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Orien Jacob Moody

"There is no hero in heroin..."-Heroin User

0 · 444 views · located in Van Nuys, California

a character in “Angel of Darkness”, originally authored by Nami L'Chi, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name:(What's your name?)
Orien Moody

Age: (all in the 20's)

Drug of Choice:(This is kinda obvious)

Personality: (how are you like off drugs?)
-waiting for the next high.

Personality on Drugs: (On Drugs, how do you behave)

Likes:(list 3)

Dislikes: (list 3)
-teddy bears

Hobbies: (List 4)

Picture: Image

-He has scars all over his arms from where he has injected himself with Heroin.
-One Tattoo on his lower Arm, its an ankh
And all of his piercings are on his face, two lip rings, and his ears are pierced.

Backstory:(why did your character get hooked?)
Orien's mother abandoned him right after he was born. His father was a child molester.
In his late teens he realized that even being abused and raped and molested, there was a way to help his pain.
He started in small doses of Heroin, and then soon he went on long enough to were he hates himself for getting into a habit he can't control
Even after leaving his father's house at 19 he still does it. The house he lives in now he calls "Madhouse."

So begins...

Orien Jacob Moody's Story

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Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody Character Portrait: Orael Moody
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Orien looked in the mirror, fairly decent looking, for someone who was getting ready to go to a party. He gave his best smile, and tried not to look like another druggie. The only reason he was allowed to go to this party was because he was the guitarist. He straightened his jeans and finished buttoning up his shirt. He thought he looked pretty good for someone who was on what he was on. He smiled and picked up his guitar, giving himself a one over. One last look in the mirror, it showed he was good to go. He walked out of the house, but not before he shot up once more, even though people at this party probably had what he wanted. Another reason he was going.

He arrived at the venue and started setting up. "O! My man!" He heard someone say. He turned around and there he was, his manager. "Time to get the party started." The money hungry pig said bringing a bottle of whiskey over. Orien laughed, and started warming up. "It's a party all on its own. It's already begun for me." His eyes flashed dangerously, as he tuned his strings and checked the mic. Tonight, it was going to be a night Orien could never remember, but want to.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody Character Portrait: Orael Moody
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Orien smiled as he looked at both of them. Gorgeous....nevermind that...time to get high. Ran through his mind. He seriously thought he was turning into a monster. "You two are users....what do ya do?" He stated, tonight... he was looking to do some freebase. Fucked up shit that was...but it did what it did, he hated crowds. Leaning against the stage he took another sip of his Whiskey. "Call me O." He said in a casual voice, winking at both of the girls. His eyes kept going back to the blonde....she was cute...something he could see himself with. His manager hit him on the shoulder, "Boy! Another song! Make this one upbeat will you." He glared up at the man and looked back at both girls, "Please excuse me." He said blowing both of them a kiss. He picked up his guitar once more. " that we started the evening off...with a song about about we go to a song about... beauty?" Crowd cheered once more. "That's more like it." He started strumming again "This song... is called Pray for me...." He laughed in the mic, "Any of you lovely ladies want to save me from myself?" Female screams, he flashed a smile and started singing.

[Verse 1]
She lights a candle, but she doesn't know why.
She wants to save me, but i'm barely alive.
My soul is thirsty. I just wanna get high.
Make her go away.

Now i'm hitting the wall and she begs me to quit,
And she drags me to church but i'm scared to commit,
And i'm loosing my mind 'cause she hides all my shit.
She wont go away.

And all I ask of her is
Pray for me,
'Cause I don't want to
Pray for me,
If you love me.
Cross your heart and hope that I wont die before the best day of my life.
Just pray for me tonight.

[Verse 2]
I dragged myself out of the bed that she made,
And I escape her in a black motercade
She's pushing bibles and a clear bill of health.
I can't make her go away.

Now i'm hitting the wall and she begs me to quit,
And she drags me to church but i'm scared to commit,
And i'm loosing my mind 'cause she hides all my shit.
She wont go away.

And all I ask of her is
Pray for me,
'Cause I don't want to
Pray for me,
If you love me.
Cross your heart and hope that I don't die before the best day of my life.
Just pray for me tonight.

