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Velonix Orako

"We're all born with selfish desires so we can relate to those feelings in others. But kindness is created individually by each person."

0 · 727 views · located in Akita

a character in “Akita's Seasons Return”, as played by Kura Ravengade


"For there to be pain, there has to be kindness.
For darkness to stand out, there has to be the sun."

Lullaby {Main Theme} || SSS {Backup Theme}

Battlefield || Just a Dream || Back To Life
Same Old Energy Baby || Angel with a Shotgun || Forever Drowning

Expansive Remix ~ Relax As You Read

Velonix Speech Code ~ #B43104 | Velonix Thought Code ~ #FE9A2E
Phoenix Speech Code ~ #FF0000 | Phoenix Thought Code ~ #DF0174
Dual Speech Code ~ #D102E2 | Dual Thought Code ~ #E27FFA


"My Voice - My Heart - My Soul"

Moon Dew
Just Breathe
My Most Precious Treasure
Piano Solos

"Strangely enough, when you get older, the things you didn't understand when you were a child... start to make sense. "When this happened, I should have done that." "When that happened, I should have said this." Those types of things. You start to understand rather than regret. It may be closer to repentance. So it may be that I do want to repent and erase the ignorant self from my childhood. Maybe that's what they mean when they say adults are selfish."

| Alias |
Velonix August Orako

| True Name |
Harmonix Auravale
{First and middle; the seasons do not have a 'last' name}

| Season |

| Nicknames and Aliases |
Vel || This tends to be the nickname that the humans she meets use for her.
Nixie || This is a sweet nickname given to her by who knows, but it was definitely one of her siblings or her parents. It stuck, and it's probably the most used name for her within her family, seeing as her real name is Harmonix.
Aura || She is often referred to as this by her parents, Sun and Moon.
Auttie || Due to their closeness and her being slightly older than her brother, Winter, he began to call her Auttie, at first teasingly, and then as an actual nickname. It spread and now both of her brothers call her it, both endearingly and teasingly.

| Gender |

| Age |
Appears 16; Claims to be 17, turning 18 this year

| Birthday |
October 31st

| Sexual Orientation |

| Scent |

| Accent |
Although she isn't from Earth, her accent can most closely be associated with that of Scottish upbringings.

| Nationality |
None; if asked, however, she claims to be from both Scotland and Japan.

| Romantic Interest |
Kazutora Miyato

| Ethnicity |
Appears German and Scottish

| Social Class |

| Occupation |
Bookkeeper at Zwemmer's Books

| Place of Residence |
Shared Home
Shared Home Bedroom
Private Home Front
Private Home Back
Private Home Bedroom

| Oddities/Quirks |
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Vel can be a bit ... Well ... How do we say this nicely ... Slow sometimes. While she is an undeniable genius in most areas, save for a few subjects involving physical activity, she's quite naive. Sexual jokes fall flat on her and no matter how much explaining is done, she'll never understand it. In addition, her 'slow' nature causes her to be quite clumsy.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ A severe case of DID (Disassociative Identity Disorder)
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Harmonix is extremely messy and her siblings are actually often quite afraid to even open the door for her room. It's come to be quite the fire hazard.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ As Autumn, Harmonix is, as expected, far more calm than her brother and sister, Summer and Spring. While her brother, Winter, is the most cool and controlled of them all, Vel tends to be the motherly type and is often clucking over her siblings like a mother hen.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Being on Earth with the humans has led her to don a pair of gloves whenever she's out and tends to favor the same pair most times but occasionally switches them out for one of her backup sets.

"You must always be yourself and do things at your own pace.
Someday... you'll catch up."

| Hair Color |
Light Brown/Orange

| Hair Style |
Wavy; Down

| Hair Length |

| Skin Tone |

| Complexion |

| Eye Color |
Sunstone when in Goddess or Phoenix Form, or when emotions are high; Soft Honey when in Human Form.

| Height

| Weight |

| Body Type |

| Build |

| Tattoos |
Upper Left to Mid Back
Left Mid to Lower back
Right Mid to Lower Back

| Blemishes |
Freckles - Freckles everywhere.

| Piercings |
Two studs in each earlobe

| Birthmarks/Scars |
Right Side of Neck, usually hidden by her outfit.

"People's differences are something to celebrate."


| Season |

| Pet |
Two beautiful, purebred Savannah cats that she adopted as kittens and have become quite attached and protective of her and each other. They bonded together and are very rarely seen apart. She named them after the Greek mythological lovers Selene and Endymion, and plans to allow them to breed eventually.
Selene "Dusk"
Endymion "Mio"

| Enhancement |
International Languages ~ Harmonix is technically able to speak any language at any time, making her multilingual. This is very useful to her and her siblings when they travel to new places. Out of all of her siblings, she is the only one to frequent Earth more than a handful of times, simply because of her multilingual abilities. She has yet to completely master this, however, and still needs to catch onto a few scattered languages here and there. She learned very quickly that the fastest way to learn, understand, and fluently speak a language is through lip-to-lip contact with another creature.

| Music Type |
Vocal ~ Vel's voice is one that pulls in those around her, enchanting them with its melody. It's extremely difficult for anyone to not be hypnotized by her voice, and she is often compared to an angel. It frequently puts them under her 'spell', of sorts, leading many to believe they are in love with her.

| Compatible People |
Quiet ~ With Harmonix and her personality, quiet people tend to be attracted to her. They gravitate towards her. However, she does have a calming affect on people of all personalities, whether they be aggressive or simply excitable.

| Abilities Gifted by the Season |
Fire ~ Seeing as fire is often fueled by anger, Harmonix's ability in this field tends to be quite weak. She is able to harness it and use it to her ability, including creating it from nothing, but she is not aggressive enough to actually use it in a fight. While she is more than able to, she simply cannot bring herself to harm another with her power - not after all the work that she has put into changing herself.
Essence ~ By using this, Vel is able to emit the common scents of Autumn, which tend to have a calming effect on a majority of people. In doing so, she can calm the emotions of most, depending on their susceptibility to the scents. This only soothes their anger and is not a permanent change. In addition, she is able to view a faint outline around the individual (their aura/essence), which helps her to get a read on the type of person that they are.
Aging ~ This is more effective upon nature, and is not usable when pertaining to any other living thing, such as animals or people. Harmonix is able to age plants, such as trees, by changing the colors of the leaves upon them - although that is simply a small example.
Imagery Manipulation ~ With imagery distortion, the gifted user can change the image that another being is seeing. In doing so, they send a false outlook on the current situation, often driving the victim insane. Vel, however, uses this only to defend herself and never to the extent of driving the victim to insanity.
Psychometry ~ The ability to touch an individual and intake their memories. The longer the contact, the more memories that are seen. She has zero control over this power, so tries her best not to touch humans. This is inclusive only of humans and no other objects or living beings.

"True kindness isn't something we're born with.
It's something we had to work on..."

| Personality |
{Kind, Gentle, Soft-Spoken, Motherly, Charismatic, Sweet, Naive, Over-Protective}

At this current point in time, Harmonix is one of the most compelling of people. Her gentle kindness easily pulls people in, causing them to gravitate towards her warm nature. She is kind to a fault and is often seen attempting to help a stray kitten or an elderly person. However, her kindness is not limited only to certain people; anyone who is in need of help will quickly and easily receive it from Harmonix, who often uses all of her power to assist another. Due to this, she is constantly giving, and if anyone even mentions returning the favor by, for example, buying her lunch, she simply turns red and waves them off. Her outlook on her good deeds is simply that that is how things should be done, not as an obligation, but because it is the right thing to do.

Since Vel is a very kind person, she has become a bit of a 'sheltered child' in the most common sense. Despite her couple of trips to Earth for her parents due to her multilingual abilities, Vel is very naive in many fields. Yes, her former self would make most people believe that she would not be naive, but after Sun and Moon rid her of her former personality, she has completely forgotten all of the 'street smarts' that she had formerly known. This leaves the world with a naive, innocent young woman who, amusingly, does not understand anything that could be thought of as antics - such as sexual innuendos. This has set her up to easily be teased and made to be the butt-end of jokes, much to her dismay, but despite her embarrassment she tries to take it all in stride.

Along with her kindness plays in her motherly nature. It is fairly common for anyone, whether they be family or not, to be clucked over by her as if she were a mother hen. She is often berating other people for not wearing sweaters or for not cleaning up after themselves - which is quite a hypocritical thing for her to do, seeing as she can barely clean up after herself. Due to her motherly nature, though, Vel is extremely over-protective of the people that she cares for or anyone that they care about. When one is threatened, she immediately steps in to fill the role of a bodyguard, and when one is actually hurt in any way - physically, mentally, or emotionally - she will often become enraged and will revert back to her former self - and completely out of control. In fact, the only person who has ever been able to pull her out of her angered state would be her brother, Winter. Afterwards, she will remember nothing, but will leave mass destruction in her wake. It's like a temporary amnesia. The only time that she was ever able to recall her memories from one of her fits caused her intense head pains, to the point that her nose began to bleed, and she went into hysterics, forcing her father to erase the memories once more.

Former Harmonix {Phoenix}

Before Vel became the sweet young woman that her siblings and parents now know, she was quite the spit-fire. Although Sun and Moon would allow her to go to Earth with them due to her abilities, she would often also sneak down there when her family wasn't looking, easily getting into trouble. In fact, while visiting small-town Akita one day, she somehow managed to join a gang, rob a bank, and wander off to a party with said gang. She doesn't remember much from that day, or really her former personality in general, but she does know that she was in quite a bit of trouble when she returned home. In fact, her out-of-control state eventually became too much for her parents to handle and, using the star Senior's abilities, they erased her personality and then allowed her to reform a new one. It was a bit like amnesia, only she could recall almost all of her life up until that point - minus the instances where she was got into trouble. Former Harmonix, whom they began to refer to as Phoenix, was reckless, angry, a bit of a dare-devil, and completely out of control. The only times that this personality ever shows up now are when Vel grows incredibly angry over the harm of a loved one or an innocent.

| Morals |
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ To Never Lie
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ To Protect the Weak
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ To Keep Promises
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ To Make Sure Others Always Smile

| Likes |
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Hot Chocolate/Sweets
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Food
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Archery
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Art
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Her Siblings
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Humans
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ The Outdoors/Camping
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Running/Dancing
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Bad Jokes
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ The Colors Brown and Orange
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ The Smell of Rain/Waterfalls
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Books, especially old ones

| Dislikes |
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Deep Water
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Seeing Others Cry
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Loneliness
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Swimming
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Heights
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Scary Things
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Judgmental People/Lies
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Shouting/Arguing/Fighting
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Hurting Others
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Anything Harmful towards her Siblings

| Talents |
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Art
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Singing
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Archery
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Cooking
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Handiwork
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Dancing
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Piano

| Flaws |
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Naivety
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Clumsiness
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Over-protective
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Cannot Swim
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Triggers/Phoenix

| Weaknesses |
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ The Weak
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Food
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Her Siblings
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Cute things
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ The innocent

| Hobbies |
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Painting
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Cooking
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Archery
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Helping Others
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Singing
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Reading

"I think... I want to live with all my memories. Even if they're bad memories. Even if they're memories that only hurt me... that I'd rather forget. If I keep them and keep trying, without running away, then someday I'll be strong enough that those memories can't defeat me. I believe that because I want to think that there's no such thing as a memory that's okay to forget."

| History |
Trigger Warning
In comparison to the other Season's pasts, Harmonix's has become quite ... Complicated - and in only one way, really. It all circles around one subject - or problem, as most would think of it.

Harmonix's former personality.

Harmonix was the third born of the four seasons, leaving winter to be born last. However, she is by far either the most mature or comes into a close second with her brother, winter, despite the two of them being the youngest. When their parents explain it, they say that their personalities simply follow the calming, gentling natures of their seasons. Winter is cold and relaxed and Autumn is cool and soothing, in comparison to Spring and Summer, both of which being warm and energetic seasons, both personality and aura-wise.

Despite being one of the youngest of the four, Vel always managed to be the most authoritative out of all of them. Her age didn't matter - she just had the air of an adult figure. Growing up she was always the one to help corral her siblings and make sure that they washed their hands before eating and cleaned up after they played. She made them eat their fruits and vegetables, and if they got into a fight with one another, she was the one to soothe their bruised egos. This lasted for years, until on one trip to Earth with her parents, who often took her with them due to her multilingual capabilities, a serious event unfolded.

While visiting Earth, she became separated from her parents, who took on their human forms along with her to blend in. She appeared to be a child of about ten or eleven years old, and they had gone to visit the shopping district of Akita. In the bustle of the crowd she was bumped and knocked away from them, and they didn't notice due to their focus on one of the shops that they had been wandering past. By the time she managed to free herself from the crowd of people, her parents were nowhere in sight and she was completely and utterly lost. So, as was the intelligent thing to do, she began to ask the people around her for help finding her mother and father. The shoppers ignored her, and the shopkeeps shooed her away, grumbling about how she would ruin the business.

By this time, it was beginning to grow cold and dark outside. The shops were closing and the lanterns were being put out, the entire district being plunged into utter darkness, and she, a small child, was left lost and alone. It was then that all of the 'odd' humans began to emerge - those with mental disorders, physical disorders, or nefarious tendencies. As she stood next to a wall, trying to think of what to do next, an odd-looking man with thinning hair, rotting teeth, and what smelled like booze coming off of him approached her. He had an odd smile - a smile that even to this day, after all of the memory wiping, she will always remember. It frequents her nightmares and often leaves her shaking and in a cold sweat.

As he approached and gave her that goosebump-inducing smile, she almost seemed to retreat into herself, curling up slightly in order to make herself smaller. The man was by no means large, but he was a good several feet taller than she, a small child, was. When he spoke, his voice was raspy and had a slight guttural sound to it; a sound that she'll always remember.

"Hello, little one. Are you lost?"

After he approached her, he grabbed her arm and started pulling her with him through various abandoned alleyways, one hand clamped firmly over her mouth to stifle any sounds that she could make. It wasn't until they finally stopped that he released her, shoving her to the wet, dank cement that lined the dead-end alley he had paused in. As soon as she landed, she was instantly scrambling to stand, only to be pushed right back down by the man and held there with one foot firmly on the middle of her back. She squirmed but was far too weak in comparison to a grown human male to put up much of a fight, and the next sound she heard would haunt her for the rest of her days. It was the sound of metal chinking and then a soft flurry of material sliding. She could feel the gentle brush as the cloth scraped her legs, and when he began to wrestle with the clothes around her waist, his hand brushed her skin, summoning a terrified scream up from her lungs.

The next thing she knew, she was back home. According to her parents, they had heard her scream - something to do with a mixture of parental instinct and their godly powers - and rushed to find her immediately. When they came upon her, it was in a blazing alleyway. Fire licked the walls and had completely absorbed the trash and dankness of the walkway, and smoke rose heavily into the air. Her parents had pushed through the observing crowds and plunged into the fire, stopping only once they were deep enough to find her, and when they did, it was a scene that will permanently be imbedded in their minds.

They found the young girl on her knees, her clothes tattered and torn with smoke furling out from the material. Beside her was a charcoaled heap that, while almost completely destroyed, could still be made out to be the body of a human being. Harmony's cheeks were stained with dried tears, and her once-bright gaze was now bottomless, dark pits. Even when her mother grabbed and shook her, she didn't respond in any way. It was almost as though she were a lifeless doll - in other words, she went into Acute Stress Reaction, which is the humans fancy terminology for shock caused by severe trauma or traumatic events.

Sun managed to rid the alley of the flames, and in the process retrieve his daughter and wife and flee from the scene before the humans could see them.

This is why the Sun and Moon don't want their children to visit Earth.

The healing process for Harmonix was tough, for lack of a better word. She lost a good portion of her memories leading up to the abduction, and could only recall the names of her family members and objects. She could speak full sentences and still remembered her schooling, but as for actual memories - memories of herself with her siblings, laughing and running around - those were gone.

In addition to her amnesia, something changed in Harmonix that day. She would become extremely angry quickly, almost like a volcano exploding in temperament. There was permanent damage to her brain that not even the Senior Star or her parents could completely fix, due to the damage stemming from a mental break instead of actual physical injury. They did, however, do their best to stem her volatile outbursts. Using herbal medicines that her mother made herself, Harmonix managed to stem this other self from appearing. The best way that her parents could describe the situation was as her having either bipolar or split personality disorder, and due to the nature of how she developed it, it was incurable, even for the Gods.

After all of this, Harmonix would go on binges of mania. She would sneak away from home to go to Earth, nearly always getting into trouble each time. No matter how hard her parents punished her, nothing seemed to work. So finally they did the only thing that they could think of - they decided to wipe her memory completely.

It was something that they had wanted to avoid doing since she already had an issue with her memory, but with how recklessly she was acting and how powerful her abilities were becoming, they had to do something to stem the young Goddess from revealing her families' existence to the world.

The Senior Star was brought in to remove her memory, and in its place she helped to form new, temporary ones in hopes that these memories would help her to build good ones herself; in hopes that they would help her to build herself anew.

For the most part it worked, but when Harmonix is triggered by something, such as an attack aimed towards someone or something that she cares very deeply for, she can instantly snap, and in a few instances has either several hospitalized human beings or even killed them. She has come a long way in regards to who she once was, and is continuing to build herself each and every day. Her idea to journey to Earth wasn't made out of nowhere or recklessly. She spent quite a bit of time thinking it over before she decided, and even went so far as to arrange everything for her survival down there without her parents catching onto her plans.

| Other |
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Vel is an extremely quirky girl who tends to do the oddest of things and is often found to be singing or humming to herself to help pass the time.

| Face Claim |
Natsume Asako


“Mingling with people, hurting them, getting hurt by them.
That's how you learn about people and about yourself.”

So begins...

Velonix Orako's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazutora Miyato Character Portrait: Kazuyuki Orako Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Astraea Mantrenul Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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”It's okay to feel weak sometimes. It's okay to be afraid.
The important thing is that we face our fears.
That's … That's what makes us strong.”

Hex Code ~ #B43104

From the beginning of time, humans have worshiped some form of a deity. Where they got the ideology that another more powerful being existed, watching over them and also judging their every movement, their every decision - their every thought - is beyond the understanding of modern day scientists. Some speculate that humans do this as a coping mechanism for when thinking about their inevitable deaths, so that instead of the panic of the unknown, they have something to look forward to. All that is known is that they have worshiped some sort of ethereal being since the beginning of their existence.

Jesus. Allah. Moses. Zeus. God.

Those are but a few of the many, many deities and omnipotent beings that the humans have ‘thought’ of as their creators. Obviously, none of them came close to the truth - the truth that the Sun and the Moon, two ‘planets’, as they were deemed by humans, were the actual creators of all living creatures - but that was partially the doing of said deities. Ever since the humans began to wonder how they came to be, how they were created, or in general question anything related to such a subject, the Sun and the Moon have ventured to Earth to regularly spin stories and spread them across the world in an attempt to slow the discovery of their being. Once their children were born, however, they put far more effort into keeping their existence hidden, into preventing them and their children from being discovered. Any human that came close to the truth was promptly dealt with, usually by the Senior Star given her memory suppression capabilities, and thus far they believe that their web of lies and legends has held up.

The lies were put into place to not only protect the Sun and Moon, and not only their children, either, but also the human beings themselves. If they were to discover the true origin of their beginnings, there is no telling what the outcome could be. What could become of the children and their parents is unknown, seeing as the two deities never once claimed to be omnipotent, and they have lived in slight fear of their existence becoming known one day.

They don’t, of course, plan to hide themselves forever. Simply until they deem the humans to be capable of accepting their existences without any repercussions; and so far, they have yet to prove themselves worthy to know the truth.

The main cause of war in human society stems from religious views. The main cause of disputes between people is caused by their differences in beliefs.

Many, many issues in human society, both currently and throughout the past, can be traced back to religious differences. The Crusades are a prime example of holy wars, during which time countless lives were lost.

The witch trials across Europe and early America are another example of the religious influence that causes mass genocides to take place. World War II, in which Adolf Hitler attempted to wipe out all of those belonging to the Jewish faith.

To sum everything up, human beings as a whole are not ready to accept the truth. They are close - Gods, they are so very close - to being able to hear the real truth and accept it without negative consequences or outcomes.

But they aren’t quite there yet; and so the Sun and the Moon are not ready to take the chance of revealing their existence to any human being, out of fear of them spreading the knowledge of their lives to other humans throughout the world. And so we hide.

We always hide.

“Ms. Orako, the Headmaster has finished with your brother and is ready to see you now.”

Velonix glanced up at the Headmaster’s Assistant from the blank, old book that she had been writing in. It had been given to her by the owner of the bookshop that she had just recently been given a job at as a welcoming present. She had seen it through the window when she had been walking by, and it had prompted her to enter the store, almost as though it were calling for her. When the owner, Mr. Zwemmer, saw her inside and staring at it, he had removed it from its case and allowed her to look more closely at it. While she was studying it, they began a conversation, and one thing led to another, and she ended up with her first real job in the human world. After hiring her and observing the longing in her eyes for the book while going through the paperwork process, Mr. Zwemmer finally caved and gave her it as a gift, much to her happiness. She had promised vehemently to care for it as though it were a living creature, and he laughed in response, knowing that she would. Her first shift would be in an hour, after classes had ended, as she was supposed to be receiving all of her school information now and the boy who Mr. Zwemmer had assigned to train her on the way that things were run around the store was in the same school as her.

Setting down the quill - yes, she still wrote with a quill and ink, deal with it - she put the stopper into her ink bottle and pushed back her chair, rising from her seat at the desk that she was told to wait at in the teacher’s offices. She placed the book and writing utensils in her messenger bag, slung it over her shoulder, and rubbed her arms absentmindedly.

She could still remember the day that her siblings pushed her into returning to Earth, which was only two weeks prior to the present day. The idea had been hers - a decision that still surprised her, even though she was the one who came up with it - but she was nonetheless hesitant to follow through with the plan.

~’.’~Two Weeks Prior~’.’~

Soft whispers slithered beneath the door that led to the library. They could only be heard if one were to be standing directly outside of the door, and it was almost necessary to press one’s ear to said door in order to actually understand what was being said.

Not that there was anyone to listen to the discussion. Sun and Moon were currently overwatching the Earth, as they did at that exact time each and every new day, and The Senior Star was currently assisting them in their Earthly decisions. The Junior Star was at her side, attempting to intake any new knowledge to be gained from the actions that his more powerful Godly comrades were performing.

