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"My purpose in life is my own to find. Nobody will tell me where I belong or what I can become!"

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a character in “Assassin's Pledge: Awakening”, as played by KumoriRyuu



Name: Kyero
Age: 22
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 210 lbs
Voice Example: 0:38

Basic Personality: Kyero is a very disoriented and easily agitated person. Because of his upbringing, being essentially brainwashed and tortured into the perfect assassin, he knows very little to nothing of normal life and struggles to maintain a semblance of normalcy as he tries to find a purpose in this world. He is, despite his lack of "normal" education, very smart and highly perceptive as well as a human lie-detector. He does not forgive and forget, nor does he negotiate. He's a steadfast and powerfully determined person who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. He is also, despite his still learning why, fiercely loyal to those who accompany him and will fight to the death to protect them as his only human connections in this world.

Basic Background: Kyero was born to a mother who was part of a cult worshipping the Lord of the Nether Realm. A Demonic spirit was summoned via a ritual and occupied his body despite the ritual being interrupted towards the end. The Demon was unable to fully manifest, but its power remains in the form of a pair of glowing red eyes, enhanced senses, reflexes, and the ability to sense the living energy of others within a ten meter radius. Kyero was tortured into the perfect killer, and brainwashed into thinking that all there was in life were his orders to kill whoever the Grandmaster pointed him to. He was a living weapon, to put it simply. But after discovering freedom of thought, Kyero rebelled against Te'i Sai and killed the Grandmaster and those who sought to fulfill the Grandmaster's designs for the continent of Cre' Est. Today, Kyero wanders the land hoping to find a new purpose in life.

So begins...

Kyero's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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The two days passed by easily and rather quickly, with little to no hassle along the way. But eventually they arrived at their destination, the boarder of Cre' Est. They had set up camp that night, ate dinner, talked around the fire again, and all went to bed at some point. When the morning arose, the sun light of the tents, warming them up and casting it ever bright orange glow everywhere. By this time though, Aetrius was already out of her tent and nowhere to be seen, Kieran slowly awoke from her slumber and looked around, and sensing something was off. She looked to a small hill in the distance, surrounded by trees and saw a figure in the distance, she decided to investigate and slowly made her way there. Eventually she closed in the distance, and saw a red haired woman sitting down, back facing Kieran. Kieran chuckled and walked up, and sat down next to Aetrius, who sat with her knees held to her chest and her chin resting on her knees. They both remained silent as they looked out in the distance, until one of them spoke up softly, "Can I ask you a question...?" her voice came out softly, as if it was almost a whisper.

Aetrius nodded silently, barely moving her head, but Kieran understood her all too well and understood her message. "Why..Why did you come and look for me in Veilbrand? I know it's been a few days now, but since we left you never told me anything...You've remained rather distant...Am I that different to you know? Do you look at me differently because of what I was forced into? I'd understand if you did, but even then..." her voice died down some, as Kieran looked down and couldn't help as tears slowly trickled down her face. Aetrius continued to remained silent for a few moments, not out of anger or resentment, or even disappointment, it was because she was trying to find the words to say, not even the right words, but words to say in general. She sat there for a few more moments in silence, Kieran nodded and slowly began to stand up, taking the silence as a way of telling her to leave Aetrius alone. But as Kieran turned to leave, a soft voice spoke up behind her.

"I'm not mad at you, Kie...I never have been. You're my sister, and my best friend. You're the only family and friend that I have left from my old life. You've always been the one person I could count on to survive. You were always by my side. For years we had each others back. Always looking out for each other, even when I was an outcast among our clan, you always had my back...Even when...Even when I was marked you were the one who believed in me. You left Saharan because you knew I didn't have a place there anymore. You left because of me, and because of me you eventually got sold and wrapped up into something that resulted in me having to go and find you, after who knows what you've been through..." her voice dying down as her long, breathless ramble and mess of words were expelled from her lips. She remained silent as she softly caught her breath, and after a few deep breaths she spoke up again, "I blame myself, Kieran. For what happened to you. It was my fault you got put into that situation. You should hate me by now..I do. I've hated myself for years because of what happened back there. because I couldn't help you..." she said softly and looked down, her own tears finding their way down her face. Kieran slowly walked infront of Aetrius, and crouched down, gently lifting her currently tear stained chin to look at her.

