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Bitten and Changed



a part of Bitten and Changed, by bizarre1.


bizarre1 holds sovereignty over Earth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Allison "Ally" Lawson [7] "I could rock your world if I wanted to...but for now... I think I'll just nibble."
Nick Weaver [5] "It was fun until the wolf came."
Dani Leiber [3] "Things don't always turn out as planned."
Jaden Rivers [1] Well this is an inconvience
Katherine Mors [1] "There is such a fine line between insanity and reality"
Hayle Barns [1] I can feel the wolf inside
Quinn Glanz [0] "Be careful... I bite."

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Jaden nodded and sped off knowing that she was going over the speed limit. She needed to get them to the woods and fast before they shifted in her car. "That would be just wonderful...two newly turned wolves in my car..." Silently scoffing at her thought Jaden arrived at the woods and stopped. Looking at Nick, Jaden could feel her inner wolf fighting, "I know this hurts, the first time always does. I was changed when I was only nine, I know what you're going through. Once we find the wolf then everything can be taken care of." She knew they wanted this to be a dream but reality sucked, "I'm sorry this happened to you, but it isn't a dream." Getting out Jaden tore the bottom of the dress off thankful she decided to wear jeans underneath for a quick change. Opening the back door once more Jaden grabbed Ally, "Just hang in a little longer." Holding her bridal style Jaden sniffed out three scents. "Seems like you're not the only two..." Following the scents she could feel them getting closer.

"Should I shift? I don't want them to left hanging if I do...damn this sucks!" Jaden stopped when she was close enough and set Ally down, "Just stay here, I know it sounds stupid that I'm saying that but if you shift I need you to hold still. You'll feel off balance for a bit." Standing up Jaden took a deep breath knowing that the alpha of this territory was only a few feet away and she didn't want to come off as threating. Closing her eyes Jaden felt herself change. Opening them she looked over to Ally and gave her a small nudge for reassurance. Walking through the bushes Jaden saw two other wolves. Turning her head to the side showing her neck as an act of submission Jaden hoped that the alpha wolf would accept her prescence.


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Ally held out her arms as the girl put her down. She didn't want this to ever happen. She looked over at Nick her blue/green eyes full of fear. "I.." She started but bit down on her lip as her body broke into a cold sweat. She just turned into a wolf.... FUCK ME. Ally thought as she tried curling up into the fetal position again. She kicked off her shoes and let down her hair slowly. If she changed... she was going to ruin her dress... she didn't want that to happen.

She threw off her mask, and slowly shimmied herself out of the dress. She let out a scream as she saw there was fur on her arms. Patches of brown, and black and grey were everywhere. "I'm... furry." She said with a small giggle. How she found humor in this she didn't know, but for some reason, being covered in fur was funny. She let out soft wail as her tailbone started to burn and stretch.
I better not be growing a damn tail. She thought to herself as she looked behind, at first she didn't see anything, but she saw the tail forming, starting as a nub, and growing thick fur. She closed her eyes pretending this was a nightmare,
her body was burning and aching all over...she could only remember this happening before...
" me...." She barked out her voice gruff since her vocal chords were changing into that of a wolfs.


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Nick got out and fell to the ground. His bones twisting at unnatural angles. How is this happening? He was too distracted to hear Jaden mention that there were others and that she was going. As another wave of pain hit him, he looked over at Ally. She had examined her arms and was giggling. Nick took a deep breath and a chuckle escaped from him. She's covered in fur. When she told him to help her, he crawled closer to her so that he was laying right next to her. Hopefully it would be comfort enough.

"It's going to be okay, Ally. We're going to get through this. I'm right here." he said and gritted his teeth to keep from shouting in pain.

Nick had to be strong in front of Ally. She needed him and her source of comfort couldn't appear weak.


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Quinn rolled over onto his stomach as he looked up at Dani satring at her as he didn't move from his position on the ground. He would never have taken this type of action, however he was in this wolfs territory. Well for certain he knew she wasn't just a wolf.

