's question too. So when Iphi finally stopped talking, Kazumi was the one to answer.

"Yes, it's pretty obvious we're not from here. Natsuo and I in particular are the most direct compared to our young siblings. We're all adopted. Originally, we're from Scotland. Well, our adoptive parents are from Japan. Sadly, after their death . . ... we wanted to live in the land of their birth so it's why we came here. We're not quite use to the customs yet."

It was agreed on that Kazumi and Velonix would be the ones to remember the details of their cover stories. Kazumi did not like lying but would rather lie than put her siblings in any kind of danger. Kazumi could definitely put on an act if she wanted to. It's why she sounded sad when mentioning their 'adopted parents'. She conjured up one of her saddest memories to get that kind of effect, which happened to be right after what happened with her sister after her last trip to earth.

"Now as for this Kenji you mentioned, I am sure you can handle him just fine, but I would recommend you be careful with not getting in trouble with the school. Natsuo and I went to check on our sister this morning, who apparently was getting harassed by some bullies, but a nice young man got into a fight with them while protecting her. Unfortunately, that poor boy seemed to be in trouble with one of the teachers, but our sister made sure to tell him that he wasn't the one to cause trouble initially. Vel seemed to really like the guy, but our introduction was short. Vel makes friends pretty easily too. What was that young man's name again, Natsuo?"

Natsuo rolled his eyes. His sister wasn't the best at names at times unless they were pretty original or unique. She would get them eventually.

"Kazutora Miyato, Kazumi. Maybe you should work on your memory more, your head is up in the clouds too much."

Kazumi created a puffy face before saying, "Better that than to be a stick in the mud like you."

Smirking, Natsuo got the last word in, "Sister, if I was a stick in the mud, I wouldn't be able to do this."

Suddenly, his kendo sword, which was originally laying on the ground next to him, was instantly pointed at Kazumi's forehead, before back on the ground a split second later. Kazumi didn't even flinch, not like she used to. Natsuo use to play these kinds of tricks on her as a kid and it did use to get her, but she long gotten used to it. Kazumi frowned at her brother. She would get him back for that later, but not now in front of other mortals. She would definitely remind him to be careful with his abilities too. Natsuo loved showing off as much as she, but they still had to be careful.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Iphianassa Lykaois Character Portrait: Mafuyu Hanazawa Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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0.00 INK

mafuyu hanazawa.
dialogue ; #7f9f91. ā€“ thought ; #bb7e8c.

This group is turning into a lively bunch, no doubt. Mafuyu isn't sure if he's been surrounded by so many strong personalities in a long while, not with the weight of school and its coursework or the multiple jobs on his shoulders. He'd occasionally had a few outings with his other friends, but those were getting fewer and farther between the longer this semester went on. For most, they'd probably look at the gathering and quickly think to avoid it - too tiring to even consider the amount of different energies - but for Mafuyu, this sort of higher energy gathering and talking was more energy rejuvenating than depleting. Social things like this lifted his spirits and mood, little lifesavers and breaks from work and more work.

God, he misses the weekend parties he went to all the time his first few years of university. Silently he hopes that he can start going to them again, once the first wave of coursework and the like die down and his professors chill out on their classes.

So he's happy to listen to the conversation going for awhile, still trying to adjust to the sibling's odd behaviors and snickering a little when Iphianassa tells Natsuo to stop addressing her like she's old. He seems slightly taken aback by that, like it's strange for a young adult in college to not want to be referred to like she's already an old spinster or something at the age of twenty. Maybe where they come from is crazy conservative, but most of the social pressure to marry so young here is only held onto by the grandparents who cling way too much to traditions.

And then a pointed comment on nosiness. He knows it's directed at Natsuo and Kazumi for their continued questions, but he's sure there's a bit of intent towards him as well; he'd certainly prodded at her more than usual this morning, and he takes that as his cue to remind himself to be more careful about that.

His worry over his prior nosiness is whisked away in an instant when Iphianassa suddenly dives into a full tirade of obscenities towards - presumably - a high schooler at the local high school in town. Knowing her, he's not overly surprised by the language she spews in an instant, and to get her so riled up the kid must really be a nightmare.