"You are my sister. Just as Saharans, family means everything to us, regardless as to what had happened. Just as you say, you're all that I have as well. We share the same blood, what runs through me, runs through you. I will always be there for you, just as you had always been there for me. Regardless to what happened all those years ago, regardless of what you've become since our departing...There is one thing you will always be to me." she said softly, as she sat down with Aetrius, hands covered by her own soft and smooth hands. Aetrius looked at Kieran with a raised eyebrown, "You will always be my little sister." she said as she wrapped her arms around Aetrius, and gave her a tight hug, resulting in Aetrius to fully break down into a heartbreaking wail as she wrapped her own arms around Kieran tightly, and continued shaking all the while she cried.

For so long did she blame herself for losing Kieran, and for even losing a part of who she was in Kieran. Knowing that she finally had her sister back again, and that Kieran didn't blame her for anything, or hold any resentment towards her, she couldn't help but finally let all of her emotions out, all of the self doubt and hate, sadness and anger, anxiety and stress, all came out as she cried into her sisters arms until she had nothing left to cry out. And so that sat, on that small hill in the distance, as Kieran hummed Aetrius a soft tune their mother used to always sing to them in their times of sadness, one that always helped calm down a sad Aetrius, but this time it only caused her to cry more, and silently they sat there until it was time for them to leave camp.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Linde awoke late and wandered out of the tent in a night gown hanging halfway off her left shoulder nearly showing something from her left breast. Kyero, being the nearest to her, fixed it for her which made her smile sleepily at him and pat his shoulder in a friendly manner.

"MmmmthanksKyero." She slurred as she yawned.

Josephine emerged from her tent just afterwards dressed fully in her armor and prepared for the day whilst also already taking down her tent and folding it up to attach it to her saddle bags.

Kyero was ready to move as well, taking up his place at the middle of the pack with his pack and cloak up as he walked along the path. Josephine was second from the front behind Aetrius who had since pulled Linde up to sit behind her after the latter had woken up and gotten properly dressed. Meanwhile, Lonan was close behind her riding on Hawk.

And together they all took off further into Cre' Est. The junction where Josephine would part ways from them was fast approaching, and Linde had sort of started to like her as a member of the group even if she was largely silent unless asked something first. She'd miss her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Aetrius and Kieran rejoined with the others down the hill when they heard the others were awake and starting to pack up, they helped prepare everything for their travels and eventual departure with Joesephine. Once they were all ready, Aetrius helped Linde up onto Bree, and Kieran helped Rose onto their horse, unknown to them, once soon they got to Cre' Est, they would be saying goodbye to two people, not just one.

Aetrius had to admit to herself though, even with the one girl's distance and solitude, and unintentionally rude appearing manners, she would miss her somewhat. And perhaps, if she did leave, may Heresta bless her and perhaps she would meet up with them again one day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Lonán had put away his gear and looked at everyone getting ready to go, as he observed several people that’d most likely separate. Rose to give her what she was promised, and Josephine for her journey to Triveila. For the latter, Lonán would truly miss her if she left. The last two days of conversation made him learn unique skills, and insight about his family he obviously needed.

So he decided to fill his curiosity and have at least one last chat, if he failed to convince her to stay, He failed. He hoped to see her again regardless. He approached her and took a breath. ”Morning Miss Dezantro.” He greeted, feeling slightly confident as the past two days taught him to calm his nervous heart around her. He took another breath.

”I wanted to ask you, if it’s not a bother, why must you get to Triveila within a fortnight?” He finally asked, if he knew that, he’d probably find a way to convince her to travel with them for awhile longer, maybe even travel with her to aid her on said business.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Linde's eyebrows went up as Lonan suddenly suggested going to Triveila with miss Dezantro. While Linde was also somewhat sad to see her leave, why would Lo-

Linde's eyebrows rose further before settling back down. Her eyes shut slowly and a small, knowing smile appeared on her face as she rested her cheek against Aetrius' shoulder.

So Lonan is starting to... She thought.

She opened her eyes and her smile grew warmer.

"I don't have an issue postponing our trip." She replied sweetly.

"I can return to the capital at any time, and my clinic runs itself when I'm away."

She looked over towards Aetrius.

"Any objections, Aetri?" She asked.

Josephine's head slowly turned towards everyone as they started speaking of perhaps changing their plans and coming with her to Triveila.

"But surely you don't actually have business there as I do. I must insist you do not change your plans for me." She objected.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Josephine was more than a little shocked that these people all wanted to come with her. What had she done to deserve that? Those bandits who'd attacked attacked her, not them. She didn't really save them from anything. But... Then again, had they not found her they'd probably have found this group in their sleep. So...

