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Assassin's Creed: The Decendants

Assassin's Creed: The Decendants


It is 2012 and the Templars once again are threatening the Assassins order.

878 readers have visited Assassin's Creed: The Decendants since eman447 created it.


In 2012 the order of the Assassin's is threatened by the Templars again. You have been tasked with the mission of preventing the Templar's from anihilating the order. Got what it takes?


You have the choice of who your ancestor was.

1. Altair- If you choose him then you are more of a vicious killing machine. Sticks to the basics: Knife, Hidden blade, gun, and sword.

2. Ezio- More of a stylish outgoing guy. Uses whatever is around.

3. Leonardo DaVinci- A friendly, funny assassin who makes and uses inventions.

Note: There is supposed to be more than one person who descends from each ancestor. Don't get it confused.

Character Skelly

Name: Name
Age: How old they are.
Gender: Male or Female
Ancestor: One of the three.
Assassin Color: White or black.
Appearance: What they look like and carry.

Personality: What they're like

Equipment: What weapons they use.


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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


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"Nah you go up the ladder let me place some charges, and we'll be going ok." Knite just places a lazer datanator mine on one of the walls. "Turn off the lights, and get to the ladder, I hope you got everything. I have a appartment at the beach, the number is 645 ." He smiled, taking out his pistola, and hold it in his hand.


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"HEYHEYHEY. You're not going to blow this place up are you?! This place is my pride and joy!" Ivinn froze and glared at the mine, and shouldered the crossbow, and adjusted her glare to be directed at Knite, "I don't think I could let you do that... Isn't there a less... Destructive way?!"

She turned her eyes to the windows that peppered the dull cement, "We could just pick them of and save one to interrogate..." She muttered...


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#, as written by Loki025
Fai was relaxing on the Cafe,enjoying a cup of Latte.His phone which connected to a single ear-but headset,rang. "Fai,you have to get out of there.Templars have discovered your location and they wants to kill you badly."
"That a given." Fai said."Anyone idea,Oracle?"
"I will guide you out of there.Be careful."
"I always do,"Fai replied as he stood up.
Gun shots could be heard after Oracle guide Fai into the market.The people were running for their life.
"Be advice,there is five hostile armed with Ak-47 north of the market district."
Fai climbed up the pole and took an alternate route out. "There his is !" one of them shouted and began firing his gun.Fai manage to use the roof as a shield as he ran.
"Red car,three o'clock,friendly."
Fai leap down from a two story high building and land on the ground by doing a barrel roll.Quickly,he dive into the vehicle as it makes it's run.
"Glad that you are in one piece,mate."The driver said.


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Knite chuckled, and disarms the bomb on the wall. "Ok I'll agree to this" He said, and smiles. He looked over to the ladder, and run towards it.


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#, as written by eman447
Dom walked in and looked around. No one. Then he heard a slight scuttle right above the entrance. He whipped around, pulled out a Dessert-Eagle and aimed it. Dom could just barely make out the dark outline of the man who had approached him earlier. "Oh its you." He said. "We got about ten seconds till those bastards come bursting through the door, so I hope you're ready." Dom wrapped his gloved hand around the hilt of a dagger he had designed himself and prepared.
The footsteps of about nine men stopped just outside the door and dom faded into the shadows. Time for the fun to begin, he thought to himself and stared at the door.


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Ivinn nodded and followed, Ladies first. She thought to herself as she sped past him and soundlessly jumped up, grabbing the roofing, and swung herself up using the momentum of the run. She grinned, thinking, Man, I should probably start exercising more. She aimed at the man in the back that was looking absently at the opening of the alleyway, pulling the trigger, she ducked back out of sight, a foot away from the edge, still grinning, "Been a long time since I've done this..." She muttered softly as she loaded another bolt into the crossbow...


