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"My purpose in life is my own to find. Nobody will tell me where I belong or what I can become!"

0 · 2,534 views · located in Cre' Est

a character in “Assassin's Pledge: Awakening”, as played by KumoriRyuu



Name: Kyero
Age: 22
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 210 lbs
Voice Example: 0:38

Basic Personality: Kyero is a very disoriented and easily agitated person. Because of his upbringing, being essentially brainwashed and tortured into the perfect assassin, he knows very little to nothing of normal life and struggles to maintain a semblance of normalcy as he tries to find a purpose in this world. He is, despite his lack of "normal" education, very smart and highly perceptive as well as a human lie-detector. He does not forgive and forget, nor does he negotiate. He's a steadfast and powerfully determined person who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. He is also, despite his still learning why, fiercely loyal to those who accompany him and will fight to the death to protect them as his only human connections in this world.

Basic Background: Kyero was born to a mother who was part of a cult worshipping the Lord of the Nether Realm. A Demonic spirit was summoned via a ritual and occupied his body despite the ritual being interrupted towards the end. The Demon was unable to fully manifest, but its power remains in the form of a pair of glowing red eyes, enhanced senses, reflexes, and the ability to sense the living energy of others within a ten meter radius. Kyero was tortured into the perfect killer, and brainwashed into thinking that all there was in life were his orders to kill whoever the Grandmaster pointed him to. He was a living weapon, to put it simply. But after discovering freedom of thought, Kyero rebelled against Te'i Sai and killed the Grandmaster and those who sought to fulfill the Grandmaster's designs for the continent of Cre' Est. Today, Kyero wanders the land hoping to find a new purpose in life.

So begins...

Kyero's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Lonán Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral
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Linde and Kyero both nodded. Linde smiled. Kyero did not.

"We're ready, Aetri."

"I can't go to the auction, but I will be ready to find and deal with whoever wins Kieran's ownership."

Linde walked over to Aetri, wearing her new necklace proudly, and gave Aetrius a bow.

"When we met in Atlum I never expected what has transpired recently... Any of it. But I'm grateful it did, and there's nowhere I'd rather be than here with you."

She turned around and smiled at Lonan and Rose.

"All of you." She said with a slight blush.

She turned back to Aetrius and came up close to whisper only for her ears.

"For this performance, I am at your service, Master. And when it's all over, I'd like you to come with me to Cre' Est for a short time and... Meet my family. Doing so would mean the world to me."

When she backed away, she gave Aetri that same loving and warm smile from last night before they fell asleep together and then backed away to stand with the others ready to leave at Aetrius' command.

And leave they did. The day came and went, and it was now time to enact their plan. All of their contingencies were in place. Kyero had set markers at every surface exit point so he'd know exactly where to find the winner upon exit presuming everything went well. As well, Kyero had also placed several traps along the various routes along each exit such as smoke bags which could be destroyed with a throwing knife to cloud the street slowing the winner down so they could nab Kieran.

When inside, it was all on their performance. So long as they kept to their roles everything would be fine. And in the meantime, they all had to watch each other's backs and stick together. It was as simple as that.

Together they approached the entry, all in their respective roles with Aetrius leading the line. She presented their vouchers, and they were granted entry. Marching through the long and winding tunnels, they came to the auction house where they were guided to their seats above the stage where the slaves would be displayed and give signs to raise whenever they presented a bid.

... And so they waited.

And at long last, it had begun.

Mariah sauntered to center stage and spoke in a loud, clear voice for all to hear.

"Welcome, my friends and colleagues! Tonight we share in our love for collecting only the finest and most capable servants to make our lives, and those of our families and children better! Life is much easier lived when the work is done by others leaving you to enjoy yourselves. Am I right?"

Numerous cheers erupted from the crowd until she silenced them.

"Without further delay, let the auction commence!"

Mariah walked off stage, waving to everyone, and was replaced by a large man with a booming voice.

"Welcome everyone! Let's bring out the first slave on the block!"



And so it was that every slave marched one after another across the stage, standing and posing in various positions to draw attention and desire from the crowd to be purchased as their masters bid on them. And the winners were invited to the stage to walk with their new servant to the back and out the exit of their choice.

