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Retsihn Kon

"What has the world come to..."

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a character in “Avatar: The New Generation”, as played by roomrider


"Honor and respect should be present on both sides in every war. When these two traits are lost, it is no longer war. It is mass murder on both ends."

Retsihn Kon



The Gravity Bending General


Air Nomads


The Faceless: Although he may not always agree with the actions of his alliance, Restsihn sees any sort of treason or defecting on his own part to be an even bigger crime.


"I am a monster, but at least I try to act human."

ImageH E I G H T

155 lbs.




G E N E R A L__A P P E A R A N C E
Though on the leaner side, Retsihn is very well fit and muscled. Though not very noticeable, a number of scars are scattered around his upper body, save the face and neck. Retsihn often sports a charcoal trench coat over a black tutleneck, especially when in combat. His strangely white hair comes down to his chin, and his unsettling red eyes are as piercing as the sharpest dagger.

"Wars are fought between soldiers. If it is not war, it is murder."

Chivalrous | Staid | Loyal | Wistful
A strong believer in chivalry, it only makes sense that Retsihn follows these rules. Backstabbing and other dirty tricks or tactics are out of the question, and Retsihn expects the same from those under his command. During the duels, Retsihn is known for, the general always fights fair and follows any predetermined rules. If his adversary breaches the agreement however, he will not hesitate to retaliate. Due to his chivalrous nature, Retsihn finds respect from both sides. For the most part, Retsihn is sedate and isn't excessive in speech or display. He prefers to stick to the tried and true rather than trying new things. The second most prominent trait of the Gravity bender is that he is insanely loyal to the Supreme Faceless One and revers the masked ruler. Retsihn's hatred for traitors on both sides stems from his intense loyalty to his own allegiance. Even the mention of treason-like acts by subordinates and allies sparks Retsihn. Compromising his own morals is something Retsihn has become accustomed to in order to remain obedient to the Faceless One, and he won't mind giving up his life to abide the Faceless One's wishes. Despite his loyalty to the Faceless One, Retsihn becomes wistful when thinking of the past. He has many regrets despite believing he made the best possible choices.

"Total war is genocide."

Chivalry: Retsihn sees himself as one of the few in the ranks of the Faceless One who practices chivalry and instantly gives good vibes towards an ally who shares this trait.
Respect: A sense of respect towards one another is what keeps a body of people stable. Without respect, abuse and anarchy arise.
Rules: Without rules, people tend to run wild. This is not good. People need rules, and rules must be reinforced. Due to this belief, Retsihn never breaks the rules he has written for himself.
Worthy Adversaries: Due to his chivalrous traits, Retsihn gives respect to worthy adversaries, and treats them well unless instructed otherwise by his Superior.

Treachery: Retsihn finds no respect for the treacherous. In fact, he hates them and believes they should be punished by execution.
Mercenaries: Mercenaries are just pathetic people looking for money. They don't care about allegiances and fight for whoever has the money.
Disobedience: Disobedience is something Retsihn finds intolerable in his subordinates and punishes them severely for any display.
Total War: Retsihn sees war as something between soldiers. Including civilians and others in a war is against Retsihn's ideals, but he will carry out the Faceless One's orders nonetheless.

Smoking: No one's quite sure when he began, but it doesn't look like he'll stop any time soon.
Duels: Perhaps what Retsihn is most known for. He is known to challenge the enemy commander to a duel. There has been complaints by other generals about this, but Retsihn has never lost yet.
Rare Use of Bending: Whether it's personal preference or because it drains him, Retsihn defaults to armed/unarmed combat. He will often use his bending abilities lightly or moderately, usually to compliment his combat, but the primary use of bending to combat enemies is a rarity.
Austerity: Being strict is ideal to keep himself and his troops in tip top shape. Some other generals may tend to be more relaxed with their soldiers, but that is not so with Retsihn. As a result, though his troops are young, Retsihn has one of the most disciplined and spirited soldiers of the Faceless forces.