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Knite soon follow jumping up gripping the edge of the opening, and pulling himself him self into a handstand. He'd then twist going to his feet. He'd the grab his gun walking to were Ivy was. Knite walk to the other side of where Ivy was. He then peeked over, and fired three shots. He smiled, as two of the shots hit there mark. He looked over seening two of the man drop. Then the others look up right at him, and fired there shots. Before they could he throw the Lazer mine right under there feet. It turns on, and then click, smoke would start to jet out from the holes on the side of the mines. He then jumped over to the other side, and shot two of the other guys. He looked to Ivy, and smiles waving at her.


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Ivinn waved back and shot another bolt down at the group, another man looked up and dodged as she put the crossbow down, grabbing the poisoned darts and blowgun. Aiming carefully with one eye closed, she hit the same man and grinned as she watched him flail and punch one of the other templars.



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Knite smiled walking toward the edge of the building. He looked behind him yawning. Nobody wouldn't have thought Knite would do a stunt like what was about to do. This was going to be the leap of fate. Knite closed his eyes looking up, as he lets his arms out. He'd jump out doing a backflip opening his eyes again. There'd be two man right under him, He flick his wrist out, as to blades jet forward from the hidden blades. He'd drop right on top of the two man, as the blade pretruded into both there heads. The blood would start to ooze from the the're heads. Knite then stood, and spun around with his hand out cutting the throat of one of the man. He'd bring his hand back, as he jumpes forward landing on one fo the other man, stabing him in the eyes with his blade. Knite wasn't done yet, He jumped back, and flicked his wrist again to bring the blades back into there home. He looked up at Ivy, and brought his gun out, and fired at one of the other guys, then fired a few more shots, as he takes cover


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"Show off." She muttered, so Knite wouldn't hear as she jumped towards the opposite building's wall, jumping from wall to wall and falling to the ground quietly.

"Well. Here's one that's still alive." She grinned as she kicked his side, reducing him into a groaning mass. She ignored the pain induced sounds and savagely pulled out each crossbow bolt from the dead body and ground. "I should probably get the incinerator out back ready for the dead bodies." she turned to the bloody masses that were lying in the alley, and looked up at the entrance of the ally, noting that no one was passing by, and the screams as she heard footsteps running away instead.


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Knite stepped out from the side of the cover he got into. He'd step forward to ward the man on the ground, gripping his colar. He'd pick him up, and push him right into the wall. "Now we are going to play a game, its called tell the assassin everything, and if you give me the wrong answer. I'm going to stab you in the toe, or in the pelvis. If you give me the right answer i'm going to let you go. You get me!!!" He chucked, and punched him in the face. "Now where are the other Templars.!?"


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"You're a bad interrogator." Ivinn chuckled as she made a display for the Templar by slowly dragging his comrades to a burning pit behind her place. She smiled everytime she passed the two, once in a while struggling to pull some of the heavier men.

Finally after a few minutes, Ivinn was finished with the dragging and the bodies were merrily roasting in an incinerator. She dusted her hands and walked back to the Templar and Knite. "Well then, though this does sound like a fun game, I'd rather we take this inside." She muttered as she blindfolded the Templar...


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Anthony had got to the city where Dom was supposed to be but couldn't find him at any of his usual hangouts. Anthony had always been a bit worried that someone might send one of his friends after him so every time he met an assassin he would bug their phone. "Ok mister bug where is Dom?" He said to himself. "What building is that. The satellite uplink must be on the fritz that building looks like a construction site, what is Dom doing there? Well no worries I'll just drop by and say hello." With that he put away his tracking device and headed to where Dom was supposed to be.


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I looked over to Ivy, and noded. "Yeah I think I'll need to be alone with him for atime." He'd say. He'd grab the Templar, and take him into Ivys house, kicking him to the floor..


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#, as written by Loki025
Fai looked at his next mission on his phone. A stealing mission.Target is the carrier that hold subect 17's file and data that had been transferred .The templars must not get their hands on the Data,Destroyed it if need to. The phone also showed the loaction,through the Gps, of the carrier and the path it is taking. "This should be interesting." Fai said as he drove his vehicle to the bridge.He sprinkle nails on the ground and hide from sight as the Carrier was about to reached the bridge.