Still, her clear intention to follow through with her threats gets him to raise an eyebrow. Wasn't that risky? If he ended up going to any authorities, or even just told his parents who no doubt would, couldn't she end up in some deep shit for that? Kicked out of the university, legal trouble, too many things to count on one hand. But she reassures them that they don't have to worry about him going to anyone. Does she know this from experience? Has she gone after this kid more than once? Or was this just her assuming he wouldn't?

While his mind is wandering, Kazumi is speaking, and she pulls a name out despite Iphianassa having given none. Kenji. His brow quirks slightly at that; he knows that name. But there could be more than one Kenji, couldn't there? Even for a small town, repeated names are still possible and plenty common.

"Kenji...Onizawa?" He questions after a moment, pointed glance at Iphianassa who clearly seemed to have some sort of "history" with the high school boy, however seemingly violent it was. "If that's who it is, I know him. His parents have hired me to tutor him for awhile now." Wealthy family, they paid well. Well enough for Mafuyu to stick around despite the teen's behavior; not listening, screwing around, mouthing off and an overall distasteful personality. It seemed he felt like he could do and say as he liked when Mafuyu was just some lower class "beggar" in his eyes that he was "paying" for even though it was money out of his parents' pockets, not his. He knew plenty from what his little sisters would complain about to him too, of the boy none of them shared a class with yet still had to deal with anyway. Apparently Ran had gotten his attention on her in the past once or twice, but she claimed her boyfriend had been enough to get the older boy off her when none of the school staff would do anything about it.

"He's a real piece of work. I don't...blame you for how you feel about him, he's a spoiled brat." Mafuyu would certainly like to have a go at him for harassing any of his sisters, after all. I like to hope that people can change, but something tells me Kenji's already set in stone far too much to do so at this point. It wasn't like he knew all the details of the kid either. How far did he go with his antics? It sounded like too far at this point, but money in a small town usually meant you could get away with just about anything.

Maybe he'd end up a rich version of Mafuyu's own father one day, at the rate he was going.

Another name is mentioned; Kazutora Miyato. He'd heard it tossed around a once or twice vaguely by his sisters, though the only one who knew him more than "just a sort of scary upperclassman" was Miyako, who'd spoken to him briefly when she'd swung by to talk to a friend in the gardening club. "Really quiet and kind of hard to approach," she'd said, "but he seemed a little happy to tell me about what he was growing and let me take some of the ripe strawberries from his box, so I think he's a lot nicer than everyone else always says."

It seemed the teen had a new friend, if Natsuo and Kazumi's sister had apparently taken a liking to him.

A soft sigh, he lets himself relax a little more, glance at the time on the watch that rests on his wrist. Their lunch break would be coming to an end soon, though he didn't want it to. But what could he do?

"Like Kazumi said," he offers after a bit, "I know you said he'd never tell a soul, but it's still kinda risky. I wouldn't want to see you kicked out of university or in legal trouble because he goes and cries to his parents one day. At least make sure to cover your tracks," a half snort, "though I imagine you probably already know that."

He startles slightly, cutting himself off at the sound of something whipping through the air and the sight of the kendo sword pointed at Kazumi. Odd. Concerning? He doesn't know.

It seems like it'll take a lot of getting used to, being around these two.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Iphianassa Lykaois Character Portrait: Mafuyu Hanazawa Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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ā€Being protective of someone,
Is also kind of love.ā€

Speech Code ~ #8A0808
| Thought Code ~ #045FB4

Finally, it was someone elseā€™s turn to speak, instead of Iphigneaā€™s scrambled, embarrassed excuses for her childish behavior. Kazumi was the one who took over, giving Iphianassa time to finally pick at her food - it was considerably cooler now but still just warm enough to be enjoyable - and she ate eagerly. Despite this, she did listen to the bubblegum girl speak, taking in the information about her and Natsuoā€™s past. Their history together, their shared loss, their shared life - it was sweet, in a way, and it was nice to know that the two had had one another and their other siblings as support.

All Iphignea got from her sisters were snide looks and the occasional kick.