Gravity Bending: Well...he does have the tittle of the GRAVITY BENDING general. Anyways, Retsihn is very skilled as a gravity bender, and when actually putting effort, his power over gravity is a force to be reckoned with.
Gravity integrated Fighting Style: Since he doesn't use solely gravity bending to combat adverseries, Retsihn created his own fighting style to seamlessly integrate his ability to bend gravity to benefit close quarters combat. One example is to decrease gravity specifically on his fist when executing an uppercut and strengthening gravity of the enemy's jaw simultaneously. If the enemy happens to throw something, Retsihn can either greatly increase, or decrease gravity around him so the object either lands on the ground or flies up into the air.
Master of Many Weapons: Retsihn trains with a variety of weapons and is familiar with most that are found on the battlefield. Though he can make acceptable use of almost any military weapon, Retsihn is better with some than others. His favorite seem to be dual weapons such as knives and swords.
Ambidextrous: The reason why many believe that Retsihn favors dual weapons. Being able to use either hand as well as the other, when handed dual weapons, he becomes a dangerous force.

"Anarchy is madness"

ImageH I S T O R Y
Retsihn doesn't remember his parents. He believes that they must have died while he was still young, but his tribe of nomads took good care of him nonetheless. With the onslaught of the faceless ones, Retsihn's tribe was very careful. Always scoping out the best course of travel. However, on day, the inevitable happened, and the tribe was cornered by an unknowing group of the faceless. To lead them away from his tribe's position, Retsihn pointed out a hidden village of earthbenders, posing as a lost person from far away. After displaying exceptional hand to hand combat prowess against the earthbending tribe, Retsihn found favor in the eyes of a young officer in the ranks of the Faceless. Even after finding out that Retsihn was an airbender, the young officer covered the fact saying his student was a very quick learner. The boys ability to airbend came as a surprise due to the fact that Retsihn had never used it in the officer's presence, but rather told his teacher. The transition to gravity bending was rather smooth, and Retsign soon became a very powerful bender of gravity. Somehow, word got out that Retsihn was an airbender and that the young officer who took him in was hiding the fact. But Retsihn was given a chance to prove loyalty to the Faceless. Being handed a sword, Retsihn was intructed to execute his former teacher, the young officer of the Faceless. As the eyes of the two met, the officer nodded and said "You will be a great asset to the Faceless." "Long live the Supreme One. His word is law." They both chanted before Retsihn swung the sword, beheading the officer. After the incident, Retsihn used every day as an opportunity to prove his loyalty to the Faceless One. Compromising his own morals became a regular instance to keep to his most important rule. Obey the Supreme Faceless One. Now one of, if not the most loyal General to the Supreme Faceless One, Retsihn carries out his wishes without question. Even to his own troops, the gravity bending general always stresses obedience to the Supreme Faceless One, and how the Faceless One's words overrule any laws or past orders.

"It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to go like this."

Face Claim
Hampnie Hambert


So begins...

Retsihn Kon's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tonrar Ren Character Portrait: Haruto Koizumi Character Portrait: Naomi Ren Character Portrait: Retsihn Kon
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"It seems they were right when they said you couldn't hide from the Faceless One." The owner of the voice was a middle aged man. The man was of average height, but had a very muscular build on an already stocky frame. His hair flowed just beyond the shoulders, and his eyes had a youthful glint in them that defied his age. "I would have to agree Lanzin." The Faceless General standing a few yards away replied. "It is time you paid for your crimes. Please don't resist." The General took a couple steps forward. "What crimes? You are the criminal here. I do nothing but free the people of oppression and the grip of evil." The Faceless General, otherwise known as Retsihn Kon ceased his movement. "Multiple accounts of assault, attempted murder, and murder are a serious matter."

The other man's eyes burned with determination. "If you want to see a serious matter, give me a sword." A moment of silence ensued between the two men before Retsihn turned to one of the many soldiers at his back. "May I ask of your sword soldier?" The soldier hastily unstrapped his weapon, handing it to the General. "Thank you" Handing the sword to Lanzin, Retsihn then made some distance between them. "If you defeat me, I will not ask of your allies' whereabouts, but if I defeat you, you will reveal their positions and have them surrender unconditionally. Agreed?" The other man just nodded. "May the best man win."

