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Kindle Anderson

"Go away now or I will make you."

0 · 816 views · located in Earth

a character in “Beyond Human”, as played by Wisteria Cresting



General Information

Kindle Olivia Anderson

|Alter Ego|



Unknown|Assumed to Be Some Kind of Magical Creature



|Hair Color|
Dark Brown|Appears Reddish In Some Lighting

|Eye Color|
Hazel {With Contacts}|Gold {Without Contacts}


119 lbs

At an average height with an average appearance, Kindle doesn't stand out much in a crowd. In fact, she appears quite ordinary. Of course, that's when she has contacts in. Without contacts, Kindle's eyes are the color of molten gold. She is obviously very pretty, but there isn't really much to note about her when she's dressed as a civilian. She wears normal clothing and seems very human. She has a mole on the back of her neck and a strange crescent moon birthmark on her thigh. She almost wears her naturally curly hair down and only wears makeup that accents her beauty. She dresses fairly modestly as well. No one would assume she's Seraphine.

|Super Suit|


On the outside, Kindle almost seems like an angsty teenager. She is not afraid to tell people how it is and never dawdles on small things. She is known to be a bit of a bitch at times, but she is by no means a bad person. While Kindle is snarky and sarcastic, she is also very kind. She is loyal and will never turn her back on those that need her. When she's fighting, Kindle has a tendency to make remarks and harass the enemy, but people who fight in a team with her know that she will go out of her way to have your back. She is surprisingly good with kids, able to calm them down quickly and easily,but she also has a habit of making them her first priority. She doesn't really think things through and is very rash and boastful. It is actually kind of funny the random things she'll brag about.

Quirking an Eyebrow|Nodding When Thinking|Closing Her Eyes When In Deep Thought

To Keep the World Safe|Find Out Who Killed Her Parents

Animals~Sweets~Guns~Food~Blue~Pink~Standing Out~Life~Sweet People ~Music~Reading~Volleyball~Basketball~Soccer~Skittles~Chocolate ~Raccoons~Soft Blankets~Rain~Cool Weather~Snow~Autumn~Mysteries~Pranks~Her Family~Revenge~Fighting ~Silk~Bows~Braids~Gymnastics~MMA~Cuteness

Bitches~Man-Whores~Rapists~Murderers~Liars~Snitchs~Being Compared to Other People~Annoyance~Instigators~Math~People that Won't Stand Up for Themselves~Thieves~Assholes~Rap Music~Football~Arrogance~Intentional Ignorance~Abusive People~Misunderstandings~Getting in Trouble

Needles: Kindle has a severe fear of needles and refuses to go near them under any circumstance.


Infinity Effect: Kindle is able to possess an unlimited supply of any essential. With this ability, Kindle can create infinite supplies for objects such as, but not limited to: fuel for car, paper for book, ammunition for firearms, graphite/ink for pencil/pen.resources for factor, reducing money spent, electrical power for batteries, and lasting memory storage space for iPod, phones, computers and such. Because of this, she can also produce blood for her body to stop herself from bleeding out, absolute stamina, and a regenerative healing factor. As far as healing goes, as long as her consciousness is intact, Kindle can heal other people's wounds and even grow limbs back.

Combat Skills: Kindle's sister, Cecelia, has taught her how to fight effectively when faced with another opponent.

Sharpshooting: Kindle has very good skills at using a gun, but it is not an inhuman ability by any means.

Basic Medical Knowledge: Cecelia made sure Kindle has a basic knowledge of the medical field in case of emergencies.

Anything: Because of power, Kindle can pull anything out of thin air and use it.

Communicator: Used to keep in touch with Cecelia and other Heroes, Kindle always has a com in her ear.

Guns: Taught by her sister, Kindle is very apt at using any kind of gun, but she is by no means a gun expert.

Blades: Once again taught by Cecelia, Kindle is able to use most blades with precision.

Human{ish}: Aside from the Infinity Effect, Kindle has a normal human physiology. While it is difficult to kill her, it is not impossible and she does not possess enhanced condition, making her vulnerable to those faster, stranger, and more agile than her. Of course, she's had Cecelia, and now Erika to teach her, but she is still little more than a human on the surface.

Children: Kids and children are a huge weakness for Kindle; they immediately become her top priority and she cannot attack one even if she tried.

Knowledge: Kindle is limited to making things she knows about. For example, to produce a gun, she has to know exactly how that type of gun works. It can be a hassle at times and limits her from making anything appear from her imagination unless she can explain the mechanics of it.


As odd as it seems to some, Kindle has no idea who she is. She was adopted by James and Mary Anderson when she was six months old and there was no record of her birth parents. They already had another adopted daughter by the name of Cecelia, who was very kind and caring towards her. Kindle always grew up in her sister's shadow, seeing as Cecelia was intelligent and successful and she was... ordinary. From a young age, she was teased about her eye color. Thankfully, Cecelia would scare the bullies away and Kindle became very reliant on her older sister's presence. When her sister left, she decided that it was time to start standing up for herself.

Only a few days after Cecelia's departure, the family was attacked. Kindle can't recall any of the details except for the fact that her parents blood had run under her shoes. The doctors assumed it was nothing more than repressed memories, but Kindle knew better. When she woke up from her coma, Kindle found that she had the ability to make things appear out of thin air. It started with her need for more morphine for the only wound she had sustained, which was a minor head injury. Then, she began making cookies appear and other random objects. Once she was healthy enough, the confused and scarred eleven year old was moved to a foster home with no way to contact Cecelia.