Lonan had a key role to play in this. Due to how close to the end it was, Lonan was tasked with relaying the news to Kyero of which exit the winner of Kieran took since he was closest to the exit and it would be suspicious if the others left with him. They had to stay past Kieran's exit and leave with the rest, as much as Aetri hated that. But luckily they'd be free to move about the tunnels at their own pace, and Aetri was already a fast walker. They'd make it out more than quickly enough to find an alley and shed this nobility clothing to don their normal garb. Kyero would be waiting for Aetri on the roof of the Lion's Head Inn to guide her to the winner's location.

For now, they sat through display after display of slaves being purchased until, at last, the main event had begun.

"And finally, the main attraction of the evening! She hails from Shaharan! Her hair is red as blood! Her body as tough as iron! She's feisty! She's loyal! She's exceptional! Here she is! The Flower Of Veilbrand... KIERAN!!!"

The cheering, hooting, and hollering reached a fever pitch as Kieran walked on stage and struck a sultry but defiant pose by turning her back to the audience... Something the slaves weren't supposed to do. She looked over her shoulder and blew the crowd a kiss, earning more cheers before they were settled down.

Kieran took another sultry pose, emphasizing her curves with a knowing and smart-ass smile as if to say, "I know you want me, so show me the money you're willing to pay!"

"Now! Let the bidding begin at ten gold!"

Dozens of signs went up.

It had begun! Now was the time for Aetrius to act and push the bids as high as she could before her eighty gold ran out!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Lonán Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral
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Aetrius nodded as Linde and Kyero spoke back at the Pony, and she was prepared to leave when Linde stopped her and whispered in her ear saying that she wanted Aetrius to go back to Cre' Est with her for some time, that left her a bit empty of words, especially when she said she wanted Linde's parents to meet her. That then gave her more anxiety than she already had, but she managed to keep it down and go about it with a brave face, she would think about Linde's request later but now it was what they were going to do and succeed in.

After they arrived at the inn where the auction would be held, and after they made their way in and Aetrius made small talk with other real noblemen and women, the auction eventually began. And her heart raced, she hoped they wouldn't be singled out and targeted, but they managed to fool everyone where they were left alone in their part of the balcony and watched from above as the auction eventually started, and it was a very slow process. Slave after slave was bid upon until they were all bought out, until the very end, which Aetrius dreaded. It was the final auction, the real reason why they were there. She tried to remain calm as it was announced who the one was, and Aetrius' eyes widened and her heart sped up as she saw a tall, slender but built, red headed woman that strode out onto the stage wearing a surprisingly more modest slave's outfit and posed on the stage in multiple ways and waited for the bidding to begin. She wanted to stand up and give the highest bid as she was growing to impatient, but she remembered the plan and remained calm the best she could. The bidding began at a simple 10 gold, which almost everyone in the room shot their hand up, including Aetrius, but at a slower and more confident pace. Every few minutes they would look around at the bidders and nod, then would announce the next amount, which was 15 gold, which everyone yet again raised their hand. Aetrius wanted this to end, she wanted her to be able to have the highest bid and just be done with this, but she knew that if a new comer came in and bought out the most saught after slave it would arise suspicion.

So Aetrius played the waiting game. More bids went up, starting at twenty, and all the way to fifty gold, by this time many hands started to stop being raised, which Aetrius took note of. She peered over the side more, and saw Kieran better. She looked exactly the same as the day she left, just lacking more clothing. She felt her face grow red and hot, not from what others would have thought, lust or desire, but of anger and frustration. From knowing she failed at keeping her safe, and this was the life she lived. Eventually she was brought back to reality when she heard the man yell, "Seventy gold! Anyone?" Aetrius shot her hand up, as did three others, two men, one woman. Aetrius growled under her breath, and kept her hand up. The announcer smirked and looked around the room, eyeing Kieran with a disgusting look. Aetrius remained calm as much as she could, and looked around, "Do we hear, seventy five, gold?" he asked, Aetrius kept her hand up, and looked at the others from the corner of her eye. The two men put their hands down, remaining the woman and her. Aetrius smirked, she could tell the woman had money, but did she have the money Aetrius was willing to put on the line? Or at least bluff, more than likely. She remained seated, but looked down, Kieran had examined above, and even looked right at her, but from Aetrius' point of view and knowing how Kieran reacted to things, she knew Kieran didn't recognize her, not yet anyway.

