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Ascendance Chapter One, Remnants



The Ascendance universe takes place on a parallel Earth in the year 2291(AD). After a 3rd world war in the early 21st century, most nations of the world were utterly destroyed, corrupted and over a billion people lost their lives. But in the year 2062(AD), a powerful commercial entity known as the Unity Corporation managed to infiltrate the remaining governments of the world and rebuild them from the ground up into a single, world wide government known as the Corporate Senate. With "His Excellency, the Supreme Patron of Earth" as the leader who is elected by the senate for life and their Corporate Android Police Force (C.A.P.) which enforces the corporations will across the planet.

It wasn't until the late 22nd century that the 1st generation of "Meta-Humans" first made their appearance. As a result of genetic, technological and cybernetic enhancement by a long sense destroyed corporate organization seeking to create the 1st super-soldiers. There were roughly a hundred Meta-Humans of the 1st generation. They were the guardians of the Golden Age. The greatest legends of their time. Some of them went rogue, but a majority of them stood together as an alliance of Heroes. The 2nd generation consisted of their children. Trained by the originals and Heroes in their own right. In the current day, the 1st generation has passed away and the 2nd generation has retired from old age. It is the 3rd and 4th generations where our story takes place. Hunted by villains but loved by the populace.


Earth has become a massive, planet-wide mega city. Civilization has now spread across the entire surface of the planet. With both floating and sky cities and stretching along the oceans and a sprawling under-city which exists even to the lowest parts of the Earths crust. With a wide separation between rich and poor. Those less fortunate are forced to live in the lower parts of the planetary city. Never seeing the light of the sun and the rich and powerful living in the highest parts of the world. This is a place of flying cars, military sky ships, advanced robots, constant terrorist and rebellion threats and giant robotic spaceships which are sent out to mine the entire solar system. In this world of corruption, order and chaos. Those few heroes stand out as beacons of hope to the rest of the world.


Setting the scene

It has been 3 years since the newly elected and young Supreme Patron Kyros A. Vanity took power of the Corporate Senate after the tragic assassination of the previous Supreme Patron, Cian L. Dorian. It has been rough the last ten years or so. With a rebel movement growing in the eastern districts and a 40% increase in crime world wide.Terrorist threats are now common place and the gap between the rich and the poor has never been greater. The economy of the Unity Corporation crashed roughly five years ago but its finally starting to rise again with the rumor of war with the rebels. The world has never been in a darker time as WWIV begins to take shape.

The pieces are moving and preparing for battle as Humanity stands on the brink of another world war. But something even worse has happened. Ever since the Supreme Patron Kyros came to power, Meta-Humans have been vanishing off the streets. One by one the heroes of legend disappear never to be seen or heard again. But as the last remaining heroes face extermination. They gather together in an abandoned ware-house deep within the under-city of the eastern, North Americana District. Will the last remnant of Heroes be able survive? Only time will tell...

(1 Villain and 1 Hero reserved by cirrus_sd)

(1 Villain reserved by deafmute)

(1 Villain reserved by ibecameinsane)

(1 Hero reserved by Bromander Shepard)

(1 Hero reserved by DuBois_Scarlett)

(1 Hero reserved by R.T.M.X.)

(1 Hero reserved by caution)

(1 Hero reserved by Molliepop)

(1 Hero reserved by nltniko)




Super Hero Name:

Full Name:

Nick Names:


Age: Current year is 2291(AD)


Marital Status:



Languages: (In the Ascendance universe, English is spoken as a 2nd language everywhere. Next to that is Spanish, French and Mandarin Chinese.)


Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults:

Beliefs/Religion: (What does your character believe in? Is s/he Agnostic, Satanic, Christian, Muslim, Jewish? Does your character pray ritualistically or worship a Pagan God or several Indian Gods? What are the God's names and what do they have powers over?)

Career/Past Careers:



Good Qualities:

Bad Habits:



POWERS: (One Primary power and one secondary power) BE ORIGINAL

WEAKNESS(es)/FAULTS: Everyone has a weakness...