With that, the two men drew their swords, circling counter-clockwise. Their gazes were locked onto one another in a battle of their own. Without warning, Lanzin lunged forward in an attempt to sever his adversary's body in two, but was parried with surprising speed. Retsihn then counter attacked with a diagonal upward strike that caused a shallow cut on the rebel's arm. Angered, Lanzin proceeded with a flurry of powerful blows that were all either parried, blocked, or dodged by his enemy without the slightest show of effort shown. After the burlier man seemed to tire a bit, Retsihn began his own attack of lightning fast slashes and stabs that surprised Lanzin. A number of moderate and shallow cuts later, the gravity bending general broke off his attack, returning to a defensive stance. "Are you holding back on me?" Lanzin spoke in an accusatory tone. Retsihn tilted his head slightly. "Maybe. Keep in mind that I do need you alive."

Without warning, Lanzin lunged forward, but his adversary had anticipated this. With a powerful well placed parry, Retsihn sent his enemy's sword into a useless position. Lacking even a moment's delay, Retsihn held his own blade to Lanzin's throat. "Where are they?" The rebel at the other end of the blade sighed. "You had to have cheated, no one can put in that sort of technique with such precision in so little time..." Retsihn lowered his sword, seeing that Lanzin had dropped his own. "I didn't use any bending whatsoever. You have my word." Silence ensued for several moments. "I will uphold my promise. Please follow me." By nightfall, the entire ensemble of unpowered rebels were rounded up and marched to the nearest prison. Retsihn was sure the Faceless One would be pleased. And all without a single death.

The next day, Retsihn and his troops began the march back to rejoin the main forces. Afterwards, the gravity bending General along with his personal guard and favorite officers made their way to Ba Sing Se to view the execution. "Not a bad way to relax after such a success, am I not right General?" The posse was nearly within the city limits. "I just enjoy the process of justice being upheld. Bloodshed is nothing to be excited about Lieutenant." Suddenly, the men's attention was stolen by the commotion coming from the execution area. Running, the soldiers found chaos ensuing in place of an ordered execution.

"Sir! Thank the Supreme one you're here!" A battered guard spoke while approaching. "The Blessed Benders have foiled the execution and..." The guard was interrupted by a volley of gusts that sent soldiers flying. Retsihn drew himself up, standing straight, he held a commanding presence. "Commander!" He turned to the most decorated of the officers behind him. "Take seven of my gaurd and everyone else leaving Lieutenant Voccir to take care of that airbender!" "It will be done sir!" The commander ran in the direction of the gusts. "The rest of you follow me!"

Wading through the battlefield, Retsihn stopped at the site of his Leader. Not far from the powerful ruler was a very angry looking Naomi. Suddenly, a wall of ice climbed up with alarming speed around the Supreme Faceless one, but Retsihn wasn't worried in the slightest. The Supreme one could probably take down everyone here. A little ice wall wouldn't scratch him. However, seeing as Naomi was running in the direction of the airbender, it may be a good idea to detain her. "Lietenant, I'd like his Supremacy's daughter stopped in her tracks, literally." Using his own gravity bending, Voccir reversed Naomi's gravity slightly, to lifter off of the ground. At the same time, he tried his best to make the direction of gravity diagonal, so that the girl's forward momentum would be working against a revers gravitational pull. In this moment, Retsihn dashed forward at an alarming speed, using a forward orientation of gravity to assist in speed. At the last moment, the General shifted his own gravity field to reverse and then default, coming to a complete stop next to Naomi.

"Please don't resist my lady, neither of us want you hurt." Retsihn spoke softly and honestly. She may be on the other side, but Naomi was still the Faceless one's daughter.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tonrar Ren Character Portrait: Eris Deirdre Character Portrait: Haruto Koizumi Character Portrait: Naomi Ren Character Portrait: Nani Eian Character Portrait: Hyobin Lei
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#, as written by CutUp

Tonrar was rather impressed by his daughter's attack. He was quite amused when the ice started to creep up his body, and encase him. He gave no reaction other than a slight giggle. When Naomi left the dias to regroup with the blessed airbender he broke free of his entrapment with little effort. He doubled over, and began laughing uncontrolably. He shot up with his arms held out wide, and laughed even louder. He watched as his gravity bending general stopped Naomi in her tracks, trying to get her to surrender peacefully. Adorable, absolutely adorable. He watched the chaos unfold, growing even more giddy.

