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Killian R. Thomas

"It's a rather nice day today, isn't it... I think I'll go take a nap."

0 · 1,096 views · located in Aurora Academy

a character in “Aurora Academy”, as played by Shifter13


(Work In Progress)
Killian Ray Thomas

"See, here my eyes are bright..."

Killer, Sleepy
"It's all in a playful manner."

Human or Vampire:
"What an odd question... anyone else tired?"


"Should I be worried that you had to ask?"

*Is zoning out*

" they're grassy..."

"Not the tallest, not the shortest."

"Why all these random questions?"

Hair Color:
Dark brown
"It's soft, too. Want to touch it? You can if you want."

Eye Color:
Green, but the shade seems to change rather easily.
"My eyes are weird, they can't seem to choose a shade."

Skin Tone:
"I enjoy the sun I just... tend to burn more than tan./"

"...and now they're dark. What do you think my eyes echo?"

  • Zoning Out: "It tends to happen quite a bit, I suppose... I don't usually notice when it's happening."
  • Dozing Off: "Again, pretty common. But it's more noticable to me."
  • Forgetfullness: "What day it is, what time it is, when something's due, when it's time to wake up, when to eat, etcetera."
  • Reading: "One moment I'm listening to the teacher, the next I'm reading a book I don't remember pulling oout or bringing along."

Killian is a sweetheart, one with a sugary smile, heart-melting grin, and a contagious laugh. It's rare to see him angered or upset buy anything/anyone, but when it does happen it's not somehting most would want to see. For such a teddy-bear spirited boy he can become a real bear, especially over a loved-one being harmed or threatened. Harm isn't something he would normally think of passing around, but when a certain situation arises it'll appear as if he's lost all control of his emotions. He's rather understanding young man even when it's hard to see through his own melty caramel outsides, and he can often tell when someone's upset even if they hide it. Friend or not, if you're upset and if you'll let him, he'll envelope you in a hug so loving you'd think he thought you were long lost siblings. In some ways he's been described as a human boy with the soul of an old family cat for these reasons; He's super mellow but sweet, loves to cuddle, and he can sleep anywhere at any time.

  • Patience: He's not one for going too fast and isn't easy to anger.
  • Easy Going: He's not very picky or too stubborn about much.
  • Contagious Emotions: His usual self is calm and relaxed, which seems to calm others, but his joy and anger are more easily felt and effective.
    (More Pending...)

  • Trusting: He trusts too easily as long as you put on a smile and kind demeanor.
  • Fears: Being buried or burned alive, fire, deep waters, becoming addicted to something. Each from his past, each easily used.
  • Lack of Concentration: He's a smart boy, especially if he really tries. But he's just so easily bored and distracted.
    (More pending...)

  • Sleeping: "It's more a habit than anything, but enjoyable.
  • Dreaming/Daydreaming: "The imagination is an amazing thing most at work in the dream world, it's rather amusing."
  • Soft Things: "I was once allowed to hold a rabbit and just sat there with it for several hours, petting it's fur.
  • Daylight: "Everything's clear and easy to see, nothing sneaking up on you from the shadows.'
  • Cooking: "Though I often forget to eat, I enjoy cooking."
  • Cuddling: "It's warm, comforting, and gives a feeling of safety.
  • Reading: "You can go thousands of places without doing so much as flipping a page."

  • Cold Foods: "They hurt my teeth and make me cold."
  • Cold Weather: "Colder means cloudy, and cloudy means little sunshine. Not very pleasant, in my opinion."
  • Night Time: "I'm not afraid of the dark as much as I am of what might be there."
  • Burnt Food: "Leaves a nasty after-taste, makes me thirsty, and makes the air smel... unpleasant."
  • Needless Bloodshed/Conflict: "Needless things are, obviously, unneeded. Especially when pain is involved."
  • Seeing Friends Upset: "I don't really know what to do but sit there and hug them. It's all I can offer."
  • Thunder: "It's loud and interruptive, and it sounds like a large beast readying to destroy the world."


"Books are a daily escape of mine, they take me to worlds I could never visit otherwise."

So begins...