"I guess I have no choice but to accept your offer then, if you're all in agreement and determined to come with me." She said rather reluctantly.

She looked ahead to the horizon and sighed deeply.

"Very well. I welcome your company, everyone. And I will find a way to repay this kindness once my business is complete."

"No need for reimbursement, miss Dezantro!"

Josephine looked back to Linde, eyes wide, mouth slightly agape.

"This is what having friends is about. Ehe. We're coming along because we simply wish to come with you, not because we want something from you."

Josephine attempted to respond, but no sound escaped her lips as she looked out towards the horizon.

"I... Thank you." She said quietly, her face flushing pink while she hid it by riding slightly ahead.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Three nights later, the group pitched camp just off the main road. A campfire in the center, their tents surrounding it. Together they ate around the fire having partaken in the meats Aetrius and Kieran hunted for them, and for the most part they made pleasant small talk though Josephine was still in the process of warming up to them all. So she was still somewhat quiet compared to the rest. However, she did smile a little more frequently whenever something amusing came up in conversation.

Suddenly, Kyero's head came up and he turned it slightly Southward.

Linde caught the gesture and asked him what was wrong, and he lifted his chin in the direction he was looking before dropping it again. A "look that way" gesture.

Linde followed his head and saw a stranger approaching camp. He was very well dressed. A Noble, obviously. With him were three horses, each one carrying something different. On the back of the first horse in line was a sack of goods wrapped in cloth. The second had saddle bags filled with what could only be presumed to be a combination of gold and jewelry. And the third had... Something else draped over the saddle. The man himself was on foot at the moment, which seemed odd since most would not dare walk from one place to another.

Who was this man?

As Linde looked at Josephine, she observed a suppressed rage burning within the blonde woman's eyes. But rather than frown, Josephine was smiling. But the smile was full of contempt and hatred, like few Linde had ever seen before. Her eyes trailed to the individual as he approached camp and stepped into the fire light.

He was young. Probably no older than Kyero at around twenty three or twenty four years of age. He was quite handsome as well, sporting dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a lean, muscular physique for a Noble. At his hip was a broadsword, and at his back a small double-bladed axe. A dual wielder, perhaps?

"Ah, good evening! I didn't expect to run into any fellow travelers at this time of night! Ho ho ho ho!"

He looked around the faces of the campfire and his eyes fell to Josephine. And as they did, he grew a rather condescending and vicious smile though his tone of voice still radiated familiarity and friendliness.

"Lady Dezantro! What are the odds I'd run into you on the road like this?" He asked, extending to her a slight bow. Josephine stood and replied with a light curtsy.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Count Orral. What brings you down these roads?"

He tied his horses to a small tree branch nearby and approached Josephine, putting his hands on her shoulders and pulling her into an embrace. She returned it, but reluctantly, and with a hidden expression of disgust all the while.

"Business, my dear. Of course!" He replied as they separated from the embrace.

Josephine smiled and chuckled warmly.

"Is that so? I thought your business was limited to Triveila, Count."

"I have a permit for trips throughout the Mother Nation of Cre' Est. I'm returning from one such trip now. I intend to reach Triveila within the next eight or nine days, presuming weather is kind which it seems to be. A bit gusty a few days ago, but nothing too bad."


"May I ask what you are doing out here, my dear?"

"I myself am returning to Triveila alongside some new companions, as you see." She said, turning to the others and gesturing to them one by one. "This is Kieran, sister of Aetrius. Lonan Aurzura. And Linde Xe' Almna."

"Oh ho! The Angelic Knight of Cre' Est herself! I must say that your beauty truly is beyond compare for any Maiden in Cre' Est I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. It's an absolute pleasure to make your acquaintance, my Lady." He said, giving Linde a deep bow.

Linde stood up and bowed in return before taking her seat.

"The pleasure is mine, Count Orral."

"Please, dear Lady. Call me Clifton."

"Count Orral. May I ask what it is your horse in the back is carrying?"

"Oh that's just a sack of blankets and rugs I bought for my dear mother back home. She's been nagging at me to find her some from the Capital, so I finally made the time in my schedule to fulfill her request."

"My. How dutiful of you!"

Linde had to give Josephine credit... Her acting was superb. If Linde hadn't seen that momentary flash of contempt early on, she'd think Josephine actually liked this man.

"Well, unfortunately my dear I must continue on. I must return my wears and goods to Triveila for sales before I miss the Bazaar."

