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a character in “Beyond Human”, as played by CutUp


General Information
Name: N/A

Alter Ego: The End

Alignment: Villain

Race: Alien Biological Weapon

Gender: N/A

Age: Over 50,000 years. But truly unknown

Hair Color: None

Eye Color: None

Height: Varies

Weight: Varies

Appearance: End is a dark, navy blue ink-like substance. It can change shape, but it still retains it's navy blue body. It usually retains a humanoid shape, but without any visible openings. But due to it's abilities it can change it's form.
Personality: End is a sadistic, destructive, calculating, and evil being.

Quirks/Habits: Frequently transforms into a form similar to who it's talking to.

Hopes/Dreams: Destroying all life.

Likes: Death. Killing. Destruction

Dislikes: It's creators. The weak.

Fears: Dying.
Superpower(s): Shape-shifting- End can change it's shape, but it can't transform completely into another being. It can only take a shape. It can shape it's liquid body into rudimentary weapons such as axes, and swords, or even a whip.
Reactive Adaption- By far it's most useful ability is to react to an environment or an opponent. For example in a cold environment it would quickly get used to it, or if facing a opponent with a superpower it can quickly become immune to it or adapt to counteract it. This ability also allows it to easily master other languages, and technology.
Super Strength and Indestructible- It is incredibly strong, and highly resistant to most forms of attack.
Life Energy Absorption- It is able to absorb the life force of a being, rendering it unconscious, or at times dead. This is how it feeds.
Limited Telepathy: End is able to literally worm it's way into a beings mind. It does this by making physical contact with someone, and having a part of itself worm it's way into the victims head, gaining a telepathic link.

Skills: Combat. Knowledgeable. Able to pick up different languages.

Equipment: None

Weapons: Just what it's able to create.

Weakness(es): End's biggest weakness is high pitched frequencies, they render it into it's liquid form, and unable to become solid until it is away from the sound. It's telepathy can also be a downfall, as it must remain in indefinite physical contact with the target. And even then it could be fought off mentally. But this is extremely difficult. Magic is also a weakness to it, as it is not able to grasp the concept, and adapt to it properly, but it is still able to go toe-to-toe with even the strongest mage by using it's other powers.


Biography: The being that would become known as The End was created by an alien race very, very, very far from earth. It's creators were a physically feeble race that was highly intelligent. They were at war with a neighboring species, and were losing badly. They decided to use their advanced technology to create a biological weapon of mass destruction. It was conceived as a plague type weapon, and not the sentient being it is today. It hit the enemies colonies, and cities like a tidal wave, draining the life of every individual. This horrified it's creators. They instantly stopped their attacks, and a unsteady peace was achieved.

But this peace had a condition; the weapon needed to be destroyed. They happily agreed. But unbeknownst to them their creation started to rapidly evolve, and become a fully sentient life form. End fought back, but was eventually captured. Unsure with how to destroy it, the safety protocols that they had to keep it from infecting their people wasn't working anymore. The only option they could think of was to send it to the sun. They tossed it into a shuttle, and shot it towards their sun. But their creation was far stronger than they imagined. End fought back, and ended up being overshot from the sun, and was hurled into space.

After centuries of flying through space, it eventually crashed into Earth. When it was discovered, scientist weren't sure what it was. They studied the shuttle, learning that it was at the very least 50,000 years old, but they couldn't tell for sure. They eventually made the mistake of opening it. And when they did their end poured out. The beast viciously attacked the scientists, slaughtering them all. The only words the creature said was 'I AM YOUR END!', and thus it was given the codename End. After it's escape, it fled underground to study it's new home.

So begins...

End's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Pierce Character Portrait: Cecelia Anderson Character Portrait: Damian "Apollo" Jackson Character Portrait: Troy "Archer" Kane Character Portrait: Daniel Snow Character Portrait: TrickShot/ Lola "Lolly" Cervantes
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Prologue: Humanity and Beyond

The's a big place out there. Within the infinite span of the cosmos is it really just fantasy, to think that there may other be forms of life? Well probability wise, it is illogical to believe that there isn't an indefinite amount of lifeforms and civilizations out there. In fact it is illogical just to believe that there is only one form of sentient life. Yet, who does believe in the illogical? Who is so vain or so ignorant to believe that their world is the only world with life on it? Humankind is. Yet, one shouldn't blame the Humans for this illogical conclusion, they have yet to see any proof otherwise....or have they?