The man moved a bit on the stage and looked back up, "Do I hear, Eighty gold?" Aetrius kept her hand up, and the other woman put her hand down and sighed, "She's worth it, but I'm not spending eighty gold on some whore." she mumbled. Aetrius growled under her breath, You will be the first to die, then...bitch... she mumbled in her mind. Aetrius looked back at the auctionier, and listened intently, "Eighty going once, twice, and thrice...That's it, the lady in the red wins the most prized slave, Kieran of Sahar-" but he was cut off as someone else in the other balcony shot up and yelled, "Two hundred gold!!" Aetrius' eyes widened, and her fists clenched, two hundred? From eighty to two hundred as soon as she would have been her's? Aetrius growled, and reluctantly put her hand down, and saw that Kieran looked saddened and reluctant, as she would have probably had a better owner with the unknown woman than with the otherwise hungry man. Aetrius sat back down in defeat and let the man take the bid, and sadly as it was, he was the last one to bid.

"And so, the lovely Kieran, The Flower Of Veilbrand, goes to the man that bid two hundred!!!"

Aetrius clenched her fists, and casually looked at Lolan and gave him a nod, signally for him to go to Kyero and Rose and to get ready to leave, watching as the winner nobleman was guided to the lower levels to claim his prize. Aetrius knew it, she knew they'd be taking the lower levels, not the exit Kyero thought. But as she turned back, Lolan had already left to fetch Kyero and Rose. She looked back at Linde and swiftly managed to leave the main auction room and swiftly began to make way to the lower levels, going after Kieran herself with Linde at her side.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero
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Aetrius was determined and was going to do whatever it took to get Kieran, as she walked with Linde it was obvious. But she was not expecting to be pulled backwards by Linde and then having her face be held by Linde as she spoke, questioning if she even had a plan for this. Aetrius gritted her teeth and then spoke with a hushed but purposeful voice, "Of course I have a plan for this. I had a hunch this would happen, so...So I kind of went against Kyero's orders of things and made my own....modifications to this place." she said as she pulled the skinning knife from her boot, and then looked behind a wall and the border of it, and removed a rather large dagger from its hiding place, as well as a sword. She turned back to Linde, "I came here earlier and planted several weapons and supplies here, I wouldn't go into this so blindly." she said with a slightly hurt voice, and started to walk away from Linde and back towards her goal.

"For once, Linde...You need to put some faith in me...You can either go this way with me, or you can leave now as you still can. Up to you, but my mind isn't being changed. Not while it's this close." she turned her back and walked at a brisk pace, but stopped as she reached a doorway, seeing heavily armed guards on the otherside, but as she examined the hallway she was currently in, their was a vent or at least crawlspace into the ceiling leading out of their room, she scaled the wall and easily got it, and looked back to Linde, "Last chance...You with me or no?" she said as she held her hand down to Linde, this time if Linde rejected, Aetrius would continue on without her from here on out. Even if this would end up getting her killed by the guards, or if they got out with few casualties and she ended up getting killed from Linde herself after giving her another angry speech, this was still worth it in her eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Lonán Arzura
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Lonán headed out of the Lion’s Inn, prepared to give Kyero the signal that the Auction was over and the Winner of Kieran was going to go for one of the exits. Then he’d wait for Linde and Aetri like planned so that they’d do their respective duties. Linde and Lonán to the Horses and Rose, and Kyero and Aetrius to Kieran. That was the plan going forward and he couldn’t wait to just travel out of this accursed city and back out onto the road to Cre’est or any of the other kingdoms again.

However, when Lonán gave the signal and waited for a minute, he started to get the faintest itch of worry in the world. A feeling so faint it is that of an ant, walking along brickwork. ”Something is going on. Something went wrong.” Lonán thought to himself. ”The winner either went somewhere else or Aetrius has gotten impatient. If it’s the latter, shoulder or no I’m going to....Heresta Damn it! I hope Kyero catches on!”

He gave a worried glance up at Kyero as if to ask what should they do now. But he knew that if they wanted a quick getaway from whatever is going on, he’d have to get Rose and round up the horses himself. Of course, Hawk would be his responsibility as he knew the stallion was stubborn in the middle of the night. He’d wait another minute, or for a Signal from Kyero to head to the Inn, then hurry to do just that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Lonán Arzura
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In the tunnels, Linde looked to Aetrius with shock as she saw weapons being pulled from the walls and other hiding places. She had been with Aetrius for almost the entire day. When did she come down here without her to plant these items?

... Seems there was much more to her stealthy ways than met the eye.

When Aetrius offered her hand to Linde, she grabbed it without hesitation and hoisted herself up with Aetrius.