Killian R. Thomas's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Killian R. Thomas Character Portrait: Catherine A. Tinatin Character Portrait: Drake Knight Character Portrait: Angel Aleecia Character Portrait: Tak Kanori Character Portrait: Kanra Kida
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Catherine Tinatin

Catherine had never been so nervous as she had been the moment she awoke this morning. Well, at least not over something so... mundane, for lack of a better word. It wasn't staying up at night watching a match burn between your fingers, it wasn't looking for odd jobs, it wasn't looking behind you for tell-tale signs of fangs, and it definitely wasn't burning buildings down only to escape with your life. It was... it was joining school... school. She'd had to teach herself everything for as long as she could remember, now she'd have someone teaching it to her alongside others with pencils, boards, assignments and boring old text books. The young woman was so excited she couldn't wait, but also so nervous she laid awake a full hour before her alarm began ringing in order to psych herself into getting ready for the day. Today... today could be the best and worst day of her life all at the same time. Catherine had completely, terrifyingly, absolutely no idea what could happen to her with this sudden change of events. And she relished and despised every minute as she stepped from her door, refreshed, ready, and prepaired as she'd ever be for whatever might be coming her way. She even wore the uniform... with the skirt... and she hated skirts... she was smiling as she willingly wore a skirt.

"Well... I suppose I'm ready for this... yeah, let's get going."

Her hair was still somewhat damp, giving a sense of something akin to rain and it made her smile as she headed for the front office to recieve her class schedule. She loved rain, enjoyed it, often danced under it and just laughed when she could. Thunder intrigued her, lighting drew her, and the rain bound her in her place when she got to it. She never ran and hid from it, never complained about her clothes getting wet, and continuously commented on the scent it left afterwards. 'Petrichor,' she thought, 'what an odd word for it.'

Despite her thoughts distracting her, she made it to the office without distraction and paused somewhat of a distance away from it. Others stood there, those of the something-or-other commitee. That wasn't what stopped her there, though, what stopped her was a tugging feeling in her gut she got when she took the whole group into her view. It could be any one of them, any single one or all of them that gave her that odd feeling. The pause was short-lived though, easily mistaken for an interruptive thought if not analyzed to every detail such as her quick visual scan of each person there. It ended as quickly as it began, and she was once again approaching the process of recieving her schedule. Meanwhile, she looked around a bit warily to the other people around her, the 'disciplinary commitee' now that she remembered, and she tried to be at least somewhat friendly towards the strangers.

"It must suck having to be up this early for a job, huh?"

Killian Thomas

Killian was having a great morning so far, a great, relaxing morning in full. He'd awoken at an oddly early time, sure, but he was comfortable with it since it meant recieving his schedule earlier and without maximum crowding. And once he got what he needed he'd be able to take a nap before the day actually started up and more students awoke. This could be a good start for the school year. Killian had taken a shower before he went to bed, not wanting to have to take one just after waking and risk accidentally killing himself. If he became a ghost he'd be naked for the rest of his undead life, odd to think of indeed but really, who would want that?

Leaving his dorm, he carried himself with his usual relaxed manner, his eyes somewhat hooded and a lazy smile on his lips. All was well as he made his way to the office, even with the sun coming up to glare down on everything below it. He entered and gave warm smiles and nodded greetings to those already there, waiting behind a pale-haired girl already getting her schedule. His head was tilted downward in thought and his gaze wandered off, his mind going with it as he simply stood and waited.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Killian R. Thomas Character Portrait: Catherine A. Tinatin Character Portrait: Drake Knight Character Portrait: Angel Aleecia Character Portrait: Kanra Kida
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Catherine Tinatin

Catherine took somewhat slow steps as she looked over her own schedule and went to go outside, though she knew she'd have to come back in for classes at some point. She just needed some fresh air to calm her nerves that had began to buzz. School... school. Again, she was so ready for it yet so not. Her eyes scanned the piece of paper, committing everything to memory as her free hand subconsciously tugged at the bottom of her skirt. She didn't know if it'd be an option, but she'd have to try to get a longer skirt. Her utter spite for skirts was bad enough, the uniform just had to have a short one. It bugged her so much to the point that it took her attention from the paper as she stepped outside and leaned against the outside wall of the building, noticing the others there.

A soft sigh left her lips and she leaned her head back against the building with her eyes closed. After a few minutes of her own silent she rolled her shoulders and looked up to the strangers within the same area, inspecting them more out of habit than of interest. After a moment of silence and with a tilt of her head as she ignored a strong tugging in her gut when she looked to the night class student, she simply closed her eyes and leaned her head back again. Catherine breathed in the fresh air, content with it yet wishing it would rain or do something to rid her of this infernal sunlight warming the air.