"Of course, Count. I won't keep you any longer. It was a pleasure seeing you again."

He walked forward and shared another embrace with Josephine, his hands resting on her lower back.

"The pleasure was mine, my dear. I'll see you back home!"

And with that he grabbed his horses and continued on down the road disappearing into the night. But until he was fully out of sight, Josephine remained standing and watching him with that warm smile hiding her contempt for the man they just met.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Lonán was enjoying his meal on the third night of travel when Kyero signaled them to look towards a traveler on the road. He observed the man for a while, more notably his weapons. He watched as he recognized Josephine and approached her, learning that his name was ‘Count Orral’. His eyes narrowed as he watched the man embrace Josephine. His brows furrowed suspiciously.

The interactions seemed harmless and the Man himself was cordial, but Lonán almost felt a hint of steel in Josephine’s voice as the conversation bounced from the two, and to Linde, who’s reputation seemed known to the man. Then the man prepared to leave and gave her a less then appropriate embrace. He held a death grip on the spot he was sitting on with his right hand to stop him from drawing his sword.

”The way he embraced her....I wished my stare would turn him to stone!” he fumed as he watched him leave, his face beginning to turn red with anger as his knuckles began to turn white in it’s death grip. He cursed that his code forbade him from attacking this man, due to him showing to be no threat for the time being. ”Heresta’s Teeth I am not happy and Hawk is probably already taking his beauty sleep!” He raged mentally as he took a smaller second helping of supper and ate at it, trying very hard to settle his nerves and calm the small flame of anger back to a spark.

He did not want to emulate the Berserker at this time. But he was very well angered at how the man embraced Josephine that second time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Aetrius was now enjoying dinner around the fire after another three days of traveling, as they had pitched camp and Kieran and her had gone hunting for dinner. This time they were more lucky in their hunt as they brought back another deer and a few rabbits. She was currently enjoying the meal and small talk as she was sitting on a log next to the tents, surrounded by the shadows of the night besides the light of the fire that flickered across their camp. She noticed Kyero looking into the darkness, and peered over to see a figure emerge from the dark and immediately recognize Josephine, but from the way that she interacted with the young man, she noted her well hidden disdain and disgust for the supposed count.

She remained silent and perceptive of the whole entire exchange that happened between them. Aetrius was even calm throughout the whole ordeal, until he bade them farewell, but only after touching Josephine rather inappropriately, which resulted on her placing her hand by her side on her sword's hilt, and slowly began to stand up, but Kieran quickly grabbed her hand and held her hand and shook her head. Which resulted in Aetrius to growl as she watched the man leave and disappear into the night, keeping her eyes on him until he was out of her sight. She looked back towards the others and sighed, and shook Kieran off of her and put her plate down, her appetite being clearly upset at the display of inappropriate behavior from someone of supposed high notoriety.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Josephine stood by silently as Count Orral left the area... Her back burning as if she was just touched by the Devil.

Linde, meanwhile, sat quietly looking at Josephine. She knew exactly how she felt. Linde had been touched in all sorts of inappropriate ways throughout the years by overly entitled men who felt they had the social clout to go above cultural boundaries and sometimes even laws.

"Miss Dezantro. Are you all right?"

Josephine turned around slowly and smiled for Linde.

"Of course, Lady Almna."

Linde remained silent, choosing not to press the issue as Josephine sat down and continued the meal which Count Orral had interrupted. And though her exterior hid it very, very well, Linde could sense that she was overcome by rage and hatred.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Aetrius sat in silence as Linde asked if Josephine was alright, who was clearly upset but said she was fine nonetheless. Aetrius sighed as she remained sitting in her spot near her things, and looked at Kieran for possibly any idea on what to do. Kieran thought for a moment, of anything they could do to possibly help lighten to mood. The sisters both sat there in the completely dark wilderness, except for the light that came from the fire. The flames danced and flickered across the faces of those that sat around the fire, even Kyero's who's was mostly covered by his hood.

After a few moments of silence except for the crackling of fire, and the animals all around them, Aetrius looked back at Kieran who looked back at her in silence and nodded. Aetrius reached for her satchel behind her, and Kieran searched for something in the saddle bag next to Bree. After a few more moments, Aetrius retrieved her small, wooden, wind based instrument, the same she had used the first time she played music back in Ukron. And Kieran returned with a rather small harp, and sat down as Aetrius did, next to each other they looked at one another and nodded in silence. Kieran silently tuned her harp while Aetrius cleared her throat and took a few deep breaths.