Toggle Rules


-ALWAYS use proper grammar/spelling when in character, unless your particular character has a reason why they speak differently.

-DO NOT post in an RPG out of character. If you have a question/concern/disagreement, etc. Then use the forum.

-The players will have absolute control over their characters but may NOT write from another characters point of view.

-You must post a minimum of 1-3 posts a week, if you are unable to make that commitment then do not join .

-You can have as many characters as you think you can handle.

-NO God-Moding, this is a realistic superhero rp, that means their powers and abilities should not be overly powerful and they must have a weakness/flaws.

-Character development is important here. The more details you have, the more we can develop the story around you.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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Ascendance Chapter One: Remnants

It was 8:30 AM in the morning, 8th of January. 2291(AD).
(Starts slightly later then the VILLAIN story-line)

Sirens sound in the under-city as crime runs rampant. It has been worse and more frequent then usual. Rising 40% in the last few years alone. A depressing truth of a desperate time...

Heroes are becoming less and less common these days. But in this dark time, when hope is almost lost and the people worry every day about the future of the world they live in. A faint light still stands as a glimmer of hope to those who need it. The Remnants. A small group of Meta-Humans who have gathered together to discuss the future of the world and how they can save it. A meeting of this importance has not been called since the time of the 2nd generation. But this is not an ordinary meeting. The last heroes are disappearing, vanishing from the streets never to be seen or heard again. Only a few yet remain.

It may have been the early morning but the sky was unseen in the under city as you make your way to the agreed gathering point. One of elders had been searching the city looking for any remaining heroes. One by one he came to you. An elderly man with grey hair and a wrinkled face. His eyes filled with sorrow. He came to all of you, in an attempt to bring the remnants together as a combined force. Everyone knew who he was, Omni, the great Morpher of the 2nd generation. Leader to many and protector of the innocent.
But back to the present...

You were approaching the ruined mining warehouse that the old man had talked about. You studied it from a distance for a few moments, looking for any sign of an ambush. Sure this guy was trustworthy, but you can never let your guard down. The front door was dented and made a high pitched creaking sound when you opened it. One by one the heroes enter this place in secret. At one point several Police drove by in a hover car.

But they quickly passed by and continued on their daily patrol. As everyone finally entered this large medium sized warehouse, you find the Omni, the same elderly man sitting on an old wooden stool. This room unlike the others was slightly larger with a ceiling fan hanging above on a 9-10 ft roof. An assortment of dust old machines lay about. Some were covered or packaged other simply lay out in the open wasting away as time flies by. Omni smiled and made direct eye contact with everyone as they entered the room.

"Welcome my friends" said the old man in a rough, shallow voice. His silver eyes were sunken with age, but they had a certain joy within them as he studied each of you. "I'm glad you could come, we have much to discuss indeed. Please, take a seat." He gestures at a collection of chairs circling the edge of the room.
Feel free to take liberties in describing the setting around you. Just make sure you stay consistent with everyone else.
Feel free to jump in with your character at any time.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Corienne Gray
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#, as written by Caution
Gray stared at the worn down warehouse, she was very unsure if it would be safe to actually go inside but something in her gut urged her to plus she could hear some police cars hovering by. Gray's long thin fingers felt the cold oddly wet surface of the door and gradually but cautiously opened the door . Gray immediately scanned her surroundings just in case this was a set up. The warehouse was oddly warm and comforting if you disregard the assortment of dusty old machines that could actually be put to good use. The wallpaper was almost unrecognizable. Gray guessed it was some kind of flower print. The fan was not in any way helping as the room gradually increased in temperature.

Corienne Gray wasn't your average superhero. She wasn't super strong, she didn't have a charismatic personality, in any case you wouldn't even have noticed her walking down the street. All she had was the ability to detect lies and make you temporarily insane with illusions and of course her enormous frizzy hair. Gray never understood these so called villains that want to rule the world. She never understood what fueled their eternal hatred for what is good and what is right. Maybe she could make them realize that life sucks but that doesn't mean you got to suck the life out of people.