Killian Thomas

Killian hadn't takne much time between recieving his needed information and heading off for his room his class was to be in. He'd just nap there until class really started, then he'd probably zone out at something. He found it wasn't really something he could control... not that he'd really tried too often. He just didn't see why he should kepe it under control. He usually heard everything he needed of each lesson and did his homework, even if there were times he missed a few important parts due to his wandering mind. He was comfortable with it though, as it always turned out for the best as he saw it.

He'd never been much of a worry-wart, and he was sure that wouldn't change today. So, with a content smile and some stretching, he continued onward with high hopes for today, the first day of this new school.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seraphina Tenshi Character Portrait: Zeke Lighton Character Portrait: Killian R. Thomas Character Portrait: Blair Kendrick Character Portrait: Darius Tepes Arteria Character Portrait: Tenshi Ame
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Sera's Pov
Sera smiled down at her sister as she took hold of her hand, trying to hide herself from other view. "Don't worry no one will hurt you" She told her with a smile trying to reassure her sister. 'Not on my watch anyway She thought bitterly.

After a short walk towards the academy they finally arrived at the entrance, there seemed to be a lot of students there waiting to receive their schedules and room assignments. Fortunately the Night class students shared the same schedule so they basically knew what classes they were taking it was only the dorm rooms that needed assigning, not like she would share a room with anyone. She would go mental if she were to share a room. And none would argue with her.

Sera's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of hysterical laughter and it sounded like it was coming from Akira, she couldn't help but tilt her head in annoyance at the lack of control he had. "Compose yourself" She told him with irritation. Sera looked back towards her sister to notice her starring intently at a boy with fiery red hair.
Causing her to smirk. Scanning her eyes across the entrance, noticing there weren't as many night class students as she expected, but it seemed the Disciplinary committee had everything under control though.

Drake's Pov
Drake caught the skittles with a smile on his face, immediately opening the packet and tucking in. "This is why you're my best friend" He continued smiling. Anyone that knew Drake knew he was a massive fan of food especially sweets, mainly skittles to be exact, probably being a massive weakness of his.

"You know I rather not attend class" He spoke with a sigh, just the thought of going to class after being up at the crack of dawn did not interest him in the slightest. "If I fall asleep, you cover me got it?" He told Angel with a serious voice.

The sound of Blair's voice directing the students mainly the Night student irritated him, he didn't particularly care for the Night class students, nor did he agree with them attending the Academy. But no matter how many times he's discussed it with the headmaster, it was never listened to, so he had no choice but to do his job. Unfortunately.

He was about to make his way towards class, but three people caught his attention. Three vampires to be specific. Two female's and one male. The two girls looked quite similar both with long silver hair and red eyes, one looked slightly older than other but they were most likely siblings. The male had blonde hair and red eyes. But he knew who they were without them even introducing themselves.

Looking towards the other committee members he couldn't help but be annoyed. "The Tenshi is here" He grumbled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Killian R. Thomas Character Portrait: Catherine A. Tinatin Character Portrait: Kanra Kida Character Portrait: Sakio Nora
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Catherine Tinatin
Catherine, making herself comfortable in the seat she'd claimed for herself in the back, spoke up with a bit of amusement in her tone, "He obviously does. He doesn't have the look of one lost or the gaze of one in a trance. Doesn't look too stupid either... from whatever I can tell anyway." She tilted her head slightly and placed her hands behind her head in a relaxed posture, "Night Class boy that likes to make trouble?" Though she may have seemed comfortable, she wasn't. She was getting uneasy, never before had the tugging in her gut occured so often in one day, and it happened as she set her gaze on this boy... as it had happened each time she saw someone in a white uniform. Now, Catherine looked away and focused her gaze on the front of the room, determined to not let him see how uneasy she was.

Perhaps this whole day was just making her queasy. For the sake of everything good in the universe, she hoped that was it. She didn't need arsony to be considered a hobby of hers any time soon. After a bit of silence she realised she'd lapsed into, she spoke, putting a well-practiced smile onto her own lips, "Funny. I'm a Day Class girl that tends to attract trouble. Not always fun when it tracks you down, I think. Then again, my optimism may have been worn down."

Killian Thomas
Killian was startled out of his daze by the sudden, loud vocalizing of words he thought would be just fine spoken in a normal-volumed tone. This microscopic moment of sour thought brought on by shock passed as he processed what was happening. A sweet, tired smile crossed his lips and he looked around. He blinked at the people around the back of the class, wondering what exactly what was going on but went back to tracing patterns on the desk-top before him. His smile began to fade as he sank back into his thought-land. He wasn't included in this conversation, there was no need for him to focus or pay any attention.