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Ashido Hotaru

Strike from the Heavens! Hageshii Rakurai

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a character in “Bleach: The Dying Of The Light”, as played by ZombieGil



Name: Ashido Hotaru
Age: 207
Occupation: Lieutenant of Squad 3
Themesong: Clavar la Espada, Nube Negra, La Distancia Para un Duelo

Personality: Ashido prides himself on being successful and sharp tongued.
~The success Ashido carries isn't based on his proficient combat skills, in fact, Ashido believes his success was born from his attitude. Ashido is naturally serious, not taking jokes well. He specifically finds jokes and such as a waste of energy that could be spent on success. Ashido's irritability sprouts from this mind set. He's quick to anger on such matters, usually threatening those who don't take their job seriously. His peers often see him as a kill joy who follows the rules, but he is no such man. Ashido is the first person to break the rules in order to complete a mission or achieve a goal. On the other hand, Ashido enjoys his fair share of drinking and dancing. He particularly enjoys dancing, considering it an art of exquisite taste and skill. During his drunk state, Ashido becomes excessively lazy and slow to start. He's also noted to be much friendlier and welcoming to everyone, although he still keeps his hatred of jokes.
~Ashido oftentimes finds himself in senseless predicaments due to his harsh words. Ashido wields a sharp tongue with brutal honesty and a rather sarcastic tone. He isn't much of a talker and tends to shrug people off when he finds their words meaningless and bothersome; most notably using the phrase "Shine, gaichuu." (Begone, pest.). This phrase also emphasizes Ashido's sarcastic tone with most of his peers; which is a result of his large ego. Ashido always uses the phrase "Nanchatte." (Just Kidding.) as his defense when anyone appears offended, hoping to avoid the wasteful repercussions. Ashido commonly resorts to brutal honesty to resolve disputes; usually leaving before the initial shock of his statement has set.

Spiritual Pressure (Reiatsu) Level: Great~Immense - Rather strong for a Lieutenant, unstable due to Nature.
Reiatsu Appearance: Dark Yellow; almost Golden. Sensitive, Static-like appearance. Comparable to flowing electricity, tends to contract and expand.
Zanpakuto Name: Hageshii Rakurai (Fierce Thunderbolt)
Zanpakuto Sword Appearance: Black hilt, yellow sheathe. Nothing special about the blade, aside from the lightning bolt engraving on the blade.

Shikai Release Command and Appearance:
Strike from the Heavens! Hageshii Rakurai (Fierce ThunderBolt)
Zanpakuto Spiritual Form Appearance:

Shikai Abilities: Upon release, lightning engulfs Hageshii Rakurai as it takes the form of a combat knife. In this form, Ashido can manipulate lightning.
~Lightning Manipulation - Ashido can utilize lightning that Hageshii Rakurai has conducted or generated. To generate lightning, Ashido will rapidly spin Hageshii Rakurai on his right index finger.
~Seidenki Shokku - (Static Shock) The technique allows Ashido to release small electrical shocks directly to the foes nervous system via direct contact to vital points.
~Bakudantsuki - (Bomb Thrust) Ashido charges spiritual energy around Hageshii Rakurai to form a small orb, upon firing the orb expands and creates a large lightning 'beam'.
Bankai Release Command and Appearance: Let Us Dance! Arashi no Mujihi Raiju (Storm of The Merciless Thunder Beast)

Bankai Abilities: When released, Arashi no Mujihi Raiju grows considerably in size. At this point, the small combat knife turns into a long sword. The blade constantly emits small lightning bolts that encircle the blade itself. The Guard of the sword resembles the ever vigilant Thunder Beast, Raiju while the two intertwined lightning bolts 'strike the earth'. Ashido gains additions to his appearance; Lightning creates a shihakushō over his traditional Lieutenant Garb. The lightning encases Ashido's arms like gauntlets and flourish at the elbow to the shoulder (like Hageshii Rakurai's spirit form), the energy expands down his torso to his legs, at which point it flourishes slightly.

~Enhanced Agility - All of Ashido's bankai is compressed into a condense form of high reiatsu concentration. The lightning shihakushō that is generated enables Ashido to reach greater speeds, easily matching the speed of a Captain.
~Raiju Senbi - (Thunder Beast Swirling Tail) With this technique, Ashido swings his sword in a linear direction and creates overflowing lightning from his blade in the form of a crescent.
~Kin'iro no Raiko - (Golden Thunderclap) Ashido raises his blade into the air, charging lightning into the edge. He then strikes the ground with the blade causing a wide-range lightning shock.
~Ikazuchi no Ame - (Storm of Thunder) This technique allows Ashido to cast down thunder bolts to make a prison around himself and his foe. Requires great spiritual energy to maintain and for the foe to be within Ashido's range of spiritual pressure.