[Electric Solo]

[Final Pre-Chorus and Chorus Combo]
Now i'm hitting the wall and she begs me to quit,
And she drags me to church but i'm scared to commit,
And i'm loosing my mind 'cause she hides all my shit.
And all I ask of her is
Pray for me,
I don't want to
Pray for me,
If you love me.
Cross your heart and hope that I don't die before the best day of my life.
(Pray for me tonight)
Pray for me
(Pray for me tonight)
Pray for me
(Pray for me tonight)
Pray for me
(Pray for me tonight)
Pray for me
(Pray for me to- )

Crowd was cheering and screaming when he was done. Anyone listened closely, they would be able to tell he had an addiction. He hopped off the stage, and apologized to the girls once more. "That should be the last song I play for the next whataya say? You two wanna freebase with me?" His eyes glittered wildly...he had a date with death...or maybe just a deathwish...but there was always an angel watching out for him...that much he knew.

((again... another sixx AM song... Pray for

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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His smile widened. "Well lovely Em, to answer your question, my drug of choice... is A drug that helps you to escape reality, while making it much harder to cope when you are recaptured." He laughed and looked at both of them. "In short... Heroin." He looked around, wasn't a good idea for him to start talking about this. "How about we all go to my car? That is where I keep my materials for freebase." He held out both arms for the girls, "Freebasing is when you take away the impurities of the drug, and leave it with only the pure. Feels like falling in love." He gave a soft laugh, it was hard to describe freebasing...he only learned it from his dealer. All he knew was the high was amazing, though short lived....but to make his high last longer he always mixed Coke and Heroin together.

((OOC: My bf didn't like the fact that I was using his nickname for a heroin user.... so i've changed it to Orien.... -shrug- just remember when your tagging characters in the post, its Orien not Orael.))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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The girl with black hair announced herself as Ember, the boy O. Simple, and smooth. Something that didn't surprise her. Any addict smart enough knew to not go around announcing their name, unless wanting a knock at their door. A couple of years ago, and even now, you would never expect someone so sweet and innocent looking as Nessa to be so fucked up mentally. But, hearing O speak of freebasing seemed appealing enough, and she was willing to do anything to get her next fix, even if he meant hanging out with complete strangers. She smirked slightly at him as he went back on stage, and she began to dance to the words, finding a connection in them somehow. 'Oh, the days I used to write music..' said the voice inside her head. She ignored it, as usual.

By the time O returned, she was more than willing to oblige. She could see he was, as a normal person would call it, "a player", but, that never bothered her. He was out to get his next fix, as was she. She ran a hand through her long wavy hair, which was beginning to lose it's texture, already. Not that she cared. She looked sicker than usual, her weight being well below what it should be, all thanks to her little friend, and the sweet sensation it made her feel. Just another thing she'd put up with to feel that free again. She was brought out of her thoughts by Ember's question to O. "Well lovely Em, to answer your question, my drug of choice... is A drug that helps you to escape reality, while making it much harder to cope when you are recaptured." He laughed and looked at both of them. "In short... Heroin." She raised an eyebrow. Heroin was the one thing she had never tried. Partly because she was afraid. But mostly, the majority of the people she associated with were into Coke like herself. Or pills. "I use cocaine, for the most part..but I'm into trying new things." she glanced at both Ember and O. "How about we all go to my car? That is where I keep my materials for freebase." then he offered both her and Ember an arm. She shrugged. "What the hell, why not," then flashed a smile and intertwined her own fragile arm through his.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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Ember liked the idea of freebasing, she has tried heroin a couple times but she did prefer her ice but she shrugged "Sure why not, im up for anything" her eyes were already glazed from the high she was in and she didnt ever want the high to leave her. Bouncing in her step a little she put her arm in O's and smiled to them both. Then she remeber she came here with Syri, the other girl is probably wondering where the fuck she was. Scanning the crowd with her eyes she finally found Syri and she could tell that the girl was looking for her. Their eyes met and Syri could see that she was preoccupied, the other girl gave her a grin and a wink then walked away. They usually went their different ways during the party, always making sure they knew where one was and always went home together. It wasnt really rules but they were pratically family and they took care of each other if you would call it that. Bouncing a little she looked to O and Nessa "I could so use an escape from reality now but I dont even know what reality is anymore!" she laughed and grinned at the other two.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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"Hot sex?" she smirked up at him. "That may not be a total lie," then she laughed as they walked away. She was joking, sort of. When she was high, she would do things she wouldn't hardly do noot being high. She could feel her last high leaving her body, and hated the way it felt. She was ready for more. Something new. Something stonger..

