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Damien Augustine

0 · 360 views · located in Arcbell Academy

a character in “Arcbell Academy”, as played by Trystain


Damien Raphael Augustine
Nick Name:
Dame, Raph, or Augustine
Blood Type:
B -


Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Dressing Style:
He likes to dress up in a suit at every opportunity, though he does occasionally wear some more casual clothing
167 lbs.


Reading, jogging, a good - clean fight, and being with friends
Large groups, lima beans, unfair fights, people who believe themselves to be above everyone else
Talks to himself when thinking about an important subject, making him almost completely oblivious
None as of yet.
Shy and almost hostile at first, but loyal and carefree once he comes out of his shell.


General: Cooking, Cleaning, Drawing, and can play the alto saxophone; Demonic: Can form spirit creatures to fight for him, and can grow a maw in the center of his chest that devours lesser abilities that come into contact with it.
Mother: Christine Patricia Augustine - Apparent Age: 35, Actual Age: 247 - demon - Had Damien at the age of 229 after Damien's father abandoned her and disappeared. A loving mother and fierce demon warrior, she wishes only for her son's success in the world.
Father: Ulther Orthov Baviell - Apparent Age: 27, Actual Age: Unknown - demon - After a brief relationship with Christine, Ulther abandoned his family, feeling they were beneath his notice. His whereabouts are currently unknown.
Damien grew up on the border of a large city in Ohio, raised only by his mother, Christine Augustine. He was home schooled for most of his life, until he was finally able to enroll into Arcbell Academy. His mother thought it best for him to study with others like himself, and had advised him that though many of the people he was to meet may not like his kind, he would do best to keep his eyes forward and not give in to petty hate.



So begins...

Damien Augustine's Story


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Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ayman Yenta Character Portrait: Damien Augustine
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Damien exited the car at the front gates to the school that was to be his new home for a couple of years. It had been a long trip from his home, and he was glad it was over. He had aches, and pains, and cramps in places he didn't know existed until today. He stretched as much as he could in his new suit without ripping anything, looking over the school as he did so. It surprised him that there could be such a magnificent school. Most of the schools he'd ever seen (though never attended) were built primarily for function, not design. Yet this building was massive, and it seemed that the architect that had built this place had put everything he or she had into making the best symbiosis of function and elegance that they could.

"I think I may get to liking this school," he said to himself. "And I haven't even seen the inside yet." Damien sighed. "I don't even have an idea as to how I get to the office to get information on classes or where I'm staying." He looked around again, thinking that perhaps there would be a landmark or something to guide him. There were students everywhere, some clearly more inhuman than others. Of course, that was one of the main reasons his mother had sent him here. There were way too many stereotypes and hatreds between the races for anything good to come out of it. So he was there to attempt to make friends with as many different people, and species, as possible as well as keeping up with his schoolwork.

Realizing his mind had begun to wander again, Damien shook his head to clear his thoughts. "Let's just find somebody who seems quiet and friendly to start off with and try to get some directions," he said, again to himself. "I really need to stop doing that." The driver of the car cleared his throat loudly in slight annoyance. "Oh! Right!" Damien turned and reached back into the car to grab what few belongings he had: A duffel bag with what little casual clothes and personal items he had, and three recently dry-cleaned suits. Damien closed the car door with a foot, and the car sped away almost immediately.

Looking back to the school, Damien began the walk through the gates, heading for what he could only assume were gardens for students who had nothing to do. One particular pair seemed relaxed enough, sitting in the shade on the outskirts of the gardens. One of the two looked particularly odd, but Damien was sure it was just his poor eyesight (for a demon) and the long distance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Ender Character Portrait: Damien Augustine
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Damien grunted as someone ran into him. He nearly lost his balance, but caught himself just in time. He looked down at the source of his loss of balance. She was short enough that he would have missed her if she had not run into him. He smiled back. "Apology accepted, little one. The first human, huh? Must have been tough on you last year then?" He chuckled. "Well, perhaps not, since you seem to be enjoying yourself, and not gawking at all the different... people." Damien went to reach out a hand for her to shake, but realized he was still carrying his things. He quickly sat down his duffel bag and wiped the sweat on his pant leg. He held it out to her again. "The name's Damien. Damien Raphael Augustine. It's a pleasure to meet you, though I'm surprised you travel alone around here, little one. I've been taught that grudges, stereotypes, and hatred seem to be contagious, and I know humans aren't often the ones getting past those."

