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Cecelia Anderson

"Just tell me what it is you need, I'll find it for you."

0 · 1,979 views · located in Brooklyn

a character in “Beyond Human”, as played by Wisteria Cresting



General Information

Cecelia Selene Anderson

|Alter Ego|
N/A|Occasionally Referred to As The Source



Unknown|Assumed to Be Some Kind of Extraterrestrial


Although technically a Hero, Cecelia does not engage in combat. She works as a hacker and tracker for other Heroes as well as a medic at times.


|Hair Color|

|Eye Color|
Cornflower Blue


117 lbs

Cecelia is a very petite girl that does not look very muscular nor does she look overweight. She has a very fast metabolism and can usually be found eating while she's working. Her blue eyes would be the first thing to catch a person's attention if she did not wear glasses because they are an unnatural, almost inhuman blue. In fact, the reason she wears glasses is to hide her eye color so she doesn't attract attention to herself; she doesn't actually need to wear glasses, seeing as she has above normal eyesight. Her skin is a flawless porcelain color. She normally wears her shoulder-length blonde hair in a ponytail, but wears it down on occasion. Normally, Cecelia dresses in bright pastels with flamboyant lipstick, but she doesn't wear much makeup aside from that and she normally wears heels to distract from her short stature.

Cecelia does not own a Super Suit because the most she ever does is go undercover.


Cecelia is a very unusual girl with a pacifistic nature. She is flamboyant and very loud, but can be quiet when need be. Most people find this endearing, but it can also be seen as quite annoying. Cecelia is also prone to ever exaggerating things that aren't really that serious, which can be good because she never states anything worthless. She is brutally honest with people, possessing absolutely no filter. It makes her blunt and quite aggravating at times. She is also uncanningly curious about anything and everything with no filter about questions she asks strangers.

However, Cecelia is also a natural born leader. She is kind and selfless, almost to the point where it could be dangerous for her. Her decisions are always made by analyzing situations and deciding the best course of action for other, but she rarely factors in herself.

Biting her Lip|Twirling her Hair|Over Talking

To Find Her Real Parents|To Find Out Who She Is|To Help the Heroes|To Find Out Who Killed Her Adoptive Parents and Why

Guns~Computers~Apple Juice~Dresses~Hacking~Her Adoptive Family~Books~Romantic Comedies~Sparring~Glasses~Bright Colors~Pastels~Jewelry~Chocolate Chip Cookies~Peanut Butter~Hiking~Blue~Being Right~Simple Silence~Comfort~Velvet~Animals~Slushies~Barbeque Chips~The Smell of Fresh Paint~The Smell of Diesel~Trucks~Motorcycles~Bagels~Sweet Tarts~Lipgloss~Jazz~Classical Music

Boasters~Grape Juice~Alcohol~German Chocolate Cake~Late Nights~Scented Candles~Lipstick~Bright Makeup~Heavy Perfume~Loneliness~Being Outdone~Being Wrong~The Smell of Burning Food~Explosives~Her Hair~Revealing Clothing~Looking "Sexy"~Oatmeal Cookies~Green Tea~Turkey~Moths~Most Insects~Brocade~Yellow~Red Roses~Deep Bodies of Water~EDM~Naked Mole Rats~Mountain Dew~Pepsi~Diet Coke~Styrofoam~The Smell of Sharpies

Acrophobia: Cecelia has a severe fear of heights and freezes when she's faced with them. She doesn't know why she has a fear of them, she just does.


Enhanced Condition: Cecelia has enhanced senses {sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste} as well enhanced speed, agility, endurance, stamina, and durability. Cecelia is also capable of healing quicker than the average human and has better balance and resilience to diseases.

Eidetic Memory: Cecelia can remember great volumes of information, in greater detail and for much longer than the average human, she can read books, listen to song lyrics, encounter people or experience events and recall a vast deal of the details of her experience. In addition, it takes less effort to recall the information she encounters, and she can remember it for longer without having to strain. Her memory is also more resilient against Memory Manipulation and it gives her adoptive muscle memory.

Mind Exchange: Although this power has many limitations, Cecelia is able to take over the mind of another for a certain amount of time.

Medic: Cecelia has very good medical knowledge, considering she has read many medical journals and books. She often acts as a medic to other Heroes when the need arises.

Hacker: There is almost nothing Cecelia can't hack into and she is very good with technology in general. She keeps track of things with the online news, police scanners, and FBI records and calls Heroes when she feels their assistance is needed.