Only two years later, Cecelia appeared out of nowhere. In three months, she had secured a good job and had gained custody over Kindle. However, when she showed Cecelia her abilities, the older girl admitted that she had some too. Of course, they were vastly different from one another's, but they were in the same boat as they say. Kindle returned to high school and completed it relatively easily, getting more advanced lessons from Cecelia, who was teaching her how to use weapons and basic medical skills. She knew about her sister's other... investments and wanted to do the same thing, but with more action. Cecelia reluctantly agreed.

Kindle was actually a very good hero and help a lot of people. Somewhere along the way, she and Cecelia ended up with Erika and Cecelia became a known Hero source. Kindle is very content with her life at this point in time.

So begins...

Kindle Anderson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Pierce Character Portrait: Cecelia Anderson Character Portrait: Damian "Apollo" Jackson Character Portrait: Troy "Archer" Kane Character Portrait: Daniel Snow Character Portrait: TrickShot/ Lola "Lolly" Cervantes
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Prologue: Humanity and Beyond

The's a big place out there. Within the infinite span of the cosmos is it really just fantasy, to think that there may other be forms of life? Well probability wise, it is illogical to believe that there isn't an indefinite amount of lifeforms and civilizations out there. In fact it is illogical just to believe that there is only one form of sentient life. Yet, who does believe in the illogical? Who is so vain or so ignorant to believe that their world is the only world with life on it? Humankind is. Yet, one shouldn't blame the Humans for this illogical conclusion, they have yet to see any proof otherwise....or have they?

Welcome to the Earth! A veritable paradise within the infinite span of the cosmos. It is here the Human Race calls home and it is here they remain, not always blissfully, unaware of the Universe surrounding them. They do say ignorance is bliss but denial is a whole different story. While the world at large does not believe in the fantastic or the Supernatural, thinking that this sort of thing is all fantasy! Although many are ignorant there are plenty more who have experienced these things and there are those who deny the proof. Many of the world's government and scientific communities deny these claims of the unthinkable, writing off those that believe as insane. Yet, when they are delivered absolute proof and they deny it, is that anymore sane? Many people from the shadows have worked to keep these people silent and have worked to seal away all evidence. Is it still just fantasy?...Or is the unimaginable real?

To the world these are all just wild speculation. But what if I told you that soon, what we believe to be unreal will become a thing of reality? What if the world was heading to some great apex that would spin the world on an entirely new axis? The truth of the matter is, that our world is changing. More and more, sightings of the fantastic are being reported more frequently, everything for UFO Sightings, to Monster Sightings, to reports of Humans doing Inhuman things. Is this all just speculation or is it cold hard proof? We are all heading for some great unknown and while the population will not understand and may even resist this change, they will not be alone. This change will bring great danger but it will bring great security as well. There are people out there right now. What looks to be ordinary Men and Women are actually far from ordinary. They work to understand themselves and the world around them. All the while preparing for a great change that will not only change the ordinary but the extraordinary as well.

And just who are these people you ask? Why they are you. Whoever you may be you have something special, something that this world desperately needs, even if it doesn't acknowledge that it needs you. Although the biggest question isn't who they are, they all very well know who they are, even if they are confused. No, the greatest question to ask is how they will change the world? Not every change is good and some change may be change for the worst. After all we are only Human and the unfortunate thing about Humanity, is their capacity to do great good but also do great evil. We have no idea who lead the charge for change but I can assure you, a struggle will ensue for the betterment of the planet. A struggle that will push all parties involved to the edge, but lets not be so dark shall we? This battle has yet to take place and the worst of it is still to come. No at this moment in time we look to the seeds of change. They are being planted as we speak.

As we speak, people from all over the world and even beyond are discovering more about themselves and the world. Yet none of them understand the gravity of it all. Many are still self-absorbed into their own worlds to consider they are stepping into a world far larger than their own. This is the story about these extraordinary beings and their trials and tribulations. This is a story about their growths, their highs and their lows. It is a story about discovery and it is a story about destiny. We now enter a world that still seems ordinary but underneath lies something quite the contrary. I welcome you to enter a world that is still Human as I ask you change it into something that is....Beyond Human.


Chapter 1: The Beginning

Welcome to the beginning of a new wait scratch that. Welcome to the end of the old world. Yes that is much better. Don't worry it's not the apocalypse or anything like that. No it's more like the end of an era...and trust me the times they are a changin'! As Bob Dylan would sing. Anyway before I ramble, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Andrew Benjamin Novus. You call me Andy for short, or if you prefer by my moniker, Professor Extraordinarius! Kind of a mouth full yes, but I like it! It perfectly describes my life. It has been nothing short of extraordinary! Still, I am no the focus, well, not the whole focus. The real focus is on the everyday accounts of a whole slew of other extraordinary people! My accounts are just one little jigsaw in the puzzle of life. No, you need every jigsaw to solve the puzzle, so without further ado, how about we work on making these jigsaws fit shall we? *He then hums happily*

Ah yes, quite a bit of jigsaws I see...well, this is going to make for one long puzzle. I think every should sit down....*he then whispers*'s gonna be a long one. Anyway, how about I let the big guy tell you a story, I'm sure from his perspective he won't leave out any details. *He then perks up and then motions you closer so he can whisper* The reason why won't is because he hardly says anything, he lets the characters do the work. *He then chuckles as the Professor moves away* Anyway take it away big guy! *He then leans in close again* And by him I mean all of you. *He then winks as he pulls away*

* * *

The Earth, it still turns as it ever did. The plants are still growing, the animals are still surviving, and Humanity is still progressing. Idyllic and average. But that is all about to change....we now begin your story.