Welcome to the Earth! A veritable paradise within the infinite span of the cosmos. It is here the Human Race calls home and it is here they remain, not always blissfully, unaware of the Universe surrounding them. They do say ignorance is bliss but denial is a whole different story. While the world at large does not believe in the fantastic or the Supernatural, thinking that this sort of thing is all fantasy! Although many are ignorant there are plenty more who have experienced these things and there are those who deny the proof. Many of the world's government and scientific communities deny these claims of the unthinkable, writing off those that believe as insane. Yet, when they are delivered absolute proof and they deny it, is that anymore sane? Many people from the shadows have worked to keep these people silent and have worked to seal away all evidence. Is it still just fantasy?...Or is the unimaginable real?

To the world these are all just wild speculation. But what if I told you that soon, what we believe to be unreal will become a thing of reality? What if the world was heading to some great apex that would spin the world on an entirely new axis? The truth of the matter is, that our world is changing. More and more, sightings of the fantastic are being reported more frequently, everything for UFO Sightings, to Monster Sightings, to reports of Humans doing Inhuman things. Is this all just speculation or is it cold hard proof? We are all heading for some great unknown and while the population will not understand and may even resist this change, they will not be alone. This change will bring great danger but it will bring great security as well. There are people out there right now. What looks to be ordinary Men and Women are actually far from ordinary. They work to understand themselves and the world around them. All the while preparing for a great change that will not only change the ordinary but the extraordinary as well.

And just who are these people you ask? Why they are you. Whoever you may be you have something special, something that this world desperately needs, even if it doesn't acknowledge that it needs you. Although the biggest question isn't who they are, they all very well know who they are, even if they are confused. No, the greatest question to ask is how they will change the world? Not every change is good and some change may be change for the worst. After all we are only Human and the unfortunate thing about Humanity, is their capacity to do great good but also do great evil. We have no idea who lead the charge for change but I can assure you, a struggle will ensue for the betterment of the planet. A struggle that will push all parties involved to the edge, but lets not be so dark shall we? This battle has yet to take place and the worst of it is still to come. No at this moment in time we look to the seeds of change. They are being planted as we speak.

As we speak, people from all over the world and even beyond are discovering more about themselves and the world. Yet none of them understand the gravity of it all. Many are still self-absorbed into their own worlds to consider they are stepping into a world far larger than their own. This is the story about these extraordinary beings and their trials and tribulations. This is a story about their growths, their highs and their lows. It is a story about discovery and it is a story about destiny. We now enter a world that still seems ordinary but underneath lies something quite the contrary. I welcome you to enter a world that is still Human as I ask you change it into something that is....Beyond Human.


Chapter 1: The Beginning

Welcome to the beginning of a new wait scratch that. Welcome to the end of the old world. Yes that is much better. Don't worry it's not the apocalypse or anything like that. No it's more like the end of an era...and trust me the times they are a changin'! As Bob Dylan would sing. Anyway before I ramble, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Andrew Benjamin Novus. You call me Andy for short, or if you prefer by my moniker, Professor Extraordinarius! Kind of a mouth full yes, but I like it! It perfectly describes my life. It has been nothing short of extraordinary! Still, I am no the focus, well, not the whole focus. The real focus is on the everyday accounts of a whole slew of other extraordinary people! My accounts are just one little jigsaw in the puzzle of life. No, you need every jigsaw to solve the puzzle, so without further ado, how about we work on making these jigsaws fit shall we? *He then hums happily*

Ah yes, quite a bit of jigsaws I see...well, this is going to make for one long puzzle. I think every should sit down....*he then whispers*'s gonna be a long one. Anyway, how about I let the big guy tell you a story, I'm sure from his perspective he won't leave out any details. *He then perks up and then motions you closer so he can whisper* The reason why won't is because he hardly says anything, he lets the characters do the work. *He then chuckles as the Professor moves away* Anyway take it away big guy! *He then leans in close again* And by him I mean all of you. *He then winks as he pulls away*

* * *

The Earth, it still turns as it ever did. The plants are still growing, the animals are still surviving, and Humanity is still progressing. Idyllic and average. But that is all about to change....we now begin your story.