Hand-to-Hand Combat: Because she has Adoptive Muscle Memory and enhanced condition, Cecelia is actually very good in combat, but she is relatively pacifistic in nature and will not fight unless she is attacked first.

Tracking: Cecelia in an expert tracker to the point that it almost impossible for her not to find someone. Of course, she can still be thrown off with extreme smells and loud noises, seeing as she is not able to isolate one scent or sound.

Medical Supplies: Cecelia always carries a first aid kit with her though her base has a lot more medical supplies.

Dual Pistols: Cecelia always carries two semi-automatic pistols on her person at all times in case of emergency.

Knives: In case she can't reach her guns or runs out of bullets, Cecelia also carries a knife on each of her calves for quick access.

Mind Exchange Weaknesses: Cecelia has many weaknesses with her mind exchange ability. For example, she has to have come in physical contact with the person to swap and her original body will be left unconscious and vulnerable until her return. She can only remain in another body for twenty minutes or she will begin to lose her memory from her first body and she cannot be more than two miles away from her original body. She also can't search another's mind or learn their memories.

Strength: Although Cecelia is a good fighter, she is not inherently strong and can be overpowered though she tends to have to rely on agility and speed.

Pacifistic: Cecelia is not one to start fighting unnecessarily. In fact, she won't fight unless someone else makes a move first; even then, she will often avoid conflict by dodging.


Cecelia was adopted by James and Mary Anderson on December 7th when she was three years old. Prior to this, she has absolutely no memory of her past or who her parents were. Growing up, she was skeptical about her parents and her younger sister, Kindle, because she looked nothing like them and she had no shared traits with them. Of course, Cecelia also had doubts about her humanity as she grew up. Whereas most children could barely remember how to spell "newspaper", Cecelia could easily recite the spelling, definition, and how to use it in a sentence. It helped her get good grades, win the national spelling bee, and eventually graduate high school at the age of eleven. It also outcasted Cecelia from other people her age.

As she grew older, she found that she could do more than just that. It was difficult for her to get hurt and she was more athletic than she could've naturally been. In fact, Cecelia didn't feel as though she was human at all and Kindle was the same way. After graduating from Yale University at the age of fifteen with a Master's degree in three different fields, she decided to travel the world, learning about different cultures. She even studied with some of the greatest scholars in the world and learned to fight from the most renowned martial artists. Through it all, Cecelia continued to doubt she was human. She confirmed her answer after conducting a test and discovered that her cells were very different from those of a human. In fact, it was more closely related to the molecules of stardust than human cells.

Cecelia grew lonely after three years of travel and returned home. She hadn't kept in contact because she was constantly moving, so she had no idea how her family was. She went to her old home, only to discover it had been sold to another family. After only a couple weeks of searching, she located Kindle, who had been moved to a foster home. The thirteen year old was thoroughly surprised to see her older sister and she explained that James and Mary had died while she was gone from unnatural circumstances. Confused, Cecelia asked the younger girl to elaborate, but Kindle became confused as if she couldn't respond and Cecelia didn't push it. She spent three months in court to get custody over Kindle and won it easily. During that time, she had gotten a job for Research and Development at a large company. It paid well and she managed to buy a house as well as an abandoned building.

When Kindle questioned what the abandoned building was for, Cecelia responded that it was for work. She wasn't exactly lying. After fixing it up and erasing all traces that she bought it and hooked it up with all the latest technology, Cecelia began helping heroes track down villains. Of course, that was just her cover. She was actually searching for an answer as to what killed her parents and why Kindle couldn't remember it. She knew it was above average human repressment. Seven years later, Kindle has joined the Hero forces with her own surprising abilities and Cecelia is still working a source for Heroes all over the world.

However, about a year ago, Cecelia was about to be mugged. Of course, she didn't really care. Money doesn't really matter to her and she could fight back if she absolutely had to, but she didn't do anything for the time being. Someone else had a different approach. A girl with dog ears and a dog tail easily took down the two men, but she was gone before Cecelia could thank her. Two months later, a knock woke Cecelia up in the middle of the night. More than a little annoyed, the blonde girl stalked up to the door and threw it open, surprised to find the dog girl there, severely injured. She patched her up and let her sleep on the couch. The next day, she interrogated her and learned that her name was Erika and she didn't know much about herself. It's safe to say that Kindle was more than a little shocked to find Erika curled up on the couch. Erika is still living with Cecelia and Kindle and sleeps on the couch. She does help out a lot and is also a Hero.

So begins...