Now who, one may wonder, was making such noise in the library?

There could only be one group of culprits behind it; the four children of the Sun and the Moon.

The very embodiment of the Seasons themselves.

Beyond the large oaken door, the children of the Gods sat on the comfortable furniture within. The two eldest were on one couch, while the two youngest had taken seats on the armchairs on either side of the larger furniture. Harmonix had taken the liberty to start a fire in the massively beautiful fireplace that adorned the equally gorgeous library, which was quadruple the size of the area that they were currently nestled in, and she folded her legs beneath her bottom on the chair, tucking her skirt underneath her shins in an ever-present drive at modesty. A mug of her equally ever-present hot chocolate, decorated with whipped cream, marshmallows, and sprinkles of cinnamon, was clasped firmly between her oddly cold palms, which were damp with a nervous sweat. The same wetness was sprinkled across her hairline, both along her forehead and the nape of her neck, and a small tremble of anxiety resided in her grip. In addition, she was doing her bad habit of bouncing slightly as she sat, constantly shifting her weight in an obvious attempt to get comfortable, despite it being a futile effort.

After several moments of silence had ticked by, Harmony, obviously too nervous to start the discussion of why she had asked her siblings to join her in the library, squirmed a bit until her sister spoke.

”Harmy, I understand that you’re nervous, but you should know by now that there’s no need for you to feel that way around us. Whatever’s bothering you - whatever’s weighing on your mind - just speak.” Her voice was gentle, almost a coo, in an obvious attempt to draw her shy younger sister slightly more out of her shell.

In response, Harmony fidgeted a bit more for a moment longer, before forcing herself to settle and heaving a sigh. After a long sip of her delicious cocoa, she lowered her feet to the floor and leaned forward, setting the mug on the coffee table before her. She dropped her hands to her knees, drew in a long breath in preparation, and in one long heave, blurted out what she had rehearsed at least thirty-two times in her mind.

”I … I want to go and visit Earth!”

Almost instantly the girl squeezed her eyes shut, her shoulders hunching in readiness for her siblings expected outbursts of rejection at her wish. When nothing was immediately said, she slowly allowed herself to pry open one eye, and then another when she noticed the blank stares of surprise from her brothers and sister. Squirming a bit under their piercing gazes - they all had equally beautiful eyes in her mind, and ones that could unsettle even the most rigid of people - she gnawed on her lower lip, looking down at her hands on her legs. Her fingers were curled inwards, digging into the flesh of her knees, and she was bouncing her one foot anxiously.

A few more beats of silence passed before anyone spoke, and it was one word.


Harmony’s head snapped up, her heart stopping for a brief moment before skipping a beat and regaining its regular pattern. Her eyes met her older brother’s gaze, which was dark and stern, unrelenting in its own way.

”But, Phoebus, at least let me explain wh-”

”No. Absolutely not. This shouldn’t even be up for discussion, Harmonix,” he interrupted, not even allowing her to finish her sentence. Her eyes welled up with tears in immediate response, and she lowered her head once more, her action holding all of the defeat she felt. She had known it was a long shot from the beginning, getting her siblings on board with her idea, but to be shot down so quickly and so assuredly definitely stung.

A soft scoff was heard from the girl that sat beside Phoebus. Her cotton candy hair was illuminated in the glow of the fire, and an eye roll could be seen.

”Oh, come on, Phoebus. At least let her explain [b]why she wants to visit Earth. You can’t just shoot down what she says without allowing her to tell us why she would want to do it. Harmony very rarely speaks her mind about issues that she knows are controversial, so you can at least respect her courage to do so right now, given the subject.”[/b]

Harmony glanced up slightly, looking at her sister through her lashes, her gaze holding the gratitude she felt towards the older girl. Aurora definitely wasn’t wrong, though; very rarely would Harmony bring up a subject or idea that she knew would cause an argument or negativity of any sort, so when she did, it was usually for a good reason.

Turning her gaze to her older brother, she allowed her eyes to take on a puppy-dog look, and she jutted out her lower lip. This was her signature expression - something that she reserved only for times that she really wanted something - and her older brother instantly melted like butter.

Quickly averting his own eyes from hers, he looked away, his pale cheeks taking on a soft flush.

”By the stars above, Har - not the eyes,” he groaned. He flicked a glance at the girl, only to find that she was still holding the same expression, and slapping his hand over his eyes, he slowly dragged it down his face before heaving a loud sigh.

”Fine, I’ll at least listen to this insane idea that you’ve come up with,” he muttered.

Instantly Harmony brightened, her puppy dog look diminishing, and she leaned forward, her previous nervousness replaced with obvious excitement. A twinkle shone in her eye, and she had a gentle smile on her lips. She still did, however, speak with hesitancy, a slight stutter taking away some of the confidence she felt.

”I … I’m hoping that if I were to go to Earth … That it could maybe help me come to terms with everything that’s happened since … Since the incident,” she finished, her voice ending almost in a murmur. What little courage she felt when she began speaking had quickly faded as she finished, and she felt her shoulders slightly slump with dejection. She picked at her fingernails, suddenly extremely fascinated with her hands.

”I know that … I know that I’ve caused a lot of unnecessary trouble and problems over the years, ever since that day when we were children … And I know that because of what happened, I’ve changed a lot as a person ...” She trailed off for a moment, having to pause to garner a bit of bravery. Turning her face back upwards, she met each one of her siblings gazes before continuing.

”I’ve been keeping it hidden as much as possible, but recently … Recently, what Astraea did to help me contain Phoenix … The walls that she built to help seal my two separate minds, or identities, or whatever you want to call them … I can feel them beginning to crumble,” she said softly, her shoulders once more slumped, but this time instead of the cause being defeat, it was more so worry or fear. She pressed her lips together for a moment before continuing.

”I … I’m really scared,” she whispered, tears prickling at her eyes. ”I’m scared of what will happen if those walls disappear completely, and Phoenix is allowed out and into the physical world once more. I don’t expect any of you to understand … You’ve never had anything like this happen before … But I ...” Drawing in a shaky breath, she felt a ball of anxiety curl in her chest. ”I can hear her … I can hear her voice, in the very back of my mind, hiding behind those walls. She keeps telling me to do things … Things that I know I shouldn’t do, but things that I really want to do. So far I’ve been able to ignore her and push down my urge to do what she says, but … But I’m afraid of what might happen if I can’t get a handle on her.”

There was a lapse in words being said, before Phoebus once more spoke, his voice slightly heavy, given the equal weight of the current conversation.

”And how do we know that it isn’t Phoenix’s idea for us to go to Earth? How do we know that this is actually your own idea, Harmonix?”

Harmony hesitated before slowly responding.

”I just … It might be hard for me to resist the temptation that she gives me to do certain things, and I may not have been able to discern my thoughts and her thoughts before Astraea helped me, but … Right now, I can tell which thoughts are mine and which are hers. I don’t really know how to explain how I can, but … But I can. And on that, you’ll just have to trust me, Phoebus.”

Another moment of silence ticked by - there seemed to be a lot of those during this discussion, Harmony idly thought - before anyone responded to her words.

”I think … That if you think that it’s a good idea, and if you think that it really will help you … That we should do it.”

Harmony turned her gaze to her younger brother, her lower lip trembling slightly. She had known before even asking for her siblings to meet her that out of all of them, Halcyon was most likely to support what she thought was best, and he had definitely proved her correct in that assumption.

Turning back to her older siblings, she looked at them with her wide, umber eyes, which spoke volumes over her expectation for an answer. Aurora was studying her nails, and while filing at the tip of one of her index fingers, she shrugged and spoke.

”I think that if you think that it can help you, and that you can handle it, we should at least give it a shot. Who knows? Maybe it’ll prove beneficial for all of us. Wouldn’t you agree, Phoebus?” she dragged out, purposely doing so in order to annoy him.

The boy in question narrowed his eyes slightly at his older sister, a soft growl of sorts escaping his lips, before he turned to Harmony, his gaze a smidge less stern than it was before. After several calculated moments, during which time she could practically see the gears turning in her older brother’s head, he spoke.

”Seeing as I’m clearly outnumbered, I’ll have to say yes. What kind of brother would I be to just let all of you run rampant down on Earth? Someone has to be down there to corral you,” he sighed, rubbing his temples.

Harmony immediately brightened, her skin taking on a slightly golden glow, and she was across the gap between them in seconds, her arms thrown around her older brother’s neck.

”Thank you, Phoebus … You … You have no idea what this means to me,” she whispered into his neck, her tears soaking into his long hair.

Shaking her head to rid it of those thoughts, she smiled at the Assistant Headmaster and adjusted the strap of the bag on her shoulder. She strode after her, idly turning her head slightly to look forlornly out the window, inhaling deeply in an effort to gather herself.

The sun was shining brightly through the clear window, giving the interior of the building an ethereal glow. Dust mites danced in the sun’s rays, and for a moment, she felt an unwanted sadness in her chest.

Somewhere, far up in the sky and even further beyond that, her parents were looking down at the world below. She could picture her mother, wringing her hands and a worried crease between her brows, and her father pacing with long strides across the hall that enclosed the enormous, hologram-like image that showed them the entirety of the planet. It was used to view in on any place at any time, past, present, or future, and to interact with said reality. There were many times that her parents had altered the past in order to benefit the future - they went back and prevented world-wide catastrophes.

Why, then, did they allow certain events to occur? Why did they allow countless lives to be lost to the hands of evil humans who wished nothing but death upon the masses?

It was all for a better goal.

To think that they enjoyed watching the humans suffer - you couldn’t be further from the truth. Countless times had Harmonix ventured into the great hall, as a young child and beyond, to find her mother weeping over the hologram of the beautiful planet. She had seen unimaginable things in that hologram, and heard screams that still echoed in her ears to this very day. As soon as her parents spotted her they would shoo her away fairly quickly, of course, but that didn’t stop her from seeing things.

People being torn limb-from-limb by ancient Roman Gladiators.

Children being burned alive alongside their parents during the European Witch Trials.

Animals being killed by toxic chemicals sprayed down upon the humans by large flying machines from above.

Tears pricked at her eyes at the memories, and she squeezed the large umber orbs shut in an attempt to stem their flow, and to shield herself from the visuals flashing before her eyes.

Closing them only prevented herself from seeing, however. It didn’t slow what she could hear, not by a long shot; and the screams continued to echo inside of her mind. Pausing midstep, she dropped her face into the palm of her hand, pressing it against her forehead and letting out a soft moan of pain.

“Stop ... Stop it, please ...” she whispered, her lips a slight grimace.

After a few moments, the screams slowly faded and she had managed to calm her rapid breathing, having only just then realized how quickly she was panting.

“Ms. Orako? Are you quite alright my dear?”

Removing her hand, Velonix turned a small, slightly strained smile up to the woman. “I am alright, my apologies. My head pains me slightly is all,” she breathed out, resuming her stride.The Assistant Headmaster smiled once more and continued her walk as well, and they moved in silence for another minute or two before she paused outside a set of wooden doors.

“Right through here, my dear.”

With a slight nudge the door slid open and Velonix let herself in, announcing her presence as she entered. “Good morning Headmaster. My name is Velonix Orako and it is quite a pleasure to be of your acquaintance.” The Headmaster let out a chuckle, reaching out to pat her hand. “You may drop the formalities, dear, as I have no need for them.” Motioning for her to sit, she did so and he did the same, clasping his hands on the desk before him.

“Your siblings were quite pleasant to meet, and I can already tell from your demeanor that you’re no different,” he began, offering her a kind smile. “I do like to take the chance to personally meet each of my new students at least once - I believe it helps take away some of the frightening nature that comes with my title,” he chuckled, a slight twinkle in his eye. “Nothing to worry too much about, of course. As I tell everyone, I do hope you enjoy and value your time here, and take what you can from this place of learning. If you run into any problems or have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask for help, even if it’s from me directly.”

Velonix nodded, a gentle smile on her face, and rose once more while adjusting the bag strap on her shoulder. “Thank you, Headmaster. I appreciate the sentiments,” she said softly, bending forward slightly at the waist in respect. When she straightened again, she gave him another small smile. “Have a pleasant rest of your day.” The kind old man gave her a smile and nod in response, and she turned on her heel and quickly made her way out of the office, pausing once she had closed the door behind her. Letting out a small breath, she groaned a bit. That was stressful and she was more than glad to be over with it. Social interactions, specifically with strangers, weren’t really her forte and she’d much rather observe from the sidelines than be the sole focus in someone’s conversation.

Standing tall once more, she gathered herself together and began to walk while also pulling the map of the school grounds that was provided for her to navigate more easily. It was already two weeks into the second semester, Summer Break having just come to an end, so they weren’t transferring in frighteningly late thankfully. They would stand out a bit but no more than normal transfer students.

She flicked her eyes down to her map, pausing mid step to gather her bearings. Once she had figured out where she was, she pushed through the doors into a small side-courtyard on the side of the school. Inhaling the smells of nature deeply she followed through with a satisfied sigh, the tiniest of smiles turning up the corners of her lips. A small pond was situated nearby with an empty bench, and further down the path led to the back of the school building, shrouded prettily by the dense leaves of the orange and yellow trees that hung above it. She assumed it would feel nice on a hot summer day and looked forward to finding out if that was the case in a few months - hopefully they would still be there.

As she walked, Velonix tilted her head back ever so slightly towards the leaves, admiring their pretty, calming colors. A gentle breeze caused them to sway a bit, small dashes of sunlight peeking through every so often. The combination of everything brought a soft wave of serenity over her, and for the moment, she was content.

Until she found herself slamming directly into a wall obviously made from a person. Having not been paying attention to where she was walking, she had slammed into the person fairly hard, causing her to stumble back and nearly fall. She somehow managed to catch herself, albeit clumsily, and felt a small warmth of embarrassment seep into her cheeks. Velonix scrambled to straighten and bowed quickly, her hands clasped before her and her braided orange hair falling over her shoulder. “I-I apologize! I did not mean to bump into you! It was all my fault - I was not paying attention to where I was walking!” she breathed out quickly. Once she had finished her apology, she glanced up slightly to see who it was that she had bumped into, and straightened rather quickly when she found it to be two teenage boys wearing the school uniform. A bit of anxiety fluttered in the pit of her stomach but she cleared her throat and clutched the strap of her bag in an effort to ground herself. The boys gave each other a look before small smirks grew on their faces. The one that she had run into leaned slightly to the side to peer into her face as she was quite short as a girl, his own face getting uncomfortably close to hers. It was almost close enough for her to feel his breath on her cheeks and his dark eyes held an odd gleam to them that made her uncomfortable. The colors that glowed ever-so-lightly off of his skin were dark and coiled together with streaks of black and red, and when she noticed his aura a small shiver crawled across her body, goosebumps breaking out. He wasn’t evil by any means - at least not yet - but this type of aura was only associated with those who enjoyed being cruel. Not psychopaths or sociopaths, persay - just people who got off on being, to put it crudely, assholes. Velonix, however, preferred a more gentle route instead of violence and cruelty, so when faced with someone such as this, she grew into a nervous puddle.

“Well hey there …” his voice curled. He definitely had nice enough features, but they were marred with the underlying viciousness that he held about him. When Vel took a step back out of simple reaction it drew a chuckle from his friend who leaned against a bike rack a few feet away, hands shoved in his pockets. The two boys were clearly delinquents, as they wore their uniforms in rumpled messes, necklines popped open and jackets slung over their bikes. He held a similar air to him but not quite as dark, and she felt an instinctive curl of her toes in reactive fear. Tightening her grip on her bag and drawing into herself a bit, she attempted to shy away from him. With each small step she took back though, he seemed to follow with one that was slightly larger, until he had her cornered against the side of the building, hand planted firmly on the wall above her shoulder. Her skin crawled as his body drew a bit too close to her for comfort and she shrank away a bit more, a small tremble beginning in her legs. This drew an amused chuckle from the boy and he tilted his head a bit more, his tongue slightly licking his lips.

“My, my, my … Aren’t you a cute one .. You’d think I’d remember seeing you before,” he drawled out, tilting his head to the other side as he spoke. “Or are you one of the new transfer students that moved to town and took her sweet time joining us?” he inquired, his gloved hand lifting slightly. She supposed he thought he was ‘cool’ to wear gloves. “Well, I guess you were worth the wait for being able to see the mysterious new students … Because you’re real nice on the eyes,” he murmured, leaning even closer to her and lightly brushing his finger across her cheek and over her hair. He began to follow it down, causing her tremble of fear to overtake her upper body as well. She knew very well that if needed she could defend herself and that this boy didn’t stand a chance, but her years of courage and pride were long past. Even though she knew she was capable of taking care of herself, it was a very difficult thing for her to do as she feared losing control, so not only was she in fear of the current situation, but she was in fear of defending herself and losing herself at the same time.

A small burst of courage slid through her and she grasped at it desperately, flinging her hand up to slap his away from her face with a loud smack. “Do not touch me,” she snapped, attempting to push past his arm at the same time. Before she could get through, however, he snagged her wrist and yanked her back, his other arm twining around her waist. The touch made her skin crawl with disgust and a new wave of fear assaulted her. Despite her Senior Star’s suppression, a familiar feeling of acute terror washed over her when he touched her, his hand sliding slightly under her school shirt and grazing the skin of her stomach. She locked up for a moment before struggling against his grasp, all the while his friend laughing softly nearby. His one hand rose to clamp over her mouth, the same smirk on his face.

“I like them feisty,” he curled out, his smirk turning slightly sadistic. Her eyes widened, her sounds of protest muffled against his palm. “Playing hard to get, hm?” he drawled, pinning her once more between the wall and his body. Tears pricked her eyes as buried emotions from that time so long ago rose up and an innate sorrow filled her chest, a new bundle of fear hitting her stomach as the boy began to move his face down towards hers. She didn’t want this disgusting human boy’s mouth to touch her - she didn’t want any of him to touch her. ”Let me go or else I will scream,” she warned him, her voice low and dark, holding undertones promising things that he could not ever wish for. A small burning sensation began to broil within her chest, her eyes beginning to take on a slightly-red, somewhat-glowing hue. Her fingers curled inwards, clenching into fists so tightly that her nails dug into her palms. The ends of her hair picked up slightly in the breeze which began to swirl a bit more aggressively than before, and she felt her jaw clench in preparation for the release of her abilities.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazutora Miyato Character Portrait: Velonix Orako
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kazutora miyato.
dialogue ; #853232. – thought ; #035d63.

If Kazutora knew any better, he might think of this week as cursed from start to finish, and it had only just begun. There was something odd in the air, a foreboding sensation that had stuck with him since the past week, put a damper on his mood that was already down enough anyway. Did he know why he felt like this? No, maybe it was just his usual mood swings that hit every so often, the slight regression in his progress whenever the uphill battle got a little to easy for him, and the world thought he needed a kick to the back of his knees again. He was used to this, he could deal with it, he had learned to even if it was miserable. Pop the daily anti-depressant, slip in an anxiolytic, resist the temptation to try and get into Etsuko and Kenta's alcohol cabinet that they always kept locked, and force his way out the door to work or school, whichever he was dealing with first that day.

Work and school were practically the only things that got him up in the morning as of recent, really. He couldn't miss his classes because it might look bad on the Aikawa's, and he couldn't just skip work because he wasn't keen on taking Mr. Zwemmer's kindness towards him and stomping on it like that. The man had hired him despite the background check and Kazutora's situation, given him a safe space to work and make an allowance for himself.

That quiet, safe space, however, seemed to be on its way to a swift end. He'd heard the man loud and clear when the words had left his mouth during his last shift before he'd been left to work the rest of the night alone: "we have a new employee joining us tomorrow. Kazutora, I'm having you train her, okay?"

He'd nearly fell flat on his ass when he'd heard that. A new employee? He was training her? He was joking, right? No way could he...he'd gotten too used to working alone, only had to interact with his boss and the older lady who usually covered days, now he had to work alongside a girl, whoever she was, and help her learn everything too? Was she his age? Was she younger? Was she talkative and annoying or pushy? Would he even last at this rate? So much for a quiet, comfortable job where he rarely had to deal with others beyond customer transactions, now he'd have to spend his hours long shifts with a coworker who probably wouldn't leave him alone from now on, definitely not for the first week or two while she learned.

Rather than expressing any fears or complaints, however, Kazutora gave a weak nod, agreed to it. This was how most jobs went anyway; he'd been lucky to work so quietly on his own for as long as he had, maybe it was just time for reality to set in and for him to lose this comfortable environment in his work. Maybe, just maybe the girl wouldn't be so bad in the end, and he could...

Make his first friend. Friend? Laughable, yeah right. That would never happen. He didn't particularly want that, and anyone in their right mind should know that they wouldn't want to try and be friends with Kazutora either. Everyone at the high school knew that, and none of the incoming freshmen were brave enough to try and talk with their senior classmates yet anyway, so he was safe, just fine, comfortable being alone and just enjoying the solitary quiet that his life had finally provided him.

But not even his quiet life could stay stagnant and comfortable, oh no. If a blow to his quiet space at work was one thing, then transfer students were another added to his growing list of unending pains. Sure, hopefully they'd just leave him alone, and he wouldn't have to deal with them in the end. Hopefully the rumors that never stopped floating around his head would keep them away ("Murderer. Violent. Filthy. Monster."), leave them avoiding him just as much as anyone else did at this point. Please, God, I'm used to the rumors now, at least let them benefit me for once somehow. Beyond getting him driven off the track team, or winning him the disgusted stares of most of his teachers, Mr. Iwao in particularly who practically helped spread them among the staff like a gossipy high school girl.

The talk of the transfers had all of his classmates babbling non-stop about it, making the classroom rowdier than normal, more than Kazutora could stand for the moment. Sure, he'd gotten used to the noise after a couple years of being here, and with a decent amount of time getting used to his class's specific energy as well he should be fine, but excitement and speculation made too much noise for him to relax, and if Mr. Iwao stepped in anytime soon, he would really be at his breaking point.

"There's two of them! They're siblings, did you know? Do you think they're twins? Are they both in our class? I wonder what they look like? I hope the girl is cute... What's their names? Why can't we know now? Can time pass faster, why won't class start now! I just wanna meet them already!"