Together they looked at each other one last time and nodded, and began to play a simple and common tune from Saharan, one that they were sure that even Lolan would recognize, as well as possibly the others. It was a catchy, upbeat, and happy song that could cause even the most unemotional type of person to smile, and possibly even dance. Which, as the song progressed as Aetrius and Kieran played, Aetrius stood up and danced along to the beat with a small smile on her face every now and then, hoping the small song would lift the other's spirits, or at least help ease the tension thy were all feelings, especially Josephine.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Lonán was near blinded by the anger he was feeling towards the event that happened, the moment Kieran and Aetrius played their song, he blinked in surprise. But really, he shouldn’t be surprised, recalling their shared homeland. The anger he had was cut in half by the familiar sound. ”The Melody... so calming and uplifting...My goodness m-MY FEET?!” He Mentally realized as he began tapping his feet the moment the song began to become more upbeat.

He then realized what was about to happen, and as the music progressed, he set aside his plate and subconsciously began to dance to the beat, Joining Aetrius and Kieran in the cause of uplifting everyone’s spirits, deciding this was a more worthwhile battle for the time being. Their enemy, the negative emotions caused by the encounter. He couldn’t help but give a rallying cry of; ”Yahhoo!” as he danced. His cheeks flushing pink in embarrassment as he simply continued to dance, clapping his hands to the beat.

”This is the second time this week i’ve Jumped out of my comfort zone!!” He thought as he danced, his grin and chuckling laughter betraying the happy feeling he got from the song.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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As the music started and the dancing began, Linde couldn't help but join in the dancing along with Aetrius, Kieran, and Lonan.

Josephine, however, was far too absorbed in her anger to register what was going on as anything but an irritating mess. The music was nice and had a certain upbeat nature to it. But it did little to settle the fire in her heart.

She set her plates down and stood up.

"... I'm going to bed. Goodnight everyone." She said quietly.

She went to her tent and laid down to rest, but she would not sleep at all this night.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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It seemed that everyone was having some measure of fun as the song played. Except for Josephine herself, who didn’t seemed swayed from her anger. Whilst he couldn’t blame her, the feeling of looking a little bit foolish in the time he danced in the song returned. He rubbed the back of his neck and gave a weak chuckle. ”Well, I suppose not everyone can get infected by that energetic song from home. Thanks for playing it Aetrius, Kieran.” He said as he stretched his legs.

”I guess I should turn in as well. All that dancing can wear out a person.” He said, the embarrassed side of him slowly winning over as he headed for his tent to sleep for the evening. He’d need the rest after having a good meal and then a second helping of said meal due to stress. ”See you all tomorrow.” and with that he vanished into his tent to get ready for bed.

He didn’t even think to meditate he was so embarrassed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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As Aetrius asked if she was really that bad of a person, Linde smiled warmly and gave her a hug.

"You're not a bad person at all, Aetrius." She cooed.

”Come. Let's retire for the evening as well. You'll feel better tomorrow.” She said with a kiss to her cheek.

With that, the pair went to bed, Kyero the only one remaining awake as the ever watchful guardian of the night nearby in a tree branch.

Days passed, and at last they were within striking range of Triveila. Just one more day's travel and they'd be there. For the most part the trip had been uneventful. Just traveling, small talk, and enjoying each other's company. Or, rather, trying to. Josephine, since that night, had grown very quiet and distant from the others. She insisted during meal times that she was fine. But everyone could sense that ever since Orral's arrival she had not been quite the same.

With only one day remaining in their expected journey to Triveila's border, the question on everyone's mind was, "what is her business?"

But today, they'd face another issue. Because up ahead was a checkpoint... A rather infamous one.

Run by Triveilan nobility, Count Orral's family specifically, this was bound to be a rather tense encounter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Lonan’s mood wasn’t the best this morning. Sure it was pleasant on the outside, but the tension since meeting Count Orral never truly left. Especially as far as Josephine was concerned, who relatively distanced herself to the point of not interacting and saying she was fine when concerned voices came a-talking. His were among them and the repeated response became more concerning to the young Saharan each time it was said.

The fact when people said they were fine when they weren’t was stroking a soft spot in his mind. A sensitive spot that filled his heart with sorrow, and anger all at once. Anger was more apparent this day, but they were approaching a checkpoint. ”I need to rein it in it’s just a checkpoint. If we make it to an inn afterwards I’m going to need a drink. A good stiff one. Maybe I’ll order ‘Strong Shit’.” he thought. It’d probably cost him a pretty silver or more but it’d be worth it to try and banish his anger for a day or two.