Seok was barely holding it together, geting wounds left, and right from his eshaustion. He saw the general stop Naomi in her tracks, and he grew angry. He began pulling up rock slabs from the ground, launching various soldiers high in the air. He jumped forward a bit, and stabbed his hand into the ground, causing a line of twisted rock columns to propel forward, and divide Naomi from the general. Seok stood up, and sighed, sweat began to roll off his forehead. "You sure know how to welcome a guy back in town Naomi." He huffed at her.

Seok's blessed mark could clearly be seen at this point. He swiped his arms towards the general, sending one of the columns straight at his chest. "I hope you had a plan on getting out of here! Me, and my.....friend need to leave." He said pointing towards Hyo. "We need to get her out of here. I'll explain later, but she can't stay, none of us can." He ordered at her. Tonrar stepped off the stage, and strolled over towards them. Seok saw this, and sighed. "I...I can whip us up some cover, if you can lead us out of here. I don't have the energy for a third round."

"Leaving so soon? And without a kiss goodbye? I'm hurt." Tonrar smirked as he skipped through the battlefield without a care in the world. Seok glared daggers at the Supreme Faceless One. "Right, because everything that's happen here in the last twenty minutes have shown that we care if you're hurt or not." He smirked with a slight laugh. Seok stood ready in his fighting position. Though he was running on empty, he'd still go at him with all he had left, no matter how little that was. "Please boy. Like you could beat me even on your best day. Besides I don't want to kill you, that'd be too boring."

Seok rolled his eyes, and stomped on the ground, bringing up another slab of rock. He fired it at him, but this time his attack was rather weak, and sluggish. It showed his exhaustion. It was easily dodged by Tonrar. Seok almost fell over from making the motions of his attack. "Wow, I really felt that one." Tonrar smirked, followed by his renewed laughter. "I'm open to ideas. Seriously, I'm up for anything." Seok huffed. "You could just stop fighting, and enjoy your eventual never ending torture." Tonrar suggested. "No one's talking to you!"

Qannik stood in the palace next to Eris as they were taken to the throne room, and before the Fire Lord. Pfft, Fire Lord, he was merely a puppet. Qannik gave the Fire Lord a slight bow when Eris did, but it was more for formality rather then actual respect. "Yeah, sure, we're ohhhh so grateful." He said rather disinterested in everything. He rolled his eyes as Eris spoke. "You are such a kiss ass. I hope you know that." He whispered in her ear. "Sure, let's take a tour. It's not like some of us have something better to do." He stated, followed by a quick glance at Eris, obviously directing his comment towards her.

He noticed the looks Nani was giving one of his servents, and looked at them with a slightly raised eyebrow. As the Prince began their tour, Qannik flashed a wolfish grin to the servent Nani was making strange looks at, and followed it with a wink. He followed behind the Prince as he led them to the garden. He looked around rather disinterested in everything the Prince was saying, and showing them. He couldn't careless about all this.

When the Prince asked if they'd like to go anywhere else his wolfish grin returned on his face in full force. "What about that cute water tribe servent from the throne room? What's she up to? I do like a little tail from the poles." He said with a rather proud grin on his face. "I'm assuming she's water tribe, I have an eye for my own." He then folded his arms, and continued to grin. "But I'm guessing the brown-noser here as somewhere else she'd rather see so she can fakely complament it to try, and make herself look better."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tonrar Ren Character Portrait: Haruto Koizumi Character Portrait: Naomi Ren Character Portrait: Hyobin Lei Character Portrait: Seok Quan Character Portrait: Retsihn Kon
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Naomi heard Haru shouting about her getting hit and though she was relieved to hear him, she was slightly miffed that he thought she couldn't take a punch. Yes she went down and was weak and probably couldn't take a punch, and yes she was probably just overreacting, but regardless, it didn't matter. They were her thoughts anyway.

Naomi wasn't sure what to expect from her father when she froze him, but she sure didn't expect to be lifted off the dais by the sudden lack of gravity holding her down. Naomi wavered in the air as her gravity was gone and she found that her breathing became ragged as her nerves got the better of her. This was going worse than she thought.

"Put me down Retsihn, you don't know what he wants with me. You're as crazy as he is if you think what you're doing is the right thing," Naomi managed as she struggled, looking at Retsihn pleadingly. He seemed to be the most reasonable of generals, he was at least somewhat honorable.