Powers and Abilities: Ashido can apply Eishōhaki up to Hadō level 58 and Bakudō level 73. Otherwise; he can cast up to level 73 Hadō and level 77 Bakudō. Ashido is very proficient with Shunpo; able to measure faster than most Lieutenants. Ashido's swordsmanship is rather advanced and works well in conjunction with his Kidō. He can hold his own against his comrades without releasing his Zanpakuto. Ashido avoids releasing Hageshii Rakurai due to its natural intent to kill.

Some Notes: Conveniently enough, Hageshii Rakurai sees combat as an art form and demands Ashido's cooperation in such a manner. Hageshii Rakurai is just as serious as Ashido, but is distinctly different in his approach. Rather than constantly treating life as a serious matter, he takes the joyous approach to life, embracing both relaxation and diligence. This laid back attitude annoys Ashido greatly, especially when Raijin refuses to release.
~Oh and Ashido means three things: Self Absorbed, Expressive (in Art, namely Music and Dance), and ironically; Relaxation (in work)... and Hotaru means Lightning Bug (Firefly).

So begins...

Ashido Hotaru's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nura Rin Character Portrait: Ashido Hotaru Character Portrait: Roxann Tsukimonochi
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Not a day for celebration, hmm? I'll second that. What a nuisance. The white haired young captain sighed, taking a slight sip of her wine from where she sat in the corner, the thought of all the paperwork she had to do once she returned to the barracks weighing heavily on her mind. She still needed to fill out at least five long files for various pet projects of hers, and had been hoping to make a personal request to the captains as a whole at some point during the dinner. But with at least half of them drunk and the other half enjoying themselves, business would be the last thing on anyone's mind. Swirling her red wine around in her glass, she sighed once again, her amber gaze being turned back on her by the blurred reflection in the small cup. She was going to have to pull an all-nighter again, wasn't she? Her lieutenant wouldn't - and, indeed, couldn't be asked - to fill out any of the diverse and complicated forms and applications.

Her plan had been formed in many parts. Quite simply, she wanted to make a name for Squad 10 as an organization of benevolence, to make its members a force to be reckoned with, and to fill in the gaps left in her ranks by the recent war. Through careful planning, Captain Nura had found a method by which she could outdo the other squads and recover the glory of the Tenth Division.

Firstly, she would make a request - she had planned to make it at the current gathering, but due to the drunkenness of the captains and the informality of the event, that was out of the question - for first pick of the soon-to-graduate sixth years of the Shinigami Academy, under the pretense of needing additional skilled members to manage her squad's normal duties. This would allow her to fill her squad's ranks with the best and brightest young minds not already consigned to the Research Division, the Stealth Force, or the Healers. Once this had been completed, she would put into action several plans she had already set up. Firstly, she would petition for a drastic increase in Shinigami patrols to the deep Rukongai. The levels of crime in those frontier sectors - not to mention the number of Hollows that crept into the wilds beyond the borders of colonized territory - could not go ignored. Using the Tenth as a police force, she planned to bring order to the chaotic regions of the Soul Society. This would allow her men to gain practical experience to apply in combat, and would be good for PR. At the same time, she would propose using the 12th Division's monitoring equipment to catalog the arrival of new souls into the Soul Society. This would allow them to run a missing person search network, and to reunite former families after their deaths. Few people ever found those they once new on the other side, and that was a fact that had to be changed. Doing so would be another boost to Rin's reputation as a Captain, and would also aid in her plans to do away with crime, chaos and disorder in the Rukongai. This would simultaneously allow for individuals with high spiritual pressure to be picked out easily, giving her more potential candidates for her squad. If she put all these plans into motion at once, the Tenth would have its infamy as a "Traitor Squad" soon forgotten, and its slate wiped clean once more. Moreover, Rin would be helping the entire Soul Society through her new measures, and what was a Captain's purpose if not to protect the spirit world? Yes, if all things went according to plan, she had a feeling that she might just be able to fit easily into her new role as a Captain after all.

But it was never that easy, was it? No, she had a feeling that at least something would go wrong with her plans for order and reconstruction. What worried her was that she couldn't have a contingency plan in place for everything. And if something happened that was completely unexpected, it could overturn everything she'd worked for in the past year of management.