Cecelia Anderson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Pierce Character Portrait: Cecelia Anderson Character Portrait: Damian "Apollo" Jackson Character Portrait: Troy "Archer" Kane Character Portrait: Daniel Snow Character Portrait: TrickShot/ Lola "Lolly" Cervantes
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Prologue: Humanity and Beyond

The's a big place out there. Within the infinite span of the cosmos is it really just fantasy, to think that there may other be forms of life? Well probability wise, it is illogical to believe that there isn't an indefinite amount of lifeforms and civilizations out there. In fact it is illogical just to believe that there is only one form of sentient life. Yet, who does believe in the illogical? Who is so vain or so ignorant to believe that their world is the only world with life on it? Humankind is. Yet, one shouldn't blame the Humans for this illogical conclusion, they have yet to see any proof otherwise....or have they?

Welcome to the Earth! A veritable paradise within the infinite span of the cosmos. It is here the Human Race calls home and it is here they remain, not always blissfully, unaware of the Universe surrounding them. They do say ignorance is bliss but denial is a whole different story. While the world at large does not believe in the fantastic or the Supernatural, thinking that this sort of thing is all fantasy! Although many are ignorant there are plenty more who have experienced these things and there are those who deny the proof. Many of the world's government and scientific communities deny these claims of the unthinkable, writing off those that believe as insane. Yet, when they are delivered absolute proof and they deny it, is that anymore sane? Many people from the shadows have worked to keep these people silent and have worked to seal away all evidence. Is it still just fantasy?...Or is the unimaginable real?

To the world these are all just wild speculation. But what if I told you that soon, what we believe to be unreal will become a thing of reality? What if the world was heading to some great apex that would spin the world on an entirely new axis? The truth of the matter is, that our world is changing. More and more, sightings of the fantastic are being reported more frequently, everything for UFO Sightings, to Monster Sightings, to reports of Humans doing Inhuman things. Is this all just speculation or is it cold hard proof? We are all heading for some great unknown and while the population will not understand and may even resist this change, they will not be alone. This change will bring great danger but it will bring great security as well. There are people out there right now. What looks to be ordinary Men and Women are actually far from ordinary. They work to understand themselves and the world around them. All the while preparing for a great change that will not only change the ordinary but the extraordinary as well.

And just who are these people you ask? Why they are you. Whoever you may be you have something special, something that this world desperately needs, even if it doesn't acknowledge that it needs you. Although the biggest question isn't who they are, they all very well know who they are, even if they are confused. No, the greatest question to ask is how they will change the world? Not every change is good and some change may be change for the worst. After all we are only Human and the unfortunate thing about Humanity, is their capacity to do great good but also do great evil. We have no idea who lead the charge for change but I can assure you, a struggle will ensue for the betterment of the planet. A struggle that will push all parties involved to the edge, but lets not be so dark shall we? This battle has yet to take place and the worst of it is still to come. No at this moment in time we look to the seeds of change. They are being planted as we speak.

As we speak, people from all over the world and even beyond are discovering more about themselves and the world. Yet none of them understand the gravity of it all. Many are still self-absorbed into their own worlds to consider they are stepping into a world far larger than their own. This is the story about these extraordinary beings and their trials and tribulations. This is a story about their growths, their highs and their lows. It is a story about discovery and it is a story about destiny. We now enter a world that still seems ordinary but underneath lies something quite the contrary. I welcome you to enter a world that is still Human as I ask you change it into something that is....Beyond Human.


Chapter 1: The Beginning

Welcome to the beginning of a new wait scratch that. Welcome to the end of the old world. Yes that is much better. Don't worry it's not the apocalypse or anything like that. No it's more like the end of an era...and trust me the times they are a changin'! As Bob Dylan would sing. Anyway before I ramble, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Andrew Benjamin Novus. You call me Andy for short, or if you prefer by my moniker, Professor Extraordinarius! Kind of a mouth full yes, but I like it! It perfectly describes my life. It has been nothing short of extraordinary! Still, I am no the focus, well, not the whole focus. The real focus is on the everyday accounts of a whole slew of other extraordinary people! My accounts are just one little jigsaw in the puzzle of life. No, you need every jigsaw to solve the puzzle, so without further ado, how about we work on making these jigsaws fit shall we? *He then hums happily*

Ah yes, quite a bit of jigsaws I see...well, this is going to make for one long puzzle. I think every should sit down....*he then whispers*'s gonna be a long one. Anyway, how about I let the big guy tell you a story, I'm sure from his perspective he won't leave out any details. *He then perks up and then motions you closer so he can whisper* The reason why won't is because he hardly says anything, he lets the characters do the work. *He then chuckles as the Professor moves away* Anyway take it away big guy! *He then leans in close again* And by him I mean all of you. *He then winks as he pulls away*

* * *

The Earth, it still turns as it ever did. The plants are still growing, the animals are still surviving, and Humanity is still progressing. Idyllic and average. But that is all about to change....we now begin your story.