"I'm with you... But next time could you tell me about this before hand? You almost gave me a heart attack charging forward like that." She whispered with a smile.


Kyero observed Lonan's exit and waited for the sign to leave, and as Lonan gave him the signal that the auction was over he nodded. But there was no further confirmation of a destination like he'd told them to give him.

Kyero told them clearly that Lonan was to wait and see which exit the man took before reporting so Kyero would know exactly where to go. Aetrius must have jumped the gun and told Lonan to leave right as the auction ended before Lonan could see which exit the man/woman took.

"Dammit all!" Kyero growled on his perch and leaped off the roof, landing on the street beside Lonan.

"The time for contingencies is upon us. Go back to the inn and gather the horses and our supplies. Take them all to the South Gate and wait for us there."

With that, Kyero burst through the doors into the inn and smashed the heads of the guards near the entrance before diving down into the tunnels to find Linde and Aetrius. Whatever was going on down here, they'd need his help.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Kieran Borral
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As the ten guards approached the three women, suddenly a giant red splatter erupted onto the walls from the back of the group accompanied by a horrible shriek. The guards froze and turned just in time to see another splatter spray across the ceiling, and just like that two of their men were dead.

"What the fuck?!" Yelled one guard.

"It's the Red-ACK!" Screamed another as his head was lopped off and kicked over the group rolling to Aetrius and Kieran's feet with Linde in the back going a bit pale.

"Oh no..."

Three down, seven to go. And despite the confined space within the tunnels Kyero moved as if he was out in the open fields. Every millimeter of space was taken advantage of. Sometimes he was so close to being cut by their weapons the others were certain he had been cut. But he didn't take a single slice as his brightly glowing red eyes illuminated the tunnel.

The first of seven approached from the right side aiming to take his head off. Kyero ducked under it, the blade missing his hair by a single millimeter at best. His left hand dagger shot out and disemboweled the man causing him to fall to his knees holding his entrails in his shocked hands.

The second approached from the right immediately after giving him no time to change his direction. However, he didn't need to. Instead, he simply parried the incoming blade with his own and used his left blade to slice the man's body from groin all the way out the top of his skull splitting the front of his body in half, but leaving his spinal chord in tact so it couldn't fall apart completely.

The third and fourth attacked at the same time, with Kyero flipping over both of them by planting his daggers down through their skulls and out their bottom jaws. As his feet touched down he pushed the blades forward splitting their heads, and by proxy their faces, down the center. They both fell forward with their eyes beginning to fall out of the sockets and brains spilling out the open split.

The fifth, sixth, and seventh all tried to rush him in a triangle formation, and Kyero responded by planting the blades into the ground and using them as a hand-held platform to lift his lower body into the air and extend a spinning double kick around to kick all of them in the head sending them flying to the ground. Yanking the blades out without ever touching the ground, he flipped onto his feet and extended the blades outwards to decapitate all three as they stood up.

Kyero put his blades away and glared up at Aetrius and Kieran, catching a glimpse of Linde in the back looking horrified at his appearance.

"... Glad to see you found her, but you forgot to wait to show Lonan which exit the winner was going through before sending him to report to me..." Kyero growled, his eyes flashing brilliantly before returning to their normal glow level.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Lonán Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral
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Aetrius and Kieran were prepared to fight off as many as they could, but before even their blades clashed with the guards', blood splattered and covered the room and utter chaos and mayhem rang out as an all too familiar figure entered the room. Kyero... Lolan did get him, good. But after the bloodbath ended, Aetrius looked at Kyero who stood up and with an obviously angry tone spoke to her. Aetrius glared back at Kyero and spoke up, "You don't always have to be the one to do this, ya know? We would have been just fine without you coming in at that very moment. While I do appreciate your help, I could have-No, would have handled this by myself." she said angrily as she examined the room. Kieran looked at Aetrius, then back at Kyero with a look of shock and confusion. "Wait...Let me get this right. That's Kyero, the Red Eyed Demon, and you...You're friends with him, Korriban?" she asked in an obviously very confused state.