Too much too much too much-

If he still smoked regularly, he would have snuck off to do so already. Not that he wasn't already sneaking off to be alone now, but with less "nefarious" goals. Just, to get down to the school's courtyard outside, where he could get some quiet and air until the bell rang and forced him back into that classroom. Standing up from his desk and letting the chair slide out lazily from behind him, Kazutora kicked it back into the spot by one of the bars that kept it up, the sound of the movement and scraping over the floor not even loud enough to draw away anyone's attention from the excited, ever growing in volume talk.

His hands found their way into his pockets as he walked, shoulders slouching forward slightly as he skirted around the other students still wandering the halls, talking with friends before splitting up to their respective homerooms. It was almost as noisy out here as it was inside the classroom, until he found an open window and before anyone could take it over. A soft sigh of relief came as sound from the hallways turned into faint background noise, his head stuck out of the window while arms rested over the window's sill. Quiet, quiet, qui-

A loud smack, or it probably would be loud if he'd been closer. To his ears, it sounded faint, only an echo in the air that reached his ears along the breeze. Brows furrowing slightly, his gaze traveled down to the open outdoors below, settling on a trio of people standing around in the courtyard: two guys, an unfamiliar girl. He recognized the guys, they always hung around the gates of the schoolyard. Even if Kazutora wasn't a pristine, perfect student, at least he was quiet and minded his own business. Couldn't Iwao go after these douchebags instead of him?

“Do not touch me,” came the girl's reply, once again barely caught, and Kazutora's brows furrowed further, hands dropping over the window's edge and outside. They'd cornered her now? What next, were they planning on assaulting her in the middle of the school's courtyard? How the hell did they think they'd get away with that?

"Feisty" and "hard to get" reach him again soon after, and muddy red eyes suddenly turned to a glare, sharp, dark. Finally, the touches, and his heart nearly leaped out of his chest, gaze snapping back and forth to the others in the hall. Was no one else fucking seeing this? No one else was paying attention? Why was he...

A growl nearly rises in his throat, rage overflowing from the fragile, small cup it always tried to contain in, and he picks himself up onto the window, swinging his legs over the edge. Only second floor up, it wasn't that bad, he might just get a little jolted once his feet hit the concrete below. But if none of his other useless classmates were going to do something about it, then he wasn't going to sit by and watch either.

It seems him moving over the edge of the window caught a couple gazes, and as he goes over the edge, he hears a voice cry out his name in shock. Relax! Chill! It's not like I just jumped off the roof! It's only the second floor, has no one else done this before!? Not that he waits to see reactions before he's making his way towards the girl and her harassers, who have her pinned up against the building now, only continuously escalating even with her defiant, angry stare and words. They don't seem to have noticed him yet, and he takes that as an advantage, pulling his fingers into a fist as he approaches.

"Hey, asshole!" Finally comes his raised voice, and the two only look up in time for Kazutora's fist to connect with the face of the one holding the girl down. It's an uncomfortable crunching sound that fills the air for a moment of silence, and in his relief his classmate's grip on the girl loosens in his shock, and she's let go as he stumbles back, hand moving up to lazily wipe away the blood that began oozing over his split lip. The blonde stifles a laugh at the sight, but even that wins another swing in his direction with the other's anger, knocking into the side of his head and leaving his ear ringing for a moment. Oh, he hadn't really expected him to fight back, not after being caught so off guard.

Shaking his head slightly, his glare returns easily enough, sharp and deadly now, but the one standing in front of him is surprisingly weak and ego boosted after one successful hit, so it doesn't take any effort at all to land a second, third strike, another punch and a kick, and he's rolling away on the grass towards his friend, groaning like a child.

"Fuck you," is all he hisses at him, before turning to look back at the girl, discomfort suddenly rising within his chest at the sight of her. Let's just part ways here and never speak to each other again, sorry that happened, you're welcome for getting them off your back. Bye.

Instead, "sorry, you okay?" Damning himself to conversation with the low mutter, even with the bloody lip and quietly ringing ear that was nearly faded to silence. "He didn't do any-"

"Kazutora!" Comes the shrieking from a window above, and he winces at the sound, at the familiarity of the voice, gaze shifting up towards where his homeroom teacher stood. Even from here he could practically see the veins bulging from his forehead, gritted teeth looking ready to tear right into him. An internalized groan, a new seed of burning hatred, and he looked away again.

Sorry, Etsuko, Kenta. Guess you're visiting the headmaster and Mr. Iwao with me again tonight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazutora Miyato Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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Code- #FF1493

Code- #0000CD

"I am telling you Kazumi, we should have tried to get our younger siblings get into college, or at least posed as high school students ourselves. It's safer that way."

Kazumi groaned at her younger brother, Natsuo. While she would have preferred, they had gone to the same learning facility herself, she knew this way was the best and she was going to remind her annoying brother again. Currently they were in a secluded area of the college they were at.

"Natsuo, Velonix wanted a bit of a break from you also. Plus, she wanted to experience high school. At least Yuki will be in most of her classes. At least this town has a school system from elementary to college in the same place, so you and I are in the vicinity. Trust our sister to call upon us if she really needs us."

"Oh I trust Vel, it's these mortals I don't trust."

Natsuo was just relieved that he had Shadow keeping an eye on his sister. Crows were pretty common in Akita. One crow, Aeolus, was with them while Gust was watching over their shared estate. Still, Kazumi did have a point, Velonix did need space.

"Well, try not to worry too much Natsuo. Or those worry lines will become wrinkles," Kazumi replied with a smirk.

"Tsk! The day I get wrinkles is the day the sun explodes, which is never. Now come on, don't we have our own classes to go to?"

However, before Kazumi could get a word in, Shadow suddenly appeared. Natsuo was the first to spot him. Even though he couldn't speak to every creature like Kazumi could, at least he could speak to birds.

"Shadow, what's wrong? Is Velonix in trouble?"

The bird had seen two boys target Velonix and even someone come to her rescue, but he didn't stay around long enough to see the conclusion. Kazumi looked at Natsuo and has his grey eyes darken, a sure sign his anger was rising. She herself could feel her own temper come forward but decided to take action before letting it out.

"Thank you for letting us know Shadow. Please lead the way. Let's go Natsuo, I don't think us being late will be an issue if we explain things to the professor."

Natsuo nodded and the two older seasons took off running, following Shadow. It was a good thing the high school was near the college for it only took them a few minutes to get to the scene. It also seemed their appearance on the high school grounds caused people to stare at them, wondering what was going on. They got to the scene just in time to hear someone shot at another person.

Natsuo, who tended to act before thinking, came forward to check on his younger sister, who was clearly in distress, and looked at the blonde hair man. In the meantime,

"Care to explain what happened to my sister?" he asked crossing his arms.

"Really, Natsuo, you have eyes, right? He's obviously not the one who hurt her. Did you see the two other thugs here?" Kazumi said, turning to glare at the two boys.

She would make whole sure they would never mess with her little sister ever again. She knew the two other boys were the ones responsible because Shadow did physically describe all the parties involved. Ignoring Natsuo, she turned to Velonix, came up to her, and gave her a hug.

"Will you be okay Vel?" she cooed in her most soothing voice, one she used on all of her siblings when they needed it.

It was something she picked up from their mother, who had a constant soothing presence.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazutora Miyato Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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”History would be boring without conquerers, bloodthirsty warlords, and saviors.” ~Miltiades Varvounis
Speech Code ~ #B43104
| Thought Code ~ #FE9A2E

As her power built, Velonix could feel a shift in the tension. It almost seemed to crackle with the power as it rose, and the air became stifling rather quickly. Something twinged inside her head, and for a moment, she saw nothing but red, her fingers stretching as she began to release-

"Hey, asshole!"

Just as suddenly as the two delinquents had appeared before her, the boy was suddenly gone, almost in the blink of an eye. Velonix barely registered the vision of fist connecting with face as she was roughly released. She stumbled back a step, bumping into the wall behind her, and looked up in time to see the boy who had so recently been holding her swing hard at the blond who had appeared seemingly out of nowhere and knocked him away. Bewildered by the sudden turn and escalation of events, she didn’t have time to react and shout for her savior to duck, and she winced in sympathetic pain as she watched him take a solid hit to the head. Before she could do anything to even help him - she wasn’t used to these types of circumstances, so excuse her lack of reaction time - the blond had retaliated, striking her assailant several times until the sorry excuse for a boy had rolled away, groaning and whimpering at the feet of his stunned friend.

”Fuck you,” her savior snapped at the injured boy, and she felt a bubble of laughter threaten to escape her throat. She fought it back, knowing that the situation did not call for giggles, but would be lying if she said she wasn’t amused by the blond boy’s words.

It was at that moment that the one who had come to her assistance finally turned and looked at her, and when his fierce gaze settled on her own, she felt her breath hitch a bit in her throat. Eyes like those - ones that pierced into your very soul - and with such an intense hue were rare indeed. Velonix had her fair share of experience with humans, or at least with what they looked like, and it would be a lie to say that she was not intrigued by the unnaturally beautiful gaze.

So distracted by his eyes was she that it wasn’t until the boy spoke that it registered that he was injured. "Sorry, you okay?" He paused for a moment and as he did, she subconsciously lifted her hand a bit, taking a step towards him as she did. ”He didn't do any-" Before he could finish and she could move any further, a rather loud - and rather annoying - voice echoed throughout the courtyard from above, the name that it spewed ringing in the area. The boy’s reaction to the name as well as his wary gaze in the direction of the man who was clearly the perpetrator of such noise led her to the easy deduction that the name had to be the boy’s - or rather, Kazutora’s. Velonix watched as the teacher disappeared from the window, undoubtedly intent on coming down to the yard, and before he would have time to reach them she closed the distance between herself and Kazutora, her hand withdrawing something from the bag that still hung at her hip. It was a small hanky, and she unfolded it quickly, scrunched up one end, and before the boy could react, she had gone on her toes and gently pressed at the bleeding lip.

Almost as soon as she had touched the cloth to his mouth she heard approaching footsteps and took a step back to glance around Kazutora. Oh, Gods - here comes Phoebus. Why am I not surprised that he already knows what happened? she thought bemusedly. Phoebus quickly made it to her side and grabbed her - gently of course - and seemed to give her a quick yet thorough examination before he suddenly rounded on Kazutora, a glare in his deep eyes and arms crossed over his chest.

"Care to explain what happened to my sister?” Frustration instantly bubbled up in Velonix’s chest. Why does he have to be like this? she internally groaned, embarrassment over her brother’s assumptions evident in her reddening face.

"Really, Natsuo, you have eyes, right? He's obviously not the one who hurt her. Did you see the two other thugs here?" Thank the Gods for Aurora - at least she gathered the immediate information before jumping to conclusions. What a great friend, Velonix internally mused as the one who hadn’t touched her turned and fled, clearly not wanting to face any of the smoke from the fire that his buddy had stoked. Suddenly she found herself wrapped in Aurora’s gentle embrace as the older girl murmured gently to her. As soon as she was in her sister’s arms, Velonix felt an uncontrollable wave of tears overwhelm her and she sniffed, a few of the tears escaping. She lifted her hand to rub at her face with her ever-present gloves, attempting to stifle her tears. After a few moments she had managed to collect herself and with an unattractive sniff she nodded at her older sister.

”I’ll be okay,” she said, speaking for the first time since Kazutora had intervened. Finally released from Aurora’s hug, Velonix turned a soft yet dark look on her brother. ”Natsuo, what have I told you about jumping to conclusions?” she huffed out, practically waggling her finger at him as she gently chastised him. If one didn’t know any better, they would think that she was the older sister, with the way that she spoke to him just now.

Deeply inhaling, she let it out slowly in an effort to gather herself and her wits. A lot had just transpired in such a short amount of time, and she felt frazzled as a result, but would be remiss if she neglected to thank the one that had come to her aid. With that thought in mind, she turned to face Kazutora and took a step closer to him so that they were a mere foot or two apart. Her expression softened as she took in his bleeding lip, and she internally winced at the thought of how a human had suffered because of her.

”I am so, so sorry,” she apologized, and it was clear on her face that the words that she spoke rang true. ”I attract a lot of bad luck, and it seems that this time, you were pulled into it as well.” Velonix grimaced a bit, lifting the newly-stained hanky back up, intent on helping him to stem the bleeding, but was cut off by a booming voice.


What could it possibly be now?

When Velonix turned her head towards the voice it was to spot a charging teacher - oh, it was the one who had yelled from the window earlier - headed directly for them. The man’s angered gaze rested solely on Kazutora, and with a flicked glance between the two, she moved forward a bit without a second thought, placing her short stature smack between her blond rescuer and the oddly infuriated teacher. She slipped the hanky into Kazutora’s hand as she did so, fixating a heavy gaze on their professor. Said teacher came to a sudden stop before her, almost as though he hadn’t seen her until the very last moment, and despite the anger in his gaze there was also confusion as he looked between Kazutora and herself.

Before he could speak, Velonix bowed forward at the waist, her hands clutched together before her.

”Please forgive us for the uproar, Senpai, she pleaded convincingly, and she peaked up at the man through her lashes and bangs. ”It was my fault, and if Kazutora had not come to help, I’m afraid that things could have ended up far worse. In fact, you should be thanking him and cut him some slack, do you not agree?” she asked, and as she spoke, a gentle breeze carrying scents of cinnamon and pumpkin slipped past the man, almost instantly soothing his anger. He seemed to relax a bit, his expression softening, and he sighed, rubbing at his head.

”Fine, but only this time, since you’re so new and seem like a good kid,” he grumbled. With that, he turned on his heel and stalked back towards the door to the school, muttering under his breath as he did. When he was finally out of sight, Velonix relaxed and turned back to face her siblings once more.
”I’m alright now, and I apologize for making you worry.” With that said,s he turned back to Kazutora, immediately repeating her actions that she had made with their teacher, yet this time more sincerely. She bowed before him, having studied the pleasantries in countries such as Japan, China, and the like before arriving, and when she glanced up at him, her face held remorse.

”Again, I am so sorry for everything that happened. I did not mean to involve you, and I am extremely grateful for your help.” She straightened, a small smile on her face as she looked up at him. ”My name is Orako - Velonix Orako, but most call me Vel. This is Kazumi, and this Natsuo - my older sister and brother.” she motioned to them respectively. ”We moved here a couple of weeks ago and they will be starting at the university, while I will be in your school,” she smiled at that thought and held out a hand in his direction, clearly intending to introduce herself properly. ”And from what I have gathered you are Kazutora, correct? Or would you rather I address you differently?” she tilted her head a bit, gazing up at him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazutora Miyato Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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0.00 INK

kazutora miyato.
dialogue ; #853232. – thought ; #035d63.

All of that effort, dropping from the second floor, fighting off some asshole and getting a busted lip, a new bruise forming on the side of his head, just to get yelled at by homeroom from the second floor window, to get - probably - a scheduled visit at the headmaster's office and be put under the burning gaze of disappointment and frustration, revulsion, at least from Iwao and perhaps the headmaster at this point. Probably more rumors, new discomfort and- So much for the "peace and quiet," that didn't last, did it?

A groan almost rises out of his chest and into the air, a sharper glare forming as he stares at the ground, and then-

The gentle press of something soft against his lip. Careful, tender, it's an unfamiliar sensation, and he finds himself staring blankly down at the girl who holds a cloth in her hand, who looks at him with something only he can see as worry and concern.

What? What? their right mind...for someone like him...

He's still partly stuck in his shock as she pulls away her hand and the now stained cloth, dark red eyes staring down at her as she moves back a step, glances behind him. Trying to make sense of something that felt impossible to made his head hurt, his mind spin with thoughts and ideas. Was this a joke? A setup? What was next, a slap across the face? A spat joke in bad humor, making fun of him for even thinking, even hoping that for once someone here genuinely looked to him with that concern and harmless kindness?

And then that moment of confused silence is over, as the sound of approach and an older voice cuts through and brings him back to reality. He spins on his heel quickly with something of a defensive expression, hand curling into a fist out of frustration again. Right, this was what was normal, being looked to and spoken to with an accusatory tone that practically smacked the label of "villain" over his forehead before he even got the chance to try and explain, to try and clear up the misunderstanding. Thanks, life, that little spritz of kindness that only lasts a couple seconds, as per usual.

"Care to explain what happened to my sister?"

Irritation and frustration claw their way back into his heart as he faces the dark haired man in front of him, crossed arms and angry expression, not much different than what he'd be facing as soon as Mr. Iwao made it to the courtyard himself. But where had this guy even come from, a college student? Why wasn't he in his damn classes, or sitting in his dorm room or something? And - sister? A glance back and forth between the girl he'd jumped in for and him, the pink haired girl who also looked college aged - seriously, where the hell were the university students coming from!? Was it visit the local high school day or some shit!? A final glance back to the brunette. No way these three were related, unless they were all adopted or something, right? They looked nothing alike.

Still, the accusatory words sting, and his glare sharpens towards the man, venom-spiked words on the tip of his tongue, "excuse me? I didn't-"

"Really, Natsuo, you have eyes, right? He's obviously not the one who hurt her. Did you see the two other thugs here?" The more feminine voice cuts through then, the pink haired girl glaring at Kazutora's two classmates who freeze up upon being acknowledged. He'd already beat the first one's ass, and now there were two others, older, here who they probably wouldn't dare challenge at this point. Brave, cocky faces turned cowardly and wimpy in a split second, it was honestly humiliating. Cool until you don't have the advantage, real great character.

And then he's stumbling back a couple steps, getting out of the way of the entirely unexpected siblings reunion in the middle of the one and only high school in Higashi-Naruse. Discomfort spikes quickly as he watches, gaze flitting back down to the ground at the sound of the brunette's sniffling. He hadn't been the one to make her cry, right? That wasn't his fault?

Then, again, attention back on him, the voice that was growing more familiar and ingrained into his mind; it'd be difficult to forget now. "I am so, so sorry," nearly makes him choke; why the hell was she apologizing to him? What? Had he missed something? "I attract a lot of bad luck, and it seems that this time, you were pulled into it as well." Was she...apologizing for her luck? By all means, shouldn't he do the same as well? His luck was horrendous, they could probably be considered even if she'd made it a habit to go out of her way to apologize for her's.

"Why the hell are you saying sorry?" It's muttered, mostly to himself and immediately drowned out in volume by his name being shouted a second time. Ah, kill him already, he was too tired to deal with this now. Mr. Iwao, go bother someone else, or go after the actual offenders here please! If you didn't want a fight like this maybe you should have stepped in first like any teacher here should!

He about to, albeit begrudgingly, take his homeroom teacher's berating, the usual angry words and sharp, almost shocking reprimands while he dragged him off to the staff's lounge by his uniform jacket. Instead, another shock. The man's charge forward is halted by the girl again, and now she's in front of him, as if her tiny form is somehow strong enough to get the man to stop whatever he's doing. Even the shock that someone is stepping in for Kazutora seems to wear off quickly enough, the irritated expression returning, but before he can even speak she's talking instead herself. "Please forgive us for the uproar, Senpai, It was my fault, and if Kazutora had not come to help, I’m afraid that things could have ended up far worse. In fact, you should be thanking him and cut him some slack, do you not agree?"

If her dabbing away the blood on his lip, and stepping in front of him at Iwao's approach weren't a shock enough, then her words were literally sending him over the edge. Huh? What? Excuse me? Is she- is she trying to defend me? Why- what? This total stranger, who he'd never seen or spoken to up until this point, was defending him? Was telling Iwao to thank him and cut him some slack? Excuse me? Who-

And then Iwao agrees. And then Kazutora can only stare in shock as he walks away, as nothing happens, as he's not yelled at and not dragged off to the headmaster's office and not whispered about again for the rest of then day and not-

The shock, a sensation of disbelief. No way in hell this was happening. In the three years he'd been here, in the fourteen years he'd been alive, not once had someone thought to defend him, or make sure he felt- okay? Was that even the right word? It had always been ignore, accuse, attack, berate, never...this. Something inside his chest warms slightly for a moment, and he can feel a slight pang of...gratitude? Warmth? Was he blushing? No. But the sense is gone in an instant too; how could he even believe this was genuine, real? The look in the girl's eyes swore it to be true, but the voices in his head all shrieked a resounding, "no! How dare he even consider that to be a possibility? That someone didn't outright hate him or at least find a bitter taste in their mouth from the moment they spoke with him?

Not true, not real, no way. It was just some game his classmates had conjured up to rattle his emotions and get his hopes up again, only to douse the tiny matchstick flame in a bucket of water. They'd done it before, why not again? Senior year, their last chance.

But she's talking again, and he lets out an uncharacteristically shaky breath, trying to sort through this sudden change in the plot line of his life, trying to make sense of the unfamiliar girl who stood before him, whose name was Velonix Orako. What the hell kind of name was that? So obviously foreign. And then there's Kazumi and Natsuo, the latter's name he'd already guessed from the former's words. Siblings. And then things start to click in place. They were new here, just a couple weeks ago new, and while Natsuo and Kazumi were attending university, Velonix - Vel? - was staying here. So she was one of the new transfer students? Then, who was the other? Another sibling or just a random? Still, at least he had names now, and a situation and backstory. So even if Velonix wasn't already in on some game with her new classmates, then she probably was just unaware of Kazutora's own reputation and standing in the social realm of the school and town at this point. That would make more sense. She'd probably be looking at him just the same as the rest as soon as she got settled in and others started talking. Especially...after an event like this.

His gaze stays down on her for a moment longer, almost unreadable in the blur of solving his own emotions and thoughts, before he relents with a soft sigh, moving a hand out to shake her's, as odd as it felt. Even with her pressing attention and eyes on him, he keeps his own averted, to the grass, the school building, the pond behind them, avoidant. "Kazutora...Miyato." The last name comes out a bit strained in the volume of a mutter, as always, but he doesn't dwell on it long, "just...Kazutora, is fine." Another short pause, "thanks, for getting Mr. Iwao off my back. Sorry, about everything else."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazutora Miyato Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Iphianassa Lykaois Character Portrait: Mafuyu Hanazawa Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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Code- #FF1493

Code- #0000CD

Kazumi wasn't surprised in the least when her sister started shaking a bit, but soon seemed to calm down. It seemed like they got to Vel just in time for both her and Natsuo knew what happened when Velonix was pushed hard enough now, the darker half of her would awaken. So it while their main concern would always be for their sister, a part of them would always be concerned for others too, not just for their safety, but to keep their cover too.

