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Magdalena 'Mag' Moody

"Be ruled by no-one and nothing, particularly not a substance."

0 · 352 views · located in Van Nuys, California

a character in “Angel of Darkness”, as played by VitaminHeart


Name: Magdalena "Mag" Moody

Age: Nineteen

Personality: Magdalene is a very laid-back individual. Despite her rather traumatic upbringing, she seems to be quite comfortable with herself. Mag is quite a friendly individual who does her best to get along with her colleagues, and rarely seems to be effected by the sort of things she runs into.

Mag has a pretty liberal attitude to things, and it's rare to find anything that offends her. She enjoys disorder, and tends to see little wrong with parties and the like. This does tend to be underpinned however with a sense of self-sufficiency and practicality, this compels her to draw the line at anything seriously self-destructive, and as a result she'd always been quite repelled by drug abuse.

All that Magdalene does is driven by a certain anarchistic undercurrent to her personality. She loves to take on authority, and it seems to be something she takes on in her career with great enthusiasm. The more powerful the target, the greater the satisfaction she gets from dealing with them. Mag loves to stand up for the underdog, having been one herself. This sort of anti-establishment streak sends to set her at odds with academic education, something she never really excelled in. She is quite intelligent, even knowledgeable at times, but her grades in school were always pretty bad, and she dropped out.

Understandably, this tendency towards disorder can sometimes get Mag into trouble. She can sometimes push her luck a little too much with those above her.. She is a notoriously terrible timekeeper and seems to be at least half an hour late for anything she is called to unless literally dragged there. Disorganization tends to plague her life, and often gets in the way of her otherwise good intentions.


- Banksy Mag is a massive fan of the artist Banksy, who inspired her to take up art....unfortunately that art was all over one wall of her school building initially. She likes the idea that art should have a social message.

- V for Vendetta: A comic book and film which Mag feels changed her view of the world and fuelled her ideals of anti-establishment and anarchy.

-Ferrets: Mag adores the animals and would like to keep them, but fears she wouldn't have the organizational skills to take care of a pet.


- Dogs. Mag was bitten by a dog at a very early age and from their gained a crippling fear of the animals that she cannot seem to shake. Mag freezes up when faced with an angry dog.

- Authority. Having spent much of her childhood comparatively powerless in the face of the domestic nightmare she and her brother underwent, Mag grew up with an unrelenting desire to rage against the machine. She cannot stand arbitrary rules, and struggles with any overly structured or formal setting.

- Self-destructive/Self-indulgent behaviour. Despite her rather liberal attitude to most things, when people start harming themselves or those around them, Mag draws a distinct line in the sand. Possibly due to her own experience it serves as something of a 'button' for Mag, and is likely to set her off more than other things. She thinks of it as selfish and repellent. It's partly because of this that she shunned contact with her brother for so long.


- Art: Mag is a very keen artist. She got into graffiti-style art in her teenage period, and developed it over the past few years. From there, despite her lack of formal training, she managed to make a reasonable amount of money as a freelance illustrator.

- Film: Mag is very into movies and knows a great deal of trivia. Tarantino movies are some of her favourite.

- Krav Maga: She learned the self-defense technique a few years before, and practises it regularly.

- Music: Mag loves music, though her lack or organization has prevented her from taking her interest anywhere.


Mag has a lip piercing, though no tattoos.


Magdalena is Orael's half sister, born a few years later to the same father by another partner. Her mother had had a considerable problem with alcohol and had left her at a fairly young age. The result was that Mag grew up in similarly terrible circumstances. She learned early on to try and avoid harm as best as possible, and spent most of her childhood trying to keep to herself and avoid attracting unwarranted attention from her father. At that point, she had a great deal of affection for her brother Orael, and looked up to him. This changed however when he began taking drugs. Magdalena was horrified not only that he was doing such a thing, but also how much it changed him. Her relationship with him soured. After he left, feeling abandoned, Mag disappeared completely. It was unknown where she had gone. It was thought entirely possible that she might've fallen into the trap of drugs, prostitution, or some other sordid business.

As it turned out however, what Mag did find was considerably more positive. After drifting around for a couple of weeks, the teenager had managed to track down her mother. The woman had since gotten over her problems with drink, and had been trying to put her life back together. Their interactions had been initially rather strained, but they grew to have a half decent relationship. Magdalene grew up a lot...and her feelings of bitterness towards her older brother began to diminish. With her twentieth birthday approaching, Mag decided to return to try and find her brother...and to try and stop him destroying his life.