Well, she supposed. There was no sense worrying over things like that right now when this night might simply reveal them for her. This was a gathering of the most powerful individuals in the Soul Society. She had a feeling that if anything interesting - or threatening to her plans - would happen, it would probably happen here, during the latter half of the feast. The only option now was to wait and see. Adjusting her haori and zanpakuto as she stood up, she skirted around the corner of the feasting hall, watching the others as she was accustomed to. Even though she had been a captain for almost a year, she was somewhat of a black sheep amongst the other, more experienced officers. She rarely spoke in meetings, and although her opinion, when voiced, was usually considered, she had always been rather low key amongst her peers. She had to face reality. Most of them were grizzled veterans of countless wars. She was, comparatively speaking, a child who happened to have some skills they needed at the time. If she hadn't had experience managing Squad 10 after Jin's defection, she knew that another one of the more capable officers would have been chosen in her place. It was a humbling thought to know that the Lieutenant of Squad 3 - a comparative prodigy who had attained not only Bankai, but a compression-type Bankai, the rarest of all Zanpakuto abilities - was probably a more capable Shinigami than her, Captain of the once-glorious Squad 10. She couldn't help but curse her predecessor for the mess he'd left her to manage. Now that the war was over, if she were to show the slightest sign of incompetence in managing the reconstruction of her division, she knew full well that there were plenty of skilled, nay, preferable replacements in stock. In short, she was nothing special until she could make a name for herself. And if her plans went wrong... Well, then she would probably make a record as the shortest-serving Captain in Soul Society history, unless something came up at the same time that required all divisions to keep their current officer staff. Little did she know that such a calamity - one that would render her various machinations and plots futile, but would strike all squads equally - was just about to occur.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nura Rin Character Portrait: Ashido Hotaru Character Portrait: Mikado Gaidosu Character Portrait: Ayami Keifune
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(OOC: Just a note for how my characters talk; Whenever I use bold, it is my characters actually talking... and when I use italics, it's their thoughts. Whenever there is something that is neither bold nor italics, it's someone else talking. :D I hope that's clear!)

Ashido Hotaru

The night was quaint; it was the one year anniversary of Captain Kayasaki's capture. For Ashido, this night that was supposedly full of celebration and cheer sat wrong in his eyes. What was the point of celebrating the failure of the Gotei 13 in apprehending one of their own. They weren't even able to defeat Captain Kayasaki, two substitute soul reapers did. 'How stupid; celebrating failure...' Ashido was usually one to enjoy drinking, but not tonight, something didn't feel right to him. Ashido looked up to notice the late arrival of Captain Mugen, "Sorry, Commander. A member from my Squad had something important to relay to me." Ashido wasn't impressed with this captain; so relaxed, so calm on this night. "Oh yeah? I bet you just fell asleep again." Captain Mika responded to Captain Mugen's apology with a sneer remark, that was something Ashido knew all too well. 'That's something I would've said...' Ashido couldn't help but chuckle slightly, maybe Captain Mika wasn't so bad. Either way, Ashido couldn't shake his unease at the situation, he honestly just wanted to get away from the Captains and such; maybe take a brief trip around the Seireitei.

He left his thoughts just as the Head Captain began one of his never-ending speeches, yet this one was significantly cut short. 'All the better for me.' After the brief speech from the Head Captain, Ashido noticed that Captain Yuri appeared to be having a relative good time, as were most of the captains. As he looked around at each attendee, most everyone was here. The only officers that weren't attending this party were Lieutenants Quen and Mikoto, an interesting pair to say the least. As Ashido kept to himself, his ear began to itch ever-so slightly. His eyes beamed around the table, ensuring that nobody was talking about him. 'Must've been my imagination...' He watched as Captain Nura rose from her seat and began taking a brief stroll, he sneered quietly at the 'new' Captain's self removal from the uneasy situation. 'She's so... awkward. It's like she doesn't fit in.' He couldn't help but feel she wasn't exactly the best (wo)man for the captain position, either way, it wasn't his decision to make. On top of that, Ashido was becoming slightly irritated at Lieutenant Ayami for offering her services as a server for the feast. He didn't feel like it was necessary, nor appropriate for a Lieutenant to do the work of a lower class officer.