He blushed faintly as he realized he may have said too much. But what had been said was true, and it couldn't be un-said. So Damien just stood there, with his hand extended in friendship. Or at least acquaintance-ship.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Juliet Ender Character Portrait: Damien Augustine
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Gray Ender

Gray sighed heavily. "Beginning of the year is always stressful." He looked at the blonde who was now walking away. "Listen I don't know what ruffled your feathers but chill out..." Gray stretched and held out his hand. Gold soon filled his palm but it wasn't real. No just fakes Gray could make, and he only ever made them so he could enjoy tossing them into the air and catching them again. It was a challenge catching them all. Gray looked at the demon, "Sorry for interjecting..." Finally he turned around and started walking back where he came from. Gray was known to get into fights but with Prothero being watched like a hawk he'd been given strict orders to lay low. Like that would happen...

~ . ~

Prothero Ender

Prothero blinked shocked. The younger boy acted like he was ashamed of his own species! Opening his wings wide and showing off his pointed ears and teeth defiantly. "Of course I am! And proud to be!" He looked at the boy. Had he really just asked him... Prothero blinked shocked. "Well... If you'd like then... Then sure..." He smiled gently. "I don't have friends so Il do my best I suppose." He remained silently still as the boy explained what he was looking for. Smiling at the boys choice Prothero opened his wings. "That will be found in the History section." He quietly turned and led the way.

The history section was small and encompassed more general knowledge for all species. Prothero looked over the books his sharp eyes picking out the one he was looking for. Jumping and flapping he managed to carry himself up to the latter and slide it to the left. In a brisk and perfect moment he grabbed the book slid down jumping at the last few steps and gently touching down. He handed the book to the young demon. "For the record... My name is Prothero Ender... It is a pleasure to meet you, also..." Prothero admired the smaller demons horns. "I like your horns... They are colorful... That's rare and considered a sign of beauty and strength among our kind wear them with pride and ignore all who dare to insult them." Prothero was speaking with sharp and proud dignity looking at the boy as he was an equal.

~ . ~

Juliet Ender

Juliet blinked confused. "That's silly... Well there was a vampire who stalked me... But aside that no problems!" Juliet beamed. "And of course I'm ok with everyone here... My big brothers are demons and so are my adopted mom and dad." Juliet was not the kind of person to hold back information so he her small hand she grabbed Damian's hand and shook it happily. "Oh! If you need anything you can ask me!" She grinned her ruby eyes sparkling and her long dark hair being pulled and played with by the wind, she looked like the picture of happiness, and she felt like it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Ender Character Portrait: Damien Augustine
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Damien smiled back, as the girl's happiness seemed to be the only contagious thing at the school so far. But there was something about what she said that bothered him. Her brothers were demons? And she had been adopted into a family of them. That was the strangest thing he'd ever heard. But it did explain why she wasn't afraid of anyone, and was used to the strange varieties of creature the school offered. "Well, Juliet, I may have to take you up on your offer right away. You see, I have absolutely no sense of direction, nor have I been here before. So I'm at a total loss as to what I need to do. I'm new, not only to this school, but to going to school altogether. If you could walk me around? Give me a general tour, if you will, that would be nice. And I'd love to meet your brothers some time. A family such as yours is a rare thing, and I'd like to get to know you all."

Damien looked over to the two boys he had been going to ask the same thing of. "And as many of the others as I can." He looked back to Juliet. Picking up his duffel bag again, he nodded. "After you, oh short and glorious leader."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Juliet Ender Character Portrait: Damien Augustine
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Prothero Ender

Prothero was shocked when he found arms around him. Blinking he pet the boys head gently touching the colorful horns. "Fly... Well I'd have to use my larger wings for that... See at the moment there in there smaller form..." Prothero blinked. "I'm sure I could fly you around sometime your small I could easily pick you up and fly you wherever you wish... Maybe even back to France during the weekends... I might be a studious non-trouble maker but I do enjoy going into the city without anyone so as to catch a movie or meal..." Prothero spoke matter-a-factly. Not without motion no he was always passionate sounding except when angered, but still he spoke briskly and state what he felt should be said... That was all.