Once Vel said she was okay and left Kazumi's side, Kazumi had to struggle not to laugh when she turned on their brother.

Natsuo was tempted to make a sarcastic remark, but reframed from doing so, not only because he knew that would get more of a lecture from Velonix, but wouldn't get him anywhere either. In his mind though, he didn't think he was making assumptions, he just was making sure the blonde hair guy wasn't one of the ones who hurt his sister. He turned his gaze to Vel's savior as she started apologizing and talking to him. Natsuo would have said something about that, but they heard someone shouting, presumably at the blonde. Both him and Kazumi stayed silent as Velonix handled the situation. She was always good at peacekeeping. Kazumi kept looking back at the two trouble makers to make sure they stayed where they were. She even went so far as to have all the animals in the nearby area keeping an eye on them.

After the teacher left, Velonix started talking again and introduced herself as well as Kazumi and Natsuo. Kazumi smiled kindly and waved when she was introduced and Natsuo mere nodded his head. It took a few minutes but the guy did finally introduced himself and thanking Vel for getting the teacher of his back.

Kazumi spoke up after he finished.

"Thank you for helping our sister Mr. Miyato. Vel, dearie, we need to get to our first class, but we'll make sure these 'boys' go to the headmaster's office and also the nurse's office," she said before turning to the guys who hurt her sister, "Come on you two, let's get going."

"Why should we listen to you?" one of them said, trying to gather up some courage, but it was obvious he was scared.

Natsuo was hoping for a response like that. There was a reason why he always carried a kendo sword while he was here. Moving so fast that only his sisters could see him movie, one minute he was next to Kazumi, the second he was right in front of the one who spoke, the tip of his wooden kendo sword right at the guys' neck.

"Because it's in your best interests. Be lucky we're only giving you this warning. Now move," Natsuo said in a calm, but threatening voice before lowering the wooden sword.

After that, the older siblings left with the two guys in tow. After taking care of that, they finally headed back to the college. Both knew they were a bit late and hoped they wouldn't be in too much trouble. Knocking on the door of the classroom, the professor opened the door and actually looked relieved to see them, but was still a bit cross at their lateness. He did say this while they were still outside the classroom. Kazumi did explain the situation.

"Well, I know this is your first day of school, so I'll give it a pass for now, but this will be your only warning. I hope your sister is fine now. Give me a few minutes and we'll introduce you two." he said before closing the door.

Several minutes later, the professor returned and allowed the pair to come in.

"Class, here are your new classmates. Please make them feel welcome. Ms. and Mr. Orako, please introduce yourselves."

Kazumi stepped up first and was all smiles. She loved being the center of attention and was already enjoying the reactions of the class, especially the guys.

"Hello, my name is Kazumi Orako and I am the oldest of 4. I love to garden and dance and play woodwind instruments. It's a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to getting to know all of you. You're next brother dear." Kazumi said, winking at Natsuo at that last part.

Natsuo rolled his eyes before looking at the class and saying, "Good morning, I am Natsuo Orako. I like to cook and train."

Kazumi couldn't help but tease her brother and said, "And he's single too ladies!"

Glaring at his sister, Natsuo snapped back, "That's not important right now, Kazumi. Shall I tell everyone all the times you've made our kitchen a disaster area? Oh wait, I just did."

He said that last part with a smirk. Kazumi would have exploded, but the professor intervened.

"Thank you both. There are several seats back there near Miss Lykaois. Feel free to sit back there and we'll continue the class."

Both siblings calmed down and nodded. Soon they found themselves near the person the professor indicated. Kazumi sat right next to the girl while Natsuo sat behind his sister. He couldn't help but look at the dark hair girl a few times for she didn't act like the other girls in class, who kept giggling when looking in his direction.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuyuki Orako Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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”The tongue weighs practically nothing,
But so few people can hold it.” ~African Proverb

Speech Code ~ #B43104
| Thought Code ~ #FE9A2E
Phoenix Speech Code ~ #FF0000 | Phoenix Thought Code ~ #DF0174

It would be a lie to say that she had missed the conflicting emotions flashing through the boy’s eyes, but before she could pinpoint what exactly those feelings were, Kazutora had averted his gaze, making it blatantly obvious that he was looking everywhere but at her. This caused an eyebrow to arch in interest - Why was he refusing to look at her? Did he find her that hideous and awful to look upon? Velonix shook away the thought, distracted by the warmth of his hand slipping into her own. His grip was firm but soft, and his palm was slightly callused, the little scars of his life experiences faintly dotting his pale skin - hands that belonged to someone who had seen the true difficulties of life. For a moment she felt a small rise of curiosity, and a fleeting thought to simply remove her gloves and force him to reveal his memories, albeit unbeknownst to him, flashed through her mind. Do it. You know you want to know. She winced a bit at the voice that spoke to her, one so similar to her own yet so vastly different in inflection and tone. She couldn’t focus on such a toxic inner voice; it could so quickly lead to her downfall. Instead she returned her focus to Kazutora, who was still making a drastic effort not to meet her stare, and she almost seemed to make it a game of sorts. When he looked one way, she leaned in that direction to meet his gaze - when he looked quickly to another direction, she would hop slightly to the side so that he had no choice but to meet her eyes.

After a few changes in direction, he seemed to give up, at that point his face turned somewhat to the ground as he peered down at it, almost as though he were intently counting each blade of grass. "Kazutora...Miyato. Just...Kazutora, is fine." Velonix couldn’t contain her smile and she beamed up at him, clearly pleased with his introduction. "Thanks, for getting Mr. Iwao off my back. Sorry, about everything else."

Now it was her turn to be confused over his words, for why in the world was he apologizing to her? If it weren’t for him, she would still be dealing with the disgusting excuse of humans that had been harassing her, and if it weren’t for her, he never would have gotten hurt or been at risk of punishment by the administration. Her confusion evident on her face, she quirked a brow and tilted her head a bit, tapping her chin inquisitively with her index finger. She studied him for a moment, a million thoughts flashing through her mind in record time. From his mannerisms to his words, it was clear that the boy was troubled for some reason - but, why? It wasn’t like she had done anything to him, but his weariness was clear in his features and the way that he held himself. She took a step closer and peered at his face, her own expression intent and serious as she studied his features.

Hehe, cute little pup, isn’t he? You should make a move - I know we’d both enjoy a little toy like him, especially when it comes to playing with his mind.

Velonix visibly blanched as the words slithered through her mind. It was true that the young man that stood before her wasn’t lacking when it came to his physical attributes, and he was clearly more than capable of holding his own in a confrontation. What Phoenix had said was at least a partial truth - he was attractive, physically. His actions, though, made her instantly nauseous at the thought of doing something to cause this boy pain, whether directly or not, and she couldn’t contain the broiling anger in her chest at the mere mention of it.

You know nothing, Phoenix - I could never do that to him. Go away!

The only response she received was a low giggle, one that held the promise of something unpleasant in the future. The sense of foreboding that she felt over this internal laugh gave her a dreadful feeling, and as she withdrew her hand from Kazutora’s, she absently rubbed at the goosebumps rising on her arms. At that moment, her siblings spoke up, informing her of their intent to turn in the remaining delinquent to the Headmaster for her before returning to their own classes. She watched in amusement as Natsuo seemingly flashed to the boys’ side, sword withdrawn, and mulled over the fact that while her brother was a bit of a stick in the mud, he was still protective and loving towards her and their siblings. He would definitely make an amazing husband to his future wife. A grateful smile crossed her lips and she stepped over to them, wrapping her arms around them both at the same time in a small group hug.

”Thank you so much - truly. I have no idea where I would be without you both and Yuki,” she spoke softly, and she released them just as gently. Once they had left with protesting troublesome boys, Velonix turned back to Kazutora once more and gave him a smile, despite her inner thoughts, and almost seemed to radiate sweetness to the point of tooth decay.

”Mm, I believe it to be only fair that I extinguish the flames that I helped to create, no?” she asked, referring to helping with the teacher, who she now knew as Mr. Iwao - she would have to remember his face and name for later, should he continue to cause any trouble for this boy that she was quickly considering to be a friend, her first friend on Earth, if she was being completely honest. She peeked up at him through her lashes at that thought, remembering something that Phoenix had said, about his ‘cute’ features. Her alter ego was not far off, but if she were to pick a word to describe the boy before her, cute would be an understatement. She studied him, taking in his porcelain complexion and blond locks that were so vastly different from his intense, dark eyes. His face was narrow but not unhealthily so, and a darkening spot on his cheek gave her a harsh twinge in her heart that she couldn’t quite explain. Was it pity, guilt, regret - or something else? He was lean and not necessarily muscular, but certainly was not lacking in his build.

So into her study was she that it wasn’t until she looked back up at his gaze that she realized how long she had been eying him down. Almost instantly she turned a bright, crimson red, and she quickly turned her face away from him, digging through the bag at her waist as a coverup for why she looked away so quickly. When she removed her hands once more, it was to reveal an instant cold pack, which she crackled quickly before it was held in Kazutora’s direction with a dainty, gloved hand. Her expression bespoke her remorse over him being injured because of her, and before he could refuse the pack, she gently took his hand once more in hers and slid it into his palm which still held her hanky. She closed his fingers around the items before pressing his hand to his abdomen insistently, somehow knowing that he would be the type to reject them.

”Please, make sure to ice your face well. It looks quite painful, and is already bruising and swelling a bit. You should visit the nurse before class,” she advised, her concern evident in her eyes. She was nothing if not the type to wear her heart on her sleeve, and she refused to change that fact about herself.


Jolted from her thoughts, Velonix felt panic rise up inside of her. They had been so distracted by everything that she had lost track of time, and now the warning bell was chiming, signaling that they had five minutes to get to class before they would be marked tardy. Unfortunately for her, she didn’t exactly know where class was.

With a slightly panicked look at Kazutora, she bent at the waist once more before quickly breathing out,
”It was nice meeting you, I hope we can become close friends!” before she was off, not waiting for a response. She did, however, cast one last glance over her shoulder back at him, unable to resist a final glimpse of the boy that had saved her - Kazutora.

The name stuck in her mind as she searched for her class, and the events that had brought them to meet played behind her eyes as she jogged. The second bell eventually chimed, signaling that students were to take their seats and prepare for homeroom, and it was then that she finally found her room - 3C. The homeroom teacher was just about to step through the doors when she noticed her approaching somewhat out of breath, and an amused smile crossed the woman’s lips as the teenager came to a stop before her, attempting to catch her breath as she scrambled out an apology for being late.

Mrs. Satō simply smiled down at her reassuringly, giving her a light pat on the head. ”It’s okay, don’t worry - today’s your first day, so it’s understandable if you got a little lost. Just don’t let it happen again, okay?” she told her kindly. ”I’ll be your homeroom and History teacher, Mrs. Satō, so feel free to come to me if you have any troubles.” She slid open the door a bit further, still speaking as she did so. ”Just let me tell the class that you’re here and I’ll introduce you.” With that said, she disappeared through the door, sliding it almost completely shut behind her.

A few moments ticked by as Velonix stood in silence, listening as Mrs. Satō gave her morning greetings and began to introduce her as the new student. She couldn’t help but wonder where Yuki was - he should’ve beaten her to class, seeing as his meeting with the Headmaster had been before hers. He must have run into some trouble along the way, and at the thought of that, she sent a quick prayer to her parents that he was safe.

When the introduction had finished, Velonix plastered a smile on her face that didn’t quite reach her eyes, her concern over her brother’s absence too difficult to entirely cover, and with a slide of the door, she easily entered the room. Her heart hammered in her chest, thundering in her ears as she moved, an entirely unfamiliar feeling for the young goddess. Was this ... Nervousness? She had never had anything to feel nervous about, so the emotion was foreign, but from what she knew, the closest thing to explain the feeling would be either anxious or nervous. Soft whispers floated across the room as her new classmates gossiped amongst themselves, and her slightly superior hearing easily picked up the words, which ranged from praise to disdain towards her appearance. They say that it only takes 27 seconds to make a first impression, and to her that seemed a bit of a disappointment, as it was clear most people made their decisions on their views upon one another based entirely on physical qualities alone. Things like, 'What a babe', 'Wow, what a tryhard skank' and 'She's so pretty!' slithered through her eardrums, and she felt a bit of hurt mixed with embarrassment over their words. What a fantastic first impression she'd made.

Velonix was jerked from her thoughts as her teacher began to speak, lightly touching the girl's upper arm as she introduced her. ”Class, please give a warm welcome to Miss Velonix Orako. Her brother is the other new student that you all have heard about and I’m sure that he’ll be joining us shortly, but as for now, Miss Orako is the only one here, so please make sure to be kind and helpful to her as she adjusts to our lovely school,” the teacher said, and Velonix was impressed by the woman’s ability to speak so much without taking a single breath. It was clear that the woman was well-practiced in public speaking, she’d give her that much.

A bow and a smile, and Velonix straightened once more to face her class, giving them that same cheerfully false smile.

”Hello, I am Velonix Orako. I enjoy books, the arts, and sweet things. I am so happy to meet you all, and I cannot wait to become friends with everyone here. Please, treat me kindly,” she introduced herself sweetly, ignoring the odd stares that she was receiving from the other students - a mixed pool of piqued interest, jealousy, and lustful gazes littered their features, and none of those things really sat well with her. Their auras clung to them desperately in an attempt to not meld with the sheens of auras belonging to the others; there were far too many people in the one area for her to be able to make out the individual hues, and doing so would undoubtedly cause her eyes to hurt. She would have to tread carefully with these human students - who knew what type of things that adolescents were capable of?

As she glanced over the group of her new peers, she idly heard the teacher saying something about where she could sit, and when the woman pointed at the three empty desks surrounding a rather familiar individual, Velonix felt her heart quicken a bit - this time she knew it was due to excitement though. Before she could stop herself, a genuine smile bloomed across her face.

”Kazutora!” she called cheerfully, giddiness obvious over seeing the boy once again. So involved in her enthusiasm was she that the expressions of her classmates were entirely missed by her eyes; how they changed from interest to mixes of confusion and disdain over the mere mention of the boy’s name. Before the teacher could say anything else, Velonix had slipped through the desks and begun to approach her blond savior, when she was suddenly stopped by a hand tightly gripping her wrist through her sleeve. Surprised, her head snapped to the side, her eyes settling on the boy who held her in place.

”Excuse me, but I do not believe I gave you permission to touch me,” she said coolly, her voice sugary sweet but holding dark undertones. The boy simply smirked at her, his eyes showing an underlying hint of malice. A pause as he almost seemed to eye her up and down, and she felt her skin crawl a bit under his gaze. Despite the mesh of auras, she could instantly pin point the darker hues swirling around him - This is someone I have to make sure to avoid.

”Hey, hey, hey, no need for the hostility. I was just trying to help a new classmate out. Trust me, you definitely do not wanna sit by that … thing over there,” he warned, tossing a thumb with his free hand in Kazutora’s direction. At the boy’s words, Velonix’s expression visibly darkened. As he moved, his finger idly brushed across her bare wrist, and before she could control it, a barrage of images flashed before her eyes. It happened quickly, almost instantaneously, and she felt an instant pain flash through her skull at the onslaught of moving pictures and sounds. Snippets of interactions between the boy and who he assumed were his parents, giving him money as though it were the most normal thing in the world; the boy smoking cigarettes behind buildings and joking around with his friends; and finally, him looming over a very familiar blond male, foot connecting repeatedly with the downed boy as Kazutora laid curled on the ground before him, his friends more than happy to help him in the beating. The sight wrenched at Velonix's heart and before she knew what she was doing and the boy could react, she tore her wrist away from his grip and rubbed at her skin, as though attempting to get his disgusting touch off of her body, and fixed a revolted glare on him.

”I appreciate the advice, but maybe you should learn to mind your own business,” she bit out, her eyes narrowed and hard. She glanced around a bit, noticing that almost all of the other students had similar expressions to the boy who had stopped her. They were staring intently at the interaction, as though it were their entertainment for the day. Their teacher ignored the drama between the students as it was common for teenagers to have spats, instead focusing on preparing for their lessons. Another boy who sat beside the first leaned over in his chair, looking up at her earnestly.

”Seriously, he isn’t joking - that guy’s a real monster, so you’d be smart not to go near him.”

At that, Velonix took a step back from the duo, a look of awe and repulsion on her face.

I’m sorry, but last I checked, I had a mind of my own that was perfectly capable of making its own decisions and judgements. The last thing that I need are a couple of simple-minded children whose intellect is on par with that of a Neandrethal telling me who I should or should not associate myself with. Perhaps next time, you should think carefully before speaking, lest you publicly embarrass yourself any further by judging another person without getting to know them first,” she snapped out - her voice was cold, entirely different from how it had been a mere few moments before when introducing herself, and she made her anger over the boys’ words oh-so-very-clear.

With that said, she made her way to the back of the room and rather matter-of-factly dropped her bag onto the floor beside her chair, a loud thud sound reverberating throughout the space, having chosen a desk directly beside Kazutora. The other students stared at her in a mixture of shock, surprise, and awe at her boldness, to which she met each gaze firmly, ready to bite out another retort at their rudeness, but before they could begin whispering amongst themselves, Mrs. Satō cleared her throat and called for their attention, slipping easily into their first lecture of the day. Velonix withdrew a notebook, pencil, eraser, and her textbook, smoothly flipping open to the page written on the whiteboard. As she settled into her seat and parted her notebook to a blank page, she cast a sideways glance over at Kazutora, a small smile on her lips, and she gave him a small yet clear wink, already beginning to take notes as their teacher spoke.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazutora Miyato Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Reiya Goertz Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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0.00 INK

kazutora miyato.
dialogue ; #853232. – thought ; #035d63.

Something about Velonix really threw him off. She wasn't quite like anyone else he knew at this point, or, more than just "quite," she really wasn't like anyone he knew. Chalking it up to her just not knowing any better, to not realizing who she was talking to so comfortably right now, was the only thing that helped him make sense of the situation. Surely, as soon as she entered whatever class she'd been dropped in and their classmates inevitably approached her and "warned" her of him, she'd grow to look at him just the same as everyone else did here, and it would be back to that normalcy he'd grown accustomed to these past three years. The equation was ready, x = new student and y = today's new gossip + three years of rumors, the only part missing was the time it took for her to reach class and start a conversation.

Still, being treated like a human being by one of his peers for the first time in years was...refreshing. Kind. Nice. He almost didn't want it to end, but holding onto that hope would only leave him disappointed in the end; expect the worst and you'll never be hurt.

The girl proves herself as persistent though, perhaps well meaning, but his heart starts beating a little too quickly when she seeks out his gaze, and he tries to choke back the incoming anxiety, as if that could even do anything. One look to the left, and she's leaning that way. To the right, and her head bobs into his field of vision again. Up and she gets on the tips of her shoes, and then finally he casts his gaze to the floor, throws out his hand and forces out his introduction. That, at least, seems to satisfy her, and a quick glance catches that bright, beaming smile she has aimed in his direction, almost an approving nod. That smile turns confused after his apologies, though, and as it takes over her expression, he finds her staring at him, as if he were some picture to study.

A study gone wrong, apparently, because soon her face is paling, eyes widening slightly and her hand withdrawn swiftly, rubbing at her own arms uncomfortably as they cross over her chest. He blanks at the reaction, now free hand moving to gently press at his lip, cheek, before something sharp pricks his heart, makes his chest tighten. Right, that was a normal reaction to seeing him; had she finally realized who he was? Who she was offering her kindness to? Certainly not someone who deserved it, if any of the others in Higashi-Naruse had something to say about it.

"Thank you for helping our sister Mr. Miyato," is the slightly unfamiliar voice that draws his attention away from conflicting, frustrated emotions, and his gaze turns towards the pink haired woman who turns to give her goodbyes to Velonix, to finally return to their actual school. You know, a college, not a local high school. Not quite finished yet, though, as she turns towards the two who had harrassed Velonix, who had made him bleed, with a short, matter of fact, "come on you two, let's get going."

He looks away from them both then, back down to the ground, silently searching for some way to get out of this situation and back to that quiet corner where his desk was. Abnormality and confusion would be over soon, and it would be back to trying to graduate and get out of the grip his classmates had on him and his reputation, without ending up half dead by their hands or actually throwing himself off the school's roof someday.

That short-lived search for freedom is over in a heartbeat, though, and he finds himself looking back to the girl when he feels her smile and gaze burning into his back again. Hadn't she just looked at him like he was something to be afraid of...two seconds ago? He hadn't missed her paling face, what was with this flip in expression and demeanor again? Truly, she was becoming hard to make sense of, and he wasn't sure how to handle it.

"Mm, I believe it to be only fair that I extinguish the flames that I helped to create, no?" Probably in response to his expressed gratitude earlier, and he gives a light shrug in response at it, glancing away towards the school again, where that man had stormed off to. How long until he would be switching place with his homeroom teacher and ramming math into his head for an hour? That was third hour, wasn't it? The man would probably be after his ass during that period today, given he couldn't give him shit earlier thanks to Velonix's interference.

Who was, once again, staring at him for an extensive period of time. Was this a cultural thing? Was it a cultural difference that was normal where she was from? Because it definitely wasn't normal here; it was anxiety inducing and he was-

And then she's looking away in a startled manner once again, and Kazutora expects her to go pale once more, but rather than losing color from her face, she's gaining color, bright red and impossible to miss. Embarrassed? Did she realize how long she'd been staring at him for? He practically felt like going red in the face as well at this point, as if he should feel flustered or sheepish over something he did or something on his face: the busted lip or darkening bruise, he didn't know. It wasn't like he could make those things disappear at this point, nor could he make himself disappear, at least not right now, not until he could find a way to leave without causing anger or discomfort.

Velonix is speaking again though, and suddenly he feels contact to his hand, the soft fabric of her glove and then the freezing sensation of the icepack she'd pulled out of her bag, on top of that handkerchief that she'd slipped into his palm earlier. He still needed to return that, actually, given he'd figured she had just needed him to hold it for her for a bit, or maybe she wanted him to wash it and return it later since he'd been the one to stain it, but now it was trapped underneath the icepack and his closed hand, her own gently holding it that way as if he might throw it right back at her given the chance. Honestly, he probably would have tried to return it or shove it in her bag before leaving if he got the chance, eyeing the open flap of it now anyway, but soon enough she was speaking, gentle and concerned, just as before, "please, make sure to ice your face well. It looks quite painful, and is already bruising and swelling a bit. You should visit the nurse before class."