He led the way to the limo out front waiting for them. It would seem as if he had money, then again, she did have money and you could hardly tell by where she lived. She hopped in, sitting her bag on the right side of her, and crossing her legs slightly. When he asked which they were interested in, she knew instantly her answer. "Eightball," it was a term she was quite fond of, hearing it used a lot in the past from her ex, Steven. He was a heavy user, even moreso than her. He opened her eyes to mixing drugs, and the affect it had. She liked the feeling. She layed her eyes on Ember as she said the word "Snowball." The closer you looked at the two of them, the more you could see the effects that the drugs had on them. It was a shame, how it could change a beautiful girl or attractive guy into nothing more than a worn down, mess. However, these two people weren't to that point. No, in her eyes, they were someone she could see herself hanging with more than once. They were the type of users she was used to being around. Although not yet twenty-one, she wasn't about to let on her age. She doubted they would notice, anyways.

Turning her eyes to O, she watched as he set it up, then took his first hit, instantly getting some form of a high off of it, and singing. "Damn, that's not to bad. You write all of your music high?" She raised an eyebrow, taking the set-up from him, and inhaling her first "eightball," as it was known around. She felt weightless. "This shit is so much better than what I've been doing." she glanced at him. "Where do you get your fix from?" She was always interested in finding a new dealer, if it meant getting better quality.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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He looked over at Nessa and gave a smile. She was so beautiful...why was he damaging her life again? Oh yeah... thats right... he wanted people to get high with. Nodding he took another hit. "Thats exactly how I write my music. I bet you two can relate to both songs I've sang tonight?" He closes his eyes leaning his head back. He knew better than to give out his dealers name. "Now now angel, lets not get ahead of ourselves..." He opened his eyes and looked back at her and winked. "As for hot sex... I can't do that to you two." He wasn't so high he couldn't control himself, but he wanted them to know he respected them.... even if he was destroying their lives.

He looked out the limo window and then back at them. "You guys should come to my madhouse parties ever." He nodded knowing he'd want to hang out with them. He wondered if his mind was playing tricks on him about his sister. He hadn't seen Meg in years....was he finally loosing his mind? Seemed like it. He started laughing and he shook his head. "I have a princess and an angel with me tonight..." A sigh, "Life is beautiful..." He nodded and took another hit. When was this lifestyle ever going to end? When he was facedown on a curve? Probably.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody Character Portrait: Magdalena 'Mag' Moody
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Magdalena had been mentally preparing herself for any number of reactions from her brother to her re-appearance in town, from good, to bad. What she hadn't expected, however, was apparent complete indifference. As Mag walked in, he was on his way out with a couple of girls. They saw one another, and he kept on walking, going outside. The incident was unexpected, and momentarily left the girl stood in silence, trying to fathom it and get her head around her reaction. Eventually it set upon one of anger.

Four years since they'd last been in contact, and still apparently two random girls were his priority. Who the hell did he think he was?

She puffed her cheeks out and clenched her hands in frustration, crushing the note paper in the process.

No, she was not going to get pissed and go home. She'd spent too long on this to just blow it over some slight. The young woman stepped outside and leant against the wall outside the doorway, hoping to have a chance to grab him when he returned and couldn't so easily avoid her. She sighed, fidgeting with the choker she was wearing and looking downwards.