~ . ~

Juliet Ender

Juliet beamed without end. "Ok onward!" Juliet was heading back to the front of the school as that was the best point to start when her large always sparkling eyes caught sight of Gray. "BIG BROTHER!" Juliet lept over / through a bush and ran past a fuming golden haired boy, her long and beautiful hair trailed behind her. "BIG BROTHER!" Juliet launched herself at Gray and smiled widely as she felt her brother catch and spin her with ease... After all she was small and a human! After being spun and set down she giggled her wide eyes happy. "Big brother I'm helping a new person! Il be like you and Prothero il make the family proud and help everyone!" Juliet was smiling to hard to see the worry flight across his face. "It's the demon over there!" Juliet pointed to Damian and waved him over happy as usual.

~ . ~

Gray Ender

Gray was lost in thought when his sisters sweet happy voice filled his head. He turned in time to catch and spin the girl her long hair flying around them. He set her down and began to huff looking at her already slightly torn dress and leaves in her hair. He'd brushed it this morning twice! He picked the leaves from her hair and then smiled. He listened as she went on to talk about helping someone. Gray froze... Was it another vampire? Someone who might see his sweet sibling as a snack. But when she pointed to a demon he relaxed... A little he was still an older guy around his sweet sister but fine... Better then a vampire at least.

"I don't want this year to be like last year..." Gray blinked as she said those words. It was true that last year she was alone despite being accepted. This year she wanted to change that. Gray would not stop her or get in her way then. Things were tough enough for the girl. She had to deal with a huge hole in her childhood waking up yelling and crying when fleeting memories tormented her then being a human with demon brothers and then going to this school. Nodding Gray played with her hair.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Juliet Ender Character Portrait: Damien Augustine
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Damien followed behind Juliet, at a slower pace, of course. He stepped through the bushes carefully, as to not tear his suit. He smiled and laughed quietly to himself as he watched her race into her brother's arms. He saw the quick look of worry on her brother's face and stiffened slightly when his gaze fell onto Damien. Damien caught Juliet's comment just as he strode up. The other boy in the group seemed to be coming down off of an anger rush of sorts, and Damien nodded to him courteously, not wanting to rile him up again. Of course, Damien didn't want to rile anyone up.

Damien looked back to Juliet's brother and sat his duffel bag down. Her brother was only a few inches shorter than Damien was, and probably weighed less, but Damien knew he'd put up one hell of a fight if he needed to. Glancing back at the other boy, he made the same judgement. But then again, any of the people at this school, save for a select few, could probably cause a lot of damage should things get violent. Especially with the manner of creatures assembled in this one building.

Damien held out his hand to Juliet's brother. "Hiya. The name's Damien. Damien Raphael Augustine. I'm new to this school, and school in general. Your little sister here agreed to showing me around the campus and help me find my way to the information's room so I can find out where my room is. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance." He flashed a smile, and the whites of his eyes seemed to swirl to black for a second, and then back again to white. Damien seemed not to have noticed. His personality was not like how he was acting currently, and he was silently cringing inside. He always tended to be hostile towards people he just met because of his family life, and always wanted to curl up away from everyone.

But this time was different. Had to be different. He couldn't rebuff anyone right away, or hide from people because he didn't trust them yet. He had to make friends. He had to show everyone that it didn't matter who you were, and that hatreds were just stupid superstitions and foundations for failure. He had already befriended this little girl, who was a human, but he felt the brother may be a bit harder to handle than she was. After all, Damien was a stranger to them both, a demon on top of that, and this was the guy's little sister they were talking about. Adopted sister, but he was sure it didn't matter. Should he harm her in any way, he knew the boy in front of him would try and have his head.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Juliet Ender Character Portrait: Damien Augustine
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Prothero Ender

Prothero nodded. "The larger form is better this size is only good for flying myself... And of course I'd do that... Flying is a wonderful feeling to not share such a thing would make me the most hanous of friend!" Prothero was pleased at his progress with the young boy. He'd not scared him off or insulted him. All was well and perhaps Prothero could keep this friend, then to someone he'd no longer be that mysterious boy. Honestly Prothero told everyone everything what was so bloody mysterious? When Prothero zipped back into the present the words:
I hope you and I are always friends.
Hit Prothero. He smiled gently. "If you would so desire I could take you for a quick flight here in the library... It is vast enough that I have often flown around it... Just to get to the second floor... And the skylight adds a rather enjoyable effect on the entire flight."