Mikado Gaidosu

For once in a great while, Mikado wasn't the late attendee. He was relatively surprised since he felt that tonight would be too upbeat for him and figured he should just stay in the barracks and sleep. That was until Enjeru heard about this celebration and practically forced Mikado to attend. He sighed as Mugen took his seat, completely ignoring the quick exchange Mugen shared with Mika. The entire concept of celebrating the anniversary of the capture of a traitor was just a little odd in Mikado's eyes. 'Why couldn't we have just taken the day off instead?' He figured sleeping all day would've been of greater benefit than a party. It took a moment for Mikado to realize that the Head Captain had risen from his seat in order to present a speech. 'The Head Captain's going to speak.' Mikado hunched over slightly so that his elbows rested on the table before him and his hands could support his head, "Nap time" he spoke softly as he quickly dosed off, assuming that the Head Captain's speech would take up a considerable amount of time. To Mikado's despair, the speech was nowhere near the usual length and he didn't have but a moment to close his eyes. 'Fufufufu, serves you right, Mikado!' Enjeru cackled abruptly in the brief silence that followed. 'Oh shut up...' Mikado was nowhere near pleased with Enjeru, always making him work when he could sleep, she was such a pain.

It took some time for Mikado to actively liven up a bit. He drank a little, giving him a light buzz which was accompanied by a nice full stomach. "This isn't so bad." He commented within the vast table-talk conversations that were transpiring. Now, if only he could find himself a lovely lady for the night, that just might top it off nicely. He looked around rather aimlessly, taking mental notes on the nearby women. The only two within short distance were his Lieutenant, Ayami and the new-er Captain Nura. It was rather easy to assume Ayami would refuse his offer, like always, plus she was one of the little server-girls. She couldn't ditch this joint, she had a 'duty' to serve at the feast. "Always helping, so typical of you, Ayami." He sang in a soft, charming voice just within earshot of his Lieutenant; who was serving Captain Yuri some more beverage. Within one moment, the new-er Captain, Nura had risen and taken a few steps away from the table. Mikado immediately laid on his back as he called out the fleeing captain, "Captaaaiiin Nura! Please come back, I want to talk to yooouuu." He slurred a few words in a slightly 'lovey dovey' way, just so Nura would be inclined to join him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ibara Hanabira Character Portrait: Ashido Hotaru Character Portrait: Azumi Takeda Character Portrait: Katsuro Nishimuraya Character Portrait: Mugen Otogami
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Katsuro Nishimuraya

Katsuro was one of the first to show up to the Captain's dinner, he didn't really care to go to the dinner but he thought it wouldn't be good if he where to skip it. Katsuro didn't really care for the company of the other Captain and lieutenant because they all where far to serious. He got alone with them all but all ways felt like a child force to sit at the side of there parent as they talk to another adult. Once the other started to show up Katsuro began to think about the day he had. Most of the people from the Rukongai remember what happen one year ago, so he felt like that weighted heavily in the back of there mind. but the children of course, he spend a better part of the day playing with them they where the only ones who seem to truly enjoy them self's. Katsuro honestly only remeber's bits and pieces from that day he had to "lose himself", to fight at full strength so it all just seem like a bad dream to him. Although at times new memories from that day would come back to him at random it seem. As he sat and thought about the games him and the children played Mugen and Ibara had arrived to the dinner late, Katsuro was much to busy in his day dream to noticed. But the sound of Ashido voice snaped him out of his day dream. He looked over at him and seem the same heavy look that everyone had today. He was a little disappointed that Ashido hasn't dunk enough from him to become "fun"[i/]. Gensaiken stoop up Katsuro didn't even take notice of it he tends to tune him out most of the time. After Gensaiken sat back down Katsuro thought this was a good time to leave. he patted Ashido on the back, "I think im going to barracks if any thing happens you can fill me in later." As Katsuro left he began to whistle the song that some of the children where singing.

Azumi Takeda

Azumi sat unpatiently for mugen to show up. She began's to scold herself for not checking to make sure he wasn't off sleeping some where. as he walked in and apologize for being late he wanted to yell at him, for not being here on time like she was. but she knew that would only be wasting here time and breath. she just sits there with a angry look on her face even as Gensaiken begins to speak she only thought how nice her bed would feel right now, but she couldn't very well go until this[i] "thing"
was over.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nura Rin Character Portrait: Ashido Hotaru Character Portrait: Katsuro Nishimuraya Character Portrait: Mikado Gaidosu Character Portrait: Ayami Keifune
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Ashido Hotaru

The scene was loosening up quite abit. Ashido cool feel the tension in the air fading away. That was all abruptly interrupted by a pat on the back. Ashido never took direct contact lightly, but he didn't react since he could hear his Captains voice follow. "I think im going to barracks if any thing happens you can fill me in later." Ashido didn't even bother to turn around. "Aye Captain, I'll let you know if I hear anything." He knew this was coming, Captain Katsuro would leave every celebration, every party, every scenario he didn't care for as soon as he could. It was simply what his Captain chose to do. It didn't bother him now, but before, when Ashido was just promoted to Lieutenant, it angered him. 'Why is he even a Captain when he can't take the time to stay for the proper ceremonies?' That single thought always nestled itself in Ashido's mind, taxing his innermost thoughts. In any case, it wouldn't matter what Ashido thought, the Head Captain positioned Captain Katsuro and most likely go back on his decision without proper reasoning.