Waiting around on Orien's terms. She couldn't help but feel a lingering sense of deja vu about the whole thing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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Ember took the spoon and the bag and did the same thing as O was doing, as she was heating it she started to inhale the smoke "pure bliss.." she grinnd. As she heard O's lyrics she nodded, her eyes glazing over more "Thats pretty got talent" laying her head against the seat she looked at the other two "Wonder how this will effect me with the ice I have in me, you two ever do Ice? Its like heaven in my system" she giggled letting herself just lose it, she looked at the other two. There was something about the two that intrigued her, maybe it was the drugs in her system but she wasnt exactly sure.

Looking over to O when he mentioned parties she nodded "Id love to both seem pretty chill...just one question could I bring my roommate with me. We usually go to the same parties together" she was talking in a more rapid pace, hoping the other two could understand her. Sitting up a little she took another hit and smiled "Damnnn if I wasnt so into my crank and ice, id so be into this".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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She could feel the high coming on. Almost right after she had tried this new mixture of drugs. It was unlike anything she'd done before. And it made her happy. More importantly, it made her want more. She smirked at his flirty way of not giving out his dealer's name. She expected that. He was a flirt, that was for sure. "I'll get it out of you," she laughed half-jokingly. But when he said no to the sex, it did give her comfort for some reason. She was not easy, even if he was attractive. She glanced down at herself. She hadn't realized how underdressed she actually looked, until now. It didn't bother her. The way she dressed was a way to express herself. ..and get noticed so you can get your next fix... the voice inside her head said. "You guys should come to my madhouse parties ever." Nessa raised an eyebrow. "Parties, I'm down..sounds legit." he could see he wanted to hang out with them again, and, in all honestly she wanted the same thing. Glancing again at the fix in his hands, she sighed. "If only I could feel this way an all time high," then leaned her head back, smiling slightly out the window.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody Character Portrait: Magdalena 'Mag' Moody Character Portrait: Jasper 'Jazz' Collins
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Jasper wasn't a confrontational guy, he never had been. In fact, there were very few people he knew in the world that were confrontational. So when he was getting pulled by his collar, for what appeared to be absolutely no reason, he was a bit stunned and it took him a few seconds to react. It didn't help that he was blown out of his mind. "Hey, dude. What the Hell?" He wasn't being particularly rude about it, and it was more like a genuine - albeit irritated - curiosity. When the guy just continued to the stage, he shrugged it off and raised an eyebrow at the girl he had literally only been talking to for a few seconds.

"So, uh, your brother seems like a nice guy," Jasper told her, not quite sure what to make of the guy who looked around his own age. Jazz didn't see anything wrong with talking to the girl, especially when he had no intentions of seducing anyone at the moment. He was too busy enjoying everything else about his high, including the heightened senses that came with it. He felt like he could hear everything, from someone blinking to the spin of the Earth. "Anyways, I'm Jasper. Everyone I know calls me Jazz, though." He figured he should at least let her know his name, after already having such a wonderful meeting with her brother. He ran his fingers through his spiky hair.

He almost felt bad for this random girl, with her brother brushing her off like he had just done. It was rude and not at all how someone should treat family, and Jasper knew all about having shitty family members.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody Character Portrait: Magdalena 'Mag' Moody Character Portrait: Jasper 'Jazz' Collins
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Ember watched as O left the limo, she was glad he said that Syri would be able to go. She tooke a couple more hits before looking over to Nessa "Ever feel like you never want this moment to go?" She got lost in her thoughts for a few minutes before she snapped out of it "We should go watch him sing...I like his songs" she said as she opened the door closest to her, leaving the drug stuff in the car. She had a feeling Nesaa would come so she walked into the party.

She saw the confrontation that happened with a guy with spiky hair and that girl O pointed out early. She wondered what happened there but her thoughts went elsewhere, she was very out of it. She was standing a little off to the other side, looking up to the stage she smiled. She heard the guy that was over with that girl introduce himself as Jasper...Jazz. She couldnt help but noticed the guy looked like a user...maybe she will have to talk to him or something. Her thoughts werent exactly there and she was feeling very jittery, looking to the door she waited for anessa to come in.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody Character Portrait: Magdalena 'Mag' Moody Character Portrait: Orael Moody Character Portrait: Jasper 'Jazz' Collins
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He mentally kicked himself as he saw the guy and his sister. "Angel." He murmured into the microphone. Knowing his princess would be in the club in a few minutes, he had to start singing. "This goes out to my two lovely girls, "Nessa and Ember..such beautiful women they are." He chuckled softly into the microphone and looked down at his sister. "Meg... I want you to know...I wrote this song for you." Picking up his guitar, he started playing along with the piano.
Paint yourself a picture
Of what you wish you looked like
Maybe then they just might
Feel an ounce of your pain