The setting changes from Earth to Brooklyn


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecelia Anderson Character Portrait: Erika "Weiss" Ivory
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Collab post by Wisteria Cresting and Starlight77

Cecelia spun around in her chair for what seemed like the billionth time as she searched for resturants on her phone. She ran a hand through her long blonde hair with a sigh. "What about that new Chinese place on Main? They have some pretty good reviews," as she spoke, she turned back to the computer screens on her desk. In the background, she could hear the low murmur of the police scanner and a few small beeps here and there. "I don't know. What do you want?"

"Hmm... I wouldn't be against getting some Chinese..." Erika spoke as she jogged along, ears pricked and alert. "Maybe Italian? Haven't had good pasta in a while." She practically hummed. She seemed to have taken a particular liking to Italian food. She paused at the edge of the building she had been standing upon. Tilting her head down, she sized up just how high up she was. More than a dozen stories at least. A few steps back, one sprint forward, and she leapt the gap between buildings, landing on the one just across from it. It had dropped down a story or two, Erika honestly couldn't tell, but she ended up having to tuck and roll so she didn't break an ankle. She stood, dusted herself off, and continued with the conversation. "But if you want Chinese, we can get Chinese."

"Italian sounds good. Plus, Kindle would kill me if I got Chinese without her," Cecelia pulled up Italian resturants, searching for one she hadn't been to. She briefly wondered if they should just go to Olive Garden. With a shrug, she pushed herself into a spin again. "How does Olive Garden sound? Where are you anyways?" To be honest, she was just too lazy to pull up a map to locate Erika. Instead she turned on some music. Nothing too loud. Before Erika could answer though, the police scanner picked up something. Curious, Cecelia pushed herself over to it, adjusting the knob.

Fire on Beverly Road and East 57th. Requesting immediate assistance. Cecelia glided across the concrete floor over to the screens again and easily pulled up a map where Erika's position was a small blue blimp. She was around Foster Avenue, a few blocks away. "Erika, there's a fire near you in Brooklyn. You wanna check it out? Might just be a little one, but better safe than sorry, right?"

Erika opened her mouth, probably to barrage Cecelia with some sort of witty-in-her-eyes comment, but she was cut off by Cecelia informing her of a fire nearby. It wasn't too far off. Doing a quick 360 scan of her surroundings, she caught sight of the smoke billowing off of an aparement building. "That looks far from a small fire." She grumbled under her breath.
Erika made her way to the burning building as fast as possible. It looked pretty bad, but probably nothing the firemen couldn't handle. Soon enough, she found herself back at street level. The police had managed to close off the street and move most citizens away from the raging fire, but soon enough, once Erika entered the scene, commotion started to build. Probably had something to do with the black super suit and white mask. Maybe it was the tail? Who knows. "Whoa." She said quietly once she saw the blazing building fully. The entire thing was on fire with flames spilling out of most of the windows. There were at least a dozen firemen trying to control the blaze with water hoses, but not much was being done. They were at least keeping it from spreading to other buildings...

"Seems like they have it under control,"
Cecelia commented, watching the camera feed on one of her screens. She bit her lip and tilted her head. "You should leave it to them, Erika. Nothing you can really do at this point."

Erika knew Cecelia was probably right. What would she be able to do anyways? Its not like she had water powers or anything. However, despite this sudden feeling of helplessness, she managed to grab the attention of one of the firemen who wasn't busy with a hose. "Do you know if there's anyone left inside?" Erika practically had to shout over the sound of the blaze slowly consuming the building.

"Ahh..." Erika could smell the stress coming off of him in waves. "As far as we know.. Well... We're pretty sure that there's no one-" At that point, she realized the firemen probably weren't going to be of any assistance. Without even waiting for him to finish talking, she turned towards the building. With a quick flick of her ears, she angled them towards the fire and hoped to detect anyone trapped within.

Mere moments passed before Erika's entire body grew tense. "There's someone inside."