So begins...

Magdalena 'Mag' Moody's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody Character Portrait: Magdalena 'Mag' Moody
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Magdalena had been mentally preparing herself for any number of reactions from her brother to her re-appearance in town, from good, to bad. What she hadn't expected, however, was apparent complete indifference. As Mag walked in, he was on his way out with a couple of girls. They saw one another, and he kept on walking, going outside. The incident was unexpected, and momentarily left the girl stood in silence, trying to fathom it and get her head around her reaction. Eventually it set upon one of anger.

Four years since they'd last been in contact, and still apparently two random girls were his priority. Who the hell did he think he was?

She puffed her cheeks out and clenched her hands in frustration, crushing the note paper in the process.

No, she was not going to get pissed and go home. She'd spent too long on this to just blow it over some slight. The young woman stepped outside and leant against the wall outside the doorway, hoping to have a chance to grab him when he returned and couldn't so easily avoid her. She sighed, fidgeting with the choker she was wearing and looking downwards.

Waiting around on Orien's terms. She couldn't help but feel a lingering sense of deja vu about the whole thing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody Character Portrait: Magdalena 'Mag' Moody Character Portrait: Jasper 'Jazz' Collins
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Jasper wasn't a confrontational guy, he never had been. In fact, there were very few people he knew in the world that were confrontational. So when he was getting pulled by his collar, for what appeared to be absolutely no reason, he was a bit stunned and it took him a few seconds to react. It didn't help that he was blown out of his mind. "Hey, dude. What the Hell?" He wasn't being particularly rude about it, and it was more like a genuine - albeit irritated - curiosity. When the guy just continued to the stage, he shrugged it off and raised an eyebrow at the girl he had literally only been talking to for a few seconds.

"So, uh, your brother seems like a nice guy," Jasper told her, not quite sure what to make of the guy who looked around his own age. Jazz didn't see anything wrong with talking to the girl, especially when he had no intentions of seducing anyone at the moment. He was too busy enjoying everything else about his high, including the heightened senses that came with it. He felt like he could hear everything, from someone blinking to the spin of the Earth. "Anyways, I'm Jasper. Everyone I know calls me Jazz, though." He figured he should at least let her know his name, after already having such a wonderful meeting with her brother. He ran his fingers through his spiky hair.

He almost felt bad for this random girl, with her brother brushing her off like he had just done. It was rude and not at all how someone should treat family, and Jasper knew all about having shitty family members.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody Character Portrait: Magdalena 'Mag' Moody Character Portrait: Jasper 'Jazz' Collins
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Ember watched as O left the limo, she was glad he said that Syri would be able to go. She tooke a couple more hits before looking over to Nessa "Ever feel like you never want this moment to go?" She got lost in her thoughts for a few minutes before she snapped out of it "We should go watch him sing...I like his songs" she said as she opened the door closest to her, leaving the drug stuff in the car. She had a feeling Nesaa would come so she walked into the party.

She saw the confrontation that happened with a guy with spiky hair and that girl O pointed out early. She wondered what happened there but her thoughts went elsewhere, she was very out of it. She was standing a little off to the other side, looking up to the stage she smiled. She heard the guy that was over with that girl introduce himself as Jasper...Jazz. She couldnt help but noticed the guy looked like a user...maybe she will have to talk to him or something. Her thoughts werent exactly there and she was feeling very jittery, looking to the door she waited for anessa to come in.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody Character Portrait: Magdalena 'Mag' Moody Character Portrait: Orael Moody Character Portrait: Jasper 'Jazz' Collins
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He mentally kicked himself as he saw the guy and his sister. "Angel." He murmured into the microphone. Knowing his princess would be in the club in a few minutes, he had to start singing. "This goes out to my two lovely girls, "Nessa and Ember..such beautiful women they are." He chuckled softly into the microphone and looked down at his sister. "Meg... I want you to know...I wrote this song for you." Picking up his guitar, he started playing along with the piano.
Paint yourself a picture
Of what you wish you looked like
Maybe then they just might
Feel an ounce of your pain

Come into focus
Step out of the shadows
It's a losing battle
There's no need to be ashamed

Cause they don't even know you
All they see is scars
They don't see the angel
Living in your heart

