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Elizabeth Reid

0 · 550 views · located in Belfast, Maine

a character in “Blissful Escape”, as played by Emerald.x


Elizabeth Nicole Reid




Elizabeth can be rather frustrating to deal with at times. She is very independent and likes to do things herself, she doesn't like to ask for help even if she knows there is very little chance of her being successful on her own. She is very determined and once she sets her mind to doing something there is no stopping her. She also tends to jump to conclusions and read into things too much. This often leaves her getting into arguments over silly little things. She likes to seem strong and self-assure but she is not always like that and has simply gotten good at faking smiles and pretending to be okay when something is wrong. She is also one of those girls who has difficulty accepting a compliment. She has established and agreed that she is isn't exactly ugly but doesn't see herself as being really pretty either. She seems to have the ability to find a flaw in just about everything. She is caring and likes seeing others happy, so she doesn't like to share her own problems and bring them down too. She also has a very short attention span at times and can often seem ditzy because of it.

-vanilla ice cream
-chocolate milk
-piano music

-rock music
-strawberry ice cream
-grape flavoured things
-being cold
-wearing sneakers

She was always a somewhat quiet girl in school, she had her small group of girlfriends whom she loved and was content with them. When her mom died when she was about 10 she had to grow up a lot faster than the other children her age. Now this has left her wanting to be mature and responsible, but all the while, deep down just needing to be able to let loose and have a little fun. She had never had much of a relationship with her father after her mom died and so she had a very difficult time talking to him about her sexuality, he still is extremely uncomfortable with it and hasn't fully accepted the whole idea. She found out about Bliss and decided it would be a good chance for her to to not only let loose but also possibly find that one person she is meant to be with.

Possible love interest:--

So begins...

Elizabeth Reid's Story


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Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid
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Sebastian St. Claire

Sebastian headed up the path toward the mansion, his intent was to be on time but he had ended up being fashionably late. He noticed a girl sitting on the front steps, she would have been hard for him not to notice. Her hair was a bright red and her arms were covered in bright tattoos. Sebastian assumed she could be pretty if it didn't look like she had been attacked by a box of markers. As he approached. "Excuse me," He said blatantly, squeezing up the stairs past her and into the house. He decided he would try and find the room he'd be staying in so he could put his bag away. He headed up the stairs and searched the hallway for a room that didn't already have luggage in it. Once his things were in his room he decided to go back downstairs and try to figure out what he had missed.


Elizabeth Reid

Elizabeth was sitting alone toward the back of the room as the woman announced what would be going on. As she started to call out names Elizabeth waited to hear her own. When it didn't come she just assumed, that like the other girl, her partner had yet to show up. She preferred it this way anyway, she wasn't very good at opening up to people and she had grown accustomed to being alone. She was quite good at it and knew that she would be better off just exploring on her own. It allowed her to not worry about having to make small talk with anyone and also allowed her to go where ever she wanted. As the people around her found their partners and filed out of the room she waited. Once they had left she got up as well and headed out after them. She wasn't entirely sure where to go first, this place was huge, far larger than her own home. Lizzie was easily overwhelmed by this place, she had no clue which one of the amazing rooms to explore first.


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Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid
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Elizabeth Reid

Lizzie's stomach grumbled slightly so decided to go to dinner. It was almost time for their meeting but she wanted to eat before she went. She went into the dining room and was taken aback by the mountains of food in front of her. She sat down in a seat that had a full place setting in front of it. She took a scoop full of Caesar Salad on to her plate as well as a scoop full of red sauced pasta. She poured herself some water into her glass and took a small sip. Before she had begun eating she looked across the table the food was endless. They had everything under the sun. She couldn't believe that they had gotten them this much food, she guessed that they were probably just trying to ensure that there would be something there for everyone to eat. She laid her napkin across her lap and picked up her fork. She stuck it into the salad and took a small bite.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid
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A loud voice came over the intercom ""Meeting in 5 minutes in the commons! You are not required to come, but it IS a nice time to meet and greet people."
Sebastian turned and faced the mansion. "Maybe we should go in." he said to the girl standing beside him. He knew it wasn't a mandatory meeting but he figured it would be a good opportunity to meet the people he'd be sharing a home with for the next little while. He nodded slightly and straightened himself out, smoothing his shirt down from leaning against the wall before walking back into the mansion. He wanted to at least look slightly presentable, for all he knew the girl he would fall in love with could be at that meeting. The thought made him want to laugh a little bit. He shook his head at himself for a moment and he walked in through the sliding glass door through which he'd exited the mansion. He then headed toward the common room.