The fireman looked rather shocked. "Wh-what do you mean? We made sure to get everyone out before-"

"Well, you're wrong." Erika snapped. It was as if a switch had been flipped within her. Someone was in trouble. They needed help. It was her duty to help them. "I have to go inside."

"The fire... it's too strong-"

"I have to." She couldn't help but glare at him, her eyes displaying her seriousness.

"Erika..." Cecelia leaned forward, planting her feet on the ground. She groaned and dropped her head on the table. There was no way she was going to stop her. "Be careful, okay? I'd really hate to have to bandage you up again." She hoped some humor would relieve the tension building up in her chest, but it didn't do much. "Let me know if you need some help." That was about all she could do for now.

"Thanks." Erika nodded curtly, even though she knew Cecelia wasn't going ot be able to see it. Its not like that mattered. She had a job to do. It required all of her attention. "I need to find a way inside first. They're on the fourth floor." Her eyes scanned the structure, searching for a window that was both not on fire and at least near the fourth floor. Her prayers had been answered. An empty window on the floor she needed. Now came the climbing. It was tricky, with both the fire and the decreasing structural soundness of the complex, but she managed to make her way to the window. Erika gripped the bottom of it and tried jerking it open; of course it was locked. "For the love of..." This was not her day. She could already tell she was going to be aching after this one. Pulling a clenched fist back, she smashed the window with one powerful blow. At least it was cheap glass. It didn't hurt too bad. She was going for not sustaining any injuries, but that was highly unlikely.

Once Erika was inside, it was as if the severity of the situation dawned on her. It was blisteringly hot; not to mention she was already having trouble breathing. There was fire everywhere. "Focus." The loud sounds of crackling wood filled her ears. The smell of smoke flooded her sense of smell, making her eyes water. She immediately dropped as low as possible, still listening intently for whoever was stuck inside. A sudden loud wail from a room nearby caught her attention.

Erika tried to get there as fast as possible, but considering she almost fell through a hole the dropped four stories she decided this would require a bit more... precision. At least whoever was trapped was crying now. This made them much easier to find. She came across the only closed door, and without even bothering to try to go about this delicately, she kicked the door open. The person inside was merely a child. Not an infant, not a teenager, but somewhere in between. Eight, perhaps. Erika took a step forward; the scared little girl shuffled back. "Don't worry. My name is Weiss. I'm going to help you get out-" She barely even managed to finish her sentence. There was a loud crashing sound behind them. The girl jumped, but Erika tried to stay calm.

Cecelia chewed on her fingernails, wincing every time she heard a crash through the communicator. "Please, be okay..." she whispered.

"We don't have much time." Erika's tone was growing a bit more urgent, but she knew if she were to start panicking nothing good would follow. The girl nodded, silently, almost numbly, and walked towards Erika. She could smell the immense waves of fear coming off of her. "Let's go." She scooped her up, wrapping the girl's small arms around her neck and her frail legs around Erika's waist. "Whatever you do, whatever happens, don't let go of me, understand?" The girl nodded.

Now all Erika needed was a way out. Shouldn't be too hard, right? She barely had enough time to dart out of the room before one of the walls collapsed. Her breathing was escalating rapidly, desperation flaring in her chest. A window. A weak wall. A staircase, maybe. Anything.

"To your left," Cecelia said clearly into the microphone, turning up the volume. "There's a window that drops directly onto an alley. Break your landing with some of the garbage there."

Erika almost jumped when Cecelia spoke through the earpiece. She had almost forgotten she was there. "Thanks." She said once more. It's rather hard to be conversational when you're inside a burning building. Erika looked to her left, seeing a short straightaway to a closed window. Taking a step forward, she heard something crumble beneath her. If not for her quick reflexes, she would have dropped through four floors. She managed to sprint forwards, ignoring the collapsing floor. She ran with all her might, her arms wrapping around the girl clinging to her chest. Clenching her jaw, she ducked down her head, stuck out her right shoulder, and slammed into the window as hard as she could, hoping it would give.

With a loud shattering sound, Erika crashed through the window, her forward momentum sending her flying. She managed to angle herself with the help of her tail. She landed on her feet, feeling pain arch up her legs. She let her knees buckle so she rolled forwards, hoping that was enough to prevent her from breaking one of her legs. She came to a stop, her limbs sprawled and her bangs sticking to her forehead due to a layer of sweat. Erika was bombarded by first responders, the paramedics lifting the small girl off of her chest and helping Erika to her feet. She watched as they took the girl away, giving her oxygen. One of the doctors flashed her a reassuring smile. The girl was going to be alright.