Let them find the real you
Buried deep within
Let them know with all you've got
That you are not your skin

Oh [X2]

When they start to judge you
Show them your true colors
And do onto others
As you'd have done to you

Just rise above this
Kill them with your kindness
Ignorance is blindness
They're the ones that stand to lose

'Cause they don't even know you
All they see is scars
They don't see the angel
Living in your heart

Let them find the real you
Buried deep within
Let them know with all you got
That you are not your skin


Well they don't even know you
All they see is scars
They don't see the angel
Living in your heart

Let them find the real you
Buried deep within
Let them know with all you've got
That you are not
That you are not your skin

Oh [X2]

He sighed sadly after the song was over, this was the one song he hadn't written strug out... this was the one song that he had written for his sister. Only Meg would know what this song was about...only they shared the same past.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody Character Portrait: Magdalena 'Mag' Moody Character Portrait: Jasper 'Jazz' Collins
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Mag was taken by surprise, both by Orien's re-appearance, and by his behaviour towards the man.

"Jesus Christ Orien, stop it!" she exclaimed.
"I need to talk to you, and he wasn't doing anything, so just chill out!"

It certainly was all or nothing. Either he was trying to pretend she wasn't there, or he was ready to kick the crap out of a guy for getting within spitting distance. Wasn't there any middle ground with her brother? Apparently not, as he'd already disappeared again. Biting down on the inside of her cheek, the girl turned back to the other guy for a moment.

"Uh..sorry about that. He never was one for being subtle. I'm Magdalena, most people I know call me Mag though in an effort to make me sound a bit less pretentious. I gotta go track him down. Hopefully he'll apologize, but I can't really promise anything. He's acting like an ass this evening." she stated, before making her way inside.

Her intention had been to find her brother and tell him to wake up to himself, but as she got inside she heard something that she really hadn't expected. The song, and the dedication to her. She was stopped in her tracks initially, and she stepped back, it giving her measure to pause. Mag sniffed, lowering her head and winding the silver pendant she wore around her finger. She didn't like getting emotional about things. Upon leaving she'd made a conscious decision not to be, even if it did involve a certain degree of faking. Hearing something like that brought back a lot of things, and she didn't want them to culminate in her having a crying fit in the middle of a night club, so she hung back and took a few deep breaths.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody Character Portrait: Magdalena 'Mag' Moody
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Ember started feeling the effects of the drugs in her system, she heard her name over the microphone and looked up at the stage to see O starting to sing. Then her body started dancing and she found herself dancing with a couple people, a girl and a guy that she didnt even know. She felt hands on her skin and her hands touching someone elses skin but she didnt know who. She was feeling lost in herself, not exactly knowing what she was doing. She was being pulled in different directions and felt she was going to explode, she was seeing different colors flash all around her "So prettty" she murmered.

Stumbling around as she got near the entrance once more, she blinked her eyes looking at a woman...the same woman that she remembered O pointed out earlier. She made her way closer to the woman and poked the girl on the shoulder "Are you okay sweetie?" she asked, her eyes were very glazed over and she felt very jittery once again. Looking to the stage she heard O finish a song and smiled to him, giving a small wave before jumping on the balls of her feet a little bit before looking at the woman in front of her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody Character Portrait: Magdalena 'Mag' Moody
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She smiled as O walked out, welcoming in his sister. As they talked quietly, she ate, glancing at her fork... What was she feeling? [i]nerves[\i] ? fucking way. As O came back to the table, and asked her how the food was, she smiled widely. "It's did you learn to cook like this? You'll have to teach me.." she bit her lip, then laughed softly as he began to babble. "Believe me, being here is much better than my own lonesome. I make it seem happier? That would be a first." Then she smiled half-jokingly at him. His eyes..she couldn't help but melt into them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody Character Portrait: Magdalena 'Mag' Moody
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Nessa could see how tense O was, and when he stormed out, although that huge part of her was pulling her to follow him, she felt bad leaving his sister there. So instead, she frowned slightly and turned to face Magdalena. "..Are you alright?" she gestured to the seat next to her. She was sure his sister wouldn't exactly love her; how could you blame her? Nessa was just some girl her brother had just met. Either way, she cared for O. That clean, sober part of her craved him. She didn't know how to explain something like that to his sister, but, she would atleast make sure she was okay. "Did he say where he was going when you two were just talking?" then she leaned back in her seat.