Aetrius looked at her as she quickly looted the bodies for what she could get, which was some money and more armor tossing it to Kieran who quickly put it on, even with the quickly drying blood. "Look, a lot has happened in the past few years...We'll talk about it all later when we're not fleeing for our lives, but yes. Kyero and I are, other guess you could say friends. While he is deadly, he is an ally to us, okay? Just trust me on this, Kieran." she said standing back up, now with some leather armor of her own and sheathed one of the swords by her side. Kieran looked on in confusion at the new friends that her sister acquired, "Okay...But you'll owe me a few drinks, got that? You know I can't take much in when I'm sober." she said with a light chuckle. Aetrius grinned and nodded, "After all of this is done, I think we'll all need some drinks...Now, let's get back to Lolan and Rose, we need to get out of here." she said as she pressed on, back the way they came. As Aetrius led them, Kieran walked beside her and whispered in her ear, "So, Linde...She's your girlfriend, huh? Finally landed one, aye old chap? Took ya long enough, sis. She's also rather hot, if I'm gonna be honest." she said with a chuckle at the end, purposefully trying to make Aetrius get flustered.

She groaned at Kieran's comment about Linde and continued marching on down the tunnel, "Yes, Linde is...She's something. But don't let her pretty face fool you, she's...terrifying at times." she gave a slight chuckle, but contained a serious look on her face and led the others to another part of the tunnels, seeing more guards flood the underground, "Don't let them escape!" one of them shouted. Aetrius grinned and peered over at Kieran, who only looked at her and grinned back, knowing exactly what she was planning on as she noticed her go for the pouch by her side, "I think it's wise to cover your nose and mouth, you two." she said as Kieran and Aetrius did so, and Aetrius took out the second to last smoke bomb, and tossed it at the soldiers. A cloud of smoke filled the room and coughing could be heard, and as the soldiers struggled, Aetrius and Kieran charged them keeping their mouths covered until the smoke died down and engaged in combat as they had the upper hand thanks to some masks they procured. When the dust settled, it revealed Aetrius and Kieran standing victorious over four dead bodies, as Kieran and Aetrius dispatched of the final guard together, both plunging their swords into his chest and abdomen, dropping his lump body to the ground. Aetrius motioned the others to join them as they proceeded to escape the tunnels and out of Valoc.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Kieran Borral
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Kyero simply glared at Aetrius as she made her remarks about having been fine without him.

"It wasn't about doing it alone. It was about sticking to the plan."

He sighed.

"Fine. So long as you have your sister back let's get out of here."

Kyero and Linde followed Aetri and Kieran out of the tunnels and into Valoc proper and headed for the South Gate on Kyero's urging since that's where he sent Lonan. He and Rose would meet them there.

"Stick with these two, Linde. I'm going to scout ahead and make sure your path remains clear."

Linde nodded and Kyero departed for the rooftops leaving her in the care of the sisters.

"So... Kieran?" She called as she jogged up beside them.

"I don't believe we've formally met. My name is Linde Xe' Almna. It's a pleasure to meet you after all I've heard." She said, extending her hand to Kieran.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Lonán Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral
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Aetrius glared just as hard back at Kyero as he spoke, he had a point but she wasn't as foolish or naive as he made her out to be. She nodded as he left and made her way to the horses where Lolan and Rose were and spoke with Rose, "We'll be getting you out of here soon, sweetheart." she gave the girl a smile, which resulted in Rose smiling back. Kieran had turned to look at Linde as she introduced herself and smiled a bit, "Pleasure to meet you, hun. Name's Kieran Borral, obviously I'm Korriban's sister. Glad to see she found someone to be with, always told her she would. Glad to know she got someone who's not bad on the eyes." she said as she looked up at Aetrius, who only glared at her as she tossed Kieran a robe to put on.

"Good god, Kie. You're still like this, even now? And it's Aetrius, no longer Korriban..." she said as she felt her face turning a bright shade of red as Kieran commented on Linde's appearance. "Still like what? A tease? Yes, yes I am. And Aetrius, huh? Interesting choice, but okay." She said with a grin and put the robe on, covering her mostly unclothed form and to disguise herself for the most part. "You'll ride with Rose, Kieran. Linde, you're with me." she said as she helped Linde by pulling her onto the back of Bree, and they adjusted themselves properly on the horses, Aetrius grabbed the reigns and looked towards the others, "Let's get out of this shit hole, shall we?" she said as she led the others where Kyero had gone, making sure the way was indeed safe. Kieran looked at Aetrius as they began their way out, "So, who's the kid? Another friend or what?" she asked in reference to Rose who she was stuck with for this portion. "Rose? She was a slave, like us....Helped her get out, and am going to help her start over when we get out of here."