He sniffed Dani beefore standing slowly keeping his head near the ground and his tail between his hind legs. Quinn's eyes slowly turned from the Grey Wolf infront of him and too the bush where the other one was still hiding. He then sat down and looked around not completely sure what to do now.


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Dani kept her ears forward, but wasn't showing her teeth. She kept her tail up to maintain her dominance as she watched the wolf slowly stand up. He kept his head and tail low, not imposing on her dominance. Dani sniffed the wolf again and watch him curiously. Who are you? She allowed one ear to swivel back toward the other girl so she could hear if anything was going on.


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Hayle stood up in her new form...panting. She felt very strange and didn't know what was going on. All her senses were increased and she wasn't used to being able to hear the leaves crush underneath her...paws. She put her ears back, which also felt weird to her. She could move her ears back and fourth.

She looked around, her fully colored eyesight was down to just a few colors, but most just black and white. Which freaked her out, for she no longer knew what was what color anymore. Her human memories were mixed with wolf instincts and it threw her off. She looked down at her paws. They were big and her claws stuck out.

She turned around to look at the other girl, but she didn't make a sound. The other wolf was still around.


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Jaden noticed the wolf hidding behind the bushes and looked over. Sniffing a few times she could tell that the girl was newly changed. Looking back to the other two wolves Jaden walked over to them and sat down. Jaden could tell that the grey wolf was the alpha and the other wolf just like her was in the alphas territory. Lightly barking Jaden just wanted to know what happened and how the others changed.


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Ally looked at Nick, tears in her eyes, "Will it?" She asked as she tried reaching a hand out to him, only to find it was shrinking into a small paw. She squeaked, when she felt ears growing out of her skull. She was terrified, and she didn't want anyone to know, she wanted to be strong, and not seem like a coward in front of Nick.

Her nose changed into a small wet black dog like nose as she grew a snout. her teeth sharpened and spread out. The last thing to go was her hair. It seemed to fall off, and get sucked back in at the same time. She let out a dread howl, as she laid there in her wolf form. She didn't care that her instincts were trying to take over, all she wanted was to lay close to Nick.

As she fought the urge to run and hide, she curled closer to him, her amber eyes meeting with his blue ones.


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A growl tore from Dani's throat as another wolf entered. Like the other wolf, it appeared to be nonthreatening. She stood there for a while still growling at it and then stopped and sniffed it like she had with the other wolf. By the reaction of the other wolf when it entered, Dani could tell that the girl she was with had finally shifted, which meant that the others must be shifting as well. Dani backed away from the other two wolves and stood directly in front of Hayle.


Nick took in a sharp breath as his neck suddenly twisted. His bones were moving into final places. He looked at Ally and put...a paw out to her. His hand had actually turned into a paw! A final wave of pain sent him into the last stage of the shift. His bones took their new places, the itchiness on his skin faded, leaving it hot from the change. He took deep breaths and moved closer to Ally, putting his head over hers. He felt obligated to make sure that she was okay.


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Jaden noticed the wolf stand in front of something. Sniffing she let out a light growl, or someone...shaking her head Jaden stepped forward while showing her neck in submission and proving she wont cause any harm. Jaden didn't feel like fighting with anyone tonight.


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Dani took note of the other wolf's submission. She remained standing in front of Hayle, but did not continue growling. If the other wolf was another one of them, then she would not be a threat. However, she couldn't give up her protective stance due to the fact that there were two outside wolves in her territory. A male and a female. She kept her senses alert as if not to miss anything that may happen.

(Sorry for the short post. I'm not entirely sure what else to say or who else will jump in.)


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Ally who was a full wolf now, whimpered and curled closer to him. She felt safe around him, and she was glad he was there. Her tail wrapped around her the tip touching his paw. Her amber eyes were full of fear. How could this have happened. Where was the other woman wolf.? Ally let out a small bark, a bark of fear, the fur on her back stood on end.

She refused to move though, fighting her instincts, she felt safe around Nick.



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Hearing the bark Jaden turned her head, looking back at the alpha of this territory Jaden went back to Ally and Nick. Seeing them laying on the ground Jaden came up and lightly nuzzled Ally giving a growl of comfort. She didn't want them to be scared of what was happening. Jaden wasn't going to let them go through this alone like she did so she barked in the direction of the others, hoping they would come.