~ . ~

Gray Ender

Gray decided to hear the demon out. He seemed polite enough and kind... And his name... It rung some bells but at the moment Gray could not remember where he had heard that name. Juliet had become distracted with a blue butterfly that had flown her way, and Gray decided to take this opportunity. Grabbing and shaking Damian's hand he nodded. "Name's Gray Ender... I'm happy my sis is finally making friends." Gray was honest about that. He made sure Juliet wasn't paying attention when his tone lowered. "Hey... Juliet might be showing you around... But please do me a favor and look over her... She's a really rare blood type and vampires flock to her... She's so darn innocent she doesn't realize... So look over her..." Gray made it clear he was entrusting this task to the boy. Finally he put on a more calm tone and smile. "Anyway... It's good to know Juliet made a friend."

~ . ~

Juliet Ender

Juliet was planning on watching to make sure Gray did not scare Damian. But a small butterfly came her way and the large ruby eyed girl followed it. It was a light blue butterfly and it did not flutter too far before turning around and lighting down on Juliet's nose. She blinked and silently tilted her head up to the sky and smiled softly as the butterfly stayed on the tip of her nose. Juliet was thoroughly distracted when Gray snapped her back to reality. "Ok now let's go... We can stop by the information office first so you don't have to carry everything then I'll show you the whole school I have a map cause sometimes I get lost too." Juliet beamed before taking the initiative to open the front door and hold it open for the taller older demon. "Also you can ask any questions about anything~ Il do my very best to answer!" Juliet leaned back allowing her long hair to fall down while she stared up at the sky and nothing in particular.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Juliet Ender Character Portrait: Damien Augustine
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Damien regarded the other boy carefully. He had reacted at Damien's name. Why? Was his name that weird? He shrugged to himself. It didn't matter to him. At least, not yet. Though he'd have to ask Gray about it later, when he had time, and his arms weren't feeling like they were going to pop out of their sockets from carrying his luggage everywhere. He knew something about Damien's family. At least, he thought Gray did.

But more importantly, Gray had asked a favor of him. His sister had a rare blood type that attracted vampires, she was too innocent to notice the unwanted attention, and he was entrusting his sister's safety to Damien? It was quite the responsibility for a new-found friend like him. But he smiled a knowing half-smile and nodded to Gray. He lowered his voice to match Gray's, so that Juliet wouldn't hear. "Of course, Herr Ender. I will look after her as long as I am with her. And I will do everything I can to keep harm from befalling her." He released Gray's hand, picked up his duffel bag, and turned to follow Juliet inside, smiling at her and teasing her about her height.

As he reached the door, however, he stopped. Turning to face Gray again, he gave his biggest smile, the whites of his eyes swirling black for a second again. "And Gray?" he called, chuckling slightly. "You can call me Raph. I hope to be your friend as well. Not just your sister's." With that, he turned and entered the school.


Damien bowed to Juliet, which was made somewhat awkward with his belongings. "After you, Frau Ender. I will be in your care for the evening it appears, so I hope you'll enjoy my company as much as I enjoy yours." He straightened back up and slowly looked around, taking in the sheer magnitude of beauty the inside had to offer. The outside had its beauty too, but it seemed trivial by far. As he took in the massive main hall and it's decor, he also scanned the crowds of students, wary of any potential threats to Juliet. He had just made two friends in his eyes, and he wasn't about to let anything happen to change that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Juliet Ender Character Portrait: Damien Augustine
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Prothero Ender

Prothero blinked then laughed. "There is no way your too heavy~" Prothero smiled and opened his wings soon they began to grow and stretch with a few pops and cracks. Soon they were twice the size they were before. "Now let us fly." Prothero held out his hand and waited. When Romeo took it he pulled the boy close to him and got into a position as if they were about to dance. He smiled down at his new friend. "Always trust me." Prothero stepped forward then he pulled Romeo closer and jogged when they reached the table he picked Romeo up and jumped onto the table before jumping into the air. He wrapped his arms around Romeo keeping him close as he flapped his strong wings. Soon they were gliding and circling about the library. Prothero kept steady and smiled down at Romeo. "Do you like it?"