Corienne hadn't noticed the man sitting on the wooden stool until now. “ Welcome my friend" said the old man in a raspy voice. Corienne implied that he might be developing a cold. His eyes were a majestically silver color as he looked at while she was scanning the area around her once more Corienne spotted the numerous seats near the man and implied there were many more to come. Oddly Corienne knew there were more meta-humans out there but never thought they would be right under her nose.

“Hello I suppose your Onmi?” Corienne stated clearing her throat a bit. The old man nodded smiling and Gray noticed that his wrinkles even had wrinkles.

"I'm glad you could come, we have much to discuss indeed. Please, take a seat." Onmi said warmly. Corienne smiled back as she walked towards a chair towards the middle and took a seat. Time was ticking by as Corienne waited for the others that have yet to arrive.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Forge Character Portrait: Corienne Gray
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0.00 INK

#, as written by nltniko
Jason walked towards the old ruined building. Thinking that there woud be an ambush waiting for him in there, he approached it silently. As he entered the building he heard someone. “Hello I suppose your Onmi?” a voice echoed. Realizing that it weren't an ambush, he started relaxing again.

He looked around the room. The old man, who were Omni, were there of course. Then someone else were there aswell.
He didn't know who she were, but she surely had a good reason for being there. She looked younger then him, with brown hair. Where as Jason himself looked a little more like a type of person who'd belong in the streets she looked more "professional" an looked like she actually had an career.

As the old man said asked Jason to take a seat, he walked over and sat down on a chair, took a smoke out from his pocket and lit it. Then he patiently started waiting for everyone else to arrive.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Forge Character Portrait: Corienne Gray Character Portrait: Titus James
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0.00 INK

Titus slammed into the ground. It had been a short flight. It was lucky he had been only a couple of hours away when the call went out for this gathering. Flying took a lot out of him. He brushed off his coat and strode purposefully toward the entrance of the old warehouse.

A burning determination grew in his chest. This sort of meeting was unheard of these days. Collaborative efforts by metas hadn't really taken place since the second generation. Since his fathers generation. Titus clenched his fists at the memory of that loss. He resisted punching the wall in the frustration, to many buildings had been destroyed because he couldn't hold in that anger.

This "Omni" character was well known. He had worked several times with Titus's father. He wondered what sort of stories the old man held about their exploits. It had been a different world back then.

Titus emerged into the meeting room. Only three others sat in the dimly lit area. Dust and cobwebs spoke to the seclusion of this place, clearly no one had been here in years before them.

Omni stood as soon as Titus entered, a fond smile cracked the old mans worn features. "Titus!" the old man exclaimed in a hoarse voice. "I can't believe how much you have grown. Your father showed me pictures of you when you were young. I was devastated to hear of his loss. Truly a painful blow to our cause. I am glad you have decided to follow in his footsteps. He would be truly proud."

Titus smiled gratefully and nodded. Omni motioned to a seat next to one of the others. "Please take a seat son." Titus walked over to the place he had indicated. A tall young man, with loose hanging black hair that shaded his pale complexion, sat smoking a cigarette in the seat next to him, and a pretty young woman with frizzy hair sat across the table.

Titus took his seat and motioned with two fingers toward the young man next to him. "Mind if I bum a smoke?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Forge Character Portrait: Corienne Gray
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#, as written by nltniko
Jason were slowly getting bored when another person entered the room.
As he entered the old man managed to have a huge smile and say the name Titus.
Aparently the old man knew Titus' father and he were aparently some hotshot from back in the days. Unfortunately it sounded like he had perished during the recent events.

Jason looked at the man. To say that he looked like your average kinda guy were all wrong. His hair were short and black. He were solidly build and looked like he had been in a battle or two. To say it as it was, this guy seemed to know how to handle his own.

Then he noticed the motion. "Mind if I bum a smoke?" this Titus fella asked.
Jason reached into his pocket, took out a cigarette and handed it to him. "Sure, might aswell when we wait for the rest." he answered. Then he snapped his fingers and created a small flame from his hand to ignite the cigarette.