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Dani didn't understand the strange behavior of the other wolf at first. A small bark caused the other wolf to leave the scene that she had seemed to be interested in, which caused Dani to become curious. She continued to stand in front of Hayle until she heard the wolf bark. She turned and looked at the others and then darted off in the direction that the other wolf had disappeared.

When she got there, there were two other wolves next to each other on the ground. They appeared to be newly turned wolves. Dani growled in irritation and looked at the other wolf. She had to be another like them with the way she acted.


Nick's ears went back when he heard Ally bark to the other wolf. It scared him a little until he realized that it was out of fear. Her fur is standing on end. Nick licked her muzzle to hopefully comfort her. He wouldn't admit it, but having her there going through the same thing and feeling the same fear comforted him enough to keep him from freaking out. He was glad she was there as well as the other wolf, who seemed to be protecting them from any other wolves that may be nearby. It was a relief when she reappeared. The relief only lasted so long though because another wolf appeared.


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Jade looked at the alpha and changed back into her human form, "I'm going to take a guess that you're human as well?" She couldn't care to be self conscious at the moment. These teens are newly turned and she had to know who did this in order for fix things and make sure no one was lost. Sitting on her knees her hair made a curtain around her form as she looked at the other wolf, "I need to know what happened if you were involved. They need to know what happened to them."


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Ally looked back with her amber eyes to the wolf that had reappeared. That was when she felt a tongue on her muzzle. Looking back at Nick she'd duck her head. She wouldn't admit but she was embarrassed this was happening to her. Her ears seemed to flick and twitch when she heard a human voice. Her fear melted. She could understand the girl. Standing up she was kind of wobbly, but she did stand looking at the human out of curiosity.

Was it possible to change back?! Could she?! Something deep inside her told her she could... but she didn't have the courage to... nor did she eeven know how! Looking back at Nick she'd nuzzle him glad he was there with her. She'd lick the top of his head before pressing her snout to him, as if telling him to get up.

Though she decided it was better to sit than stand. So that's what she did. She sat, and licked her muzzle. Her tail curled around her paws, as she waited.


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The other girl shifted from a wolf to a human. So there is another. Dani decided it was time to work things out with the other wolves and began shifting into her human form. "Yes, I was involved. Thank you for looking after these two, but they're my responsibility." She looked down at the two new wolves. It was slightly irritating that another wolf was getting involved in their situation.


Nick listened as the two talked. The wolf who came in last was the one that had changed them. As Ally had done, Nick tried to stand. The new level was extremely different, and so was standing on four legs. He kept each leg locked in place, but felt unsteady. He imagined he looked a little funny as he forced himself to stand there in his improper state. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Ally sitting. He tried to take a step toward her, but fell forward onto his chest with his hind in the air. A grumble came from his throat as he tried to figure out how to get back up.


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Jade looked back at Nick and slightly chuckled, "You'll get use to it." Looking back at the girl she furrowed her brow, "You're right they are your responsibility but if I didn't help then they would've shifted in front of everyone at Ally's party." Sighing she shook her head, "We wouldn't have wanted that now would we?" Jade was happy she thanked her but she could clearly see the aggravation, "Sorry if it makes you irritated but I did what I had to, after all they are fellow students."


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Ally yipped when Nick fell, though she wondered if she had looked that goofy when she stood. Scooting herself closer to Nick she'd keep her eyes on the two. She understood what they were saying but was shocked that she didn't reckognize Jade from school before.

She got within arms... paws feet of Nick before she started nuzzling him, trying to help him up. It must have been weird seeing a wolf scoot on her butt, like a normal human, but Ally didn't care... she lived for the weird. Her tail slowly wiggled as she gave a bark.

She had a party to finish, schoolwork to do...even though she cut school. Cocking her head to one side she'd huff and wiggle her tail some more, her ears alert and ready to catch any new noises.

How awesome was it that she had wolf's hearing and sight and smell...? Pretty Cool