A head shake cleared the thoughts from her mind, bringing her back to the conversation. "...dle him just fine, but I would recommend you be careful with not getting in trouble with the school. Natsuo and I went to check on our sister this morning, who apparently was getting harassed by some bullies, but a nice young man got into a fight with them while protecting her. Unfortunately, that poor boy seemed to be in trouble with one of the teachers, but our sister made sure to tell him that he wasn't the one to cause trouble initially. Vel seemed to really like the guy, but our introduction was short. Vel makes friends pretty easily too. What was that young man's name again, Natsuo? The sudden onslaught of information was a lot to take in all at once - what a wild morning these two had already had, and it was barely noon - but she was thankfully able to keep up with the woman. She would be lying if she said that she said she was surprised; it came of no shock to her that their sister had already encountered issues with some of the school bullies. The headmaster was a nice enough guy, but he was a sucker for a smile and apology, and rarely upheld any serious disciplinary action. Something that had been made very clear to her over the years of not only her own torment, but now her little Zuzuā€™s as well.

ā€Kenji ā€¦ Onizawa? If that's who it is, I know him. His parents have hired me to tutor him for awhile now." Even the mere mention of the boyā€™s name brought a sour look to her face, as though she had tasted something incredibly foul. ā€"He's a real piece of work. I don't...blame you for how you feel about him, he's a spoiled brat.ā€ Thatā€™s a freaking understatement if Iā€™ve ever heard one. ā€˜Piece of workā€™. Heā€™s the whole freaking piece.

"Like Kazumi said, I know you said he'd never tell a soul, but it's still kinda risky. I wouldn't want to see you kicked out of university or in legal trouble because he goes and cries to his parents one day. At least make sure to cover you're tracks, though I imagine you probably already know that." Clearly, Mafuyu found the situation at least somewhat amusing, and sheā€™d be lying if she said she disagreed. She knew how ridiculous she more than likely came off, ready to pummel an underclass high schooler, but she was really getting sick and tired of the guy going after her precious Zuzu. The Gods know heā€™s already been through so much. He really did deserve better, and it pissed her off to no end that the school still refused to take charge of their bullying ā€˜issueā€™.As if on queue, Natsuoā€™s flippantly answered Kazumi, jerking Iphignea back in with the first words he spoke. "Kazutora Miyato, Kazumi. Maybe you should work on your memory more, your head is up in the clouds too much." Iphiā€™s mind went blank after that, envisioning the different scenarios on what could have prompted Kazutora to get involved in something like that. "Better that than to be a stick in the mud like you." She barely registered their voices, zoning out over her lost thoughts. "Sister, if I was a stick in the mud, I wouldn't be able to do this.ā€

Sudden movement wrenched her attention back to their small group, and in her eyes it was almost as though Natsuoā€™s hand and kendo sword - why was he carrying that with him anyway? - were pointed at Kazumiā€™s face in an instant teleportation. Her eyes couldnā€™t keep up with the movement, and when he suddenly dropped it once more, also at such an insane speed, she found herself interested in what it was he actually knew how to do - and if she could learn it, too.

Unable to stop herself, Iphi leaned forward, worry instantly bubbling up inside of her as her mind returned to the current situation. Kazutora was in another fight? And for some random new girl he probably didnā€™t even know? That was so unlike him. Yeah, he wouldnā€™t stand idly by while some girl is being harassed, but he also wasnā€™t one to go out of his way to draw attention to himself - especially negative attention. Why would he help some random girl he doesnā€™t even know? And put himself in danger in the process?

Heā€™s a fucking idiot, thatā€™s why. ā€Wait, wait, wait, hang on, just hold on for just a second.ā€ Iphi waved her hands to get their attention, her focus solely on Zuzu. ā€You said Kazutora Miyato? As in, little blonde guy, looks like an ankle biter but actually has the jaw of a pitbull Kazutora?ā€ At their response, Iphi slapped her forehead, letting out a rough sigh as she did so. ā€That kid is gonna be the death of me one of these days.ā€ With a flickered glance over at the siblings, she dropped her hand and groaned. ā€Kazutora is like a little brother to me. Heā€™s ā€¦ Complicated, but heā€™s a good kid. Heā€™s the one who Iā€™m going to have to help deal with ā€¦ The issues I mentioned before.ā€ A pause, and she fixed a look on Kazumi. ā€Kazutora is a good guy who gets a lot of shit that he doesnā€™t deserve. I know I donā€™t have any right to, but if you guys see trouble brewing up around him, you donā€™t have to step in, but if you can just let me know so I can take care of it. I would be extremely appreciative. And ā€¦ā€ She paused, torn over her next request but, with Zuzu in mind, she let out another huff and shouldered up her courage. ā€If it isnā€™t too much to ask ā€¦ If your sister really does seem to have taken even a little bit of a liking to him, could you try and encourage, or at least try to not discourage, a friendship between them?ā€ A pause and she bit her lower lip, mulling over her thoughts and trying to figure out how best to turn them into sentences. ā€There are things that ā€¦ Arenā€™t my place to say, when it comes to his life. Just ā€¦ā€ Gods, why was it so hard to just spit it out? ā€Just try not to judge him too harshly, especially off of baseless rumors, okay?ā€