Naomi heard her father break free and a giggle that sent a shiver through her. She was basically a toy at this point, not being able to move. She tried to waterbend, tried to bring herself out of the place of no gravity, but found that the water wasn't obeying her with the awkwardness.

Naomi saw Seok slowly taking more and more punches causing Naomi to worry for the apparent earthbender. Her main concern was really Haru though, she was truly worried for him. When Seok managed to push Naomi from the gravity area Retsihn was controlling, she rolled.

Coming up, she directed a water whip at the general before pulling what little water she had from the remaining ice shards and puddles to hold around her defensively, looking at all those surrounding their pathetically small group of rebels that was still disconnected from Haru.

"You know Seok, you're crazy for coming here. This was supposed to be a routine rescue, it was a trap. All of it," Naomi admitted as she found that the water was merely a bluff before her, believing she had little chances of actually holding off any real attack.

"And please tell me she's not another blessed one. Or worse, the one," Naomi whispered fiercely to him. If this girl was the avatar, they were all either doomed, or saved. Either was an extreme, one was more likely the other and it wasn't the one Naomi was hoping for.

"Neither do I. Seok, we can't leave Haru," Naomi explained to him as he asked for the escape route. Naomi looked to see her father approaching before the water she held fell as one guard called her bluff. "Seok, stop it, he's only baiting you," Naomi declared as her father succeeded in causing Seok to use even more of his nonexistent energy.

Naomi looked to the girl that was with Seok. "I don't know who you are, but you're with Seok so I'll trust you. Grab him and keep him from doing something stupid like I'm about to do," Naomi stated simply before pushing Seok towards the girl and going towards her father. "Seok, to be honest, we're praying for a miracle now," Naomi muttered to him as she took a breath and stood facing him in the way she had been taught when learning how to fight.

"Leave them out of this. They're not part of the resistance and he," Naomi points in the direction of Haru who was now being held by more guards than was probably necessary, "I'm not going with you willingly any time soon, so make me."

Naomi was bluffing. Haru would see that immediately since he knew her so well, but the soldiers looked surprised and a little nervous, as if Naomi knew something they didn't. That's what she was hoping they would believe. In all reality, she was spent, tired, hurt, worried to death about Haru, and wanting to go hide.

She managed to gather what remaining energy she had to at least pretend like she had much more energy by sending a fast attack towards her father of only a simply ball of water before trying for a water whip. She moved quickly, hoping he would take the bate as Seok had. She thought back to what she had heard he hated and often got his servants killed or imprisoned.

He didn't like benders, but she was one and he didn't seem too worried about it at the moment. He wasn't one for disobeying nor the word crazy...

"You're crazy to think I'd ever listen to you much less obey you," Naomi stated simply as she sent an attack that was slighty weaker but still a surprise to her since she was so tired. So long as she had his and the soldiers attention on such a fight that was mostly one sided, Haru should break free and they could all run... If things went well... But when had that ever happened?

Naomi didn't like being as close as she was to her father, especially since he was so much stronger than her and wasn't exhausted. Naomi turned, trying for a back kick towards his face as she dropped the attempts of bending since it seemed to be draining her more than the actual physical movement. She had done this rescue thing before, but never a full out fight with many soldiers... And the supreme leader of the soldiers...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tonrar Ren Character Portrait: Haruto Koizumi Character Portrait: Naomi Ren Character Portrait: Hyobin Lei Character Portrait: Seok Quan Character Portrait: Retsihn Kon
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Naomi seemed to begin hyperventilating. Was she scared of height or something? "Put me down Retsihn, you don't know what he wants with me. You're as crazy as he is if you think what you're doing is the right thing," The Faceless One's daughter pleaded. "I'm sorry your elegance...that's not my decision to make. Please make this easier for both of us and comply." He really did feel sorry for her, being caught up in the middle of this. A girl in a warzone, so unfortunate. "I don't think of myself as a hero, I just keep the peace." Just then, a maniacal laugh broke rang into the air. This didn't phase Retsihn in the slightest, just like how the ground erupting between himself and Naomi didn't either. What did surprise him was the absence of Naomi after the dust settled. Retsihn was a bit disappointed at his lieutenant's inability to stay concentrated through the earthbender's display, but he wouldn't address that now. As of the moment, he had more important things to worry about. More specifically, a slab of earth heading right towards him.