Blinking once at her words, his brows only furrowed further as she got them out, a request, an observation, a suggestion. He blanks again from it, mind still trying to keep up with all the confusion blooming out of this situation and this new student, and truly, he was feeling at his wits end. Too kind, too concerned for his well being, too generous, it had been years-

The ringing of the bell draws him from his drowning thoughts, draws her from her expressions of concern before they turn to slight panic for herself as she practically scrambles back, bows, and then waves as she runs for the building, an, "it was nice meeting you, I hope we can become close friends!"

His mind finally short circuits, and he can only stare in her direction as she goes. Close friends? She wanted to be friends with him?

God, give her a week and she be backpedaling on those words fast as she can. He scowls slightly, before half begrudgingly pressing the icepack to his face, and making his way to the classroom that he'd be stuck in for the rest of the year: 3C. At least when the warning bell rang it cleared out the hallways quickly, and those left in the spaces were more focused on getting to class than they were him. An easy walk to the third floor, lazily back to his desk, and he falls into the seat with a slouch, a slight scrape of the chair legs over the floor. Still, the sound is drowned out by the continuously excited chatter, and he rolls his eyes, crossing his arms over the top of the desk and resting his head over the top of them. If he'd lost his nap for the morning, then maybe Mrs. Satō would have mercy and let him sleep through homeroom and part of social studies. Probably not.

The final bell rings and silence slowly begins to fall over the classroom as the other students prep for their teacher to enter, as they do their best to give a good first impression for the new students, and Kazutora keeps his head down on the table, ignores the sound of his teacher entering and closes his eyes. Only for them to snap open again, and for his head to lift from his arms at the oh so familiar voice that introduces herself to the class.

"Hello, I am Velonix Orako. I enjoy books, the arts, and sweet things. I am so happy to meet you all, and I cannot wait to become friends with everyone here. Please, treat me kindly."

Velonix!? She was one of the new students in his class!?

Iphi, please tell me, do the gods only want to see me suffer? Is my life entertainment for them? Truly, he was feeling that way now. Not only did they drop Velonix into his life for a short moment of kindness and a sensation of hope that was still burning in denial in his mind, now he had to sit here and watch his classmates tell her all the rumors and stories surrounding his little head like annoying gnats, and see her kind and cheerful expressions towards him turn to ones of disgust and hate in real time. Thanks, a whole lot.

And then she's calling out his name in that happy, gleeful tone, and he wishes he could throw himself out this window right now. Did she really just do that? Was she really going to keep this up, in front of all the others? Did she realize how the others would react to that? He could already feel the stares, the snickers and the disgust, and for a moment he caught Kenji's gaze, the asshole's sneer only growing over his face at this perfect opportunity he was being provided.

Her giddy approach to his desk, or the one beside him is halted though when Kenji's hand snaps out the grab her wrist, a grip far too tight from what Kazutora could see, and he nearly jumps out of his seat. Hadn't he just kicked someone's ass for harassing her anyway? Why not do it again?

And probably get the life beaten out of him after classes when he gathered all of his friends so they could take "revenge?" As if he hadn't gone home covered in bruises and cuts after one of those and nearly given Etsuko and Kenta heart attacks. But her sharp words leave soon, a glare in their classmate's direction as she gives small tugs to try and get out of her grip, but Kenji slips in his own words before she can get away, poisoned words filling the air of the room as everyone stays quiet and listen, snickers and whispers along, "hey, hey, hey, no need for the hostility. I was just trying to help a new classmate out. Trust me, you definitely do not wanna sit by that…thing over there,"

Oh, we weren't going to wait to do this? The shift in Velonix's perspective was going to be changed, day one, right in front of him as she had been on her way to sit next to him? His chest tightens at the words all the same. There's something about hearing the words spoken so carelessly, cruelly, right in front of him where they know he can hear. Stings, burns, and he turns his head away from, stares out the window at his left as he tries to choke back anxiety, rage, the urge to jump up from his chair and just punch Kenji out of his. But first the brunette's words reach his ears, and he pauses, brows furrowing slightly. Did she...just tell him to mind his own business? Kenji?

"Seriously, he isn’t joking," comes the next voice, Hitoshi Oka or something, he always hung around Kenji, "that guy’s a real monster, so you’d be smart not to go near him." But his gaze is already turned back towards them, wide and in shock that she'd even cast of their warnings in the first place. That...that had never happened before. The word monster rings incessantly in his ears, but so do her's, and they only grow as she speaks again, tearing her wrist from his grip and glaring down at them, "I’m sorry, but last I checked, I had a mind of my own that was perfectly capable of making its own decisions and judgements. The last thing that I need are a couple of simple-minded children whose intellect is on par with that of a Neandrethal telling me who I should or should not associate myself with. Perhaps next time, you should think carefully before speaking, lest you publicly embarrass yourself any further by judging another person without getting to know them first."

No way. way. This. This was a dream? There was no way this was- this was not fucking happening because there was no one on this earth that would even try. That would even care but now he was-

He can only stare at her as she makes the rest of her way to the desk, dropping down the bag and into her seat without a care for the stares, the looks making their way over to them, so shocked they can't even respond to what's been said and done. Their homeroom is finally starting too, though, and as she begins her neat writing into her notebook for the lecture, he catches a glance, a smile, a wink, like what she'd done was simple and unimportant, like that wasn't the first time someone had stuck up for him or told off Kenji since he'd been here, for three years. She...had no idea.

A look up to the other boy for a short moment wins him the glare and dark smile that promises hell, though, and suddenly he knows that this whole ordeal wouldn't go without him catching Kenji's anger over the humiliation in the end. A tighter grip on the ice pack, and all he can do is stare down at his desk, neglecting even pulling anything out to take notes with. At this point, it would probably end up in the school's pool anyway.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazutora Miyato Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Iphianassa Lykaois Character Portrait: Reiya Goertz
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0.00 INK

Code- #D66B70

Reiya never liked gossip, but school had been buzzing with it about a new students. She was very familiar with how rare it was for the town to get new residents. She herself had generated such a response a few years ago when she moved here from Germany. It did die down within a couple of weeks, but that brief time wasn't easy for her. It was a huge learning curve to get use to Japan's school system. Add that, plus getting use to Eastern culture, meeting new people, AND making sure her parents' company ran smoothly in her absence, it was very hard for a 14 year old, even though that young lady was labeled genius. She actually could have easily decided to start at the college level when she moved here, but knew that she already stuck out like a sore thumb just being ONE year ahead of others her age. So while the classes she had were very easy and she was a straight A student at the head of her class, she still felt awkward being around others her age. Only person she enjoyed being around was her good friend, Iphianassa, also known as Iphi. Despite being several years older than years, the two met when Reiya wanted to check out a local temple where Iphi worked and the two just seemed to hit if off. That had happened no long after Reiya moved to Japan.

At the moment Reiya was waiting for homeroom to start. Again students here were talking about new students. Reiya would admit, she was curious on who they were and wondered if she would run into either of them. Very likely since Akita's school system wasn't very big. It wasn't long before the warning bell rings and someone she knew shows up; Kazutora Miyato. She only knew him because they both were friends with Iphi. Well, for Reiya, it seemed like Kazutora was more like a sibling to Iphi. When school initially started and she learned she and the blonde shared classes together, she did make a point to tell Iphi this and knowing Iphi's concern for the boy, told her she would keep an eye on him. A lot of help she had been though, the guy seemed to attract trouble wherever he went. Like right now it looked like he'd been in another fight since he was carrying an ice pack. Plus it didn't help that Reiya found him very intimidating and that was why she herself hardly spoke to him.

Soon the 2nd bell rings, and Reiya automatically sits up, waiting for the teacher to show up. She does just a second later and after greeting them all, said they were going to get a new student today. Reiya's eyes opened wide a bit. Looks like she was going to meet one of them sooner rather than later. Soon, the new student comes in and Reiya automatically could tell the girl wasn't of Asian descent. Then again, Reiya was 1/2 Japanese, and she didn't look a thing like her Japanese relatives, having gotten her looks from her father's side. Only physical trait she got was her petite stature and to some extent, her height. The teacher mentioned that they would also be getting the girl's brother too, but he hadn't arrived yet. Reiya couldn't help but frown and wondered where the other new student was. In the meantime, her attentioned turned back to the new female student. The girl introduced herself as Velonix Orako, listed a few of her hobbies, and said a few more things. Glancing around, Reiya caught the looks of some of the students, especially the boys looking at Velonix. Typical behavior, still Reiya couldn't help but feel drawn to the girl herself for some reason. She just had this . . . . aura . . . about her that made you want to be around her. It was a weird feeling to be sure.

When the teacher instructed Velonix to sit down, the girl called out to Kazutora. Now that came as a surprise. When did these two meet? Before class? Seeing the condition Kazutora was in, she wondered if this happened before or after his fight. All thoughts exited her head when one of the boys grabbed ahold the new girl. She couldn't help but listen into the conversation and began to admire Velonix for standing up for Kazatora, who looked bewildered by her words. At that moment, Reiya felt a bit of shame. She knew Kazutora had been bullied, yet she never really sought to see if he was ever okay. Well, that was going to change right now. So despite fear rising in her own belly, she quickly got up, grabbed her things, and headed back towards Kazatora and Velonix, and sat in front of the blonde guy. She didn't say anything but looked at the teacher as the class began.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazutora Miyato Character Portrait: Kazuyuki Orako Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Reiya Goertz
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0.00 INK

kazuyuki orako.
dialogue ; #a59bbd. – thought ; #94bbed.

The headmasters office was...overwhelming. Not necessarily in its decoration, but more in its atmosphere. Bookshelves lined one wall, the other holding glass cases with awards and certificates and trophies, a door to what was probably some sort of closet. Large windows covered the back, bringing in plenty of light given the room was west facing after all, and placed in front of those windows was a heavy, cherrywood desk, cleaned and perfect, a nameplate at the front listing the name "Sazumi" in perfect, centered kanji. A plant in the corner that he knew was fake, a couple books piled on the desk, a computer monitor, an open planner, all of this just screamed preppy, perfect, professional. Even the man who sat across from him, behind that pretty wooden desk, looked every one of those words. An older man, perhaps in his fifties? Prim and proper, with a suit and tie, though really it's what he expected. It was important to look professional when you were the head of a school, wasn't it? Personally he wondered how the man managed to handle being in a suit all day, but he wasn't here to ask questions.

The man had his hands resting on top of the desk comfortably, and Kazuyuki found himself staring down at them for a moment before the man cleared his throat, and his attention was back up to the almost twinkling eyes of the older male. "Kazuyuki Orako, yes? And you're here with your sister." The smile is a little brighter at this, and Kazuyuki nods, giving an awkward half bow in his seat. "Thank you for allowing us to transfer to your school, sir. We'll do our best to live up to your expectations." The words win a small chuckle out of him then, and he waves lightly at the air. "Don't stress over it too much, I'm sure you'll both do just fine here."

Leaning back into his office chair, his hands clasped at each other while his arms settled on the rests on either side of him. "I simply like to introduce myself personally to each of the students, to help them feel a little more comfortable here and with me. You can just call me Mr. Sazumi, Kazuyuki. How does that sound?"

"It sounds good, sir." Is all he can really manage. The man laughs lightly at that, nodding once, "well then, I won't keep you long; I still need to meet with your sister after all. I do hope this school treats you well, but don't be shy to drop by my office or any of the staff's if a problem arises, hm?" A nod, and another smile from the man before finally he excused him, gently shooing him out of the room before the assistant headmaster arrived with his sister, Harmo- Velonix.

Should he have waited for her at the door? Or maybe back at the seats they'd taken before the meeting? Probably, maybe it would have taken some of the stress off of her if her only sibling attending the school with her was around, but right now Kazuyuki just...needed to be alone. Just peace and quiet, for a couple minutes, so he could collect his thoughts, stabilize his emotions, and figure out what he was even doing here.

So down out of the office, and back into the halls he went. Only to find that the student body attending this place were beginning to arrive, and the originally near empty halls were beginning to crowd. Right, okay, and now the halls that had smelled of cleaning supplies and vague lingering scents were filled with teenagers. Sure, not all of them were probably bad, but there were enough that made his face crinkle slightly at them, made his head pang with an ache that he wouldn't be able to get rid of; that he had been so sure would plague him for the entirety of his stay here. Someone needed a shower badly, someone was wearing way too much perfume, cologne, someone's uniform desperately needed to be washed, someone-

Brushing the back of his hand under his nose for a moment, he dodged around the few students here, before finding that same door they'd come in through this morning, and out into the fresh air. There were others arriving now too, stares and whispers, and silently he wondered if sometimes Velonix's ability was far more overwhelming than his. Still, he didn't care to be within the circles of gossip directly yet, and with a quick turn on his foot he made his way for the backend area of the high school's courtyards.

It was behind the classroom equipment shed that he ended up, where a slab of concrete rested right before the grass, and in a lazy, tired movement, he let himself fall to sit on top of it, back leaning against the metal wall behind him. Quiet. Peaceful, so much less stressful, with much better scents wafting past him on the breeze, nature and fresh air and the blooming flowers that his eldest sister's spring usually brought along. Truthfully, he could usually keep his sense of smell toned down, under control, but all of this...everything happening...too much. It was just too much. He was used to the quiet home he shared with his parents, siblings, the stars, but now they were in Japan. Sure, it wasn't Tokyo or Yokohama, but jumping from the small family unit to nearly 2,500 strangers was...not something he'd been ready for. Human strangers too. What could he expect of them? What would they think of him, if they learned that he was the one who turned their mild autumns to bitter cold and dark?

Not that he would tell any of them. Nor would any of his siblings. That was part of this whole deal, the whole reason they'd taken on false names; hide their status as gods, right? No normal human would be able to handle that kind of information, it was why their parents hadn't revealed themselves, the family, for all these years.

Drawing his knees up to his chest, he absentmindedly used his foot to kick away a stray cigarette butt, watching it roll further away from him, right into a pile of...more. Gross. Were they a teacher's that had neglected to throw them away somewhere more sanitary, more respectful of the nature around them, or were they a student's? Students'? A silent stare down at the pile, the others scattered around, and he got the sense that it was probably a group of them, and this was their hangout spot. Not...the most comforting possibility, but they weren't here now, so he could at least enjoy it for the moment.

And that he did. To the point that once his nerves had calmed, he began dozing off, the exhaustion of this change and new environment catching up to him. He hadn't really had much of a chance to be alone since they'd all arrived here, had he? Not at that home the four of them were staying at, and even when he ventured out to the streets, there were usually a fair few people around. Here, where he sat and catnapped, it was silent beyond passing cars and birdsong, far enough away that even the voices of students didn't reach his ears.

Neither did the warning bell, either, it seems. Or the final bell. Something he hadn't realized, until he'd risen up from his spot, stretched, and wandered around the corner of the shed, back to the side of the main building, and suddenly the realization that it was empty again hit. A glance to the clocks suspended on some of the exterior walls told him it was already ten minutes into their first hour, and finally, his heart sank.

Late...the first day? His stomach twisted, glancing around again at the empty grounds. no no, I've already been dreading having to go through class introductions! How could I let this happen!? His pace picked up quickly then, half to a jog as he made his way back to the front doors, up the steps, past classrooms and students that sometimes glanced through the window to the hall to see him. Gods, why didn't I hear the bells!?

It takes awhile for him to find the right classroom, having not explored and found it first before wandering off, like an idiot. But at least he was here now, late as ever, staring at the door that lead inside, shut tight as a muffled voice speaks from the inside. He almost begins pacing as he tries to build up the courage to open that door, tries to prepare himself to be the center of attention of far too many strangers all at once. Too late to turn back now, though. Starting out his first day with an absence already would not give him a good outlook for the rest of the year.

Shaking hand on the door, he carefully moves it open, the light rattle bringing over the teacher's attention first, and then, everyone's. All eyes on him, so many different expressions, whispers, what were they saying what were they doing why were they-

"Oh! And you must be our second new student." The voice cuts through his thoughts, through the anxiety rising in his chest, and a quick look to the side shows it belongs to the homeroom teacher. Swallowing once, he manages a final glance around the classroom, finally spotting Velonix in a back corner, and for a short burst his anxieties settle, fear quieting. She was already here then? And there was even a free seat near her.

It's a bow that he manages at first, apologetic, and it lets him half hide away his face, his slowly fading expression back to neutral as he tries to shove those unpleasant emotions to the back, as he always has. "I'm sorry, ma'am." Is all he says, and the woman gives a light pat to his head once, seemingly in understanding before speaking again, "first days are always a bit difficult. Go ahead and stand up straight now, let's go ahead and get you introduced, hm?" With her permission he's up again, grey-blue eyes scanning the room once more as she speaks, something he felt was probably typical for new students: his name, and a request that they all treat him kindly and help him acclimate to the new setting. The looks he was getting, he wondered if any of them would even try to heed her words.

Taking in a small breath, Kazuyuki's gaze steadied, before he half bowed again in some form of greeting, white hair shadowing part of his face as he spoke, "Kazuyuki Orako. Thank you for having me." Short and sweet, and the woman seems fine with it, even if more whispers break out at that. "Welcome to our class, Kazuyuki." She smiles, before gesturing towards the area his sister sat, alongside a blonde and peachy haired girl in front. "There's an open seat by your sister, let's go ahead and have you take that one, alright?" A nod, and he's making his way back as the woman is already regathering attention back to the front.

It's a weak smile in Velonix's direction that he manages, almost shaky, but again he swallows back those emotions, keeps on that same level-headed look he always had, even as he sinks into his seat next to the smaller girl, and lets his backpack fall onto the hook on the desk's side. He'd break out his notebook and notes in a moment, but for the meantime, he just needed to breathe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazutora Miyato Character Portrait: Kazuyuki Orako Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Reiya Goertz
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”Real magic in relationships
Means an absence of judgement in others.”
~Wayne Dyer

Speech Code ~ #B43104
| Thought Code ~ #FE9A2E
Phoenix Speech Code ~ #FF0000 | Phoenix Thought Code ~ #DF0174

The lack of response from the boy she already considered to be a friend did give Velonix a bit of a pause as she took her notes. At that moment, a petite, rather adorable girl with large-rimmed glasses suddenly appeared, matter-of-factly plopping into the seat in front of Kazutora. She didn’t say anything, simply moved to that desk without a word, and Velonix felt herself grow intrigued over the girl’s actions. Does she know Kazutora as well? A small twinge of jealousy clenched her chest, catching her by surprise. She was … Jealous? Of what? This girl possibly being friends with Kazutora first? That was just … Silly. As their teacher droned on about the Muromachi period, she found herself flicking periodic glances in Kazutora’s direction, her notes becoming slightly less detailed in her distraction. Despite her attempt to remain subtle with the looks she was giving him, she honestly couldn’t care less if he caught her staring; perhaps it was her lack of social interaction with humans, perhaps it was just a personality trait of hers - who knew, who cared.

She did catch him, however, peering in the direction that she had come from with a somewhat stricken expression on his face. Nonchalantly as ever, she turned her face to the front of the room, as though listening to what their teacher was saying, but instead followed his gaze until it landed on the boy who had stopped her and insulted Kazutora. His glare was evident, and when he noticed her studying him, he dropped the menacing look and replaced it with what she assumed he thought to be a charming smile - instead, to her, she felt a chill sweep up her spine, and she was unable to stop the disgusted look that crossed her face.. Combining his aura with his actions since she entered the room alongside the visions that she received when he touched her left Velonix with a horrid taste in her mouth. Instead of responding to him with a smile, she hardened her eyes and fixated a surprisingly intense glare on the boy, her pretty features not negating the intensity of the look whatsoever.

Surprised, the boy lost his smile and instead raised an eyebrow inquisitively at her reaction; she clearly hadn’t responded the way that he had expected or hoped for, but that didn’t seem to bother him as much as she had hoped it would. Instead, he looked even more interested in her than he had before. When the smile returned and he cast a wink in her direction, she was unable to contain the sound of disgust that escaped her lips. This garnered a giggle from a girl who sat in one of the desks separating Velonix from this boy, and she had been watching the interaction up until then. When the laugh tore her attention from the annoying boy to the girl, she caught her casting a smile in her direction.

Humans are so odd, she thought idly to herself, unable to contain her confusion over everything that had happened throughout the short day so far. At that thought, though, she turned her attention to Kazutora, flicking a subtle glance in his direction. He looked lost in thought and wasn’t taking his notes - I will have to chastise him about that later. Education is important, especially for humans! - but she could easily share her own with him after class. Amused with this observation, she forced herself to focus on what their instructor was saying. She already knew all of this - she had been watching the Earth with her parents when most of these things happened, and had even visited once or twice during this time period. She could recall it almost as though it were yesterday - the villages, the handmade clothes, the lack of electricity, the smells of the most homemade food physically possible - the world was such a vastly different place compared to then.

Rather abruptly, Mrs. Satō cut off in her lecture, the door to the room sliding open with a loud woosh to reveal none other than her snowy-hued brother. At the sight, the room was instantly filled with hushed whispers as the girls gossiped over how cute the new boy was, while the boys murmured grumpily about the new competition. Her ears twitched a bit, unable to miss the familiar voice of the one that had spoken to her earlier in defense of the boy who had grabbed her, both of whom were quite quickly climbing to the top of her No-List, an internal list that she kept of people she simply refused to fraternize with due to various reasons. ”Yo, check out the new meat … If we can’t get him to join our group, we can always teach him a lesson. He looks preppy … Like he’s got money … We could always get him to give us any money he has.”

Velonix bristled at the mention of any harm to her baby brother. Just who does this human child think he is? her inner goddess raged. As her anger simmered just below the surface, she felt her cheeks grow hot despite her strained control. I really need to do something about my temper. She is beginning to push me too far. With a look that made it seem as though she had tasted something bitter, Velonix returned her focus to her brother as he finished his introduction. The whispers continued and she felt her ears warm as they gossiped about her brother, both good and bad things. These bold mortals need to be taught a lesson … Let me do it, come on … A clenched hand was her reaction to these internal purrs, her fingertips whitening around her pencil. Get out of my head!

The movement of hand to forehead was slow, subtle, and she rubbed it a bit as though she were hot. The touch was comforting and she felt herself cool a bit, the fiery rage that she felt - literally - subsiding slowly. I will handle it later. Relax. With that inner instruction, she forced herself to focus on her notes despite not really needing to take them.