With that issue out of the way, Iphi turned and leaned towards Natsuo, excitement evident in her features. Sheā€™d rather not sit and wallow in her own embarrassment any longer than sheā€™s already been forced to, and it was rare that she got this worked up over anything other than something involving fighting. While a sword wasnā€™t exactly that far off from hand-to-hand combat, it was still something new.

ā€What you did with your sword there was insanely cool! How did you do it? How much have you practiced? Is it a specific move that has a name? Or was it something that you can just do thatā€™s cool? Can you teach me how to do it?ā€ Her words came out fast, excited, almost meshing together with her accent - something that tended to happen when she got worked up in any way. Her tongue would sometimes meld her words, unable to keep up with the foreign words that had yet to become second nature to her, but she prevailed nonetheless, not allowing it to damper her thrill. ā€Is your sword a real sword or is it a wooden one? Will you ever get to use a real sword? Could I use a real sword at some point? Maybe I could even be better at it than you,ā€ she challenged, though a small, playful smirk tugged at the corners of her lips. It had been a long time since she had been able to have friends in general, let alone friends her own age, and these new students seemed so promising to her future of overcoming her insecurities and inner demons. She could barely contain her own excitement over the idea of it.

However, before Natsuo had had much time at all to answer any of her questions, or even really a fraction of them if weā€™re being honest, her phone began to chime its familiar little jingle, signaling her alarm for the end of lunch break. With her issues, the last thing she needed was to be tardy for all of her responsibilities, and she found that setting alarms helped to keep her at least somewhat on track - even if she did occasionally run a little late.

A movement silenced the phone quickly, and it was returned to her bag which she also collected. Once everything was packed up, she rose to her feet and, rather awkwardly, gave the trio a little half-wave. ā€Weā€™ll have to continue our conversations some other time. Iā€™m not sure about your schedules, but I do have a class that I need to get to, and I need enough time to hit the locker rooms and change. It was nice to meet you both, and surprisingly enough, I did enjoy eating lunch with all of you. I hope the rest of your first day goes well.ā€ With that, and a small bow, she was gone, her rising sense of discomfort pushing her to rush away and off to her next class - Physical Education, her favorite.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Iphianassa Lykaois Character Portrait: Mafuyu Hanazawa Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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0.00 INK

Code- #FF1493

Code- #0000CD

Looks like Mafuyu knew this Kenji also. Both Kazumi and Natsuo were familiar with the term 'tutor' for it was how they got taught things originally. Definitely better than this 'school' situation they found themselves in. It was after Mafuyu spoke that Natsuo did his 'little stunt'. Both looked at the reactions of the mortals with them. Mafuyu was obviously startled, but Iphi looked . . . excited? Both reactions were amusing. Still, Kazumi hoped Natsuo would be more careful.

Iphi started talking again, firstly about the boy named Kazutora, asking to confirm if it was him by describing him. Both Seasons nodded and Kazumi would have said more, but Iphi continued on and on, acting very much like a concerned older sibling, something both of them could relate too. Natsuo may not like it, but Kazumi would worry about him too. She took to being the eldest very seriously. He may not realize it, but Natsuo wasn't the only one to have something follow his siblings. Being the 'animal talker', she also had birds follow her brother.

"You don't have to worry about me judging your friend, Iphi. Plus, our sister is a good judge of character, so we always trust her opinion."