Kieran gave her a smile and a soft chuckle, "Always were surprisingly soft when it came to kids, and slaves...Haven't changed a bit, have you?" she chuckled softly. Aetrius chuckled as well and shook her head, "When people deserve freedom, yes. As for changing...There's more than you know, Kie..Again, for another time though." she said as she looked back at Linde and gave her a sheepish smile, "P-promise you're not mad at me?" she said a bit nervously as she looked back ahead of them, preparing to receive a hit on the head or worse from Linde as a form of reprimand for pulling a stunt that could have ended far worse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Lonán Arzura
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Linde listened to the exchange between Kieran and Aetri and chuckled softly. And by the time they were on horseback, she wrapped her arms around Aetri's stomach and sighed contently as she rested her head on Aetri's shoulder.

When Aetri asked to promise that she wasn't mad, Linde only smiled and closed her eyes.

"... I'm not mad, my love." She whispered.

She leaned up and kissed Aetri's cheek, then put her head back on her shoulder.

"But I am getting sleepy... I don't suppose we can quickly make camp outside of the city can we? I don't know how much longer I can stay awake." She said softly.

Meanwhile, as they approached the South Gate, Kyero was there waiting for them having already knocked out the guards stationed there and thrown their bodies inside a nearby shack.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Lonán Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral
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Aetrius blushed as Linde said she wasn't mad at her and wrapped her arms around her, cuddling a bit. She chuckled softly and shook her head, "We'll need to make sure they don't know where we went, otherwise they'll easily track us and just cause more trouble than good...and I don't want an innocent village of people being killed because of us...But soon, soon you'll be able to rest, Linde." she gently caressed her hands, and rode up to Kyero, and when they were all together again, "Good job, now. We're to? Far enough from here I'd assume so they can't track us, Kyero?" she asked as she could hear some yelling a good distance away, obvious that the people from the auction were already aware of what happened and were after them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Lonán Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral
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Kyero nodded to Aetrius.

"Yes. The mountains along the North side of the nation run a line halfway through it, so you'll need to go around them to reach Cre' Est's border. Southeast is your best heading." He said calmly.

He looked back at the streets, hearing the yelling grow louder.

"Go on. I'll catch up with you all by morning. Scaring these half wits into fleeing the other way shouldn't be too much trouble." He said with a smile while drawing his orichalcum daggers and letting his eyes glow brighter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Lonán Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral
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Aetrius nodded and looked in the direction he put and mentally noted where they were told to go. "Alright, will do. I'll lead them there safely. And...Kyero..." she called to him before he left to go deal with the angry auction leaders, "Thank you...We'll see you at the border...Be safe." she said, even though she knew he would be fine, she thought she at least owed him a small bit of kindness as he did help her with about everything up to this point. She looked at the others and led the group to the Cre Est's border, and headed to southeast, whever they would find themselves she wasn't sure, all she cared about was getting out of Veilbrand, to a safe place, and drinks and sleep. That is all she desired at the moment, and would eventually get it when they arrived to a safe place.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Lonán Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral
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Lonán regrouped with the others as they got on their horses and began to follow them, giving Kyero a good luck wave. He then adopted a small frown as he took his time to ride closer to Aetrius and Linde. ”You were deadly close to losing my trust there Korriban.” Lonán said in a serious tone, his eyes, normally calm and topaz, began to flare like fiery dragon ambers. ”Be lucky that going with a contingency plan without telling your allies paid off this time, but Share with the group. We’re all friends here you should know that! I freaking gave you stories of my life!”

Lonán took a deep breath and sighed. ”But I forgive you Aetrius. You got your sister out, that’s all that matters.” He said more calmly. He turned and gave Kieran a small wave. ”Good to meet Aetrius’ sister at last! Lonán Arzura of the Arzura Warrior Clan.”

Hawk huffed a bit as Lonán looked at him. ”Oh, and this is Hawk. He loves attention at times. At any rate, it is good meet ya.” He added with a grin. With that, he kept following them, keeping a good watch as best he can until they can reach, or make shelter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Lonán Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Arc 2: A Warrior’s Honor

Three days later…

The group had fallen asleep off the side of the main road leading Northwest out of Veilbrand back up towards Cre’ Est, having rounded the corner of the mountain range. Another two days or so and they’d be in Cre’ Est.

And what roused them from their slumber were the sounds of horses stampeding towards them.

The group all got up as quickly as they could and prepared for battle, but battle isn’t what came their way. Instead, what they found was a sight which they could only marvel at.