~ . ~

Gray Ender

Gray watched Damian and Juliet go. His sister was in good hands... He could tell. At the idea of being friends with his sisters friend made him smile a little, but it was a weird smile. He was uncertain about making friends. Gray turned and looked at the false gold he'd dropped onto the ground. Feeling to lazy to grab it he simply made a large piece of gold and began tossing it up into the air and catching it while he walked off somewhere. To be honest he did not care where he went. He just went.

~ . ~

Juliet Ender

Juliet beamed and waited until Damian was inside before following. "First we should go to the information office. Everyone gets there own room so there's no fighting amongst the species. She smiled. "They use to share and my big brothers were put together..." Juliet smiled then laughed. "When I came to check on them they'd managed to throw each other through the wall into the other room I found Prothero's head inside of big brothers Gray's chest mouth. Juliet laughed. "Ever sense then Prothero has been terrified of the thing." Juliet giggled and led the way with a happy hop in her step all the way to the office / information room. She stepped inside and smiled at the old vampire behind a desk. Ok well Juliet knew the vampire was in the 100 years old but generally looked 30. Juliet liked this vampire aside the scary past she had with them. "Here we areee~" Juliet spun in a circle. "Now you just say your name and they figure out which room your in I'm in room 301." Juliet stopped. "Oh! Oh! Il carry your bag you have been having to it's no fair!" Without waiting Juliet took Damian's bag only to regret it greatly when she realized it's weight. Huffing she refused to give up and help on tighter pulling it up. "I-I got ittt."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Ender Character Portrait: Damien Augustine
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Damien chuckled a little as Juliet struggled under the weight of his duffel bag. He then turned his attention to the person working the office. "Hi. The name's Damien Raphael Augustine. I'm new here, and my guide says you can tell me what room I'm to be in." His tone was a bit stark, and he hadn't meant it to sound so mean. But that's how he usually was with new people. Except Juliet and her brother though. "I'll have to think about that," he mumbled to himself. He looked up to the registrar again. "Well?" Again, cold and angry-sounding. The registrar just gave him a smirk and pointedly ignored him.

It was then that something occurred to Damien. He turned to Juliet. "You said your brother has a "chest mouth"? I don't know if that's the correct term for it, but perhaps it looks something like this?" Damien unbuttoned his suit jacket and took it off. Then he undid the middle three buttons on his shirt and opened it up, revealing a lean, yet well-structured musculature. Damien closed his eyes for a moment, then concentrated. Slowly, and what sounded like very painfully, the center of his chest began to slowly tear apart, revealing a large, gaping maw lined with rows of sharp teeth. When the transformation, or mutation, was complete, Damien opened his eyes again. The crimson color of his eyes was much more vibrant now, and in the whites of his eyes seemed to swirl a black smoke.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Ender Character Portrait: Damien Augustine
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Juliet Ender

Juliet blinked and watched Damian. When he was done she forgot how hard she was concentrating to hold the bag and collapsed under it's weight. Squirming out from underneath she stood and stepped forward. "Wow~" Juliet's eyes widened until they were two large ruby red orbs staring up at Damian in awe and amazement. She already looked up to the older taller demon. "That's amazing it's like big brothers but." Juliet touched gently around the mouth. "His isn't low." She traces a line a little ways above the mouth. "Gray's is here... And it never disappears... He is what mommy calls a very rare: 'Greed Demon' Juliet smiled. "Stories said they can see into peoples hearts and if the person is bad then the greed demon would devour them... But Gray can't see into people's mind or anything... He has other means to identify greed and he doesn't eat people."

Juliet blinked, and removed her hand from Damian's chest. "Hmmm... There are certain things that make you and Gray's chest mouths different... But there both super cool!" Juliet beamed. "I made a super cool friend I must be luckyyy~" She spun again and her long hair followed her. She stopped when she got dizzy. "Come to think of it... I don't know what kind of demon you are... Prothero is an ice elemental dragon type thing and Gray is a modern greed demon... But your not either so I don't know... Well you could be a greed demon! CAN YOU MAKE FALSE GOLD?" Juliet like the innocent sheep had no fear at the moment, she was just amazed and curious and happy to have made such an interesting friend. She wondered for a brief moment if other people would get scared though?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Juliet Ender Character Portrait: Damien Augustine
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Prothero Ender

Prothero blushed and looked away awkwardly at the kiss. He was always shy when it came to physically contact even when Juliet hugged him he would panic and push her off. But he allowed the boy to do as he wished. Prothero flew around before he stopped on the ledge of the second library floor. He re-adjusted Romeo before giving a smirk. "Trust me ok... And please don't squirm." Prothero with his back to the drop held Romeo then allowed them to fall backward. Prothero grinned and closed his eyes as they spun and fell, he waited until the last possible second before opening his wings to catch the air and fly up and higher then before.