Ashido noticed Captain Mikado laying on the ground as he called out to his new victim; Captain Nura. A wise-ass smirk crept upon Ashido's face as he saw the victim spin around and pull an obviously fake smile on the perverted Captain. 'Serves you right, black sheep.' Although he detested Captain Mikado for his laziness and overall terrible attitude as a captain, he almost could admit he disliked the new Captain Nura even more. She was promoted to Captain over himself, who was obviously a better candidate. It wouldn't matter what Ashido thought since his own captain obviously needed him. Without Ashido, Captain Katsuro would be one terrible captain, or at least that's how Ashido saw it.

Mikado Gaidosu

Her gaze was rather apathetic, something Mikado was all to familiar with. It was only convenient that her somewhat radiant smile broke through her apathetic expression. 'This is going wells so far.' From here, the conversation could go one of two paths, but Mikado was familiar with only one; rejection. How he hated that word so much scorn; it plagued his life constantly. "Welllll... you Could stop being formal with me." He snickered a little, deciding to sit up and spin around so their conversation would be more proper. "And my name isn't 'Captain Gaidosu' little one, it's Mikado." He was being quite serious despite the devilish smirk that crossed his face. He figured Ayami, or any other woman in the Gotei 13, warned her of his antics. These antics weren't meant to harm anyone though, so why did they treat him so? That was a question that he never could answer himself, and Enjeru obviously wouldn't aid him with such a trivial matter.

The room was still rather lively despite the loathing of the situation. It was something rather obvious to Mikado, everyone didn't care for this celebration, they honestly wanted to finish their respective work or sleep. Either way, Nura wasn't the only person trying to leave. In fact, Captain Katsuro left rather abruptly, leaving Lieutenant Ashido like always. "So, I was gonna ask if you wanted to take a nice, quiet stroll with me. But, I can see from your expression that you'd rather spend your time returning to your Squad work." The guild card, a Mikado favorite; such a good trick to getting someone to cooperate with you. "Either way is fine with me, it's your decision." He clasped his mouth as he yawned rather quietly. The night was still quite young, how could he be tired already.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nura Rin Character Portrait: Ashido Hotaru Character Portrait: Katsuro Nishimuraya Character Portrait: Mikado Gaidosu
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Ashido Hotaru

The unease was growing within, something was bothering Ashido. He couldn't sense anything odd, no fluctuations in anyone's reiatsu, nothing. 'What's wrong with me today...' This went on until a massive outburst of an all too familiar reiatsu overwhelmed the air. Head Captain Gensaiken had risen from his seat, giving all attendees a look signaling that they should get moving. Ashido immediately hopped up and fled the hall, he was part of the first few to dart off. "Captain... Katasaki..." He didn't care for the man in any way, shape or form, but something about the man made his blood boil. He was moving fast, almost as if he was flying towards the Squad 2 Holding Cells. "Captain Katsuro!" In the heat of the moment, Ashido didn't even consider finding his captain and getting his help. It probably wouldn't matter, Katsuro wasn't an idiot, he would be able to notice the vast pit of spiritual pressure that was basically engulfed the atmosphere.

Despite the immense spiritual pressure radiating from what was obviously Ex-Captain Kayasaki, Ashido was ready to fight whoever stood in his way. He was rather glad to he avoided drinking since it would've thrown him considerably off his game, that was something he couldn't afford at the time. Now was the time Ashido would exhibit his combat prowess and use his bankai for the third time. 'I hope you're ready Hageshii Rakurai...' Ashido knew that comment was unnecessary, Hageshii Rakurai was the embodiment of a storm, he of all people knew when something bad was about to happen. 'Maybe you were trying to keep me on my toes, huh Rakurai?' He continued the rather long trek to the Squad 2 Holding Cells, almost excited to get a crack at that traitor.