It was a woman clad in… Fairly revealing armor, going toe to toe with what appeared to be a group of Rogues which were similar to bandits, but had a more organized structure and sometimes even had entire miniature societies. And what was more amazing was that she was holding her own.

She rode astride her own steed, a beautiful golden palomino with a black mane and tail and small dark brown/black stockings on its legs. The woman in question raised a beautiful sword above her head and charged the six Rogues without fear and a mighty battle cry. The Rogues galloped towards her with their own weapons drawn.

The clash which took place afterwards was tremendous and, dare they say it, beautiful. Like most things about this woman the way she fought had a certain elegance to it. Regal, even. Every motion was clean, precise, practiced, and perfectly on point. Each strike and slash on target. It didn’t take more than a few minutes for her to take all of the Rogues down save one which galloped towards the group with a naginata drawn and ready to strike them down.

However, as he rode up and attempted to line up his weapon to strike down Lonan who was the closest, the woman’s blade appeared through his chest and he fell off his horse to the ground. The horse rode away into the distance, and the woman trotted her steed up to them and hopped out of the saddle. She drew her sword from the man’s dead body, and lifted her helmet slightly to give them a better view of her emerald green eyes. Framed perfectly by her flowing blonde hair, which almost seemed to have a pink shine in the sunlight of all colors, those emerald eyes scanned them all in turn.

”Greetings, travelers. I pray you are all unharmed?” She asked, looking at Lonan as she sheathed her weapon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Lonán Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Lonán was sleeping when he heard the noises of battle. He quickly got up and drew his sword and prepared for battle, despite his injured shoulder. ”Come on, who wants to face my blade today?” He said under his breath, ready for whatever came to pass. However, it seemed fate had other plans for what came to pass.

Lonán, along with any of the others that were awake, watched in slight amazement as a warrior woman fought off several rouges, and the fight was heading their way! He saw one of them with a nagniata poised to strike him and he got into a ready stance with his blade, one that put less stress on his injured shoulder, but he had to until he healed. He was ready to fight. ”Heresta watch my battle!” He Mentally prayed as all of a sudden, the man was impaled by the stranger’s sword.

What came next was the woman dismounting and removing her helmet. Lonán could feel a rising blush on his cheeks as he struggled to maintain his composure as he sheathed his weapon as he looked at the woman with a nod. ”I believe we are all unharmed, are we alright everyone?” Lonán asked towards Linde, Aetrius and the rest. After seeing their replies he turned to the stranger again. ”Well met and thanks are in order. I am Lonán Arzura of the Arzura Clan, and you are?”

He said this introduction with a slightly suppressed blush, as Lonán was trying to keep calm. He didn’t know what to think. ”What in Heresta’s name is wrong with me? My heart’s going crazy! Is it the fact I almost went into battle? The woman or her choice of attire?! I’ll have to ask Linde later.” He thought, all the while rubbing his sore shoulder.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Lonán Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Their treck was a long one, a surprisingly long one, but when Kyero had rejoined with them, a weight was lifted off of Aetrius' shoulders. They traveled for a few days when they took camp, and Aetrius managed to sleep, knowing that Kieran was safe and with them relieved most of her stress. But her peaceful sleep was suddenly awoken when they heard horses coming their way, Aetrius' heart skipped a beat when she heard the horses and shouting, as it would only have been one thing, the people from the auction somehow managed to find them and were hunting them down. She, as well as the others scrambled to their feet and armed themselves, but what awaited them was something Aetrius never expected.

It was a group of bandits going against one female warrior, all by herself. Aetrius was going to join in and help her, as well as Kieran, but they were only able to stand by and watch as the woman managed to single handedly fought off all of them, swiftly and almost in a beautiful and dance fashion. Aetrius watched as her draw dropped, and she stood their awstruck as one individual managed to fight off a whole group of people. When all was said and done, she expected her to attack them as well, and readied her hand at her side to go for her sword if needed be, seeing how she was already in her armor, and her hair tied tightly to her head, as it had started growing slowly over time. But that is not how the stranger acted, instead the woman walked up to them peacefully and asked how they were fairing, Aetrius looked as Lolan introduced himself and said that he was well, as well as the others.