Shifting his personal gravity to the right, Retsihn "fell" fast enough to dodge the attack. Ducking not long after, Naomi's water whip whistled overhead. Taking in the first attacker, the General noticed how drained the earthbender now was, and how easily the it would be to arrest him at this point. Scanning the rest of the area, he eventually found Naomi. He wasn't really sure what the Faceless One's daughter was up to, but it looked like she was trying to get everyone's attention...and it was working. Many soldiers were just sort of watching. Not good. At least his own men were disciplined enough to focus on the task at hand. Just a show of the rigorous amount of mental and physical training he bestowed upon them. Retsihn caught a glimpse of his Commander, other officers, and guard holding down the airbender without much trouble. So, what would be the task at hand? What looked to be the most reasonable course of action at this point was to go ahead and arrest the earthbender personally while his Lieutenant and two unoccupied guard members took care of the girl next to the blonde bender.

"Voccir!" the officer instantly ran to the general's side. "I want you to take my two guard members and make sure the earthbender's companion stays under control, I'll take the boy myself. Remember, we want to try to keep them alive for their trials." Lieutenant Voccir nodded. "Of course sir." The young officer and two guard members drew their swords. "After all, I wouldn't want to dirty my new dress sword." With that, the trio went off to confront their designated targets as Retsihn made his way towards Seok. "Attempted murder of a military official? Just another charge on top of your already overflowing list" Retsihn armed an extreme negative gravity ring around his person (so that a projectile or object directed at him would be flung almost instantly into the air) as he grew closer to his target. "I'm sure you know you're under arrest, and I suppose asking for compliance would be a waste of words..."

The General drew his dress sword. Though it was mainly for show, the reinforced steel blade was sharp enough to shave with. Retsihn switched his old sword for a more combat oriented one after the surprising number of foiling attempts aimed at formal events such as this execution. Holding the flashy blade in his signature single handed grip, Retsihn stopped a couple yards short of the earthbender. He scanned his enemy's eyes, while bracing to shift his gravity orientation to a diagonal direction for a lightning fast dash forward. The gravity bender wasn't aiming to kill, he would use the blunt end or flat of the sword to disable the earthbender. In unison, his legs pushed forward while the diagonal gravity orientation pushed Retsihn towards his adversary. The reverse gravity ring around him would decimate a moment before contact, and the abnormal gravity orientation shifted to slightly less than default to ensure a speed advantage.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tonrar Ren Character Portrait: Haruto Koizumi Character Portrait: Naomi Ren Character Portrait: Hyobin Lei Character Portrait: Seok Quan Character Portrait: Retsihn Kon
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#, as written by CutUp

When Naomi pushed him towards Hyo, he groaned slightly. "What are talking about? I'm....fine. Ready for the next round..." He sighed as he tried to hold up his arms in a fighting position. "I can....take on these.....these fools with eyes closed." He sighed, nearly out of breath. In reality he probably couldn't open a jar with how exhausted he is. "Hyo....I'm sorry. Not exactly the night on the town we expected huh?" He said with a slight chuckle. He slightly cringed at his side, it hurt to laugh. He looked over, and glared at the gravitybender. This general. He regained his fighting stance.

Tonrar glared at Naomi, with his laughter continuing. "Oh Naomi, you'll come with me my Dear. Don't fight it, just accept it." He stated as he narrowed his eyes towards her. "And as for your friends....sorry Dear, it's out of my hands. The two boys are blessed benders. I can't allow them to leave." He stated as he pointed to Haru, and Seok. "Think about it, you'd be a god among peasents!" He stated. He couldn't understand why she wouldn't want to be with him. He could give her everything she'd ever want with but a snap of his fingers.

"What can I say. I'm a bad, bad man." Seok smirked as he returned to his stance. He sent up another slab, and fired it towards the general as he came towards them. The slab of rock was flung up towards the sky by the man's gravity ring. "Sorry, I'm not one for giving in to the bad guys." He smirked at him asking for him to surrender. When he began rushing towards Seok at incredible speed, Seok slammed his foot into the ground, and created a wall between them. Seok then dove into the ground, burrowing deep into it.