"Titus was it ? Name's Jason. Jason Forge. Nice to meet you." he said leaning back into the chair once more. Then he looked at the lady. "Actually, I don't think I heard your name miss ?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Forge Character Portrait: Corienne Gray Character Portrait: Tristan Aeol
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0.00 INK

To say he was reluctant would be an understatement.

Perhaps even, the understatement of history.

To tell the truth, Tristan really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY did not want to come. Yet as he kicked at loose pebbles on the sidewalk, he sighed and bit his lip and conflicted over what he wanted and what he should do. He was damn near close to just bashing his head against the blunt bus stop sign and call it a day. Blunt force trauma. If there was ever an excuse not to come to a meeting held by a superhero, that one would be hard to beat.

At first, Tristan hadn't been completely aware of who the old man was. His face only looked the tiniest bit familiar, and it wasn't until he introduced himself that Tristan began to put pieces together. Even then, he'd had to look him up (albeit reluctantly and out of boredom) to figure out exactly who he was. Secretly, of course. In case Mrs. Reed would think oddly of it.

It had been only a few years since she discovered his secret. Since then, she had been gracious enough to keep it on the downlow, but he knew she wanted to tackle the elephant in the room sooner or later. Tristan hoped for the later. He wished for never, but knew that would never happen. Not with Mrs. Reed.

The truth be told, Tristan used his powers a lot. Even without realizing it, he realized (hehe...) that he had been escaping his body for a long time. It certainly explained why his daydreams were so vivid. Invisibility was an added perk. One he decided he would use.

Despite its usefulness, invisibility was more annoying than the other power, simply because it was too noticeable (can you believe it?) in progress. Disappearing randomly, when seen by the wrong person, could cause a bit of a fuss, and it had taken him months to finally get his clothes to disappear too. And then, of course, there was making sure he knew where he was going. Not being able to see yourself was just as annoying, but Tristan got used to it.

Now, he slipped silently down the street, disappearing behind a tree and making the move to the sidewalk quickly, avoiding the leftover puddles from the rain last night. Though, it wasn't 'actually' rain....not scientifically. His trips to the Over City had proved as much.

He found the warehouse easily enough. He kept his invisibility on as he ventured inside. Hearing voices, he stopped outside the lighted room, listening. He'd show when he needed to.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Forge Character Portrait: Corienne Gray Character Portrait: Tristan Aeol Character Portrait: Titus James Character Portrait: Blacklight
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Despite the sun slowly rising into the morning sky, Tarsil had observed the warehouse from a safe distance away, safely hidden within the shadows of a nearby building. It was the place that an old man had given him the directions to, but he knew who he was.

As the time passed, a small number of people had entered the building, each individually showing up to the same location, with an occasional vehicle passing by and a single patrol cruiser passed by at one point. Tarsil knew who the officers were, due to his affiliation with the district's police force.

Well, I guess it's time to greet the old man, he thought to himself, turning to his personal transport shrouded by the building's shadow. It was a motorcycle of sorts, custom to the operative's personal tastes. Matching his color scheme with a unique, sleek design, the cycle was truly Tarsil's vehicle of choice, as it didn't betray his associations with the police force.

Reaching into one of the compartments, he retrieved a sphere-like object, about twice the size of one of his hands. After fiddling with the object for a couple of seconds, the orb began to glow, the lights and sensors emitting a similar color of orange as the man's eyes, and hovered roughly eye-level with Tarsil before being sent towards the warehouse as his mouth. The orb was a short-range surveillance drone, equipped with scanners and other tools for communications and observations of a given environment and to relay the information back to its operator, as well as being equipped with a single retractable whip-like blade and a self-disintegration protocol to prevent it to fall in opposing hands. As he released it to the site, he activated a small holographic console on his left arm.