Before she knew it, class was over and their homeroom teacher had packed up her things. They had a little break between teachers to give them time to eat a snack or go to the restroom while the teachers switched rooms, and she took this opportunity to turn to lean forward slightly, elbows on desk, knees on her chair to boost her small stature, and one arm stretching so as to tap her brother lightly on the shoulder. She wobbled a bit but caught herself and giggled, ever the clumsy girl, and when he turned to face her she fixated a serious look on her face. ”You were late,” she stated - it wasn’t a question, but more so an order that he tell her why he had been late. Instead of waiting for an answer, she broke out into a sweet smile and giggled once more. ”Let me guess - you fell asleep again?” she teased. She knew her baby brother well; if they were to pair off the siblings for any reason, Halcyon would certainly be paired with her, while Phoebus and Aurora would ultimately be paired with one another. Perhaps it was because of the fact that they were the two eldest, and Harmonix and Halcyon were the two youngest. Either way, despite how she considered all of her siblings as well as the Junior and Senior Star her best friends, Halcy was definitely her best friend and closest confidant of them all. She flitted a glance over to the girl that had moved to sit near them, her infectious smile now fixed on her. ”Apologies for my baby brother interrupting your education - he can be a bit of a nap fiend," she joked.

A tilt and she had dropped back into her chair, satisfied with her check on her brother, and turned her attention to Kazutora, her ever-present smile on her lips. His cheek looked better, if only a bit red from what she assumed was the ice pack, and despite the bruising the swelling had gone down tremendously. Unable to stop herself - would she have even if she could have? - Velonix leaned over and reached out a hand, ever-so-gently touching her hidden fingertips to his cheek.

”I am so happy that the swelling seems to have gone down. The bruise is a bit dark, but if you ice it throughout the day it should heal quickly,” she told him, lowering her hand from his face and sitting back a bit in her chair once more. ”I noticed that you were not taking any notes earlier. You can copy mine, if you would like to,” she easily offered, a sweet tilt still lingering on her lips.

At that moment, a small group of girls approached her desk, a pretty one with ponytails stepping close, seemingly unperturbed by her current conversation. The other three flicked glances at Yuki and Velonix could almost see the hearts floating in the air between them and her brother, and she suppressed a gag and an eye-roll. Jokes on them, because Halcyon probably could not care less - if he even noticed their looks, she thought with amusement.

”Hey, Orako,” the girl said in greeting - could that really be called a greeting?

Velonix turned a bit so that she could face them better, confusion evident in her features. She responded uncertainly, as though shy, but in actuality she was busy studying their auras - they were harmless girls from what she could tell, but that could easily change.. ”Um, my name is Velonix - not Orako,” she corrected, tapping her forefingers together in embarrassment. ”If you call me Orako, people might be confused, since my brothers and sister go here as well.” She spoke quickly, as though nervous in the sudden social interaction, and when she studied the girls features, she only felt her anxiety heighten a bit. What could they possibly want with me?

”We decided that you can join our group for lunch today, so make sure you’re ready to go when the bell rings.” It was the same girl who had said her name, and Velonix was a bit baffled at her words. Were they … Telling her that she had to hang out with them? Like she didn’t have a choice in the matter.

How she absolutely abhorred being told what to do.

A quirked eyebrow and Velonix sat back in her seat a bit, giving them a sweet smile. Better to not cause any further scenes for today. ”I appreciate the invitation, but you see, I have already made plans for lunch.” At that statement, the girls looked confused, the smallest one with a light curly bob taking a step closer to her. As she did, she flicked a nervous glance in Kazutora’s direction, a look that Velonix certainly did not miss. What is with these humans teenagers? She couldn’t help but feel a bit disgusted by the mixture of fear and uncertainty that she had seen in the group of girl’s eyes - and really, all of the students now that she thought about it - whenever they looked at the blond boy in question. Who did they think they were to judge someone so harshly? They probably do not even know him. I doubt they have even spoken to him. At that thought, Velonix felt her anger bubble a bit in defense of the one who had helped her, and who was rather quickly becoming an important friend to her, much to her surprise.

”Ah, may I ask what those plans are, Orako-san?” she asked, her voice light and soft, matching with her gentle features. This girl seemed sweet - why is she associating with such people?

In a bid to control her temper, Velonix plastered a new smile on her face. As she did, she slid her chair to the side and lightly grabbed Kazutora’s upper arm, pressing it to her chest. She would have chosen her brother, but the gaggle of girls were in her way, and besides - seeing the looks of utter shock and horror on their faces at her actions was far too satisfying to pass up. ”I will be eating my lunch with my closest friend from here, Kazutora,” she beamed, hugging his arm a bit. She cast a look up at the blond boy, her eyes attempting to portray her emotions - Please just agree, I really do not want to eat lunch with these girls, it practically screamed. When she looked back over at the girls, she found them standing there in silenced shock. She wasn’t surprised, but … Were they … Awestruck? Why? Simply because she was friendly with … Kazutora?

Just what exactly is going on with these people?

The girl with braids hesitantly stepped forward, tugging at one of her locks of hair. ”Uhm, Orako-san … The boys earlier were really scary, we know, but …” She hesitated, giving Kazutora a … Fearful? … Glance. When she didn’t continue, the girl with straight hair and an intensely purple aura sighed and stepped forward, arms crossed. She was clearly the one in the group who considered herself to be a leader.

”What she’s trying to say is that even though those douchebags were being, well, douchebags, they weren’t wrong to tell you to stay away from this guy. He isn’t exactly grade A material, if you catch my drift.” Her voice was dark, almost angry as she seemed to bite out the words. In response, Velonix immediately bristled, her grip on Kazutora’s arm tightening a bit, fingers pushing into his bicep.

Who do these girls think that they are?

Her face flushed with anger, she fixated a glare on the group of girls as a whole. ”I believe that I already said before that I am perfectly capable of making my own judgement of the people that I choose to surround myself with. I appreciate your concern, but it is unneeded and to be frank, unwanted. It would lovely to be friends with all of you, but not at the expense of my own moral compass. I form my own judgements based upon my experience with others - not on what I have simply heard. I would rather not associate myself with people who make rash judgements and gossip about those that they know nothing about. Who is to say that you will not do the same to me?” she said eloquently. She chose her words carefully, not wishing to offend them but at the same time refusing to stand down from her ethics. She would be damned if she let these people get away with stomping all over someone as sweet as Kazutora.

Before the girls could respond, the bell rang to signal that they would have to move on with their classes. At that moment, the teacher from earlier sauntered in - Mr. Iwao, if she remembered correctly? It was obvious he cared little for his job nor the students that he taught, and when he spied Velonix sitting aside Kazutora, her chair slid over to be closer to him, hugging his side, his expression darkened a bit in annoyance and confusion.

Quickly, she released his arm, only then realizing how close she was to the boy. Almost immediately the parts of her that had been touching him felt chilly, no longer in contact with the surprisingly comforting warmth of his side. A furious blush slid across her cheeks, embarrassed over both her actions and her thoughts, and she slid back over to her desk hastily, the group of girls having returned to their own.

Well this should be fun.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazutora Miyato Character Portrait: Kazuyuki Orako Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Reiya Goertz
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kazutora miyato.
dialogue ; #853232. – thought ; #035d63.

Was life just trying to bombard him with shocks and flips in the plot line today? When did his life turn from tragedy to some weird shoujo manga friendship arc? And how long would this last anyway? Not only had the new girl suddenly latched to him and even defended him, but now Reiya had even moved across the classroom to sit right in front of him, as if she hadn't kept her distance from him for the past...forever, since he'd been here.

He'd gotten to know the girl through Iphignea by total chance, and he knew damn well that if it weren't for his college aged friend, he and Reiya would have never even spoken or looked in each other's direction, and she'd seemed half keen on doing exactly that whenever the other woman wasn't around. Not that he was that upset by it; reputations were quickly ruined if one hung around the outcast of the classroom, and he wouldn't wish it on anyone, including Velonix, who seemed more than stubborn to stay by his side and tell anyone off who tried to get her to stop. Breaking the status quo from the get go, it seemed, and most everyone was displeased with it. He could feel the stares, hear the whispers, and in the moment, he wasn't sure if it would be better to let the girl dig this hole herself, or interfere and get her back to a boat that wasn't sinking already instead. If she kept this up, she'd either end up hated by everyone, or looked to like a challenge and project. He didn't really want any of those to happen to her, whether because he felt like shit thinking about being the cause for it, or because it just meant more unwanted attention on his ass.

A glance between Reiya, back to Velonix, to Reiya again who hadn't even said a word, and he gave up trying to solve this new issue for now. His mind was already up in flames over everything that had happened today, and by god it was only first period. How was he going to survive the last five periods, let alone the rest of the week? What about the rest of the fucking year!? If things kept twisting around from his normalcy like this, he'd have a short circuit in his brain every damn day!

Hands move to his own head now, both moving to run through his hair, to hide behind his arms as his face fell into the crooks of his elbows. He'd gone from his usual ignorable and beatable to full attention and killable in one day, how was he going to survive this? Kenji would probably stab him or try and drown him in the school pool after classes, or maybe he'd shove him off the roof. No one would be as keen on ignoring him now that he'd become a quick and easy source of gossip and rumors for the hundredth time, like some gift that kept giving. And if he wasn't murdered physically, then maybe they'd just rip up his mind by blatantly talking shit about him when he was right there, watching.

Etsuko, Kenta, why did you choose to live here? Small towns never like people like me, why can't we be in a city? I'd be easily forgotten there.

As if the day couldn't get any worse, he'd forgotten that they had two transfer students joining them today. Mrs. Satō's lesson had been so quickly interrupted by the sound of the door as the other male entered, tall, with a head of white hair that stuck out against most of the others' shades, grey-eyes that almost looked blue in certain lightings. And apparently, he was Velonix's brother, Kazuyuki. There's no way in hell these people are blood related. What a joke. His introduction is much shorter than Velonix's was, only a bow and a name really, and before long he watches the second transfer move down the same row, and settle in a desk right ahead of them. Goodbye, enter area of empty desks, hello, desk neighbors. It seems his time of being cornered off and isolated had come to a very swift end.

Social studies continues on as normal once the second new teen settles in his seat, looking about ready to doze off right in his spot, and Kazutora wishes he were brave enough to do just that: sleep. Sleep for the rest of the day, and not deal with any of this anymore. Wake up and realize it was all a dream, and that some strange girl hadn't suddenly asked to basically be his friend, or defended him against the worst of the worst, or gently, tenderly wiped the blood away from his lip, expressed concern and worried over him, or-

He shakes his head lightly, turns away from her, from Reiya and Kazuyuki, to stare out the classroom window. Don't get your hopes up.

Class ends and he finally lets out a long, drawn out breath, sitting up in his seat again and bringing his backpack up into his lap. He hadn't taken notes this period, but if he didn't at least act attentive for Mr. Iwao's period, the man would have his head. Only as he's unpacking his supplies does he hear Velonix speaking to someone other than him and not in a way to defend him, and he lets out another breath. This one was something of a relief; just let him have that quiet to gather his thoughts for a moment, without attention and-

It was right back on him. This time, in the form of a hand gently pressing against his cheek, almost a caress that makes him jump out of his seat and run. Instead, it's another stare, wide eyed as they move down to look at her hand. People would no doubt see this, and he was- no, even if no one saw this, what was he supposed to do? How was he supposed to react?

Finally her touch pulls away, and he lets out a breath he hadn't even realized he'd been holding. Shaky and unsure, he draws in on himself slightly, arms wrapping over his stomach. Did she even realize what she was doing? Did she even know how she was making him feel? She seemed so careless with it, he highly doubted she considered those factors. His heart races, and all he can figure it's from is shot nerves and anxiety that can't even get a breath of a moment to calm down.

"I am so happy that the swelling seems to have gone down. The bruise is a bit dark, but if you ice it throughout the day it should heal quickly," comes her words, always said with that kind, sweet smile that is burned into his mind now. His own hand reaches up to press against his cheek at the mention of it though, and he gives a small nod in response. He couldn't see it, couldn't tell if the swelling really had gone down, but it didn't hurt as much as he felt it should have. It could just be numb from the cold, though; he had left that ice pack against his face for nearly the whole period, but it was just sort of cold mush in the plastic container now.

Then comes the unending offers out of innocent kindness, the words making him glance over to Kenji again for a moment, whose attention has wandered off again at this point while he talks with his desk neighbor, "I noticed that you were not taking any notes earlier. You can copy mine, if you would like to." Sure, she was nice enough to offer notes for him to copy, but chances were they'd end up ruined, and her's potentially dragged along with his own, should anyone seek out further harassment for him today.

Sucking in a small breath, he shakes his head then, trying to find the words to not offend her already. "That's...that's alright, Velonix. Thanks, though." Another pause, "you don' don't have to go out of your way to help me, you know. I'm used to all of this now,'ll just hurt you and your repu-"

Words are cut off in an instant, as a somewhat familiar group of girls approach. They were in his homeroom, so he should know them better, but when everyone either hated you or avoided you, names and faces just bled together into a big blur of pain and nothing. Still, by their expressions alone, he could already tell what they were wanting, and what they were hoping for. He wants to sink back into his seat again, throw his arms over his head and just scream into the desk. How many more times were people going to spit profanities right into his face today?

"We decided that you can join our group for lunch today, so make sure you’re ready to go when the bell rings." He almost laughs out loud at the forceful tone, not even a question. Did they think they were doing her a favor by making her think she had to do what they said? Couldn't they at least consider the kindness of an offer instead? Velonix didn't seem like the type to go along with whatever someone wanted, but still, that was...

"I appreciate the invitation, but you see, I have already made plans for lunch." Comes her reply, short and to the point, and Kazutora can already picture what sort of plans she is coming up with in her head. She'd already chosen to sit with him, defended him, and now with a glance in his direction alongside the other girls', his idea of her plans was pretty much confirmed. Goodbye, quiet, peaceful lunch. As if it would have been quiet anyway; he probably would have come back to class with more bruises at the rate the bad attention was falling on him.

The smallest questions her plans, which he'd expected, and even though everyone knew the answer to that question as it was, Velonix has to be extra sure that they all know exactly what she's thinking. Her chair slides closer with a small scrape over the wood, and before he can even shift away, her hands are moving over towards him, wrapping around the limb in a cage of her own, pulled towards her and rested right into her chest. He wants to run away right then and there, but that would probably embarrass her, or hurt her. But I'm embarrassed! How could I not be!? She has me held right up against her b-

I will be eating my lunch with my closest friend from here, Kazutora."

Oh my god. Oh my god. Seriously, did she know what she was doing!? What she was saying!? What was going on in her head, to think that was a good idea? She just doesn't know how things work here yet. She just doesn't know what kind of shit gets thrown my way yet. Once she does, I'm sure she'll change her mind about all of this, backpedal as fast as she can and-

"What she’s trying to say is that even though those douchebags were being, well, douchebags, they weren’t wrong to tell you to stay away from this guy. He isn’t exactly grade A material, if you catch my drift."

Oh, that voice was more familiar. Her face too, the looks she was giving him. Still the name escaped him, but she'd been someone who took part in gladly spreading rumors and worsening things for him on the verbal end of things, wasn't she? His grip on the edge of his chair tightens, and he can feel the cheap wood begin to bend against the pressure, almost splintering as his expression turns to a darkened glare in the classmate's direction, one that drains the color out of some of their faces. He'd had enough of this bullshit today, what were these people's problem!? Their favorite punching bag suddenly had someone treating him with a basic shred of respect, and they couldn't handle that? Did it threaten their precious hierarchy too much?

"I believe that I already said before that I am perfectly capable of making my own judgement of the people that I choose to surround myself with. I appreciate your concern, but it is unneeded and to be frank, unwanted. It would lovely to be friends with all of you, but not at the expense of my own moral compass. I form my own judgements based upon my experience with others - not on what I have simply heard. I would rather not associate myself with people who make rash judgements and gossip about those that they know nothing about. Who is to say that you will not do the same to me?"

He chokes back a breath, swallows back the angry, bitter words that nearly slipped from his tongue, forces his grip to loosen again and ignores the dull pains in his fingers. Was this twice now? He couldn't even keep track. Twice isn't even a lot, he thinks, but it's still strange that after all these years, in one day it's...

Why is she doing this? What does she even get out of it? There's no benefits to being friends with someone like me.

Still, the look he gives her, and he caves in an instant. Huffing out a small breath, he looks away, using his free hand to prop himself up, jaw in palm. "Sure, that's...that's fine, lunch together." It feels weird to say out loud, to almost accept the request to have lunch with someone. Normally he just sat on the roof by himself, would he be stuck in the classroom or cafeteria today with her now?

The girls seem dissatisfied with that answer, a glare in his direction from the one with straight hair before she's looking down at Velonix. Her expression reads in all different ways, and he's not sure if pity or anger is more prevalent, "I hope you know what you're getting into. If you change your mind, we can help you get away from him." And then the bell rings again, and they seem to finally give up. In silence he watches them move back to their desks, and finally his arm is released, Velonix settling back into her seat as Mr. Iwao enters the classroom, careless as ever. He can feel the glare from the man burning into him, but instead, Kazutora moves his gaze towards Velonix, arms crossing over himself again. At this rate, she was helping him far more than he had even managed to help her. Should he be embarrassed over that? He certainly felt so.

"Velonix, I'm sorry, I..." His brows furrow, voice lowering as the final bell nears; starting the class out by getting yelled at was not something on his agenda. "You shouldn't have to do so much, for someone like me. What they're saying isn't..." He bites his tongue for a moment. Even if their words stung, they held truth in them, didn't they? He was...a monster. He certainly wasn't grade A material, not after his upbringing. That's what most of the staff said, that's what anyone who had tried to be his friend in the first year had said. "What they're saying isn't...all lies. You're too nice of a person to stick around someone like me, okay? You shouldn't get yourself hurt over me...sorry."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazutora Miyato Character Portrait: Kazuyuki Orako Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Astraea Mantrenul Character Portrait: Reiya Goertz Character Portrait: Pavo Etoile
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Code- #790D49

Pavo remained silent as Astraea paced. He knew she was thinking and seemed to be taking in his suggestion. It was a nice surprise when she did agree with him. Her next words though brought a small smile to his face, only because it was rare for Astraea to talk about her personal feelings. It also brought about a sense of worry too. Her confusion on why the Seasons would do this suddenly was palpable. Pavo already had his guesses and didn't have any issues mentioning one of them.

"Maybe they wanted to experience Earth for themselves? We'll know for sure when we find them."

He deliberately said 'when' and not if.

"Hey, at least they left after Aurora and Harmonix brought about spring and fall to the world," he added, trying to perk the Senior star up.

Astraea apologized for her behavior and decided to turn in. Pavo was surprised she stayed up this late for it was past midnight.
He himself was exhausted but did a good job of masking it. He was still in the kitchen when Astraea came back in nothing but a robe and got a glass of water. He'd be lying if he didn't admit to himself, he was distracted by her. She was so casual about it too.
Pavo always had an active imagination and right now his mind was thinking of things his superior would NOT want to know about.
Under normal circumstances he would have tried flirting with her, but the situation was far from normal, and it was clear she was stressed out too, so Pavo would bide his time. Still he couldn't help but keep looking at her with an intense look. He would retain his manners though, just like his mother taught him.

"Night Astraea."

After she left, he too went about getting ready for bed. Taking a shower himself, he only put on some boxers before going to bed.

Code- #D66B70

Reiya was writing down notes when the other new student suddenly came into the classroom. Her initial reaction was shock; the guy had white hair? How was that even possible? Unless he dyed it, which was certainly possible, but Reiya knew that at this school, dying one's hair was prohibited and all new students were given handbooks for the rules PRIOR to starting. Her initial shock soon subsided as the teacher interacted with him. So, this was Velonix's brother? She wondered if they were twins since they were in the same class. They looked nothing alike though. Maybe one or both of them were adopted? All of these questions swirled in Reiya's head but she knew she would never ask them for that was too personal.

The guy introduced himself was Kazuyuki Orako and that was pretty much it. No list of interests like his sister, nothing. He definitely seemed to be the quiet type. It was only then that Reiya saw just how gorgeous he was and could feel her cheeks blushing a bit because she HAD been staring.

Scolding herself mentally, she tried refocusing on the class, but that was hard considering Kazuyuki ended up sitting right next to her. Her attention was diverted when Velonix teased her brother for being late before apologizing to her.

"Oh . . it's okay," she said softly, not wanting to draw attention to herself.

She made a valiant effort to focus on class and managed to do so for the rest of the period but couldn't help but giving Kazuyuki a quick glance now and then. Finally, class was over and as Reiya started to get ready for the next class, several girls approached Velonix and were 'gracious' enough to 'invite' her to sit with them for lunch. Reiya resisted rolling her eyes. The same group invited her once and just out of pure curiosity, she did and it was the most boring experience of her life for the girls were very dull-witted, despite TRYING to be smart. They pretty much left her alone when realizing she could speak circles around them intellectually. The only reason Reiya wasn't completely ostracized like poor Kazutora was basically due to her family name, which carried some weight in the business world because her parents' legacy in the medical industry. Thinking about them always brought a wave of sadness over her. Two years and she still sometimes expected to see them when she got home from school. It was getting 'easier', but she knew she would always miss them.

In the meantime she kept listening to the banter between Velonix and the girls and was very impressed on how she handled him. She glanced at Kazutora to see his reaction and he looked really embarrassed, especially when Velonix said she was going to eat lunch with him. When the girls FINALLY left, Reiya decided to finally introduce herself before the next teacher came in.

"Um, hi, I am Reiya . . . Goertz. I hope you don't mind that I moved over here, but there's a reason for that," she said before turning to Kazutora, "I promised Iphi that I would keep an eye out for you more since she knows we're in the same class this year. I am sorry I haven't tried harder in the past. You're very intimidating."

Seeing the look on Velonix's face, Reiya explained, "Iphi is a mutual friend of ours. She goes to the college next to us. If you hang around Kazutora long enough, you just might meet her one day."

With that, Reiya turned around as the next teacher came in. This one she didn't like, but wasn't bound to say anything.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazutora Miyato Character Portrait: Kazuyuki Orako Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Reiya Goertz
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0.00 INK

kazuyuki orako.
dialogue ; #a59bbd. – thought ; #94bbed.