Come into focus
Step out of the shadows
It's a losing battle
There's no need to be ashamed

Cause they don't even know you
All they see is scars
They don't see the angel
Living in your heart

Let them find the real you
Buried deep within
Let them know with all you've got
That you are not your skin

Oh [X2]

When they start to judge you
Show them your true colors
And do onto others
As you'd have done to you

Just rise above this
Kill them with your kindness
Ignorance is blindness
They're the ones that stand to lose

'Cause they don't even know you
All they see is scars
They don't see the angel
Living in your heart

Let them find the real you
Buried deep within
Let them know with all you got
That you are not your skin


Well they don't even know you
All they see is scars
They don't see the angel
Living in your heart

Let them find the real you
Buried deep within
Let them know with all you've got
That you are not
That you are not your skin

Oh [X2]

He sighed sadly after the song was over, this was the one song he hadn't written strug out... this was the one song that he had written for his sister. Only Meg would know what this song was about...only they shared the same past.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody Character Portrait: Magdalena 'Mag' Moody Character Portrait: Jasper 'Jazz' Collins
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Mag was taken by surprise, both by Orien's re-appearance, and by his behaviour towards the man.

"Jesus Christ Orien, stop it!" she exclaimed.
"I need to talk to you, and he wasn't doing anything, so just chill out!"

It certainly was all or nothing. Either he was trying to pretend she wasn't there, or he was ready to kick the crap out of a guy for getting within spitting distance. Wasn't there any middle ground with her brother? Apparently not, as he'd already disappeared again. Biting down on the inside of her cheek, the girl turned back to the other guy for a moment.

"Uh..sorry about that. He never was one for being subtle. I'm Magdalena, most people I know call me Mag though in an effort to make me sound a bit less pretentious. I gotta go track him down. Hopefully he'll apologize, but I can't really promise anything. He's acting like an ass this evening." she stated, before making her way inside.

Her intention had been to find her brother and tell him to wake up to himself, but as she got inside she heard something that she really hadn't expected. The song, and the dedication to her. She was stopped in her tracks initially, and she stepped back, it giving her measure to pause. Mag sniffed, lowering her head and winding the silver pendant she wore around her finger. She didn't like getting emotional about things. Upon leaving she'd made a conscious decision not to be, even if it did involve a certain degree of faking. Hearing something like that brought back a lot of things, and she didn't want them to culminate in her having a crying fit in the middle of a night club, so she hung back and took a few deep breaths.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody Character Portrait: Magdalena 'Mag' Moody
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Ember started feeling the effects of the drugs in her system, she heard her name over the microphone and looked up at the stage to see O starting to sing. Then her body started dancing and she found herself dancing with a couple people, a girl and a guy that she didnt even know. She felt hands on her skin and her hands touching someone elses skin but she didnt know who. She was feeling lost in herself, not exactly knowing what she was doing. She was being pulled in different directions and felt she was going to explode, she was seeing different colors flash all around her "So prettty" she murmered.

Stumbling around as she got near the entrance once more, she blinked her eyes looking at a woman...the same woman that she remembered O pointed out earlier. She made her way closer to the woman and poked the girl on the shoulder "Are you okay sweetie?" she asked, her eyes were very glazed over and she felt very jittery once again. Looking to the stage she heard O finish a song and smiled to him, giving a small wave before jumping on the balls of her feet a little bit before looking at the woman in front of her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Reggie Dugan Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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Ember was in and out of her mind, she felt herself fidgit alot, she needed another hit, just a little one she thought. Thats when she heard someone yell "Its Reggie from SocialRejects!" then the yelling got louder. Putting her hands to her ears she shook her head. She needed more, turning around she moved throught the crowd to got to O. Once she was closer she saw Reggie, she was hallucinating she knew it. "Damnit" she started scratching her arms and went closer "O...imma go have a hit of ice...I just wantedyou to know.." she was saying this but her eyes kept going to Reggie. "Shes not real...snap out of it December...snap out of it" she mumbled to herself. Ember would look different to Reggie since they last saw each other, she was much skinnier and her hair was longer and styled different and she was paler with many new scars on her arms. "O...ill come find you later" she said with a rush then made her way through the crowd to the bathrooms