~ . ~

Gray Ender

Gray was busy humming to himself when something collided with him. That something turned out to be a someone. Blinking Gray looked up at the taller red headed boy. "It's no issue..." He smirked. "Ah ha~ One of the humans I've heard so much about..." Gray thought about having some fun until he saw how scared and jumpy the boy was. Smiling Gray decided a friendlier approach might be more welcome. But that did not mean he might not tease the poor human later...

"Hey calm down... Some of the people here are going to be more afraid of you then you are of them." Gray spoke with a happy tone in his voice. "Trust me... My little sister Juliet was the first human to attend the school... I mean the vamps can be a bit of a pain but aside that she had a great year." Gray brushed the boy's clothes off before he stretched and cracked his neck before shoving his hands in his pocket and staring at the boy with his head turned. Really he was only looking at the boy. He was... Tall for a human. I mean sure Gray had seen quite a few humans but they were always older so it was natural they were taller... This boy was maybe his age yet he towered over him. It made Gray feel short and not sure what to do.

~ . ~

Juliet Ender

Juliet blinked and listened to everything Damian said, and did. It sounded like he had a rough childhood so Oriana could relate. Her own was filled with horrible nightmares and huge empty holes in her memory where she rather just not remember ever what happened. What he did on the other hand kept her amazed, and slightly confused. But she could figure things out as she went along. She tilted her head when Damian offered her a coin. "I don't need any payment silly." She laughed. "My own past isn't sunshine and roses... I understand." Juliet took a piece of paper that was handed to her. The secretary had finally bothered to get Damian his information.

Juliet handed the piece of paper to Damian before she started dragging his bag out of the room, and down the hall. She made sure Damian was walking next to her before she continued. "I mean... I don't remember my family at all... I was just found covered in blood in the snow... I was sick for awhile then I could not remember anything but my name... I still don't but sometimes I get awful things I think are memories... I get how sometimes you'd wanna forget something or just not wanna think about it... Everyone has something like that don't they?" Juliet's tone was still happy but calmer and more gentle then her usual hyper-ness.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Ender Character Portrait: Damien Augustine
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Damien sighed. "Yeah, I suppose everyone would have some rough patches in their life." He studied Juliet as they made their way through the halls.So she hadn't had that great of a childhood either, huh? No, more like she didn't remember any of her childhood until it was almost over. "Well, it's all in the past now, for both of us. Best not to dwell on it, eh? And besides, moping around like some idiot isn't going to get me many friends, is it?" Damien quickened his pace, overtaking Juliet in seconds. He passed her and scooped up his duffel bag. Turning to face her, he walked backwards and stuck out his tongue. "You'll make me feel old if you carry my bag," he said jokingly.

He turned back around and continued at his increased speed, which would soon force Juliet to jog to keep up with him. He smiled to himself. As he had taken the bag from Juliet, he had dropped the coin into her hand instead. He knew it to be a small charm, which his mother had given to him for good luck. Something told Damien, however, that she would need the luck a bit more than he did.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Juliet Ender Character Portrait: Damien Augustine
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Prothero Ender

Prothero had his wings opened wide so he simply glided about. "Not really often times the movement of air just sorta carries me it's only certain times where it gets tough cause I'm tired...." He flew around awhile more before landing in a quiet corner of the second floor library. He deposited Romeo first before landing after him. "Did you enjoy your first flight Romeo?" Prothero asked while he gently fixed the boys hair around his horns.

~ . ~

Juliet Ender

Juliet was suprised when the bag was stolen and in it's place she found a coin. She blinked shocked and looked over the golden round object. She looked up and found Damian up ahead of her. "Hey! Your older then me! That makes you old~" She ran after him and soon caught up but had to keep at a quick pace. "Your room is kinda close to mind that's cool! I can make sure you don't get lazy." Juliet grinned and kept walking. She rushed ahead and went up the stairs. "This wayyyy~" She giggled and ran up then waited at the top of the stairs while rocking back and forth on her heels.