Natsuo remained silent. He'd be lying if he said he never judge a book by its cover because he didn't trust humans because they always made the same mistake. He once heard the phrase, "History repeats itself", and he fully agreed with that. So while he could be grateful for this Kazutora boy for helping his sister, in more ways than one, it didn't mean he wasn't going trust him. He obviously had issues. But Velonix's 'issues' were way worse.

He thoughts were interrupted when Iphi suddenly asked Natsuo about his kendo and skills asking if she could learn how to do that skill. Instantly Natsuo knew she'd never be as fast as him. He glanced at his sister to see her smirk at him as if to ask, How will you get yourself out of this?. He definitely messed up there for he did use a bit of his power doing that move. One thing was sure, the girl enjoyed fighting, especially when her accent deepened. Finally she stopped. Before Natsuo could answer any of her questions, Iphi's cell phone rang. After answering it, she got her gear together and stood up and said she had to get to her next class before walking away. Natsuo looked at the time and saw he also had to leave soon. Finishing his own meal, he turned to Kazumi.

"I have to get to my next class, Kazumi. I'll see back at home. Try to stay out of trouble,"

"That goes double for you. Try not to make the other students look like weaklings."

Kazumi knew all of her siblings' classes and knew Natsuo had P.E. next. Natsuo also knew his siblings' schedules.

"And you try not to outperform the others. You're too much of a drama queen already."

"Hmph! I am a better actor then you brother dear," Kazumi said before switching to Latin, ~You're lucky that girl left when she did. You need to be more careful.~

She was 100% serious for once too and Natsuo knew it. Merely nodding, Natsuo left heading to P.E.

When he got to his next class, he heads straight for the guys' locker room. Even though eyes of other guys followed him, no one dared approach him as he got ready for class. Putting things in his locker, he overhead a couple guys talking. Sounded like they were on the other side of the lockers.

"Hey have you seen the new college students yet?"

"Yep! Only from a distance, but the pink hair one is a hot one for sure. Man, I sure I'd to get to know her better if you get my drift."

Natsuo slammed the door of his locker and quickly confronted the duo.

"Which one of you wants to get to know my sister?"

The two looked freaked out and quickly left the scene. Satisfied that he scared them off, Kazuo got his kendo and headed out to where his class was and saw Iphi there. He groans but doesn't bother approaching her. He was never the type to start regular interactions.

After Natsuo left, Kazumi turns to Mafuyu.

"Sorry for my earlier rudeness. If you're curious, that was Latin I just spoke. I basically told my brother to be careful. Anyway, I am done eating myself so I am going to check on my dogs. They're right outside of campus. Sadly the school wouldn't allow them to accompany me, even though they're thoroughly obedient. They were raised to be with me all the time, so they would be depressed if I left them at home. My next class Drama, but it's not for another hour. You have a nice afternoon and thanks for your assistance."

Standing up, she bows to Mafuyu and leaves. Once she makes it to the entrance, she sees both Dawn and Eos, still where she left them. Knowing they needed exercise, Kazumi walks them to a nearby pet park and runs them for about 20 minutes before heading back. Giving them a snack, she heads for her drama class. She makes it with 5 minutes to spare and the first person she sees to her surprise that Mafuyu is there. Excited, she bounces right up to him.

"Hi Mafuyu, I didn't know you had this class too! I am definitely looking forward to this class, but I think my fav class I signed up for is Dance since it's something I've been doing since I can remember."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Mafuyu Hanazawa
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0.00 INK

mafuyu hanazawa.
dialogue ; #7f9f91. ā€“ thought ; #bb7e8c.

It seems everyone is keen on going their separate ways sooner rather than later. Mafuyu gives a small sigh as they all begin to disperse, rising up onto his own feet after offering a small wave in Iphianassa's direction first, and then the sibling's when they depart soon after. He still has a bit of time before his next class, he notes, and as such finds his way to a different spot on campus.

The fountain area is where he settles, a small table situated under one of the pergolas surrounding it, a little structure that keeps it shaded and cool. It's nearby the building his next period is held in: drama. He'd never really been overly interested in that form of the arts, not quite seeing much talent for himself when it came to acting, but it was one of the generals he was required to take and as such he'd just hoped he could make it through the course quickly and call it good.