The paramedics around her were asking her questions, but she wasn't paying much attention. She smiled wide as if a weight had been lifted off of her chest. "Hey Cece, I told you I'd be alright."

Cecelia let out a breath of relief as she turned down the volume of her microphone slightly. "Do you need me to come get you?" she questioned, ready to grab her keys and jump into her car if necessary. "Or are you fine to walk back to base?" She liked calling her abandoned building "base"; it made her feel like a superhero from a comic book or something. Not that she actually did much...

Erika took a few cautious steps, testing out her knees and ankles. Already a bit sore, but she'll live. "I'm good. I need to walk this off. I'll be fine." She waved away the paramedics who went to help any others who needed it. Erika began walking back to the base, a grimace on her face. Not to mention the mixed reactions she got from passersby. It was only a few blocks away, but it felt like miles on aching legs. By the time she arrived, her breathing was labored and her eyes were dull with pain.

Cecelia hurried over to Erika, grumbling under her breath. "Fine my ass." She led Erika over to one of the chairs and sat her down before slowing moving her hands up and down her legs. She touched her ankle as she looked for any type of reaction.

Erika flinched, her leg tensing and her hands clenching into fists. "I... I said I was fine.."

"No, you're not," Cecelia leaned in close. "Don't try denying it. You sprained your ankle, dummy." With that, she stalked over to her first aid kit before plopping down on the floor. She rolled up Erika's pant leg and eased off her shoe. Slowly and methodically, she bandaged up her foot. "You really should be more careful."

"I'm surprised I got out of that one with just a sprained ankle. I thought I was going to had third degree burns." Erika chuckled lightly, allowing Cecelia to patch her up. It was rather calming. At least in comparison to going to a hospital. "I should probably take a shower before we head out for lunch..."

Cecelia finished up and stood. "Yes, I don't think they'd want someone reeking of smoke in their restaurant. A bath would be better though," she suggested. "That way you don't have to undo your bandages. I laid out some clothes for you in the bathroom already. Can't have you going as Weiss." she smiled warmly.

Erika frowned. "I don't like baths..." She grumbled, leaning forwards in her seat. She stood up, but she didn't put any pressure on her sprained ankle. Taking a deep breath, she took a step forward and immediately stumbled, almost falling flat on her face. Now that the adrenaline was gone, the pain had practically tripled. "Fuck..."

"Come on, Erika," Cecelia said and slung the other woman's arm over her shoulders. "Small steps, okay? One, two, three." She eased forward with Erika, pausing after each step. Eventually, they made it to the bathroom. "Do you need anything else?" she asked after she made Erika sit on the toilet. She reached under the cabinet and took out the clothes she'd grabbed for her before she left the house, placing them on the counter along with a towel.

"I think I'm good. Just listen out in case I fall getting into the tub or something." Erika laughed, shaking her head.

"Okay, well... Scream if you need anything," Cecelia backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She walked back over to her desk to get some of her actual work done.

Erika peeled off her super suit, sighing happily to be free of the constricting fabric. She managed to stumble into the bathtub, her ankle propped up on the side so it didn't get in the water. She bathed as she pleased, humming a soft tune. "Hey, Cecelia!?" She called. "We going to Olive Garden or what?"

Cecelia looked up from the reports she was reading about some new particle accelerator to look over at the bathroom door. "Yup! That's okay with you, right? We could go somewhere else. I could make reservations at Marea." Marea was one of the many five star restaurants in New York City and although Cecelia wasn't filthy stinking rich, she still made a pretty good living at Research and Development. She was one of their regulars.

Erika thought quietly as she scrubbed her fuzzy ears. "Hmm... Not entirely sure if I wanna do fancy today. I just want a nice meal and a long nap." She made sure to speak loud enough that Cece would hear, however she didn't have to shout. Not too long after, Erika dragged herself out of the tub, dried herself off, and got dressed. She limped out of the bathroom slowly, taking small steps as Cece said.

The blonde woman walked over to her companion, "I will take you to a fancy dinner someday, Erika. I swear it." She made Erika sit down and adjusted a hat on her head. As wonderful as Erika's ears were, they couldn't exactly have people knowing she was Weiss, just like Cecelia made herself difficult to track so people didn't know she was the "Source". What a terrible alias. After a moment, she helped Erika stand and they headed towards the garage and Cecelia's simple KIA Soul. Once Erika was in the car, she pulled herself in and they drove off towards the best restaurant in New York City, Olive Garden.