~ . ~

Gray Ender

Gray laughed when he saw how jumpy the human was. "Hey calm down~ I don't bite even if I look like that kind of person." Gray smirked. He could tell the boy was confused so Gray explained. "My sister is adopted into our family... Even if she is a human." The Gray stopped and looked like he was thinking very very deeply about the question he was asked. "I don't know... Hanging around such an adorable human who is sure to attract the attention of girls and vampires... Well I don't know." Gray smirked. "Well I guess... But only because I have a soft spot for humans..." Gray softened his smile so it was less devious and playful. "And don't worry about any vampires... I got it covered, they wont harm a hair on your red head if I got anything to say about it!" Gray turned. "Now let's go I don't wanna leave you behind." Gray started walking and shoved his hands in his pocket and leaned back in a relaxed way that also allowed his left sleeve to slide off his shoulder revealing his pale skin. But as Gray was Gray... He did not care.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Ender Character Portrait: Damien Augustine
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Damien hefted his bag over his shoulder, making it easier to carry. Though now that he was carrying all of his belongings that way, he looked like some strange creature. He shook his head at the energy Juliet displayed. "Does she ever get tired?" he asked himself. Even being a demon, Damien would be hard-pressed to actually keep up with the small girl until he had alleviated himself of his burdens. And his room was near hers, was it? Well, that could be good. Unless she made good on her teasing. Damien wasn't a morning person, nor was he someone who was particularly active unless it was a good workout. That didn't mean he didn't keep up with work and assignments. His mother had made sure of that. Being home-schooled for all of his life meant that he couldn't lie about homework, and so he didn't even bother trying anymore.

He took the stairs two at a time, though it wore him out a bit more than he liked. Huffing slightly when he reached the top of the stairs, he took a moment to rest. "Perhaps I am old, and nobody's told me. I think I much rather prefer being young." After a couple of moments, he straightened up and motioned for Juliet to continue. "And I don't mind if you make sure I don't get lazy. Well, sort-of." He blew a stray strand of hair out of his face. "I'll warn you now, I''m not much of a morning person, and if I'm in a bad enough mood, I may lash out. Only my mother's ever been able to handle it. And she gave me quite the thrashing back because of it." He chuckled.

"Oh, and I do like my time off, so if you'd like to do something, let me know way ahead of time, that way I can't refuse when the time comes. I should have a good enough memory to remember something like that." He smiled and blushed slightly. "Especially when it comes to you, it seems."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Juliet Ender Character Portrait: Damien Augustine
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Prothero Ender

Prothero smiled. "No need to... You asked I be your friend...I've never really had one but if it's anything like siblings I'm guessing you do things just cause... It's nice to do so." Prothero smiled and folded his large wings gently. He stretched gently and cracked his back. Prothero was not sure what to do now so he allowed the younger boy to do as he wished. Prothero was simply content being his silent self.

~ . ~

Juliet Ender

Juliet blinked her large eyes. "Don't worry I have two older brothers... When I woke them up they were in such foul moods they use to quite literally attack each other... If I can handle the warring dragons I think I can handle a little bit of grouchy-ness." She grinned and watched as Damian reached the top of the steps. He talked about keeping his time docked which he finished with a blush. Juliet blinked and her own cheeks reddened almost by instinct.

She turned and walked over the hall before stopping in front of a door. "This room is mine. I leave the door open open almost all the time so if ever you get a nightmare you can come over and il make you hot chocolate." She grinned in a sideways fashion then walked a little ways down the hall. She stopped. "And this is your room." Juliet pulled open the door. "Sooo welcome home." She stepped inside. Like with all rooms it had come with a lone bed a cabinet and dresser with the keys to the room the dresser. Juliet spun around. "Your not allowed to paint the walls but you can put up posters or art or anything you want and add furniture but you can't take away or wreck what's already in here." Juliet spoke matter of factually.

~ . ~

Gray Ender

Gray led the way confidently. "Name's Gray Ender... It's nice to meet you Everett Harper... You have a fancy name so I might call you something more playful." Gray turned around and walked backwards. "Hmmm... Ev? Erret? Evie? Harp?" Gray blinked. "I don't know..." He walked up the stairs backwards and down the hall that way. To entertain the boy Gray even performed an attempt moon walk and then a weird little dance." It was strange being around a human who was well... Not his sister but the red head was nice and shy so Gray did not mind.