He's shuffling through his backpack at his spot now, a quick work of trying to pick out his laptop, any paper homework he could work on while sitting here, and eventually he pulls out a few of the papers from his English class. His professor was already assigning out essays, lucky him.

Trying to write multi-page essays in English was always a struggle; second languages were never easy, and the rules of the typically western language always had far too many exceptions. It meant that anything from this class would take practically double the time it would if he'd been writing it in Japanese, so trying to get a head start was a much better choice than putting it off for as long as he can.

In the half hour he has left to work, he finishes around half a page. Good enough for him, though. It only left about three-ish more pages for his rough draft, and he could try and write a little more before crashing tonight if he had the energy after triple tutoring shifts.

Gathering up his things and tossing them back into his backpack, he swings the strap around his shoulder and lifts the skateboard off the ground, making way for the arts building just a short walk away. It's busy as usual, full of students from all different departments: fine arts, design, fashion, acting and more. He knew a fair few of them at this point, familiar from high school or just having eventually gotten to know them over the course of the few years he'd been here. Most of the art students were nice, if not sometimes a bit eccentric, so he found he didn't much mind the environment that this building held.

As he steps through the doors of the classroom, he finds himself immediately greeted with the head of pink hair from before. They hadn't been apart for very long since their last goodbyes; who would've thought they'd share a class together too?

Kazumi has run right over to him in an instant, a little hop to her step as she goes that makes her look light and chipper on her feet, her hair settling to lightly frame her face once she's made it to him. Mafuyu supposes he shouldn't be as surprised about her approach; compared to her brother - Natsuo? - she seemed far more eager to meet new people and socialize, and perhaps even make friends. It was a welcomed change of pace, of course; why wouldn't Mafuyu want more friends? Especially one as pretty and bubbly as she was. Not that Mafuyu was shallow, or at least he didn't consider himself as such, but that didn't mean he couldn't acknowledge someone else's appearance, right?

"Hi Mafuyu!" Comes her greeting, and he offers a smile and a wave in return. "I didn't know you had this class too! I am definitely looking forward to this class, but I think my fave class I signed up for is Dance since it's something I've been doing since I can remember."

"I guess it's a surprise for both of us; I hadn't expected you to be here either." He lets his head tilt slightly as she talks, "dance, then? You must be an art major, by the sounds of the classes you've picked for your schedule." He laughs lightly, glancing around the room to their classmates settling into the seats scattered over the open room, the professor making her way to the front of it, likely to begin getting things in order so they can get going.

Taking a step forward, he begins his inching towards the usual spot he'd settled into for the last two weeks, a few other regulars gathering around it in their own seats as well, "if we're going to be sharing this class for the rest of the semester, wanna sit with me? We could help each other out with classwork and homework too." A little forward, but he still leaves it open for her to reject if she doesn't actually want to. It doesn't hurt to try, though. Making a new friend, and if they hit it off well enough, maybe he could gather the courage to ask her out on a date?

He'd have to wait and see, though. They'd only just barely met and he hardly knew her; that would be moving things way too fast.

Regardless, their professor begins the class in short order. As early in as they are, the class is still largely lecture-based, note taking and listening as she goes over her lesson, watching a few clips of examples from past plays, both professional and ones that had been held by the college itself. The instructor had mentioned that an option for the class's final project would be taking part in this semester's play, whether a main part of just an extra, so long as they participated and made it to all the practices and rehearsals, they'd get an A. He still wasn't sure if he wanted to take that for the final, or if it would be too much on top of his already busy schedule.

If Kazumi liked the arts so much, would she end up checking out the play? Tryouts were in just a week, after all, so she still had a chance even if she was joining the semester late.

The very end of class is a bit more involved for the lot of them. While not everyone participates in it, and Mafuyu very much hangs back, other students take to practicing improv, monologues, and a bit of other acting practices that seemed to mainly be used as a passtime for the rest of the class, given the professor was finished with her lectures for the day. Even if he's not participating, he does at least find entertainment in watching the others, and it closes the remaining fifteen minutes in short order.