The setting changes from Earth to New York City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian "Apollo" Jackson Character Portrait: Troy "Archer" Kane Character Portrait: Vivienne Campbell Character Portrait: TrickShot/ Lola "Lolly" Cervantes Character Portrait: Anthony "Tony" Onino Character Portrait: End
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#, as written by CutUp

"Fine, then a deal is struck. Feel free to contact me when you need something. Anything at all." Damian smirked with a wink. And with that his business here was over, and he and his bodyguards returned to his limo. "Alright, Alastor take us on back to the tower." Damian ordered when they got into the limo. Alastor gave a nod, and they drove off. "Vy uvereny, chto eto mudroye resheniye , ser? YA somnevayus', chto ona mozhet byt' zavisit ot." Talos asked. "For god's sake! Stop speaking Russian! It's annoying. But this is a good move, for now. And don't ever question me again."

They soon returned to the Olympus building. Damian went back to his office, and slumped himself onto his office chair. He leaned back in his chair, and propped his feet up on the desk to relax. But this wouldn't last long, as he was interrupted by Hermes. "Sir! We have news on Deimos." Hermes stated. "Report." Damian ordered. "Deimos is.....dead. He reported that Troy got away, and then his life signs went offline. We sent a recovery team, and found him shot in the head....with a bullet." Hermes stated, with some sadness. Damian got out of his chair, and looked out his office window.

"Shit. Wait, a bullet? That's not Troy's MO. Do we have any surveillance of the area at the time?" Damian asked as he turned to Hermes. "Yes sir. We have images of a woman helping Troy escape. And here is one of Deimos' killer." Hermes said as handed him several photos. Damian looked them over, and a slight grin crept across his face. "Well I'll be. It's a small world after all. This woman is the escapee from Project TrickShot. But who's this armored bastard?" Damian asked as he tossed Lolly's photos aside.

"From our intelligence, this is a local drug lord, Toxic." Hermes replied. "Toxic? Oh that's cute." Damian smirked. "But a drug dealer? Troy's too much of a bleeding heart to work with some drug dealer. Something else is going on." Damian stated. "Sir? What are your orders?" Hermes asked. "I have a few ideas." Damian said as he left his office. Hermes quickly followed behind. "What are you going to do?" Hermes asked as he entered the elevator. "I'm going to rain hell down on this asshole. I want every shred of information you have on Toxic." Damian stated as he pressed a button on the elevator.

The elevator stopped on at the basement of the building, where the R&D was done. "Daedalus?! Where are you?!" Damian called out. A large black man soon came towards Damian, his hair was frizzy and uncombed, and he was constantly dropping papers from different folders he was carrying. This was Daedalus, one of the lead researchers of Olympus. "Y-yes sir? What can I do for you?" Daedalus asked. "Ah, there's my favorite researcher! I have a special project for you. I want you to develop a defense to telepaths. Some way to protect ourselves from mental influence." Damian ordered.

"Telepaths? Umm....right. I might be able to come up with something. Perhaps a sonic device. Hmmm....I will need to figure out the exact frequency a telepath reads a person's brain waves. Assuming that telepathy works that way. I could run some experiments......if I had some live subjects with telepathic abilities I could crack open their..." Daedalus started to ponder. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't care how you do it, but just keep it in house." Damian interrupted him. "Now, how's project Tartarus coming along?" Damian asked as he walked through the research labs.

"Yes, we've done experiments on the's nothing like we've every seen!" Daedalus responded as they came across a large, metal sphere. "Open it. I want to see it." Damian ordered. Daedalus pressed a few buttons on a nearby panel. The sphere split in half, and started to open up. Inside was a large navy blue substance suspended in the air in a sphere by several bolts of electricity. A sinister grin swept across his face as he looked it over. Then a face similar to Damian's stretched out from the blob. "Hello little buddy."