Elizabeth was finishing up her meal when she head the announcement come over the intercom system. She thanked the kitchen staff, took one last sip of her water and got up from the table. She carried her plate over to the dishwasher and placed it inside. She ignored the staffs insistence on doing it for her, she had never had people wait upon her before and she wasn't about to start now. She closed the dishwasher and went into the commons. She couldn't decide where to sit, she had plenty of options since no one else had arrived yet but she didn't want to just be aimlessly sitting there waiting for someone to show up. Instead she went over to the bookshelf. She canned her finger along the shelf, her eyes canning the spines of the books and reading each title.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Conway Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Alexandria Kason Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid
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"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. I promise" He held out his pinky to 'pinky swear' with her. "We can stick to the shower story" He reassured her. He scooted close to her when they sat down in the commons and put his arm around her protectively. How lucky was he to have a found a girl he liked on the first day? He wondered if Josh had gotten his message.

A few people were filing into the commons. One girl was looking through the book shelf and some other guy he hadn't met before.
"Hey Man, I'm Samuel. This is Alex" He held out his hand to the guy and smiled a little. He had almost totally forgotten he was bisexual since he had met Alex. It was like no one else in the world mattered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Conway Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Alexandria Kason Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid
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Alex breathed a sigh of relief when he said that the secret was safe with him. "Thank you" she whispered as the other guests started filing in. He put his arm around her in an act of protection and she scooted closer. One of the men wandered in and trailing close behind was a woman she'd never seen before.

Before she could introduce herself, Samuel stepped up to the plate. She was used to being introduced, but this time it didn't offend her. She was glad she didn't have to talk.

Elizabeth Trenton

After making the announcement, Liz made her way to the commons. Before completely entering the room she saw Alex and Samuel sitting together. 'Poor girl' she thought, looking at the bruises on her body. 'How did he even get in the building?' Then she entered the room. "So glad to see there is already people here!" she said cheerfully, making sure not to sound overly happy. "It seems as though SOME of you have already paired yourself. I'm glad to see it" she said, nodding her head toward Samuel and Alexandria. She was careful not to look at Alex's bruises too closely, she didn't want to draw more attention to the girl.

A man's voice rang in her ear piece. 'The guard has been set up. We've checked the perimeter and Ms. Kason's room. Nobody on the premises besides the usual.' Liz nodded sightly at the information, glad the ear piece was private enough that nobody else in the room would be able to hear it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Alexandria Kason Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid Character Portrait: Jason Lapsley
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Jason was interrupted by an announcement. He put his violin back into the case, and left it in the ballroom. He slowly made his way to the commons. He walked in, and flashed everyone a cheesy grin. "Come on, I doubt anyone forgets the Jadie-Bear, right?" He laughed, sitting in an armchair.

He grinned at everyone, but stopped when he saw Samuel with Alex, and he made a loveheart with his hand. "Awww. Look at the little lovebirds. Tweet, Tweet! ~" He laughed, and tucked his legs up onto the armchair. He took out his I-Phone, and put on Angry Birds. Within ten minutes he had a seemingly upset face. "I lost again."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Conway Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Alexandria Kason Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid
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Sebastian offered the other male a smile in return. "Nice to meet you two. I'm Sebastian. " He introduced. He sat down in a chair near the pair just as more people were entering the commons. It was interesting for him to meet everyone since he hadn't gotten the chance earlier. "Oh don't feel too bad. It's not as though you're some circus act. Everyone's just intrigued by the fact that you guys seem to be hitting it off quite well. " He noticed a conversation beginning across the room but didn't join in, he wasn't a fan of metal music so he figured he would just stay out of it.

Elizabeth stopped looking through the books as people began showing up. She poured herself a glass of wine and walked with it toward a large white armchair. She heard a conversation going on between a few people about a skillet or something, this confused Elizabeth as she couldn't understand why anyone would talk about a frying pan, she soon realized that it must be some band or something since the pair had brought up songs. She sat herself down in the chair and sipped at her wine. She felt rude intruding on someone's conversation so instead of saying anything to anyone else she just sat there, comfortable in her chair simply observing the conversations going around her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Conway Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Alexandria Kason Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid Character Portrait: Leonard Densmore Character Portrait: Jordan Masse
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0.00 INK