The drone silently glided to the abandoned building and slipped in through a hole in one of the outer walls. The building for the most part was in darkness, except for a single room that was well lit, and as the drone approached, Tarsil could see that there were more than one person there. Tarsil remotely activated the drone's projector, suddenly creating a rough hologram of himself, the general shape the same orange hue as the drone's "aura". Through the drone's single speaker, Tarsil projected a somewhat mechanical voice in place of his own.

"Omni, I apologize for sending a drone in my place, but I do hope you can understand the reason why. For those who don't know, you may call me Blacklight."

Tarsil had to be careful not to be affiliated with the others, as it would compromise his security.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Forge Character Portrait: Corienne Gray Character Portrait: The Reaper Character Portrait: Tristan Aeol Character Portrait: Titus James Character Portrait: Blacklight
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Titus took a nice long drag from the cigarette, holding it in for a second before slowly exhaling the smoke through his nostrils. The pleasant rush of nicotine eased his nerves. It had been 3 days since his last drink and sobriety burned at his patience.

He leaned back in his chair nodding gratefully towards the man who had identified himself as Jason. He was about to strike up some small talk to fill the time when a small orb entered the room.

A hologram appeared and a monotone voice emerged from the device. "Omni, I apologize for sending a drone in my place, but I do hope you can understand the reason why. For those who don't know, you may call me Blacklight."

Blacklight... Titus's ears pricked at the name. He looked over the holographic image and sneered. Blacklight had been part of the patrol who had been called in during his last "episode". The cyborg had used what Titus felt was unnecessarily rough force to bring him in. Titus was a hero he had saved hundreds of lives and the bastard at the bar had started the fight anyways, but he had been thrown around like a common criminal.

What really burned his nerves though was the fact that Blacklight had actually managed to contain him. Of course he had been nearly blackout drunk that night, but regardless he had never been brought down like that before and he didn't like it. Staring icily at the black armor suite that revealed no humanity he spat, "freaking prick."


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Forge Character Portrait: Telera Doriev Character Portrait: Corienne Gray Character Portrait: The Reaper Character Portrait: Tristan Aeol Character Portrait: Titus James Character Portrait: Blacklight
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Within a matter of minutes two more heroes joined the gathering. Telera Doriev and The Reaper. Both of which stay silent and take a seat away from the rest...

As more of you continue to arrive the elderly man, Omni. Stands to his feet using a black cane. "I understand your situation Blacklight. No need to worry." He replied. "I would like to thank each of you for coming. These are dark times as you know and with these... disappearances..." Omni paused and seemed to day dream for a moment. Then snapped back to attention. "I have brought you here because you are the remnants. The last known heroes who have remained active." Omni pauses again and lets that knowledge sink in. Then he clears his throat and continues. "Something dark is stirring in the Unity Corporation. If we do not unite together, then we face our own extermination."

The Reaper is the first to interject with a bold reply. His face hidden by his mask. He spoke with a deep, confident voice. "You say that we face extermination... Who exactly are you suggesting is hunting us?" Telera simply nods in agreement to his statement. Omni then smiled, he glanced down at the floor, then back at everyone else. "Earlier this morning, I received a tip from one of my agents, that a small group of selected villains came together under the wing of one Faust. Now, I realize that while his name may be unfamiliar to you, this man has the political power within the villain community to ruin and destroy each and every one of you. This Faust, has assigned a bounty on each one of you in this room. Now I don't know why or how he plans to achieve this, but I must warn you to be aware of everything around you.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Forge Character Portrait: Telera Doriev Character Portrait: Corienne Gray Character Portrait: The Reaper Character Portrait: Tristan Aeol Character Portrait: Titus James Character Portrait: Blacklight
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#, as written by nltniko
Jason listened as the Omni started talking.
"wait, wait, wait...You're saying that someone actually is killing off all the other fellas ?" he said.
He finished the smoke as he looked at the old man.
"And you're asking us to fight whoever wasted everyone else ? This is crazy. Besides a bounty on our heads ? Seriously how much could that be ?" he sighed "Bloody hell...I need a drink..." he said as he fell back in the chair. Then he looked around the room at everyone else. "You guys really believe in this right ?"