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When Anthony arrived at the location that Dom was supposed to be he saw a few guys running in. "I wonder what they're up to?" he thought aloud. "O well, Dom can handle these guys." With that Anthony slid into the building unnoticed and decided to sit back and watch the fun. Just then he noticed another person working with Dom. "Hmmm, I've never seen him before. Time to do some quick research." He didn't trust the guy but he decided not to judge him till he had more information.


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#, as written by eman447
Dom looked up just as Anthony walked through the door. "You know. There's something big about to go down, so if you wouldn't mind either helping or getting out of here that would be very well appreciated." Said Dom with a grin. He sounded pretty menacing but he knew that Tony would know he was joking. Suddenly a ton of footsteps barreled outside the door. "Okay. Dude, either stay and fight or leave and wait." This time, he was serious.


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"Just tell me where you need me and who needs to die." Anthony said as he drew his gun. "Besides I have more important things to deal with than these wimps. So...Lets do this." As he finished his sentence Anthony began to open fire on the guys that had just run in the door, killing one and wounding another. As the attack continued Anthony put in his MP3 player and pressed play, he was listening to his kill play list, first song Another One Bites the Dust -Queen.

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Character Portrait: Anthony Greco
0 sightings Anthony Greco played by spikerer
"I was never here."

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Nicholas (loki)
Character Portrait: Amara Callisto
Character Portrait: Dominic (Dom) Johnson
Character Portrait: Andrew Mason


Character Portrait: Nicholas (loki)
Nicholas (loki)

The god of mischief just got a new name

Character Portrait: Amara Callisto
Amara Callisto

I can handle anything that comes my way

Character Portrait: Andrew Mason
Andrew Mason

When I run, I grow wings. When I jump, I soar. When I attack, I am an animal. When I kill, you will only see me leave.

Character Portrait: Dominic (Dom) Johnson
Dominic (Dom) Johnson

I am an inventor. Got a problem with that? Take it up with my blade ... Or gun, your choice.


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Re: [OOC] Assassin's Creed: The Decendants

OKAY, I'm thinking no one even looks here, but I won't be on Monday - Wednesday, sorry. ; u ;


Re: [OOC] Assassin's Creed: The Decendants

I'm assuming we're all in the same town / city?
Or at least close to each other?

Re: [OOC] Assassin's Creed: The Decendants

Hey guys. I thought a little bit and decided we can start today.

Re: [OOC] Assassin's Creed: The Decendants

We start tomorrow.
I just need to a little more time.

Re: [OOC] Assassin's Creed: The Decendants

So when do we start? I noticed that we have plenty of people so I was just wondering :P

Re: [OOC] Assassin's Creed: The Decendants

I know he wasn't an assassin. However, he did help out Ezio a lot and made many of his tools and weapons.

Just so you guys know. In this game there will be thieves, courtesans, and mercs that you can hire.

The courtesans will look a little bit more like a stripper, but they won't be showing so much.

The thieves will be more of a robber, with auto and semi automatic pistols.

The mercs will be able to run around with stuff like M16's and SMG's.

The thing is that you will have to meet all of them in different places. Courtesans, Clubs. Thieves, Underpasses and Roof Tops. Mercs, In a base a little outside of town.

This game will play out kind of like Brotherhood.
My character is looking for a Band of Brothers, so to speek.
We all start out doing our own Assassin thing and then will meet up a little farther into the RP.

Re: [OOC] Assassin's Creed: The Decendants

Actually Leonardo was a member of the Assassin Order if I remember correctly. Anyway it doesn't matter if it's fully canon or not, we can just assume that he was.

Re: [OOC] Assassin's Creed: The Decendants

Leonardo was not an assassin, just a friend of one. Just felt the need to say that...

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