As more people entered the room Alex became more and more uncomfortable. She didn't like to have so much attention on her. Jason's comment made her want to go back to her room. She didn't want to be THAT couple, she always found that couple obnoxious. It didn't make it any better that Jordan and the new girl were staring at her like she was something out of a horror movie. 'They're just bruises' she thought. Then she heard Sebastian's comment and it made her feel better. "Thank you" she said quietly with a small smile. "What brings you here Sebastian?" she asked politely.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she pulled it out quick. The text read: 'I see there is more security outside. What did you do Alex? Rat on me? Don't you love me anymore? Oh well, I'll still find a way in. Don't you worry.' Alex shuddered and she knew it could only be from one person. She quickly put her phone back in her pocket and turned her attention back to Sebastian.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Conway Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Alexandria Kason Character Portrait: Ellie Elizabeth Hawthorne Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid Character Portrait: Leonard Densmore
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Elizabeth noticed a boy at the table. He seemed distraught by a phone call he had received. She stood up from her spot on the armchair, carefully as to not spill her wine on the white sofa. This was probably white she never drank wine very often, it left a dark red or purpley stain anywhere that it was spilled. She walked over to the dining room table and sat down at one of the many empty seats. She normally wasn't this forward with people but he looked upset and since everyone else was busy with their own conversations and neither her or the stranger had one she figured she should be the one to say something. "Hello," was all she managed at first. She set her glass down on the table gently, trying not to make it clank as it was set down or spill any onto the table. "Are you okay? You seem a little... distraught." She asked him, her voice soft and concerned.

Sebastian nodded to Elle. "Interesting is one word for it. Awful is more like it. I mean Bartholomew, who in the world would actually consider that? It's terrible. " He said. He couldn't imagine being called that through out his entire life. He was fairly sure that his parents had only nixed the name because it didn't fit with their lifestyle and sound like someone who could be a CEO at the head of a large company. He was glad that the conversation seemed to be moving past his name and on to Ellie. When she spoke about her flight being cancelled due to weather he nodded. "That sounds like a bit of a day-ruiner. Waiting at airports all day is pretty awful."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid Character Portrait: Leonard Densmore
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Len looked up, a little startled at the girl that had just walked over to him and sat nearby. He knew he'd heard her name, but it was escaping him just then. Oh well. "Distraught? Me? Ah, no, I... I'm fine." He figured he might as well tell her the truth. Why not? "My brother's just a dick sometimes." He put out his hand for a shake. "I'm Len. And you are?" The girl was pretty, he supposed. Well, prettier than most of the skanks that lived in his neighborhood. 


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid Character Portrait: Leonard Densmore
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Lizzie offered the boy who called himself Len a smile. "Elizabeth." She replied simply. "Len? That's rather unique, is it short for something?" She asked the boy. She was curious about him, she loved learning more about people and wasn't that what this whole experience was supposed to be about. She was also always intrigued by unique names and the ones that had special meanings. When the boy spoke of his brother she was also intrigued. "Oh please, do tell, stories of siblings are like fantasy novels to us only children. " She had always wanted a sibling growing up but her mother had died before that had happened. So now, she found some interest in hearing of others' stories about their own sibling.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid Character Portrait: Leonard Densmore
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He was a little caught off guard by Elizabeth's first question. "Len? Uh, yeah. It's short for, um, Leonard. I don't like that name a ton, so..." he trailed off and shrugged. Then, she expressed interest in Len's siblings. This really caught him off guard. 

"Well, there's not a bunch to tell really..." he paused, then decided he might as well tell someone about his maniac brothers. "Well, first off, I've got two brothers. Calvin and Drake. They're not all that different, really. Crackheads, potheads, drunks. Dropouts. You get the idea. Well, just now, Cal decided to call me, and he was smashed, and it was embarrassing so..." he shrugged. "They're really hard to handle sometimes. But I guess there's nothing I can really do about that." He ended with a weak laugh. 


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid Character Portrait: Leonard Densmore
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"Oh, I don't think Leonard is too bad. I actually like it, I think its a cute name." Elizabeth said quietly. When he explained his brother she nodded slightly. She was unsure of how to respond to that one. She had never understood the need people felt to do drugs, she always just saw it as a stupid decision. Growing up in the suburbs, she had never been around any drugs aside from the odd group of delinquents with marijuana until she hit high school and learned that apparently most rich kids could afford to do the harder stuff. Even still she never got involved and chose to just keep to herself. "No I guess there's not much you can do, family is family and no matter how much you might like to, you can't trade them in. "

She took another sip of her wine and made a slight face. "I'm not much of a wine drinker. Did you maybe want to come with me in search of finding something better to drink?" She asked. Being one year under the legal age had never stopped her before. It wasn't like she had ever gotten really drunk before but she'd been drinking alcohol since she was around sixteen, it was the one small act of rebellion that she allowed herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid Character Portrait: Leonard Densmore
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He raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, as she complimented his name. His real name. Leonard. Huh. Wouldn't have seen that one coming. 

When she asked if he wanted to find something else to drink, beer came to his mind. Technically, he wasn't legally allowed to drink alcohol. But hell. Screw the law. He'd been drinking since his childhood. It was like a habit of his. 