Mikado Gaidosu

The rather obvious expression from Captain Nura was of annoyance when Mikado mentioned "little one", he found it funny how she took such a comment so seriously. He couldn't help but crack a slight smile. "No, I agree... Respect, decorum, all that jazz is important at ceremonies, but even the Head Captain is relaxing here. I take that as a sign to relax and drop the formalities. Don't you agree, little one?" He just couldn't help but to entice the new Captain further. 'Man, it's so easy to get her started.' Again, Mikado was brought to just a small smile with a little chuckle to match. "A nice, quiet stroll by yourself? That doesn't sound nearly as entertaining as a walk with someone else..."

It was at that point that she continued. "But" Captain Nura then proceeded to crack a little smile. "If you don't mind me saying so, I was under the impression you preferred taking such strolls with women your own age. Aren't I a little on the young side for your tastes, Mikado?" Mikado laughed quite vigorously, although it wasn't too loud as to avoid too much attention. "You're a funny one, I'll give you that." He patted the girl on the head lightly. "Who all said I wanted to do that with the likes of you?" He laughed just abit more, feeling that his usual antics were finally catching up with him. All that ran through his head was Ayami, or honestly any woman of the Seireitei, going up to the new Captain Nura and warning her. Blast, it was all too funny for Mikado. "Sorry, but, honestly! Me and you?!?" He kept laughing eventually placing his hand over his face to help calm down. "Sorry again, but yea, honestly you believed I was aiming for that? Come on, I'm no idiot, and you are right; I only chase after girls of my age, or at least those who have a more adult appearance."

It was after Mikado's last comment that the unfortunate occurred; Kayasaki's spiritual pressure flooded the air. "Shit..." Mikado couldn't refrain from uttering such language, in front of a lady mind you, as the Head Captain stood to open the hall doors. "I sure hope you're up for a brief walk now. It looks like serious business." Mikado was still a tad bit drunk, although it hadn't been long from his last drink, albeit he hadn't had much. He rose to his feet while keeping a slight slouch. He snatched Enjeru from the floor beside his seat. 'I hope you're ready for some action Enjeru, cuz I ain't' He looked down at Nura with dreary mist in his eyes. "I hope you're ready for this." He offered his hand to the girl. "I'm stickin' with you, whenever you're ready, I'll follow." Mikado wasn't doubtful that Captain Nura was loyal to the Gotei 13, but she must've had a connection with Kayasaki; he was her former Captain. Most lieutenants form some sort of bond with their captains, it's only natural. Either way, someone needed to keep an eye on Nura and considering the circumstances, Mikado was the lucky dog.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nura Rin Character Portrait: Ashido Hotaru Character Portrait: Nero Nagakami Character Portrait: Mugen Otogami Character Portrait: Mikado Gaidosu Character Portrait: Jin Kayasaki
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Nero Nagakami

Nero was suddenly awoken by a large explosion in the distance. A few moments later a massive reiatsu shook the seireitei to its core. Nero's eyes slowly opened and a small grin came over his face. "Tsk finally the enemy decided to show themselves, so predictable. I warned that ignorant old man having a party and getting all the captains drunk was a bad idea." Nero looked around and saw his fellow captains spring into action one after another. He saw Gensaiken leave in the direction of his room. "Hmph I bet the old man is rushing to get Kayasaki's sword. If he had let us experiment on it when I requested then that sword nor Kayasaki wouldn't be a threat." Nero rolled over in his chair to see captains and lieutenants racing off one after another. Captain Mugen was first to rush off, followed by Lieutenant Ashido, then Captain Nura and Mikado. Nero slowly sat up in his chair and look toward his lieutenant Nana Ryuukami.

Nana, go to the Research Institute and begin recording all the information you can at once. Also scan the area for enemies other than Jin Kayasaki. Someone managed to sneak into the seireitei undetected, defeat all the muken guards, and free Jin from his seal without revealing his spiritual pressure to any of the captains here. I'm positive that Jin is not the greatest threat or most powerful foe within the seireitei right now. Order all of squad 12 to assist you and send hell butterflies to notify any soul reaper less than 5rd seat to stay away. They'll be nothing more than a hindrance. Nana nodded and dashed off to the Research Headquarters.

Nero leisurely arose out of his chair and let out a lethargic yawn. "Hmm I wonder what the best vantage point would be for this battle. I doubt I'm needed for this fight so where can I keep an eye on things." Nero moved with a quick flash step in the direction of Sokyoku Hill. It was located in the center of the Soul Society. Nero surmised that there, he would be able to keep an eye out for the real threat. I'm sure the enemy planned an escape route.