Once she was inside she was shaking, taking out the ice she got it ready on a small counter near the sinks and took her hits, after five hits she started feeling it and she slid down the wall with her back to it and let her mind float, closing her eyes, her body let out a small shiver.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Reggie Dugan Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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Ember felt the kiss and looked to see O, she heard him say he was going to the limo, nodding her head "ill be out in a few" she said as she just felt like she was flaoting. Hearing the door open again she looked up hearing her name and seeing Reggie once again "Fuck these hallucinations" she mumbled as she went to stand up. Then she heard her childhood nickname that only one person ever called her but she hasnt heard it for years. "Reggie? My star...are you real?" she let out a laugh and her body shook a little. "I thought you were another..." she trailed off, the mix of drugs she did today must be messing her up she thought. "Need to find Syri and go home..." she mumbled as she grabbed her ice off the counter and put it in her pocket. "You wanna come to my placeReggie? Im sure Syri wont mind...just gotta tell O and yeah..." she looked now right into the eyes of Reggie, which probably wasnt a good idea because now Reggie could see how messed up Ember really is by looking in her eyes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Reggie Dugan Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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Ember felt arms around her, it felt good, good to be in the arms of her best friend. "Ive missed you star...didnt think id see you...tonights been awesome.." she laughed "I met a boy...he sings...and we hit together...god that shit was good" she was mumbling as they walked. She was trying to find Syri, her eyes looking around the crowd when she finally saw her at the bar in the lap of another guy. As they walked over she laid her head on Reggies shoulder. "Syri im headin home...Reggie is staying for a coming" Syri looked up, the girl was obviously as messed up as Ember "Girl imma stay at Davis house tonight, you have fun Emmy".

Ember nodded "Lets go then my Star" she looked up at Reggie then started walking outside then stopped at O's limo and knocked on the window "O its me Ember".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kara Matthews Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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Kara took a deep breath, leaning back on her feet slightly. She started making a sale when the notification on her phone went off, making her jump. "Shit," She grumbled then made sure she completed the sale. On her way to gettin the drugs which where perfectly hidden she took out her phone. She squinted and read what it had said, "Ah, O..." She thought then nodded. She didn't even bother texting him back because she had work to do. She got the drugs that O wanted and the drugs that the buyers wanted. She held O's drugs in one hand while she traded with the other clients. She smirked and waved to them, stuffing the money into the back of her pants before putting O's drugs where she usually does. She leant against a building and started to take a few hits off of her drugs. She tipped her head back, smiling a little up at the sky. Half of her was begging for this night to be over and the other half was thinking that it was just the beginning. She was eager to do something exciting that night so she decided once she was done with her sales for that night that she would go do something that she would consider as fun.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Reggie Dugan Character Portrait: Kara Matthews Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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Ember smiled at O, feeling the hand against her cheek "Hey O" l, then hearing the second question that O asked she pondered in her mind for a few minutes. "Well Reggie wants to catch up with me tonight and I still have to talk to my roomie..but maybe tomorrow? I need to make a run to my person in the morning...that reminds me" she took out her phone and sent her dealer a text. "Hey you think you could get me some ice for the morning? if not ill get some crank" after sending the message she saw that her arn has been written on and she looked up to O. "Thanks O..dont know why you want me to move in but I think itll be fun" she giggled. Then she looked to Reggie then O and waited for either of them to say something then she noticed Reggie shaking and remembered the last time Reggie was like that.."Reggie wheres your medicine?" she asked soundng the most sober she has sounded in days and her face had a look of concern.