Tonrar merely dodged Naomi's attacks rather well, looking as if he was dancing. "Aren't you tired of fighting me?" He asked with a slightly tilted head. "How would you know you wouldn't even like being with your father Dear if you haven't tried it?" He asked. When she began attacking him in hand-to-hand he merely laughed as he blocked her attacks effortlessly. One attack forced him to make a 360 turn, in which he added a surprise back handed strike against Naomi when he turned back to face her. "I suppose I'll have to give you tough love then?"

Seok surfaced from the ground behind Retsihn, and leaped up behind him. He grabbed him into a bear hug, squeezing him as hard as he could. Seok sunk his feet into the ground slightly, hoping that would prevent him from being thrown around by the general's gravity bending abilities. "Hyo! Go! I'll hold him off as long as I can!" He ordered. His number one duty was to keep Hyo safe, and he'll do that even if it kills him. Which at this point was pretty likely given his current state.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tonrar Ren Character Portrait: Eris Deirdre Character Portrait: Haruto Koizumi Character Portrait: Naomi Ren Character Portrait: Nani Eian Character Portrait: Hyobin Lei
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Naomi could not do anything more upon getting hit except fall to the ground. She groaned softly as she lay there for a moment before hearing the most terrifying thing ever. A scream. From the girl who was with Seok. Naomi watched from where she was as the general Tobimasu, apparently alright, pulled his sword from the girl's stomach.

Naomi froze as she watched the girl's body fall and knew immediately things had gone from bad to worse. She watched as the girl's blood spread out before something unexpected did happen. A slightly blue aura like thing flew from the girl's body, circling overhead the crowd before diving towards Naomi. She wasn't sure what it was and wanted to roll away, but refrained from doing so for fear of getting trampled or hit again.

Naomi did cover her face with her arms as the aura flew straight into her giving Naomi a warm feeling flowing through her. Strength washed through Naomi and she felt something she had never felt before. A whisper in her ear told her what to do and she obeyed, unsure what else to do. Her body rose and she knew it was because of air bending. Her own air bending.

Naomi looked down at her father, but it wasn't just her eyes she felt. It felt as if hundreds of eyes were looking with her. Naomi raised her hands and she bended. A wave of wind blew every soldier by her father away, scattering them onto the nearby rooftops and the alleys. She turned to where Haru was surrounded and in a moment, every soldier around Haru was gone, scattered again.

Naomi then turned to Seok, bending the general from his hands and sending the gravity bending general into her father. Naomi reached with her air bending, grabbing those who had fought with her that day and speeding them all off away from her father and the gravity bending general. When they were a few hundred feet from the inner wall, she gently set down those with her before falling to the ground, passed out from exhaustion. As she went unconscious though, she heard a whisper in her ear, saying I give my abilities to you so that you might do what I could not.

A few minutes pass before the fire bender from the resistance emerged from a home and gestured frantically to Haru. "Come on, get off the street," the bender gestures frantically. He sees the body and stills his frantic gesturing before gaining a steely resolve and looking to Seok, knowing he was the one with Hyo. "I can carry her if you'd rather," He states softly. He waits for a response, doing as asked or told, then goes inside to lead the group underground to safety.




Nani lost his temper. He knew he did as soon as he snapped. He would have hit Qannik had it not been for Uruki who grabbed Nani at the last second. Uruki was stronger for whatever reason and pushed Nani back. Nani didn't look at him as he pushed back until he heard Uruki's words, "Prince Nani if you don't stop they'll only hurt her."

Nani heard that and his movements froze. He looked to Uruki who let him go slowly. "Thank you, you are free to go," Nani stated, his calm returning. He made sure to give Uruki a pointed look so his friend would know to get out of there quickly before he drew attention to himself.

Uruki left with a bow to the generals leaving Nani there looking down. He knew he had given them what they wanted. He had done exactly that. At least he hadn't screamed bloody murder. Avaria would be disappointed in him probably. He only drew more attention to her from his reaction.

He looked up, crossing his arms again before giving the generals a blank look. "I'm done," Is all he says as he looks at the two giving a clear indication he was not wanting to do the tour anymore. He looked past the generals to the path that led away from the gardens. He had stupidly put himself in a corner that's only other exit led to the servants quarters and as much as Nani wouldn't mind going there, he refused to show the two generals where it was should they decide they're bored or something.

"Step aside," He orders simply, giving no sway in his voice and keeping an air of confidence and authority.