The class is both interesting and boring to him, entirely at the same time. It wasn't that the topics made him feel unengaged, the time period had interested him at some point, or perhaps just the history of this country in general did, but the way their apparent homeroom teacher went about telling the class of it made him feel like he was ready for yet another nap. Maybe it was just because he already felt like he knew plenty of this period, or maybe because she only seemed keen on keeping this lesson going as lecture and that's it, but he kept having to stifle back yawns, kept finding his gaze wandering around the classroom. This wandering let him get a better view of who his classmates would be for this year, though, and if he was honest, he wasn't sure how to feel about it. A pair of boys sitting next to each other that had been watching him since he entered, and for some reason, they made him feel uneasy, pricked at his dormant temper as if they had already done something to make him upset. A group of girls - were there four of them? - that kept looking in his direction, whispering together. Another boy in the opposite corner of them, who looked like he would cause some kind of scene any second now; a girl behind the prior mentioned pair of boys, who he couldn't get a good read on yet. More and more, how many of them were there here, thirty? He really couldn't tell at this point. Too many for him, who had been isolating for years in his room, or who was only used to his siblings and parents, the stars' company at this point in time.

Letting out a slow breath, another hand moves up to run through his hair, and he settles his head on crossed arms over the top of his desk again. He promises he won't fall asleep, but he at least wanted to be comfortable for the remainder of the hour. How many of these classes were there in a day again? Six? A lunch break too; how long would this day drag on for? He still didn't know how to feel, being stuck in these sort of situations with strangers and just his older sister for comfort, for five or six days a week, he couldn't remember how many days of the week lasted in the school systems here at the moment.

When the bell rang, his eyes opened again, and suddenly he wasn't sure if he'd actually fallen asleep or if he'd just managed to tune things out so well that it almost felt like he had. Blinking once, he sat up in his seat again as the others began talking, moving around amongst their classmates, and his arms moved over his head once more, stretching out towards the ceiling and probably drawing some attention, but most people were too excited to talk during this free time to care, he felt.

The shifting of chair legs over the floor, a small giggle from behind draws his gaze back to the desk and seat his sister was occupying now, next to a blonde boy with odd colored eyes, not that Kazuyuki could really say anything himself with his and his sister's. She was half leaning over her own spot at this point, reaching over to tap him lightly on his shoulder, and he shifted himself half over in his seat with a faint smile, only for it to fade again as usual.

"You were late." She says, something of a stern, scolding tone on her tongue, and he shrugs lightly, nearly about to make up some sort of excuse, but she beats him to it, and as per usual, she knows him far too well, "let me guess - you fell asleep again?" Of course she would know, she was Harmonix, his sister, miss "Sundown" or so he had taken to calling her occasionally. Out of all the siblings, he found himself able to relax and trust her the easiest, a comforting and warm presence. Still, a soft huff leaves him at the tease, and he gives another shrug, "I found a nice spot by the border of the school's fence, that's all. I didn't mean to...I really only dozed off for a few minutes." Don't let the teachers find out he was late because of a nap and not because he was lost or something, he doubted they would be as generous about it if they knew that was the cause.

She continues though, turning toward the peachy haired girl at his side that he'd still failed to speak to or introduce himself to at this point. "Apologies for my baby brother interrupting your education - he can be a bit of a nap fiend." It's a joke, but he still pouts just a bit at it. "I'm not so bad to be called a fiend, Velonix...I really can't help it..." A small sigh, and he turns away, elbow propped against his desk with his chin resting into his palm. "I've had a hard time getting good enough rest since...moving here, you know that." Not that him not getting enough rest would have stopped him from wanting more naps; she was probably right, he was a nap fiend. But truly, he was over winter, and in his opinion, the season was the sleepiest of them all.

"'s okay," comes the smaller girl's response at his sister's words, though, and he lets out a small sigh. Okay, so she didn't seem to really mind, yet, at least, or she just didn't feel comfortable saying otherwise. A look at her said it was potentially the latter; she seemed like a shy, quiet type, and truthfully her personality was a bit cute, endearing to see. His attention to her is short-lived, though, when the girls who hadn't stopped staring at him earlier approach, though they head for Velonix's desk instead. Even if, some of them still keep looking in his direction. Discomfort sprouts inside of him quickly, and he looks away again, back to stare at the front of the classroom as they begin talking, pestering his older sister to spend their lunch break with them. Their tones and insistence towards her coming with them irritates him, honest to the gods, but knowing his sibling's personality, she wouldn't just go along with them unless she wanted to. And that was exactly how she went about it. A swift turn down, telling them she had other plans, and then defending the blonde who sat next to her. Had she already hit it off with one of the human boys here? Once again, he was somehow not surprised, even if he seemingly didn't have the best of rumors floating around his head, by the sounds of the quad's complaints.

Apparently terrible at taking no for an answer, he'd keep note of that. They were...already on his list of people to avoid, the way they acted and talking to Harmonix. No need to associate himself with those that acted self-centered and self-important.

As they walk away, he turns around again, playful pout on his lips, "you don't wanna spend lunch with your precious brother, Velonix? I'm so hurt; already being left behind in the dust by my sister and it's only day one, hour one in class..."

Pouts and play don't last long though, not before his deskmate speaks up, ever quiet and unsure when she does, "um, hi, I am Reiya . . . Goertz. I hope you don't mind that I moved over here, but there's a reason for that." He blinks once at her words, shrugging lightly and leaning forward, head resting on Velonix's desk now. "I don't mind, you can sit where you want." Is all he offers for now, but the girl continues, "I promised Iphi that I would keep an eye out for you more since she knows we're in the same class this year. I am sorry I haven't tried harder in the past. You're very intimidating." Talking to the boy, probably, a reference to an Iphi that he didn't know, a promise to her to keep an eye on the boy like he was a child or a pet. An eyebrow quirks upwards, but he doesn't really feel like digging into it; of course there were established relationships between the human teenagers here, why wouldn't there be? He could get a history later if he ended up friends with them.

Once again time for conversation is short, and Kazuyuki turns himself around, back towards the front of the class as the door opens again, revealing a teacher that, by god, already looked like something of an asshole. By the atmosphere alone, this school had some sort of problem here. Was it bullying? Were the teachers in on it? The man he was looking at certainly looked like he was happy to join in, that sharp glare planted on the blonde behind him impossible to miss. He didn't want to get into it though, so instead he turned his gaze back down to his desk, pulling out a notebook and pencil.

"Alright, eyes up to the front, students." Came the voice, "page 26 of your math books, and we'll get started. Don't waste the little time we have."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazutora Miyato Character Portrait: Kazuyuki Orako Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Reiya Goertz
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0.00 INK

”A flower does not think to compete with the flowers next to it;
It just blooms.”
~Zen Shin

Speech Code ~ #B43104
| Thought Code ~ #FE9A2E
Phoenix Speech Code ~ #FF0000 | Phoenix Thought Code ~ #DF0174

As Velonix settled back into her seat and began to withdraw her math textbook from her bag, she patted her brother’s soft white locks in a comforting manner. ”A pleasure to meet you, Reiya; you have no idea how nice it is to hear that Kazutora has good friends to watch over him,” she told her with a somewhat relieved smile, despite the pang of jealousy that hit her chest. Heehee, jealous, are we? But you just met him … You sly vixen, Harmonix. Velonix grimaced a bit, turning her face so as to hide the expression. Do you ever stop talking? Moving on and choosing to ignore her alter ego, she refocused on the conversation at hand; here she was beginning to think that Kazutora had no friends, but fortunately he had at least two; Reiya and this ‘Iphi’ girl that she had mentioned.

As Mr. Iwao spoke, drawing their attention to the beginning lecture, she frowned a bit. The words of the purple-hued girl resonated within her mind and she found herself unable to rid her thoughts of them. ’I hope you know what you're getting into. If you change your mind, we can help you get away from him.’ What is that even supposed to mean? ‘Help me get away from him’? Why would I need help to get away from Kazutora? Her eyes flicked to the boy in question for a moment, immediately being snagged by his own intense gaze, and she felt her heart leap into her throat, unable to tear away. What was this feeling? Anxiety? Why would I … Need help to get away from Kazutora? Why do they - everyone - treat him so terribly? H-He is no monster … I know monsters; I have seen so many of them born throughout time, from Hitler to Osama Bin Laden, there were far more monstrous humans born over the course of history. So why … Why do they treat someone who is clearly so gentle, so horribly? Tears stung her eyes and she blinked them fervently away, finally able to pull her eyes from his. Before she could turn back to pay attention to Mr. Iwao, though, Kazutora was speaking, his soft whisper causing goosebumps to pepper her flesh.

"Velonix, I'm sorry, I … You shouldn't have to do so much, for someone like me. What they're saying isn't..." He paused, and when he bit his lip, she felt her cheeks warm a bit. Focus, Har! What is your problem today? "What they're saying isn't…all lies. You're too nice of a person to stick around someone like me, okay? You shouldn't get yourself hurt over me...sorry." The words stung her a bit and she felt her heart plummet. Was he saying he did not want to be friends with her? No, that wasn’t it - there was something else at play here - something far bigger than she was. Perhaps the monster is not Kazutora, but instead, he has a monster buried so deeply within him that he cannot find a way to escape it? She really knew little about human nature but quite a bit about the human psyche, having studied them enough throughout time to understand how they tick at least a bit, and she knew that there could be deeper reasons as to why they say and do the things that they did. The thought comforted her a bit - at least she had reassured herself that it was not her that was the problem.

Flicking a glance at Mr. Iwao to ensure that he was deeply engrossed in his lecture - he was - she popped up her textbook so that it appeared she was hard at work but instead turned her face back to Kazutora. When she spoke, her voice was a hushed whisper, barely loud enough to carry to his ears.

”You say ‘someone like you’ as though it were a bad thing, which confuses me. I already think that you are an amazing person; why would I not do whatever I can to ensure your happiness? We are friends, after all.” Her voice portrayed her confusion, making it ever-the-more obvious that she was nothing if not an open book. ”Does it really look like I care about what anyone thinks?” she paused, an eyebrow quirked upwards in question at him. ”No, I do not believe it does. I really could not care less about anyone’s opinions.” This was true, to an extent. She would be lying if she said she didn’t care about her families’ opinions as well as the Stars, and already she could feel that this human boy’s opinion mattered to her, if only a little. ”Also, I can take care of myself; I will not be hurt anytime soon, especially over something involving these bullies and you,” she reassured him, tossing her hand up in a small peace sign - cheesy but cute when combined with her sweet smile. ”Besides, is it not a bit hypocritical to worry about me somehow becoming hurt because of you, when you have already been hurt because of me?” she asked, her voice a bit teasing.

Barf - you call that flirting? Vel forced herself not to scowl in reaction to the words, keeping her lips upturned instead. Despite herself, though, she felt her cheeks reddening once more as they truly registered to her. Stop pulling at strings, Phoenix - I am simply making friends! Pfft, if you call that making friends, then I’m the good one and you’re the bad one. Velonix turned her face away from Kazutora for a moment, one hand reaching up to press over her mouth and hide her red features from view. Once she was calm again - and ignoring Phoenix fervently - she once again moved so that she could peak over at Kazutora. Her sweet smile turned teasing and she tossed him a wink. ”Besides, you cannot get rid of me that easily,” she joked.

”Hey! Pay attention back there, or I’ll send you to detention faster than you can say rice patty!”

Velonix flinched at the shout, specifically aimed in her direction, and with a scrambled apology, her features once more red with embarrassment, she dropped her book to her desk and began to take notes, chin resting in her hand and elbow propped on her desk.

The rest of the class passed rather uneventfully, and since Mr. Iwao was their biology teacher as well, they only had a long enough break to run to the restroom or stretch if needed. This gave the bullies and the rest of the classmates no time to make idle chit-chat with the new students - much to Velonix’s relief, she was not a social butterfly, despite her kindness and draw - so she spent the time going through her things. Lunch would follow biology and despite the fact that she as a goddess wasn’t technically required to eat to maintain sustenance, she found that she quite enjoyed human food and had taken to their three-meals-a-day and snack schedule rather fast. That, and it was less suspicious if she were to eat lunch than if she were to skip every day - the human students would undoubtedly begin to question why she never ate in front of them.

Once everyone had settled back into their desks, Mr. Iwao resumed his lectures, this time of course in sciences instead of maths despite the two subjects' similarities.Velonix found herself bored almost immediately; she had never enjoyed maths or sciences and she doubted she ever would. Instead, she found herself drifting in and out of daydreams, occasionally flicking a glance over in Kazutora’s direction. Stop staring at him; you are acting like a prepubescent schoolgirl. You are a thousands-of-years-old goddess, for god's sakes. The thought helped her to regain her senses, and she forced herself to focus on the class once more, albeit with some difficulty.

Finally, lunch had arrived, the bell ringing sharply to indicate the end of their morning classes. She was more than happy to be free of the torturous subjects of math and science, and eagerly hopped onto her chair once more so as to lean forward and tap her brother’s shoulder. ”You know I would never leave you behind, baby brother. Join us for lunch? Unless you have already made alternate plans?” she invited him. After extending the invite, she jumped to her feet, her chair scraping back a few inches in the process, but she simply snagged up her bag without a care in the world. After rifling through it atop her desk for a few moments, she procured a cute bento box as well as a bottle of water. Lightly hooking the bag onto the side of her desk, she daintily grabbed the box and water, turned to face Kazutora, and with a beaming smile aimed directly at him, she held the wrapped box out towards him.

”Let’s have lunch together, Kazutora! We can share; I made more than enough, and Yuki has his own,” she almost seemed to sing, her excitement evident. ”I am sure you know the best places to eat, so lead the way.” With an easy switch of the bento box and bottle to one hand, she easily reached out and snagged his hand with her free one, finding herself wishing that she could actually hold his hand for real - without her gloves on. Velonix quickly shooed the thought away - she really needed to get a grip - and easily ignored the whispers and stares that their peers were slinging their way. She did, however, flick a glance without turning her ahead in the direction from which the most intense sensation of being eyed came from, and she caught the boy who had stopped her from joining Kazutora staring them both down, his friend at his side doing the same. With a glare tossed at them, she returned her focus to Kazutora and beamed up at him, awaiting his guide.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazutora Miyato Character Portrait: Kazuyuki Orako Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Reiya Goertz
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0.00 INK

kazutora miyato.
dialogue ; #853232. – thought ; #035d63.

Class can't seem to start soon enough, though really had he ever looked forward to Mr. Iwao's lessons? It was just an excuse to escape the conversation, if he couldn't leave the room entirely without getting his ass chewed out or offending the newcomers, and...Reiya's odd shift in behavior, yet another unexpected aspect of this year. All in just an hour? Gods let me breathe, I'm begging. But conversation carries as Reiya speaks, introduces herself and then-

"I promised Iphi that I would keep an eye out for you more since she knows we're in the same class this year. I am sorry I haven't tried harder in the past. You're very intimidating."

Oh, so this was some sort of odd promise that he wasn't aware of? What, Iphianassa wanted someone babysitting him at school too? He could take care of himself, it's not like she could even come over and take care of the assholes here anyway, right? She was in college, attacking a high school student would get her into deep shit that she didn't need, especially not for his sake.

Irritation claws at him all the same, and his hands move to rub into the sides of his head, the claw at his scalp just ever so slightly. Enough to leave marks, to sting a bit, but it's hidden beneath the blonde mop of hair on his head, and they aren't bleeding. Could be my wrists, is the sarcastic thought that comes across his mind, though it brings up those stinging, phantom pains and the slits that would rest an angry red over them, but he shakes his head. I'm not starting that again, I haven't for a year now. Just like smoking, and he hadn't gotten himself wasted in awhile either. That was a good sign, right? Even though he wanted nothing more than to do all of these things, after this day.

Velonix's voice is interrupting his slowly darkening thoughts, though, a bright and happy response to Reiya in particular, "a pleasure to meet you, Reiya; you have no idea how nice it is to hear that Kazutora has good friends to watch over him." He nearly scowls at the words, tries to ignore the building anxiety and frustration with the entire situation and exchanges. Kazutora didn't need people watching over him goddammit! He could take care of himself just fine, he'd had to all his life! Why would it be any different now!?

Now, when people had decided to suddenly approach him, and be friends with him? It feels weakening.

And so his words slip out as class begins, just below a whisper and awkward, uncomfortable, hardly seeking to prolong this relationship beyond what it was already becoming. She shouldn't have to deal with the shit that came with him like some sort of package deal, right? No one should. Reiya could go back to her desk on the other side of the classroom, Velonix could find a seat away from him and her brother could follow so they could make friends that were normal, that didn't have the drowning amount of shit baggage that he did, and it would be back to the silent, silent corner he knew so well, not having to worry about anyone but himself.

"You say ‘someone like you’ as though it were a bad thing, which confuses me. I already think that you are an amazing person; why would I not do whatever I can to ensure your happiness? We are friends, after all."

...the hell? Ensure my happiness? What are we, married!?

He wants to scream, really, but Mr. Iwao didn't have his rat eyes right on him right now, and he didn't feel like drawing them over any moment he could escape them. Still, the words come as far too much of a shock for him to handle. "Someone like you" had meant he was a bad thing. Did she not understand? If she knew everything he'd said, done, the hell his life had been, someone like her would want to stay as far away as possible, no matter how kind. No one wanted to associate with a "destined to fail" person like him, it would only drag them down in the end, wouldn't it?

"I don't think you understand," he attempts, unease creeping up again, "the others will-" But he's cut off with a quirk of her brow in his direction, and he relents. "Does it really look like I care about what anyone thinks? No, I do not believe it does. I really could not care less about anyone’s opinions." Obviously you don't give a shit, but it'll still get you hurt- "Also, I can take care of myself; I will not be hurt anytime soon, especially over something involving these bullies and you."

He blanks, brows furrowing again as he lets out an airy laugh, almost shocked. She'd almost just gotten herself hurt, hadn't she? This morning when he'd had to jump in, if she hadn't just given into what they'd wanted in the end she would have ended up a bloody nose and humiliated, or worse. Not to mention, his bullies? Did she realize who she was talking about? They'd made his life hell since moving here, they'd given him his fair share of new scars and just because she'd treated him kindly and insisted they were friends, that wouldn't stop anytime soon.

How long until they decided to target her? Would they stick to words behind her back or would it turn to full fights, to violent group harassments and beatings that they exacted on him? Could he live with the idea that, not just if but when it came to be, that it was entirely his fault? That he was the origin of that pain she'd have to deal with here, just because she didn't treat him like he was at the bottom of the pecking order, as everyone else had decided to?

"Besides, you cannot get rid of me that easily." It's thrown up with a wink and a peace sign like it's no big deal, and all he can do is blank, stare, heart skipping a beat. He turns away from her, expression shifting to something unreadable at those words as he tried to process this, her. Despite all of this, she still felt that way? Will it change as soon as she sees the true colors of our classmates? When she realizes what I am? It's agonizing to think about, to continue the battle in his head. One side clings to the idea of a friend, to the comfort and kindness she's given him in this short period of time like it was the only source of life he had left. The other wants to act cruel, cold, to get her to go away, to disappoint her first before he could get too attached. Before she realized her mistake in trying to befriend him, in letting herself associate with him and backpedaled. Before he could get hurt, all over again, and the little flame of hope is thrown into the dirt and dust like it's a bug.

Mr. Iwao's voice shuts the conversation up in an instant, though, several stares glancing back in their direction and Kazutora places his head down on the desk, arms moving up over his head as if it could just block everything out, as if it could throw him into some sort of dissociation for the rest of the day in just that instant. He didn't have the strength to deal with things anymore today, he was far too tired.

Tired enough, apparently, to finally just doze off at his desk halfway through the class, into the third as well. Why Mr. Iwao hadn't thrown a piece of chalk or the whole dusty erasure at him at some point during the odd nap he wasn't sure, but he was grateful for another odd, out of character mercy the day had decided to have on him. The nap is peaceful for once, even if he wakes up with an ache in his neck and back, and that simple rest is enough for him to forget about the entirety of the day before now until the brunette next to him is speaking again, but at least not to him yet, free from her focus and stares for just a bit. It startles him back up slightly, sitting straight in his seat before wincing over the sudden movement of his neck as it struggles to pull out of its stiffened sense. A hand moves up to rub at the back of it tenderly, trying to push out the mild pain; he'd have to do stretches before bed tonight or something, otherwise he'd end up aching all day tomorrow.

The sound of the chair nearly startles him again, but he keeps still in his spot as the new girl next to him shuffles through his backpack, looking for something within it, likely for lunch given the time. Absentmindedly in his sleep, he almost finds the word "cute" running through his mind as he watches her shuffle around, faint hum and ever present, sunshine smile on her face, but the adjective is cast out before he can even dwell on where the hell it just came from.

Fighting off the sleepy sense still clinging to him, his jaw rests in his palm again, watching the girl as she finally finds what she'd been searching for, and before he can even look away, the bento box is being held towards him like some sort of offering. "Let’s have lunch together, Kazutora! We can share; I made more than enough, and Yuki has his own. I am sure you know the best places to eat, so lead the way." Blinking back the last bit of clinging sleep, Kazutora finds himself struggling again, "wait, you were serious about lunch? I didn't-"

And then her hand has grabbed ahold of his, and he deflates, turns to some empty brained idiot as he tries to process what she's just done so easily, without even a second thought and-

She's holding my hand!? Oh my god, she's holding my hand! Was he sure he wasn't still napping, stuck in some disaster dream that he couldn't escape? No, because the warmth coming from her hand through the fabric of the dainty, fancy gloves she still hasn't taken off all day feels far too real to deny. Is this a cultural thing!? Why does she need to-

And then her gaze is on him expectantly, but so are every other classmate's in the room, and he swallows hard, tries to choke back that anxiety that's been sitting at the edge of its seat in his head, ready to explode. He wasn't up for causing a scene by making her let go (and inside, though he won't admit it, the sensation is nice, reassuring, and his heart absolutely did pick up a bit with the touch), so rather than shaking off her hand or staring at her like the world had just ended while the others whispered, he moved, hold tightening a bit to be sure she'd keep up with him as he walked, maybe a little faster than normal. Anything to get away from the watchful, judging eyes that filled the halls just as they did the classrooms now.