Aetrius stepped forth and spoke with a slight tone of uncertainty of the woman, but enough courtesy as to not ward her off. "Like Lolan, I can suppose we're all managing, if not shaken up by the least. Aetrius is the name.", she started, and was about to end it there, but she decided to reveal more than she wouldn't normally, "Of House Borral, we appreciate the help, but...You didn't have to. Why did you, if you don't mind me asking." she said as she kept Linde and Kieran close and behind her, incase she needed to shield them from any attack, as this could possibly be an ambush as things went too well with the new girl. "Like our friend Lolan said...Who are you, love?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Lonán Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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The woman removed her helmet letting her golden hair billow out behind her as she shook her head.

... She was Heresta made flesh, down to almost the very last detail. Even the very nature of how her hair flowed was captured perfectly from the statues and artistic interpretations of the Goddess of Battle that Aetri, Lonan, and Kieran would remember from childhood and even more recently.

"You may call me Josephine, of House Dezantro. I hail from Triveila."

She straightened her back as she tucked her helmet under her arm.

"I spent the last month in Dead Man's Cove in Southern Veilbrand on business and made the decision to return home to Triveila. I was on my way up the road when I was beset upon by these now former Rogues. A minor distraction, to be sure."

She turned on her heel and gave a whistle which immediately got her mount's attention as it trotted up to her side.

"Now, if you'll all excuse me I must be on my way. Safe travels be with you all."

She twisted her hair into a bun and tucked it under her helmet as she put it back on her head and mounted her steed, preparing to depart.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Lonán Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Aetrius listened as the woman introduced herself as Josephine of House Dezantro, from Triveila. Her eyes widened at the name, she wasn't their daughter, was she? Especially hailing from Triveila, she had no mistaking it. She was a born warrior and was a natural at if if anything less. As Josephine explained herself, but then pardoned herself after making sure they were all alright, Aetrius stepped forward again, "Wait, Josephine. Please, if you want, you can tag along with us if you wish. We're headed for Cre' Est for a short visit, and after that, we're not sure yet. We just left Veilbrand, and wouldn't mind having someone else join our group." she said with a silver tongue, but was being genuine with her words. She pondered for a moment and looked at the woman, examining her from head to toe, but quickly scanned over the parts of her that were not fully clothed, just examining her for whether she was about to make the right offer or not.

"What I'm requesting is, join us. Even if it's only for a short time, come with us to Cre' Est. Seeing as how you are more than capable with a blade, some may say you could possibly match or even outmatch me and Lolan combined-" Aetrius was cut off as an, "Ahem" came from Kieran who was standing behind her, "And Kieran, or hell, you could probably even stand toe to toe with Kyero. But my point or well, my offer is, come with us to Cre' Est, even if it's only until we reach the border, then you can go back where you were headed. For now, I think large groups would be safe to travel in. Besides, I think we wouldn't have a problem having a new comer tag along, even if it's only for a short time. But if you reject, we understand. Just thought I'd offer on our small group's be hath as a way of saying thank you for your unexpected help. And if you reject, may Heresta bless you and keep you safe, m'lady." she said as she brought her right hand up to her heart in a first and gave Josephine a small bow, only bending from the waist up, signalling the Saharan salute for well being and departure.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Lonán Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Lonán felt his heart hammering in his chest at the newcomer’s name. He nodded as he gave out a small, slightly stuttered, ”P-Pleased to meet you.” This didn’t make sense to him, usually he’d be more calmer in introductions, but this Josephine, who looked like Heresta made flesh, managed to tongue tie and befuddle him. She was going to Triveila, which was past Cre’est so having her join them, at least for awhile wouldn’t be too bad.

”It’d give me time to sort out what’s going on with me, or maybe get to know her more... Oh Heresta, please give me the strength to keep calm!” He thought as he then began to listen to Aetrius making a case for Josephine to join them. However when he heard that Josephine might be better then himself and Aetrius combined, he gave the latter a hard glare. ”Why you!” He seethed mentally as he prepared to march straight to Aetrius but Hawk, being disturbed by all the ruckus, had moved in front of his master with the intent to make him rub his neck to greet him good morning and to calm down whatever stress the Saharan was feeling.

”Morning to you too buddy.” he muttered as he rubbed the horse’s neck as the horse exhaled a huff. Mission accomplished in Hawk’s book. ”Interesting, think that woman can take me Hawk?”

Hawk’s right ear twitched as the stallion gave him a look as if to say “At your current state? Are you kidding? She’d wipe the floor with you!” Lonán deadpanned at the look. ”Worried about a Horse’s criticism again.. My shoulder must be sore again.” He looked at Josephine to listen for her answer, trying really hard to look her in the eyes and not to wander any lower, the hints of the earlier blush still on his face.