Which meant he had about forty-five minutes left before he had to be to the tutoring lab for the university for his first shift of the day. It never felt like enough time, given he liked to run back to his apartment for a little bit to gather things first. So he doesn't waste much time in heading out, a final goodbye to Kazumi and a hope to get to talk again tomorrow, a casual mention that he'd enjoyed getting to know her and chat for a bit today and then he's off, the only things on his mind tutoring and pink hair.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuyuki Orako Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Iphianassa Lykaois Character Portrait: Reiya Goertz Character Portrait: Mafuyu Hanazawa Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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Code- #D66B70

Reiya felt some sympathy when Mr. Sakurada introduce Yuki. Already she could tell he wasn't a fan of attention. Unfortunately with how things were in this town it was likely he would get attention everywhere he would go, and that included his sister. Reiya had yet to meet these older siblings that Iphi had mentioned so she wondered how those two were handling college.

Soon the session started and Reiya dived right in, but before she could get lost in the music, she heard the clear melody that Yuki was playing and found her eyes drifting towards him as she became memorized. He was . . . . amazing. However she was so distracted that she found herself stumbling. Blushing a bright red, she realized she wasn't the only one having issues for everyone seemed to be messing up too. Not wanting to let Yuki get the best of her though, she tapped into her German stubborn nature and keep at it, but the music didn't flow from her like it normally did.

Her tenacity paid off and she was able to end on a bit of a satisfactory note. Wanting to get away from Yuki as quickly as possible, but not wanting to be rude either, Reiya quickly packed her things and came up to Yuki.

"That was beautiful. I really need to go so I'll see you tomorrow. Sorry you had to put up with my own playing though, it wasn't my best."

She bows and makes a quick retreat. She almost runs to her locker to get things she needed to take home, which wasn't too much. Reiya didn't drive a car since she couldn't drive until she was 18, so she just rode her bike to school. By bike her home was only 10 minutes away. She contemplated going to Iphi's temple, but knew she had a performance today so decided against it. Plus she wanted some alone time. She did think about Kazutora and hoped he was going to be okay.

Riding to her place, she was forced to pull out her coat as it started snowing. The weather was very strange lately. It was like winter decided to return to the part of town she lived in. She had a lot of questions, but since she couldn't come up with a single answer, she merely enjoyed it since winter was her favorite season for she always preferred colder weather to warm. Maybe it was because she grew up in Germany. At least Akita was in northern Japan. When she did arrive in Japan, she did land in Tokyo in late February. The weather felt great at the time.

Once Reiya got to her home, she decided to do her homework before playing her own piano since her club session left her unsatisfied. After playing for almost an hour, she fixed herself dinner and contemplated all that happened today. It certainly had been a bit crazy. She wondered what tomorrow would bring.

Code- #0000CD

Natsuo wanted to curse at himself when he saw the look in Iphianassa's eyes. She tried to come off as strong, but he could see the slight hurt in her eyes. He knew now he would have to apologize to her. His father taught him to be more respectful than that. He would have done it right then and there, but she just merely gave him a sad smile, waved, and left to do something.
Yeah, Natsuo knew he really screwed up there. What was worse he found himself getting distracted by her throughout class because he behavior bothered him that much. Due to feeling frustrated, he did do the very thing Kazumi warned him not to do, he ended up outdoing male students in the class and ended up with an audience of giggling girls as he did weight training. He generally enjoyed this kind of attention, but for once he was annoyed by it. Didn't these girls have anything better to do? Soon class was over and before Natsuo could get a chance to speak to Iphianassa, he saw her entering the girls' locker room. He found himself taking a quick shower and waiting for her, only to realize he was late meeting Kazumi. Cursing he left and met up with his sister.

When Kazumi saw her brother near the college entrance with Eos and Dawn, she asked, "What's your problem?"

"Miss Iphianassa was in my P.E. class and I ignored her. I never got a chance to apologize. It's going to bother me until I get a chance to apologize."

"Well, I am sure you'll get your chance. For now let's find a place to do our homework."

Natsuo nodded and they left the dogs at the entrance again. They finished their homework in record time and Natsuo found himself heading to his last class. Next to Psychology, Natsuo found this class to be the more humorous because of how wrong humans got their history wrong. It had some consistencies, but it was obvious the perceptions of the past were not clear. At least it cheered him up somewhat.