That quiet race of his heart won't calm down, and he wonders if he's about to have a heart attack and just keel over before they've made it to the stairs on the northern wing of the school. It's much quieter here; usually, students don't seek out the roof for lunch, perhaps given there's not much of anywhere to sit, other than the concrete ground, but he's never minded it. Making way up the stairs to the top lets him know that there doesn't seem to be anyone up there today either, by the sound of silence through the barely cracked roof's door, and he carefully nudges it open with his foot, faint breeze making its way into the stairwell as it gapes open. It's soothing, a relief.

Loosening the grip on her hand now and half hoping that she'll think to let go at this point too, he takes a few steps forward into the open air of the space, glances to the railings that were, in all truth, beginning to lose their structure and strength in some spots. Sucking in a small breath, his free hand weakly gestures out to them to Velonix, Kazuyuki who had followed and was still just barely peeking out of the doorway, whoever else was trailing with them, "keep away from those edges; it's dangerous." It's all he offers before making way for the usual spot, a space where the sun always hit and kept him from the chill of early spring.

For a moment his mind wanders to Velonix's offer of food, but he casts it away; she shouldn't have to share, she probably needed that food to gather enough energy for the rest of the day. He could live without lunch, he'd gotten used to it now; Etsuko and Kenta had purchased bento boxes for him several times, Etsuko had occasionally made lunches for him when he'd left his box in the kitchen at night, but after losing the fifth one, whether entirely his own fault or someone else rifling through his bag while he was away, he hadn't had the heart to mention it again and ask for a new one. They hadn't pressed him for it, even if Etsuko occasionally poked the subject by asking what he'd eaten at school that day. He was a good liar.

Settling down cross-legged on the concrete of the roof, Kazutora's gaze wandered the area before shrugging lightly, "this is it; find somewhere comfortable to eat, I guess."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazutora Miyato Character Portrait: Kazuyuki Orako Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Reiya Goertz
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0.00 INK

kazuyuki orako.
dialogue ; #a59bbd. – thought ; #94bbed.

The quiet of the classroom settles easily enough as the final bell rings, and his sister settles into her desk again, starts whispering something to the boy next to her. What was his name, Kazutora? He seemed fine enough, quiet, though he hadn't missed that look of near violent hatred towards the girls that had approached earlier. Did Harmonix catch it too? As long as he doesn't look at Sundown that way, we won't have any problems. He hadn't, as far as Halcyon had seen, so for the time being the boy would be fine, wasn't particularly on his radar for a threat.

Others in the classroom were, however. Those girls who had tried to coerce his sister in a not-so-smooth way to join their group, the very ones that kept glancing at him so obviously - why do they keep...just stop! - the pair of boys a row or two ahead of them, a group of guys in the back row and-

His gaze lands on Reiya then, though he internally laughs to himself. She was, perhaps, the least threatening in this room, even if her introduction and move over here had been a tad bit odd. Nothing really set off red flags with her in his eyes, and at the very least he was relieved. Relieved to know that the one he'd ended up sitting by wouldn't be any sort of problem to him or his siblings, that she seemed particularly quiet and kept to herself.

That was just what he needed, after the chaos of the past two weeks. Going from self inflicted isolation to a family of six again wasn't so bad, but getting dumped in the middle of a small town of human beings when he was only used to seven max at a time, given you included the stars? Two thousand people felt like a lot. More than a lot.

That rising anxiety always attacked whenever he went out, whenever he was stuck in a room like this one, but at least he was with his sister now, not completely alone. Truly he was relieved it was her and not one of their other siblings. Aurora and Phoebus...they were...a lot. Harmonix had always been easier for him to get along with, even when they were little, even after he'd made himself come around them all again. Halcyon still felt that sharp pain of inferiority and insignificance around her, no doubt, have you seen her season? Yet at the same time, she didn't feel as threatening, as starkly overwhelming, and he cherished that little bit of comfort her had from his fears and anxieties, his insecurities.

Moving icy grey eyes away from Reiya then, he carefully pulled out his notebook and pen to begin taking his notes for the class in session. Mathematics, ever so boring; the last thing he wanted to do was learn numbers. Were there any engaging classes here? A baking class, that'd be fun. Or a literature class? Maybe even a-

"Hey! Pay attention back there, or I’ll send you to detention faster than you can say rice patty!" The words and sharp tone startle his attention back up from his thoughts, though as soon as it does he knows the source of their teacher's anger originates with his sister and her new friend's conversation. He glances back at her when the man looks away, brow quirked up slightly in her direction at the attention and commotion she just drew back to their corner again. Didn't they already have enough on them? New students, late into the semester, with Velonix having so delightedly defended her friend despite the cues that others didn't quite like that idea, or perhaps saw it as a challenge for themselves to take.

Lowering his head again is all he can do at that though, at the few stares that won't leave quite yet, but it's interrupted at the change of class, the ringing bell that only drags them into biology. Somehow, this was more engaging to him, or could have been if the man teaching it wasn't Mr. Iwao who seemed to hardly care for the material or being sure that his students' education was being met. Silently, he wonders how the man still had a job, but it was a small town; they probably didn't have much to choose from, and he's doubtful to think teachers from the city would more often than not willfully choose to teach at a tiny, singular high school that didn't hold much of a reputation.

If anything Kazuyuki felt it held a reputation for bullying, bad teachers, and pretty views, but that's about it.

He nearly wants to fall asleep throughout this class, catch another nap, but that wasn't really an option here; gathering more attention when their teacher inevitably sent his anger in Kazuyuki's direction was not something he'd like to deal with today with the already pressing gazes and whispers. So he keeps awake, flips mindlessly through the biology textbook that he would no doubt be leaving here; who would carry around such a heavy weight of paper and ink text?

Then the bell rings, and the man leaves, and noise picks up in the classroom as their classmates make their moves for lunch. Only then does Velonix lean up towards him again, give something of an answer to his previous joking question, and he gives a faint smile at her words.

"You know I would never leave you behind, baby brother. Join us for lunch? Unless you have already made alternate plans?"

"Sure, sure." He half mutters, waving her off slightly, "my only plans for lunch are to take another nap so I can survive the last three hours of courses..." Absolutely true, he could feel the weight of his eyelids already. This is what he got for staying up nearly two days straight, but he couldn't quite help it. The stress and anxiety of finally heading for the school had been too much for him, alright?

Standing up from his desk and shuffling through his backpack, he eventually procured his simple, black bento box, carefully wrapped in that simple white cloth to keep it shut, just as he'd made it last night while helping Velonix prepare their and their siblings' lunches too. He wasn't about to let her prep all four of them on her own, not when he was just in the other room and more than available.

Watching the two behind him jump up and hurriedly leave the room left him heaving out a sigh; couldn't they take a leisurely pace? But all the same he made his way up from his seat, in their direction only to pause at the last moment to look at the peachy haired girl that had seated next to him. Tilting his head slightly, he shrugged, "you can come with us too, you know. If you want." It's all he gives before returning to his pace out the door, and into the halls. They're filled with students making way for their spots for lunch already, and he bites back the uneasy words that want to spill out into the air. As long as he can get past them, he'd be fine. For once he was grateful for his height; not that he was towering, usually, but around the high school students not many could reach to the top of his head. Soon enough, he'd spotted the figures of his sister and her friend dodging others, and followed after in his ever lazy pace.

That pace eventually lead him to a flight of stairs, and suddenly he wished he could just nap at the bottom of them. Every single flight up he went, though, and soon to the roof, perhaps a sense of gratitude filling within him at how quiet and empty it was. This would be a perfect nap spot, thank you very much.

"This is it; find somewhere comfortable to eat, I guess." Kazutora offers before sitting at the edge, cross-legged and a little put out, it seems. Kazuyuki wouldn't be bothering him at least, he knew that.

Making way a centered spot, right in the middle of the sunlight's beams, he settled comfortably into the concrete...or as comfortably as he could. It would just have to be good enough. A glance to his sister is all he offers before breaking open his bento box, chopsticks in hand before digging into the meal that would bring him a full stomach for his nap shortly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazutora Miyato Character Portrait: Kazuyuki Orako Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Reiya Goertz
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0.00 INK

Code- #D66B70

Reiya was relieved that her sudden appearance was okay with the siblings. They did seem nice enough, which Reiya hoped was genuine. She knew that people could be two-faced, and that kindness could be a cover. The girls who had just conversed with Velonix were a perfect example of that. She also had seen it in her parents' business for when she took over after her parents' death, a few tried to take advantage of her, but she wasn't her father's daughter for nothing. Gerard Goertz was someone who wasn't to be trifled with and his daughter was no different. Thank goodness she had her paternal grandparents' backing. She hoped they were doing okay too and emailed them every week to keep them updated.

Once the next class started, Reiya once again focused on the instructions. She did briefly wonder if she'd be able to see and hear the teacher, but thankfully that wasn't much of an issue. However, the only distracting factor was Velonix's brother, Kazuyuki. She was actually proud of herself for having glanced at him once. She also heard Velonix murmuring behind her. She better stop talking before the teacher got after her.

”Hey! Pay attention back there, or I’ll send you to detention faster than you can say rice patty!”

Too late. Reiya felt bad for the girl, but sometimes one had to learn things the hard way. And while Reiya didn't like Mr. Iwao, he was still in charge. Thankfully class passed without any more issues. Velonix spoke up again, this time to her brother. Reiya herself felt a bit torn. While she did promise Iphi to watch Kazutora, she also didn't want to come off as a pest. Still she was quick to get her things together. Good thing too because before she knows it, Kazutora is leading Velonix out of the classroom.
She had to do a double take. Holding hands?! Oh my, some might think they were already a couple. Even before she moved to Japan, she knew just how formal the Japanese were, thanks to her mother and due to her own research on the country. However her thoughts were interrupted when Kazuyuki spoke to her and said she could join them if she wanted. Nodding, Reiya grabbed her own things and followed the guy out of the classroom, where there was a crush of students. Reiya did take advantage of her petite form in weaving in and out of the crowd. It did help that Kazuyuki stood out with his height and white hair, otherwise she would have had a very hard time keeping up. Still was a bit of a struggle. She had lost sight of Velonix and Kazutora though.

As she walked, she noticed how the crowd thinned out and saw where Kazuyuki was heading. The roof? Was that a place they were even allowed to go to? Hoping she wasn't going to get into trouble for this, she looked to see if the coast was clear and went up the stairs. When she finally reached the top, she saw the siblings and Kazutora settling down. She approached Kazuyuki really quick.

"Thanks for inviting me. I'll try not to be a bother," she said before finding a place to sit down, away from the others.

She pulled out her own bento that her aunt made for her and started eating in silence.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazutora Miyato Character Portrait: Kazuyuki Orako Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Reiya Goertz
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0.00 INK

”A good friend is like a four-leaf clover;
Hard to find and lucky to have.”
~Irish Proverb

Speech Code ~ #B43104
| Thought Code ~ #FE9A2E
Phoenix Speech Code ~ #FF0000 | Phoenix Thought Code ~ #DF0174

The blank yet frazzled look that crossed Kazutora’s face almost made her giggle in amusement. Humans are so funny and cute! Velonix absolutely adored their reactions to different circumstances, as well as the effect that not only she but also her siblings had on them. With this human, however, it felt a bit different; more amusing, perhaps? She couldn’t place exactly what it was, but something made her want to see him flustered more often, as there was something - adorable? - and incredibly real about the reaction.

With that thought at the forefront of her mind, she found herself suddenly moving, barely able to snatch up her bag as they began to walk. At the sensation of the hand in hers tightening around her palm, she felt her pulse quicken, a small skip in her heart following. What was that? Puzzled, she found herself quickening her pace to keep up with her new friend, and unable to control herself she cast a final glance at her new classmates. Their mixture of shocked and interested looks were not something that she missed, nor were the few disgusted features twisting some of their faces. Instead of feeling embarrassed, she felt her own equal revulsion, but instead over their judgment. Who were they to pass any sort of critiques onto Kazutora, or even her?

A head shake and they were out of the room, slipping through the crowded hallways as students milled about on their various breaks. Velonix found herself squeezing Kazutora’s hand in an attempt to not be separated in the crowd, her small frame just barely able to keep up with him given the students crowding the passageways. When they finally broke through the thick of it and found themselves passing fewer teenagers, she felt herself relax a bit, a small sigh of relief escaping her lips. She wasn’t one for large crowds and hadn’t expected there to be so many people in such a small area when enrolling at human school, so it had caught her off guard, to say the least.

The stairs were easy enough to climb, with her adjusting the grip on her bag and bento box in one hand, Kazutora still holding the other. As they broke free onto the rooftop, the gentle spring breeze brushed her cheeks, a sweet relief to the stifling warmth of the school. She much preferred the outdoors - something that she had in common with her siblings - but it was a bonus that they had decided to visit Earth just after Spring and Autumn came to the world. Luckily, the two seasons were quite similar in temperament, if Spring only being a bit warmer, so she felt more than at home in the current climate.

Her thoughts were cut short as she felt the warmth of Kazutora’s hand abruptly disappear, leaving her own oddly cold despite its cloth covering, and her with an equally baffling sensation of missing the soft roughness of his palm, despite the thin material separating their flesh.

Did I not get enough rest last night for my mortal body? What is going on with me today? A head shake sent the thoughts from her mind; no need to focus on what she could not understand. "Keep away from those edges; it's dangerous." Velonix flicked a glance at the rails in question and was unsurprised to see their haphazard state. Anyone with eyes could tell that the makeshift guards were simply thrown together with obvious little care, but simply noting that fact for later, she found herself looking over the rooftop with piqued interest. It was clear that not many people came to the place, and for some reason she found herself questioning if they were even allowed up there, but it was also peaceful and more importantly, outside. So she was more than happy; the only thing that could possibly make the location better were if it were in the grass or under a tree. She wasn’t one for concrete and metal, but instead preferred nature, flowers and animals.

"This is it; find somewhere comfortable to eat, I guess."

The words jerked Velonix from her thoughts, and she was definitely guilty of having jumped a little in surprise. With a sheepish giggle and smile to go along with it, she turned to glance at Kazuyuki. ”Let’s have a great meal, shall we?” That said, she almost seemed to skip over to join Kazutora. Her brother sat a little bit away from them, clearly intending on taking a nap once he had finished eating, and she lowered herself to the ground beside Kazutora, her bag coming to rest behind her. Her fingers deftly began to unwrap her bento box, a soft hum resonating up from her chest. She moved a bit closer to Kazutora as she opened the box, revealing three sections containing adorably crafted onigiri accompanied by various sides. It was more than enough for her, and it wasn’t like she needed the food to survive anyway, so there was no harm in sharing with him. As she broke apart the two pairs of chopsticks that sat inside of one of the sections of the box - she always brought two just in case she dropped the one set - she held out a pair to Kazutora.

"Thanks for inviting me. I'll try not to be a bother.” Pulled from her current focus, Velonix cast a smile over at the girl who had spoken - Reiya, she had introduced herself as earlier. Without a second thought, Vel leaned forward on her hands and knees, reaching out to pat a spot closer to the three of them, even if Kazuyuki was a bit further away as well.

”You are absolutely no bother at all. Please, join us. I would love to become close friends,” she invited with a sweet smile as she dropped back to a sitting position. ”Feel free to ask us any questions, as I am certain you are both curious about my family. Yuki is not the most talkative so he may not answer, but I will do my best!” she said excitedly. ”I know that after this we have Japanese and English followed by our elective courses. I have home economics first. What do you both have?" ​She plucked up her chopsticks once more and snagged up a mini sausage that she had placed as a side, popping it in her mouth and almost purring over the flavor. She savored the juiciness of the meat and couldn’t contain her sound of happiness. Food was her absolute favorite thing about the mortal world. Damn, she was good, too. Grabbing another, she turned to face Kazutora, holding it out towards him with her free hand underneath to prevent anything from dropping onto the ground. ”Try it, Kazutora! I think you will like it a lot!”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazutora Miyato Character Portrait: Kazuyuki Orako Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Reiya Goertz
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0.00 INK

kazutora miyato.
dialogue ; #853232. – thought ; #035d63.

Trying to get comfortable with a whole three extra people is more difficult than he could have imagined. The roof was normally just his, and his alone, no one else interested in sitting on hard concrete or risking that chance of falling to their death, or at least near death, through the railings that had continued weakening for however many years they'd been weakening against the weather, that wear and tear. Or they just knew that Kazutora took to hanging around the rooftops during free time, and either the assholes didn't feel like going up there to throw him off the top or the others just didn't want to spend their lunch in his presence. He didn't care either way, truly, as long as they stayed away.

But at the rate this was going, he would be seeing more company than ever before in the shape of "siblings" that looked nothing alike and Reiya who hadn't so maliciously avoided him as the others, but had still avoided him until now.

Wow, this was exhausting.

Shifting in his position a bit to try and find comfort in the glaring spring sun and the rock hard roof, and new company, he doesn't have very long before Velonix is on him again, the girl relentlessly finding ways to stay right next to him despite all the warning signs and red flags everyone had been given her, and despite his not so warmly, friendly way around her. Sure, he hadn't been a total asshole, but she seemed like the type to connect with people more bubbly and excitable, not Kazutora, who was doom and gloom and barely spoke a few words to each of her hundred. Would she grow tired of that?

His head feels like a constant battle of "please stay, please be my friend" and "please get away from me, please leave me alone." He's not sure which to feed more at this point, visceral reactions to both the more he thinks about it. Sure a friend would be nice, but the way most of his friendships went it wouldn't be nice forever. Would this thinking loop ever stop?

No, because now she was right at his side, lowering her bag and getting her food ready. In an open space like this, she could be as close as she wanted too, and he found himself curling in slightly, moving his gaze away and clasping his hands together to try and quell the nerves that this storm of energy and tooth rotting sweetness that she constantly exuded kept dredging up, kept fraying even when he normally could take a lot.

Just, not a lot of this. Not a lot of something he wasn't used to.

Reiya and Kazuyuki are settling in their respective spots now as well, and silently he thanks them for not choosing to gather in all tight and close like Velonix was, instead a few paces away and keeping distance. Kazuyuki because he clearly just wanted to sleep and Kazutora felt that in his heart, Reiya because she seemed too uncomfortable to sit close, or maybe she already wanted to go back to keeping her distance and ignoring again. He wouldn't be digging into that, he didn't particularly care what she chose to do in the end; even her closing that distance was mainly filled with silence and discomfort anyway; Iphianassa had always been the one to quell their differences when she was there and make hanging around each other more bearable, but when she was gone it was a little more than difficult, and he wasn't about to change in efforts or behavior now, when things could go back to normal after just a couple classes when words and actions started actually getting through to these people.

"Thanks for inviting me. I'll try not to be a bother," is all Reiya gives too as she settles into her spot, and all he gives in return is a shrug and a soft grunt of acknowledgement. Again, whatever she wanted she could do, her presence alone wasn't something to bother him in the end, it was too quiet and hidden.

But alas, Velonix is apparently the queen of making friends, and now she's seeking out Reiya's comfort and relationship as well.
He wants to be surprised, but it feels like he's already getting a feel for her character, "you are absolutely no bother at all. Please, join us. I would love to become close friends," and that invitation alone makes him feel like this personal space he has is about to get encroached on even more, but Kazuyuki stays in his spot at least. I guess I won't really have to worry about him either.

"Feel free to ask us any questions, as I am certain you are both curious about my family." She gives out that offer so easily, and even though Kazutora has questions, he keeps them down for now, only sparing a glance between the two of them and once again noting that there is no way in hell they're blood related. "Yuki is not the most talkative so he may not answer, but I will do my best!" He definitely wasn't very talkative, he'd rather caught onto that at this point, but he appreciated that too. He wasn't exactly the most talkative either, or so he felt. Maybe Kazuyuki had him beat in that department, given he'd hardly heard him exchange a couple words even after being around him for a few hours. Reiya was about the same too, though, but she seemed more in the field of timid, rather than their white haired classmate who just didn't seem like a person of many words. Would that change as he grew more comfortable? He definitely knew people like that. New students like that.

The barest moment of quiet for any questions is filled soon after with more from her though, small talk and conversation starter topics that most would try and take to get to know someone more, to try and add comfort and better flow in words and actions as things went on, "I know that after this we have Japanese and English followed by our elective courses. I have home economics first. What do you both have?"

For a moment he wonders if he should seriously just jump off the roof now. Not the second floor, the roof they were standing on together, and end it right then and there like everyone wanted him to anyway. Home economics, she said. Home economics, just like him. Was this the punishment he got for forcing this class off until the very last year, instead of just finishing it as soon as possible? Not only did he have to go through that class that he always dreaded, now he had to take it with the new girl? As in, spend every single class with her seeming to want to stick to his hip? His only hope now was that she would be assigned to be in a different group so he could breathe for the last hour of the day, but with his luck so far? Extremely unlikely.

Was this whole relationship turning into something of a new, quiet hope or a new level of hell?

"Try it, Kazutora! I think you will like it a lot!"

Ah, definitely a new hell.

The food being offered to him looks delightful, he won't lie, but they're being offered in a way that he's being fed by her, and something about that is too intimate- too embarrassing- too everything that he actually thinks he might combust right then and there. Not to mention, she's not even trying to do this in private? Doesn't she know her brother and Reiya are right there!? Get some manners, girl, this is way too much!

Taking in a near trembling breath, he finds dull eyes scanning over to the other two, tries not to think about what they'll say or do after this, and carefully takes the bite.

Will the humiliation ever end? God, if you're really there, will you strike me down with a bolt of lightning already!? He can already feel the heat in his face, that burning sensation that he hates so much, the way that his heart races and he can't bring his gaze up to meet anyone until it's gone. Downcast and furrowed brows, he quietly chews the food she gives him, tries to swallow the bitter sensation that wants to rise up with it. He should be grateful for her sharing food; it'd make the last classes easier to get through, and work too, but instead he just feels embarrassed beyond words.

At least it didn't happen around Kenji or something.

The food is swallowed, and he tries to settle the beating heart in his chest before he responds, gives an awkward, "...thanks," to her for the bit of a lunch he got for the first time in ages, even if it just made him more hungry than before, his stomach suddenly aware that oh, he could eat at this time of the day, and now he really wanted to.

Instead, he's muttering out a somewhat painful, "I have home ec, too, after English." And now she knows. Would she be overjoyed? Would he end up in that group he'd been shoved in, or would their teacher just reorganize everyone into new ones for fun? What would be best, what would be worse? He doesn't even know anymore. " I guess we have the same classes all day this time around."