Heck, he’d take an unexpected encounter from his own family over the tension being felt as they neared the checkpoint at the border of their next adventure. How hard could one checkpoint possibly be?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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As the next few days passed, they all made small talk and would tell stories around the fire, and when Kieran and Aetrius weren't out hunting, they'd b practicing swordplay as a way for both of them to brush up. But when they were alerted they were coming up to a rather big and invasive inspection checkpoint, they both froze a little. Aetrius as she began to fear that she migth be known around this part as well, for her bounty hunter notoriety, having some rather large and known deaths etched into her belt, literally. As Kieran's heart began to beat rather quickly as she held tighter to horse reigns, as she began to think she'd be outted as a slave from Veilbrand and could possibly cause a scene if someone noticed who she was. As they began to draw closer to the checkpoint, Aetrius and Kieran looked at each other and nodded, paying note to the weapons by their sides and possible escape routes if needed if things began to go south for them at such a close range of their temporary destination.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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As they approached the checkpoint, Josephine's countenance shifted. Where once she wore a soft frown she now wore a proud, noble smile as she sat straight and tall on Old Strider. She looked almost like a Princess with such posture.

And as they drew near and the guards began approaching to halt their advance for inspection, Josephine kicked Old Strider into a trot and approached them with a wave of her arm.

The guards halted immediately and waited for Josephine to approach. And as she did they dropped to a knee holstering their weapons to their sides.

"Lady Dezantro! We humbly welcome you!" They announced loudly.

The other guards at the checkpoint behind them all dropped to a knee holstering their weapons and giving a salute before regaining their standing posture.

”I thank you for your welcome, Captain. I am returning home from Veilbrand, and in my company are several new companions. I trust you will treat them with the same courtesy as you do myself?”

"Of course, my Lady! Any friends of the Dezantro household are friends of ours!" The Captain said with a salute.

Josephine smiled warmly at him, and it was not a fake smile. These men were just following orders and meant no ill will to anyone save those who tried to force their way through or who decided to bring trouble with them.

”Come friends.” She called back to the others as she trotted her horse up to the gate.

Sitting behind Aetrius, Linde's eyebrows went up slightly.

”She certainly is impressive... Her family must hold quite the amount of respect and admiration from the people for the guards to treat her so courteously.” She said quietly.

”Let's go, Aetrius.” She encouraged.

Kyero, meanwhile, who had been on foot previously, had disappeared before they reached the checkpoint. There was no way he'd let himself be seen or inspected on the way through. Someone wearing a hooded cloak was not to be trusted by soldiers like these. He'd find a long way around and meet them again later.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Lonán watched Josephine undergo a change as they approached the checkpoint, and as she began to look more regal and noble, his mouth gaped for a moment or two before closing it and following her, glancing momentarily as even her posture and her Beauty seemed to have been changed into something He’d see in Nobles. He witnessed the encounter with the soldiers with even more shock and awe as thoughts drifted from questions about what ‘business’ she had, to who was she truly?

Was she an important Noblewoman? A Goddess in mortal form? He could feel his heart racing as she called for the rest of the group to join her, he could only muster a nod, not trusting his mouth to talk or answer for him as he rode up beside her. ”Who are you really Miss Dezantro? Aside from someone who’s now captured my eyes and bewitched my heart to race? I still need to see Linde about that. Oh, by Heresta, She’s beautiful...” He thought. He observed Josephine for a moment or two longer as they approached the gate, before realizing he was staring at her a bit too much, and turned his attention to the gate itself, an almost glowing blush on his face.

He wasn’t even aware that Kyero was gone. If his grandfather was here and he’d seen Lonán like this, he’d laugh with joyful and teasing humor at him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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As they slowly drew closer to the checkpoint, Aetrius and Kieran both kept their hands closer to their weapons, but what happened next they did not expect. Josephine sat up more, correcting her posture and spoke with a more eloquent tone than she was prier to the guards and asked for to treat the others just as they treated her. She sat atop Bree with her mouth slightly ajar, as did Kieran as the followed behind Josephine as they entered the gates. Aetrius trotted Bree closer to Josephine and after she cleared her throat with a small cough she spoke, "Who...who exactly are you, Josephine? We know now that you're not just a warrior....So, who are you really?" she questioned, as she felt a small blush cover her face she looked away and down, feeling embarrassment slowly sweep over her. Who exactly was their new found friend?