All that changed when class ended. He knew Kazumi's dance class wouldn't end for another 15 minutes and was going to wait for her, but all that changed when Shadow appeared before him. The bird told him what happened to his sister at the top of the hour and he was instantly angry.

~Why didn't you come for me the instant there was trouble?!~

~Sorry master, but you were inside at the time and I couldn't get in.~

~Where are they now?~

~At the boy's house. I'll show you the way master. Or do you want to wait for Lady Aurora?~

Natsuo immediately order the crow to show him the way, but he made sure to have the birds on campus let Aeolus tell Kazumi where he was heading. He had the bird tail his older sister. Finding his car, he was instantly off.

Code- #FF1493

Kazumi smiled at Mafuyu's inquiry about being an art major. In all honesty she had no major at the moment since she knew she wouldn't be here long enough to get a degree. If she did get a degree it would be art related since she loved interior design, sadly that wasn't a course she couldn't take yet it seemed until she took some pre-req classes. So Mafuyu was close.

"Oh, I love a few science related things. I have a huge green thumb and have my own garden at home. My mother told me I have a knack for growing things."

That was true, but it did help she was in charge of Spring after all. Still even when she wasn't helping things bloom in her Season, she did love growing things for it was one of her parents' biggest blessing she felt, the ability for people to grow their own food and to decorate the world with such beauty.

When Mafuyu asked if they could sit together, Kazumi was tempted to smirk, but didn't. Oh he was a sly one. Being the excellent actress she was though, she decided to play along and just act a bit naive.

"Sure, I am just fine with that."

The class soon started and Kazumi became quickly invested, especially when she heard about the play they be doing, one based around a famous Japanese folktale, the Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. The leading role was that of a Moon Goddess, Kaguya. There was no way that Kazumi was going to miss out on that, especially if she could avoid taking a regular final test. She knew instantly she would go for the main role. After all, who better to play a goddess than an actual goddess? Making a mental note of when tryout were, she soon found herself getting involved in class by seeing what others did first before getting involved. As usual, she left certain guys a befuddled mess and ended getting a combination of admiration to jealousy from other girls. Even the professor became enamoured of her skill, so she was pretty sure this would help her get the main role. She acted very humble though. No need to gloat after all. These people were mortals after all, there was never going to be a chance for them to compete with her level. She did try interacting with Mafuyu at times. Soon though class came to an end.

Turning to Mafuyu she said, "It's been a lot of fun, but I am going to meet with my brother to work on homework. I hope to see you tomorrow, Mafuyu!"

She was honest too. Mafuyu seemed to me one of the few guys that didn't lose his tongue over her. She was tempted to see what it would take to get his mind to melt, but decided not to do it yet.

After meeting with Natsuo, Kazumi couldn't help but feel bad for her brother. Natsuo might be blunt, but he never liked hurting someone that didn't clearly deserve it. Kazumi would definitely help Natsuo rectify the situation. For now it was time to head for Dance Class. If Drama was fun, Dance was an obsession. The professor wanted to access her skill and she had no problem showing off in front of the entire class. Needless to say she melted the brains of everyone in that room, professor included. She didn't even use her powers like she had a habit of doing when she danced at dawn. Immediately she was asked to be a part of the Dance recital at the end of the Semester. She did make sure it didn't happen at the same time as the major play and it didn't so she agreed. Feeling great, Kazumi quickly took a shower, but as soon as she exited the building, she was pretty much ambushed by Aeolus and several other birds he'd been talking with. The crow quickly told Kazumi what had happened.

~Please tell me you know the way, Aeolus or if Phoebus told you where Kazutora and Harmonix were?~ Kazumi asked them as she headed for the entrance.

~Only at the boy's house my lady.~

Kazumi groaned as she made it to the entrance. Sending out her energy, she caught traces of Natsuo's energy, they were faint, but she managed to pick up on it. Knowing her brother, he probably was already there. Wanting to let Yuki know what was happening, she texts him because knowing her baby brother, he was probably at home asleep by this time.

Yuki, Vel ran into some issues. She's okay now, but Natsuo has already left to go find her since he had Shadow following her. I am going after Natsuo before he does anything rash. We'll be home as soon as we can, but I wanted to make you aware of things. I'll let you know when I've found them.

Calling for Eos and Dawn, she has them get into her own car and has Aeolus follow her.