He rose from his seat and rubbed his hands together, smiling slightly at Elizabeth. "Sure. Maybe we should check out the kitchen?" he offered. "I'm not a wine person either. Beer or hard liquor's my thing." He turned red a bit. Oh, he sounded retarded. He hoped she didn't care too much. Len sighed and stuffed his hands in his pockets and tried not to look awkward. 


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid Character Portrait: Leonard Densmore
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Elizabeth was thankful when Leonard agreed to go in search of something to drink with her. She smiled politely at him and nodded. "That sounds like an excellent place to start." She agreed. She found it rather amusing that he felt the same way that she did about drink preferences.She followed his lead and stood up. She picked up her wine glass and carried it into the kitchen with her. Once in the kitchen she dumped the last few sips of wine down the sink and set the glass on the counter next to the sink. She then paused and looked around the kitchen. Where to start?

She started opening cupboard doors. Going through each one in search of something drinkable. "There are so many cupboards in here." She said finding everything from pots and pans to contraptions she had no idea how to use. "Wait a minute. I think I saw a little bar downstairs in the game room. Maybe we should go check there." She said wanting to smack herself for not remembering the bar sooner.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid Character Portrait: Leonard Densmore
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Len nodded, smiling. "Sounds like a plan," he said. "Downstairs, you said?"

About a minute later, the pair was in the game room, and Len saw the bar Elizabeth had been talking about. "Sweet!" he exclaimed as he looked in the fridge. He spotted a square glass bottle on the door. He picked it up, grabbed a glass, and took a few ice cubes from the freezer. He put the cubes in the glass and poured the liquid into the glass, finishing his drink. He replaced everything and raised an eyebrow at Elizabeth, a coy smile on his face. He put on his best fake European accent and said, "DiSorono. Good stuff."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid Character Portrait: Leonard Densmore
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Lizzie nodded. "Yup, if I remember correctly anyway." She followed the boy downstairs to the game room. Then she followed him straight to the bar. She watched as he got himself a glass and dropped a few ice cubes inside, each making a gentle cling that echoes off the walls of the glass. Once he had finished his drink he made a slight face at her. "What's the eyebrow for?" She asked him reaching past him into the fridge. She pulled her arm back an orange flavoured breezer in her hand. She lifted herself up onto the bar's counter top, letting her feet dangle off the side. She cracked off the top of the bottle with her hand and took a sip. "So, what made you decide to come here Len?" She asked the male. "If you don't mind my asking"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid Character Portrait: Leonard Densmore
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Len was taken aback yet again by the girl’s question. “Me? Um…” He visibly struggled for a suitable answer. He pursed his lips and stared at his still untouched drink that he’d been waiting for. “Well…” You sound like a retard. Say something, dumbass!

At last, he decided to say something. “Well,” he began, stroking his chin and narrowing his eyes in thought. He shrugged and continued. “I just… saw the add and was like ‘Well why not,” and so here I am.” He looked back at her, searching for any signs of disbelief. “No really. That’s the reason. Nothing special. So…” he raised an eyebrow. “How ‘bout you?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid Character Portrait: Leonard Densmore
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Len seemed a bit surprised by her question. She watched as he struggled for an answer and he seemed uncomfortable with his own stuttering. She felt a little bit bad about it, especially seeing as she was the one who had caused his discomfort. When he asked her about her own reasons for coming here she too paused for a moment before answering. She took another sip of her drink enjoying how the orange Creamsicle flavour complimented the rum inside the drink. "Well, I guess I just needed to get out of the house. Take a bit of a vacation, you know? I just felt like I was always trying to ensure everyone thought the best of me and I needed some time to just let go a little bit. " She answered. She was sure to leave out the part about her relationship with her father, or lack there of and the reasons behind it. She wasn't embarrassed by her sexuality but she wasn't ready to share it just yet. Her own father was uncomfortable with her being bisexual as well as anyone else that she had told and she wasn't ready to lose another friend just as she was making it. She took another much needed, and much larger sip from her bottle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid Character Portrait: Leonard Densmore
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Well, that seemed to settle that. So, neither of them were there for any extremely special reason. And that, to Len, was something to drink to. Hell, growing up like he had, anything was something to drink to. Now normally, he would politely sip his drink in front of a member of the “fairer sex”. But now, he was feeling relaxed. Elizabeth seemed pretty chill. So, Len grabbed the glass and downed the drink in one shot. He felt the cool liquid slide down, then it changed completely, warming his insides with the familiar sensation of… the buzz. Strong stuff.

He leaned forward on the counter and asked Elizabeth, “Hey, your name sounds real nice and all, but mind if I call you Liz from now on? I personally think it sounds better, if ya don’t mind o’ course.”