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Forge Character Portrait: Telera Doriev Character Portrait: Corienne Gray Character Portrait: The Reaper Character Portrait: Titus James Character Portrait: Blacklight
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Villain community...bounty....extermination? Titus couldn't believe his ears. He had heard rumors about disappearances, but nothing that even hinted to this.

Jason blew up beside him, "wait, wait, wait...You're saying that someone actually is killing off all the other fellas? And you're asking us to fight whoever wasted everyone else ? This is crazy. Besides a bounty on our heads ? Seriously how much could that be? Bloody hell...I need a drink...You guys really believe in this right ?"

Titus felt about the same. He exchanged a glance with Jason, a drink certainly sounded good about now. Turning back towards omni he said, "There is no way they are that organized. My father dealt with villains all the time meta or not but he never even hinted about some sort of community. They are too greedy and self centered to work together... but if this is true what do you want us to do about it?"

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View All » Add Character » 15 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: GM
Character Portrait: Tristan Aeol
Character Portrait: Shane Lawson
Character Portrait: Corienne Gray
Character Portrait: Alex Lander
Character Portrait: Jason Forge
Character Portrait: Blacklight
Character Portrait: Holden Caulfield
Character Portrait: Maggie De Medici
Character Portrait: Chameleon
Character Portrait: Titus James
Character Portrait: The Reaper
Character Portrait: Telera Doriev


Character Portrait: Telera Doriev
Telera Doriev

(NPC) Character

Character Portrait: The Reaper
The Reaper


Character Portrait: Titus James
Titus James

the one who never gives up

Character Portrait: Chameleon

You see me as you want to see me.

Character Portrait: Maggie De Medici
Maggie De Medici

"Nyx? If she even exists, she's a Goddamn nuisance!"

Character Portrait: Holden Caulfield
Holden Caulfield

"I thought what I'd do was pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes"

Character Portrait: Blacklight

"HQ calling in reinforcements? Tell them that he has just arrived."

Character Portrait: Jason Forge
Jason Forge

"Feed the Flames"

Character Portrait: Alex Lander
Alex Lander

"The first rule of magic: Always be the smartest guy in the room."

Character Portrait: Corienne Gray
Corienne Gray

"I'm just a simple girl, you know strolling about hunting monsters. No biggie."


Character Portrait: Titus James
Titus James

the one who never gives up

Character Portrait: Corienne Gray
Corienne Gray

"I'm just a simple girl, you know strolling about hunting monsters. No biggie."

Character Portrait: Blacklight

"HQ calling in reinforcements? Tell them that he has just arrived."

Character Portrait: Alex Lander
Alex Lander

"The first rule of magic: Always be the smartest guy in the room."

Character Portrait: Shane Lawson
Shane Lawson

"I don't fight for the law... I fight for justice."

Character Portrait: The Reaper
The Reaper


Character Portrait: Chameleon

You see me as you want to see me.

Character Portrait: Holden Caulfield
Holden Caulfield

"I thought what I'd do was pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes"

Character Portrait: Maggie De Medici
Maggie De Medici

"Nyx? If she even exists, she's a Goddamn nuisance!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: The Reaper
The Reaper


Character Portrait: Corienne Gray
Corienne Gray

"I'm just a simple girl, you know strolling about hunting monsters. No biggie."

Character Portrait: Chameleon

You see me as you want to see me.

Character Portrait: Titus James
Titus James

the one who never gives up

Character Portrait: Alex Lander
Alex Lander

"The first rule of magic: Always be the smartest guy in the room."

Character Portrait: GM

I control the Universe, fear me.

Character Portrait: Shane Lawson
Shane Lawson

"I don't fight for the law... I fight for justice."

Character Portrait: Holden Caulfield
Holden Caulfield

"I thought what I'd do was pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes"

Character Portrait: Blacklight

"HQ calling in reinforcements? Tell them that he has just arrived."

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